Remove lube stain. Methods and means of removing oil stains

Car enthusiasts, garages and motorcyclists are more likely to experience stubborn oil stains on fabrics.

Some do not pay attention to this, since they have working clothes, while others begin to intensively look for ways to eliminate this problem. The difficulty depends on how and where they were obtained. Recently acquired stains are much easier to remove than old ones.

Features of removing oil stains from different types of fabrics

Getting on the fabric, machine oil leaves very persistent traces on it, which can be simply unrealistic to get rid of.

But if you are sorry to part with your favorite thing, you can try using various methods, usually used by the people for a long time.

Delicate fabrics

To remove oil build-up from delicate fabrics like velvet, silk or wool, you can use a mixture of turpentine and ammonia. You can combine denatured alcohol with turpentine.

The ingredients are mixed in equal parts, a cotton pad is dipped in the mixture and the damaged area is treated, rubbing the oil stains. Continue to wash in the usual way.

Heavyweight textiles, cotton

Clothes made from this type of fabric should be laid out on a horizontal surface, and any paper napkin or toilet paper folded in several layers should be placed under the contaminated place.

Spread talcum powder, baby powder, flour or starch on top of the stain. They will absorb some of the absorbed substance and prevent it from spreading to other areas. The cloth will absorb the remaining oil. Powders poured onto the upper part after 10 minutes must be removed.

Can be treated with sodium bicarbonate. It will not only absorb the oil, but also dissolve it. In this case, you can use caustic soda, according to its characteristics it is more effective. For interaction, leave the product for 6 hours. Napkins under the oily place should be periodically changed to fresh ones.

Concentrated dishwashing liquid can be applied to the stained area. Leave on for 20 minutes, then wash in warm water.


It differs significantly from other types of fabrics in that it is much softer than the rest. Therefore, stains from oil should be removed from them in softer ways.

When a problem is detected, the actions should be as follows:

  • If the stain is quite fresh, then it will be quite simple to remove it; it is enough to sprinkle the damaged area with ordinary salt. It will absorb the oil and can be removed with a wet cloth or a piece of warm bread. The salt will need to be changed several times, if everything is done correctly and in a timely manner, there will be no trace of greasy stains.
  • You can also use gasoline if the stain is already dry and stuck into the fabric. A piece of clean cloth should be soaked in liquid and placed under the contaminated clothing. The problem area must also be treated with gasoline, rubbing it along the edges to the center of the dirty surface.
  • Gasoline and sawdust can be used in manipulations. You need to wait for the product to be absorbed into the sawdust and cover the oily surface with them. You should wait until the gasoline dries, then just shake off the sawdust and wash the thing.
  • Garments treated with gasoline should be washed separately from other wardrobe items. Otherwise, there is a risk that other things will absorb the gasoline smell.
  • For a type of fabric such as knitwear, you can take glycerin and treat the problem area with it. Leave for 30 minutes, wipe the surface to be treated with a damp cloth.
  • Potato gruel will help solve the problem. In warm water, starch is diluted and poured into a greasy place in a thin stream. Leave the product for 20 minutes, then rinse. The procedure should be repeated several times.

How to remove engine oil from outerwear?

In this case, it is advisable to notice the spot that has appeared in a timely manner. The first thing to do is sprinkle it with salt.

It will perfectly absorb oil.

  • If this method does not bring the desired effect, you can use a good recommended dishwashing detergent.
  • Apply the preparation on the damaged surface with a clean sponge and rub it in. Wait a few minutes, then blot the area with a clean napkin.
  • If after using the liquid there are stains, you should rinse it and pat it dry with a paper towel. Dry with a hair dryer.
  • If the stain remains in place, you can use a chemical stain remover. Before use, it is necessary to check how it will act on the material, you need to check it on the back of the garment. Leave the product on clothes for 15 minutes, then wash in the machine - automatic machine. The mode should be set to delicate.

Stories from our readers!
"This cleaning agent was given by my sister when she found out that I was going to clean the brazier and the wrought-iron gazebo in the country. I was delighted! I did not expect such an effect. I ordered myself the same."

At home, I cleaned the oven, microwave, refrigerator, ceramic tiles. It can even get rid of wine stains on carpets and upholstered furniture. I advise. "

Denim is quite dense, so if the problem is noticed in a timely manner, there will be no questions about removal. If it is on the tissue for a long time, then the procedure for getting rid of it will take much longer.

  • The stain can be covered with salt, but the effect will be negligible.... Thick fabric will prevent oil from being removed quickly. It is necessary to attach a napkin to the oily surface, it will partially absorb fat or oil.
  • Next, apply a liquid to remove grease on the dishes to the damaged area. Ferry or its equivalent is perfect. Leave treated clothes for 30 minutes. This option is also used for old spots, only the time in this case needs to be increased.
  • You can clean your jeans with gasoline. To do this, you only need a few drops of the product, which must be removed after 10 minutes. After that, wash the item (separately from other items of clothing). A huge plus is that gasoline does not leave white streaks on clothes.
  • Potato gruel will help to get rid of oil stains. It must be applied in a thick layer and kept for 30 minutes. You can peel it with a crust of brown bread.
  • You can use nail polish remover... They need to treat the damaged area using a sponge, and then rinse with warm water.

All-purpose remedies for oil stains

Folk remedies for eliminating this problem have been used for a very long time and have excellent results. Things are processed by hand or machine wash.

But, in any case, before the procedure, things must be treated with the following drugs:

  • Mustard powder. Works great on fresh and aged stains. To do this, you need soap, a brush, warm water. The oil stain is alternately treated with water, soap and mustard. It is necessary to rub in with a brush.
  • Tooth paste. To do this, use a paste without additives, white. The agent is applied to the contaminated surface, left to dry completely. Next, you need to shake off the dried mixture and wash in the usual way.
  • Kerosene... This liquid is perfect for removing streaks of any origin. It is necessary to apply the product to the contaminated areas, leave to act for 10 minutes, remove the residue using a paper towel. Then the item is washed in the usual way, separately from other items.

You can use any kind of stain remover, after which the thing needs to be washed in the machine - automatic.

There are various types of chemical stain removers that can be used.

For example:

  • You can use a spray on the interior of the car... It will very quickly get rid of even old stains that were obtained a long time ago.
  • Using dishwashing detergent will perfectly help to get rid of the problems that have arisen, especially the recently received ones.
  • Antipyatin soap will help get rid of the toughest stains. Works great on all types of stains. It is necessary to grease the contaminated area liberally, leave for 30 minutes and wash in any way, both hand and machine.
  • Means such as acetone, solvent, White - spirit are perfect and other acetone-based liquids.

How to get rid of an old oil stain?

If the oil stain has dried out long ago and has stuck into the fabric, the removal method will take a long time, but you can come to the desired result.

  • Using laundry soap... In this case, real soap is used. They rub it well on a dirty place, and leave it to soak for 3 hours. After the allotted time, take a brush and scrub thoroughly under running hot water. Washed further in the usual way.
  • Using a spray... Such a tool is widely used to get rid of oil stains in the car interior. You can buy it in any department for motorists. The drug is used to treat contaminated areas. When performing this work, you must strictly follow the attached instructions. The spray works quite effectively and instantly removes all stubborn dirt. After processing has taken place, things must be sent to the wash and washed as usual.
  • With gasoline you can remove problem spots in 2 ways:
  1. Moisten 2 wipes liberally with liquid, place one on top, put the second under the oil dilution. Leave for half an hour. During this time, the oil stain will dissolve and be absorbed into the gasoline wipes. Wipe the treated areas with a dry cloth and wash.
  2. Fill up with gasoline, stand for one hour... Rinse with hot water. Next, pour baking soda over the damaged area and leave to act for 15 minutes. The baking soda will help remove stains left over from the treatment. The last step is to rinse the sodium from your clothes and do your regular wash.
  • Stain remover application. This tool is sold in the form of a powder, which, according to the instructions, is diluted with water and the dirty surface is treated with it. It is necessary to withstand 20 minutes, after which, finish the procedure with washing. It is worth remembering that stain removers are available for different types and colors of fabrics, so you need to prepare for the process.
  • Using toothpaste will perfectly help to get rid of problematic pollution. It is necessary to take a pure white paste and rub it into the oily surface. Leave to dry completely. After that, wet the contaminated clothing, rinse the paste thoroughly and send the product to the wash.
  • Magnesia powder, mixed with ether, mix in equal proportions to a homogeneous gruel. Apply gently to the problem area, rubbing the mixture in the direction from the edge of the spot to the center. After the ether has evaporated, shake the item, remove the remaining magnesia powder from it. There should be no contamination left after such treatment.
  • A mixture of ammonia and turpentine refers to the traditional "grandmother's" recipes. You need to take the listed components, mix in equal parts. Wipe the stain with the prepared mixture and leave for 20 minutes. There are cases when the stain cannot be removed the first time, so the procedure should be repeated. Finish processing in the traditional way - washing.

If a blot of engine oil is planted on your clothes, do not be upset and rush to throw the thing away. Contamination of this kind can also be removed at home with the help of improvised tools and household chemicals. so that not a trace remains?

The first steps after the appearance of the spot

If your clothes are suddenly stained after working in the garage or driving a car, you should try to immediately clean off the oil stain, before the dirt has eaten deep into the structure of the fabric. Removing a fresh blot is much easier.

You should not try to wash your pants or other clothes from the fuel oil in the washing machine using a simple washing powder - this can only aggravate the situation.

Brushing won't help either, as the brush will rub the engine oil even deeper.

If the oil is still sticky and planted just a few minutes ago, then the first thing to do is sprinkle it with chalk. The chalk will absorb the sticky substance, and then it will be much easier to remove the material.

Fresh oil stains

But if several hours have passed since the thing was soiled, then you can try to get rid of the blot with the help of dish gel. The dishwasher perfectly dissolves grease and removes even the most stubborn stains from fabrics.

Spread the item in one layer on a film on a hard surface. Sprinkle the stain with a heap of kitchen salt. The thing should lie down for an hour.

After an hour, the salt should be shaken off, and the area with the blot should be moistened with lukewarm water and a concentrated gel for dishes should be applied directly to it. After half an hour, you can try to scrub the thing with antifreeze in warm water. For washing, you need to use the same dish gel.

Tar soap

You can try to remove completely fresh marks, which are only a few hours old, with tar soap. It is very simple to use soap - the cloth is moistened with water and then rubbed thickly with a bar. The clothes should lie down for a couple of hours, and then they are washed by hand with soap, rinsed and sent to the washing machine.


As a solvent, you can use both acetone-based nail polish remover and high-purity household gasoline. Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that automobile fuel is not suitable for such purposes, you need just household gasoline, which is sold in household stores.

Place a few paper towels under the stained area before removing contamination. The blot is taken out with a piece of cotton wool soaked in a solvent with movements from its edges to the center. Do not rub the blot in different directions, as the dirt will smear even more. Change the napkins as they get wet. After cleaning, the product is washed with household soap in warm water. This method is not suitable for cleaning colored items.

Old oil stains

Old traces of antifreeze very often flaunt on work clothes. Work trousers and jacket are especially dirty. There are several ways to remove old blots, which, it would seem, cannot be done anymore.

Laundry soap

Household. soap 72% helps to cope even with antifreeze stains. The stained area must be moistened and generously lathered with a bar. The thing should lie down for a couple of hours, and then the dirty cloth should be soaked in a strong household solution. soap in a basin and leave for another 12 hours.

After 12 hours, the product can be washed by hand, rinsed thoroughly and loaded into the washing machine.

White Spirit

This substance can only be used for rough materials without a bright pattern. It is very easy to use white spirit. The linen is laid out in one layer, paper napkins are placed under the contamination and the contamination is wiped off with a swab soaked in liquid. Gradually, the cotton wool will become dirty, and the antifreeze will switch to paper napkins, which must be constantly changed. In conclusion, the product is rinsed and washed with laundry soap.

Antipyatin special soap

Specialty soaps are available at hardware stores to help remove stains. They use such soap in the same way as household soap - the product is soaped, allowed to lie down for a couple of hours, and then washed.

Automotive cosmetics

In motorist stores, you can buy special products for removing stains from the upholstery. This tool can be used to clean clothes. It is even suitable for removing stains from thin fabrics, such as a bolognese jacket.

Cotton wool is soaked in the product and the blot is gently blotted with it. The tampon is constantly changed. Finally, the garment is washed, paying particular attention to the stained area.


Blots of various origins can be removed with the help of a cheap drugstore - ammonia.

  1. The ammonia is mixed with hot water in equal proportions.
  2. The solution is poured directly onto the stain so that the fabric is well saturated.
  3. After 15 minutes, the item is rinsed and sent to the wash.

Stain removers

Household stores now have a huge selection of various stain removers and bleaches. Such funds are usually used when you need to save an expensive item from a capricious fabric.

Usually, the selected product has instructions for use on the label. So, it is enough to dissolve a cap of the product or a measuring spoon in 3 liters of warm water and soak the thing in the solution for 15-20 minutes.

A high-quality stain remover will help to cope with the problem in 15 minutes - there will be no trace of the stain. Vanish stain removers do very well with stains.

Handy tools for removing stains

With the help of improvised means, which, most likely, are in every home, you can also cope with traces of engine oil.


You can wash the traces of engine oil, especially from natural fabrics - cotton or linen, using mustard powder. This will remove the stain, even if you sit on waste oil and stain light and fine clothes.

Mustard powder must be diluted with warm water so that a gruel is obtained. This gruel is thickly smeared with pollution and the thing is left for 15 minutes. After a quarter of an hour, the mustard is removed with a napkin, and the product is washed with households. soap.


To remove oil traces from light fabrics, such as linen or cotton, or cotton jeans, you can use tooth whitening paste. The main thing is that there are no dyes in the paste.

The paste is applied in a thick layer directly to the blot, and after complete drying, the product is washed with households. soap. You can rub the material with a soft brush. The laundry can then be loaded into the washing machine.

Glycerin soap

Glycerin soap gives an excellent effect, with which you can remove traces of antifreeze even from jeans. Soap is simply rubbed onto a moistened, soiled cloth, left for half an hour, and then washed by hand.


If there is kerosene in the house, then you can try to remove the antifreeze with it. To do this, the product is laid out in one layer on a film, and then the stain is poured with kerosene. You can also remove contamination with a cotton pad soaked in kerosene. When the trace of engine oil disappears, the item must be thoroughly rinsed a couple of times and then loaded into the washing machine. Dry linen after treatment with kerosene only in the air.

Margarine or butter

In every home, there is certainly a margarine or butter, which can also be used to remove antifreeze even from jeans or a robe.

Apply margarine in a thick layer on the dirt and leave the laundry for 2 hours. After that, clean off the dirt with a cotton pad. The soiled area is thickly soaped by households. soap and wash the thing by hand. After that, the product is rinsed and additionally sent to the washing machine.

Aggressive solvents

You may have solvents in your home that you used to wash your floor or door paint. You can try to save clothes with such a liquid, if nothing else helps. It is very simple to use a solvent - the fabric is impregnated with liquid and left for literally 5 minutes. After that, the stained area is washed with cold water and washed with powder.

But, before using the solvent, you need to make sure that it does not completely ruin your clothes. To do this, on an inconspicuous area of ​​the laundry, you need to test the product by dropping a couple of drops on the cloth and waiting for the reaction.

Video instruction

Professional motorists, mechanics or motorcycle enthusiasts often encounter problems such as oil stains. Some do not care, but many do not want to throw things away and start looking for a way to wash off the engine oil.

There are two options for solving the problem at home - regular wash with additives or folk recipes. Both have their own advantages.

It is possible to wash off the engine oil manually or with the help of. In both cases, the stains are initially soaked in different products, and only then are they erased.

  1. Mustard powder. To remove a fresh or outdated stain, you can use mustard, namely, sprinkle the stained area with powder. Then you need to take a brush, soap, warm water and alternately apply mustard and soap, while rubbing them with a brush.
  2. Toothpaste. If suddenly a stain is found on your clothes, then you do not need to specifically look for creative ways of how to wash off the engine oil, it is enough to use toothpaste. To do this, you need to apply it to the spots, leave it to dry completely. As soon as it dries, you need to clean the residues with a brush and wash the item in the washing machine.
  3. Kerosene. It can easily remove engine oil contamination and other oil stains. This does not require any complicated steps. You just need to apply kerosene to the soiled places of clothing, leave for 10 minutes. Then remove the remnants of the product with a thick paper napkin and wash the item in the washing machine.

If you have any stain remover on hand, then you don't have to hiccup other means than washing off the engine oil. It is enough just to rub the dirty spots with it, and then wash the clothes with your hands or in an automatic machine.

Ways to remove engine oil stains from denim

Probably, in most cases, the oil stain is found precisely on jeans. And this is not strange, because clothes made from this material are most convenient for work and rest.

jeans can be made in several effective ways.

  • Washing powder and thinner. It's a simple, effective, effortless way. To remove oil stains from jeans, you need to treat them with a solvent. Then apply detergent to the stained area and rub thoroughly with a brush (10 minutes should be enough). Then wash the garment in hot water (if the jeans do not fade).
  • Ammonia and turpentine. It is necessary to mix the two components in equal proportions and apply the mixture to the stained areas of clothing. Within a few minutes, you can rub the oil pollution, then wash the item with warm water.
  • Nail polish remover. Such an affordable tool is found in almost every women's locker and helps not only remove nail polish, but also remove complex dirt on jeans. To do this, apply the product to a sponge, then blot the stained area, and then wash the thing with warm water.

Before removing engine oil stains from jeans, read the information on the label regarding the wash temperature and the use of detergents.

Delicate fabrics can be damaged by washing any kind of dirt. Fortunately, there are several ways to help you deal with oily stains at home.

  1. Talc, cornstarch, baby powder. To remove, you need to sprinkle them with one of these substances (at your discretion) and leave the thing in this form overnight in a warm place. In the morning, brush off the powder from the fabric and wash things with warm water. When exposed to temperature, the powder will adsorb the oil from the fabric and the stain will disappear.
  2. Chalk. A readily available natural dye helps remove oily stains from delicate clothing, jackets and jeans. To do this, you need to grind the chalk into powder and apply it to the stains, leave for a couple of minutes, then shake the rest of the substance from the cloth. White chalk marks can be removed with a regular wash and detergent.
  3. Synthetic stain removers. If in the old days people were looking for all kinds of folk remedies to remove stains from clothes, now they can not do this, but use synthetic detergents. Washing powders and stain removers of different composition, price and purpose will remove dirt from white, colored fabrics and even clean difficult stains on jeans. You can find out how to do this correctly by reading the information on the package.

In order to remove fresh and outdated pollution from clothes, you can use folk and modern remedies. But the best (and faster) to deal with stains are successful combinations of the first and the second.

Dos and Don'ts for lube stains

In addition to effective and efficient recipes, there are some kind of "contraindications" for oily stains.

  1. The faster the better. To get tough dirt off your clothes, you need to act quickly. The longer the machine oil is on the fabric, the more difficult it will be to remove.
  2. Expiration dates. Many technical substances are used to remove oil stains from clothes: turpentine, gasoline, solvents. If their expiration dates are in order, then everything will go with a bang, and if not, then the pants or jacket may be ruined.
  3. Hot water. In cases where machine oil has stained a thing made of natural fabric, jeans or unpainted synthetics, then you don't have to worry too much. But if the fabric is thin, colored or decorated with decorative elements (beads, embroidery, rhinestones), then you should be careful.

When removing engine oil stains from casual and party wear, all rules and regulations must be observed. Even if your jacket, sheepskin coat or white trousers get dirty, this is not a reason to throw them away. With the help of the usual means, they will again become clean and fragrant, as on the first day after purchase.

The complex formula of machine oil leaves stubborn stains on fabrics that are very difficult to remove. So, it is due to the ability of the fatty substance to quickly and deeply penetrate the tissue.

About the problem in general

Regular washing with powder and soaking will not help here, and a fresh stain can cover up an adjacent area of ​​the fabric or the drum of the washing machine. Removing the oil will require harsh chemicals that can ruin your clothes. Therefore, it is better to carry out preliminary testing by applying the compound on the wrong side of the seam or hem. They must be applied carefully using rubber gloves.

There is no point in rubbing the oil stain with a dry cloth or brush without a cleaning agent. The fat will only be smeared over the surface and absorbed deeper into the material. It is better not to rack your brains than to wash off the engine oil, but to use one of the above methods, taking into account the characteristics of the material.

Important: only the stain that has appeared should be immediately blotted with a paper towel or clean rag to avoid further spread. After that, proceed to the withdrawal of the print.

Removing the oil from the jacket


  • Blot a fresh stain on the surface of a synthetic jacket with a cloth and squeeze a little dishwashing liquid onto it. Do not rub the gel and soak on the fabric for 15-30 minutes. Blot with napkins until the marks disappear and wash in a washing machine with powder.
  • Remove oil stains on bolognese clothing or down jacket using a solution of ammonia. To do this, add a teaspoon of ammonia to 100 ml of water. Treat the dirty area and leave for an hour. Rinse with running water and wash with detergent. Do not experiment with undiluted alcohol to prevent shedding of the fabric.

Important: adding detergent to the dish gel will enhance the cleaning effect.

Cotton jacket

  • Successfully removes oil marks from natural kerosene fabric. The substance is poured directly onto the stain, and then collected with a cloth from the periphery to the center, so as not to leave streaks. All that remains is to wash your jacket with detergent.
  • Will help remove engine oil from cotton mustard powder. You will also need a brush, soap and warm water. Rub a cloth with soap and powder. Moisten the brush with water and rub the dirt. Rinse.
  • Light-colored cotton jackets are cleaned by successively applying three ingredients: hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dishwashing liquid. The peroxide is applied to the entire surface of the stain and covered with a thick layer of baking soda. Pour dishwashing gel evenly over the components and sprinkle with baking soda again. Rub the area with an old toothbrush and hold for an hour. Without rinsing the composition, wash with detergent.
  • For dark clothes, activated carbon, crushed to a powder state, is suitable. Sprinkle it on the stain and wait until the oil composition is absorbed.


  • Gasoline is suitable for cleaning dark and light suede materials. It is enough to put napkins moistened with gasoline on both sides of the engine oil stain. Leave to act. After about half an hour, the napkins will be soaked in oil and the clothes will be cleaned. Now you only need to rinse the surface with detergent and dry.
  • Treat dirt on suede with automotive spray to remove engine oil stains. The tool perfectly copes with old and stubborn dirt, and very quickly.
  • Sprinkle a fresh oil stain with starch or talcum powder, which will absorb the grease. After a while, remove the residue with a brush.

Removing stains from denim

  • For cleaning, traces of oil on jeans are treated with a solvent, and then rubbed with a brush with washing powder, which is poured onto a cloth and moistened. Use the technical product carefully so as not to change the color of the product.
  • In some cases, a mixture of ammonia and turpentine is effective for jeans. It is applied to the stained area and wiped with a cloth. Wash clothes in soapy water several times until odor is removed.
  • Rub the engine oil stain with a bar of laundry soap and scrub thoroughly with a stiff brush. Repeat until the oil print disappears.

Tip: Traces of soda, starch or chalk are well removed during the wash process. Therefore, the remaining grains after cleaning are not a problem.

From T-shirts

  • A T-shirt smeared with engine oil during a car repair is washed off with tar soap. The tissue in the affected area is moistened and soaped. For the best effect, you need to hold it for 1-2 hours. Then wash with powder.
  • The WD-40 aerosol, familiar to motorists, copes with machine oil on knitted clothes. He will also need baking soda and dish gel to help him. Spray generously on dirt, sprinkle with baking soda and rub. The baking soda that has absorbed the oil will begin to clump. The procedure must be performed 2-3 times. Finish with rubbing in dish soap and powder.
  • For knitwear made of delicate fabrics that cannot be rubbed, it is recommended to remove traces of machine oil with hairspray. Spray a small amount onto the stain and then wash with a product suitable for this type of fabric. The whole secret is in the alcohol, which can dissolve the oil, which is contained in the varnish.

Important: you can only use the automatic clothes dryer if the stain is no longer there. Exposure to hot air fixes the mark on the surface.


  • Use a stain remover for wool.
  • You can remove engine oil prints using denatured alcohol and turpentine. Mix the components in equal parts and apply to the dirt with a cotton pad. Repeat the treatment until the stain disappears and wash the item in the usual way.
  • Hot water, which breaks down fat well, should not be used for woolen sweaters. It will be replaced by cornstarch and dish gel. Cover the stain with starch powder in a dense layer. After 30-60 minutes, brush the item. Apply dish gel on the remaining trace and spread with your finger. In the meantime, pour cold water into a basin and foam a little product in it. Submerge sweater completely and leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash without twisting or stretching, rinse with clean water. Allow to drain and squeeze out with a towel. Dry flat.
  • Salt can save the sweater from absorbing the oil and spreading it. Salt the fresh stain abundantly. As a good absorbent, it will absorb liquid and after that a simple wash will be enough.

Advice: when using technical equipment, work in a ventilated area. Place a cotton cloth or piece of cardboard under the stain to avoid shifting to another surface.

From tracksuits, trousers

  • Sportswear can be washed with any of the degreasing agents. A solvent, acetone, or a nail polish remover will do. Wipe the engine oil stain with a sponge soaked in any of the chemicals. Let stand for 30-40 minutes and wash with normal detergent.
  • Mix powder of magnesia with ether until mushy. Cover the soiled area on the pants with gruel and rub it into the fabric with gentle movements.
  • A sports suit made of wool is restored after the ingress of oil with a special solution of dish gel, white vinegar and warm water. The proportion is maintained 1: 1: 6. The composition covers the stain and is gently rubbed off with a toothbrush. Hold for 5-7 minutes and blot the composition with a wet and dry towel.

With shoes

  • Liberally grease the contaminated area on the shoes with toothpaste. Allow to dry completely and clean with a brush.
  • Sprinkle chalk powder on a fresh stain on your sneaker. Leave until absorbed. Remove powder residues with a brush.

Special stain removers

Vanish is an effective “fighter” against engine oil stains. From the more budgetary, antipyatin soap and other types for oil stains are suitable. These household products can wash even delicate materials if you follow the manufacturer's instructions.

For light-colored fabrics of all types with traces of machine oil, oxygen bleach is used. The product is diluted with water and applied to the print.

A foamy upholstery cleaner, which can be found in the auto chemistry department, will help get rid of unpleasant dirt. It must be sprayed onto the stain and left overnight. Then wash the item with detergent and stain remover for this fabric.

Before washing clothes contaminated with fuel oil, prints are treated with a special automotive spray to remove oil on various surfaces. The spray quickly removes even stubborn stains. It remains only to wash the damaged item. You should always have the tool on hand if you have to often work with mechanical components.

Important: Use dishwashing liquid carefully. Bright or colored fabrics can become discolored.

In order for the removal of engine oil stains to have the desired result, you need to act quickly, until the composition has soaked the fibers. After all, it is not easy to cope with old stains.

Most often, engine oil gets on outerwear: jackets, down jackets, jeans. Despite the seeming complexity, it is quite possible to remove such pollution. And for this you need simple tools that can be found in almost any home, or bought for a penny.

  • Try to remove fresh dirt without giving it time to penetrate deep into the fabric. It is easier and faster to clean up a freshly delivered oil slick than an old one.
  • Be sure to test your chosen product on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing before applying to a stain.
  • Do not rub the stain, it is better to blot it several times or perform in a circular motion from the edge to the center. This will prevent it from spreading in breadth.
  • Use the brush only on heavy, abrasion-resistant fabrics.

How to remove a fresh trail of engine oil

There are many methods for removing a freshly stained stain, here are the most effective:

Use absorbent substances

Do not be intimidated by the name - we are talking about familiar components. These are chalk, salt, starch, tooth powder. Any of these products must be well crushed and applied to the contaminated area of ​​clothing in a thick, even layer. Then wait 30 minutes and shake off the particles of the cleaning agent, and send the clothes to the wash.

Note: due to the action of the absorbent, the oil does not penetrate deeply into the fibers of the fabric. But it is important to react quickly - start removing the stain as soon as it has been planted.

Clean with dishwashing liquid

The dish detergent contains a unique chemical formula that can dissolve grease. It is this property that will be needed to remove the oil residue from outerwear.

You need to proceed as follows: on a fresh stain on top, apply a little dish detergent, do not rub! Wait 15 minutes and then blot the treated area with a clean dry cloth. Repeat this step until the oil residue disappears completely. Then machine wash the clothes using the maximum allowed water temperature for the type of fabric.

Note: You can use dish soap to remove stains from delicate fabrics and light-colored items.

Removing an oil stain from a jacket or down jacket with kerosene

This method is considered radical and is used when the previous options did not give the desired result. The only condition is that you need to check the interaction of the material and kerosene in order to exclude fading of the fabric and the spread of threads.

The processing technology is as follows: moisten the surface of contamination with kerosene using a cotton pad, a cloth, or just gently drip the product on top. Take a paper towel and collect the oily substance, moving from the edge of the stain to the center.

After such cleaning of kerosene, streaks will remain on the jacket, so the thing must be washed in a typewriter in hot water at an acceptable temperature.

Get rid of old oil stains

It so happened that you did not notice the engine oil stain in time or you postponed the wash for a long time. And in this situation, you can compete for a thing - try to clean the fabric in one of the ways.

A solution of ammonia and turpentine

This option is suitable for denim. They do this: mix turpentine and ammonia in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is applied to the oil trail, left to act for several minutes, and then washed off with warm soapy water. If necessary, repeat the procedure. When the desired result is obtained, the product is washed by hand in soapy water, changing it several times. This removes unpleasant chemical odors from clothing.

Note: You can also treat fabrics such as wool, silk and velvet with a solution of ammonia and turpentine.


You need to take 2 cloth napkins, soak in gasoline. Next, one napkin is placed on the stain, while the other is placed under it, from the seamy side of the garment. Leave the substance to act for 30 minutes. During this time, the gasoline will dissolve the oil and it will be absorbed into the wipes. After this treatment, the garment should be hand washed.

Mustard powder

Dissolve the mustard in warm water until thick. Apply the resulting gruel to the dirt. After 15 minutes, remove the mustard mixture with a napkin. Wash clothes using soap and rinse well.

Nail polish remover

A successful down jacket cleaner is a nail polish remover that contains acetone. Moisten a cotton swab with liquid and moisten the contaminated area with it. After 25 minutes, wash the down jacket as usual.


Smear the traces of engine oil on clothes with toothpaste. The layer should be even and thick. After 15 minutes, the toothpaste is dry and a crust forms on the spot. Lightly dampen the dried paste and rub over the area using a brush. It remains to wash the thing in the machine, and the oil stain will disappear.

Note: The toothpaste can also be applied to delicate fabrics such as silk, but use a sponge instead of a brush.

Laundry soap

This option is suitable for rough fabrics that are resistant to mechanical stress. Moisten the contaminated area and scrub with good quality laundry soap. Brush the problem area. These steps can be repeated until the oil stain is completely removed. Finish washing your clothes with a machine wash.


With the help of heat, you can get rid of the most stubborn stains. Another plus of this cleaning method is that no harsh chemicals are used.

Technology for removing engine oil stains with an iron:

  1. Place paper towels on the contaminated area. This must be done on both sides of the garment: front and back.
  2. Heat the iron and walk it over the place of contamination. The high temperature will cause the oil to melt and the paper will absorb it.
  3. After processing, wash clothes in a typewriter.


Engine oil stains are removed from white clothes using stain removers designed for white clothes. How to use the bleach is indicated in the instructions from the manufacturer of this product.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that special sprays are sold in stores that can cope with engine oil stains. Such a tool is desirable to have on hand for those who often face the problem of oil stains.