So different - cosmetic water for the face. Facial care: what is thermal water for?

We present you a beauty elixir based on living water. We want to reassure you right away - you don’t have to pour 2 liters of water into yourself a day. Now we will take only two glasses of water, but we will change its structure so that it turns into a healing one, and we will use it according to a special scenario.

HOW to turn ordinary water into living water?

Fill two glasses with plain water and place them side by side near the computer. Suitable drinking from the tap (do not forget to filter), bottled without gas, and better - well or spring. Put on the audio track "Tibetan mantra for rejuvenation" or another similar, healing melody. After the water is saturated with the influence of the mantra, its molecular structure will change (see photo). So it turns out living water for the face.

This is not a CGI effect, but a real shot of a water molecule. Altered in this way, water has amazing regenerating and rejuvenating properties. This cosmetic facial skin care product will not replace any advanced cream. And the effect of the use will be noticeable very quickly. You will soon believe in the power of the living water face mask after seeing how it works.

Use of living water for beauty

We have prepared two glasses of water that can work wonders. Drink water from the first glass immediately after preparation in leisurely sips. And the liquid from the second must be frozen. A mold for making ice cubes (preferably with round cells) will do. As soon as you fill it with water, hurry up to immediately put it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator (useful for facial skin).

IMPORTANT! Water after listening to the "mantra of rejuvenation" should not hear other sounds and expressions. Since it will lose its acquired structure, its healing properties and turn into ordinary drinking water, losing its healing effect.

We will use frozen cubes for the mask. In addition, it is advisable to drink at least one glass of slandered water per day. Can be more. Only in reserve to cook it will not work. Devote a few minutes to your transformation. Imagine how every cell of your body is getting healthier, how your face skin is getting younger, being saturated with healing moisture, how strength appears with every sip. Thank rejuvenating water for these miracles.

living water mask

  • 2-3 ice cubes (the ones you froze earlier)
  • a few cotton balls
  • cotton or linen napkin

Take a comfortable position on the bed. Try not to communicate with anyone for 10-15 minutes, but devote time only to yourself, your beloved. Put two frozen cubes in a small bowl beforehand so that they thaw a little. Do not pour out the melted water, it will still come in handy. We take one cube and begin to gently drive it over the skin of the face and neck. We act without haste, because facial skin care requires a careful, careful approach.

facial massage

Take a horizontal position, and covering your face with a damp cloth, lie down for about 5-7 minutes. Try to relax as much as possible, without thinking about anything at this moment.

For the first time after the procedure, a slight burning sensation and itching may disturb. This is natural and should not cause concern and means that the living water for the face begins its effective work of skin rejuvenation.

The Living Water Face Mask will regenerate the top layers of the skin and transfer ideal molecular patterns to the cells responsible for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. Applying a life-giving mask daily, you will notice in a week that the skin of the face has rejuvenated significantly.

An hour after the procedure, you can feel how the process of regeneration of the epidermis is going on. On the surface of the skin, a slight chill will be felt, and inside - a pleasant warmth. After a few days, a more significant effect will be visible. The skin on the cheeks and chin, on the forehead will even out, the neck will become like a swan's :-)

With such simple methods, without the use of expensive creams and complex ingredients, you can improve your skin, get a blooming face, feel great and be confident in your irresistibility. The use of water for beauty will transform any woman, while being a completely affordable tool for every woman.

All thermal water secrets: what it consists of, where it is mined, how and what to use, and whether it will help preserve youth.

Thermal water is needed to stabilize the water balance in the skin of the face. It is useful to spray on the face before applying the cream, and also to fix or refresh makeup during the day.

  • before applying the cream;
  • for fixing make-up;
  • as a nutrient medium for mineral deficiency;
  • for problematic skin.

What is thermal water for?

What is thermal water for? Is it worth the money spent on it? How to use it? We will tell you what you can expect from the application and explain exactly how the composition affects the skin.

It should be remembered that thermal water can harm. Since an increased concentration of certain minerals sometimes causes dermatitis or irritation on sensitive skin.

Well-known drugstore brands:

  • La Roche Posay with selenium;
  • VICHY (Vichy) contains high doses of sulfur;
  • Avene with a high concentration of silicon dioxide;
  • Evian (Evian) contains a rich mineral composition and has a pH of 7.2.

Young healthy skin does not need water enriched with minerals.

Bathing in thermal springs has been a part of beauty and health care since ancient times. Today, mineral-rich water continues to be popular for its medicinal properties.

(module Read more 2) If you have to stay in the sun for a long time, you just need Avene water. It will protect the face from irritation, sunburn and keep makeup for a longer time.

Thermal water la roche posay and Evian ideally cleanse, tone and moisturize. Vichy helps to get rid of drowsiness.
Tap water is often the cause of all skin problems. That is why our face needs additional mineralization.

Healing thermal springs in Europe and Russia

Sicily is rich in healing springs. If you want to experience a natural mineral steam sauna, head to Sciacca, Italy.

Healing springs are also found in the beautiful historic town of Acireale, Sicily.

Be sure to visit the sources in the Mediterranean resorts, where you will cure arthritis, joint pain, burns, eczema, psoriasis. Due to the soothing and anti-inflammatory properties of mineral water, there is a noticeable reduction in itching and redness.

Other thermal springs with a therapeutic effect:

  • Terme - Vigliator on the Tyrrhenian coast;
  • Edipsos, Greece;
  • Ikaria Island (the best springs in the world with a powerful therapeutic effect);
  • On the territory of the Czech Republic, France, Hungary.

Not far from Tyumen there are springs rich in calcium, magnesium, bromine, chlorine.

The sources in Belokurikha are famous throughout Russia, which will help cure allergies.

Many have heard about Kamchatka springs. The land here is famous for its huge number of geysers.

Ko did not dream to visit Baikal? The springs in these places are alkaline. In winter, you can enjoy the contrast of temperatures, the water is +40. and the air above it is well below zero -30.

Application of thermal water

In order not to throw money away in the pursuit of beautiful skin, you need to know what water to choose and how to use it correctly. For example, dehydrated skin needs toning with high mineralization of salts. Oily - moisturizing.

What is thermal water used for?

  • Moisturize your face throughout the day.
  • Spray under creams, oils. So the useful elements of cosmetic products are absorbed faster and more efficiently.
  • Moisturizing after applying creams, which include glycerin. Glycerin draws moisture from the dermis, and thermal water compensates for this deficiency.
  • Breeding clay masks.
  • To fix makeup.
  • Application after depilation and sugaring: soothes irritations, removes wax residues.
  • To relieve irritation after shaving.

It has been scientifically proven that the use of thermal water before masks, creams and apparatus procedures significantly increases their effectiveness.

Which thermal water is better to choose

Thermal water of each brand has its own unique composition and properties, as it is extracted from a specific source, where there is a certain set of useful elements and minerals.

Avene- the most popular thermal water with a balanced composition. Ideal for sensitive, dry, tired skin. Use it to wash your face. Wash your face in the morning and evening. In a few days you will notice big changes. So you can permanently get rid of annoying acne, age spots and other defects.

Avene soothes the skin of the face, saturates with minerals, refreshes, moisturizes the skin. This tool can be used even by people with dermatitis or psoriasis. It helps to soften the rash after shaving, epilation. Suitable for delicate baby skin care.

Vichy- another miracle of nature that cannot be recreated with the help of science. The composition intertwines 15 useful minerals and antioxidants, they are extremely important for the skin, enabling a woman to look young, regardless of age.

Vichy due to its exceptional properties is suitable for all types of facial skin. Antioxidants help fight the signs of aging. Minerals soothe, protect against environmental aggression, regenerate cells after attacks by free radicals. Vichy does not contain preservatives, parabens. After using the product, allergic reactions are not observed.

Thermal water of La Rocher gives a soothing, refreshing, toning care for sensitive skin. Contains selenium, a powerful natural antioxidant. It neutralizes the destructive effect of free radicals, protecting cells from premature aging. Useful for the skin as a tonic, cleanser, relieving irritation after depilation. Treats sensitive skin and dermatitis. In other words, this thermal water is aimed at soothing the skin, relieving discomfort.

Hypoallergenic 100%.

Evian improves the tone of the face, fixes makeup, moisturizes, nourishes, tightens pores, gives a healthy radiant shine. Evian is suitable for use after shaving.

We select thermal water according to skin type

Before you buy thermal water, first decide which one is best for you. To make it easier to choose, use the table where the products for each skin type are selected.

The composition of thermal water for the face

1. Isotonic.

The composition of thermal water with a neutral pH is similar to blood cells in terms of the content of substances.

Effect: soothes the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation.

Uriage, Bark, Selvert Thermal.

2. Hydrocarbonate-sodium.

Due to the high doses of minerals and trace elements, the composition of thermal water has a calming effect, enhances the protective functions of skin cells, dries out pimples, and fixes makeup well.

Bioderma, Gamarde, Vichy SPA - Vichy contains a lot of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc.

3. With selenium.

Essential in summer. Selenium moisturizes and soothes the skin.

  • La Roche Posay;
  • Dermophil Soin D'Eau Bagnoles De L'Orne.

4. Weakly mineralized.

Removes inflammation.

  • Avene, contains calcium, magnesium, silicon, iron;
  • Evian;
  • Thermal Spray Body Line Thermal Babor.

5. With essential oils or herbal extracts.

Violet extract neutralizes inflammation, dries acne. Aloe and chamomile soothe all sorts of irritations.

Avon Naturals, Bio Caudalie, Kenzo.

How to use thermal water for the face

Thermal water can be used as often as required (at home, in the office, on the beach). Just do it right so you don't do yourself more harm than good.

1. From a distance of 20 - 30 centimeters from the face.
2. Up above yourself.
3. To the side, and then enter the cloud of droplets.

Then, after 2-3 minutes, pat your face with massage movements or remove excess moisture with a napkin (required!).

It is undesirable to use thermal water under the scorching rays of the sun. The problem is that water drops in the sun become dangerous and cause burns.

Thermal water is necessary for a feeling of freshness, additional hydration, evening out the tone of the face, fixing makeup. It has a more powerful effect than sea water, the benefits of which are well known to all.

Recently, thermal water has gained great popularity. Now it is used not only as a wellness procedure for the body, but also for the beauty of the face.

What it is

Thermal water is, roughly speaking, the same mineral liquid, but from sources underground, where it is constantly heated. As a result, when it is removed, it is still warm and retains many useful substances, such as iodine, magnesium and calcium.

It becomes indispensable when you need to quickly moisturize the skin of the face with applied makeup or in any other cases.


The main thing, when choosing this water, always pay attention to the composition. It is important to make sure that no harmful elements are added to the product, which definitely will not help your skin, but can also harm.

So, for example, water packed in a plastic bottle can quickly lose its useful vitamins and become unusable, so manufacturers often season it with preservatives. And this at times lowers the quality of thermal water and increases the possibility of allergic reactions.

If the packaging is hermetic and metal, then the product in it is able to retain its beneficial properties for up to a year.


Thermal water is:

  • Isotonic. With a neutral level of acidity, it can soothe, relieve any inflammation and irritation. Good for all skin types, but most importantly for sensitive and irritated skin. Gives moisture, protects, has an antibacterial effect and mattifies;

  • Hypertensive, with lots of mineral salts. Good for oily and combination skin. Copes with inflammation, including acne, dries the skin, soothes;

  • Hypotonic, having a low salt content. Ideal for dry skin. Heals wounds, has an anti-inflammatory agent, makes the skin soft and creates a feeling of cleanliness and comfort;

  • High in selenium. Protects the face from aging, heals, soothes, copes with inflammation. Suitable for any aging skin;

  • With added plants or essential oils. Depending on the composition of these products, they can provide deep treatment for all skin types. The good thing is that you can choose a product for specific problems or needs.

Beneficial features

An undeniable fact is that the benefits of thermal water are its naturalness and high content of valuable substances. But there are a few more points according to which it is useful.

  • Removes excessive dryness of the skin. For example, when it is a hot day on a sandy beach and the whole body is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, or after a session in a solarium. Be that as it may, the use of thermal water will not only moisturize the skin well, but also protect it;
  • It also protects the face from other weather influences., such as wind, snow, cold and so on;
  • It is good to use both before applying cosmetics and after. After all, this will help the skin to refresh and create the appearance of an even layer;
  • Improves blood circulation in the face. This leads to the fact that the cells receive more oxygen, and the skin becomes renewed and young;
  • Excellent effect on cleansing the skin from fat and oily sheen;
  • If used regularly, it eliminates acne and other rashes;
  • Due to the beneficial substances contained in thermal water, it improves the complexion quite a lot.

More about the benefits of thermal water in the next video.


In modern cosmetology, thermal water is used in many products for dry, normal and oily skin. And also sold separately, in a completely natural form. For convenience, this is a spray bottle, the contents of which can be sprayed on the face at any time, as well as carried with you.

The advice of cosmetologists on how to use thermal water agrees on one thing - if you use this remedy regularly, the skin will acquire a completely different color and will feel completely different. There is another way to look better - apply water to the skin before applying any other cosmetic product. Then the desired effect will increase twice.

How to use

Thermal water should be sprayed on the face from a distance of about thirty centimeters. After application, allow the skin to dry and blot the remnants with a napkin or cotton pad.

It is good to apply the spray before using the day and night cream - this will enhance the effect, and the skin will look even better. Water can also be used as the final step in cleansing the face, after peeling or scrub. It is also often used instead of tonic. You can replace it with the effect of masks or cook them yourself at home.


Thermal water can now be found in any store. As a rule, it is sold in the form of a spray, because it is much more convenient to apply it on the skin and take it with you. But you can also cook it yourself. The advantage of this method is that you will definitely be sure of the naturalness and quality of your product.

Yes, and the cooking method is extremely simple. You just need to take good mineral water with gas and leave the bottle open overnight so that all harmful substances come out of it. After that, for ease of use, pour the water into a spray bottle - and your homemade moisturizer is ready.

An important detail: if you plan to apply water over makeup, it is worth getting a spray bottle with small holes that irrigates your face with a kind of mist, not drops.

If you want more variety, you can make water with additives.

  • Decoction. You can add it to water for extra care, and all you need to know is your skin type. For example, mint or sage is suitable for oily skin, chamomile is suitable for normal skin, and linden will be excellent care for dry skin. For 200 milliliters of boiling water, you need to add a large spoonful of herbs, turn it off after a minute and let it brew. Add to water at a ratio of 70 to 30.

  • Honey will help with summer dryness. A quarter of a teaspoon of honey is added to 100 milliliters of thermal water and mixed thoroughly. Honey will provide nourishment and hydration.

  • Lemon juice will help regulate oily skin. Therefore, if you encounter such problems, add a teaspoon of lemon juice to 100 milliliters of water and the fat content will go away.

  • Essential oils. Here the recipes are endless, you can combine them as you like, they will still nourish the skin and fill it with aroma. True, they are not so easy to dissolve in water. Honey or sea salt will come to your aid. If you mix any oil with them, it will dissolve easily.

Remember one thing: supplements are good, but you need to understand that you should choose those substances that smell pleasant to you and do not cause irritation. Otherwise, leaving will not bring you any pleasure.

And now the video is a recipe for making thermal water.

Popular brands


French thermal water contains a high silica concentration. And its presence, in turn, helps to strengthen capillaries, improve blood circulation, protect against external influences, strengthens the immune system and eliminates the bad effects of free radicals. Almost does not contain salts, so it does not dry out the skin.

Good at softening, soothing and generally reduces the effect of itching, irritation and so on. Revitalizes the skin and restores it. Good for children, as it acts very gently, but it is also suitable for sensitive dry skin.

The volume is usually 50, 150 or 300 milliliters. The cost is around 500 rubles.


Isotonic thermal water, one of a kind, is able to replenish salt in the body, as well as maintain the composition of blood plasma. Roughly speaking, this solution is very close to the composition of our blood. When using it, it is recommended not to wipe it off the face, but to let it soak in.

Soothes, moisturizes the skin at a mineral level, gets rid of dehydration, improves immunity and protects against natural influences such as wind, frost or heat. Suitable for children and even newborns, and also just for dehydrated or inflamed skin.

Volume from 50 to 300 milliliters. The price is around 250-850 rubles.

La Roche Posay

Volume 50, 150 and 300 milliliters. The average price reaches 500 rubles.


I am the

Successfully fights against external damage and stress, as well as environmental influences. Perfectly moisturizes, nourishes tired skin with freshness and purity. This tool is the so-called "two in one", so that it not only takes care of the skin, but also helps to remove makeup at the end of a hard day.

Over the past few years, thermal water has become very popular. It is used not only for healing the whole body, but also purely for cosmetic purposes. Due to its healing effect, it remarkably eliminates all skin imperfections and promotes its rejuvenation.

The effect of thermal water on the skin

The remarkable effect of this water has already been proven, because its composition is completely natural water from underground sources. It is mined already warm (about 30 degrees), which indicates a unique and healing effect. Its composition is rich in trace elements such as calcium, and other useful minerals. They help keep the protective functions of the whole organism normal and have a positive effect on skin regeneration. Many who use this water have already seen the results and do not cease to give preference to this miracle remedy.

Video, what is thermal water and how to choose a quality product without preservatives:

To find out how thermal water affects the skin, let's take a closer look at its beneficial properties:

  • helps relieve excessive dryness on the skin. It is good to use it in the hot season, especially during sunbathing on the beach, when the skin is especially susceptible to the harmful rays of the sun. Also, thermal water can be used after a solarium, when the body becomes dry and loose;
  • perfectly moisturizes the face throughout the day, when the skin is susceptible to various environmental influences (wind, frost, dust, environmental influences, etc.);
  • It is used both before applying makeup and after it. This will help preserve its freshness longer and ensure uniform application;
  • thermal water improves blood circulation on the face, thanks to which the cells receive a maximum of oxygen and nutrients. This helps to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and the skin remains young and attractive for a long time;
  • cleanses the skin of the face from excessive oiliness;
  • regular use of thermal water removes redness and acne from the face;
  • significantly improves the complexion, because thanks to the huge composition of trace elements, the epidermis receives all the necessary nutrients.

How to choose thermal water?

The photo shows how to use thermal water

When choosing thermal water in cosmetic stores, it is very important to know about its variety and effect on a certain type of skin. After all, the effect will depend on its composition. So:
  1. Hypotonic. This is thermal water, which contains a lot of salt in its composition and is suitable for oily and sensitive skin. It promotes deep cleansing of the skin and has an antiseptic effect.
  2. Hypertensive. The water is rich in mineral salts and is most often used for dry skin that needs constant hydration.
  3. Isotonic. The composition of this thermal water is rich in many useful minerals. And in combination, this water improves the condition of all skin types, with any problems.
Therefore, in order to get the maximum effect from thermal water, you should contact a cosmetologist who is well versed in this.

Preparation of thermal water at home

Thermal water can be purchased at any cosmetic store. The most common it is in the form of sprays, because it is very convenient to use and you can always carry it with you. As already mentioned, thermal water is very similar in composition to mineral water. It can be easily done at home, for this you need to release gases from ordinary mineral water. Thus, all heavy trace elements and excess salts will evaporate and in its action it will be a simple alternative to thermal water.

In order to enhance its effect on the skin, decoctions of various medicinal herbs can be added to the mineral water. For example, after a few hours all the gases come out of it, add a decoction of chamomile, calendula or mint there. You will get an excellent moisturizer and cleanser for the face. You can also freeze this water in an ice mold and wipe your face with this frozen decoction every evening. A stunning effect of a clean and fresh face is guaranteed.

It also has a good cleansing effect. combination of home thermal water with lemon juice(for 1 liter of water you need 3-4 tablespoons of lemon juice). It is best if you store this composition in a spray bottle. Thus, it will be comfortable for you to use it and easy to carry with you. Otherwise, you can simply store water in a glass jar and wipe your face with a cotton pad.

If you wish, you can use different essential oils, which will not only enhance the effect, but thanks to their pleasant aroma will help you relax.

The cost of this water for the face and body ranges from 150 to 500 rubles per 150 ml, of course, it is more profitable to buy a volume of 300 ml. Here are the approximate prices (02/20/15, the exchange rate is 62 rubles per dollar):
  1. Thermal water "I am the most" for the face, 150 ml, price - 178 rubles.
  2. La Roche-Posay, 150 ml, price - 388 rubles.
  3. EvoLuderm "Eau Pure", 150 ml, bottle price - 210 rubles.
  4. Vichy "Eau Thermale" from L "oreal, 150 ml, price - 444 rubles.
No matter how you use thermal water, its effect on the skin cannot be underestimated. After all, only nature can give us something that will make us beautiful and healthy without harm to health. Try, experiment and choose your way of using this healing water. You will be surprised how easy it is to be attractive!

Video about thermal water of the most popular brands, review-review:

Thermal water among modern beauties has gained tremendous popularity.

It is the leading cosmetic product for moisturizing, healing and skin rejuvenation.

Secret in saturating the epidermis with essential trace elements, minerals and moisture throughout the day, even with makeup.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to learn how to use miracle remedy right.

The popular name for thermal water is "living water".

A real fairy tale term with a similar effect.

Word "thermal" came from the French language (thermal), literally translated as "warm".


Thermal water is of natural origin. Its source is spouting underground geysers. Water properties depend on the source temperature.

There are 3 types:

  1. Subthermal water (up to 37 °C). Does not exceed human body temperature.
  2. Thermal water (up to 42 °C). The source is suitable for taking therapeutic baths.
  3. Hyperthermal water (above 42°C). The most valuable gift of the earth for restoring the water balance of the skin.

The value of such water is that it is saturated with various healing minerals:

  • copper;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • bromine;
  • fluorine;
  • sodium;
  • chlorine;
  • biologically active substances.

Depending on the concentration of salts, the living elixir has the following classification:

  • hypertonic water tones and moisturizes dry skin (maximum salt content);
  • hypotonic water soothes, normalizes metabolism for oily skin type (minimum salt content);
  • isotonic water, similar in chemical composition to human blood (suitable for all skin types).

Manufacturers have improved the composition of the thermal product, enriching it with various herbal extracts and essential oils. Thanks to them, the elixir acquires medicinal properties depending on the plant element used.

For example, pharmacy chamomile fights irritation and inflammation, violet dries oily skin and removes acne, aloe juice disinfects. Therefore, when choosing a bottle pay attention to its composition.

Any kind of thermal water is beneficial affects the skin:

  • returns a healthy complexion;
  • removes irritation;
  • fights dryness (especially in hot weather);
  • cleanses of excess fat;
  • moisturizes the face all day;
  • protects the skin from negative natural factors;
  • activates blood circulation (cells receive a maximum of nutrients, keeping youth);
  • It is used as a kind of make-up fixer, making it more resistant.

Advice! When choosing thermal water for yourself, consider the condition of your skin, the effect will depend on this. It is better to get advice from a beautician.

How is thermal water different from ordinary water?

Main difference thermal fluid from the usual - its supercomposition. This determines its mechanism of action. Plain water, evaporating, dries the skin. And living water not only moisturizes, but also creates protection against evaporation of the internal moisture of the body. Thermal elixir is a natural source of moisture.

What is the difference between thermal water and micellar water?

Micellar water is also a popular cosmetic product. Its main constituent element is solutions of essential fatty acids. They allow you to carefully, without damaging the layers of the epidermis, remove makeup and remove various impurities. The product is optimal for all skin types, even the most sensitive.

Both of these miracle cures differ in their functions. Thermal water moisturizes and cleanses. And they should complement each other in regular care.

With the modern pace of life, it is not always possible to find time for healing cosmetic procedures for the face. And there is no time to rest.

Humidity Problem solved with a bottle of thermal water, which at any time can moisturize and refresh the face, support the skin with minerals and vitamins, remove signs of fatigue.

This issue is especially relevant in the summer, when the sun is merciless. roasts the skin. Also, thermal water catalyzes cellular regeneration, which allows you to keep youth and freshness. The oligoelements contained in it are responsible for this.

Beauticians insist that the daily use of thermal water keeps you young for years. The aging process is significantly slowed down.

Thermal water- a natural natural product that does not contain harmful dyes, fragrances, shock absorbers, parabens, etc. Therefore, the product is suitable even for allergy sufferers.

How to use thermal water?

Manufacturers of a moisturizing product describe in detail the possible how to use it in the instructions. The list of applications for thermal water is extensive:

  1. Essential tool for daily skin care.
  2. Facial care after peeling, polishing and other damaging cosmetic procedures.
  3. Cleansing the skin after removing unwanted hairs. This will help prevent irritation and also moisturize the skin better than any tonic or lotion.
  4. To fix the make-up, thermal water is sprayed onto the face at a distance of 30 cm.
  5. Breeding dry masks and various clays, which will enhance their effect.
  6. With a long stay in a room with dry air, the use of thermal water will help minimize the harmful effects of the environment on the skin. To do this, it is enough to spray your face several times a day. If your mascara is not waterproof, then avoid getting liquid on your eyes.
  7. During a long flight on board an airplane, the skin is stressed. Thermal water will prevent dehydration of the skin during this period.
  8. Thermal water creates a protective layer. Before applying a moisturizer, use it so that there is a barrier to the evaporation of natural moisture.
  9. Before using a mask or scrub, moisturize the skin with thermal water. It will allow useful substances to be absorbed as much as possible.
  10. To enhance the effect of a cream or mask, add "live" water to them. It will help to cope with many problems up to the manifestation of psoriasis.
  11. Thermal water can be used to irrigate the face during sports training, when the body loses precious moisture.

After the life-giving moisture has got on the skin, it needs to be given time to dry. Surplus can be removed after 30 seconds. The ideal time to moisturize your face is before using your night cream. After 18.00, the skin absorbs nutrients more productively.

Advice! Thermal water is still better to use differentially. For dry skin, a tonic hypertonic product with a high salt content is suitable. For owners of oily skin, the best option would be a stabilizing hypotonic composition.

If you do not want to deal with the "chemical" subtleties, get isotonic water. She is useful for any skin type.

Thermal water instead of tonic

Cosmetologists recommend
replace thermal water with a regular tonic, as it performs similar functions more efficiently.

But to replace masks and creams with this life-giving elixir not worth it, as the skin will not receive the necessary nutrients. You can only add thermal water to their composition before use to enhance the effect.

It's better to prioritize proven brands:

  • VICHY;
  • AVENE;
  • EVIAN;
  • "I AM THE";

Most firms for convenience, spray bottles of different volumes are produced. They are convenient to carry in your pocket and handbag of any size.

Products differ in their properties, as they are extracted from different sources. Purchase vials recommended in pharmacies or online. A reliable manufacturer makes sure that the vial is packed hermetically, as when reacting with oxygen, the healing salts turn into a precipitate.

Is it possible to make thermal water at home?

The network provides some recipes for homemade life-giving elixir, but they have nothing to do with to real thermal water. The liquid from the source retains its wonderful properties for three days, so it is impossible to stock up on it for future use. Therefore, under production conditions, the product is hermetically packaged, excluding the ingress of air and all kinds of microorganisms.

Every beauty dreams of healthy and beautiful skin at any age. It is impossible to protect yourself from stress, the malicious influence of external factors on the skin. But you can provide powerful protection. Thermal water is such armor. Daily use of it will retain precious moisture, and the skin will shine in any situation.

Why thermal water is needed for the face: an overview of the best brands and reviews about them, see the video: