Is it hard with a child after 40 years. Childbirth in adulthood. At what age is a woman considered a late parturient

We continue the topic of useful reminders, this time well-known products that have anti-inflammatory properties. Let's describe their main properties and alternatives in a little more detail :):

1. Algae.

Algae such as kombu contain fucoidan, a complex carbohydrate that has anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and antioxidant properties. Research into fucoidan in recent years has yielded promising results in the use of brown seaweed extract as a liver and lung cancer prevention agent and as a collagen synthesis agent. In addition, the high fiber content of these algae makes you feel fuller, slows down the absorption of fat and promotes weight loss. But whenever possible, use only organic algae collected from non-polluted areas of the sea.

Alternative products. Kelp like wakame and arame are also good sources of fucoidan. In addition, a pantry of fucoidan is a sea vegetable from the Tongan islands called limumui.

Warning. Don't overdo canned seaweed as it is very salty and covered in a thick layer of vegetable oil. Please check the ingredients list before purchasing.

2. Turmeric.

Anti-inflammatory substance. Turmeric, an Asian condiment commonly sold mixed with curry powder, contains the powerful non-toxic compound curcumin. Research has shown that the anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric are on par with powerful medications such as hydrocortisone and motrin, but have no side effects.

Alternative products. Ginger, a relative of turmeric, is also highly regarded for its anti-inflammatory properties and is used against colds, as well as to prevent nausea and vomiting from motion sickness.

3. Wild salmon.

Anti-inflammatory substance. Salmon is an excellent source of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, two powerful omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation. The benefits of Omega-3s are backed up by numerous studies, and they range from preventing cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer to autoimmune diseases and mental disorders. Include wild salmon in your diet twice a week. If you don't like fish, you can get your Omega-3s from high quality fish oil.

Alternative products. Sprat, mackerel, and sardines are also rich sources of Omega-3s. Flax seeds and walnuts contain so-called alpha-linoleic acid, which can be converted in the body to eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. But this conversion is found to be low, and, therefore, they cannot be a reliable source of such acids.

Warning. High intakes of omega-6 fatty acids, found in vegetable fats such as safflower, soy, corn and sunflower, can trigger inflammatory reactions, which in turn can lead to heart disease and cancer. However, polyunsaturated fats are recognized as unstable because they are easily destroyed by oxygen. Since Omega-6 fatty acids are also important for health, a balanced intake of Omega-6 and Omega-3 should be monitored.

4. Shiitake mushroom.

Anti-inflammatory substance. Since ancient times, the Shiitake mushroom has been revered by the Chinese and Japanese for its immune-boosting qualities and mild smoky taste.

Alternative products. Maitake, enoki, oyster mushroom - there is no better way to fight cancer and improve health than to feast on a plate of fried delicious medicinal mushrooms!

Warning. Fresh mushrooms and vegetables, cooked in a large amount of boiling oil (deep fat), not only absorb carcinogenic substances from the overheated oil, but also lose their healing power due to the high temperature.

5. Green tea.

Anti-inflammatory substance. The flavonoids in green tea are powerful natural anti-inflammatory compounds that have been shown in numerous studies to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Alternative products. What could be more cleansing for the body than just pure water?

6. Papaya.

Anti-inflammatory substance. Called "the fruit of the angels" by Christopher Columbus, papaya contains the enzyme protein papain. Together with other nutrients such as vitamin C and E, papain helps reduce inflammation, as well as improves digestion and aids burn healing.

Alternative products. Pineapple - This tropical fruit is worthy of mention as it contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps with indigestion, as well as aids in the healing of injuries and swelling. Bromelain extract has also been shown to be as effective anti-inflammatory as some NSAIDs and is used in a number of natural anti-inflammatory supplements for arthritis.

Warning. Dried fruits can contain a large amount of chemicals such as sulfur dioxide, a preservative that is associated with worsening respiratory diseases. Eat fresh fruit whenever possible, but if you have to choose from dried fruits, make sure they are free of preservatives.

7. Blueberries.

Anti-inflammatory substance. A pantry of antioxidants, blueberries are high in phytonutrients that confer anti-inflammatory protection against diseases such as cancer and dementia.

Alternative products. Blackberries, cranberries, goji berries, strawberries and raspberries. These berries are comparable in nutrient content to blueberries and are also rich in antioxidants. They should be consumed every week.

Warning. Insects and fungi love berries as much as humans, so berries are often sprayed with pesticides to protect them from diseases and pests. To make matters worse, the shape of the berries can make them difficult to wash properly. It is safer to choose organic or wild berries whenever possible.

8. Whole olive oil.

Anti-inflammatory substance. Olive oil is the Mediterranean secret to longevity. Its rich reserves of polyphenols protect the heart and blood vessels from inflammation. In addition, the monounsaturated fat in olive oil is converted into an anti-inflammatory agent in the body, which may reduce the risk of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

Alternative products. Avocados produce an oil that has a fatty composition similar to olive oil, high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. And the fact that it is even better for frying than olive oil makes it an ideal oil for cooking.

Warning. Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil is the shortest path to cardiovascular disease. This commercial oil contains trans fatty acids that lower good cholesterol and raise bad cholesterol.

9. Broccoli.

Anti-inflammatory substance. Broccoli is a highly nutritious vegetable that contains the phytonutrient sulforaphane. It fights inflammation and cancer by helping the body rid itself of potentially carcinogenic compounds.

Alternative products. Cauliflower is a close relative of broccoli. This cruciferous vegetable also contains nutrients like broccoli that can help detoxify the body.

Warning. Vegetables of the nightshade family - tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, etc. contain a lot of alkaloids - substances that can negatively affect joints, neuromuscular function and digestion in some people. If you have any of these problems, try reducing your consumption of nightshade vegetables. However, if the potatoes are not fried, but boiled, most of the alkaloids are absorbed by the boiling water.

10. Sweet potatoes (yams).

Anti-inflammatory substance. Sweet potatoes are often overshadowed by other exotic fruits and vegetables. Meanwhile, it is a good source of complex carbohydrates, beta-carotene, manganese, vitamins B6 and C, and dietary fiber. Together, these nutrients are powerful antioxidants to help heal inflammation.

Alternative products. Spinach is a dark green leafy vegetable and is so rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant flavonoids and sarotenoids that it's almost impossible to believe. But it is so. Here is, albeit a partial, list: vitamins A, B2, B6, C, E, K, calcium, folates, iron, magnesium, potassium and triftophan. But remember to buy organic spinach whenever possible, as it is also among the most common pesticide foods.

Warning. While potatoes are a good source of vitamin C and other minerals, french fries and chips are not. These commercial potatoes are usually cooked with superheated polyunsaturated and hydrogenated fats and are loaded with sugar and salt, which increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

All Beauty, Radiance and useful knowledge!

Today is again an article on anti-inflammatory foods. Also a very useful list. The root of many modern diseases, even such as asthma, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure - chronic inflammation! An unpleasant thing that you need to know about, and most importantly - know how to fight ...

Basically, inflammation is a symptom that your body is struggling, and that's not a bad thing. It's bad when he fights in vain and constantly ... When the body is injured or sick, the lymphatic (immune) system takes over, causing an army of white blood cells to attack the problem area by increasing blood flow. Swelling, redness, warmth and pain or discomfort at the site of injury or infection are the very responses that, in a healthy body, are normal and effective and promote healing.

When the immune system starts attacking healthy tissues in the body, it is already an autoimmune disorder. Asthma creates inflamed airways, diabetes-related inflammation, insulin resistance, etc.

A 2014 study on nutrition and anti-inflammatory diet found that all patients who took and ate anti-inflammatory foods felt better and were able to stop taking at least one of their drugs.

What is an anti-inflammatory diet?

First and foremost, it assumes that we eliminate processed, unbalanced foods from our diet and move towards a balanced diet similar to. It includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, little red meat, and foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids!

Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant foods include foods rich in minerals and essential fatty acids.

Obviously, a healthy diet is high in vegetables, fruits, bushmeat (or legumes, if you, like me, have already given up on meat), sprouted seeds, rich in omega-3s. These anti-inflammatory foods can regulate the immune system and help reduce inflammation in your body.

Here are 15 foods that reduce chronic inflammation:

1. Leafy vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants that restore cell health, as well as anti-inflammatory flavonoids.

Chard, for example, is rich in antioxidant vitamins A and C, as well as vitamin K, which can protect your brain from oxidative stress caused by free radical damage. Chard may also protect you from general vitamin K deficiency.

Learn more about green leafy and why they are so important and.

2. Chinese kale.

Collard greens are an excellent source of antioxidant vitamins and minerals. Recent research indicates that it contains over 70 antioxidant phenolic compounds, including hydroxycinnamic acids, which are reliable antioxidants that scavenge free radicals. A versatile vegetable, collard greens can be used in many dishes as an anti-inflammatory food.

3. Celery.

Celery has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, helping to improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels and preventing heart disease. Celery seeds (whole, extract, or shredded) help reduce inflammation and fight bacterial infections. It is a great source of potassium, as well as antioxidants and vitamins.

In addition, balance is the key to a healthy, inflammation-free body. Mineral balance requires the right mix of sodium and potassium rich foods. Sodium adds fluid and nutrients, while potassium flushes out toxins. Celery is an excellent source of potassium.

4. Beets.

A sign that it is loaded with antioxidants is its deep color! The antioxidant betalain, contained in beets, has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Beetroot regenerates us at the cellular level.

In addition, it contains quite a lot, and magnesium deficiency is closely associated with inflammatory problems (about magnesium and female beauty). Calcium cannot be absorbed without magnesium. When calcium builds up in the body, calcified kidney stones appear and then inflammation begins. But with a balanced diet that includes anti-inflammatory foods rich in calcium and magnesium, the body functions better.

5. Broccoli.

Broccoli is high in potassium and magnesium, and its antioxidants are particularly powerful anti-inflammatory.

Broccoli contains essential vitamins, flavonoids and carotenoids, which work together to reduce oxidative stress in the body and help fight chronic inflammation and cancer risk.

6. Blueberries.

Blueberries contain quercetin, a particularly potent anti-inflammatory antioxidant found in citrus fruits, olive oil, and dark berries. Quercetin is a flavonoid (beneficial substance or phytonutrient in fresh foods) that fights inflammation and even cancer.

Consuming large amounts of blueberries improves cognitive functions - attention, memory and physical activity. The antioxidants in blueberries protect the body from and reduce inflammation.

7. Pineapple.

In supplements, quercetin is often found in combination with bromelain, a digestive enzyme found in pineapple. Bromelain has immunomodulatory properties, meaning it helps regulate the immune response that so often creates unwanted and unnecessary inflammation.

Pineapple also helps improve heart health through the powerful effects of bromelain, which can fight blood clotting. Bromelain stops platelets from clumping together, which is known to cause heart attacks or strokes.

The benefits of pineapple are due to its high levels of vitamins C and B1, potassium and manganese, in addition to other special antioxidants that help prevent disease formation. Pineapple is loaded with phytonutrients that work in the same way as many medicines to reduce the symptoms of some of the most common diseases and conditions we see today.

8. Salmon.

Salmon is an excellent source of essential fatty acids, and is considered one of the best sources of Omega-3s - some of the most powerful anti-inflammatory substances in the world, relieving inflammation and reducing the need for anti-inflammatory drugs.

Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Omega-3s are concentrated in the brain and are essential for cognitive (memory and attention) and behavioral functions.

9. Bone broth.

Bone broth contains minerals in forms that your body can easily absorb: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur, and others. They contain chondroitin sulfates and glucosamine, compounds that reduce inflammation, arthritis, and joint pain.

For leaky gut syndrome, you need to consume bone broth, which contains collagen and the amino acids proline and glycine, which help heal the gut and damaged cell walls of the inflamed intestine.

10. Walnuts.

On a diet that is low in meat, nuts and seeds can make up for protein and omega-3 deficiencies. Add omega-3 rich walnuts to salad with leafy vegetables and olive oil, or grab a handful for a snack.

Phytonutrients help protect against metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes.

11. Coconut oil.

Lipids (fats) and spices create strong anti-inflammatory compounds, especially coconut oil and turmeric components. A study in India found that extra-virgin coconut oil, due to its high levels of antioxidants, reduced inflammation and treated arthritis more effectively than the most leading medications.

In addition, oxidative stress and free radicals are the two biggest causes of osteoporosis. Coconut oil fights free radicals due to its high level of antioxidants.

12. Chia seeds.

Chia seeds are antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, contain essential fatty acids (alpha linolenic and linoleic acids), mucin, strontium, vitamins A, B, E, and D, and minerals including sulfur, iron, iodine, magnesium, manganese, niacin, thiamine.

Chia seeds help reverse inflammation, regulate cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure, and are extremely beneficial for heart health. In addition, with regular consumption of chia seeds, there is less chance of developing atherosclerosis.

13. Flaxseed.

An excellent source of Omega-3s and phytonutrients, packed with antioxidants. Lignans are unique polyphenols that support the growth of probiotics in the intestines. They can also help eliminate yeast and candida in the body.

14. Turmeric.

Turmeric's primary compound, curcumin, is an active anti-inflammatory compound. Turmeric is invaluable in an anti-inflammatory diet.

Curcumin is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative agents in the world.

Turmeric is highly effective against rheumatoid arthritis due to its high anti-inflammatory properties.

(An ode to turmeric and how to use it).

15. Ginger.

It is used fresh, dried or as food additives and extracts. Ginger is another immune modulator that helps reduce inflammation caused by an overactive immune response.

According to Ayurveda, it stimulates the immune system. It is believed that ginger can help break down the buildup of toxins in your organs. It also cleanses the lymphatic system, the lymphatic drainage system of our body.

In fact, ginger can even treat inflammation caused by allergic and asthmatic conditions.

Avoid foods that cause inflammation

Include fresh, whole, anti-inflammatory foods and limit processed, toxic foods.

Processed foods contain saturated fatty acids and trans fats, which cause inflammation and increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Simple, refined sugars and carbohydrates cause inflammation. Limit your intake of refined grains, replace refined carbohydrates with whole grains.

And regular physical activity is a must, it can help prevent systemic inflammation.

All Beauty and Radiance!

It is natural for a woman to fulfill her reproductive function, and no one can take away this right from her. The trend in the world says that the age of primiparous is not getting younger. To give birth to a child at the age of 40 or more in the States, Europe is no longer a rarity. Our country is not lagging behind in this regard. Priorities are changing.

About a hundred years ago, the main task of a girl was to get married, give birth, raise children and run a household. Now in the first place - to take place in life, build a career, find a reliable companion and only then give birth to a child. Of course, there are risks of childbirth after 40, not without reason doctors recommend thinking about the first child earlier. But reproductive science has made great strides forward, making possible the happiness of motherhood even after.

Interesting Facts

Causes of late birth

  1. 1. Infertility and years of struggle with it

The problem of primary or secondary infertility is common among ordinary women and celebrities. Celine Dion tried to get pregnant for a long time, only the IVF procedure helped her to give birth after 40 years. The story of Nicole Kidman, when her first ended with the birth of a daughter. Before that, she could not conceive for a long time and even adopted two children.

  1. 2. Married late or has a new husband

Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria has had 2 failed marriages. Only with the appearance of the third chosen one, she first decided on motherhood at the age of 43. Halle Berry gave birth to a daughter at 42, after marrying Gabriel Aubrey. She decided to give birth to her second child at the age of 47, already in a new alliance with actor Olivier Martinez. Now, at 53, she looks great!

Until 2015, Natalya Surkova was the “oldest mother” in our country. At the age of 57, she decided to give birth for the third time after meeting the man she fell in love with. The daughter of Alexander was born. Natalya managed to raise her.

  1. 3. Work, career

A couple of centuries ago, a 20-year-old woman already had several children. Now you can hear reproaches to young girls in the spirit of "What are you waiting for, you have to give birth." Everything here is very individual. From whom to give birth? From the same young dad, who is unlikely to be a good helper. Or drop out of school, and then blame the child's whole life for a failed career? It will definitely not say thank you. There are other examples when the appearance of a child, on the contrary, stimulates the mother to take place in the profession.

Kim Basinger decided to give birth after 40 years. In the 70s - she is a famous model, in the 80-90s - a successful film actress. When is there to give birth?

  1. 4. It turned out "by accident"

Due to the irregular cycle, the woman thinks that she will not get pregnant and stops using protection. For the same reason, a method based on calculating fertility days can misfire. In October 2019, an elderly Chinese woman gave birth to her third child at 67 years old. The wife was then 68. They went to the hospital when the woman's belly began to grow, thinking about the disease. The birth took place with the help of cesarean, a healthy girl was born.

  1. 5. Good reason

Galina Shubenina gave birth in 2015 at the age of 60. She was prompted to do this by the unexpected loss of her only son. The daughter was named Cleopatra, now she is growing and developing as a healthy child.

  1. 6. I decided to give birth "for myself"

The older children grew up, the woman was left alone, and there is still a lot of maternal love. It so happens that she has been looking for a companion all her life, but due to failures in her personal life, she gives up and decides to give birth from a donor, having done IVF.

Conception, pregnancy and the risks of childbirth after 40

Every stage of the emergence and development of a new life in an elderly age can be threatened. Conception may not occur, pregnancy may be complicated or interrupted, and natural childbirth may not be allowed at all. Moreover, both suffer, both the fetus and the mother. Don't panic! If a woman was able to get pregnant and everything flows smoothly, then her body has the strength and reserves for this. Let us analyze what dangers exist and how to minimize them.

  • - Problems with conception

The ability to conceive gradually decreases from the age of 30. The reason is the depletion of the oocyte supply and a decrease in the number of ovulations. Menstrual cycles are increasingly becoming anovulatory (without maturation and release of the egg from the follicle).

This process is also influenced by acquired gynecological diseases (endometriosis, tumors, cysts, inflammatory diseases leading to a violation of the patency of the tubes, etc.). Sperm quality also decreases with age.

There are two options for action:

  • - The frequency of miscarriages increases

On average, 30%. For comparison, the risk of spontaneous abortion in a 25-year-old woman is 60% lower than that of a 40-year-old pregnant woman. There is a high risk not only of miscarriages, but also of an ectopic, frozen pregnancy, stillborn fetuses. Having learned about your situation, you need to regularly visit a doctor. You may need hormonal support, which will be prescribed by a specialist. Proper management of pregnancy is the only preventive measure.

  • - The existing diseases are aggravated

Statistics show that by the fourth ten, various chronic ailments appear and accumulate. Even if the expectant mother leads a healthy lifestyle, some diseases are hereditary.

Arterial hypertension, vascular problems, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, thyroid diseases can not only threaten the normal course of pregnancy, but they themselves can get out of control. In some cases, it is necessary to change the treatment regimen, because not all medications are allowed to be taken during this period.

  • - More often there is a pathology of pregnancy

In the first trimester, severe toxicosis may require hospitalization. From the second onwards, the risk of developing preeclampsia (nephropathy, preeclampsia, eclampsia) increases. This is a threat to two lives - the mother and the fetus.

  • - The risk of giving birth to a "special" child increases

That is, a baby with genetic and chromosomal abnormalities. Down syndrome fear arises most of all. Statistics give the following figures: under 25 years of age, the risk is 1 case per 1562 births, and at 45 years old - 1 in 30. Do not be afraid of these numbers, convert them into percentages. Then you get that the probability of having a baby with Down syndrome after 40 years is only 3%. If a woman decides to resort to IVF, then she can negate this risk.

Attention! IVF method allows culling genetically defective embryos. This is called preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). A wide variety of abnormalities can be identified, including Down syndrome. Thus, only genetically healthy fertilized eggs will enter the uterus.

There is also prenatal diagnostics, which helps to identify the disease in the early stages of pregnancy. But the woman will have to decide whether to save the life of the future "special" baby or not.

  • - More often complications during childbirth

Due to age-related loss of tissue elasticity, ruptures of the birth canal and associated bleeding are possible. Labor itself may be abnormally ineffective. The cervix does not open well. If the fetus begins to suffer, the doctor will perform an emergency caesarean section.

  • - Higher incidence of fetal pathology

This is not about genetic or chromosomal mutations, but about the suffering of the fetus during pregnancy or childbirth. Many factors can provoke intrauterine oxygen starvation (mother's disease, pathology of placenta development, bad habits, etc.), developmental delay, and defects. The consequences of severe hypoxia during childbirth are unpredictable (hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, epilepsy). Timely diagnostics are needed, which gives hope to correct the problem.

There are many risks, but they should not be scary! The information is given for a sober assessment of your own condition. Some women in their 40s are in great shape, while others at 18 may suffer from obesity and diabetes. Late childbirth after 40 has positive aspects.

Pros of age-related childbirth

  • - "Second Youth"

All thanks to hormones, estrogens improve the condition of the skin, appearance. These women experience an easier menopause and are less prone to senile dementia. At the psychological level, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-confidence increase. Natalia Surkova (gave birth at 57) recalled that childbirth made her body younger, she became "like a girl."

  • - Increased life expectancy

Such a study was carried out in Israel. Scientists who observed late childbirth after 40 came to the conclusion that life expectancy in such women increased by an average of ten years.

  • - Conscious decision, responsible approach

By this time, the parents were financially successful and are ready to spend money, time, energy on the development and upbringing of the baby. An unconfirmed fact - children of older mothers become more intellectually developed than those born as a result of early pregnancies.

  • - A child is not a burden, he is welcome! They are waiting for him as a gift from above. It becomes the meaning of life, unites parents, and postpartum depression practically does not pursue older mothers.

Caesarean or natural

There are absolute and relative indications for operative delivery.

  • - Absolute - when natural childbirth is absolutely impossible. They can be from both the mother and the fetus. For example, an anatomically narrow pelvis (the head will not pass), the threat of rupture of the uterus due to the presence of an inconsistent scar, placenta previa or its detachment (fatal blood loss cannot be avoided).
  • - Relative - when natural childbirth is possible, but carries a high risk for both. For example, breech presentation, cardiovascular pathology in a pregnant woman, diabetes mellitus, large (more than 4 kg) fetus, etc. In each case, the question of the way of delivery is decided individually.

Attention, important! Age, as such, is not an indication for a cesarean section. Healthy women 40+ may well give birth on their own. Age combined with pathology is a relative indication for surgery.

There are many myths, prejudices and misunderstandings surrounding the Caesarean section. This comes from ignorance of the process. After all, caesarean now and even 40 years ago are two different in terms of the technique of performing the operation. Here are some interesting facts:

Pregnancy at 40 with IVF: pitfalls

For an older woman, this is often the last hope of getting pregnant after unsuccessful attempts to do it naturally (or in the absence of a partner). Briefly about the essence of the method. Eggs are obtained from a woman using ovarian puncture. To keep as many of them as possible, hormonal stimulation is performed.

If normally one ripens per cycle, then during stimulation 10 or more. The eggs are fertilized, they are kept in the incubator for 3-5 days - this is the stage of embryo cultivation. The embryo is then transferred to the uterus. Previously, in order to increase the likelihood of pregnancy, several fertilized eggs were transplanted, now the trend has changed, and 1-2 are planted. The remaining embryos are frozen for subsequent attempts.

Features of IVF at a later age

Does IVF provoke cancer?

According to oncologists, there is no evidence base that the procedure provokes the development of neoplasms. If the oncological process already exists, then IVF can accelerate its development.

Experts have different opinions about the possibility of having a third child at 40. Some argue that at 40 a woman is at great risk to her own health and the child. But others are sure that with a competent approach, no problems at 40 may arise.

What experts say about having a child at 40

In the past few years, there have been many women who are ready to have a baby at 40. But when this is the third child in the family, it causes less negativity than the first child at 40 years old. Modern medicine does not express its categorical no, but warns women at this age that this is a risk. What are the disadvantages of late pregnancy experts say.

  1. Many experts say that there is the most optimal psychological age for the birth of a baby - it is 27-33 years and physiological - it is 22-29 years old, when the body is the most resilient and can easily cope with pregnancy. At the age of 40, it is physiologically difficult to endure pregnancy, and then it is psychologically difficult to raise a child.
  2. By the age of 40, a woman's health noticeably changes for the worse. She has already acquired some diseases. And certain of them can have a negative impact on the ability to carry and give birth to a healthy baby. Of course, one cannot say that this is always the case, but experts say that this is more often the case. Everything here is individual.
  3. By the age of 40, significant changes are noted in the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, autonomic and nervous systems, which is fraught with certain conditions and diseases of both women and children.
  4. What is most dangerous for women in labor at 40 is giving birth to a child with genetic abnormalities - Down's syndrome and other genetic diseases. Doctors warn that this can happen to women after 35 years.

How can a woman protect herself and her child from serious problems

It must be remembered that it does not matter what kind of child a woman is going to give birth to - the first or the third - but pregnancy at the age of 40 must be approached responsibly. After all, the life and health of not only the expectant mother, but also the child is at stake. Therefore, you need:

  • before pregnancy, you must undergo a complete examination of the body. It is better to check if the woman is sick with any disease, so as not to harm herself and the baby during pregnancy. Any of the diseases can worsen during pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to find out what state the woman's body is in before pregnancy. If any of the diseases is identified, then it is worth treating;
  • a healthy lifestyle and sports are the key to a well-proceeding pregnancy and the health of mother and child;
  • it will be great to drink a special vitamin complex for pregnant women, folic acid and vitamin E. All these drugs are recommended by the doctor in a course 3 months before pregnancy when planning it;
  • a very important point is positive thinking, good mood and a lot of kind and cheerful emotions.

Why do many women not mind having a 3rd child at 40

The reasons, of course, are different for everyone, but there are common reasons for all late mothers:

  • For such a mother who already has several children, the 3rd pregnancy is simply not scary, since she has valuable experience in everything. In addition, older children can be excellent helpers in raising a younger brother or sister;
  • such a mother at 40 does not have a panic fear of terribly recovering. Gaining too much, and then throwing it off without a trace was in my mother's life more than once. So you won't scare her for sure;
  • children are encouraged to be always in shape and look young. Pregnancy renews all systems in a woman's body. And after the birth of the child, you will have to put yourself in order so that the baby can be proud of his mother.

Whether or not to give birth to a first child or a third child at the age of 40 is all individual. But pregnancy and childbirth must be treated with great responsibility.

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Recently, more and more women in their 40s decide to have a second child. But society is divided into 2 camps of opponents and adherents of such an idea. How late childbirth is justified and expedient, what are the pros and cons of this decision, it is necessary to understand in more detail.

Whether to give birth to a second child at 40

Having reached the forty-year mark, many women are thinking about having a second child. After all, the elder has grown up, in the profession she is realized, she still feels young and full of strength. But not everyone, including doctors, supports her decision. There is an opinion that it is too late for childbirth 40-45 years old. In fairness, it should be noted that with age, the likelihood of getting pregnant and giving birth to a baby without pathologies and complications is significantly reduced. But this does not mean at all that it is absolutely impossible to do this. If you decide to give birth after 40 years of the second, you should be prepared for the need to constantly monitor the course of pregnancy by doctors.

When deciding on the birth of a second child after 40 years, you need to weigh all the positive and negative aspects.

Having a second child at 40: what you need to know

When making a decision, consider the following:

  • In the forties, the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy, in which it is impossible to carry a fetus, increases.
  • If the first delivery was performed using a caesarean section, this technique is also used for the second delivery. It is almost impossible to give birth naturally.
  • To reduce the risks of injury to the fetus and mother during childbirth, to exclude the likelihood of rupture, hypoxia and other complications, a cesarean section is used. It makes it easier to transfer the process of detoxification.
  • Pre-planning is mandatory, careful preparation of both partners.

After 40 years, the likelihood of becoming pregnant with twins increases.

Is it possible to give birth to a second at the age of 40: positive and negative sides

Before deciding whether to give birth to a second child after 40 years, you need to weigh all the pros and cons, undergo a detailed examination for both partners, get a doctor's opinion, whether you can become parents a second time. Here, difficulties often arise with the process of conception, because the number of eggs is rapidly decreasing. In 60% of forty-year-old women, secondary infertility is diagnosed, the number of non-regulatory cycles increases, in which menstruation occurs, but ovulation does not occur. The process of the transferred surgical interventions, including abortions, complicates the process. Also, the risks and negative aspects of the birth of a second child after 40-45 years include:

  • The risk of exacerbations of chronic diseases and the development of new ones increases. By this age, a woman has a certain "bouquet" of diseases that negatively affect her condition and the development of the fetus.
  • The likelihood of miscarriages and premature delivery increases. Insufficient placental nutrition, the presence of pathologies on the part of the organs of the reproductive system leads to the fact that the risk of termination of pregnancy increases by 40%.
  • High risk of congenital genetic abnormalities. According to statistics, after 40 years, the probability of giving birth to a baby with Down syndrome is 1: 110, after 45 - 1:30. This is due to the fact that with age, the genetic material of the parents also grows old, the body accumulates toxins, it is affected by the negative influence of the experienced stress and other things.

The chance of getting pregnant naturally after 45 years is only 1%.

Late pregnancy has many positive aspects that should also be considered when making a decision.

Positive moments when giving birth to a second child after 40 years

But, despite the negative opinion of doctors, their feedback on the birth of a second child at this age, the positive aspects of such a decision should also be taken into account:

  • Financial and spiritual consistency. By the age of 40-45, parents already have financial stability and experience in raising their first child. They know and can do a lot. It is much easier for them than for young people to solve a large number of issues. The ability to plan allows more time to whiten the baby.
  • Psychological balance. Psychological studies show that at this age women become more calm, patient, balanced. Postpartum depression is practically uncharacteristic for them.
  • Rejuvenating effect. Hormonal shake-up has a positive effect on the state of the female body: skin, hair, internal organs. They have menopause at a later age.

How to give birth to a second healthy child at 40?

If you have decided that you should have a second baby, then you should be patient. First you need to undergo a detailed examination by a gynecologist, who will help prepare the body for a future pregnancy. At this stage, the state of health of the spouses is assessed, the necessary tests are taken, and consultation with narrow specialists is carried out. You can make an appointment with them by following the link. They will also provide a free consultation. To prepare the body, you need to start taking vitamins in a timely manner, eat right, exclude alcohol, coffee, and smoking. It is also important to provide treatment for existing diseases, including tooth decay. After the onset of pregnancy, you must regularly visit a doctor, follow all his prescriptions. It is obligatory to pass 3 screenings:

  • Up to 12 weeks, an ultrasound scan is performed, blood is donated for hCG and AFP. All results are entered into a computer in a special program. It calculates the likelihood of a fetus developing genetic diseases. If the indicators for any position are outside the norm, doctors may prescribe a chorionic biopsy. It has high accuracy of results and low risks of spontaneous interruption.
  • A second screening is performed before the 20th week. For this, venous blood is taken. The goal is to identify an expanded list of genetic abnormalities. If the rates are overestimated, the geneticist recommends an additional amniocentesis. To do this, a bubble is pierced with a special needle and amniotic fluid is taken. This method has an accuracy of 99%, and the probability of the procedure causing a miscarriage does not exceed 2%.
  • In the period of 32-34 weeks, the third screening is carried out. This is the most complete examination, which includes an ultrasound of the fetus (the baby's internal organs are examined), a biochemical blood test, Doppler ultrasonography, and the child's cardiovascular system.

Screening is a voluntary procedure. But if at a young age you can refuse it without fear, then after 40 years you should not neglect the possibility of constant control.

When giving birth to a second child after 40 years, the support of loved ones is important.

It is important to tune in to the positive if you have made the decision to have a second child after 40 years. Calmly listen to the recommendations of doctors, do not worry about trifles. You should not constantly look for deviations in yourself or problems with the baby if you feel fine. It is important to learn to trust those around you: the husband, the attending physician. This will allow you to partially shift the responsibility from your own shoulders, share it among everyone. It is also important to share your experiences and fears with others - a good psychological state of the mother has a positive effect on the development and well-being of the baby.

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It is extremely important for women to know everything about their health - especially for the initial self-diagnosis. This rapid test will allow you to better listen to the state of your body and not miss important signals in order to understand whether you need to see a specialist and make an appointment.