What to wear to an exhibition for a girl. Cultural tone: what to wear to the theater or to an exhibition. appearance requirements

The dog show is a celebration of victories, excitement and, of course, our four-legged pets. In order to show them in all the brilliance of beauty and charm, the dogs are carefully prepared for the show - they wash, comb, cut and create hairstyles that are unimaginable in beauty.

To become the best of the best, you need to correctly and effectively present yourself to the judges. Moreover, not only the dog should be beautiful and elegant, but also the handler, the person whose task is to show the animal in the ring.

A high-class professional knows how to emphasize the outstanding sides of the dog and hide small flaws, which, alas, are present even in the best representatives of the breed.

In order to increase your chances of winning and make a good impression, the handler must be properly dressed. Of course, you can choose any outfit for the exhibition - for the dog, in fact, it doesn’t matter what you are wearing.

Some, without further ado, come to the exhibition in old sweatpants, in which they have been walking their pet for the last five years, while others, on the contrary, dress up as if for a high society reception. However, once you enter the ring, you will understand how important it is that your outfit is appropriate for the event as a whole and harmonizes well with the dog.

If you are new to the world of cynology, take a closer look at how handlers dress when exhibiting dogs of your breed. Look at photos from exhibitions, videos from famous world shows, ask a puppy breeder for advice. Depending on the breed that is being exhibited, you should choose clothes that are combined with the appearance of the dog and are comfortable when shown.

So, for example, when demonstrating clerks, it is better to avoid high-heeled shoes and bulky outfits. As a rule, when showing such animals, you have to run a lot. Therefore, the best choice would be clothes in a semi-sports and sports style, adjusted, of course, for the solemnity of the event. Small exquisite dogs of decorative breeds will look great on a leash with an elegant lady, whose whole appearance emphasizes the beauty and refined appearance of the crumbs.

1. Clothing should be neat and clean, regardless of the breed you are on a leash.. Imagine how ridiculous a neatly trained dog and an owner dressed in old sneakers and battered jeans will look in the prize place.

2. Do not get carried away with bright colors or defiant style of the costume. Do not forget that at the exhibition they look, first of all, at the dog, and the handler's task is not to outshine it with its beauty, but, on the contrary, to draw the expert's attention to its breed and ability to move. Therefore, the costume of a person who shows a dog in the ring should be designed in neutral, pastel colors and have a decent, from the point of view of generally accepted morality, appearance.

3. The outfit must be practical. A long fluffy skirt, all kinds of flounces, scarves and laces will certainly decorate you very much in everyday life. But imagine how you will put the animal in a rack, when a carelessly thrown scarf falls off one shoulder, and puffy skirts completely cover the dog from the expert. Or try to run a couple of laps in a tight long skirt with a lean Doberman, risking falling and breaking your nose. The handler's clothing should be comfortable, not constraining movements and, if possible, wrinkle-free. There is nothing worse than a sloppy, chewed-up suit.

5. Another essential feature of clothing is comfort.. Mini-skirts, low-waisted trousers, and oversized cleavages can make you feel awkward and a laughingstock when you try to stoop low, crouch next to your dog, or run with him at a brisk pace. If you don’t want to later see your photos on the Internet, which show a half-naked sirloin or spicy underwear, leave such things for romantic dates.

6. Much attention should be paid to the shoes in which you will have to enter the ring. First of all, it should match the rest of the costume in color and style, and secondly, be comfortable and suitable in size. A soft rubber sole and a small heel will make your step quick and springy and will not let your feet get tired ahead of time. Shoes that are too tight will turn you into an exhausted duck limping slowly around the ring.

It is characteristic that the dog also suffers from this - constantly looking at you, it will constantly go astray, which, of course, cannot but affect the quality of the show. Shoes that are large can fly off your feet at the most inopportune moment. It’s good if the expert turns out to have a sense of humor and laughs merrily at the incident. Or maybe lower your grade for inappropriate demonstration.

7. Long hair only interferes with the show. No matter how your hairstyle with loose curls suits you, discard it for the duration of the exhibition in favor of a modest braid or a democratic ponytail. Long hair constantly falls on the face, and instead of adjusting the dog's stance or concentrating on running in front of the expert, you have to constantly remove it. And if the exhibition is held outside in windy weather, you may simply not have time for a pet.

8. When entering the ring, do not put on excessive makeup or pour half a bottle of your favorite French perfume on yourself. The scent of designer perfumes, combined with the smell of a lot of dogs, can make for a devilish mixture that an expert probably won't like, and heavily made-up eyes tend to bleed at the most inopportune moment.

9. Every professional handler has a lot of little tricks to keep him looking fresh and elegant in the ring. In order not to stain the suit with a treat on which they put dogs in a rack, many use special hip bags, in harmony with the suit and looking stylish and neat. Also desirable the presence of small secret pockets on clothes where you can hide a napkin or handkerchief. Clothing should be comfortable and not restrict movement.

10. Before you put on a suit for an exhibition, do a simple test. Get fully dressed in the toilet and do a series of physical exercises in front of the mirror: reach the floor with your fingertips, sit down deeply, wave your legs and arms - if you do not feel discomfort while performing these movements, you can safely dress up for the exhibition. No unexpected circumstance will take you by surprise.

11. The choice of clothing color is another cornerstone of a successful show. Stylists advise not to combine more than three colors in one toilet. But, going to the exhibition, you must remember that the third color that will be present in the ensemble is the color of the dog's coat. Therefore, it is worth limiting yourself to two shades.

Depending on where (outdoors or indoors) the exhibition will take place, decide on the main shades of the costume. For example, under artificial lighting, warm tones fade, while cold ones, on the contrary, become bright and juicy. Sunny color will make orange and golden yellow play in a new way, but will smear turquoise and blue.

Avoid wearing poisonous, acid tones- it can irritate the expert, which will not have the best effect on your assessment. But the most important rule to consider when choosing the color of a suit is How does your dog look in front of you?. Does it blend in with clothes? Does its color acquire an undesirable shade? Is the color of the handler's clothing bright enough to emphasize the imperfect line of the back or the angles of the dog?

Of course, all these recommendations are not binding. They do not guarantee the absolute victory of your pet. After all, in the first place, it is the dog that is looked at and evaluated at the exhibition - its exterior, movements, desire and opportunity to show itself. The task of the handler is to serve as an inconspicuous background, guiding and helping the pet.

Natasha Sherwood

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Appearance can provide success or failure before the participants have been introduced to each other. Therefore, clothing for a business meeting is an important issue for both men and women.

How to dress for an exhibition when scheduling a business meeting?

The principle here is similar for both women and men. Moderate conservatism is welcomed. Do not be afraid to look out of fashion - it's better than a flashy appearance.

The classic version is a formal suit for both sexes. The suit cannot be bright, and in the cold season - too light. Jeans and sports attributes are excluded - they are out of place in a business style. Open, transparent, short clothing is also unacceptable.

Business meeting suit

A suit is ideal for business communication, it does not have to be black. Suitable blue or gray of various shades, brown, beige. A drawing is possible, but hardly noticeable.

If the meeting is scheduled for the morning, it is better to choose a lighter suit, for the evening - a dark suit. But bright colors will not work in any case.

It is important to remember that the jacket is fastened directly during the meeting. You can unfasten it only at dinner.

Women can also wear classic style trousers. Such a detail of the wardrobe is considered quite acceptable. But you can not use a tight model.

A suit for business meetings should be made of "solid" materials - linen, wool mixture, tweed. The jacket is completed with a skirt or trousers. Especially it is necessary to monitor its accuracy.

There are some other general rules. The suit should always be in perfect condition - clean and ironed. Dressing should be impeccably neat - carelessness in clothing suggests a dismissive attitude towards business.

Clothes and shoes for a business meeting

It is impossible for shoes or clothing fabrics for business to be frankly cheap. This, too, will not make the best impression, will make it possible to incorrectly judge the owner of a dubious outfit.

How to dress for a business meeting for a woman

Many answers can be given to this question. It's easier to say what not to do. You can not dress as if you are going to seduce and charm a partner, and not sign a contract with him. Deep necklines and short skirts are prohibited. It is better to avoid bright colors.

Business women are not prohibited from using perfume and jewelry, but accessories are not too big, bright or cheap. The same applies to manicure and makeup.

Business meeting dresses

Such items of women's wardrobe are considered more than acceptable. Dresses are subject to the same rules as costumes.

Women's dresses should not be:

  • open;
  • short and bright;
  • with prints and catchy patterns.

An appropriate element would be a belt, but not too wide, restrained style.

How to dress for a business meeting for a man

  • strict dark classic suit;
  • light shirt;
  • tie.

You can not wear a shirt with a short sleeve for a business event, and it is better to choose a style without chest pockets.

Meeting shoes

Style recommendations for men and women are the same. Do not wear sports shoes or things of frivolous colors. Well, if the shoes are expensive - they give solidity more than a suit. . If the fair sex is high, the heel is chosen minimal, but still present. Women must choose closed shoes, and, of course, with heels. And of course, shoes must be impeccably well-groomed. Scuffs, scratches and even more dirt will destroy the image irrevocably

Hairstyles for a business meeting

Hairstyles should also be neat and with a minimum of shocking. The male look requires a medium or short elegant haircut. Women's hairstyles can be done on hair of any length, it is important that there is no excess of accessories, catchy hairpins or very complex designs. Glitter polish is inappropriate.

By understanding how to dress appropriately for a business meeting, you can ensure the success of your negotiations before they even begin.

Any significant event implies a certain appearance. To pick up clothes for the exhibition, first decide what kind of exhibition you will attend. So, for example, official sales exhibitions, or exhibitions of manufacturers, where you will be invited as a guest or participant, will require you to dress rigorously.

Men should wear a strict classic business suit, or strict trousers and a plain shirt in soothing tones. A tie is a must. Women can be dressed in business suits, both with a skirt and trousers, or strict office dresses in soothing colors.

If you decide to visit, for example, an exhibition of contemporary art, then in this case it will be permissible to adhere to a more free style. Jeans, a sweater, an original scarf, a designer jacket and or a blouse - all this will help you in creating your look. The most important thing is that all together things fit well and create a single ensemble.

You should definitely know how to dress for an exhibition or for a trip to a museum, so that you always and everywhere look dignified and appropriate for the situation. The grand opening of new exhibitions of paintings is usually pompous, so invitations often indicate what dress code will exist at a particular event. As a rule, men are required to wear a classic suit or even a tuxedo, women are encouraged to come in evening dress.

Do not be too zealous with decorating yourself. Try not to overdo it with unnecessary details or bright elements in clothing. Firstly, it will betray your bad taste, and secondly, it will divert attention from the exhibition itself, which is also unacceptable. Think in advance about what kind of shoes you will go in. Do not wear new shoes to the exhibition.

They will be somewhat cramped for you, and discomfort in the legs will not allow you to fully enjoy the art exhibition or fully familiarize yourself with the exhibition stands of your potential partners. It's best to have a pair of shoes that you can always check to match a particular set of clothes especially for special occasions.

Make sure in advance that your clothes for the exhibition are clean and ironed. In a few days, or better weeks, inspect your outfit, if necessary, dry-clean it or wash it yourself and iron it thoroughly. If you have to attend the exhibition in a uniform or formal suit, and you do not have personal transport, it is best to get to the venue in your usual casual clothes.

It is better to bring exhibition attire with you in a special case. Do the same with shoes. Then your mood from a suit smeared on a bus or subway or soiled shoes will not be overshadowed. Carefully consider the choice of clothes, shoes, and the creation of an overall appearance. Your impression will depend on how you look.

Peaceful weekdays and pleasant family holidays, busy working days and the most ordinary weekends - all these are small grains that our life consists of. You always want to dilute this cocktail of everyday life with bright events. To do this, we become participants in various events. Visiting exhibitions or galleries is a great opportunity for a woman to plunge into the world of various types of art.

What to wear? This question becomes the most burning, because choosing an outfit for the theater, where elegance and femininity should prevail, or for a cinema or concert, where variation of styles with an emphasis on the nature of the event is acceptable, is quite easy. The auditorium and the stage are on different levels, and you can see your neighbors in a row only in the foyer during a break. At the exhibition, both visitors and exhibits practically merge together, meeting in the same room. This is where the difference lies. How to create a successful harmony between your image and the theme of the upcoming event?

Going to an exhibition involves creating an appropriate image in clothes.

Sometimes the organizers set a certain dress code that you have to comply with. Learn about it in advance. But if there are no such criteria, then the choice will have to be made independently.

Controversy over dress code

They don't subside even between fashion experts. Some advise choosing suit options with skirts or trousers, close to business ones, but with original decor. Others vote for looser outfits with a festive touch, suggesting party and stylish jewelry. Well, the third ones are not at all averse to dressing you in comfortable sweaters, and.

Opinions differ, but the only thing everyone agrees on is restraint. You should not go to extremes. If it's a dressy dress or elegant blouses, go for medium-length, closed cuts, and if you prefer a loose style, then let it be like that, but without fashionable holes at the knees and stretched sleeves.

Denim for the show

However, there are certain criteria that should be taken into account.

For example, going to photo projects 2018, it will be important to support their theme in your image. But the classics are always appropriate. But at an exhibition of paintings of contemporary art, the very atmosphere suggests experiments and the implementation of unpredictable ideas. In this case, you can create an ensemble of clothes where non-standard silhouettes and asymmetric prints will prevail. Unusually processed edges of blouses or trousers, as well as light colored frills, will come to the place. All this can be combined with classic clothes. Extravagance and loose fit - that's what will look great.

How to support the theme of the exhibition, when the occasion requires it? If it is organized in a marine spirit, it is better to go in clothes made of light soft fabrics in cool shades that are reflected in blues, grays and blacks.

Dress for going to an exhibition of a marine theme

And the spirit of art deco or the same oriental style support free models of velvet of dull, restrained shades. Too saturated colors will help not to get lost against the background of a charismatic pop art.

But you can look completely different at luxurious events, dressed in chic outfits.

Stylish clothing for more luxurious occasions

With bright and extraordinary models, where every detail is interesting in itself, everything is clear. But choosing more modest neutral clothes, experts advise complementing it with small but bright accents. It can be both accessories and hairstyles that support the style of the exhibition.

Pay special attention to shoes

The main rule is the absence of clattering heels. If you like high platforms and impressive heels, please, but forget about metal heels, which are sure to interfere with those present.

All attention to in which you appear at the exhibition

Models of shoes without heels, for example, ballet flats, will not be quite out of place. Yes, and in sneakers you will look a little strange. There are plenty of sports-style shoes that look more stylish and reserved. There are also many models with medium heels and comfortable wedges.

Remember that you will have to walk a lot and for a long time, so it is better to wear something that your feet are already used to. A new couple can behave unpredictably, giving you a lot of inconvenience. Yes, and new or also not always friendly to the feet, so socks or golfs are simply irreplaceable.

So, guided by your own intuition and understanding of the thematic features of the exhibition, you can create your own unique image. Shoes and clothes are not the only things you will pay attention to. Accessories in the form of bijouterie and jewelry, watches, bracelets and women's handbags will always be in place. Make your choice, visit fashion stores, contact stylists and then your female image at exhibitions will always be original.