Is it possible for pregnant women to walk often. Can pregnant women go to church: what do the priests say? Can pregnant women wear high heels? Beauty is not worth the sacrifice

Today, you can get a beautiful golden skin color not only on the beach in summer, but also in the cold season. The solarium has become a replacement for the sea beach for many women who cannot go on vacation in the summer. Is it possible to go to the solarium during pregnancy - this question interests many young mothers.

Solarium during pregnancy: arguments "For"

Many women, having learned about pregnancy, are interested in whether they will have to abandon the usual lifestyle of women of fashion - wearing high-heeled shoes, dyeing and curling their hair, as well as visiting a solarium? The solarium has become popular quite recently, so no special studies have been carried out on the dangers of ultraviolet rays from this device.

Doctors cannot give an unequivocal answer whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium, therefore, to be on the safe side, they do not recommend going to a solarium for procedures.

In fact, a visit to a tanning salon can be beneficial if you take into account the positive effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin and the positive emotions of getting a beautiful tan.

When visiting a solarium during pregnancy, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. Do not overheat. Severe overheating can harm the baby.
  2. While tanning, you should cover your belly - direct UV rays do not benefit your baby.
  3. You should not sunbathe for long. If you want a beautiful tan, it is better to do several short procedures than one full one.

The ultraviolet rays that hit the skin during sunburn help to produce the necessary vitamin D. This vitamin promotes the absorption of calcium in the body, which is necessary for the proper development of the baby in the tummy.

Why is it forbidden to go to the solarium during pregnancy

When visiting a solarium, you must not use special cosmetics to protect against harmful UV rays, as well as cream to fix the sunburn. These funds enter the bloodstream through the skin, and from there through the placenta to the fetus. Doctors say these creams and oils harm a child's brain development.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur, which leads to the formation of age spots on the skin of a pregnant woman. After taking "sunbathing" in a solarium, the amount may increase.

Ultraviolet rays can increase the production of thyroid, adrenal and testosterone hormones, which can cause miscarriage or serious complications. However, this is possible if the pregnant woman does not adhere to the rules for visiting the solarium.

The solarium is contraindicated for young children and pregnant women with certain medical conditions.

Contraindications to visiting a solarium during pregnancy:

  • Varicose veins;
  • Hypertension;
  • The threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • Diabetes;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Sensitive skin.

Before visiting a solarium, it is worth weighing the pros and cons, and consult with your supervising doctor. If there are no serious contraindications to obtaining artificial UV rays, then you can pamper yourself with a pleasant procedure. The baby is good, if the mother is good too!

Some doctors believe that it is quite beneficial for pregnant women to visit a solarium in winter. Due to the lack of vitamin D in the body, calcium and phosphorus are poorly absorbed, which leads to disruption of the normal course of pregnancy.

Gynecologists and mammologists do not advise going to the solarium in the early stages, arguing that the woman's body has not yet got used to the new condition and any intervention can provoke a miscarriage.

There is no unequivocal opinion of doctors about visiting a solarium when planning a pregnancy, but we can say that the procedure itself does not affect conception.

If the pregnancy goes away without complications, the gynecologist may allow several tanning sessions in the last weeks. However, when visiting a solarium, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations of doctors and not violate the rules of tanning.

The advice of doctors about tanning also applies to ordinary sun. Vitamin D is beneficial, but in moderation. You can not walk in strong sun, the best time for sunbathing is morning and evening.

Psychologists, on the other hand, support the desire of women to go to the solarium: even an artificial source of the sun brings positive emotions to expectant mothers. They have a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy, because mother and baby are inextricably linked both physically and psychologically for all 9 months.

Pregnancy is not only the most long-awaited, but also the most crucial period in the life of every woman. Her task is to bear a healthy and strong baby. It is not surprising that for 9 months, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, a woman feels her strength leaving her, she feels that the body is becoming "broken", anxiety and apathy appear. What to do in such cases? Naturally, drive away the bad mood and think only positively. How to do this - each pregnant woman decides for herself, someone walks in the park, someone needs to go shopping, and someone cannot do without visiting a bathhouse. This method of relaxation solves many problems, but, according to doctors, it is necessary to be extremely careful when visiting a bathhouse during pregnancy.

The benefits of the bath for a person have been known for a long time, but not everyone knows whether a visit to the bath will bring benefits to a pregnant woman and which one. First of all, you need to take into account the fact that the bath can be different. There are different types of saunas, each of which differs in temperature and degree of humidity. This is a Russian bath, Turkish hammam and infrared sauna. Since there are Russian bathhouses in every town and small village, we will learn exactly how a visit to a bathhouse affects the female body.

The benefits of a traditional bath:

  1. The heart, blood vessels and the respiratory system are trained. During pregnancy, all 3 systems are in tension and are subjected to severe stress during labor. Just visiting the bath will help strengthen blood vessels, cope with edema, headaches, and improve overall well-being.
  2. A visit to the bath is a good prevention of colds. Even if you feel that you are about to "become limp", a runny nose begins, a sore throat, you can just visit the bathhouse. The temperature in the steam room should not be high. Maximum - up to +70 o C.
  3. Stimulates milk production. Those women who, before conception, visited the bathhouse every weekend and continued to go to the bathhouse throughout their pregnancy, tolerate childbirth more easily and do not have problems with breastfeeding.
  4. A visit to the bath is a reason to relax, get positive emotions, and at the same time cleanse the body and soul. As a result of visiting the bathhouse, excellent mood and well-being are provided.
  5. If you drink warm tea with honey and lemon, you can cleanse your body, relax and forget about all your worries.
  6. A visit to the steam room will help the skin to clear up faster. Skin conditions such as dermatosis, itching and hives can be troublesome for a woman during pregnancy. After visiting the bath, you can alleviate the condition and even get rid of these unpleasant symptoms forever.
  7. For those women who attended the bathhouse before conception and during pregnancy, childbirth is easy and painless. This means that the muscles become elastic and easier to exert.
  8. Women who like to take a steam bath rarely experience bleeding during childbirth, and children are born strong and do not get sick.

The bath has a positive effect on the human body, visiting this institution, many women (even in position) note that their mood has improved, the heaviness in the muscles has gone, it has become easier to move and breathe, and sleep has improved.

Is it possible to take a steam bath during pregnancy

In our modern time, most girls in a position often hear that during pregnancy you should not go to the bathhouse. And when the long-awaited pregnancy comes - for everyone, without exception, this topic is considered closed. Gynecologists prefer to keep silent about the benefits of the bath for the female body, because it is better to play it safe many times than to let the woman go to the bathhouse. If you look into history, then our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had no idea that during pregnancy you shouldn't go to the bathhouse. All women, without exception, went to soap-houses, where they not only cleansed their bodies, but also gave birth to children, because there was no other suitable place. In the bath, you could immediately heat up a lot of water, boil the sheets and sit comfortably. By the way, the temperature for the woman in labor was comfortable, the muscles relaxed and the labor was easy.

Now children are born in a maternity hospital and a bath is not needed for these purposes, but even a pregnant woman can spend time with a good company, understand the mood and relax in the bath. There are no prohibitions, the only thing that can prevent a woman from enjoying intercourse with steam and water is toxicosis, high blood pressure and the threat of termination of pregnancy. Just during this period, not every woman dares to visit the steam room. But starting from the 2nd trimester, when the body is accustomed to its position, a woman can go to the bathhouse. Especially if before the onset of pregnancy she led an active lifestyle and visited the bathhouse regularly, then this tradition can not be interrupted.

However, there are rules that a woman must follow in a position:

  • a high temperature in a steam room is a great burden on the body. If a woman has not previously visited a bathhouse, then when pregnancy occurs, it is better not to start taking a steam bath;
  • if the gynecologist does not forbid, then you can go to the steam room, starting from the 2nd trimester, but only in the company. You cannot visit the bath alone. Sign up for a group for pregnant women, an instructor will control your well-being and the time spent in the steam room;
  • you can stay in the steam room for no more than 7-10 minutes, the temperature in the room should not exceed +70 o ะก;
  • in the steam room, sit comfortably on the lower shelf, wrap your hair with a towel or put on a special bath hat, lay a towel on the bench;
  • go to the steam room in rubber slippers;
  • before entering the steam room, you need to take a shower or swim in the pool;
  • if a woman feels that she becomes uncomfortable, begins to feel dizzy, weakness appears and it is difficult to breathe, then you need to immediately go out of their baths and no longer expose yourself to danger.

A pregnant woman can visit the bathhouse only after the attending physician conducts an examination and makes sure that the bath does not harm the fetus.

You can go to the bathhouse no more than once a week, and while you are in the steam room or in between visits to the steam room, you need to drink a lot of fluids. Plain water or tea will do. It is better not to consume cold drinks. If it is not possible to prepare a hot drink in the sauna, take care of this in advance and make a drink in a thermos.

What drinks can pregnant women drink in the bath:

  • clean water without gas;
  • not strong green tea. It is better to completely exclude coffee and black tea for the period of bearing a child;
  • fruit tea;
  • herbal tea.

If you like fruit or herbal teas, it is best if you make it yourself. You should not brew shop bags. Tea can be made from any dry herb that does not affect the functioning of the endocrine system. You can prepare a healthy drink from the leaves of cherries, currants, strawberries, lingonberries; you can add dried fruits of lingonberries, blueberries, wild strawberries or rose hips to tea. It is also allowed to put some mint leaves and linden flowers in tea. For 1 glass of boiling water, 1 tsp will be enough. dry raw materials. There is no need to add sugar, it is better to put a spoonful of honey in warm tea and enjoy the wonderful aroma of the herbal drink.

As soon as you leave the steam room, you need to cool your body. It is impossible to plunge into the ice-cold water immediately, for a pregnant woman it will be very stressful. It is better to cool the body gradually - first take a warm shower, and then you can swim a little in the pool.

If you are very afraid to "catch" an infection in a public bath, then before visiting this institution, it is advisable to use a special antibacterial spray or balm for intimate hygiene. For pregnant women, such products as "Epigen" or "Itisan" are suitable. The product is applied to the genital mucosa and skin immediately before visiting the steam room. Protective sprays and balms will help boost immunity and protect against fungus and bacteria. If the use of such drugs is in doubt, then it is enough to visit the steam room in underwear (always clean and made of natural fabric), you can wrap the body with a sheet, and lay a terry towel on the bench.

Can I go to the bathhouse during pregnancy?

So is it allowed to visit the bathhouse in an interesting position? It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Of course, you need to get expert advice and make sure that there is no cause for concern and go to the bathhouse. If a woman goes to this institution for the first time in her life, and even in a position, here the gynecologist cannot be 100% sure that the bath will not harm the woman.

When choosing a place for relaxation, it should be borne in mind that the bath and sauna are somewhat different from each other. For example, in a Finnish sauna, the air will be dry and without steam. The Turkish bath is suitable for pregnant women, the temperature in the steam room does not exceed +50 o C. In an ordinary Russian bath, the air temperature in the steam room reaches +80 o C, and the humidity remains high. As noted earlier, you should not visit the bathhouse during pregnancy for the first time, so as not to expose the body to unnecessary stress. It is forbidden to visit the bathhouse during pregnancy in the early stages.

For those women who, before conception, visited this institution from time to time, you need to know that there are such contraindications:

  • it is forbidden to go to the bathhouse at an early stage of pregnancy. Just in the first weeks after conception, all the vital organs of the child are laid, and during this period the expectant mother should rest more and not be exposed to stress and stress. Changes in ambient temperature and overheating during this period are undesirable;
  • it is not recommended to visit the bathhouse at a later date, especially before the birth itself. Even if you reduce the time spent in the steam room, the load on the female body will still be high.

It is forbidden to visit the bathhouse if a pregnant woman has:

  • severe nausea and vomiting, accompanied by poor health;
  • high pressure;
  • the doctor diagnosed "Threatened termination of pregnancy";
  • abnormalities in the development of the fetus;
  • previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage or there was a problem of threatened termination;
  • the uterus is in good shape.

In addition, if a pregnant woman has chronic diseases, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, epilepsy, skin rashes in the stage of inflammation, and increased body temperature, then it is necessary to refuse to visit the bath.

In any case, even if the doctor conducted an examination and allowed to visit the bathhouse, try not to overdo it. It is better to visit the steam room several times and stay in it for no more than 3 minutes, than to sit out all 5-7 minutes, and then regret that the bath was harmful to you. And remember that it is strictly forbidden to be in the bath in the early stages of pregnancy. If you still do not know about your interesting situation, and you have had unprotected intercourse, then you need to remember this when visiting the bath. Listen to your body, as soon as you feel any changes, it is better to refuse to go to the steam room.

Do not forget to visit the bathhouse after childbirth. As soon as your body recovers, you can visit the bathhouse right with your baby. Just babies are very fond of swimming in the pool and being in the steam room. Do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of visiting the bathhouse - you will ensure good health for yourself and your unborn child.

Pregnancy ... This period carries many prohibitions in a woman's life, most of which are common superstitions. One of these is considered to be a visit to the temple at a time when the woman is in an interesting position.

Where did the superstition about pregnant women go to church?

The conventional wisdom about whether it is possible for pregnant women to go to church or not is rooted in the distant past, in times of superstition. Then in the villages they tried to protect the expectant mother from the evil eye and targeting damage to the baby. It was believed that this can be done in the most crowded places, which include the temple.

In addition, there are always a lot of grannies who like to scare young women with a tummy with various signs and scary stories. Pregnant women at all times were wary of such situations.

Because of this, women carrying a child were hidden from prying eyes for the entire period of pregnancy, and no one, except the closest ones, suspected of an imminent replenishment in the family. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether pregnant women can go to church was negative. After all, this could affect the state of mind of the mother.

Modernity. Should you beware of visiting the temple

But even now, when practically no one believes in stupid prejudices, and a woman carrying a child is constantly in contact with a large number of people, one can often hear warnings against her attending a temple. So why shouldn't pregnant women go to church, because the soul often asks for these visits? This can be answered as follows: not only is it possible to go to church, but it is necessary, and even useful.

Do not pay attention to idle rumors. They are spread by people ignorant of church customs. Supporting the controversy over whether pregnant women can go to church, they confuse the state of pregnancy with the days of menstruation, during which the ban on going to the temple is actually imposed, since at this time the woman is considered "unclean."

In addition, the ban is imposed for the next 40 days after the birth of the baby, until the bleeding stops. At this time, as well as during the period of menstruation, the woman is considered "unclean".

What is the benefit of going to church for a pregnant woman?

Such a question as visiting the temple during the period of bearing a child worries very many. Any woman wants to find the comfort that the Lord gives within the walls of her home. But often the fear of the sidelong glances of ignorant parishioners prevents this from happening.

Having heard how expectant mothers ask about whether pregnant women can go to church, it is worth explaining that visiting a temple in an interesting position is not considered a sin and is welcomed by clergy in every possible way. But only in the case when the woman really wants it, and does not go under duress.

Only there she can not only find spiritual consolation, but also pray both for her health and for a safe resolution from the burden, and for the future of the baby. Having entered the walls of the temple, you can immediately see the icons of the saints, who are the patroness of women in position. St. Anastasia The Usher and Great Martyr Catherine will help to carry the baby calmly and without problems, and the prayers at the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos give hope for an easy delivery. And for a blessing before childbirth, you should turn to a priest.

The opinion of the clergy about visiting the temple of a pregnant woman

And if a woman still has doubts about whether pregnant women can go to church, for his permission it is worth contacting the priest. He will explain that only within the church walls can one very easily cope with the fears that often arise in women in position.

To get rid of unnecessary unnecessary thoughts, it is necessary to offer a prayer to the icon of the Mother of God. And the child, while still in the womb, will receive God's grace. Therefore, it is necessary and possible for pregnant women to go to church, there are no restrictions in this.

You should only beware of your own fortune. After all, services often last more than one hour, and it is difficult for pregnant women to endure this time on their feet in a stuffy room. But this question can be solved very simply. It is enough for a woman in an interesting position to sit down on a chair during the service to rest her legs.

How do clergymen feel about going to church when pregnant?

The clergy do not even consider the question of whether pregnant women can go to church. Indeed, during this period, a woman is completely clean before God. The future baby is not only the fruit of the love of two people, but also the blessing of the Lord, because it was he who gave the miracle of motherhood. Therefore, there simply cannot be a ban on visiting the temple.

You can often hear from omniscient grandmothers that visiting the temple is forbidden to mothers whose child was conceived in sin, that is, the wedding ceremony was not performed. This opinion is completely untrue and is nothing more than ignorance of the holy laws. The Church has never made an exception for those women who are not in church marriage. After all, everyone is equal before God, and if he sent happiness to become a mother, then it makes no difference for him whether the wedding ceremony is performed or not. Any pregnant woman can come to the temple to pray and ask the Lord for blessings.

Pregnancy is a gift from God

Even if a child is conceived, according to many, in sin, that is, without concluding a church marriage, the very fact that he was sent to a woman is God's blessing. And visiting the temple with a baby in the womb gives him the opportunity to receive the grace of the Lord through the prayers of the mother.

Church concepts say that the womb of a woman during pregnancy is blessed by God and therefore completely sinless. The clergy treat women in position with great trepidation and in every possible way encourage them to visit the temple. Even the sin that a woman is in an unmarried marriage is forgiven by the Lord who sent pregnancy.

Wedding of pregnant women. Can you do it?

In addition, if the spouses have not yet been married, the clergy are advised to perform the sacrament even before the birth of the child. This ceremony is intended to give a young family and an unborn child special grace.

But do not forget that such a long rite as a wedding, it is difficult for a woman to stand on her feet in the last stages, so it is better not to delay with it.

The sooner this important ceremony in the life of every young family is carried out, the sooner the Lord will overshadow the young family with His grace. And you shouldn't listen to other people's gossip and rumors. Only ignorant people can call a godly work a sin.

Clothes with shoes for a future mother during the wedding should be as comfortable as possible, not restraining movements, in order to avoid the onset of toxicosis, headaches or edema, and not to get saved immediately after the wedding.

In addition, the expectant mother can safely go through the baptism rite if she has not yet been baptized, as well as attend confessions and take the sacraments. Moreover, it is worth doing this even more often than during normal times.

How to attend church on the last dates?

You can go to church for pregnant women completely calmly until the third trimester, and then it is best to take a friend, husband or relative with you for escort, as well as a folding chair so that you can sit down at any time. After all, standing on your feet for the entire period of service is quite difficult due to the physiological characteristics of the body. And do not pay attention to the grins and condemning glances of ignorant people. An obstacle to visiting the temple can only be your own unwillingness, because they do not go there forcibly, or the state of health of the expectant mother. But even if a woman is in a hospital or she is prescribed home bed rest, it is not forbidden to invite a priest to her home or to a hospital ward to receive the rite of confession and communion.

Memo to women in position

It is important to remember that pregnant women should go to church with caution only in the last stages, and try not to attend large services that last several hours. Indeed, even in the case when you have a chair with you and you can sit down at any time, the stuffiness from a large crowd of people will very quickly cause discomfort.

And a pregnant woman can simply come to pray to the Lord at any time. Therefore, those in position should not have any doubts about whether pregnant women can go to church.

Pregnant women are prohibited from many things: you cannot eat junk food, engage in active sports, sit a lot in front of the TV or computer. And there are so many more "no", each of which is supported and regulated by clear medical instructions.

But what about superstitions that do not have clear root causes for their appearance? For example, with the fact that pregnant women are allegedly prohibited from visiting cemeteries. There are many explanations for this rule, both the most ridiculous and very plausible at first glance.

What does the church say?

The clergy reject all such superstitions. Visits to the cemetery cannot harm an unborn child, because he has no spiritual connection with deceased relatives. So all speculation about the replacement of souls, the absence of a guardian angel or bad energy can be attributed to absurd folk superstitions, to which a true believer should not listen.

There are no church rules that would prohibit expectant mothers from visiting cemeteries, memorial services or funerals.... Likewise, there are no restrictions on going to church. During pregnancy, a believing woman can and should give her Christian debt to her deceased relatives, as in any other period of her life.

According to the priests, even a banal crush while riding on public transport can be much more dangerous than visiting such a peaceful and quiet place as a cemetery. Therefore, relatives certainly should not condemn a pregnant woman who decided to honor the memory of her relatives, or, even worse, gossip that she does not care about the health of her unborn child.

What do psychologists and obstetrician gynecologists say?

But doctors in their judgments are not as unambiguous as believers. They are completely in solidarity with psychologists, and advise expectant mothers to listen first to themselves, and only then to everyone else. For overly impressionable young ladies, the path to the cemetery, of course, is not allowed. But not because there can happen bad otherworldly things with a child. If trips to the cemetery are accompanied with extremely negative emotions, cause fear and subconscious fears for your unborn child - why aggravate them?

Nervous stress, which the expectant mother is guaranteed to experience, will certainly not pass without leaving a trace for her health and the health of the baby. And more "experienced" older relatives and friends will try to add fuel to the fire even more, racing by telling scary stories that ended the passion for visiting the cemetery by women in position.

As a result, if some negative consequences do appear, the expectant mother will immediately connect them with a trip to the cemetery, blaming otherworldly forces for all the troubles. Any illness, every dubious analysis or unconfirmed assumptions of the doctor who leads the pregnancy will instantly be associated with a trip to the cemetery.


If you still need to go to the cemetery, and treacherous fear begins to overcome your consciousness, psychologists advise you to practice this protective technique: when the slightest negative emotions arise, imagine yourself in a kind of glass flask. You need to convince yourself that the air, the words of relatives will penetrate through it, but all bad looks, negative energy, evil eyes and other unpleasant things will not.

To insure even more, it is advisable to take sedatives allowed during pregnancy to the cemetery. At a critical moment, when all sorts of reasonable arguments and cunning tactics cease to operate, this will help to quickly put your nerves in order and prevent an increase in panic.

Many popular signs and superstitions are associated with pregnancy. Some people think that pregnant women should not go to church. Do not listen to them, do not be discouraged, and if your soul asks, be sure to visit the temple. Pregnancy is a gift from the Lord and it is possible, necessary and even useful to go to church. Can't stand a long service? Just go to the temple, put a candle near the icon and pray.

Can pregnant women go to church - who came up with the ban

Superstitious people are most often the disseminators of myths about the prohibition to visit the temple during pregnancy. Basically, these are grandmothers. They explain their point of view as follows:

  • A pregnant woman can be "jinxed". Since ancient times, women in position were protected from prying eyes and hid in the house until the very birth. But expectant mothers were forbidden to go to all crowded places. Such superstition has no basis at all. The old days have passed, the mores in the world have changed;
  • Pregnancy can become bad in church. A woman will become ill only if she has toxicosis, edema, headaches and other ailments. There are benches in the temples and if it gets bad, sit down and rest. You can go to the church for a little while.

Is it possible for pregnant women to go to church - the opinion of clergy

Clerics urge pregnant women to attend church and strongly discourage superstition. Expectant mothers should thank the Lord for conceiving a child and ask for God's blessing for the entire period of carrying a baby. The priests say that pregnant women in God's temple have nothing to fear, because they were blessed by the Lord himself and the Mother of God the Virgin Mary.

A woman in a position before the Lord is always pure. Even if an unmarried woman is carrying a child, she is not prohibited from entering the temple. Pregnant women should definitely confess and receive communion. Order health services, write your name in a note, and then list the names of all relatives.

Is it possible for pregnant women to go to church - what gives a visit to the temple

It is useful for pregnant women to visit the temple for the following reasons:

  • You will find spiritual comfort there. The atmosphere of the church is filled with love and joy. If you are constantly nervous in a situation - in church you will calm down, and your soul will become light and joyful;
  • You can pray for help in childbirth in front of the icons of the Saints. The patron saints of pregnant women are the Most Holy Theotokos, the Great Martyr Catherine and St. Anastasia the Usorazrezitelnitsa. Prayers will give hope for an easy birth and help to carry the baby easily;
  • You will receive the priest's blessing. Receive a blessing from a priest before childbirth and then do not be afraid of anything;
  • You can buy consecrated icons and religious literature from the church shop. Pray at home in front of the icons, read the prayer book and this will calm you down.

If a married couple expecting a child wants to get married, this is a godly business. The priest will certainly marry you, although some believe that the baby was conceived in sin. The wedding will guide the parents on the right path and save the child's fragile soul. But if you have not got married in the church earlier and are not going to do it yet, then the Lord forgave this sin if he sent pregnancy. A pregnant woman can be a godmother. But keep in mind, this church rite is long and understand if you can stand it on your feet.

Can pregnant women go to church - when church attendance is undesirable

There are times when pregnant women do not attend church:

  • If you have no desire to go to the temple.
  • If the physical condition does not allow leaving the house. These are bed rest prescribed by a doctor, toxicosis, leg pains, odor intolerance. If you feel the slightest malaise in the temple, go home immediately, the Lord will not condemn you. And if you are under medical supervision and hardly leave your home, pray at home or in the hospital. It is advisable that a mother, friend or husband is nearby in the church.

Do not trust superstitions! Be sure to go to church during pregnancy, no one will "jinx" you. This will bring joy to the baby, because he feels everything in the mother's womb. But if you are in doubt about your health, postpone the visit to the temple for the future.