Table for Valentine's Day to your beloved. Surprise dating ideas for valentine's day. Only positive emotions

One of the beloved and anticipated holidays of hearts in love is just around the corner - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. This day is awaited not only by married and young couples, but also by teenagers who hope that they will definitely receive a valentine card. This holiday is also celebrated by the spouses who have lived together for several decades. Indeed, on this holiday you can remind of your love and please your soul mate.

Valentine's Day began to be celebrated in the 13th century, but it came to our country in the 90s of the last century. It is customary to celebrate it on February 14. It was on this day that the priest was executed, who registered the marriages of young people against the law.

There are many options for celebrating, but many couples prefer to spend the day together. You need to prepare in advance for a romantic evening. If there are children, then you need to ask the grandmothers to sit with them. To prepare dinner, you need to buy the necessary products.

It is important to create an appropriate atmosphere: play calm music, light candles, and if necessary, use fragrances to help you relax. The fair sex is advised to buy beautiful and sexy lingerie.

How to organize a holiday, prepare gifts and set the table, you will learn from today's article. But the tips below are only recommended, it's good if you can come up with something original.

If you decide to celebrate this day together with your loved one, then you need to start organizing the evening. Be sure to take care of preparing a romantic dinner. If possible, create the atmosphere of your first date. Try to come up with an original idea for the celebration, or use the options below.

Organize an improvised cinema in your apartment or house. Decide on a movie, preferably about love and setting you in a romantic mood. Place a small table with drinks and fruits next to the sofa.

After watching the film, you can prepare notes with desires: kiss, confess your love, say a compliment, find out why your half fell in love with you, etc.

If you have the skills to work with graphics and multimedia programs, then you can create a short video from your photos, from the first meeting to today. Ideal if you create a photo album dedicated to Valentine's Day. Start taking pictures in the morning when you bring your loved one coffee to bed.

Relaxing evening

It is better for a woman to organize such a celebration option, since she is better versed in spa procedures. To do this, you need to prepare various incense, candles, and choose soothing music. A relaxing atmosphere should reign this evening.

First, prepare your bath. The water temperature should not exceed 38 degrees. It is not recommended to eat 2 hours before water procedures. It is not advisable to use shampoos and gels.

Essential oils, sea salt can be added to the bathroom. If you want to cheer up your soul mate, then you can use ginger, cinnamon or lemon. Such aromas tone the skin, normalize the nervous system and pressure, and relieve muscle tension.

If you need to relieve fatigue, then it is best to use extracts of jasmine, lavender, rosewood. And the smell of grapefruit, tangerine, rosemary allows you to refresh your thoughts.

Don't forget about aphrodisiacs, because the evening should be passionate and sensual. Nerole, patchouli or sandalwood oil is suitable for this.

After water procedures, give your partner a massage, just do not overdo it, as the half can completely relax and fall asleep.

Evening with erotic notes

Many couples may think this idea is vulgar, but don't jump to a conclusion. An erotic evening will diversify everyday days and innovate relationships. After all, one of the special moments of a couple is passion and the appearance of feelings.

If you wish, you can change your usual environment and rent a hotel room. Of course, the development of the festive evening will depend on the emancipation of partners and their imaginations.

A woman needs to choose an elegant dress and wear sexy underwear, taking into account the tastes of the loved one. You can start with an oriental dance. The flowing and simple movements fascinate men. Gradually, the dance can turn into a striptease.

According to Freud, the way to a man's heart is not through his stomach, but through beautiful underwear, high-heeled shoes and stockings. And if all this is combined with elegant movements, then the partner will be simply bewitched.

Most couples in love do not use anything other than a romantic dinner. Therefore, turn on your imagination, and even minor changes from the traditional evening at the table will pleasantly surprise your soul mate.

Valentine's Day surprises

Not only a man, but also a woman should arrange surprises and buy gifts on Valentine's Day. Therefore, everyone should come up with something original. Several ideas will be suggested below, so you can use them.

  1. An impromptu restaurant in the house. Decorate the kitchen with balls, joint photos. The girl can act as a waitress, and desires or kisses can be the payment for the food.
  2. Many people dream of skydiving. Valentine's Day is great for making that dream come true. Ideally, if the parachutes are made in the form of hearts. And if you do not like extreme sports and prefer a romantic atmosphere, then just buy a hot air balloon flight.
  3. A T-shirt or a mug with a photo of a loved one is considered a banal gift. However, you can hide it in the house, and your partner will look for it according to prompts.
  4. If a young man orders the delivery of a gorgeous bouquet to his girlfriend at work, she will jump for joy.
  5. While your loved one is at work, decorate your apartment in a romantic style.
  6. Confess your feelings in an original way. You can put a name or words of love under the windows using balloons, candles or flowers.
  7. If financially possible, book a table at an expensive restaurant.
  8. Women are more emotional, so if the husband cleans up the apartment and wash all the dishes, it will be a pleasant surprise. And if the partner also cooks dinner with his own hands, then the girl will be completely delighted.

If you have been in a relationship for a long time, then any sign of attention on this day will be a pleasant surprise.

What to give loved ones on the day of February 14

Today, the main problem on Valentine's Day is the choice of gifts for a loved one. It is difficult to decide on a present even for those couples who have known each other for a long time.

When choosing a gift, you need to determine the amount that you can spend. It is also important to consider the tastes and preferences of a loved one. Cheerful gifts will be inappropriate, because this is not April Fool's Day.

The presentation should not highlight the person's flaws. It is also not recommended to present underwear and alcohol. Animals can only be donated when the partner asks for it. After all, not everyone is ready to take on the responsibility of caring for a dog or cat.

Gifts for a guy

If your chosen one is not yet 18 years old, then you can give him a computer game or a disc. If possible, invite him to a sporting event, concert, or amusement park.

Young people under 25 can buy modern gadgets, electronics and accessories. For example, it can be an electronic notebook, a smartphone, an original flash drive.

Older men will be happy with practical things. If he holds a prestigious position, then it is advisable to donate a leather briefcase, stylish pen, organizer, cufflinks, watches.

If you have been dating a guy for a long time or are married to him, then make a photo gift. The subject of the pictures should be personal, you can make an engraving, write your wishes. He will keep such a present for a long time.

It's important to note that men take finance seriously. Therefore, if you give him an expensive thing, then he will certainly look for a gift for you that costs no less. In some cases, such material issues can lead to serious disagreements. Therefore, you need to know when to stop, because a gift made with love is more expensive than any expensive thing.

It is best to give your spouse stylish jewelry or branded clothing.

Gifts for the girl

The fair sex prefers to receive romantic things on Valentine's Day. It is not recommended to buy household items or appliances, otherwise, she may be offended. Therefore, you need to turn on your imagination and fantasy.

If you are dating a girl for a short time, then on February 14 it is better to give her cute, inexpensive and pleasant trinkets. Flowers and soft toys are ideal. At the same time, do not forget a card with wishes and words of love.

Some men are not serious about gifts, so they buy a large number of things for their woman, while forgetting about a simple bouquet of flowers. However, many ladies don't like this approach. The gift should be presented with feelings.

Don't buy hygiene products or underwear. Such a present may be misjudged. Such gifts can only be presented if the girl asks you to.

There is a misconception that girls do not need to give practical things. Of course, it is better not to buy kitchen utensils, but she will be very happy with an author's or stylish coffee mug.

If you find it difficult to decide on a gift, then a certificate for a trip to a hairdresser or spa salon would be a win-win option.

The wife is encouraged to give more solid gifts. In this case, you will not get by with a postcard and a bouquet of flowers. It is better for the spouse to give jewelry, preferably with a romantic design. Another good option is to buy an expensive fur coat. If you have already presented all of these things, then buy a tourist trip.

Don't forget that DIY items are always a good gift. You also need to take care of the beautiful design.

How to organize a romantic dinner

On Valentine's Day, many couples celebrate together at a festive table. If you do not have the opportunity to book a table in a restaurant, then you can prepare your own dinner.

You need to create a romantic atmosphere in the apartment. If you have children, then you need to ask your relatives to sit with them one evening, and adult children can be sent on vacation.

Do not set the table in the kitchen, it is better to set it in the bedroom or living room. If you have a large bathroom with a jacuzzi, then you can organize dinner in that too.

Whatever room you choose, you must definitely decorate it. Experts say that design plays a significant role and affects a person's mood.

The easiest way is to buy balloons, preferably in the shape of a heart. It is recommended to choose balls of red, white, gold or pink color. These shades look beautiful by candlelight.

To decorate the room, you can also use various ribbons, bows, light fabrics. And, of course, there must be flowers, on Valentine's Day it is better to buy roses. If a girl is organizing the holiday, then you should not buy flowers, since the young man will come with a bouquet anyway.

Candles create a special atmosphere. Subdued shimmering light adjusts to a romantic mood. But when buying candles, you need to take into account the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe room, since a large amount can burn oxygen and it will be stuffy in the room. 2-3 candlesticks will be enough.

The smell of the room is also important. The room should not smell like cooked meat or fish. Therefore, the apartment needs to be ventilated, and then use an aromatic lamp. It is important that the aroma is barely perceptible, otherwise, it will simply "choke". Experts recommend using the scent of bergamot, cinnamon, vanilla, jasmine or orange.

Think carefully about your table setting. Use a festive tablecloth and beautiful napkins that can be arranged in a heart shape. Do not use disposable dishes, glasses and plates should be special. If necessary, buy a festive set for this occasion.

Do not overdo it with the decoration of the table, because all the dishes should fit on it. It is impractical to put the bouquet on the table; a small vase with one rose is suitable for this.

Decide on the music for the evening. Listen to several songs and choose the most suitable one that you and your man like.

Food should be satisfying but light. Try to cook something unusual and exotic. Agree that dumplings with mayonnaise will not set you up for a romantic mood? Make a couple of salads, a few snacks, and one main course.

Choose an outfit to match the created atmosphere. Some couples make the mistake of celebrating February 14 in home clothes. Girls also need manicure and beautiful hair.

Organizing a romantic holiday is troublesome, but a loved one will be grateful for such a surprise.

Fast and simple menu for the holiday

If you want to quickly prepare dishes for a romantic dinner, then first you need to decide on the menu. Ideally, the table should contain:

  • Hot dish.
  • Snacks and salads.
  • Dessert.
  • Beverages.

You need to approach the preparation of the main dish with great responsibility. It is not recommended to use recipes for everyday days. There are many options for holiday dishes, and they can be prepared by any hostess, even without culinary experience. Bake or fish, make meatloaf, fried calamari, rabbit in sour cream, meat in sauce, etc.

Snacks and salads are also a must. It is recommended to prepare for dinner with light snacks so as not to be distracted by them anymore. You can make rolls, sushi, Caesar salad, Neptune, Prague, salmon tartare, creamy mousse,.

Dessert can be absolutely any, but preferably low-calorie. Delight your loved one with baked apples, ice cream with strawberries, fruit salad or canapes, cottage cheese dessert, chocolate or fruit jelly, pears in wine.

You can also pick up simple recipes on our website.

Valentine's day story video

Despite the fact that the holiday of all lovers came to us from the West relatively recently, we should not neglect it. This day is another reason to once again express your feelings for your loved one. It is not so important how you can organize a holiday and prepare dinner, the main thing is that your partner will definitely appreciate such attention.

Have a nice holiday and sincere feelings!

Catch the romantic mood in the little things! To do this, it is not at all necessary to re-glue the bedroom with pink wallpaper. Your assistants are colored paper, scissors, pen, thread and glue stick. The algorithm is simple: we cut out the hearts, write on them confessions, warm words, memories and everything else that in a fit of tenderness I want to say to your partner. We fix the hearts on strings and hang them from the ceiling or cornices.

Or breakfast. Or lure your other half for lunch! No borscht and goulash (although we know that the sacred power of love is in them), we will change the usual diet in favor of unusual taste sensations. Feeling like a superstar in the kitchen? Then experiment with spices. But do not bake a goose or roe: after a hearty meal, the continuation of a romantic rendezvous may be in jeopardy.

It is not necessary to give something impressive: on Valentine's Day, you can get off with a simple, but at the same time original present. For example, homemade certificates for the other half: for a massage, taking a bath out of turn during the week, homemade pizza on Saturdays and the obligatory breakfast in bed. Of course, all these desires will have to be fulfilled, but what cannot be done for the sake of love! Even an omelet at seven in the morning.

Choose for yourself and your other half such clothes that will complement the evening and make something memorable out of the usual routine with dinner and TV shows. It doesn't matter what it is: special lingerie, pajamas pajamas or hot dog costume.

Do you want the evening to be romantic and exciting? Set the rules of the game right out of the box. Think over the quest: spread notes around the apartment with directions for your partner. Start in the hallway, in the first task, ask to shout about your love for you! Next is the kitchen: a small, neatly folded piece of paper with a task can be left at the bottom of a plate with dessert (however, there is a risk that the piece of paper will be eaten in excitement, and then another quest will begin). The third is in a glass of sparkling wine, the fourth is on the way to the bedroom. The main prize of this epic, of course, will be you.

A non-trivial way to relax: take colored bath salts or dry dyes and glitters from the store to make a bath with cosmic shades of water. If such experiments are in your life for the first time, it is better to test all the ingredients and their proportions up to the moment X. Otherwise, there is a risk that after water procedures the bath will remain multi-colored and shiny. One more thing: do not take a bath in advance - only walruses can relax in cold water.

Have you been together for several years? February 14 is a great day to remember past feats. Print photos from past birthdays, travels and other interesting events. Is there a picture of a birthday cake being thrown in a friend's face? Or did your gentleman get stung by a jellyfish five minutes ago, and in this photo his face is sour than a lemon? Fine! Get the garland out of the bag if you have already cleaned it up after the New Year. Attach your photographs to clothespins and hang the garland on the wall or curtain rod. It will be fun and cute.

Let someone say that Valentine's Day is not our Russian holiday at all. It’s not even about national specifics, but how often we say to our soulmate “I love you” and how often we stop among the bustle of quickly replacing each other in order to devote a little time and attention to those who are dear to our hearts.

Valentine's Day on February 14 is a great reason to spend time with your loved ones, say again (after all, this is so important!) Three simple and warm words, bring a little romance into life and again feel the thrill and excitement of how wonderful it is, how it is still joyful to love and be loved.

Romantic ideas for February 14 - Valentine's Day and all lovers

1. Breakfast in bed
Start the day pleasantly for you and your spouse - organize a romantic breakfast. Of course, on Wednesday mornings, many people need to run to work, so many can only dream of a leisurely romantic breakfast in bed on this day, however, even a cup of hot tea or coffee with fresh buns and sweets (after all, the sweetest holiday of the year) will provide you and your half with a wonderful mood for the whole day!

2. Gifts for Valentine's Day, valentines

Exchange small gifts and valentines, even a small gift is a sign of attention, and love is a feeling greedy for attention, you know.

You can make a Valentine's card with your own hands - it's very simple, and a couple of lines about love written in your own hand are also welcome - words that we often do not have time to say in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

And even more pleasant - to write a short poem about love - of your own composition or something that has sunk into your soul.

On this day, a heart-shaped box of chocolates will be a wonderful gift - sweet gifts are loved not only by beautiful ladies!

For Valentine's Day, pairings are a great gift for lovers - for example, mugs with your names to drink morning coffee together.

A gift for February 14 is both simple and difficult to choose at the same time - you always want to impress your chosen one or darling with an original choice, but the main thing in this case is to be guided by what your heart says when choosing a gift.

After all, the main thing today is to give strong emotions and good memories that will refresh feelings and show your loved one that you need him and that he is dear.

Be sure to take a bath for Valentine's Day together - please your soul mate.

Candles, champagne, sweets and fruits, romantic music - all this will create a festive atmosphere for two on this wonderful evening.

Dinner in a romantic place, by candlelight, special menu and atmosphere. The best option for February 14 is, after all, to dine in a cafe or restaurant. Going out somewhere together is always pleasant and there is no eternal question about who and what will cook and wash the dishes: let everyday life wait.

But if you wish, you can arrange a romantic candlelight dinner at home - if this is a variety for your relationship.

An exquisitely served table, beautiful dishes, a lot of red - after all, it is considered traditional for Valentine's Day, delicious food, light dessert and ... watching a beautiful movie about love. This scenario of an evening for two is also very good.

What movie to watch on Valentine's Day? The choice here depends on your personal preference and the interests of your loved one. We can recommend watching the touching film "Julie and Julia" with Meryl Streep.

“And I understood - this is her ... Julia ... My only ...
You are the butter on my bread ... The breath of my life ...
I love you, my girl ... Happy Valentine's Day ... "

Such words were said to his wife by one of the heroes of this film.

We were inspired to create this recording by the design workshop of Natalia Grishaenkova.

Good evening, dear friends!

On the nose we already have February 14 - Valentine's Day, or, in another way, it is also called Valentine's Day. Although this is a secular holiday, it is imperative to congratulate each other and confess your love and warm feelings.

We have already discussed with you how you can decorate the interior for this holiday and give mementos in the article about.

And today we will talk about one more attribute of this heartfelt holiday - a romantic menu for a dinner for two. More precisely, consider the recipes for light snacks and dishes that will saturate, but not weigh down the stomach.

You also need to take care of a place for spending the evening, candles, pleasant music, serving dishes. All together with delicious dishes will create the desired romantic mood and pleasantly surprise your soul mate.

It is worth noting that many recipes contain aphrodisiac products that generate a burning desire for love and increase libido.

It is these delicious and passionate recipes that I took into account in my interesting menu. And what kind of ingredients they are - you will find out further in the menu. A wide selection of recipes gives you the opportunity to choose and prepare something interesting and the most delicious for your taste for a romantic dinner.

Therefore, for your convenience, there is the content of the menu, which can instantly move you to the choice of the recipe you like.

Delicate salad "Boats" with shrimps

Avocado is a powerful aphrodisiac for men. This fruit contains useful elements and vitamins for men's health.

Therefore, in the list of must-have cold appetizers, you can include this delicious salad of avocado and boiled shrimp. The salad is served in the skin of the fruit itself.

We need:

  • Avocado - 2 large fruits;
  • Shrimp - 300 gr.;
  • Lemon or lime juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Making a dressing for the dish. To do this, mix citrus juice and mayonnaise in a separate container. Salt and pepper to your liking.
  2. We cut the fruit vertically and take out the bone. Using a tablespoon, peel the pulp from the skin so as not to damage the halves. We need whole boats.
  3. Cut the pulp into a bowl. Add shrimp.
  4. Shrimp, if small, need not be cut. They will look organic anyway. But the large ones will have to be cut.
  5. We fill everything with sauce and lay out on the prepared boats. We serve to the table.

Julienne with mushrooms and sour cream according to the classic recipe

We need:

  • Fresh mushrooms (aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms) - 300 gr.;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.;
  • Sour cream - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • Bay leaf - 3 leaves;
  • Black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • Nutmeg - 1 pinch
  • Salt - 1 pinch

Canapes with cheese and olives on skewers

Canape is translated from French as "small, tiny". And, as always, the French have aptly named small snacks - sandwiches that fit easily in your mouth.

The base of the canapé is a piece of bread, on which more ingredients are planted. And what kind - depends on the imagination of the culinary experts.

I offer you 2 small recipes for simple canapes that will look harmonious both on the table and in the tummy.

Option number 1.

We need:

  • Bell pepper
  • Ham
  • Skewers
  1. We cut the bread into small pieces measuring 2.5 x 2.5 cm each.
  2. Cut the ham into thin slices and place on bread slices. It can also be cut on a slicer and then folded in half.
  3. Put cheese, also cut into small pieces, on top.
  4. Peel the bell peppers and cut them into pieces. We put these pieces on top of all the sandwiches and fasten each sandwich with a skewer.
  5. Put the canapes on a flat plate.

Option number 1.

We need:

  • Hard cheese
  • Olives
  • Tangerines
  • Grape
  • Skewers

This two-ingredient canapé recipe is even easier. To do this, cut the cheese into small pieces and put either a slice of tangerine, or an olive or grape on top.

We fasten everything with a skewer and transfer it to a flat plate.

Lavash rolls with red fish

You can prepare such rolls by taking red caviar instead of red fish. She is also a powerful aphrodisiac.

We need:

  • Thin Armenian lavash
  • Red fish or caviar
  • Chopped herbs (dill, parsley, green onions)
  • Processed cheese
  • Lemon juice
  1. Apply a thin layer of melted cheese to the pita bread.
  2. Sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs on top.
  3. Place the red fish in thin slices and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  4. We wrap the lavash in a tube and wrap it with cling film. We put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. We take out and cut the roll into 3-4 cm pieces on a large dish. We serve to the table.

Pancakes with milk in the shape of a valentine

A lover of pancakes can be pleased with such masterpieces. We choose a recipe for a delicious dough from the article about and work wonders in a frying pan.

Just stock up on a special convenient container with a narrow spout. By type as below in the photo.

It will be convenient to pour the dough from such a bottle directly into a hot frying pan.

I wish you success in your imagination and bon appetit!

Italian pizza in the shape of a heart

If you have the time and desire, then you can cook delicious Italian pizza for your beloved half. Yes, not just round, but in the form of a heart.

At the sight of such a dish, a loved one will immediately understand about your ardent feelings and will not remain in debt.

Well, dream up with the filling yourself. You can put everything you find in the refrigerator: sausage, pickled mushrooms, olives, pickles and sprinkle everything generously with hard cheese!

Oven chicken wings in nut-soy sauce

A wonderful appetizer for a festive table! And chicken is generally the most affordable product. Therefore, we take on arms and prepare!

We will need:

  • Chicken wings - 1 kg.;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • Sunflower oil for frying - 3 tsp;
  • Grape jam - 3 tablespoons;
  • Peanut butter - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Water - 2 tablespoons;
  • Soy sauce - 1 tablespoon;
  • Roasted peanuts for decoration.
  1. Combine the grape jam, peanut butter, water, and soy sauce in a small saucepan or enamel dipper. Cook over low heat until smooth.
  2. Grape jam can be safely replaced with honey. And olive oil will help you replace peanut butter if you don't have one at home.

  3. Take a bowl and mix the chicken wings with flour.
  4. Pour oil on a baking sheet and heat the oven to 180-200 degrees Celsius.
  5. Fry the chicken wings for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.
  6. We take out the wings and put them on a plate. Then pour our sauce. We serve to the table.

Cheese fondue and chocolate fondue

If you have a fondue set at home, then you are guaranteed an interesting pastime.

For the cheese fondue, grate the hard cheese and melt it in a small saucepan. And then pour into a fondue container, light a candle under it to keep the cheese in a liquid state. And dip tasty products with forks, for example, white bread cut into small pieces.

We carry out the same manipulations with chocolate fondue. But instead of cheese, we take chocolate, chop it finely and melt it in a saucepan. Then pour it into a fondue pot as well.

Here I note that dark bitter chocolate improves mood and also works as a delicious aphrodisiac for women.

As attachments for a fork, I suggest cutting fruits, preparing cookies or marshmallows.

We enjoy a pleasant and tasty activity, as well as a one-on-one conversation with each other.

Shortbread cookies "Ardent hearts"

The day before, you can bake delicious crunchy sugar cookies in the shape of hearts.

  • Flour - 300 gr.;
  • Butter - 150 gr.;
  • Sugar - 120 gr;
  • Egg yolk - 3 pcs.;
  • Cocoa - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 tsp
  1. Whisk the yolks in a deep bowl with sugar and vanilla sugar.
  2. Knead the softened butter with a fork, add to the yolks and mix.
  3. Sift flour through a sieve and knead hard shortcrust pastry /
  4. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts. Add cocoa to one part through a sieve and knead to get a uniform chocolate dough. We make 2 koloboks from 2 parts and put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  5. We take out koloboks from the dough and roll each kolobok with a rolling pin on a smooth surface. The thickness of the layer is about 5-7 mm. Cut out the hearts using a mold.
  6. If you wish, you can gently mix the koloboks so that later you get marble cookies.
  7. We also roll out the rest of the dough into a layer on a new one and cut out new hearts until the dough is over. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Put the buttons on a baking sheet, where the tracing paper for baking is already lined and put in the oven to bake. We bake for about 20 minutes.
  8. Cool the finished cookies and put them on a plate. Can be served with tea or coffee.

Chocolate covered strawberries

Another dessert with chocolate.

Such a juicy and tasty berry like strawberry is like a heart in itself. You can serve it simply on a plate, or you can make a little effort and a spicy dish will come out - chocolate-covered strawberries.

To do this, melt the chocolate and dip each berry into it. Leave it for a while to freeze the chocolate.

Serve with dessert wine. We are blissful!

Fruit salad "2 hearts in love"

Delicate dessert that will not spoil your figure. It is good with any wine.

We need:

  • Raspberries
  • Grape
  • Strawberry
  • A pineapple
  • Fruit syrup

We clean the fruits, cut into small pieces, except for raspberries. We lay out in bowls. If possible, purchase salad bowls in the shape of hearts.

Pour any fruit syrup on top and serve.

You can do without a salad. The main thing is to serve fruit correctly - for Valentine's Day.

Mulled wine from white wine according to the classic recipe

Smoothly, you and I moved on to drinks .. I chose special recipes that warm both body and soul - hot wine with spices. Because Valentine's Day falls in the winter. The time when you want hot hugs, hot kisses and warming drinks.

In addition, wine relaxes and adjusts to a relaxed and light atmosphere.

We need:

  • Dry white wine - 750 ml. (1 bottle);
  • Sugar sand - 2-3 tbsp.;
  • Carnation buds - 4-5 pcs.;
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • Lemon - 2-3 slices.
  1. We put all the spices and lemon in a heat-resistant dish.
  2. Uncork the wine and add to the spices. We put on fire.
  3. While stirring, bring the wine with spices to 75 degrees. If there is no food thermometer, then we determine the readiness of mulled wine by the appearance of small bubbles.
  4. Remove the mulled wine from the heat and let it brew for 15 to 20 minutes. Add sugar and stir.
  5. We filter through a strainer into glasses, decorate with a cinnamon stick and a lemon wedge and serve.

Strawberry margarita - recipe video

Want to make a delicious and relaxing cocktail? Watching the video.

Oriental coffee recipe and interesting coffee serving

Finally, you can serve coffee or start Valentine's Day with delicious aromatic coffee. Oh, I just love its unrivaled scent! And yes, scientists have determined what is useful than harmful. But it should be a real drink, brewed in a Turk, and not instant.

How to make real oriental coffee in a Turk?

  1. We put coffee beans into the mill.
  2. Grind into very fine grains.
  3. We put a teaspoon with a slide in the Turk. I have a Turk for 250 ml. Add salt there at once on the tip of the knife. It is better to use coarse sea salt.
  4. Shake the Turku with coffee and salt to mix.
  5. Fill with cold, preferably even ice-cold clean water.
  6. We put on a very slow fire.
  7. As soon as foam appears, remove from heat and pour into cups.

It is important not to digest. Otherwise, the drink will lose all its taste and aroma.

And here is an interesting option for serving cappuccino coffee from a coffee machine. For this method, you can make a heart-shaped stencil and sprinkle cinnamon on top.

In conclusion, I want to say that if your half loves you sincerely, then they will gladly appreciate your efforts.

I wish you sincere and mutual love, warm and tender feelings, bright, positive emotions!

A gift is very important, but not all that needs to be done on Valentine's Day for your significant other. Take advantage of the advice of our experts and arrange a bright and unforgettable celebration of loving hearts!

February 14 is, perhaps, the only holiday of the year when it is not enough just to hand over a gift and say a few beautiful words. We propose to work on the entourage and prepare a real romantic surprise for your soul mate.


The classic of romantic surprises is breakfast in bed. It's wonderful when February 14 falls on a weekend and breakfast can be stretched out to lunch if you want, but even the express option on a workday will cheer you both up.

Prepare scrambled eggs, pancakes, or heart-shaped toast using a skillet or heart-shaped pan. If you don't know how to cook, just put the berries in heart-shaped bowls, make coffee and serve croissants. Do not forget about flowers: they can be presented in a small vase or glass. Another, no less romantic option is to arrange the petals on a breakfast tray.

Stock up on the necessary utensils in advance: you will need forms, pans, plates and mugs with hearts and, of course, breakfast tables in bed.

Love story

It will take you a couple of evenings to prepare this romantic surprise. You will need your joint photos (the more there are, the better), a video editing program (for example, Movie Maker, Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere; any other will do), (there you will find video tutorials on how to make a video from the photo) and a little perseverance.

Choose the best shots and create a beautiful story out of them using the appropriate effects, transitions and elements that video editing software offers. Check out a few videos from the internet for inspiration. And, of course, do not forget to include your favorite lyric composition into the film.

Invite your soul mate to the traditional viewing of the series, make yourself comfortable, grab a bottle of champagne with a couple of glasses and "accidentally" turn on your movie with a love story - an evening filled with pleasant memories, tenderness and romance is guaranteed!

The next idea doesn't require video editing skills. An original gift - - can be made for a loved one with your own hands.

Romance in the interior

The easiest way to surprise your loved one or loved one is to decorate your home in the spirit of Valentine's Day. However, if your fantasy plays out properly, this method may not be so easy. Here are some ready-made ideas to help you create a romantic atmosphere in your home.

Doors and walls can be decorated with heart wreaths.

Such a chic wreath can be made from unnecessary red or pink scraps. Here you will find a detailed one. Using this scheme, you can make several hearts that are completely different from each other from rags of different shades and textures.

There is also a more sophisticated option - such a heart can be made from thin paper (for example, papyrus paper) or from colored tracing paper. In this case, you will have to work hard on each element separately: first you need to make paper pompons, and then connect them together in a special way to make a heart. You can read more about this option in our master class.

A lot of colored paper and a figured hole punch in the shape of a heart will help you make a rain of hearts - romance will literally be in the air.

And, of course, garlands! How without them? In our section you will find 6 different ideas for making garlands with hearts - from the simplest ones to those that you will have to work hard on. In addition to garlands, there are several other interesting options - heart-embroidered pillows, tea towels with heart prints and many other romantic things.

For those who do not have time for handicrafts and creating a romantic atmosphere using handmade items, we also have several options. For example, new bed linen with hearts, beautiful flowers or just the appropriate color - red or pink - will help to "revive" the interior of your bedroom on Valentine's Day. Arrange flowers in vases or ready-made flower arrangements, heart-shaped candles (it is better to use scented ones with your favorite scents) - and a festive atmosphere is guaranteed. Another great option to "fill" the whole apartment with hearts is helium balloons. They look really festive, and some of them are able to fly in the air for up to two weeks.

And again ... first date?

This may not be entirely a surprise - an idea like this will require preparation from both of you, but it will be worth it. The point is to recreate your first date with emotion.

Book a table at the same restaurant, try to choose similar clothes, buy a similar bouquet, walk the same route, try to recall the dialogues, your shyness and embarrassment, trepidation and some awkwardness in your memory. All this will be really sweet and touching, you can again feel the spark that ignited the flame of love in you (especially if you are an experienced couple, and this flame is no longer as blazing as it was several years ago).

Tender confessions

How often do we tell a loved one about love in everyday life, that he is dear to us and how we value him? Unfortunately, over the years it gets smaller. Let's fix that, February 14th is a great excuse! Write your significant other a real love letter, let it be a whole letter (only on paper, not email)! You can put it in a mailbox or in a folder with documents, leave it on the table next to your cooked breakfast. If the letter is read at a time when you are not around, when you meet you are guaranteed shining eyes, a sea of ​​tenderness, hugs and kisses.

Instead of one big letter, you can spread out in different places small notes with separate phrases "I love you for what you ...", the more reasons for love you come up with, the more pleasant it will be for your beloved or beloved.

You can write notes on the bathroom mirror, on stickers attached to the refrigerator, you can put a photo with you and a note in your hands on his desktop, put valentines in his clothes pockets, in a wallet, on a car seat, and so on. You can write notes with declarations of love in different languages ​​of the world, draw hearts, leave traces of kisses with lipstick.

Spa night

This type of romantic home gathering, which is very popular in the West, is almost unknown in our country, although the idea seems to be quite interesting. A girl can independently organize such a surprise for her beloved. On the contrary, it is unlikely, and now you will understand why.

In order to thoroughly prepare for a spa night, you need to have a good idea of ​​what a spa is and understand salon procedures, which, you see, not every man can boast of. This means that this time he relaxes, and you are required to properly organize and implement everything. Who knows, maybe next time he will finally agree to go to the salon for procedures with you.

Prepare scented candles or incense, turn on pleasant music, try to create a relaxing atmosphere at home: you can make paths of flower petals leading from the bath to the areas you have designated for treatments. Your spa evening for your loved one can start with a relaxing bath (use bath bombs, aromatic oils, body scrubs, make herbal tea). You can take a bath together or leave your loved one to relax, and go to prepare the following procedures (it can be a manicure, pedicure, all kinds of masks and wraps that can be done at home).

You can finish the treatment with a relaxing massage. Be prepared for the fact that after all this, your significant other will fall asleep in a sound and restful sleep of a baby.

If you like the idea of ​​a spa, but are not ready for the difficulties of organizing the process, choose ready-made options.

Sweet love

What's Valentine's Day without sweets? When it comes to cooking something, we, again, turn to girls first of all, since traditionally they are the ones who do the best with culinary wisdom. Although in the next paragraph, we have come up with something for men.

So, to make your favorite cake or pie look more festive on February 14, you can give it a heart shape using the following scheme: bake one part (for example, a biscuit) in the shape of a square, and make the other, traditional, round. Then cut the circle in half and attach a square biscuit to two adjacent edges. And then everything is as usual - cream, jewelry.

Attention: for men only!

We thought that we should not underestimate the abilities of men - after all, there are simple recipes that are suitable even for representatives of the stronger sex who are not prepared for the kitchen. Here is a video recipe that men simply have to cope with. So, sneak into the kitchen, and while your loved one is not at home, create your first culinary masterpiece, using this video as a guide.

Even in such a household place as a kitchen, you can create a romantic atmosphere: dim the lights, pour wine into glasses, hug while cutting vegetables, spoon-feed each other, reward your loved one with kisses for successful culinary discoveries.

Decorate your dish as beautifully as it is done in a restaurant, put it in the best dish and cover ... the floor! Yes, it’s the floor, but not in the kitchen, but in the living room or bedroom. Have a picnic right on the floor: cover it with a blanket, throw pillows, light candles, turn on lyric music. Enjoy socializing and delicious food. And when dinner is over, you can play a little.

For joint cooking, you will need original aprons.

Games for lovers

There are many ready-made scenarios for games on Valentine's Day (they, of course, can be modified and adjusted, coming up with something of your own). You can start playing even a few days before the holiday. Agree to save up kisses: a partner kisses a partner when he hears the word "love", and she - when he hears the word "chocolate", pronounce these words casually in a variety of situations. In the "x hour" you can compare the number of "correct" kisses and choose the winner who receives the massage (another option is the loser is performing an erotic dance).

You can arrange a real quest to find a gift or ask your partner to guess what awaits him as a gift by offering insignificant clues in the form of notes spread out in the most unexpected places. Write your beloved certificates for kisses, hugs, strokes, erotic massages or any other actions pleasant to your partner - he can use this gift at any time during the year (or all at once in one evening).

Another game: paint kisses on each other's bodies with lipstick or confectionery paints (you can use chocolate, jam, cream) and kiss each print on the partner's body in turn.

If you decide to watch a movie this evening, make watching more fun. Agree that when the actors in the film do something (for example, when the characters in the movie eat, laugh, dress, shoot, or drive a car), you will kiss.

We hope these ideas will help make your Valentine's Day unforgettable!