Casual style in menswear: modern urban fashion. Casual subspecies

Today we will try to answer the question: what is the “casual” style and how and where to wear it correctly.

Everyone knows perfectly well that the translation of the word "casual" from the English language is "accidental", "unintentional", "everyday". Perhaps you have never entered this word into the dictionary, but due to the popularity of this style in clothing, its frequent use in numerous articles, and in daily use, in general, this concept is familiar to almost everyone. However, more often than not, people confuse the “casual” style a little with such a concept as “what is comfortable for me”, it is clear that it is convenient for someone to walk in UGGs, and for others in 8-centimeter heels. Nevertheless, over a long time, the "casual" style was formed and finally improved.

Style "Casual" was born in Europe, it is understandable, because it is here that people love to dress simply, but, as they say, with taste. No one runs after the big letters of brands, no one makes sacrifices for the sake of heels, as, for example, in New York, but the appearance of a European does not scream about belonging to any sub-culture, as, for example, in Tokyo. Therefore, initially, the "casual" style meant something very comfortable, simple, but with some twist, because so often people dressed for walking around the city. The world was changing, technologies were developing, free time was decreasing in its availability, the need for functionality of clothes was growing, the severity of fashion trends was passing, young mothers more and more often became something more than just housewives, and men did not want to simply limit themselves to formal suits and sports uniforms for playing tennis. We ourselves did not notice how almost every fourth, and maybe even the third in our world, began to fit the word "style", and also under such a loud-sounding word as "casual".

Style "Casual" unique: it has few restrictions and includes almost all garments. So, to stay in casual style, you can wear knitwear, linen, jeans, various dresses, skirts, trousers and bags. The main thing is that the appearance creates the effect of comfort not only for you, but also for someone else's gaze. Until recently, the main colors of the casual style were light earthy and beige shades, which are perfectly and almost win-win combination with each other. But the year is 2012, the population is increasing, and the struggle for their own individuality is growing to the skies. Therefore, bright spots and worthy accessories appear in the casual style.

The most prominent carriers of the "casual" style are, perhaps, celebrities. They have the greatest need to dress themselves in something comfortable, to blend in with the crowd, but at the same time not to look tasteless. Perhaps, here they are - the three fundamental concepts of the designation of the "casual" style. Famous representatives of this style in everyday life are actresses Cameron Diaz, Jessica Biel, Zoe Saldana, Jessica Alba, Kate Beckinsale and many others.

Let's take a closer look at exactly what jeans should be in "casual" style, and what, for example, a shirt.


Most often, "casual" style means straight cut trousers. Trousers or jeans can be either tight or slightly loose, in various colors. Summer-style rolled up jeans or cropped light trousers with arrows can add a little charm to the image. Bell-bottomed trousers can also be classified as casual, but with a very careful combination so as not to look like a hippie or like a 70s traveler. These trousers are best paired with a shirt, a knitted cardigan, and open-toed flat shoes.


Knitwear, as well as all natural fabrics, can easily become the key word for the "casual" style. The top of your look should be comfortable and free of movement, while refreshing the look and making it light. Therefore, try not to choose dark colors for your jumper or top in casual style. To add a little zest to the image, you can tuck a loose-fitting T-shirt into your trousers, and tie a knitted lightweight cardigan with a thin strap. The "casual" style, most often, does not imply prints.


To stay in “casual” style, and not to run away into an overly feminine or romantic style, choose light, and even a little men's shirts, as well as denim shirts. This top is best worn in a relaxed style, with the top buttons open and sleeves rolled up to ¾.


For those who like to show the world their legs, the casual style has a dress in store. A casual dress is a dress of medium length, straight and loose fit, but most often with an emphasis on the waist with a small belt or undercuts. Examples of ideal “casual” dresses are a knitted version just above the knee, with sleeves ¾ or a shirt dress made from lightweight fabrics.


Oddly enough, this style implies jackets or blazers, but their spring-summer versions. This means that jackets should be made of lighter fabrics, with bright lining, and even a little larger than necessary. Lovers of casual style should pay a lot of attention to choosing a good blazer, jacket or jacket, because this attribute can become key in an image and easily make it more meaningful. And neat denim jackets can become good "girlfriends" in the summer.


Now let's talk about secrets. The fact is that basic casual clothes can be very simple, super-comfortable and unremarkable, but if you are not modest and like to dress comfortably at the same time, you definitely need to spend (both time and money) on nice accessories. The casual style does not imply jewelry, so bags, scarves and shoes become two kings and an ace. The accent in the image and a bright spot should be one, maximum two, or all three, so to speak, the ingredients are ideally combined with each other. But first things first. Most often, the "casual" style means shoes with low travel. Let's say "thank you" to fashionable deities for returning to our time, such comfortable and stylish loafers, moccasins, slippers and spring boots. Ballerinas can be used in a casual style, but remember that the image should not become too feminine, romantic and girly because of them. The "casual" style is versatility, but what is a comfortable movement without a roomy bag?

Yes, a casual-style bag is a capacious container, most often made of leather, which either merges in the image or becomes an accent. A medium-sized leather backpack or a bag with a shoulder strap can be a good addition, but not on a chain and not quite small in size. Now let's open the most important secret of everyday style. Any look, both summer and autumn, and even more casual style, will refresh a voluminous scarf or bright shawl. It goes well with the aforementioned cardigans, men's shirts, oversized T-shirts and lightweight blazers.

By the way, good clothes for “casual” can be found in the mass-market brands H&M and Zara, in women's catalogs, as well as in Belarusian knitwear stores.

And here is what the fashionable figures of Belarus think about the “casual” style:

Daria Luchenkova, young designer:“Casual is what makes it comfortable. In the mass concept - leggings and uggs. And in a professional sense, this is a daily comfortable outfit in the system, a set, most often multi-layered. It has a lot of knitwear. Very often the sets are made up on the basis of jeans ”.

Olga Kovtunenko, stylist:“Casual is a style of life. By the way a person has a casual style, one can say what this person is. In fact, this is his business card. "
Nastya Slavuta, blogger: “Сasual is a casual style, which I would call a very soft, simplified and freer version of the classic style. Such casual elegance where comfort is paramount. "

Tatiana Marynich, designer:“The casual style is casual, inexpensive clothing, so jeans, shirts, sweaters, T-shirts and sweatshirts are most often associated with this style. The main principle of this style is simplicity and practicality, but simple shapes and silhouettes can be diluted with bright accessories. "

Vlad Kovalevsky (male take on Casual style), blogger:“I believe that“ casual ”is a kind of line between classic and sporty style in the usual sense. Rather, it is the style of our everyday life, in which we rely on comfort. Probably every man loves this style without even thinking about it: jeans, a T-shirt, a comfortable cardigan are the essentials for most men. It seems nothing special, but this is casual. "

Let's draw a line and say that the "casual" style is comfortable clothes, combined into a free, light image, with the addition of a drop of chic and seasoned with good accessories.

The word "casual" itself is English, in translation it means something everyday, unconscious and therefore somewhat accidental due to this unintentionality. The casual style, as it is also called, appeared in Europe, because Europeans, like no one else, love to dress simply, albeit with excellent taste. They never tried to look expensive or rich, somehow especially attractive or bright.
Naturalness and light sophistication, expressed in a skilful selection of accessories, which are usually worn somewhat casually - this is the salt of the casual style.

In such clothes, you can walk around the city for a long time, it is comfortable enough for this. And then drop by the party, because the zest that is present in the outfit will not allow anyone to doubt your sense of taste.

The casual style is very unusual. There are practically no restrictions in it, you can wear anything you want. Its essence lies precisely in the negligence and "everydayness" of the image, and not in some bright or characteristic details. Not so long ago, colors were considered distinctive features: beige, milky, dark blue or gray, that is, all the most calm and discreet, but very stylish-looking shades. But now more and more casual adherents admit bright colors.

Casual details

Often the basis of a casual outfit is trousers, functional and comfortable clothing. Usually they have a straight cut, and can be slightly tapered. A slightly rolled-up leg is fine. If you use flares, then be careful about other things, otherwise you risk looking like a hippie.

T-shirts, tops and T-shirts are also an integral part of the casual. Everything knitted, spacious and comfortable fits perfectly into this style. It is better if the top is light. Shirts, especially plaid shirts, can be used. Prints are not entirely casual, but sometimes acceptable.

You can please flirty girls by the fact that the dresses are in keeping with the spirit of this style. Their length should be medium, and the cut should be loose and straight, and emphasize the waist with a strap. The fabrics are light, the colors are discreet.

For young people in a casual style, a jacket will be a must-have item of clothing. Made from lightweight fabric, it may well be a little too big for you. Treat his choice with special attention, as the jacket will be one of the main items in your look.

Despite the fact that casual things can be very simple and completely unbranded (the fewer logos, the better), accessories should be of very high quality. You don't have to buy expensive items, but they should be really good. Take the time to choose them and you won't regret it. Treat your shoes exactly as well. Loafers, tennis shoes, and spring boots are great choices. Ballet flats are suitable for girls.

For each life situation, you should choose an outfit of a specific style that will correspond to the proposed circumstances. Therefore, it is customary to put on clothes in the office according to the business dress code, formal outfits are chosen for a holiday, and sports-style suits for playing sports. But it turns out that there are even clothes “for every day” in fashion - casual style.

Сasual is distinguished primarily by its convenience and functionality.

There are several variations of this style.

Casual style

The main feature of this style is the simplicity of the outfits, practicality and the absence of any rigid restrictions. For casual style, there is no strictly prescribed dress code. It is universal in itself, and therefore it can surprisingly combine a lot of paradoxical contradictions.

It easily combines everyday comfortable comfort and strict classics, energetic sportiness and subtle sensuality. Thanks to such combinations, a unique bright variety is obtained, which allows you to create a lot of options when modeling a wardrobe.

Following this style, a woman does not have to spend all her financial reserves, and therefore attractiveness and affordability allow casual casual images to rise to the rank of very popular, especially among young people and people with a very energetic lifestyle.

The basic principle of casual is that clothes should not only be stylish, but also comfortable for you.

Karl Lagerfeld described the image in this style as the guise of everyday life in all its diverse incarnations. The very word casual means "a casual way to dress." Therefore, women who follow it can safely discard fashion stereotypes and concepts and experiment freely.

This trend originated in the British Isles, although many fashion critics consider Scandinavia as the place of its appearance, which was distinguished by a similar feature of creating wardrobes of local women. But today we can confidently assert that young people tend to choose not only because of the comfort, convenience and flashy brightness of outfits, although this clearly leaves a serious imprint on the formation of style. Dressing in this way promotes self-expression and emphasizes your individuality.

Сasual allows you to combine any things, the main thing is that it looks harmonious and suits you

In the casual style, the main thing is emancipation and freedom. And thanks to its democratic nature and an abundance of outfit options, it becomes possible to combine seemingly absolutely incompatible things. Based on this style feature, youth fashion magazines demonstrate that this image belongs mainly to the youth environment. And the photos of stars in casual clothes posted on their pages clearly illustrate and confirm to which audience the fans of the style mainly belong. Who of the stellar youth can deny themselves all kinds of familiar jeans, shirts or T-shirts, more formal trousers, even sweatshirts, extraordinary skirts and casual dresses, which are the main components of the casual style - an attribute of street fashion. And if these outfits were once acceptable only for out-of-town walks, today they are found everywhere on the streets of the city.

Casual for girls

Everyday casual style for young people it is a favorite image. It became widespread among the bohemian strata of the population and among the so-called "golden youth". In women's clothing in this style, the main emphasis is on negligence combined with gloss, elusiveness of coziness combined with vintage retro style. This feature is most clearly reflected in the fresh collections of world couturiers.

The main attractive features that form this image, stylists recognize the versatility of combinations and the appropriateness of outfits. Indeed, in a casual style, a woman in any case corresponds to the time and place.

Casual is the most democratic of all existing styles

The directions of the casual style:

  1. All-Out-Casual
  2. Sport-casual
  3. Street-casual
  4. Smart-casual
  5. Business-casual

There are several main directions of the style, although the framework of their delineation is very blurred. Fashion theorists are one of the first to highlight the casual, casual style - All-Out-Casual. Quite an eccentric look of this direction, it is the extreme negligence that knocks out of style. The appeal of a wardrobe in certain fashion circles suits streetwear choices. However, he is not welcome in the business world. But a stylish, memorable vacation with friends or a walk in the bosom of nature will be quite appropriate.

The name of the Sport-casual style speaks about itself quite eloquently. This wardrobe is supposed to combine sportswear. A woman can be sure that in this outfit she will be stylish both on the street and on the treadmill.

Add sneakers or sneakers to this outfit - and you get a light, sport-casual look.

The casual style for girls also has a Street direction, which highlights street fashion for every day. It has a wide field for the embodiment of any fantasies that allow you to show your individuality. And the main adherents of the style are young people: energetic, appreciating comfort, not devoid of stylish glamor and gloss.

The most street-casual collections were from Claire. As for the Smart casual style, it is distinguished by an emphasized aristocracy, which includes moments of deliberate simplicity and aristocratic severity of the silhouette of the dress. Similar images are found among female students - correct girls, because there are elements of representativeness in him. Such outfits are comfortable during various walks, including romantic ones. The famous brand Redgreen used this style in its fashion show.

And the last of the most common types of casual style is Business. This is a kind of embodiment of Friday office fashion, characterized by delicate elegance. Quite often, this image is used in tense negotiations and meetings. Such a wardrobe is characterized by a lesser degree of formality than in a simple business, office style. The outfits in it are more simplified, so the style is widely popular among famous business women. Shows of the Redgreen brand are saturated with such outfits.

The modern casual style for women is quite promising. Since he has many opportunities, a great future is predicted for him in the fashion world. Today, casual is at the top of its popularity, and it seems that its resources are inexhaustible. Just look at the abundance of streetwear to see the most bizarre combinations of comfortable and elegant outfits on girls and women. Women's magazines display casual labels.

The whole style of street fashion is full of contradictions. Women who follow this style are spoken of as fickle and unpredictable. Such ladies easily combine asexual trench coats and trendy club dresses, complementing them with high stilettos.

As for the details, stylists do not recommend buttoning up the buttons to the end, but using a thin belt. It will help you wrap yourself up with deliberate negligence, which is the peculiarity of street style. In the photos, women dressed in casual style delight the eye with an unexpected combination of a rocker jacket with a plain, plain turtleneck. From the far shelf, our contemporaries take out pencil skirts and extreme stilettos, and as a result of their combination with a leather jacket, an excellent free image is obtained.

Refined chaotic is also called refined randomness. Armed with the finest of their dresses, embellished with sequins, beading, rhinestones, embroidery, lace or fringe, this vintage luxury top should be toned down with a discreet cardigan or clean vest lines. And the most extreme option in this case is a combination of dresses with sweatshirts. And this will not be perceived as a sign of bad taste.

Street style is characterized by a similar layering of outfits. If earlier it was customary to avoid layers of clothing, today girls are tempted by an irresistible desire to dress up in a variety of outfits that are different in texture and purpose. The city streets are full of options for pairing short sleeved dresses and slim turtlenecks. And as a result of the combination of short summer dresses with straight jeans, you get an excellent outfit in general. It is worth wearing a blouson with cheerful peas or stripes. At first glance, women's clothing in this style seems to be characterized by a certain absurdity. However, if you take a closer look, you will notice the detailed thoughtfulness and clear completeness of the whole image. Such an unexpected ensemble helps a woman to show her originality and subtle sense of style.

Many women liked smart casual style... Its aristocracy in harmony with the simplicity and aristocratic severity of the silhouette makes any image very representative. In such comfortable outfits, the most comfortable, of course, young and girls. Although not all of them know that smart casual has turned out as a result of transforming the conservative business style and diluting it with not so strict, but on the contrary, softer options. This gave the new style increased elegance and freedom, which is especially true for strict, laconic office outfits. Literally, this kind of casual style means “intellectual everyday life”. In general, ordinary business clothes are being replaced by more comfortable ones due to the increasing dynamism of life, which is conducive to comfortable outfits. This style differs from business wear in many features, for example, an optional tie, an unbuttoned top button, a loose collar.

But the most important thing in casual clothing is that, with external freedom, it leaves a person both internally liberated, but not loosened in any way.


Casual is the favorite style of clothing in our editorial office

Those who are interested in fashion often come across names such as casual style or casual style - these are not just things from the new collection of the house of haute couture, but a way of life. This direction acts as a contrast to the romantic, classic business style and offers fashionistas different options for combinations of their favorite clothes. If your life principles are lightness, comfort and freedom, you should give preference to casual style.

What is casual

Stylists initially developed casual, as one of the types of office dress code, with only some features - simplicity of cut and an emphasis on comfort and convenience. However, today, casual means a mixture of styles from different directions: sports, formal, classic and street chic. This gave a reason to highlight this direction a separate niche in high fashion, endow it with clear attributes and features.

History of appearance

There are several versions of the emergence of the casual trend, but there are only two main ones. The first originates in Britain in the 50s of the 20th century. A new youth movement, Tedds, was born on the basis of strong economic growth. Its representatives dressed as simply as possible, with a slight accent of negligence, although they could afford clothes of fashion trends.

Later, the casual style was forgotten for some time, and was revived again only in the 70s, again in Britain. This was facilitated by football fans, who, instead of chants, decided to support their favorite team, choosing a certain stylistic direction in clothing. Their choice was so liked and liked by the society that after a while such images became popular among the masses. This is how a kind of casual direction appeared - sporty elegance.

According to the second version, the casual style appeared in Scandinavia, which was facilitated by the country's harsh climatic conditions. Layering of clothes, voluminous scarves and hats, knitted sweaters, knitted coats - all these classics saved residents from harsh winters. At the same time, preference was given to those clothes that could keep warm for a long time and not hinder movement. In Scandinavian casual, the elements of clothing are laconic, minimalism of accessories and neutral colors can be traced.

Everyday style - characteristic and its features

The word "casual" can be literally translated as casual, casual, casual. It has many advantages and characteristics:

  • lack of strict frames - in an office outfit, you can attend a party, sit in a bar with friends or get out on a visit;
  • own individuality - to create an image, you do not need to buy expensive brands, for this you can use those things that everyone has in their wardrobe;
  • unusual combinations - the style involves wearing loose-fitting trousers with a classic shirt or sports shoes with a strict skirt;
  • using layering - you can wear a shirt over a t-shirt, a classic knit dress with a turtleneck, or let your sweater peek out from under your jacket.

Following the above, you might think that you can wear the first thing that comes to hand. However, in practice, everything looks a little different and this approach to creating an image will not work. Only those who know about the intricacies of choosing the texture of fabrics, know how to correctly combine colors and combine different trends in haute couture can look really fashionable.

Color spectrum

This style assumes to observe mostly unobtrusive, pastel colors, but designers suggest diversifying the color scheme with bright notes. In an office wardrobe, it is better to give preference to dull matte colors: light brown, blue, dark green, burgundy or gray. Street casual elegance can be emphasized with bright accessories, and some leather items can be added to sportswear. In order not to become like a traffic light, it is important to follow a simple rule - do not combine more than 6 different colors in one image.

Fabrics and textures

The casual style is very democratic in terms of the combination of textures and materials. Preference should be given to denim clothes, light cotton, knitwear and other things that do not require ironing. In their collections, designers have learned to competently combine expensive natural fabrics with synthetics, which complements the image of elegant casualness. Street fashion is available in combinations such as a patent leather duffle bag and a classic wool blazer.


When creating an image, do not forget about small details. As a rule, preference is given to silk or knitted scarves, which are worn with a coat in a casual style or wound over a cardigan. You can often find hats - hats, caps, kerchiefs or hats. If you need a belt, it is better to buy a wide or narrow leather one, and the dress can be decorated with a satin scarf at the waist.

Courageous youth can complement a fashionable bow with a large bag, conservative women are more suitable for a small, comfortable shoulder bag. Backpacks are used casually, but the classic version with a clutch is not often found. You shouldn't buy bracelets, earrings or watches of bright colors. Casual jewelry, as a rule, is of medium size and discreet appearance.

Varieties of casual style

It is a mistake to consider casual as boring or monotonous. Wardrobe items can always be played in an interesting way and interpreted to your liking. This style, like no other, is rich in a variety of fashion trends: casual sports, street fashion, casual chic. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages. Such an assortment of choices helps to create your own unique image for any situation.


This is a kind of combination of a strict business style with a cheeky silhouette of an outfit. Smart casual can be found among domestic girls who dream of breaking free from parental control or personable ladies who want to emphasize their individuality. The basic set of things is:

  • Women's smart wardrobe must be complemented with classic jeans, a strict skirt, blouse, turtleneck. Of the shoes, you should give preference to leather ballet flats, suede or classic shoes.
  • For men, smart casual suggests wearing simple T-shirts with trousers, long-sleeved shirts and a tie. The shoe options are moccasins, trendy sneakers or slip-ons.


Casual urban style is what everyone sees in fashion magazines, in photographs of models or popular TV stars when captured in an informal setting. Street casual has no strict restrictions, which gives everyone a full flight of imagination and absolute freedom of choice. The casual style welcomes bold decisions when choosing clothes, their texture and color. The main rule is that you should feel comfortable.

The name sport casual already speaks for itself. This direction is for those people who choose light fit and comfort. If you want to create a sporty, casual look, get T-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts, baseball caps, sneakers or trainers, sweatshirts and other sports items. Although you feel as comfortable as possible in such clothes, you won't go to the gym. It is more of a bow for evening walks, get-togethers with friends or going to the cinema.

Casual chic

These trends were brought into fashion by the Italian fashion designer, famous designer Nino Cerutti. He advised his fans to combine simple fabrics with expensive accessories, complex cuts with cheap fabrics, and simple wardrobe elements with more complex ones. Chic is also often referred to as evening casual, for its elegance, unassuming luxury and presentable look.


Dressing in this way is not accepted in business circles, so you won't go to work or a business meeting, all-out will be an ideal option only for outdoor recreation or with friends. You can choose comfortable sportswear or loose-fitting streetwear and complement the look with original accessories. Improvisation, freedom of choice - this is his main law.


A combination of a strictly business style and free, but more in a classic variation. Business and smart casual are considered similar directions, but if in the second version it is allowed to wear a classic jacket with sneakers, then in a business one you can only wear a shirt without a tie. Business casual was designed as an office wardrobe for employees who take liberties on short holidays or Fridays.

How to build a wardrobe

The ability to combine incongruous, different textures of fabrics and accessories - this is how you can briefly describe the casual style. However, there are many pitfalls behind the slight negligence and loose fit. For example, even here, the Russian style, beloved by many, is unacceptable - a suit with sports sneakers or flip flops with socks. A few simple tips for creating a basic wardrobe will help you avoid such primitive mistakes when choosing a kit.

Basic subjects

The first must-have thing in men's and women's wardrobe is jeans. The rest of the look is built around them. You can choose the cut or style of the pants at your discretion, but it is better to have several options in stock for different occasions. For women, you can replace trousers with denim skirts or complement them with a men's-type shirt, a jumper, a bright top or a strict blouse. For men - a sweatshirt, sweatshirt, turtleneck or oversized sweater.

Separately, it should be said about the dresses. They are not part of the basic wardrobe, due to the fact that such clothes make you feel feminine, which is different from the free, laid-back lifestyle. However, this clothing option does not apply to the forbidden either. If you want to diversify your look, get an elongated sweater, or a casual dress that resembles a men's shirt.

Casual clothing

We should also talk about outerwear separately. The final point will help: knitted jackets, jackets, vests, an elegant coat. In order not to overdo it with a simple one, you should pay attention to a laconic cut, natural materials and classic colors. Oversized jackets, elongated jackets, knitted cardigans and vests are considered very fashionable. They will help to add flavor and make a complete image.

Casual shoes

It would be logical to assume that the options for casual shoes are sneakers, moccasins, sneakers. Such a choice has a right to exist, but it looks gray and boring. Shoes can become almost the main focus. Do not be afraid to experiment, boldly complement the looks with fashionable loafers, shoes with wide heels, feathers, ballet flats with stones or English boots, boots with leopard print. In branded stores, such options for shoes can be found marked with a statement - which literally translates as glamorous shoes.

Bags and accessories

A daily bag should fulfill the only important role - to hold everything you need. Small backpacks, postmen, shopping bags will perfectly fit into the outfit. When choosing a business line or evening chic, it is better to use classic options: clutches or envelope bags. They are ideally combined with sophisticated pumps or a stylish dress.

The image will seem incomplete without bright accessories. Basic items are: scarves, belts, watches, glasses and scarves. Don't forget about hairdressing supplies. It can be voluminous or bright elastic bands, interesting or unusual hairpins, original hoops. The wedding hairstyle and makeup will be complemented by an ornament in the form of a huge flower or wreath.

Casual brands

It is a mistake to think that this trend is a street style and does not figure in the trends of modern fashion. Clothing designers, on the other hand, are trying to introduce the current casual style to the masses, willingly experimenting with new looks. Such well-known firms and clothing brands specialize in this area, such as:

  • Cerutti;
  • Nino Cerruti;
  • Armani;
  • Adidas;
  • Fred Perry;
  • Fila;
  • Calvin Klein;
  • Versace;
  • Hugo Boss;
  • Donna Karan;
  • Dolce & Gabbana;
  • Nike.

Photo: Fashionable bows in casual style

Observing all the rules and regulations given to you, it will not be too difficult to assemble a set of clothes in a casual style. If you navigate your wardrobe, referring to the verbal description, it still did not work out, pay attention to the fashionable bows from the photo below. It is likely that most of the basic things are already hanging in your closet, and to look attractive you only lack inspiration.


Fashion stereotypes lose all meaning when it comes to casual. The word itself means in English "unintentional", "accidental". But this is only a formal translation, in fact, the essence is much broader. Fashion maestro Karl Lagerfeld best explained what it is - a casual style. He called it "the guise of everyday life in all their diverse incarnations."

The casual style in clothes is characterized by the absence of strict canons, ostentatious negligence, convenience in street and business fashion. But in general, and in particular, this is a creative approach to creating bold progressive images that are not only comfortable and practical, but also filled with elegant meaning.

The history of the emergence of the style

Such a fashion phenomenon as casual has its own cultural and social roots. Fashion historians distinguish two versions of the origin - British and Scandinavian.

  1. The British "ancestry" of this style is closely related to the Tedds subculture, or Teddy-boys. In the 50s of the twentieth century, a youth stratum was formed without aristocratic roots and a decent education, but with good capital in your pocket and the opportunity to dress expensively. It was the Teddy-boys who introduced a casual style of clothing that demonstrates disregard for the highest aristocracy. They wore branded, expensive things, combining them with deliberate negligence and maximum comfort for themselves. Thus, the English street has given the world a new fashion trend that has seeped “into the people” through other youth movements: from skinheads to sports fans.
  2. The Scandinavian version is based on national traditions of everyday life and costume, which are characterized by multi-layering, at the same time simple and convenient. Over time, fashion designers discovered a recipe for the "correct" layering: shake, but do not mix. And preferably expensive and "tasty" ingredients.

Distinctive features

An image in the style of casual - bold, addressed to modern active people. Those who are able to combine a career with a family and cope with different roles in society. For girls, this style of clothing was born out of the desire to satisfy the needs of those fashionistas who like to dress up easily. For them, convenience is in the first place, but with the preservation of chic and sophistication in the details. This is the characteristic of the casual features: practicality, comfort and elegance.

And it is the third factor that debunks the myth of the alleged banality of style. Casual, although based on laconic and simple things, is by no means simple. There is no place for home clothes and sloppy approach in it. It requires a sense of taste and style, the ability to choose comfortable things so that they make up a unique and memorable ensemble for all occasions.

Types of casual style

Casual is a dynamic big city style. The use of the formulation “urban style” emphasizes the many-sidedness and diversity inherent in the rhythm of the metropolis. And for each side of his life, a certain kind of casual was formed.

Substyle that subtly combines a strict silhouette with deliberate simplicity. The very simplicity that is worth a lot. This is a kind of casual business style, fully appreciated by "good girls" students. It presents not only the elements of representativeness, but also the freedom of expression.

Fashion statement of women's wardrobe in this direction is elegance in everyday life, brightness of colors, harmony of materials, accessories and wardrobe elements.

Achieved with stylish trousers, classic jeans, skirts, blouses without "bells and whistles", laconic turtleneck, vest, sweater. And, of course, an outfit won't take place without an accent scarf, a trendy belt, a fashionable bracelet, matching accessories and a stylish bag. Smart casual shoes are ballet flats, leather or fabric, slip-ons, chelsea, low-heeled shoes. The main thing is to catch the balance of strict elements with informal details.

2) Business Casual

The business casual style is close to the previous fashion genre, but with a more subtle approach. What is allowed in smart mode is not suitable for business. For example, men's smart casual allows wearing branded jeans with a polo shirt, while business casual is more typical of a classic suit, but without a tie.

The main feature: a person who has chosen business casual looks quite formal, but at the same time feels relaxed. Suitable for those who are burdened by a strict dress code and want to dilute their office wardrobe. No wonder this sub-style received the unofficial name "Friday office fashion".

3) Active and sporty casual

Sports as a casual style does not mean working out in a fitness club or jogging in the morning. Rather, it characterizes a lifestyle and wardrobe with elements of a sporty character. This means that clothes for the gym and for running should remain there - near the simulator and the treadmill. But a variety of kangaroo sweatshirts, polos, T-shirts and all other things that convey a message specifically to an active lifestyle make up active and sporty casual.

Stylish sweatshirts, sneakers and jeans are the main capsule of this style's wardrobe. An important feature is the minimum of accessories and the choice of materials. Sporty casuals love the modern neoprene fabrics, footer and cozy knitwear for freedom of movement and a sense of lightness.

If you add a little flight of imagination to the freedom of movement, and replace a walk in the park with a promenade along the embankment, you get a street casual. Compared to other casual fashion trends, he is the most eccentric and careless. It is characterized by an extraordinary combination of bright accessories and familiar things. The most daring wear leggings and knee-highs in patterns dictated by fashionable geometry. Do not hesitate to bully, wearing extravagant hats and caps.

In general, with the choice of street casual, there are endless opportunities to demonstrate your style and uniqueness. And even if it is completely unacceptable for business circles, it is great for lunch in a cafe or a shopping trip with a friend.

What includes the casual chic style was first described by Nino Cerutti. He also released the first collection in this fashionable genre. The motto here can be the phrase "combine the incongruous", namely: an expensive fabric with a simple cut, an unpretentious outfit with a luxurious decoration. And the word “chic” in the definition of style in no way calls for wearing jeans with stones and wearing sparkling jewelry. Restraint and elegance reign here too.

Ready-to-wear collections in casual chic style are not uncommon on the high catwalk. Armani, a worthy successor to Cerutti's ideas, has been particularly successful in this. And no matter how puffed up the conservative designers, who consider casual to be the lowest class of style, it has already conquered both fashion legislators and the mass consumer.

What to wear with

Casual looks, for all their democracy, are built on certain principles:

  1. layering;
  2. basic simple things;
  3. high quality of things;
  4. a harmonious combination of prints and shades, not necessarily trendy;
  5. use of accessories.

Excludes: old-fashioned clothing, deliberate sexuality. Loose fit is welcome, but it is not the same as oversized clothing that claims to be oversized. The base of any casual look is simple T-shirts, T-shirts, chinos and jeans (skinny, flared, boyfriends), a sweater that matches the ensemble.

The most feminine followers of the style will not interfere with dresses and skirts in the wardrobe. For example, curvy midi models paired with sneakers have already become classics of the genre. But the most typical casual dresses are the sweater, noodle dress, shirt dress, and also a minimalistic sheath without unnecessary decorative elements. They are chicly complemented by long, laconic wool vests or cocoon coats.

Shoes and accessories

The choice of footwear is dictated first of all by the season, and only then by your own taste and mood. Basic casual shoes are sneakers, slip-ons, loafers, flat shoes, ballet flats. Favorite sneakers, if they are not frankly athletic, will fit into the bow of almost any sub-style. But it was not for nothing that the call “to combine the incongruous” was sounded. Therefore, boots with spikes, rivets, extraordinary fur decor, again fashionable leopard print and snake pattern can become the main accent in a casual look. And at the same time to justify its newfangled name - statement shoes.

As for the bags, their role is to be a discreet, unobtrusive companion. Primary requirements; laconic design, comfortable handle and spaciousness. This is the shopper model - the perfect casual bag. An alternative is the actual city backpack today. Well, for a casual glamor look, a laconic clutch has been created - an excellent pair for elegant low-heeled pumps. The main thing is not to confuse casual glamor with a new look, like other casual subspecies with a grunge style, etc. Then the layering will be appropriate, the image will be collected, and the fashionable accents will be in place.