Wedding calendar - or what month is better to get married. When is the best time to get married

Wedding is a happy event in the life of every person. This is a new life stage, at which the whole life changes dramatically. Girls, as a rule, are much more worried before the wedding and listen to various signs and superstitions associated with this important day. The most popular superstition is the choice of the month in which the celebration is planned. Why in some months there is just a wedding hype, and in others, how to be afraid of fire, let's try to figure it out.

The wedding and everything connected with it, as a custom, came to us from ancient times. From here came folk beliefs with signs.

Auspicious months for marriage

To begin with, you should pay attention to the months that brides and grooms prefer.

  • In June, as a rule, a series of wedding events begins, in fact, this month is considered the instigator of weddings. It's not hot, but it's not cold either. However, the chance of rain is quite high. And our ancestors had a positive attitude towards this month, as a month for weddings, and considered it successful for further family life. At the end of June, the first honey was usually collected, which is rightfully considered the most tender and sweet. Therefore, the relationship between spouses, according to popular beliefs, foreshadowed to be sweet and tender. And the honeymoon, for a couple who chose June for marriage, will last a lifetime.
  • August our ancestors also loved. The last month of summer, the beginning of the harvest. And this, in a way, leads to prosperity and well-being. Our grandparents believed that the union concluded in August would definitely be based on love. In addition, this month creates favorable harmony in the whole family: between spouses and their parents, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts.
  • In November Marriages are worthwhile for those who are prudent with money. Since it is in this cold month that the life of the newlyweds undertakes to be secure. Careerists will be able to build their career, but at the expense of personal happiness. However, such marriages are distinguished by their strength and durability.
  • December unfortunately not as popular as the summer months. After all, this is a rather cold and snowy month. However, the newlyweds, who got married in December, will go hand in hand all their lives, they will carry all the sorrows and joys together. Love, mutual understanding, loyalty and respect will be stronger every year, like ice and severe frosts. Perhaps it is because of these natural phenomena that our ancestors characterized this month.

Months unfavorable for marriage

There are also months in which weddings were not played before, and even now it is advised to abstain. According to popular beliefs, this list includes the following months:

  • January was never held in high esteem by the newlyweds. It was believed that January is not suitable for marriage. The relationship will be short-lived, the likelihood of remaining a widow is high. If the relationship continues, then they will be quiet, calm, domestic, from which family life is destroyed. After all, what could be worse than a measured, tedious coexistence, where, by the way, there is no place for love.
  • March our ancestors did not love for changeability. Just like the weather in March changes often, giving people either snow or warmth, so in family life it will be either good or bad. From good to bad, life will rush to extremes, such is this month. Therefore, for those who do not want family life, like riding a swing, it is better to wait out this month.
  • May never loved by our ancestors. It is this month that has been considered undesirable for many years. Many have heard the sentence: “to marry in May is to suffer all the time.” But all this is contrary to church laws, because according to the church, Red Hill is celebrated in May, and marriages made on this holiday are happy and long. However, folk signs outweigh the parting words of the church. Where did this dislike for May, as a month for weddings, come from? The fact is that May is the most difficult month for farmers: preparing gardens, planting crops. That is why the peasants did not have time to organize weddings in May, and since the month is difficult, our ancestors foreshadowed a difficult life.
  • A difficult month for further married life is also considered October. This month, according to popular beliefs, will bring only difficulties, quarrels and illnesses into the future married life. Therefore, if possible, it is better to bypass this month and have a wedding in another. And due to weather conditions, October is not an attractive month for this celebration.

Other months for weddings

But what about the rest of the months? February, April, July, September are considered neutral months. These months have not become the worst and most undesirable, but they do not have a bright positive effect either. However, if you behave correctly in married life, the unions concluded in these months will be strong and happy.

  • February promises an early betrayal of one of the spouses. However, this can be avoided. In addition, if the newlyweds manage to remain faithful at the initial stage of their married life, in the future the marriage promises to be strong, based on love and fidelity.
  • April the same unstable month as March. However, it is also rightly called the month of fun. Approximately the same life will be for the young - cheerful and changeable. The weather in April is also notable for its instability. But a carefree life full of fun can be a great option for many couples.
  • July like a month in the middle of summer portends a sweet and sour life to young people. In marriage, they will face both good and bad. The total will be equal. It is impossible to say whether the marriage will be strong or not. It all depends on the newlyweds themselves. Life will give them just a little. Some sources say that many, having married in July, will soon begin to regret their choice. Apparently, this is just the stage of "sour" relations.
  • September is currently very popular with young people. This is a warm, comfortable and very beautiful month. It is impossible to call it successful or unsuccessful, according to the beliefs of our ancestors. The life of the young people who entered into an alliance this month can be calm, measured, but on one condition: away from relatives. Otherwise, not even from evil, but the closest people can easily and quickly destroy the marriage. Even if they don't want to.

At present, not everyone takes into account grandmother's beliefs, and the months for celebrating weddings are chosen based on personal preferences. But, oddly enough, according to statistics, the most unpopular month has remained May. Apparently, for a long time this month will not be in the love of the people. If you believe in omens, but love an unfavorable month, you can choose an alternative option. For example, sign and play a wedding in one month, and the wedding itself, which is considered the main one in concluding a marriage union, in another.

For every couple in love, the wedding day is the most exciting day. Therefore, the newlyweds responsibly approach the choice of the date of the wedding. There are dates that have a positive impact on future family life. When is the best time to get married in 2019?

Every girl dreams of a fluffy white dress, a limousine and a beloved man already in the role of a husband. But on the way to the cherished day, difficulties arise. For example, both partners are concerned about the question: at what age is it better to get married (get married).

Most often, this question arises in the minds of the inhabitants of Russia, because. Europe has a different mentality. First, they finish their studies, build a career and are ready for a family by the age of 30. In Russia, on the other hand, a girl who has not married before 30 is stigmatized as celibate.

It must be understood that this is only an imposed opinion. Someone gets married immediately after adulthood, while someone waits all his life for a betrothed. Therefore, it does not matter at what age the couple get married, the main thing is that there is love and harmony, and the decision was made wisely.

To decide what are the best days for marriage, you should choose a priority calendar - astrological, lunar or church. Also, unusual dates are especially popular, such as: 10/10/10, 11/11/11, 12/12/12.

Astrological calendar

Astrologers believe that further family life depends on what day and what month to get married. Below is a list of auspicious days for marriage by season:

  • Winter. The time of the year is not good for marriage. But there are exceptions: in January it is the 1st, 7th and 29th; on February 13, 22 and 23; December 20th, 22nd and 27th.

  • Spring. The astrological calendar advises to get married in March and April. If you get married in May, then family life will be difficult, with many problems.
  • Summer. In summer, as well as in spring, only the first two months are considered favorable. In June, it is best to play a wedding on the 5th, 9th and 30th, in July on the 3rd, 17th and 28th.
  • Autumn. Autumn, on the contrary, has been successful for the last two months - October and November. But even in September there are good dates: September 1, 3 and 25.

church calendar

For the church, it does not really matter what year the newlyweds will get married. But the choice of the day and month is approached with particular rigor. So, the most successful period for a wedding is the intervals of 01.20-07.03, 08.05 and 01.09-30.11. It is forbidden to choose dates for the wedding that coincide with Orthodox holidays:

Palm Sunday (9.04), Easter (16.04), Holy Trinity (04.06), as well as during fasting. In addition, Wednesday and Friday are considered bad days for a wedding. But, as practice shows, many newlyweds carry out the painting in the registry office and the wedding in the church on different days.

Moon calendar

The lunar calendar is the oldest known calendar still in use today. It is based on the lunar cycle, which lasts 29-30 days. During its development, the moon goes through the stages of new moon, growth, full moon and waning.

Knowledge of cycles allows you to significantly influence all areas of your life. According to the lunar calendar, they plant plants, cut their hair and get married.

A lunar day is the period from sunrise to moonrise. It can last for several hours or even days. According to the lunar calendar, the most favorable days for marriages are the full moon, the new moon and the fourth lunar day.

In 2019, these are: January 1, 8, 29; February 3,5,10,13; March 2,3,10,31; April 2,10,28; May 1,7,8; June 4,9,30; July 7,28,30; August 2, 25, 27; September 3,4,22; October 1,2,28,29; November 3,20,24; December 1,22,24.

What date to choose?

The decision on what day and month to set the date of the wedding is made by the newlyweds. Couples can rely either on each calendar separately, or on all together. If we analyze the dates from the astrological, church and lunar calendars, then the most favorable dates are: 01.29, 02.13, 03.03, 08.05, 03.09, 02.10, 28.10, 24.10.

In any case, the date of the wedding is not as important as harmonious relationships, love and support of a loved one. This is a truly significant factor in the choice.

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Choosing a wedding date is one of the first major steps in preparing for a wedding celebration. Without it, no further preparations are possible and make no sense. The importance of this date, as the moment of the "birth" of the family, at times, greatly complicates the selection process. Therefore, it is better to approach the issue with all seriousness and consistency, and start by choosing the right month for the wedding. A variety of criteria can be decisive in this process: someone chooses the best month for a wedding in terms of economy, someone - in accordance with personal preferences. Let's look at possible "approaches" and even folk signs that will help the newlyweds decide quickly.

Desires and conditions - consider everything when choosing

The first impulses to set a wedding date arise for a couple (or more often for a bride) immediately after the young man has made an offer. Many of them already have several dates, favorite numbers, or other ideas about it ready. But, as practice and experience show, it is extremely rare to set the final wedding date the first time (at the first discussion of the issue). The initial options in the course of further discussions and planning may differ significantly from the significant date, not only by the number, but by the month in which the wedding is to take place. And practically anything can become a “turning point” in favor of one or another option.

For example, newlyweds often take into account the following points:

  • features of the bride's wedding dress. This is one of the main attributes of a wedding celebration, which is extremely important for the bride (learn more). Therefore, if a girl already has a dress (from her mother, sister) or she wants a specific model, or she thinks that only a certain style suits her (with sleeves, short, etc.), then it is better to take this into account when choosing a season / months for the wedding, so that the bride does not have to walk in a short dress with straps in the winter or in a dress with fur trim in the summer;
  • weather and seasonal conditions. For the most part, this feature worries those newlyweds who already have certain wishes for a wedding celebration, for example, they want to spend it in nature or dream of a wedding photo shoot against the backdrop of yellow autumn foliage, snow, or are planning to play a New Year (Christmas) wedding. Thinking about weather and seasonal conditions should also be for those who have health problems that may worsen during certain periods (for example, allergy sufferers). It is worth choosing the most comfortable period for everyone;
  • Honeymoon- Another important point to consider when choosing the best month for marriage, if the newlyweds plan to go on a trip immediately after the wedding. The time of the year, the availability of tours, the financial side of the issue, discounts, etc. are important here. But, if this selection criterion does not fit into the list of other items, then the honeymoon can always be held some time later (a month, six months) after the marriage;
  • feng shui, numerology, astro forecast. Some couples who are fond of various kinds of spiritual practices, who believe in the magic of numbers or the prediction of stars, choose favorable months for marriage, according to the rules of these teachings. According to Feng Shui, you can determine the appropriate year and date for the wedding, numerologists, using mathematical calculations, derive a single value from the dates of birth of the newlyweds and thus determine the period favorable for marriage, while astrologers analyze the positions of stars and planets, their relationship with the personal horoscopes of the groom and bride. In each of the directions there are several ways to determine which month is best for the wedding of a couple, so the process of calculating and choosing can take some time;
  • religious prescriptions. Those newlyweds who plan to fix their marriage not only in the face of a state representative, but also before God according to their religion, must choose the months for the wedding, taking into account all the canons and rules. For example, in Orthodoxy, the wedding ceremony is not performed during fasting or on the eve of Temple holidays.

Folk omens

In addition to objective and rational reasons for choosing a particular month for a wedding celebration, there are long-established folk signs that characterize every month of the year in a certain way. Or rather, they “predict” the future life of a married couple, depending on when the wedding is scheduled.

  • January- not the best month for a wedding, because, according to popular belief, a lot of trouble awaits the family in the future, and one of the spouses will be widowed early;
  • February- the most successful month for a wedding in winter. People say that strong marriages are made at this time, where the couple will always live in peace, harmony and warmth;
  • March- a wedding this month predicts the newlyweds life in a strange house / country. Someone understands this as a possible family emigration, someone - as a permanent residence in rented housing. And in keeping with the signs, we can say that this is a great time for concluding an international marriage;
  • April- is defined in two ways: on the one hand, a marriage concluded this month promises a short happiness to the newlyweds, but on the other hand, this is often understood as an alternation of joy and sadness in family life. That is, in general, April can be defined as a favorable month, or at least as neutral, for marriage;
  • May- probably the most unfortunate option for a wedding, they say: "Toil all your life." For the most part, this refers to inconstancy in relationships and the possible betrayal of one of the spouses;
  • June- a favorable wedding month, which will provide the newlyweds with a long honeymoon for the whole family life;
  • July- like April weddings, this month promises a changeable and unstable life for the newlyweds, but with a more negative accent and a predominance of unpleasant moments in family relationships;
  • August- the eighth month, symbolically similar to the sign of infinity, prepares the bride and groom for the same long-term family happiness and prosperity. As a result, the newlyweds will receive not only a loving spouse, but also a best friend for life;
  • September- the ideal time to get married for those who love a quiet and measured life, including in marriage;
  • October- a month of weddings that will bring only problems, disagreements, quarrels and other troubles to people who love each other;
  • November- the most suitable month for improving the financial well-being of the family by choosing the right wedding date - marriage will bring prosperity;
  • December- time for marriages, built on pure, sincere and real feelings, which every year will only strengthen and develop.

Of course, it is impossible to say that all these folk signs are always and certainly put into practice. But, if the choice of a favorable month, according to the ancestors, will calm the couple and give confidence, then you can listen to them.

The most "economical" months for a wedding

Since the organization and holding of a wedding celebration is not cheap, some couples choose the date of the wedding for reasons of economy. Of course, it will not be possible to choose the ideal option in which you can save on everything, but in certain months you can significantly reduce wedding expenses.

For example:

  • (except for the New Year and Christmas period) will cost several times cheaper due to the fact that this season is considered not very popular among newlyweds;
  • in October and November, you can count on discounts on wedding dresses or purchase decent options from your hands;
  • the month of May also provides many discounts because of its not the best glory among the people;
  • in spring and in the first month of summer, expenses for a banquet are reduced due to the abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits, and the absence of intense heat does not require a large amount of soft drinks on the tables.

And you should always remember that the sooner you start preparing, the more opportunities to save. After all, there is time to look for cheaper options for solving various issues, and the services of professionals ordered in advance will cost less than they will cost at the time of the wedding itself - prices always only grow.

At first glance, it may seem that choosing a wedding date is the simplest thing on the list of initial wedding preparations. But, if we take into account all the wishes, signs, advice and forecasts, then the head begins to go round. No matter how much time it takes for the newlyweds to resolve this issue, no matter how carefully all factors are taken into account, the ideal option will be only the one that is determined in love and harmony. After all, the main thing is not when to get married, but with whom to connect your life.

Signs can be treated differently. Someone skeptically perceives even the most convincing of them, someone turns around at the sight of a black cat. But no one can deny that wedding signs by months are quite interesting.

When deciding which month to have a wedding, few people consider signs and beliefs as the main guideline. More often these are arguments such as a beautiful background for photos, the cost of outfits, the workload of registry offices and restaurants, etc.

But still, from time immemorial, it has been customary for us to live with an eye on traditions. And this can hardly be called a bad habit, because they are nothing more than the centuries-old experience of the Russian people.

Winter wedding - to overspending the family budget

In December

Marriage in December should be the beginning of a relationship in which love will grow stronger and stronger day by day.

In January

January wedding threatened with the loss of one of the spouses at an early age, rather - the loss of her husband.

In February

February promises young people a long happy life in peace and harmony.

Winter marriages among our ancestors most often occurred precisely in February, or rather, at the end of the month, when the long-awaited Maslenitsa was celebrated on the eve of Lent.

Being a series of rituals aimed at stimulating the fertility of the earth, Maslenitsa week was a great time for building relationships in the family (“gourmet” with mother-in-law pancakes, “mother-in-law evenings”, “sister-in-law gatherings”), comic persecution of singles, brides and matchmaking. If the latter ended with an agreement, the wedding festivities were scheduled for Krasnaya Gorka - the first Sunday after Easter (March or April).

Another sign says that "Shrovetide" wedding promises the newlyweds a life of prosperity and prosperity- “like a pancake in butter”, “everything is like clockwork”. And if on this winter day it was also snowing, wealth and happiness are simply guaranteed to them!

Marriage in the spring - an omen of a fun life and unfading love

In March

If the marriage took place in March, signs promise spouses life away from home, on a foreign side.

April wedding celebration marital happiness will be changeable and fickle like spring weather. True, if the cherished day turned out to be rainy, young people can count on wealth and prosperity.

In May

A wedding in May - to treason in one of the spouses, to mutual distrust. Another sign associated with this month warns: the newlyweds will have to "toil all their lives."

Summer marriage - to warmth and joy

In June

A wedding in June will turn married life into endless honeymoon.

The best date for concluding a marriage union was considered by the people Ivan Kupala holiday - night from June 6 to 7. It was the time of choosing the betrothed through divination, the time of wedding ceremonies. Marrying Ivan Kupala was considered a good omen, promising a prosperous life for the young family.

In July

A marriage made in July tastes sweet and sour: the newlyweds are waiting for both happiness and grief - in equal numbers.

In August

The marriage took place in August - life together will be friendly and romantic.

On August 19, the Apple Savior, or the Transfiguration of the Lord, is celebrated among Christians. In the old days, they believed that a wedding on this day would forever protect the head of a new family from ruin and poverty.

Autumn marriage - the beginning of a strong and long union

In September

A wedding in September promises a quiet, calm life in harmonious and unbreakable union.

In the old days, it was considered a good omen to have a wedding. late August - early September. This period was called "Indian summer". The main field work had been completed by this point, and women had more time for household chores.

Perhaps that is why Indian summer was also considered a great opportunity to establish peace in the family and resolve all conflicts, because only a woman can warm when everything seems to be almost lost.

In October

Wedding in October, on the contrary, threatens with numerous difficulties in the relationship of spouses.

On the other hand, in the old days, October was considered the most suitable time for marriage: it was a month of agrarian calm, when the master's worries faded into the background.

Pokrov Day (October 14) opened the autumn wedding season. Girls of marriageable age went to church early in the morning to light a candle and ask the heavens for an early marriage: “Batiushka, cover the earth with a snowball, and cover me with a groom.” There was a belief that the girl who did this before the others would be the first and start a family.

Snow on Veil Day was a good omen, promising a life of happiness and love.

In November

November is ready to give the young happiness backed by wealth, financial stability and independence.

Auspicious months for marriage. Choosing the best

If you decide to “calculate” which month is better for a wedding, omens are not the only factor to consider.

When planning, in addition to registering a marriage in a registry office, also a wedding in a church, you need to remember the existence of the church calendar. And if you want to avoid problems in organizing a wedding, you should also not forget about such a phenomenon as the wedding season.

Therefore, deciding in which month to play a wedding is not as simple as it seems at first glance. In addition, each couple has their own preferences regarding the season, their own fantasies about a photo shoot, outfit, etc.

It is easier to single out the best of the three months in each season.

  • Winter wedding - February. He promises the newlyweds a life of love and harmony. And this is also the time when everyone managed to take a break from the New Year holidays and restore their budget. It is better to plan a celebration for the first half of February, because then Lent comes.
  • Spring wedding - May. Against the odds! Besides the fact that this is the most beautiful spring month, when nature bathes in warm sunshine and is buried in flowers, this is a period of calm and solid discounts in wedding agencies. March is a less favorable moment due to the ongoing fast, although on the other hand, this is a great time to have an "economy class" wedding and take off abroad with a foreign husband. April, although it is in the greatest “demand” among young couples (especially the week after Easter - Krasnaya Gorka), but that is why the organization of a celebration during this period is always accompanied by many difficulties and overlaps.
  • Summer wedding - August. Or June. Or July. True, fasting falls on the first two summer months, but in August the wedding excitement is growing again. Therefore, each of the three "brothers" has its pluses and minuses.
  • Autumn wedding - September. The heat subsided, nature pleases photographers with a riot of colors, everyone returned to the cities after holidays and vacations. It is better to plan a celebration for the second half of August, when the wedding excitement slowly begins to subside.

Now you know how to choose the right moment for a wedding: signs by month are simple and unambiguous. To believe in them or not is a personal matter for everyone.. Much more important may be not the sign itself, but the psychological attitude of the newlyweds, their attitude towards each other, the ability to make concessions, find compromises and enjoy every day lived together.