Toasts. Birthday toasts for a woman: cool and meaningful. Beautiful greeting toasts

They say that a birthday is a sad holiday, because the years fly by and there is no return to them. For me, so let them fly. There are still many happy years ahead. And the holiday cannot be sad in any way, especially in such a wonderful company as ours. So let's have fun! Happy Birthday to You! Never regret the past, but live in the present, making plans for the future.

Today you have Jin, Santa Claus, a magic lamp and a goldfish at your disposal, and each of them gives you three wishes, I don’t know what you want with them, but I personally wish all these wishes to come true.

What can you wish for a good person? Happiness, love, wealth and health are all those things that everyone always desires. But let's drink, so that such a kind and good birthday person is always accompanied by the bright side of fortune, which will give him good people nearby, and good health, and a good amount of money - exactly everything that our birthday person deserves!

Let an ocean of bright moments appear, where goldfish live, realizing all your dreams, in the depths of which a country of happiness and success would appear, which could only be flown by an airplane of wealth and stability, in which the most valuable thing - health, sits. Let us clink our glasses so that this endless ocean becomes your life!

They say that having a sense of humor makes it easier to bear the absence of everything else! So let's drink to the hero of today's celebration! Let his presence of mind never leave him and his sense of humor never change!

Happy Happy Day!
I celebrate your birthday.
I want to raise my glass, hug.
And wish you happiness in life.

Love, joyful moments
In the work of tone, sunrises!
Delightful, clean and clear
Carefree and warm, wonderful.

On such a wonderful holiday
I want to raise a glass.
Then, of course, have a drink
But first - to wish:

Stay healthy,
Happy long days
In a family of well-being,
And many friends.

Wish you wealth
(Though poverty is not a vice)
So that there was something to spend
And so that it will be enough for future use!

For your birthday, we will all knock our glasses. Let them hear this ringing and fly to the celebration: a bird of luck, a breeze of success, a rain of happiness. We wish that they never leave you, and therefore there is no reason for sadness.

May there be a holiday every day
I'm not too lazy to congratulate you
Health, joy, kindness,
Good luck to come to you!

To solid friends
Today I drink to you
I wish you many years
Success, joy, victories!

I raise my glass
So that your life is like a carnival
Was full of love.

You can congratulate a loved one on the name day not only with a gift, but also with a beautiful toast. The collection contains the best sayings in poetry and prose, both short and long. For convenience, congratulations are divided into categories.

Birthday Toasts:

Birthday toasts for a man

The man is the steel of the spring
A motor that sings in the sky
A single formidable step of the squad,
Eagle scream in the heights of the mountains.
A man is a clot of pepper
Master's firm hand
And a heart loving women:
So let's drink to the birthday man!

They say that even the smallest good deed weighs more than huge promises. Therefore, I want to raise a toast to our birthday boy and wish him that he would be surrounded by people who are able to appreciate all those kind and good deeds that he does for them!

We wish you that your life was bright, like a clear sunny day, full, like this glass of champagne, cloudless, like the sky over the desert. And let the lights always burn in the windows of your friends and family, the lights of hope, like stars in the night sky. Be healthy, happy and lucky!

May you have as much money as your wife wishes you, and as much health as your mother wishes you. And if you don't come home late at night, let it be for the reason that your wife thinks about, not your mother.

We wish you everything was good. And if not good, then very good. And if not very good, then great! May everything you dream of come true!

Let's pour wine and drink to the bottom
Health for the birthday boy!
So that you love life and be happy,
Don't forget your friends!

A little math: a dacha is zero, a car and a garage are zero, an apartment is zero, money is zero, health is one. So let's drink to the fact that the whole life of the birthday person is one with a lot of zeros.

A birthday is a great occasion to say all the best to a person. And I always said, with reason and without reason, that our birthday man is a kind and sympathetic person who deserves our attention. I wish dear birthday boy (name) to always remain the same pleasant in all respects. I raise this wonderful glass for him!

Birthday is a fiction. It is better to celebrate it every day in order to have time to list all the merits of the birthday man for a long time. The postcards are all the more not enough to list your merits and my wishes. So - just congratulations!

Let's raise our glasses so that our birthday boy, crossing a crazy intersection, sees signs on the roads: the path to the right - fortunately, the path to the left - to health, forward - to wealth, back - to good! And so that you go around this intersection up and down!

Birthday toast for woman

You are artistic and beautiful. It seems that your whole life is a theater in which, of course, you play the main role. You do it magnificently, and may fate always be favorable to you, and clouds of adversity will never darken your beautiful appearance.

I think that if Mayakovsky saw our birthday girl (name), he would slightly change his poem, and it may have sounded like this:
"Yes, be I and a negro of old age,
And then without despondency and laziness
I would come to (name) and simply, without words,
Kneel down in front of her! "
I suggest you drink to our charming birthday girl!

For you to be like an orange! Let me explain. Orange has an orange color, it is a symbol of attention. It is divinely delicious. He is the subject of dreams, aspirations and great demand. So, for you to attract attention, be divine, evoke dreams, and the demand for you would exceed the supply! Hooray!

Be a husband desired and loved by everyone,
Always charming, unique!
Let your eyes shine with happiness forever!
Our toast to you! Let them pour some more!

Let your eyes shine with happiness!
Good people will meet in life!
Let love bloom to old age!
We wish you only joy!
For eternal love and youth!

We wish you a lot of joy and light
So that life is full of desires!
May your Indian summer bloom
Well, let spring bloom in your soul!

Let the years fly by
Don't be sad about what has passed.
And to those who once offended,
Forgive me with all my heart.
Don't waste your nerves:
Health cannot be bought anywhere.
May your life be beautiful
We wish you happiness!

Happy birthday dear!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Toasts to your health
We are in a hurry to raise it now!

We wish you to be beautiful
Always desired, young
In the bosom of the family - always beloved,
In the circle of friends - always simple.
We wish you many, many happiness
We wish you light and warmth
And so that all your way
Was covered with flowers.

Where can we get such a word?
What to wish for your birthday?
We wish you to be always healthy
And never lose heart.
So that grief does not get into the soul,
So that there is no place for trouble,
And so that the cuckoo would guess
Prokukovat you for a hundred years!

You have an open soul
And character is better not to be found!
You are good in everything, dear:
Daughter is a caring, loving mother ...
We wish you bright days
Bright joy, brilliant success
And excellent health, which is more important,
Than solving life's problems!

We are talking about everything good, pure, light. I propose a toast to everything black. Let's drink to the birthday girl to have a husband in a black suit with a black diplomat, to ride a black Lamborghini, to rest in five-star hotels by the Black Sea and to have black caviar in the refrigerator and start the morning with a black tile. chocolate and a cup of black coffee!

Husband's birthday toast

Every day I look forward to a date
Every day you call me
I made a wish
I believe: dreams will come true!
You are my prince, even though it is difficult for them to be
Well, I am your Assol.
Everything is possible in this life
This role suits us.
Let your friends envy
Curl around.
Only their attempts are in vain,
My friend does not look at them!
Happy birthday my darling
Much happiness, long years ...
May God give us health, strength
To overcome everything in life!

Some of the greats said: "To be courageous means to curb your temper." My husband is doubly courageous because he has harnessed not only his temper, but mine as well. Thanks to this, we have been living happily for many years. I propose to drink to my beloved, courageous husband!

I raise this glass
For her husband, for his love!
Take gifts from me
And a few nice words:
I wish you good luck
To you in all your affairs!
You smile at me more often
Wear it more often on your hands!

On the birthday of the person dearest to me, I propose to raise our glasses and drink to the bottom! Fate gave me you as a reward! I think that all of our gathered here wish you with love a lot of happiness, good luck and health. And they believe that your life will always be full of nobility, hope and work! For you! And may all your dreams come true.

There is no warmer than your hands
There is no brighter than your eyes!
May there be no parting
And we have sorrows.
May the fun and joy
They will always be there.
To grief and old age
They never came.
May all days, like dawn,
Will be eternally clear
And let it live in the heart
Spring state!

I didn't gain any ranks or regalia,
And the chest does not burst from things,
Only years of work experience
That's all that is in your piggy bank!
Not the hero of a positive story
Not a poster soul man
After all, you lived very conscientiously
In your cool and decisive age!
And looking into your clean eyes,
I walk up to you in silence,
And white strands of hair
Like a banner, I bring it to my lips.
Be wise, mind to face men,
Smarter wisdom than a crown.
Not the sage who is higher in rank,
He is higher in rank, who is a sage.

You are near, and everything is fine:
Both rain and cold wind.
Thank you my clear
For being in the world.
Thanks for those lips
Thank you for these hands.
Thank you my dear
For being in the world.
We are near, but we could
You can't meet each other at all ...
My only one, thank you
For being in the world.

I want for any of my dreams
You've been the only border all your life
I want in the book that you read,
Be the first and last page.
I want from all your worries and thoughts
Steal at least half.
I want it to suddenly come to your mind
That you are happy, and I am guilty of this!
I want to give you no rest
Be strong and stay weak
I want to call you my love
After all, I could not live otherwise!
I want to be music so you get used to it
And without her I could not live even an hour.
I want to be silent where the language is weak,
I could reach out with my heart in my heart.
I want, no matter how steep our path is,
He led us not through the wilderness, but through the garden,
I want twins - love and work
They have lived with us all their lives.

I raise a glass to your health!
Like a sea with a raging, foamy wave
My life has merged with your destiny!
You are my joy and my happiness!

My toast to your wisdom, generosity, kindness
And for your earthly simplicity
You are the best, dearest!
I congratulate you on your holiday!

Thank you dear for the love
That you have kept
Thank you both for the home and for the shelter,
For being attentive
Because my husband is patient and smart,
Sometimes unexpectedly wise.
We have lived a lot together with you,
And yet you were rarely gloomy!
May the stars help you in the future
Keeping your fate faithfully!
I raise a glass in your, dear, honor,
And I will ask everyone - to the bottom!

Wife birthday toast

Love, they say, is literature. First, a fairy tale, then a novel, then an elegy, then a satire. My wife is a witch ... She broke the pattern and detained me on the second stage, in the novel. Let's drink to my dear sorceress!

Many women were promised ...
I confess that I myself have loved more than one.
This toast is for a beloved woman
And, besides, luckily ... my wife!

Christ said: “Whatever you take will part with you. Everything that you give will stay with you. " I gave my heart to my wife many years ago and was not mistaken. Our love protects us, helping us to overcome everyday hardships. I raise my glass to my dear wife!

Like an unsolved mystery
Holy beauty breathes in her.
We watch with good anticipation
Into the quiet light of her eyes.
Earthly charm in her
Or unearthly grace?
The soul opened up to her with recognition,
And my heart is eager to adore ...

A good wife always knows what her husband needs. This is what popular wisdom says. On this beautiful holiday day, I want to wish you, dear, to sparkle with a radiant smile like the spring sun. Thank you for your kindness and spiritual generosity. For you, darling!

I want to think about you -
Thinking of you.
I don't want to think about you -
Thinking of you.
I can't think about others -
Thinking of you.
I can't think of anything -
Thinking of you.

You sing and the stars melt
Like kisses on the lips
Look - heaven is playing
In your divine eyes.
You go - and all your movements,
Deeds are all and all features
So full of feeling and expression
So full of wondrous simplicity!
Fate handed you over to me, dear,
And I don’t know the best gift!

Darling! Everything has cooled down without you:
Moon and stars, midnight and dawn ...
And even the sun shines on me sadly,
When you are not with me.
So let only happiness accompany you
Good luck will overshadow you with a wing
And may my love, hope and participation
Protect and preserve your home.

She's sweet. She is beautiful.
She sings like a nightingale.
I try to say something else
She will blow my head off! For my wife!

Kind and gentle
Smart and beautiful ...
You were created
Nature is amazing.
Like a fairy tale, like a song
Like a mountain stream
Swift, clean,
Free, nobody's.
So be healthy
And full of happiness.
In my heart
You are only one!

We crossed the field of life with you,
We have not lived in vain for so many years.
We worked and argued with fate,
Giving each other the warmth of the soul.
It was both very easy and difficult for us,
Life was full of misfortune and happiness,
But even today you, my friend,
Like a young tree, slender.
Your face breathes with the spring wind
And that there are wrinkles on it - it doesn't matter.
After all, this is the book of our life they write
Years going confidently.
And I, leafing through and reading it,
I see how love has made us akin.
And the trifle of quarrels is only empty vanity,
You shouldn't even remember them now.
And if youth came back again
And if youth were suddenly repeated,
Of all the girls - I'm ready to give my word
I would have chosen you alone, my friend.

I need you, my heart,
As a hunter needs a gun.
I need you my star
As the desert needs water.
I need you, my joy,
As the ships of the sea need.
How the homeless needs shelter
I need you, my love.

Brother's birthday toast

"Grow big!" - wished you in childhood. And now I wish you to continue to grow above yourself! Happy birthday, my dear, beloved brother!

It's good that you are there, brother,
That life is so favorable to me!
Cold mind and faithful gaze
And willpower is adamant!
Let, carried away by a dream,
Luck is a little ahead!
Be happy with yourself
That means a lot to a man!

Happy birthday dear brother
You are snapped up today
Friends send congratulations
They drink for you today!
May everything be fine in life
Without all sorts of misfortunes there,
Make it all clear
For many, many years to come!

In the east, they say that when a star falls, it is fortunate. My toast today is for your life to be full of starfalls!

You can't help but drink, there are reasons
After all, life is full of events.
Today is a holiday, name day,
But how is it possible without wine ?!
We will pour glasses of wine
And let's drink dry, to the bottom!

You know, today is more our holiday than yours. Indeed, on this day you were born and appeared in our destiny, in many ways you changed it for the better! My toast is for you!

My toast to you today! For your genius, for your bold ideas, for your determination. Always stay that way. I also wish you good luck, and happiness to boot!

The whole family, friends, colleagues
On this day they will come to you
Everyone wants to congratulate you
Wish you luck in your destiny!
There will be toasts, songs, dances,
There will be cake and loud laughter!
Dear brother, happy birthday!
Let's drink to your success!

You've become quite big, brother!
Do you remember running around naked?
And I read you books
She gave me warm milk!
I wish you a happy birthday
Today, my brother, in love,
Come on pour it without delay
And let's drink brother to you!

My precious, my beloved
My most gentle elder brother!
Your dear image is dear to me,
Than a hundred carat diamonds
Thanks to our mom and dad,
Bow to them, the lowest,
Because I have a brother,
My strong support.

Sister's birthday toast

Dear sister! I wish you smile and laugh more! Remember that people live much longer when they are in a good mood than when they are bad. But the most important thing is that optimists help others, charge them with their optimism and energy, and at the same time contribute to moving forward towards their dreams!

Once upon a time there was a girl
Beauty alone:
And this is a sister
My little sister!
She is smart, beautiful
Flirty, tender!
Men are interested in
Lovely and sweet!
So let's drink to little sister
My little sister!
To any business
She was on the shoulder!

Delicate like an apple blossom
Kind, like the sun in the spring.
There is no one dearer in the world,
I will open my whole soul only to you.
And you, like no one in the world,
I wish you happiness and peace.
I love you more than anyone
You are kin in spirit and blood.
Let the glasses clink merrily -
I drink for you today, sister.
Be happier day by day
Let your gaze shine with joy!

Let it be capricious luck
Always accompanies you
So that the tariff is paid for happiness
For all the coming years!
Happy birthday, my beloved sister, I want to drink to you, be happy!

A sister is more valuable to me than a treasure,
She's a delight to me.
Close, dear, priceless,
My precious man.
I drink for you, dear,
Live forever without knowing troubles!

Let happiness knock at your door!
Open it wider soon,
The path of life is covered with mystery,
But it's so beautiful in this world!
And let there always be light in the window,
Mom's smile - from the doorway,
May there be many good years
And there is an easy road in life!

May life never end
Sadness and misfortune do not meet
Great happiness, good friends,
Health, success and happy days!

Do not know worries - live happily
So that everyone always says:
How beautiful this woman is
How infinitely young!

Happy birthday congratulations
And with all my heart I wish:
Happiness, joy, kindness,
It's always fun to be.
What is planned - to fulfill,
Life is beautiful - remember this.
Smile, live long
To bring joy to people.

My dear little sister!
I sincerely congratulate you!
And with all my heart I wish:
Unlimited happiness
Foreign husband,
Children are smart and beautiful,
Go on vacation to Maldives
And, of course, in a good hour
so that she does not forget us!

Friend's birthday toast

Dear friend!
On this joyful and bright day, I want to drink for our whole company to gather at the old hundred-year-old oak, which has grown from a small acorn, which you will plant on the day of your centenary!

Among all the wonderful qualities of our dear friend, I want to highlight one thing - this is the constant optimism with which he goes through life. Do you know how the word OPTIMISM stands for?
Oh - experienced,
P is an excellent worker
T - quivering,
And - sincere,
M is a dreamer
And - and finally
Z - wonderful
M is a man!
Let's drink to the optimism of this wonderful man. Happy Birthday to You!

People are different. There are people who exist sadly, there are people who exist gray. There are people who have some kind of charge in their souls, an explosive device of gaiety, energy and joy. Our “newborn” is just this type of person. He is cheerful, and everyone around him receives a positive charge from him. So let's proclaim a toast to our hero! We wish him good health, happiness and many years of life!

Congratulations to you today
We wish you with all our hearts
Happy days and tender caress
Sweet princess from a fairy tale,
A difficult victory in the fight -
Let everything be yours!

Our friend is a cheerful, kind guy,
He does not like boring people.
Prefers to live without fame
It's easier for him and dearer.
Congratulations to the humble druzhban -
Today is the birthday.
And let him not get up from the sofa,
After all, on holidays it's too lazy to work.
His enviable grip, will
Anyone is jealous of us.
Let's clink glasses, or something,
Without any prim embellishment!

Our friend is a fighter, persistent and strong,
Sometimes cruel and somewhat stubborn.
He is very strict - he does not forgive you
The fact that you would easily forgive him.
But on this day we wish in unison
He has victories both small and large.
May this life appear to him as paradise
Where happiness and love reign!

The Spaniards love to wish their friends and relatives good health, great love, beautiful women, and, most importantly, longevity on their birthday, in order to have time to enjoy all this. We wish our birthday boy the same today!

Once a rich man died and bequeathed a huge fortune to his son before he died. But he set him one condition: that he spend all his money in three years, and then hang himself in the barn. The father's son did not dare to disobey and began to squander all his fortune: he threw up feasts and treated the whole city. He made many friends, but he also made many enemies. And exactly three years later, in the midst of the last of the feasts, the condemned man went to the barn and tightened the noose around his neck.
Then his friend came in. He saw what was happening and exclaimed: "If you die, I have no reason to live!" And he also tightened the rope around his neck.
They both jumped down, and the beam took and broke off. And from under the beam gold suddenly fell! If this man did not have a friend, he would have perished and would not have acquired wealth.
Let's raise our glasses so that our birthday boy has the same friends who would not leave him in difficult times and were like real gold!

Teenagers are walking in the yard, a newcomer joins them - bespectacled and clearly weak. As usual, he is immediately "run over" by local authorities:
- Hey, four-eyed! Do you want to take a shot?
- Well, who's on me?
A hefty fellow comes forward and says:
- Well, I'm on you ...
- What is your name? - asks the newcomer.
- Vasya…
The bespectacled man approaches, hugs Vasya by the shoulder and addresses those around him:
- Well, who is on us with Vasya?
I propose to drink for all the friends of our birthday boy to stand up for him like a mountain!

My toast to you today! Stay the same kind, purposeful! So that all your good qualities develop, and the shortcomings disappear by themselves. On your birthday, I wish you happiness, health and good luck. For you!

Girlfriend's birthday toast

Let someone say that birthday is a sad holiday. Don't trust them! Your beauty does not go away over the years, every year you become even more beautiful, only wiser. It doesn't matter that the years pass quickly, they cannot be stopped, they must be treasured!

Something the glass is sad
A healthy toast asks:
Who are we going to drink for
We bring it to that.
We drink to (name), a charming, charming woman, whose name day we are celebrating today! Health to her, happiness, bright life!

Count Suvorov refused to eat and drink at the empress's feast, because it’s impossible to get to the first star. At our table, the star of the first magnitude is our birthday girl! So let us eat and drink to her health!

I want to raise a glass for the birthday girl
And wish her a birthday
So that everyone told her now:
She is a wonderful moment of dreams!
We wish you health and happiness!
We drink glasses to the bottom!

Shakespeare's Hamlet believed that beauty and virtue are incompatible things. Our birthday girl is a living example of how wrong he was!

The women of France are beautiful; the women of Spain are passionate; the women of China are flexible; German women are thrifty; America's women are independent. And only Russian women know how to love so tenderly! All these qualities are combined in our birthday girl. Let's drink to the fact that they never collide!

Today, on this bright day
We wish you without a doubt
So that lilacs bloom in my soul
Not only on this birthday.

Smart women often try to hide their minds. But our (name) is smart and does not think to hide it. Let's drink to the mind and beauty of the hostess of the holiday!

A true woman will definitely appreciate a pleasant male company, and (name) will definitely make the company of pleasant men appreciate her. Let's drink to our birthday girl, who is highly appreciated by all the men present here!

Many women know how to defeat rivals, but (name) simply does not have them. After all, she is a real gift for a spouse. Let's drink to the birthday girl and to her husband, who got such a pearl!

Dear birthday girl!
Let the men open their mouths!
Let computers open ports!
Let them say: "Only you!"

Dear birthday girl! May everything in your life be normal and only happiness - over the edge! Love you, health, loyalty, good luck! All this will be with you thanks to your gentle and kind soul!

Let the beautiful dear
Your life will curl.
Let happiness keep pace
Keeping you from adversity.
May fate give you
What you desire
May wishes come true
And dreams come true!

I drink to you in winter
I basked in a fur coat,
And let there be five of them,
To change every day!
Let the personal driver carry
He carries bags behind you.
Well, the sponsor - to match
I wanted to wish!

We wish you to love and dream
The trouble is to go around
To keep the soul beautiful
And you would always be young!
You are like a dream come true:
Everything is in you - both the mind and the beauty!
And I wish that, calm and bright
The road to happiness has led you
So that fate gives good luck,
So that eternal spring reigns in the soul.

Choose toast for a woman's birthday that can penetrate her heart and touch her soul. On this momentous day, she will want to hear special words, experience memorable emotions. No gifts can replace gratitude, admiration and attention reflected in the speeches of loved ones. Even a drop of flattery will be very useful on a day when emotions are torn out, and the soul requires fun and celebration.

Funny and funny birthday toasts to a woman

Every lady, regardless of age, has a mischievous woman who can appreciate a joke and an original appeal. A bright holiday is an occasion to cheer yourself up and those around you. I want to be a little less serious and a little more relaxed.

  1. It would be better to celebrate a birthday more than once a year, but every day, so that during this long time you can have time to list all the merits of the birthday girl! So let's drink to at least two of her main virtues - for the fact that she is, and for the fact that she is with us!
  2. So let's drink to the birthday girl, thanks to whom such wonderful people as we have gathered !!! Cool birthday toasts relieve the atmosphere, herald the continuation of the fun. They do not need to be loaded with deep meaning and morality.
  3. Since the last time I saw the birthday girl, she has become a whole year older, but mind you - she has not changed at all. For the secret of eternal youth that she possesses!
  4. Our birthday girl has one serious drawback - every year she becomes more charming and attractive. But we will forgive her for this shortcoming. We wish her to continue to be as young and energetic! The best congratulations in a humorous form can be original phrases on abstract topics. Funny toasts easily start a feast and set the tone for the holiday.
  5. I propose a toast to the seven "H" of our heroine of the celebration. For our extraordinary, unique, incomparable, irresistible, necessary, beloved!
  6. Let those who did not get you cry, let the one who didn’t want you to die!

Short greeting toasts

Lovely ladies attach great importance to words. What can we say about the congratulations expressed to them. Capacious short toasts are imprinted in the memory for many years. Such phrases are passed by word of mouth.

  1. Let's drink to joy! Let this be the only thing that comes into the life of a birthday girl without an invitation!
  2. I want to wish you that if there are bumps on your life path, then only those that will throw you up!
  3. Dear birthday girl! I raise my glass so that you always have a light heart and heavy pockets!
  4. Let your whole life be a holiday! Dream, smile and enjoy every moment!

Say a small, meaningful greeting expressing deep feelings and sympathy. Your words will surely find a response and will be received with gratitude.

Original greetings

Original toasts always emphasize the special attitude of the guest towards the birthday girl. They express personal wishes and genuine interest.

  1. I want to raise a glass so that in your life there are no bitter minutes, but only hours of wild happiness! My toast to your sweet moments
  2. Each coin has two sides, and I want to wish you in the next year of your life to learn how to combine opposites. Fly on the wings of a dream and stand firmly on your feet, have a hundred friends and much more rubles, laugh in the face of adversity and cry with happiness, conquer the world and submit to love. It is easiest to surprise a loved one, because who, no matter how you, knows about all his aspirations and experiences. Emphasize more important things and make a toast with a strong hope for a brighter future.
  3. Shakespeare said that if every unfair word left a mark, we would all walk around dirty from head to toe. Let's drink to the radiant purity of our birthday girl!
  4. The Peruvian Indians believe that God made all people from corn dough. Let's drink to our birthday girl never losing weight!
  5. The gingerbread man rolled away from grandfather and grandmother, the Snow Maiden melted in the spring, and her mother lost Thumbelina ... Let's drink to our friend's always having everything tasty, beautiful and expensive!

What a holiday without a feast, and a feast without a toast !? Words spoken with a glass in hand have always been considered an integral part of any celebration. On our site you can find the most original toasts that will decorate your congratulatory speech.

They are distinguished by a parting character. They are filled with great hopes and warmth, sincerity and kindness. Indeed, on this day a new family is born!

Filled with cheerfulness and enthusiasm! On this occasion, many congratulatory words have been invented, which are addressed to the hero of the occasion. Such heartfelt wishes evoke tenderness and will certainly find like-minded people at the festive table, since everyone seeks to congratulate the birthday man.

Here you will be able to find and that will emphasize the dignity of a particular age. The simple quatrains contain exactly the words that we are all trying to put together, frantically coming up with congratulations on the go. An alternative to serious congratulatory speeches are those that can make anyone laugh. The humor at the table always defuses the atmosphere of tension that is often present at the beginning of the holiday. A well-chosen one, pronounced to the place, can become the main phrase of the evening, and later - a "catch phrase" in your company.

When choosing a gift for the hero of the occasion, you should definitely think about what words will accompany the presentation of the presentation. Dry "This is for you!" is unlikely to be a successful congratulatory monologue, but they will make an indelible impression on everyone present.

On our site you can also find toasts addressed to colleagues,. With warm words of good wishes, you can emphasize all the sincerity of your feelings, once again prove how dear these people are to you. Fans of exotic table greetings can take note of the extremely popular ones. The wise statements of this ardent people very subtly convey the whole philosophy of life, citing elementary situations as an example.

On this site you can find toasts in verse and prose that will decorate any celebration. Women's Day is rich in warm words, men will also accept congratulations in their address, but it's simply a sin not to put in a word at the festive table, with a glass of champagne in hand ... Each holiday implies certain words, individual wishes. The topic of all the table greetings offered on the site is completely different, satisfying the search for the most demanding visitor. "Armed" with a couple of statements suitable for the event, you don't have to worry that your speech will be limited to the next banal phrase "Well, for you!", But on the contrary, it will become a worthy decoration of the festive evening. Then you should not be surprised if after a while, finding yourself in the same company with the people who were present at the holiday, you will hear exactly the toast that was pronounced by you the day before!

Ability to speak toast not given to everyone. This ability, apparently, is bestowed from above. However, after a certain amount of alcohol at most gatherings, cool toasts begin to sound. And the motive of the holiday is no longer important, the main thing is that a lot is said and from the heart. It is sometimes difficult for a sober person to say beautiful toasts. Well, for these purposes, humorous sites are created, on which you can also find only the most beautiful toasts.

Brevity is popularly considered the sister of talent. If we take, for example, short aphorisms - the smaller the text, the more interesting and wiser it is. to a greater extent, they are needed only for the beginning of the celebration, when the assembled guests do not really know each other and are a little shy. Already when a considerable amount of alcohol has been drunk, almost all statements turn into cool toasts.

Do you want to beautifully congratulate your dear person, but you cannot compose a congratulation yourself? Well, they will help you congratulations toasts, which you can find on the vastness of our site. Here you will also find comic toasts with which you can amuse the main hero of the occasion or the heroes, if there are several of them.

Finding really good toasts can be very difficult at times. Therefore, on our site congratulations toasts are sorted by the categories of celebrations on which they can be applied.

Over the past few years, Internet gags have become a part of modern life. Such a genre as comments from social networks appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to gain popularity among reviewers of humorous sites.

It is not accepted to be considered representatives of a new genre. Nevertheless, publishing funny toasts on the Internet has not been so long ago. Previously, cool short toasts could only be found in newspapers and magazines with humorous content.

Some cool short toasts are not (cool). A pointless set of comic sentences does not always yield a positive result. A confused speech will not amuse anyone. At celebrations, only best toasts... And to find them, you just need to visit the pages of the same name on our site. In addition to the sparkling textual humor, readers will be pleased with cool SMS, as well as unusual funny photos from different parts of our vast planet.