Morning hygiene procedures for babies. Newborn care. Morning toilet of a newborn. We do it like professionals. Treatment of the eyes, nasal passages and natural folds of the newborn

Human skin is a very important organ that performs many different functions. For the child, the skin is the first barrier that protects the child's body from toxins and bacteria. The skin regulates fluid loss, heat production and heat transfer. In addition, the skin protects the child's body from mechanical stress and temperature fluctuations.

Features of the skin of newborns

The structure of a child's skin is no different from the structure of an adult's skin and consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat. But at the same time, the skin of newborns has its own anatomical and physiological characteristics, which determines its sensitivity to various environmental influences:

  • the epidermis of a newborn is much thinner than that of an adult. Keratin of the epidermis is fragile;
  • the stratum corneum of the epidermis consists of three layers of cells that adhere tightly to each other and easily slough off;
  • the function of the skin as a barrier against aggressive environmental factors is lower than in older children and adults;
  • elastic and muscle fibers are not well developed;
  • blood vessels of the skin are abundant, they are in an enlarged state;
  • baby's skin has many sebaceous glands, which are large enough;
  • baby's skin is more susceptible to infections because baby's skin pH is neutral or slightly alkaline;
  • the local immunity of the baby's skin is immature.

Basic rules for newborn skin care

The main task of baby's skin care is the prevention of inflammatory processes in the skin to which the newborn is predisposed. In order for the skin to perform its functions, it is necessary to maintain its integrity and safety.

The goals of skin care are to prevent irritation and damage to the epidermis and to maintain the normal microflora of the skin.

To achieve this, you must:

  • exclude the use of substances that irritate the skin or are allergens;
  • prevent skin contact with feces and urine;
  • reduce the effects of moisture on the baby's skin.

To cleanse the skin of a newborn, it is worth using water, varieties of baby soaps with a neutral pH, detergents without alkaline components. Do not use antibacterial agents.

Excessive desire for frequent use of detergents for baby skin contributes to damage to the epidermis. The skin becomes dry, irritated, cracks, redness, peeling may appear.

To choose the right baby skin care product, you need to know what products are and what they are used for.

Baby skin care products contain various ingredients. These can be d-panthenol, zinc oxide, vegetable oils, herbal extracts, glycerin, and other ingredients.

The choice of baby skin care products should be made after consulting a pediatrician, who will advise a suitable product, taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby's skin.

How to properly wash a newborn?

During the morning toilet, the child must be washed. For this, it is best to use boiled clean water. It is more convenient for a newborn to wash when he is lying on the changing table.

To do this, take a cotton pad, moisten it in water, squeeze a little. Then rub gently on your face.

For washing eyes it is necessary to use a separate cotton pad, and for each eye its own. The baby's eyes are washed if discharge or crusts have accumulated in the corners of the eyes.

During the day, you may need additional washing of the child... This happens if the baby spits up after feeding and the milk dries up near his mouth. In this case, wipe the skin around the mouth with a damp cotton pad.

Wrinkle care in newborns

The multiple folds of a newborn require special delicacy. In newborns, the muscle tone of the arms and legs is increased, and the neck is relatively short.

Newborn babies get overheated easily. Modern high-quality children's clothing practically does not cause discomfort for babies. Excessive use of disposable diapers can irritate the skin. The elastic bands of the diapers fit snugly against the body, providing protection against leakage, but at the same time, the tight fit of the elastic bands to the body causes abrasions in the groin folds.

Often, babies spit up and milk (mixture) gets into the cervical folds, into the folds behind the ears.

The above features of newborn children often lead to the fact that hyperemia (redness), inflammatory elements of the rash, diaper rash, and abrasion may appear in the folds of the skin.

Most often people need hygiene inguinal folds as they are soiled by the baby's feces. After the child's chair, wash it off with clean water and gently dry the skin with light blotting movements. Remaining folds also need daily hygiene, but daily bathing is usually sufficient. If, nevertheless, during the day, dirt appears in the area of ​​one or another fold, then you do not need to wash the whole child. It is enough to wipe the dirty wrinkle with a damp cotton pad or damp cloth.

After water procedures, all the folds in the baby need to be dried. This is done carefully, not wiping, but getting wet the skin. If the skin of the folds is absolutely clean, without irritation, then you can limit yourself to one wash.

Areas of irritation and redness of the skin in the area of ​​folds should be treated with baby cream or oil. It is desirable that it contains d-panthenol or zinc oxide.

The emergence inflammatory elements, pustular rash is an indication for consulting a pediatrician. He will diagnose, and possibly indicate the reasons for the appearance of these conditions in each case. Depending on this, additional wrinkle care will be offered. It can be special solutions of antiseptics, medicinal ointments, bathing in herbal decoctions.

During the child care procedure, mothers examine every centimeter of the baby's body. Nothing is left without attention. Many people worry about whether everything is normal with the folds on the legs, whether they are symmetrical, and how to check it.

Asymmetry of folds on the thigh can be one of the signs of hip dysplasia (that is, its underdevelopment). The earlier the problem is identified, the better the outcome. In most cases, hip dysplasia disappears without a trace. But you need constant monitoring and adherence to the doctor's recommendations. In the worst case, hip dysplasia can lead to dislocation of the hip.

In order to check the symmetry of the folds in the legs, the child must be laid on his back on a flat, hard surface. Then you need to carefully bring the legs together and stretch them along the body. It is necessary to assess the folds in the thighs from the front. After this, the child needs to be laid out on his stomach, stretched out his legs and evaluated the sub-gluteal folds. The folds both in front and in the back should be symmetrical, located in one line. They must be of the same depth and length.

But it is worth noting that the asymmetry of the folds occurs in absolutely healthy children. Therefore, this is just an excuse to appear to an orthopedist. He will check for other symptoms of hip dysplasia, give a referral for ultrasound of the joints. If necessary, an X-ray image of the hip joint area is taken. But even if all the folds are symmetrical and correct, this does not mean that the child is healthy. Bilateral joint involvement is rare. In this case, both legs will be the same, despite the existing problem.

These features of infants are an indication that every child should be examined by an orthopedist at least 2 times in the first year of life.

Natalya Volkova, neonatologist, specially for the site site

Whatever aspect you touch, we can always say about newborns that they are not a reduced copy of an adult, which means that their body functions according to its own laws. This even applies to the skin. The skin of a newborn baby has its own characteristics, which sometimes cause anxiety in young parents. The skin of the baby is delicate and prone to irritation, therefore it requires special attention. In order to avoid problems and inflammation, it is necessary to carefully look after her. When a child has clean skin, no diaper rash, rashes, the newborn feels comfortable, sleeps well, does not worry and is not capricious.

Skin features

When the baby arrives, his skin is covered with a layer of cheese-like lubricant. This lubricant acts as a barrier, because in the mother's tummy, the baby was surrounded by amniotic fluid. In the old days, this lubricant was washed off immediately after birth, now it is believed that it should be absorbed into the skin.

When the issue with lubrication on the skin is leveled, the mother may notice that the baby's skin is too red. This is completely normal. At first, in the blood of a newborn child, erythrocytes are contained in an increased amount. Secondly, the layer of subcutaneous fat in the crumbs is still very poorly developed, which means that the blood vessels are very close to the skin, and they are clearly visible. In addition to a red tint, a vascular pattern may simply appear on the skin.

Poor development of the subcutaneous fat layer "rewards" the baby's skin with one more feature. Newborn babies are easily hypothermic and freeze. At the same time, a "marble" pattern appears on the skin.

All mothers note that the skin of a newborn baby is very soft and velvety to the touch. Infant fluff, which covers the shoulders, back, and sometimes the hips of the baby, gives a special velvety to the skin. However, already on the 2-3rd day of life, the baby's skin becomes dry and begins to peel off. Thus, the adaptation of the skin to the air environment after the water environment is manifested. The work of the sebaceous glands has not yet been established, so the skin is devoid of a protective lipid film that helps to retain moisture. Most often, the skin of the extremities peels off: palms and heels.

Often, various rashes can be seen on the skin of a newborn. Little white dots that look like pimples are milia, sebaceous cysts. They are completely safe, appear in the process of adjusting the work of the sebaceous glands and disappear without a trace without any intervention. Red, inflamed pimples, sometimes called "blooms," are the result of hormonal changes. After the physical separation from the mother's body, the baby's body begins to produce its own hormones, which naturally affects the external condition of the skin.

It turns out that most of the anxiety symptoms are phenomena that are completely normal for a newborn child. The older your toddler gets, the more his skin becomes similar to that of an adult, both in appearance and in the way it functions.

Skin care rules

  • In order not to injure the delicate skin of the baby, the adult's nails should be cut short and sawn off;
  • If an adult has any sores on his hands (eg, boils, nail fungus, inflamed burrs), it is better to entrust childcare to a healthy person;
  • It is not recommended to abuse hygiene products: use baby soap without allergenic fragrances, use baby cream on a water basis ();
  • Use only high quality baby cosmetics.

We wash the baby

Every morning, after the baby wakes up, it must be washed with boiled water.

Morning care is more convenient to carry out on the changing table, since the necessary items will be stably placed on it. The water temperature in the first days is 36-37⁰C, it can be gradually reduced and brought to room temperature (25⁰C).

  1. We start by treating the eyes: with a cotton ball dipped in boiled water, wipe the eye from the outer corner to the inner corner with smooth movements without pressure. We use an individual cotton ball for each eye.
  2. Wipe the outside of the nose with a damp cotton ball. From the inside, the nostrils are cleaned with a cotton flag, making rotational movements. The flagellum is pre-moistened with boiled water.
  3. We process the ears with a cotton wool flagellum, cleaning off the sulfur from the skin of the external auditory canal. It is not worth pushing the flagellum deeper, since the sulfur is not removed at the same time, but is pushed into the ear canal. It is enough to clean the ears 2 times a week.
  4. Wipe the face and behind the ears with a cotton ball.
  5. The umbilical wound needs to be treated 2 times a day with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, then brilliant green (about correct processing).
  6. After each stool, the baby must be washed with warm running water.


Body care

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Common truths:

We look at how to bathe, how to wash, how to care for the umbilical wound, how to make air baths:

Open video



Umbilical wound treatment:

Air baths:

After bathing the child, smear the perineum and groin folds with baby cream. Because the composition of creams includes castor oil, glycerin, beeswax, this softens and nourishes the skin, and also protects it from all kinds of microbes. Immediately after bathing, it is necessary to treat the baby's skin with cosmetic oil for newborns, lotion or powder.

Skin problems

Most often, parents are frightened by the appearance of crusts on the scalp of the crumbs (seborrheic crusts). This is not a disease, it is easy to fight it. Before each bathing, the crusts are smeared with baby cream, and during bathing they are wiped with a sterile gauze napkin. Movements should be light without pressure, strong friction will lead to the appearance of wounds. (Reading)

  • Prickly heat. If there is prickly heat on the child's body, then you just need to prevent overheating, avoiding unnecessarily warm clothes. At an early stage, normal newborn hygiene is sufficient. While bathing, you can add chamomile infusion to the water, or a decoction of oak bark - (about treatment);
  • Diaper rash. When diaper rash appears, special attention is paid to skin care after each trip to the toilet. Let the baby's skin "breathe" more often (the same air baths described above), diapers and diapers must be changed every few hours. After changing the diapers of the child, it is imperative to wash it off with running water, in extreme cases - wipe it with baby sanitary napkins - Details;
  • Proper hygiene initially! We read a long article about the organization.

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Watching the video:


With the discharge from the hospital, the newly-made parents take care of the baby. The main goals of baby hygiene are to keep the skin clean and hydrated. Thanks to this, the skin is cleansed of impurities and waste products of the sebaceous and sweat glands. With special care, it is necessary to monitor the folds of the baby's skin and process them. But inexperienced moms and dads may have a question of how to wipe the folds of a newborn and how to do it correctly.

Care for wrinkles in babies

The groin and knee folds of the crumbs require care. Daily morning and evening bathing in boiled water is a must. Once a week, the baby is washed with baby soap. After washing, the delicate skin of the baby should be dried with gentle blotting movements with a diaper or a soft towel. This is followed by the treatment of folds in newborns.

How to handle the folds of a newborn?

Previously, our mothers and grandmothers sprinkled the folds of children with talcum powder or starch. But for a baby, a moisturizer is better, since its delicate and fragile skin in a state of dryness is easily damaged and open to infection. How to lubricate the folds of a newborn? For this, boiled refined oil, liquid paraffin, in general, any baby oil is suitable. The main thing is that the product does not cause an allergic reaction. Moisten an important disc with oil and gently rub the newborn's knee and groin folds.

Symmetry of folds in newborns

Each mother needs to carefully examine how evenly the folds are located on the hips and buttocks of the baby. The fact is that asymmetrical folds in a child may indicate dysplasia - congenital underdevelopment of the hip joints. To reveal this, place the baby on his stomach and straighten his legs. The asymmetry of the folds in a newborn should alert parents. Especially if it is accompanied by different leg lengths, limited abduction of the hips and a click produced at the same time. Sometimes the asymmetry of the folds is a consequence of the tone of one of the legs. At the same time, uneven folds do not always indicate pathology: in some children, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are not detected. In any case, you should make an appointment with an orthopedist. If this defect is not detected in time, the child will not only limp, his capabilities may be limited. The specialist will examine the child and, if necessary, send for an ultrasound or X-ray.

Attention: Use of oil is recommended by pediatricians and neonatologists. Its scope is wide enough: lubricate folds with a cotton pad moistened with oil to prevent diaper rash, for gentle massage, nasal treatment, lubrication of the whole body after bathing, as well as the head to get rid of crusts.

Professionals recommend using the oil after bathing to moisturize baby skin and avoid dryness. It is necessary to wipe all folds, areas behind the ears with a cotton pad. Sometimes oil can be used instead of diaper cream.

It is important to choose the oil for your baby, taking into account all its components, as well as what it is needed for. There is a remedy designed only for getting rid of crusts on the head, and there is one that can be used for everything - from daily care to wiping any specific areas. What oil to massage a baby with, how to wipe a baby, or what to use for wrinkles, we will consider below.

Difference from cream and milk

Young parents often face the question, is there a difference between butter, cream and milk? What is the best choice from a wide variety of good baby products?

  • Cream more intended for the treatment of certain areas of the body, on which minor irritations have appeared, it is undesirable to smear them on the entire baby.
  • Butter can be used in many cases, applying to all areas of a small child's skin. The oil is designed to protect the skin from mechanical damage that can occur when the diaper is rubbed against the baby's feet, or such as peeling or dry skin. The main difference between butter and milk is consistency, and the latter is quickly absorbed.
  • Milk more suitable for cleansing the skin, instead of soap. It allows you to maintain a water-fat balance.

It is better that a young mother has cream, milk and butter in her arsenal. They can be used alternately, or according to the situation.

Rating - which is better?

Bubchen - for crusts on the baby's head and for daily care

The product contains sunflower oil and shea butter as well as calendula extract. The oil can be used for massage, daily routines such as rubbing wrinkles, flaky areas of the skin, and as a remedy for crusts on the scalp. Designed for children from birth.

To get rid of crusts on the scalp of a newborn, you need to pour a little oil on your hands, and then carefully and carefully distribute it over the baby's head to problem areas. After 15 minutes, gently remove the scales from the scalp with a comb or soft brush in small circular movements.

After applying the oil, you must thoroughly wash your hair with baby shampoo.... The procedure is recommended to be carried out once or several times a week until the problem is eliminated.

The advantage of this product is that it is absorbed quickly, moisturizes the skin well and helps get rid of diaper rash. Can be used daily. The disadvantage of this product is called obsessive odor by some buyers. Price for 50 ml - 300 rubles.

Weleda Calendula Pflegeol - to clean the spout and for daily use

The oil contains medicinal calendula and sesame oil, which allow you to carefully care for the skin of the newborn. Thanks to its natural composition, the oil can be used for daily skin nourishment to avoid dryness, for massage, for wiping wrinkles, and for cleaning the nose.

Advice: To clean a small nose, you need to moisten a cotton turundochek in oil, and then clean the nasal passages in a circular motion.

The advantage of this product is its naturalness and wide range of applications. The disadvantage is the high price. Price - from 800 rubles for a bottle of 200 ml.

Mustela Bebe Massage Oil - for massage of babies

Natural formulation with vitamins E and C. The product can be used right from birth to moisturize or massage, for example, the tummy to prevent baby colic. The oil is gentle, has a soothing and relaxing effect.

If you use oil during massage, it will be more pleasant and useful. Do not pour the product directly onto the baby's body. You need to pour a little on the mother's hands, grind and warm the oil, and only then start the massage, gently rubbing the product into the baby's delicate skin.

Advantages - naturalness of the product, can be used daily for various procedures. The only drawback of this oil is its high cost.... Price - 1000 rubles for 110 ml.

Hipp - for baby wrinkles

The natural composition, which includes almond extract and vitamin E, helps to moisturize and soften the delicate skin of the newborn. The oil can be used for any procedure, including wiping wrinkles, to prevent dryness, diaper rash, and redness.

Oil works well against inflammation and irritation... To wipe it, you need to moisten a cotton pad in oil and carefully go through all the folds, as well as behind the ears, under the neck. The folds on the arms and legs, armpits and butt should also be rubbed with oil.

The advantage of the product is that it does not contain artificial colors or flavors. There are no parabents, paraffin and essential oils. Suitable for both moisturizing and cleansing baby's skin. Of the minuses, you can name an allergic reaction in some babies. Cost - from 250 rubles. for 200 ml.

Magic Herb Baby - for wiping

This oil consists of chamomile extract, scarlet and string, which allows you to carefully care for the baby's skin... This oil can be used during massage, after bathing, wipe the folds with it, as well as the areas behind the ears. This should be done with a cotton swab (cotton pad) or hands, applying a little oil, and then wiping all areas.

The advantage is that the product smells good, has a good effect in moisturizing and softening baby's skin, and does not cause allergies. The disadvantages can be attributed only to the fact that the product did not manage to become popular and not many people know about its existence, thereby not having time to win the trust of customers. Price for 200 ml - from 110 to 150 rubles.

Jonson's Baby - children's hair product

It is an oil based on a mineral base, that is, a petroleum product. It contains coconut oil, which prevents the skin from breathing due to the formed film. You can choose oil with chamomile, calendula or scarlet. The oil is intended for many procedures, including for moisturizing the hair of a newborn... The cost of such oil is from 200 rubles per 200 ml.

our mother

Once opened, the natural remedy can be stored for up to three months. The composition includes calendula extract, cedar and sea buckthorn oil. The oil can be used to moisturize your baby's skin after bathing. It is quickly absorbed, which is not very convenient for massage.

The advantage is the naturalness of the product, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, eliminating irritations on the skin... Disadvantage - it spreads during use due to its consistency and is not a convenient bottle without a dispenser. Price from 150 rubles. for 125 ml.

A large assortment of oils is presented in stores and pharmacies, so without trying a certain remedy, you cannot be sure of it. When buying oil for a newborn, you need to pay attention to its composition. It should be free from dyes and preservatives, as well as other harmful and chemical substances. The smell should not be harsh and unobtrusive.

It is important to choose the oil that is right for you.... It can be massage, moisturizing, cleansing, nourishing, relieving irritation and more. You can choose one product that will be used for daily care and all procedures.

Important: It is imperative to conduct an allergy reaction before use, as this is a very unpleasant disease. To do this, you need to smear a small area of ​​the child's skin with oil and leave it for a day. If this area does not turn red and rashes do not appear, then you can safely use this product.

You need to look at the shelf life of the product, especially after opening. There are oils that can only be stored for three months, there are oils with a longer shelf life.


Baby's skin requires careful and constant care, so it is important to choose the right product... It should moisturize, nourish and soften, and most importantly, it should not cause allergies. If there is any reaction, it is worth stopping the use of this product right away.

In order for a newborn baby to feel good, it is necessary to take proper care of him. All young mothers should know the basic rules of care, because the appetite and mood of your baby depends on it. Treating the skin of a newborn is an obligatory daily procedure. It is performed several times a day, usually after every toilet, evening or morning bath, and after changing a diaper. In this article, let's take a closer look at how to properly handle a newborn immediately after returning from the hospital.

Morning toilet

This is a mandatory procedure that is recommended every day after your baby wakes up. Before treating a newborn, you need to prepare in advance everything you need for the procedure, so that later you do not leave the baby alone unattended. It is necessary to undress the baby and examine him completely. A daily examination will help to timely detect any external changes in the child and tell your pediatrician about it in time.

  • Eyes - it is necessary to start the morning toilet by wiping the eyes and face with a damp swab dipped in boiled water. The eyes are washed each separately with two sterile swabs from the outer edge towards the bridge of the nose. It is recommended to use a different swab to wipe your face.
  • Folds - then the cervical, axillary and groin folds are treated with special lotions or baby wipes. If these funds are not at hand, then you can perform the procedure with an ordinary cotton swab and boiled water.
  • Spout - should be cleaned with pre-prepared cotton filaments made of sterile cotton wool. Vaseline oil is applied to them, and then gently rotated around the axis in the nasal passages.
  • Ears - should also be wiped with cotton filaments, only dry. It is not recommended to use hard sticks and cotton wool wrapped around matches, as they can damage the delicate mucous membrane of your child.
  • Mouth - a healthy oral cavity is usually not treated, it is enough to simply examine it. To do this, gently press your chin with your fingers and gently pull it down. A clean, pink and moist mucous membrane indicates that the child is healthy. Whitish plaque - indicates the presence of thrush, as well as the need to consult a doctor.
  • When carrying out the morning toilet, remember that your baby has very delicate and sensitive skin and that is why any hygiene measures must be carried out very carefully and carefully in order to avoid any damage.

Genital treatment

  • From the very first days, the genitals of the baby need special, thorough hygiene. In this section, we will analyze how to handle the genitals of a newborn. Up to a year old, the genitals must be washed after each diaper change. The procedure is carried out with boiled water, not lower than 37 ° C.
  • The main purpose of genital treatment is to remove feces and urine from the baby's skin. As a supplement, it is also recommended to wipe the genitals with a damp sanitary napkin. Before using the wipes, you need to make sure that your child is not allergic to the chemicals that they contain.
  • The washing process is recommended to be done with light movements from front to back. There are slight differences in caring for boys and how to handle a newborn girl. For girls, this recommendation is especially important, because it is this direction of movement that helps to avoid microbes entering the vagina and the development of various infections.
  • In boys, it is important to ensure that when washing, the foreskin of the penis does not move and the head is not exposed. Only in some cases, the tendency to rashes and infections requires regular treatment with warm water and baby oil with gentle pushing back of the baby's foreskin.
  • After washing, you need to wipe the baby dry, then cover with a towel. When putting on the diaper, make sure the crotch skin is completely dry. Otherwise, the created favorable environment can lead to inflammation and the formation of infections.
  • Dry skin can be lubricated with softening baby cosmetics and kept in the fresh air before putting on a diaper or diaper. An important rule that will ensure the comfort of the baby is the timely replacement of diapers, namely at least 7-8 times a day.

Newborn wrinkle treatment

Wrinkles in the arms, legs and neck of an infant usually require careful maintenance. Many mothers ask themselves the question: how to handle the folds of a newborn so that diaper rash does not appear in them?

  • For this procedure, it is usually sufficient to have a standard baby cream, which, if desired, can be replaced with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly and baby powder. Skin areas prone to dryness, as well as those in contact with the edge of the diaper, should be regularly lubricated with baby cream. The applied thin layer of cream perfectly helps to moisturize and soften the delicate baby skin.
  • It is recommended to use a drying powder on those parts of the baby's body that sweat heavily. As a rule, these are gluteal skin folds, groin and axillary folds.
  • When processing wrinkles, only proven and high-quality cosmetics should be used. This procedure should be carried out very carefully and gently, trying to avoid any sudden movements.
  • And yet, so that all of the above procedures do not bother the baby, be sure to talk to your child and smile at him while they are being carried out. This is the only way your actions will bring mutual joy to you and your baby.