Wedding dresses for overweight girls: choose styles and accessories. How to choose a wedding dress for fat brides

Any woman wants to be beautiful, even if she has flaws in her figure. Properly selected clothes will help you to look great with a non-standard figure.

Each lady has at least one "problem spot" in her figure. Women try to lose weight with diets. But few people know that dieting can be dangerous.

Often, after a diet, a girl gains even more weight, and new health and body problems appear. It is much safer and more fun to hide your flaws with the right clothes.

Hiding figure flaws correctly

With the help of clothes, you can hide from four to eight kilograms of excess weight. There should be harmony in everything. The legs should appear to be the same length as the torso, or slightly longer.

It looks ugly when the hips are wider than the shoulders, and the upper body is shorter than the lower one. It is necessary to hide figure flaws correctly, and then you can create a proportionally folded and visually beautiful body.

What clothes should full girls wear?

  • it is contraindicated to fasten all the buttons on a dress or jacket
  • clothes with wide and even vertical stripes
  • tight dresses
  • contrast clothing
  • small scarves
  • large jewelry
  • stand collar

So, what kind of clothes should full girls wear? In outerwear, the contours of the body should be outlined softly. Fit oblique seam lines, on pockets and fasteners. An elongated collar and a V-neck that lengthens the neck are suitable. Matte shades of the material will look great, and cool tones make the figure more slender.

Tip: Wear wide scarves, oversized shawls, and small jewelry. This will give the image a neatness and visually remove extra pounds.

How to hide the sides and belly with clothes?

With a few tricks, you can achieve incredible success in finding the right clothes for yourself. How to hide the sides and belly with clothes?

  • Wear dresses in dark colors and ditch white, pink and blue
  • Be careful with printed clothing. If the drawing is located in the abdomen, then he will focus on this area.
  • Give preference to dresses and skirts made of heavy fabrics. Lightweight material will highlight all the flaws of the figure
  • Do not emphasize the waist, especially with a wide belt. Dresses should be with oblique and other interesting lines that add chic to the image and distract attention from the abdomen and sides
  • If you have beautiful breasts, wear plunging dresses and blouses.
  • Ruffles on the stomach, large vertical flounces from the neck to the bottom of the dress, loose fit - these are the main commandments in order to successfully hide figure flaws in the abdomen and sides

Dress models that hide figure flaws

Every woman wants to wear dresses, even if she has extra pounds. Indeed, in a dress, a lady looks feminine and spectacular. There are several models of dresses that hide figure flaws:

  • Empire dress. Distinctive features of this model are the high waist, underbust seam and flared hem.

  • Trapezium. Slinky top and loose hem. The fabric should be light and flowy

  • Bustier. A lady with a beautiful neckline and breasts is suitable. Inflated bodice with or without shoulder straps. Knee length

  • Dress in the "Shirt" style. Straight fit, buttons. You can add a thin belt

  • Greek style. Loose fit, drape and slight slouch in the belly area

  • Kimono. The dress of this model repeats the cut of a kimono - loose fit

How to hide leg imperfections?

In this case, color, print, style and fabric matter.

1. When choosing tights, give preference to beige and white tones. This technique is suitable for thin legs.

2. Uneven legs will be invisible if you wear loose trousers. Skirt-year, flared at the bottom, suits the owners of U-shaped legs

3. Short legs will become visually longer if the girl wears mini, shoes with heels and tights to match the shoes

These techniques will help hide leg imperfections. The main thing is, do not be afraid to experiment.

Clothing that hides figure flaws. Photo

TIP: Throw out dresses with wide belts, jeans and leggings.

Clothes that hide figure flaws include the following models:

  • Tulip dresses
  • Dresses with slant lines
  • Dresses with underbust seams
  • Trousers with arrows in combination with shirts in dark colors
  • Loose cardigans
  • Clothes with patch pockets, ruffles and pleats on skirts
  • Asymmetry

Photos will allow you to choose a wardrobe for any occasion in life.

How to hide crooked legs

Hide crooked legs with long skirts of different styles and wide trousers - classic, flared down.

How to hide full legs

Long skirts and dresses, wide trousers are clothes that need to be worn to hide full legs.

Important: If you have massive hips, then wide leg pants are not for you. They can only emphasize this flaw. Opt for classics made from good dense fabrics that keep their shape.

How to hide thin legs

Young girls can wear light or white tights with a large pattern.

Thin ankles are a virtue worth showing off. You can hide thin legs with cropped trousers.

IMPORTANT: You will open your ankles, distracting attention from the lean tops of your legs.

How to hide sides with clothes

Wear tight-fitting underwear. It is easy to hide the sides with this garment. The bra, panties, bodysuit or corset must be of good quality. Good slimming underwear will help drive out complexes and mask a big belly and excess on the sides. Beautiful posture adds beauty and confidence. No one will think of a woman that she is plump if she walks in heels and with a radiant smile!

How to hide big hands

Graceful hand lines can be created with the perfect wardrobe. Clothes with 3/4 sleeves will help to hide large hands. In this case, attention will be focused on the wrists, which are the thinnest area of ​​the hand. An extended sleeve, natural fabrics, massive bracelets - all this will create an excellent contrast with a wide upper arm.

Dresses hiding full arms

Sleeves on dresses should cover the arms. A woman with such flaws should give up straps, fluffy ruffles and folds. Dresses hiding full arms are sleeve up to the elbow or 3/4.

How to hide a long neck

Bulky scarves and large scarves, a round neckline on clothes, bows and ruffles at the top of blouses and dresses will help to hide a long neck.

How to hide a short neck

Clothes with an open neckline will help to visually lengthen the neck. A V-neck on a dress, jacket or blouse will help to hide a short neck.

What kind of clothes hides the belly. Photo

Place the right accents in your figure:

  • Highlight the virtues
  • Wear clothes with a distinctive cut
  • Simple and concise cut

Such clothes hide the belly and create accents on the neckline, legs and other areas of the figure, where there are no problems.

How to hide wide shoulders with clothes - photo

Wide shoulders for a woman is a disadvantage. After all, a lady should be sophisticated and feminine. But you can hide wide shoulders with clothes. Photos will help you see how to do it right.

Hiding full shoulders

An openwork cape in the form of a summer jacket will help hide full shoulders. A loose-fitting blouse with oblique flowing lines, an asymmetrical cardigan, suits and dresses with an accent on the hips, ponchos and a different play of colors will help to make a wardrobe perfect for a woman with full arms.

How to hide large breasts

Large breasts are not a disadvantage, but women believe that with such volumes, the figure becomes disproportionate. A correct and comfortable bra, a beautiful color scheme of the top and a light bottom will help to hide large breasts. Elongated jewelry - chains, beads, thin and light scarves.

How to hide small breasts

Lace, buttons, pockets, blouses with frill. The details of clothing located in this area will help to hide small breasts.

How to hide a big ass

Fitted dresses, coats, flared skirts, high-waisted trousers will help to perfectly hide a big ass.

Tip: Avoid mid-thigh belts, pleats and ruffles around the garment.

How to hide wide hips with clothing

The low waist on the trousers will help to visually reduce the hips. A combination of colors is perfect - a bright top and dark trousers or skirts. Hiding wide hips with clothes is simple and every girl can do it.

Tip: Do not wear sweatpants or trousers in bright colors. Trousers that are tapered from top to bottom are also prohibited.

Dresses that hide wide hips

A wide, loose-fitting dress will cover full hips. Add vertical lines in the form of a belt that hangs from the waist. Dresses that hide wide hips always have vertical seams, colored stripes and a wide hem. All this will divert attention from the problem area.

Skirts that hide wide hips

A skirt is one of the most feminine pieces of a wardrobe. Skirts are suitable for all women, you just need to wear them correctly. Skirts that hide wide hips:

  • pencil skirt. Suitable for the office. Can be straight or flared
  • Skirt with Basques. The peplum should have a loose hem that visually shrinks the hips.
  • flounces at the bottom of the skirt. This cut helps to visually balance the hips and remove volume in this area.
  • tulip skirt. Reduces visibility of the hips, distracting attention to the knees and waist

What clothes to wear with a pear figure

Full hips, buttocks, plump legs - this type of figure is called a "pear". Women often have a question, what kind of clothes to wear with a pear figure? It is worth giving preference to such clothes:

  • flared trousers
  • high waisted dresses
  • pencil skirt, a-line skirt
  • A-line coat with chunky shoulder straps to help balance the silhouette

Swimwear hiding figure flaws

There are many models of beach wear that emphasize value. Leotards that hide figure flaws are one-piece models that cover problem areas. These include:

  • bando
  • halter
  • high neck
  • halter
  • monokini
  • swimdress

Dress styles that hide figure flaws

Peplum dresses will help hide an ugly figure. Basque is an original element that distracts attention and emphasizes elegance.

Dress styles that hide figure flaws will help remove accent from problem hips and excess in the abdomen. These dresses should not hinder movement and should be made from good fabrics with a slight print and oblique stripes along the silhouette.

Fabric that hides figure flaws

Use high-quality natural fabric for sewing clothes. Avoid synthetics that treacherously cover problem areas. The fabric that hides figure flaws should be pleasant to the body.

Pants and skirts should be made of heavy fabric, which will smooth out the silhouette's imperfections. For a dress, do not choose light knitwear, as this fabric will not be able to hide a large belly or wide hips. Suede and corduroy add bulk to your figure.

  • Choose your clothes by following the tips above.
  • Don't forget about accessories that balance the top and bottom of your silhouette
  • Choose shoes with heels, and use shapewear for special occasions, wearing under luxurious dresses and suits.
  • Despite your flaws in your figure, do not focus only on trousers and overalls.
  • Let your look be adorned with beautiful dresses, skirts and fashionable blouses

Video: Fashion for obese women. Body shaping with clothes

Unfortunately, not all women have an ideal figure. Completeness is usually the main problem. However, a curvy woman can look gorgeous if she learns to dress properly.

If you have gained a few extra pounds and are not completely satisfied with your appearance, then you should not despair: the right clothes will help you look just great. With the help of simple techniques when choosing your wardrobe, you can try to hide flaws and visually make the silhouette more slender.

A harmoniously folded overweight woman is not recommended anything that emphasizes overweight. First of all, these are any tight things. But a slightly loose dress made of soft-fitting jersey is also not a very good option, because it will flaunt all problem areas, be it even a slightly protruding tummy or "ears" on the hips.

Shapeless clothes in several sizes are no longer for you, you must unobtrusively emphasize the smoothness and femininity of your shapes. It is better to opt for clothes of a simple cut, without large buttons and catchy decorative fragments.

Open clothing should be used with caution. For example, dresses and tops with thin straps can emphasize the fullness of the exposed parts of the body. Clothes with elements that visually increase the volume are not recommended - these are various fluffy ruffles and folds.

For a full figure and short stature, it is best to choose plain clothes for the top and bottom. It can be a dress or a solid color suit. You should not "split" the figure with different colors. Unity of lines, integrity - this is the optimal solution!

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of color: deep dark tones slim, while light and bright tones can not only plump, but also draw attention to the flaws in the figure. Dark colors (black, navy blue, charcoal gray) are slimming and should form the basis of your wardrobe.
Of course, this does not mean that overweight women should only wear dark clothes. It's just that bright shades should be used only to emphasize the dignity of the figure.
As a rule, they are used in accessories and decoration: wear beautiful long beads, bright, original brooches, use clothes with graceful ruffles to emphasize the beauty of your breasts and distract attention from an overly full belly.

Your silhouette will look thinner and more graceful if you create a pronounced vertical line in your clothes. If you like to wear striped sweaters, blouses, and other things, choose the vertical one. Horizontal is also acceptable, but only if it is wide.

If you want to choose clothes with prints that are fashionable now, give preference to those where the elements of the print intersect or at least touch. The large distance between the fragments of the print will fill you even more.

There are many ways to hide the overall completeness. Use very simple, but at the same time very powerful advice

Sweatshirts, T-shirts and tunics

If you are the owner of full rounded shoulders, then you should give up light T-shirts with thin spaghetti straps, which most often look comical on such a figure, "drowning" in it.

The fashionable last few seasons, lantern sleeves, as well as ruffles, ruffles are not suitable for women with full arms, because these details focus on volume, increasing it.

You should also avoid short sleeves with an elastic band that sticks into the body, forming ugly fat rolls. Clothing made from tight-fitting materials or stretch fabrics will also highlight the flaw.

Of course, you should not wear tight-fitting T-shirts and sweaters - they will not help to hide the absence of a waist and all your folds in the back area will immediately become public: o). Strongly loose sweaters and T-shirts are also not desirable, because they will visually increase the size of the chest

How to hide a heavy bust
You can "balance" the upper body by choosing a suitable cutout - by focusing on the chest, we distract attention from the excessive roundness of other parts of the body. In this regard, you can safely give preference to any sweaters, T-shirts and sweaters with an open neck. The best option is a deep or V-neck.

Women with full arms should wear jackets and sweaters with sleeves that are not too wide, but not tight. Sweaters are best purchased just below the waistline, but not reaching the hips.

Knitted products you should choose the right one for your figure so that they do not add extra volume. Chunky knit sweaters with a high neckline will not look very good on overweight women. Models with a discreet pattern and a round neckline are just what you need.
Women with large breasts should choose sweaters with a deep cut and decorated with a braid in the center.
To visually balance the figure - wear knitted sweaters and sweaters with shoulder pads.

Long sweaters and tunics, which are unusually fashionable now, will also serve the right benefit: they do not “cut off” the silhouette at the waist, visually conceal wide hips and make the whole image more harmonious. but remember that long wide tops, complete with tight trousers or a skirt, will visually emphasize wide shoulders.

This lightweight tunic with a three-quarter sleeve and a geometric pattern is exactly what you need.
However, here you need to know a little secret that lies in the size of the geometric shapes. The pieces shouldn't hit very large, but they shouldn't be very small either. A pattern of geometric shapes of medium size in several colors will be the best option.
Bright, eye-catching accessories in this case are more appropriate than ever. It can even be a scarf or a large bracelet. With this tunic, it is better to wear dark dress pants and patent leather pumps.

If your figure is far from perfect and its forms are too luxurious, pay attention to bright tunics with floral patterns. In this case, the shape of the sleeve is not important - tunics with both long and short sleeves will do. With the help of the length of the tunic, you can hide the extra pounds on the hips.
It is better to wear dark jeans or dark trousers under such a tunic.
You can wear a white jacket on the tunic, which should be shorter than the tunic.
It is better to choose shoes to match the color of the ornament on the tunic.


The correct model of a dress for overweight will hide and divert attention from figure flaws

How to hide too wide shoulders
Do not hide your entire body under your clothes if you are unhappy with your shoulder width. Instead, opt for a dress by adding a few oversized details, such as an eye-catching ribbon and bow on the dress. These details will "balance" the look.

Dresses with fully open arms will not work for you. Avoid long sleeves or open-wrist 3/4 sleeves. Also, do not wear dresses with puffy sleeves.

How to hide full thighs
The best way to "balance" overly "heavy" thighs is to choose a dress with a hem somewhere at the knee level. The skirt of the dress must be loose, made of "non-sticky" fabric to hide the contours of the hips. The top, on the contrary, should emphasize the neck and beautiful chest. The contrast between the fluffy skirt and the skinny top will draw attention to the waist.

A-line dresses should be preferred: they do not focus on the hips.

How to hide full hands
Don't worry: by carefully hiding this flaw under your clothes, you can still look feminine and sexy. The secret is in loose sleeves and light, translucent fabrics

A shawl or a bolero jacket thrown over your shoulders will help to hide full hands, so do not deny yourself elegant evening dresses.

How to hide a full waist

Girls who need to disguise a full waist should try to wear clothes with a square neckline, loose wide pleats to hide the waist, and bright, eye-catching belts or belts fastened to the hips.

You can visually "tighten" the waist by raising or lowering the waist line. Low-waisted clothing will visually make you look taller. But with a high waist, it will visually reduce the length of the body, but at the same time lengthen your legs.

Wide belts or lace at the waist will only add volume.

To hide your tummy, wear wrap dresses or a dress with a little drape that softens the transition from full bust to waist and hips.

How to hide full breasts
As already mentioned, if you want to reduce the visual volume of your breasts, choose a dress with a deep or V-neck dress. Cutouts in the shape of a circle, rhombus or heart will look beautiful.

Overly embellished tops and necklines should also be avoided - fluffy ruffles or lace will only draw attention to overly full breasts.

Blouses, shirts and jackets

If you have a too full upper torso (shoulders, chest, back, wide waist), then the upper part of the clothing model should be made as simple and concise as possible, focusing all attention on narrower hips.

Owners of lush breasts stylists advise to wear blouses and tops with a voluminous collar or high neck very carefully. These elements of clothing will visually make the upper torso even larger. It is also not recommended to wear flashy and large jewelry, as they will only draw extra attention to your chest. To distract eyes from her, wear clothes that have the decor on the shoulder.

Do not wear blouses that are tucked into pants or skirts. It is better to opt for clothes with smooth lines from the bodice to the hips.

Do not use "sticky" fabrics that cling to the body or fabrics that are too stiff.

You should not wear too tight blouses, especially with small breasts and wide hips. It is advisable to choose blouses and sweaters that are slightly fitted, but not tight.

More preferable will be shirts for men, with clear lines. But don't use a really men's shirt, it has a completely different cut.

Also, preference should be given to shirts with two or three unbuttoned top buttons.

A small frill or pleating on the chest will look smart: this will help balance the shapes.

Full shoulders are easy to hide under a raglan sleeve blouse. Avoid wearing shoulder pads, or lantern sleeves with a collapsed top. Very narrow sleeves at the bottom, only emphasize the width of the shoulders. You shouldn't choose clothes with a tight collar.

Look for high-waisted blouses, empire style and draperies.

The belly will also be less noticeable if you make a slight slouch in the front and back on the bodice of the blouse.

Wear a straight jacket with a belt, thanks to this, you will also get a slouch.
Not too wide jackets in the form of a blouson of a soft free form, ending at the bottom with a stitched belt or an elastic band, are also good.

When choosing colors, accentuate the top of the outfit.

Blouses, jackets and jackets should cover your hips, then they will only serve you well.

Pants and skirts

Remember that a tight skirt will not make your hips wider or your waistline narrower. If you are plump, then it is better not to get carried away with tight-fitting clothes - especially for light-colored clothes. By hammering yourself into smaller trousers or skirts, you do not become slimmer, on the contrary, you emphasize all your shortcomings!

Choose a-line skirts, knee-length, or fluffy skirts with a yoke, which will hide your problem and make your figure slim. It is better to give preference to a dark palette.

You should also avoid skirts that are too wide at the bottom or puffy skirts at the waist. Ruffles and draperies on the bottom of the skirt will also not work.

Narrow skirts are not suitable for everyone, but if you still want to wear such a model, it is better to combine it with an elongated jacket, vest or blouson. Avoid high-waisted skirts, horizontal stripes, and trimmed skirts.

Definitely no narrow and straight trousers like a cigarette. It is better to choose models with a wider cut, widened from the knee, or better along the entire length. The ideal option for you is trousers that tightly fit the butt, but sit loosely on the hips and knees. They shouldn't have any pockets - patch pockets widen your silhouette. Or, if there are pockets, then only welt in the front.

Having stopped your choice on trousers, you need to choose those that are tailored in a masculine manner, with a belt and pockets. The pintucks and cuffs at the waist are absolutely inappropriate here.

Boiled jeans, so beloved by us, visually "weigh down" your figure by a couple of kilograms. Pay attention to the worn jeans too - you will look thinner in jeans that have a highlight on the inside.
But to make you slimmer and more tightened by the power of plain, dark jeans of an even cut or slightly tapered to the bottom.
For jeans, you need to choose the right top. You should not wear plain clothes - the look in such clothes will rest on the widest part of the figure. Choose colorful tops and blouses - they attract the eyes and distract from unwanted places.

Ladies with curvy buttocks should avoid flared pants and wear either visually lengthening skirts or loose trousers.

Owners of full hips should not emphasize a thin waist, otherwise the contrast will be too noticeable. Draw attention to the chest, choose bright blouses and tops with dark trousers or skirts.

You should not choose trousers and skirts with bright decorative elements and complex patterns, but you can safely emphasize an elegant top with them. Will play into your hands - a vertical strip or decor details that create a visual vertical.

There is also no need to overload the hip area with various pockets, zippers and other details. Don't go for textured fabrics that only add volume.

If you would like to add color to your business look, but are afraid that bright classic suits can fill you up, then pay attention to the burgundy model. A burgundy three-piece suit looks great along with a white short-sleeved blouse. In this case, the short sleeve of the blouse will save you from excessive severity, make the outfit more open, a little casual. White high-heeled shoes complement your look.

And the obvious advice, which, oddly enough, many for some reason neglect: if your sides are plump, then you should put aside trousers with a low waist. Firstly, they are already going out of fashion, and secondly, it is better to hide small flaws than to allow them to openly hang over the belt.

Coat and jackets

Avoid jackets that will only draw attention to the wide hips and bottom. Long raincoats and coats of a semi-adjacent, slightly sliding silhouette will look good.

Avoid raincoats and jackets that gather at the knee and only emphasize the fullness of the figure.

A trapezoid-shaped flared coat is the best choice: it will hide excess roundness. We definitely refuse short down jackets and other "inflated" jackets. Outerwear is preferred over dark, conservative colors, without shocking combinations.


Here the formula is simple: 1 cm high = - 1 kg! Therefore, we freely choose higher heels, which unusually slim the figure.

However, it should be remembered that the thickness of the heel should be proportionate to our weight. It may be better to prefer a wider heel to a thin stiletto heel: the position will be more stable, and the heel itself will last longer. Choose the boots that you intend to wear with a skirt carefully: with full calves, the shoes should not emphasize them. In this case, high boots are ideal. Full calves can be hidden by wearing a long skirt.

Pumps will help make your feet look thinner. Especially if the shoes are high-heeled and with a pointed toe.
But shoes with a square toe and a wide low heel are best avoided, such shoes make your legs fuller and shorter.

In addition, legends or tights with a longitudinal pattern or dark color are slimmer.

And you should forget about ballet flats and other "slippers"!

So remember

  • All accessories should look proportional to your size - this applies to everything - from handbags to bracelets and earrings.
    Use beautiful and stylish accessories - hats, scarves, earrings - they will divert attention from your figure and direct the eyes to your face.
    Small scarves, necklaces, or other jewelry are not suitable. Wear large jewelry — rings and bracelets that sit loosely and do not squeeze your wrist.
    It is better for full ladies to give preference to one or two accessories that will stand out brightly, abandoning many small ones. To lengthen the neck, you can put on a string of medium-sized beads. A light, narrow scarf that reveals part of the neck can play the same role. Avoid oversized glasses and hats with wide brims, handbags are also better for medium sizes.
  • Special shapewear and tights will visually tighten your silhouette.

And another tip: A high hairstyle will reduce and lengthen a large face, making it visually thinner and thinner. Thus, it will become more open.

Self-confidence will help any woman, regardless of weight, height, age and other parameters. There is no need to dwell on shortcomings, doubt and fear. Strive to be stylish! Choose things that you like, that look beautiful. Love yourself and you will be irresistible!
Based on materials from,,,

For ladies whose sizes exceed the parameters of skinny models, it is sometimes very problematic to hide the flaws of their own figure and correct it with clothes. One of these obvious disadvantages is full hands. We'll show you how to make them less visible.

Remember that clothes for fat ladies should be just perfect, because baggy robes will make you immense, and tight outfits will flaunt all the excess of your charms, which is also completely unnecessary.

We wear blouses

Very often you can see how the most ordinary inconspicuous blouse disfigures the hands and the whole figure of a woman to the point of impossibility. In order not to become a victim of improperly selected clothes, you must follow simple rules.

If you have full arms, then you do not need three-quarter sleeves at all, you should also exclude all kinds of flounces, ruffles and other voluminous decorations from your clothes, they visually make the body even more voluminous. But a long chiffon sleeve will be perfect for you, which will be pulled together at the wrist with an elastic band.

Men's cut blouses are perfect for women with full arms. They can be buttoned and wrap-around, it doesn't matter at all, they will still make your hands much more attractive. The main rule when choosing a blouse is a loose sleeve, it should not be tight-fitting.

If we talk about the color scheme that suits you, then pay attention to light shades: white, soft coral, lilac, all pastel colors are your colors, and they will not make you worse.

Just forget about it

If you are a fan of dresses with short sleeves or, moreover, dresses with spaghetti straps, then immediately get rid of such wardrobe items, because they can make you not just full, but really huge.

Dresses cannot be excluded from the wardrobe at all, so you should choose them with the same sleeves as on blouses. The long chiffon sleeve on the dress and the light-fitting silhouette can make you a queen.

If you choose jackets or jackets, try not to have hangers sewn onto them. Very often, women simply cut off the hangers from the jacket model they like, but this is not worth doing, because an ugly void is formed in place of the cut hangers, which does not look aesthetically pleasing.

Of course, it is much more difficult for overweight women to find clothes that suit them. It is much easier for thin women to do this. However, you should not despair, because now there are several brands that produce clothes especially for women in the body and are promoting their brands.

A wedding dress is an outfit that a girl always chooses very carefully and meticulously, because ahead is one of the main events in her life, and on this day she should be a queen. And the dress should help with this. Modern designers present fashionable and interesting collections of size plus wedding dresses, you just need to be able to choose the right outfit, taking into account the peculiarities of the figure, and turn your wedding into a real fairy tale.

Secrets of choosing a wedding dress

A wedding dress should be luxurious, comfortable and very pretty. And certainly not to show the flaws in the figure of the donkey bride. Bulging tummy plump shoulders or hips should be skillfully masked... But the dignity - beautiful hands, a luxurious bust or slender legs - must be demonstrated.

Plus Size Wedding Dresses

Another secret - choose the right fabric... It should be light and airy, slightly transparent in order to smoothly fall and flow. It is better to refuse dense materials (too heavy silk or satin). And also from taffeta, which in a fluffy dress can resemble a doll for a samovar. It is worth giving preference to delicate chiffon or light silk. Guipure or lace is also suitable, but the patterns on it should be as small and unpretentious as possible. A large openwork will visually add extra volume to the figure.

Big wedding dresses

The third secret is in the right choice of color... Traditionally, it is considered "wedding", but it is always visually plump, so girls with sizes after L should choose it very carefully. If you absolutely can't do without it, you should choose the most "slimming" style, and use a minimum of jewelry.

Ideally, for a wedding dress for full girls, designers are advised to pay attention to pale pink shade as well as cream or bluish. More daring brides who are well-suited to modern fashion can afford bright colors.

White wedding dresses

Dress from malachite, lilac, blue, emerald, turquoise or dark red colors will look amazing - luxurious, stylish, slightly extravagant, but very modern and solemn. Moreover, a bright color looks equally magical in almost any style.

Wedding dresses in dark red and purple

Top-10 style of wedding dresses for full

Only a traditionally fluffy dress can be excluded from the possible options for models (before they were worn with skirts on rings). But today it is not in trend, but almost all other wedding models girls with appetizing forms can afford. You just need to know all the nuances of your figure. Chubby brides will be very suitable:

  1. Mermaid dress... It is also called "fish" - for a long train, somewhat reminiscent of a fish tail. If the bride has a relatively proportional figure (beautiful waist and not too full hips), such a model will look great, especially if you wear it under it, which will "hide" a couple of extra centimeters. The tummy in this model can be successfully disguised behind diagonal draperies.
  2. Corset Dresses... They most of all resemble the image of a fairy-tale princess. On a curvy girl, such an outfit will look good, but it should not differ in a too fluffy skirt. For a modern princess, a trapeze skirt is quite suitable, which will gently fall over the figure and "hide" a couple of centimeters. To make the bride seem even slimmer, the length should be maximized, the shoes may not even be visible at all.
  3. A-line dress. For obese girls, it is a classic - it slims the figure as much as possible, does not completely fit it, but looks very romantic. This model masks a full tummy and thighs. Complementing it with a V-neck, it will also beautifully emphasize the luxurious bust.
  4. "Greek" dresses. The ancient Empire style is very suitable for full girls. It assumes a high waist - this will hide wrinkles on the abdomen and help emphasize beautiful breasts. The skirt, which starts from the bust line, falls off in soft folds, behind which unnecessary bulges on the figure hide. Moreover, the skirt can be relatively straight or flared at the bottom. look very romantic, gentle and sophisticated.
  5. Shortened models... If the bride has beautiful slender legs, she can easily afford a dress up to the knee - today such models are in vogue. It can be classic - due to the straight, not too tight-fitting style, the bride will look slimmer. And if a short veil or a hat with a veil is matched to it, the image will be saturated with romanticism, coquetry and playfulness.
  6. Models with an asymmetrical bottom... A dress with an unequal skirt length will look good on a donut: in front it can reach the knee, and in the back it can reach the floor. If the skirt is not too fluffy, this outfit will smoothly fall and slim.
  7. Dresses with contrasting tops... This model is also called "T-shirt" - due to the fact that the upper part of the dress is made of another fabric, most often of guipure or lace. This cunning technique makes the outfit very airy, gives it lightness and tenderness.
  8. Tight models... On a curvy girl, a figure-hugging dress with a deep neckline and a flirty cut from the middle of the thigh looks good. But the figure should be as proportional as possible, without "protruding" parts. The length of the dress should be chosen to the floor or to the middle of the calf.
  9. Dresses with drapes... Full brides should not be afraid of them: if they are made very softly and there are not too many of them, they will not add extra volume, but they will hide a couple of unnecessary centimeters and bulges.

Most women who are overweight are faced with the problem of full arms. Over time, this problem becomes more pronounced, the skin of the hands loses its elasticity, and they become flabby. Fortunately, this task is not difficult to solve with the help of the right wardrobe.

The first thing that comes to mind is to choose clothes that completely cover your hands. But this option is not always successful: firstly, it is strange to wrap up in warm sweaters in summer, and secondly, a long sleeve does not always advantageously hide the fullness of the arms.
What to do? First of all, choose a set of exercises for the muscles of the arms that suits you. Over time, your hands will become less full and you will gain confidence in yourself. But for this it is necessary that more than one month has passed, and you want to look good now. Clothes, of course, come to the rescue.

Wardrobe hiding full hands

First of all, if you are worried about being overweight, try visiting a store that sells clothes for fat girls. Often such clothes are cut and sewn in a special way, which allows them to visually make you slimmer. In addition, it is often difficult for overweight girls to find clothes of a suitable cut and size in regular stores.
Here are some tips to visually help make your hands look slimmer:
Try using sleeve length ¾. Such a sleeve never loses its relevance and does not go out of fashion. In addition, by opening your wrist, you visually make your hand thinner.
Wear clothes with flared sleeves. A similar technique is used with trousers that are flared towards the bottom.
Let your wardrobe contain as many light, airy, flowing fabrics as possible. Discard the tight-fitting synthetics.
Pick up loose, wide bracelets. Jewelry that is narrow and cut into the skin will only emphasize the fullness of the arms.

Clothes that should not be worn by women with full arms

Don't go for tight-fitting T-shirts with thin straps. They get lost on overweight girls and are extremely unprofitable. Most often, such clothes open up all problem areas of the body, emphasizing them. Tops with short sleeves to the middle of the forearm will not work for you either. They draw extra attention to your bare hands, which you don't really need.

Fashionable lantern sleeves and short sleeves with elastic bands that stick into the arms give extra volume to full arms.
Outerwear should not be worn that reveal the arms, but hide the décolleté area. On the contrary, focus on beautiful breasts.

Zetkina Alena, specially for the site.

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