Statuses about endless love. The most sincere statuses of the VC about love

  • I don't need anything, no colors, no gifts, no fermented phrases ... I just want to keep your hand and feel your tender breath in my cheek.
  • Love does not tolerate those who defiantly defiantly turned to her back. Love loves decisive and bold, which is precisely because they do not make mistakes that they are not afraid to make them.
  • Love is not the sum of the promises of cheap and the track is when in your heart your feelings at least to the coffin.
  • You love, and I will not ... You write, and I will forget, I loved ... You broke, and now you are on x **! ...
  • Love twist plastic surgeon - rejuvenates, refreshes and changes without a scalpel - one touch to the heart

  • Love is a game. Whoever said "love", he lost ...
  • The one that is faithful is invariably knows only the frivolous sides of love; Only those who change, know her tragedy.
  • In family life, the main thing is patience ... Love continue for a long time can not.
  • When we dream of an ideal partner, they involuntarily describe themselves - without flaws and weaknesses, choosing the right floor. Martin Page
  • Love is the stupidity committed together. Napoleon

  • Call me as you like, just add "mine" at the end.
  • If my boyfriend leaves for another, I do not regret it. Mom since childhood taught me to give old toys to those who are less lucky!
  • We love, but we pretend that we do not care. We are indifferent, and pretend that we love.
  • I like to just watch you laugh .. I love to call you with your sun .. I just like to look into your eyes .. And only you can say I love you!
  • I closed the door to my heart and wrote - there is no input! But love came and said simply: "I do not know how to read ..."

  • We must be able to close the boring book, leave bad cinema and part with people who do not value you ...
  • Throw love - straight, how to quit smoking. It seems that everything is controlled until you get drunk.
  • Honeseless beautiful doll with a piece of ice instead of a heart, empty, with cold eyes and proudly raised head. Here I am ...
  • Bitter tears quietly fell into the pillow ... I'm not your love, but just a toy.
  • I have no one for all my life, I did not allow me to hurt so much pain ... how much let you, for such a short time ...

  • You only need to wear me on your hands. To you on the neck I'll take it myself.
  • - Will you marry me? - Maybe something else for you to do?
  • Heart: I still love it. Memory: I still remember him. Brain: I still think about him, I'll take it now and call! Pride: And in the face ??
  • Good girls believe in clean love, bad - in frequent, smart - in high-quality ...
  • The most pi * date response to the phrase "I love you" - it is "understandable"

  • It is easy to hide hatred, difficult - love, and even harder - indifference.
  • And it doesn't matter anything ... I'm already anyway ... In this life I lost everything ... and my love disappeared with a broken heart ..
  • If you have a choice between two people, then choose the second. Because if you truly love the first, then the second would not appear!
  • I know what love is .. But because of this love, I lost all the concepts about life
  • If you love 10 people, then, among them, if you love 5 people, then I am among them if 1 person loves you, then this is, if nobody loves you, then I am not alive.

  • You need to love one person so as to pass by hundreds of others and never look back.
  • You want to catch a person - the heart will have to put on the "hook".
  • You can do sports, work, but not love. Because from the sport you can leave, from work - to quit, and from love is not going anywhere.
  • Love, like a butterfly: Sorry too much - let us give, let go - and she will fly away.
  • Love that in front of which you can get on your knees, and not the one that arises on your knees in front of you ...

  • - Sun .. - not the sun! - Zai .. - Especially without zay! - Pretty. - Where did you see a nice? - Favorite ... - Well, so right
  • And for some reason, for some reason, always against my boyfriend ... Nothing .. You tell me that he has been in the Maldives, she will love him.
  • Tired of being strong, tired of smiling, when I want to shout from spiritual pain, it was tired of pretending to do that I don't like it and I don't suffer, I just want to cuddle to your favorite guy and shine softly ...
  • I know that you are not exactly the one who I need, but it does not care if I love you
  • I remember that day when I got sick. And the medicine from this has not yet found ...

The boy gave a 101 rose girl (100 of the real and 1 alone artificial) and said "I will love you while the latter does not start!" 247

Say "love" - \u200b\u200bit is difficult. Say "Sorry" - even more difficult. Say "Goodbye" - always possible. Say "Reti" - at least every day. Say "Return" - not everyone can. Say "die" - but only to say. Say "love" - \u200b\u200bof course you can. But it is very difficult to prove ... 298 (4)

How terrible becomes to live when a person who is afraid of losing ... 468 (1)

I adore when you say young kids: Show how you love me, and they hug you with all the strength and sincerity ... 232 - statuses about love

I will give loyalty - my husband, the mind - his son, beauty - his daughter, love - his family. 178

Now, when I met him, I understood why I did not work with others. 175

When the beloved person calls, I want to kiss the phone ... 198

Happiness is not in those with whom I want to sleep ... And in those that you want to wake up! 115

If you love, then with all my heart ... if you dissolve, then without a residue ... if the morning, then in gentle arms ... if you cry, then from happiness ... 160

I will take the tangle of gold threads and the Spillet to you love, weighing you happiness, the split joy and affection. And where does I take these threads, I will never say you! I am gossying your life is blossoming your ... 128

Women like cats ... who caresses them, they purre that. 107 (1)

Friendship is love minus sex and plus logic.
Love is friendship plus sex and minus logic. 71

Love was looking for and guarded, love was lost and did not bother. "Love does not exist!" - People said ... and died from love ... 83

And your eyes are similar. -Than? After all, I have a brown, and he has green ... - They are the same in love 133

Life is too short to spend it on short relationships. 134

You have friends in your friends, but you do not write to him, do not draw on the wall. You just look at his photo and think: how much I love you. 153

Love is when the whole world is not able to replace a loved one, and he replaces the whole world.

In general, it does not matter with whom you spend time, kiss, laugh ... It is important about whom you think, closing your eyes ... 124

Let I do not mean about which you dreamed ... But I will be the one that you will not forget. 141

Everything annoys me! - What exactly? - It! - Why do you say "everything"? - Because he is all for me! 83

Favorite, you are the most expensive person in my life and only with you, I am truly happy. 105

People who see each other in a dream should wake up next. 112

Love is ... When you change the world in the range of yourself for him! When you want to belong to the soul and body only one person! This is when you say your head - goodbye and start living with your heart! 92 (1)

Selective statuses about love with the meaning and all-related palette of feelings on the site! Love Makes us looking for beauty in everything, especially in words. Here, it is impossible to help the statuses about love. If the feelings overwhelm you, and you cannot pick up the words to tell your young man about them, go to our site, and you will find the statuses about the love of the guy, thanks to which it will be easier to admit to your feelings. Often in love is difficult to express what they feel. They are shy to talk about their experiences, they cannot do it beautifully and, of course, are often afraid to be ridiculous. Our statuses in contact about love will help to express all the shades of our feelings caused by one of the most excellent states of a person - love!

The best statuses about love here!

Here you will find the most beautiful statuses About love that is suitable for any situation, be it a fleeting passion, love or deepest feelings. You can choose and deliver any status that matches your internal state. Of course, the mood of lovers is very changeable, but you always have the opportunity to replace one status about love for another (maybe even opposite in meaning), in which you will undoubtedly help our site. If your feelings remain unrequited, or your second half is far away, then our sad statuses about love will help you transfer everything that has accumulated in the heart even hundreds of kilometers.

The best statuses about love!

The great sense of love makes the selected statuses on this magnificent topic appear. A lot of words are told about love, and it is unlikely that it makes sense once again try to describe what you can, perhaps just feel. But the cool statuses about love will always allow you to express one or two phrases what is happening in the soul, and share with the surrounding these light feelings. And if your second half looks at your page on the social network and see there the touching status about love, it will immediately become clear to whom these words are addressed. And believe me, at that moment there is hardly a happiest man on the planet. And if you have a playful mood and you want to laugh with your loved one, then our cool statuses about love will help you with this.

Status about love here!

It would seem that such a little - to choose a beautiful saying about love and put it as a status. Our statuses for classmates about love will not leave indifferent any of your friends and loved ones, let the whole world know about your feelings. And how many pleasant feelings this simple step can deliver your lover or beloved! After all, sometimes a young person in modern society is difficult to take a step to a meeting for his love, beautiful statuses about love for the girl will allow even the most shy young man to open his heart. At least a good mood to a person will be provided. After all, the understanding that someone loves you is very expensive. And if this feeling is mutually, it's just amazing! The distance today is not a hindrance of the biggest love and no matter where your favorite (or loved one) our statuses about love at a distance will help you be closer to each other. Our site will help you find the coolest and unforgettable status of love. We will pick up status together!

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X Ochu so that he call and said: "In short, baby, I do not care with whom you are now and who is your boyfriend. Tell him that you are only mine and it is not discussed! "

On the most fascinated in the world - to lose even not a loved one, but faith in your loved one ...

One day one is very wise man said: "Love can only be mutual. Everything that happens only on the one hand is a disease. "

I just really need you, so native, such a favorite ...

You send him emoticons with a smile, but he doesn't know what sadness you do it ...

Pillows devotionally share sadness with us, not requiring anything in return ...

Mys about knowing the DPYGY DPYGY DPYGY, but you will need to play in DPYSEY.

Why in life happens, so you love, but you are not.

Hope is dying the latter - said "love", killing "faith."

"This status for all those who once foolishly lost their second half and missed the moment when he could return it."

I am very easy to disappear from my life ...

It is impossible to be late when no one is waiting for you.

It is difficult to forget the person who gave hope.

Sometimes it hurts to look at the couples holding hands, realizing that in your hand just a package.

We all say: life has brought us, life has tied us, we have one way .. And it will take a couple of years, we will meet on the street and do not even say hello. That's your life.

No, we are not strangers, no, no enemies! We just do not hear each other's steps. And the bitterness smells these words: "Fate knitted us, fate- dispelled!"

When I see you, I see my heart ... How I love you, no one knows ... How to live in this world I do not understand ... While you are far away, I'm quietly dying ...

How cold today ... On this day, he left ... Today my guardian angel is a day off ...

On cigarettes they write: cause lung cancer, on alcohol: harm health, why do not write on guys - dangerous for the nervous system?

Love is a very strange thing. First you bunny, then bitch!

Tears cannot make someone who does not like you, love you again ...

When we were together, I have never been so happy, but never cried so much.

There are moments in life when there are no tears in the eyes, and in the heart - the whole sea.

You know, I'm not cool, I don't like your friends, I do not surrender after the first date. But but I can love. And such as I will never have exactly more.

If you saw ourselves with my eyes, I would understand how special for me ...

Why do we do that, after which close people begin to hate us?

I'm so tired emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually! I'm so tired of trying to be strong when everything I want is to shout and cry from sadness and pain.

What is female loneliness? When a man sleeps next to him, but I don't want to nuddle ...

I remember a lot, that's why I sometimes fucking sad ...

The more the girl forgives, the more determined and unexpected it will leave.

Do you know what is the whole joke of this life? You are ready to give a person everything he wants ... And he needs it all ... only from someone else ...

Bodily wounds are sometimes tightened much faster than spiritual. The time as if it stops and you shine from the inner pain ...

I can forgive, forgive anything, but not forget. I am such a person who quickly forgives, but never forgets.

I saw his joint venture. I was she on the page. I saw his comment to her photo. I understood that he calls her just as me once. I cried...

How hurts to see photos where your favorite hugs another, and even more painful when he shows them himself.

No loneliness is stronger than next to a person who does not see you focusing ...

Who loved, he can't love who burned down, they won't wait.

Eat me wanted sadness-longing ... stifled, bastard, from the first piece!

It is not sad because nothing has become, but because we know what could be ...

I do not know how I will do when your eyes see ... After all, the heart says: I love ... And the mind whispers: I hate!

The girl is easy to push away ... Throwing her a rough word in the next ... But then it will be difficult to return ... when I call her again ...

Well, there is a hide or silent, I love this person, it is clear. This is a stone on my neck, I go with him to the bottom, but I love this stone and I can not live without it.

Not that I can't forgive you, I just can't believe you anymore.

Can I no longer be able to love someone?! So many years have passed, and in the soul still insult ...

You have friends in your friends, but you do not write to him, do not draw on the wall. You just look at His avu and think: how much I love you!

And if you suddenly remember and want to return - go back, I will take you and on the third, and a thousand times.

Never put sad statuses. After all, each cattle dreams to see how brilliantly you.

I remember you gave me tears of happiness, but a hundred times more I have experienced misfortune with you ...

Well, why do we love those who do not love us ... and the ruin of those who are in love with us?

The man came, the man was gone. And he does not know how much life has changed. He, in general, do not care. He went to cripple his life to others. And he does not care.


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Love sometimes not so sweet, as it seems, and all because of the fact that people raise her above all over the world, forgetting about their own interests and desires, removing the second half into the rank of "heavenly" creation and living life only for him . And after, a person hesitates sadness, sad thoughts, he loses the taste of life, and does not know what caused. Have you ever been what we sometimes lose the taste of life because you changed your own destiny, serving another person? No, no, I do not call you to dislike and your own egoism, I just want to say that a person must stay free, despite his relationship with another person! Love each other, help each other getting better with each sigh and every minute, inferior, understand, but do not limit the freedom of each of you. After all, only then the relationship will be harmonious when you recognize that each of you is unique and goes to my own expensive, and your second half is your companion of life! He who chose you out of a thousand from a million! Usually, love does not pass without a trace, it is she who gives us a sense of property in relation to another person, and where there is this feeling, there is always a waiting for gratitude! But there is not always gratitude, so you live freely, remember about love, love sincerely man for what he is that he is with you and respember it. Let the statuses are sad about love will help you understand some sense in the problem moments of relationships. Good luck.

In our modern world, there is probably not a single person who would not use various social networks and communication services. That is why various short messages, for example, very sad statuses about love, are firmly entered into our lives, with the help of them people express a whole range of their emotions.

I do not complain about fate ... She was not more lucky with me ...

I guess I suffer so much, because of the fact that in my soul it will still be warm. It would be better if it was not ...

Beautiful, talented and smart, but at the same time unhappy ... it would seem to eat everything, but there really is nothing ...

She does not forgive treason, hates betrayal, lies ... And if he leaves one day, it will not be back again ....

Favorite girls give flowers, not tears ...

It's stupid, to be close to a man who is actually good, but all the time you offended you

Happened in life, so it will be, because for that we are born who we love, we do not like who loves us do not love us

Will strength: For the second day, I do not watch his page.

You make a man of God, and he throws you. Another makes the beast and he licks her hands

I can part with you. This stage is over in my life. Let suffering, but I can do it ...

I'm just a beginner wizard. And focus how to forget you still does not come out.

For fun can be buried. It is a pity that it does not become more fun.

When you are alone, then even get spam nice.

Lost the meaning of life. You will help me to return it, I will not stand for remuneration ...

It is difficult to love those whom we do not respect, but even more difficult to love those who respect more than themselves.

You can hate me for what I am, but not for what I told you the truth.

Tears? No, it's raining. Painfully? No, everything is okay. Together? Alas, but we apart. Dream? They don't understand me. Memory? It will not erase it. A heart? Broken do not glue. Thoughts? They are all with you. Feelings? You will not change them ...

Account closed. Public viewing is not subject to!

I remember our quarrels and insults, the idyll we had so rarely ... Maybe we loved, but could not understand ...

My life looks like a candy. You won't call her sweet, but the wrapper is beautiful ...

How old to be strong ... at least for a minute to afford to relax, at least for a second to be afraid of frightened ...

The reason for half of our vital mistakes is that we feel where you need to think. And we think where you need to feel.

most of all infuriates when they lie, they lie so ineptly that I would like to embed in the face and say "more bitch's artistry, you sorry!

Sometimes the life of only one person changes with the change of phone number. One who will never get through ...

no love died with her death. She was killed, killed and will kill.

At some point, we still forget the person, without which, we thought, could not live ...

It's a shame when the person of which you never leave, who will always be supported who will understand, will not valify it and does it hurt !!!

What can be said about love when it says so much? Yes, they talked about love for a long time, the knights were fought for her on the battlefield, people were dying and people were born. And so far we are talking about love with no less feelings and trepidation. We want to love and be loved and no matter how much effort we will apply for this. If a person really loves, he doesn't matter how he dresses where he and how much money he has.
Everyone will surely remember their first love, as you wanted to approach or what they would come to you and invited to a date. It is so clean and no stupid thoughts. Over the years, everything passes, no longer trust, no longer so you want it. Especially when a thousand times burned on it. If there are such problems, then read our sad statuses about love, some may not help in your life situation, but will tell how to endure how to find strength in yourself, how to rebel, in childish, as the first time, remember ?

Looking to me in the soul - there is emptiness ... Take my heart - there is no you ... pick up all the fragments of our bitter love ... You don't glue anything ... take away ... go ...

I closed the door to my heart and wrote - there is no input! But love came and said simply: "I do not know how to read ..."

I will sell a heart. Not expensive. Used, broken, nickname nafig needed. Function "Love" broken by the previous user ...

I know what loneliness is: a thumbboard of chocolate, a cup of strong coffee, the music from which the ears already hurt, unbearable emptiness in the depths of the soul and tears

Unrequited love it hurts so much ... It hurts when the person you love, in which you need a simple clogs on you \u003d ((

Always ever to see: you want to be proud, but crawl on your knees ...

I wrote on the cigarette your name to smoke you and erase from my memory, but tightening, I realized that I breathe to you. ...

You can not use - everyone chooses, where to put a comma ...

Nothing kills tenderness in a loving heart, like offensive words abandoned by the temper who you love ...

Now she kisses your lips, strokes the hair, and I remember your "I will not give you" with a smile "

I don't need you, I know it and you can not prove that I do not understand anything ...

How hard to look at the lips that you can never kiss ...

You understand that without you, alcohol is not delicious, the cigarettes are not soothing, and the heart is not glued.

I was told to love and hate at the same time it was not possible, and I proved the opposite I love and hate him ..

You deleted me from friends VKontakte ... From friends in my world ... deleted phone number .. deleted from ICQ ... from the agent ... and from the memory of Che, weakly ????!

You know, and I ever break down in your eyes, I will stop building a strong one and you will see what you made a cheerful little girl.

Love is just a drug.

It is better to love quietly than cheeky to hang on the neck.

I would like to call you and tell me, everything is fine ... that I am poured and finally happy ... that the street is already July, but on the soul, spring. I would like you to believe in it ... But I will not call, I still love you ...

I began to love the rain even more, because I know in the rain you're at home ...

Yes, I love strong coffee, white chocolate, love my friends, I love the fragrance of my perfume, I love the noise of rain, but .... but .... I do not believe in love ...

Over the morning, she hates the sun, for selecting a dream in which she in which he is so in love with it ...

Everyone in his own way goes crazy .... Someone in hysterics she dies with tears .... and someone like me - silently, keeping everything in himself and not feeding the mind slowly scatters on the pieces from the inside ...

People go out of my life ... People invade my life ... And I just wear glasses and insert the headphones, I turn on the music, drinking coffee and live further ... and what is important - exactly breathing ... without failures with Love label ... without failures with a label of you ...

And pass by couples, holding his hands tightly, as if on purpose to emphasize my loneliness ....

Wherever I looked, I see me everywhere that it is not near .....

When we cannot be close to those who truly love, in our bed there are other people's people ... it seems to us that so for a while you can overcome melancholy.

Every morning I wake up with hope, but I go down with another disappointment ...

Since I left you, I began to live on the machine, morning day evening, every day the same thing. But I still found the strength in myself, communicating with you to smile and say that everything is cool

He left nothing saying without screams of litter and lies, he left and disappeared as if he was never in my life, and I could believe it, but somewhere in the depths of the soul, the memory of the minutes spent with you

I was lost in this world and don `t know where to find a person who will give me a hand and says, do not be afraid went with me

Even I cry at night ... Even I happen to hurt, hiding pain under the mask of indifference and pofigism I go in life laughing ...

I hate tears ... they give out my weakness ... I hate those ... who pretends that I need it ... I hate questions ... for which I do not know the answers ...

How hurts to be a friend with those who love ...

We ourselves choose our lives)) Here, on my life, we obviously overthrow the glass with paint)) everything spoiled, but it turned out to be bright)).

We all wait on the network only one person, right? :) ... and for everyone he is his ...

Only now she understood how he is the roads for her ... as she lacks his caress ... Kisses ... those minutes they were together ... Only now she realized that he really loves him ...

Almost always, we understand that we love when you already lose a person ...

No one will make the first step, because everyone thinks that it is not mutual.

Silence ... and do not scream ... never begging anything about anything ... Just strain straightened and go to silence ... and the one who loves you, will not leave one ..

If the girl gave you a key from the heart, do not hurry to rejoice, tomorrow she can change the castle.

I know firmly that love will pass when two hearts divide the sea.

How scared when you say: "I love you," and on the other end of the telephone wire you scream in response: "What?"

A person has enough second to meet a special person. It will take a minute to learn it. Day to love. But sometimes there is not enough life to forget it ...

And just at one point you understand that as it will never be before ...

It is always easier when you write poetry tears. So forget it easier ...

How hurts to look in the sun ... but even worse to look at the lips ... Consider, but you can't kiss ...

Here I sit and tears hail ... everything went, and not to return back !!!

If you confess him, and he did not answer reciprocity, then everything is reminiscent of it ... so hurt ...

Sometimes you need to survive a small nuclear explosion, crush the pillow of the soul, send everyone around and stay alone with your grief ...
And all this, only to say to a smooth, hard voice "Goodbye."

Unrequited love is just two people who do not need to do with each other, only one of them does not understand this ...

Unrequited love is when it dreams that he sent a message. You wake up, carrying a computer, and there is nothing ...

And you will come and say: I'm sorry, please back me, but it will be too late, I forgot you, and maybe never loved ???

Someday you will learn to guess the fall of my tears on the sound of the melody of my heart ... ever ... when it is too late ...

You saw everything: how I cry, you saw how I laugh! But, only, did not see one thing: how I suffer without you, how tormenting !!!

Under a smile, a tear hiding, I dream about you in a dream. I love, I shout, I cry ... What am I in your life I mean ???

I have long been pouring out, I smile my mother, I call my friends, walk in the evenings ..... I got sick - this is also a feeling, heavy but the most loyal salvation, it is like a cure for love, like breaking after the lack of a dose .... you are no longer in my Thoughts, not in my life, now my heart is engaged to others ... And it was not worth talking to friends: "It was near for so long, but I noticed it only now," ..... now I am next to those who have noticed me, even even Energous of my name ...

When people love each other, they are ready to take off and break together! You took off with me ... but only I crashed, you Strestil ...

When someone tells you about love, it means that he loves you today. And tomorrow he can escape with your best girlfriend.

Everyone passes by and see in front of them beautiful, confident girl, but they do not know what a little defenseless girl sits in her, who just wants to love ...
