Fun tasks for the groom to buy. Before entering the staircase. Believe it or not

Tell me, who of us has not dreamed of a wedding that will bring a lot of pleasure and will be remembered for a lifetime? Every girl dreams of how she will go down the aisle with her prince. Moreover, although men do not say out loud that they dream of a memorable wedding, deep down they dream of it. After all, this is not only an exciting event - it is the first and main step into a new life.

Then there will be many steps together, but this one will be remembered in a special way.

Organizational issues come first

The wedding must not only be held, but also properly organized, taking into account the mass of traditions, rituals and competitions, the main role in which is played by the master of ceremonies, the master of ceremonies, and it is he who will be assigned the role of amusing the people with fun, jokes and, of course, contests.

The wedding host is the person who is absolutely responsible for the selection and organization of a variety of playful and fun activities. Such entertainment can perfectly cheer up all guests, draw them into direct participation and set a positive rhythm. On the eve of the wedding, the newlyweds can turn to the host for help and draw up a wedding script, according to which everything will happen. The wedding should be remembered not only by the young people for their entire life together, but also by all the invited guests. And various funny wedding contests will help a lot with this.

Variety of wedding games and contests

There are a lot of games and contests that will appeal to everyone present, the newlyweds just need to carefully and responsibly approach the wedding scenario, which will depend not only on the sense of humor and imagination of the newlyweds, but also on the age category of the invitees. Wedding games and contests can involve both individual tables at an event, bringing together and uniting guests into a team, as well as individuals like a groom and a witness or a bride with her bridesmaids, or young parents. Anything that your imagination comes up with can act as a reward, from sweets and all sorts of trinkets to souvenir medals and various certificates.

A wedding toastmaster can conduct such games, or it can be entrusted to someone of their friends, let’s say a witness and a witness, the main thing is that the ringleader has a wonderful sense of humor and a hanging tongue, and can also skillfully present this or that competition. It is important to try to ensure that all invitees take part in the games, and contests for the bride and groom must be included in the program.

Individual approach

It should also be borne in mind that all guests are individual, which means that everyone has their own humor, it is important that the contests are understood by everyone and no one is left offended because of an unsuccessful drawing or a joke. And the sense of proportion has not yet been canceled, so do not overdo it. Young people can conduct some games on their own, for example, an auction for the sale of invitations to a golden wedding anniversary, or a bottle of wine with a photo of the newlyweds.

Cool wedding contests for the bride and groom, guests and parents are divided into several separate groups, and here it is very important to consider that each point must be implemented in the scenario and all guests must have time to play and laugh before the end of the event and, of course , hearty to eat. Nice souvenirs will remind you of this wonderful and unforgettable day for many years to come.

Well, we can endlessly talk about wedding traditions, so we'd better consider wedding contests for the bride and groom, boyfriend and girlfriend. And, of course, for family and friends. And we will begin to consider directly the contests for the groom for the ransom.

Not a single wedding can do without the ransom of the bride, often the script for it is prepared by the bridesmaids together with the witness. Despite the fact that the whole event will be held by the master of ceremonies, the ransom is exactly that part of the wedding where the girlfriends or relatives of the bride can show their wit.

What tests to come up with for the groom

Game "How to call your future wife"

On small sheets, different female names are written in advance, preferably unusual, each sheet is folded and placed in an inflatable ball. The guy has to burst balls and read the names that fall out of there. If he does not like the dropped name, he is invited to work out a fine in the form of a poem, dance or song.

Another version of such a competition: names are also written on the leaves, each leaf is turned over, and a piece of lime is placed on it. To read the name, the groom must eat a lime, and then, if he is wry, he must pay, if the name does not suit him, he must pay twice.

Game "Sweet Lips".

Bridesmaids should take a large blank sheet of paper and leave lots of lipstick marks on their lips. Among them, one print must belong to the bride. The groom's job is to recognize the lips of his beloved. For each wrong answer, he is fined. Ransom contests for the groom, as a rule, force him to show his ingenuity and please the betrothed.

Game "Secret Signs".

This puzzle game is perfect for both redemption and general event. The presenter names different dates and numbers associated with the bride, and he needs to guess what they mean. Such numbers can be: date of birth, age, date when they met, when mother-in-law was born, etc.

The game "Was not there."

It can also be held at a ransom or a shared restaurant event. As a rule, everyone likes this competition. The presenter reads various facts from the bride's past, and the groom is obliged to answer whether it was in fact or just a fiction. Also, this competition can be held mutually for young people, the presenter reads the facts in turn, and they answer them.

Fun contests for the groom's friends

So, the competition for the groom's friends "Who knows the newlyweds better".

When preparing the script, the toastmaster prepares questions that he asks the newlyweds.

Examples of questions:
What color is the bride's eyes?
What brand of cars does the groom like?
Flowers that the bride likes?
Where did the young people meet?
What kind of sport is the groom fond of?
When did the guy make his beloved a marriage proposal?
Where will the newlyweds go to rest after the wedding?
How tall is the bride?
What shoe size does the groom wear?
How many children do the newlyweds plan to have?
What floor does the bride live on?
What films does the groom like?
What hobbies do newlyweds have in common?

After that, having prepared answers to questions at the celebration, the toastmaster asks them to friends, and then, as they say, either pan or disappear.

Friend and friend, what about your contests

Traditionally, the target of any wedding celebration is boyfriend and girlfriend. They also take an active part in various exciting games, raising the mood of the guests.

The Kiss.

In this game, none of the invitees should be left without a kiss. A friend should run around the hall and kiss all males, and a friend of the groom should all girls and women. Cheerful music turns on, and full speed ahead. Many people make a mistake in this competition, leaving musicians, toastmaster, bride and groom and even a photographer without a kiss. And you need to kiss everyone. If a boyfriend or girlfriend misses someone, then as a penalty you will have to kiss everyone again. Here is such a loving competition.

Another contest "Find Without Looking".

To participate in the competition to help the witness and witness, six more people must be selected. You will also need a scarf or silk shawl. Several women are selected from among the guests in the company of a witness. The witness must find exactly the friend among the beauties standing in front of him. Hands are tied behind the back, a scarf is being knitted in front of our eyes.

Game "Dexterity".

Two chairs are required to play. Only witnesses participate in this competition. At a wedding celebration, a newly-made wife is often stolen, and a friend must return her. To this end, he needs to do the following. Two chairs are placed in the center of the hall opposite each other. The witness stands on one chair, and the witness must move her to another. But everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, since you need to rearrange your friend using ten different methods. Energetic and cheerful music should sound to accompany.
As a rule, on the sixth method of transferring a friend, the fantasy ends and the guests begin to take an active part, and suggest how else to transfer it.

Movable pageants for wedding

No traditional wedding celebration is complete without torn accordions. Yes, without accordions, of course, they are a relic of the past, against the background of modern technologies, but if there is one, then it just needs to be used for its intended purpose. Competitions for a wedding for the bride and groom and all the invitees always catch the eye when the phrase "Who is more likely, who is more ..." sounds: absolutely everyone is involved here.

Contest "Guess the song".

A lollipop is placed on the table, the players on both sides of the table stand, a song begins to play. When one player realizes what the melody is playing - he quickly grabs the candy, the music stops and he says the name, if he answers correctly, he gets the candy as a prize, if not, the candy returns to the table, and the stopped melody continues to play.

When the winner is determined, the player can be changed. For the game, you can make two groups of people, for example, the bride's team against the groom's team. The game played in team mode looks much more effective and easier for the participants than if the guests play one at a time.

It is allowed to diversify this competition a little so that one group asks a question to the other team in the form of a line from a song. The task of the second group to answer with a line from a different song, but appropriate in meaning.

You don't have to count the correct and incorrect answers, you just need to do without it, the main thing is that the audience has fun. Based on experience, a well-tuned audience will actively participate in these kinds of contests.

Game "Diary of music records".

During the competition, one group of guests are maximalists, and the second is minimalists. The first sing songs about everything big, big, the second - about everything small. These contests for the groom and the witness, and the bride and the witness are a real find, simply because there will be no one indifferent to them in the hall.

Consider cool grooming contests

"Test of ingenuity."

In this competition, the groom will have to show not only his ingenuity, but also ingenuity. He needs to get out of the box several sheets of paper with words written on it, and then formulate a short text from them. The toastmaster can ask the husband to make a pleasant proposal to the newly-made wife, describe their future life together, and so on. And you can be sure that your wife will be satisfied.

"Checking the compatibility of a pair."

The husband is obliged to prove that he suits his beloved much more than anyone else on earth. A photo of the young wife is placed on the table in the center, and about fifteen photographs with other men are laid out in a circle with the image down, including a photo of her husband. The groom takes the photographs one at a time, turns them over and places them next to the photograph of the bride. If the elongated photo is not with his face, he must invent three reasons why this man does not suit the bride. After the photo is removed, and the groom pulls the photo again. When a guy comes across a picture of him, he must give irrefutable facts about why he is the perfect match for a bride.

To make it even more fun, you need to pick up photographs of radically different men, from celebrities to ordinary people and children. If at any stage of the game the groom's ingenuity and imagination are over, he must fulfill the bride's wish in order to remove the opponent's photo.

Alternatively, you can put a photo of the groom in the center, then it will be a competition for the bride at the wedding, the principle of the game will remain the same.

Original contests for the groom have no boundaries of imagination

"Love letter".

In advance, on small leaves, they write the names of individual parts of the body, which have the plural.

For example: legs, arms, eyes, fingers, shoulders and so on. The leaves are folded into a hat, bag or box. The groom's task is to read the love letter of his beloved. While reading the text, he takes out one sheet of paper with a word from his hat, and adds it to the spaces.

Example text with spaces:
Honey, I so want to look into your clear (space) and say how much I love you! Do you remember the day we met? You were very worried at our first meeting, and constantly being embarrassed, you tried to hide the beautiful (space). It was cold, I took off my jacket and put it on graceful (space), after which we admired the sky for a long time, and I gently touched yours (space). Then, when I was determined, I hugged you for (space) and touched your velvet (space). That night I could not close my eyes, your amazing (gap) flashed before my eyes again and again. I still do not believe that today is our wedding day, and I can admire your unearthly beauty every day!

"Description of the Bride".

As part of this game, the groom must tell about all the best qualities of the beloved. He whispers to his friend any advantage of the bride, and he, in turn, without uttering a word, through gestures and facial expressions, must show this advantage to all those invited. If the audience cannot guess, the young groom moves on to the next quality.

Five or six qualities are enough for the game, if there are fewer of them, the groom must kiss the bride's hand.

Wedding contests for the bride

Wedding contests for the groom are certainly good, but the bride should not be discouraged either. What contests can be held with the young?

The game "Get to know me, honey!"

To play, we call the young one and close her eyes. Then we take a young and four more guys from the tables and sit them on chairs. Assignment for the bride: with closed eyes, recognize your lover by the nose or earlobe.

You will need a newly-made wife and a helium balloon. The bride is blindfolded or turns her back to the guests. After that, men are called out from the audience one by one, saying three simple words "I love you", changing their own voice with the help of a helium balloon. Among the summoned men, of course, there must be a groom. The main task of the bride is to recognize the voice of her betrothed.

Game "Out of nothing something".

Everyone knows very well that a girl is capable of constructing something significant out of nothing, her ability to masterfully construct something meaningful from small parts will come in handy in this game. The toastmaster solemnly gives the bride a roll of toilet paper, preferably thin enough, and from this wonderful "raw material" she needs to make any tie for her husband. There is one trick, she needs to use up the entire roll to make a tie. While the bride is making a tie, the audience quietly keeps track of the turns of paper that she made around the groom's neck, this number will mean the number of kisses that she will have to give him.

Everyone's favorite contest "Feed the beloved".

Not only newlyweds can take part in this competition, but also couples from the tables. As many pairs of chairs are placed on the stage as there are pairs to play. On one chair sits a young and other girls, on the second a young and other guys. The young man should take a piece of the pie, put it on a dish and give it to his beloved. The bride must feed her husband with this cake, blindfolded. Naturally, he will tell her exactly where to carry the cake. To keep the suit clean, it is recommended that the groom and other participating men tie bibs. It looks comical, usually after such a game, everyone involved is in a cream, even despite the precautions taken.

In conclusion, I would like to say that weddings are different, someone plays a traditional wedding, someone has a thematic one, so the wedding script is the first thing to worry about.

But the main thing is not to forget that this is perhaps the most important event in the life of every couple in love, which you want it to be only once in your life, so you need to work hard to organize the event as fun and rich as possible. And contests for a wedding for the bride and groom will help you great with this. Your games and ransom will remain in the memory of all relatives and friends, and photos and videos will help remind you of this bright day again and again.


Advice to the groom.

1. Remember that love is not an axiom, it requires proof!

2. Do not forget that a gift is attention for one day, attention is a daily gift.

3. Before throwing money down the drain, make sure that it blows in your direction.

4. Do not give your wife a reason to think that she has exchanged the attention of many for the inattention of one.

5. Do not forget that when you have many children - they are obedient, when there is one child - you are obedient!


Tips for the bride:

1. Saying "You are mine!", Immediately specify what exactly to wash!

2. Remember that the honeymoon ends when your husband stops helping you with the housework ...

and begins to do everything himself.

3. Do not forget that the convolutions are given to a woman in order to bend around sharp corners.

4. Know that a man is a ball. If you give it too much freedom, it dissolves,

too little - reeling!

5. Don't launch your life partner!

Make cards for the bride and groom (separately). Everyone pulls out a question,

reads it out, then draws it out and reads out the answer.

Questions to the bride.

1. Will you call your mother-in-law mom?

2. Do you want to have three children?

3. Are you fond of Kama Sutra?

4. Will you look at other men?

5. Are you going to feed your husband a three-course dinner?

Answers of the bride.

1. I would not mind, but I am afraid of the collective condemnation.

2. This is my secret passion

3. As a rule, I want more.

4. Yes, I consider myself sufficiently prepared in this matter!

5. I'm scared to even think about it

Questions to the groom.

1. Are you able to spend your honeymoon without leaving your bedroom?

2. Will you give your wife expensive gifts?

3. Are you going to take your wife on vacation to the Bahamas?

4. Will you look at other women?

5. Do you want to have many children?

The groom's answers.

1. It all depends on how many dollars are in your pocket.

2. This is great, but it comes with some risk.

3. Only with good nutrition

4. Only for the sake of great love

5. I dream about it at night

Test for the bride and groom

Now, dear bride and groom, we want to make sure that you are in the dark

you will not confuse each other with anyone!

The bride and groom are blindfolded. They must reach the sheets of whatman paper

with a felt-tip pen in his hands and draw a blindfold portrait of a friend


Competition "Try destiny"

Host: They say that a wedding is the best place to meet, and sometimes to start a romance. Let's try our luck! All boys and girls draw cards with the names of literary and fairy-tale heroes, and then each one looks for his own pair (to music)

The first pair wins. However, everyone continues to search, tk. the competition doesn't end there ...

All who have found each other dance the next dance together.

(If there are fewer boys than girls in the hall, then the number of options corresponds to the number of boys, and the girls are given repeated cards, and you need to be the first to find your Prince)

You can, for example, make the following cards:

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Masha and the Bear, Prince and Cinderella, Carlson and Freken Bock, Dunno and Camomile, Tsarevich Ivan and Vasilisa the Beautiful, Tsar Guidon and the Swan Princess, Danila the Master and Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Kai and Gerda, Aladdin and Princess Budur, Ostap Bender and Madame Gritsatsuyeva, De Artagnan and Madame Buonasier, Count Vronsky and Anna Karenina, Onegin and Tatiana, Hamlet and Ophelia, Orpheus and Eurydice, Zeus and Hera, Adam and Eve, Don Quixote and Dulcinea, Mosquito and Fly-Tsokotukha, Odysseus and Penelope, Ichthyander and Gutierez, Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood, Captain Gray and Assol, Master and Margarita, Fedot-Sagittarius and Marusya, Robber and Atamansha, Romeo and Juliet, Royal Elisha and Sleeping Princess, Ali Baba and Zeynab, Natasha Rostova and Andrey Volkonsky, Pushkin and Natalie Goncharova, etc. The search starts at the signal of the Leader.

A competition is held for the fastest couple, for the ideal couple, for the best dance pair from the above. Prizes are awarded.

Comic test for the bride and groom by songs.

The host gives the bride and groom felt-tip pens and asks to write in orderthree lines from songs. Then it declares:

And now we find out all the secrets of the bride and groom by reading information fromthem from the subconscious!

This is what the groom was thinking AT THE FIRST MEETING WITH THE BRIDE:

Reads out the first line of the song.

This is what the groom thought AFTER THE FIRST KISS:

And this is what the bride was thinking!

Reads out the second line from the song.

This is what the groom thinks DURING THE WEDDING:

And this is what the bride thinks about!

Reads out the third line from the song.

Bride ransom is an old tradition that has changed its original purpose after many years. Earlier, during the ransom, the groom paid the amount agreed upon by the families for a pair of working hands, which he takes away from the family. Now the bride ransom is a bright, fun performance organized by the girlfriends of the hero of the occasion, but it would not have been so exciting if it were not for the original contests for the bride ransom. An interesting scenario will make the event unforgettable for all participants.

Scenario of contests for the groom for the ransom

  • First of all, the girlfriends need to think over a funny scenario according to which the ransom will take place: it can be the rescue of a beautiful princess from the castle with a sorcerer, a ransom in the style of the traffic police, or tests organized by the "mafia".
  • When the topic of the buyback is determined, it is time to come up with contests. It is worth remembering that contests should not be too difficult, even if on this solemn day, the future spouse does not get too tired.
  • In addition to the fact that the main task of the contests is to be interesting and relatively simple, it is important not to delay the ransom for more than 15-30 minutes. Modern ransom involves two or three contests of five minutes each, or a slightly larger number of tasks that are easy to complete in 2-3 minutes.

  • The last condition of a good competition for the ransom of the bride is not to demand a lot of money from the hero of the occasion. The ideal option would be the requirement to pay with "coins" and give the money received as a gift to the bride.

Original contests for redemption of the bride

Original contests for a cheerful redemption of the bride will surprise the guests and the groom, create an interesting atmosphere. Examples of original grooming contests:

  • "Fake betrothed."

The props of a cool competition are the groom's outfit, a bouquet; it is also necessary to invite a person unfamiliar with the future spouse. When the hero of the occasion comes to the bride's house, the bridesmaids stand at the entrance, and in front of them is a man with a bouquet, disguised as the groom. The hero of the occasion approaches the girls, whose fake groom is trying to find out the bride's apartment number at this moment, calling her name. Friends-organizers notice the newcomer, ask for a name, the real betrothed answers.

Then the girls say:

- Well, how is it that there were two suitors ?! One of you is not real! Well, we know how to resolve this issue. Whoever knows more about our beautiful bride will move on.

The presenters ask both participants questions about their beloved, the fake contestant gets out all the time, the real one answers. After the last question, the fake groom is banished.

  • "Captured Moment".

Props: printed photos. On the street, the groom is greeted by girlfriends holding a stack of photographs. The girls say that he must impress them with interesting stories in order to get to the bride. Each photo captures the moments of meetings of the future spouse with his betrothed: acquaintance, a joint vacation or a trip to the zoo. The contestant tells about each in detail, this allows him to go first to the entrance, then to the next flight of stairs. The betrothed must pay a ransom for every mistake.

Funny contests on the stairs at the entrance

Funny contests for redemption will become an interesting entertainment, will give a lot of smiles and pleasant emotions, both to the participants in the process and to the observing guests. Examples of funny tasks for the groom in front of the apartment door:

  • The reason for the marriage.

Props: hearts or footprints cut out of paper with inscriptions according to the number of steps with the words "For love", "Friends advised", "Mom asked", "Father forced", "It's scary to sleep alone." To get to the next flight of the entrance, the groom has to step on that step, which describes the reason why he decided to marry a bride, but they will only be satisfied with the step "For Love" - ​​it is at the very top. The betrothed should guess to ask the witness to transfer him.

  • "Apple compliments".

The prospective spouse needs to pass the test with compliments in order to move forward. Props of the ransom competition: an apple with matches stuck into it, one of which will be short. The participant pulls out matches until a shortened one falls out. Taking out a long match, the contestant is obliged to say some kind word about his beloved. For each delay, the hero of the occasion pays a fine.

  • "The heat of love."

Props - a key frozen in a glass with ice. When the groom gets to the door of the apartment, behind which the future spouse is waiting for the betrothed, the girlfriends say that only true hot love will help him pass this test and give the participant a glass of water and a key frozen in it. The competitor will have to figure out how to quickly melt the ice in order to open the apartment.

Contests for a witness

The witness is the second important guest of the bride's ransom, so the bridesmaids, as a rule, also prepare interesting funny contests and games for him. A witness can fulfill both a supportive role - for example, in the "Reason for Marriage" competition - or undergo an independent test of strength. Let the organizers decide how the ransom for the witness goes.

With balls

Multicolored balloons are great props for contests. There are several options for a witness contest with these hilarious ransom attributes:

  • "Thick veil". The competition is held at the door of the future spouse's room. Props - 10 and more balloons, darts. To pass this ransom competition, the witness will have to shoot down the balls with a dart, and say the good quality of the groom with each hit. If the witness doesn't get it, he pays the ransom to the girlfriends. The competition is considered passed when the entire curtain "falls", that is, bursts.

  • "The bride's bouquet". The witness, together with the groom, or only the witness, takes part. Props - balloons on long strings, balloons for modeling. In the middle of the ransom, the girlfriends offer the participants to build a flower from the proposed props that will look good in the bouquet of the future wife. According to the results of the competition, the presenters decide whether the flower turned out to be good, let it pass or ask for a ransom.


The props are a large painted chamomile with detachable petals, each has a word invented by the hosts: it can be “sock”, “earring”, “lid”, “lamp”. The witness is to tell how the future spouse will behave during family life, tearing off the petals and using these words. For example, such duties: "he will wash his socks", "buy diamond earrings", "close the toilet lid", "fix the lamp if it breaks."

Bride shoes competition

The competition with finding or guessing the bride's shoe is a classic test of redemption, which is often carried out when the hero of the occasion has almost reached the goal and is about to meet with his beloved. The props of the competition are the bride's shoes, a huge old men's shoe, children's sandals. When it comes to this test, the presenters say that the bride has lost the second shoe from the new set in which she was going to get married, and without them she will not go to the registry office.

The girls offer the betrothed to choose from three boxes: one contains the desired shoes. For each mistake, girlfriends come up with accompanying words, spoken in prose or poetry, where they express doubt about the choice of the groom and offer to try again for money. When the hero of the occasion chooses the desired option, the betrothed is congratulated, the lovers go to registration.

Unusual contests for ransom with a photo

To make the ransom fun for everyone, bridesmaids should come up with unusual contests. It would be a great idea to invite a photographer who can capture an interesting event in photos and videos. See examples of unusual photo contests:

  • Family life driving rules. Props: printed road signs, traffic police inspector suit. Leading road signs are glued to the wall, one girl changes clothes as an inspector, meets the groom. Task for the contestant: when a girlfriend points to a certain sign, say what kind of responsibility in family life it means. For example, the sign "faucet with water" - to wash the dishes, "50" - to live together until the golden wedding, "Christmas tree" - to decorate the New Year's tree.

  • Testing for artistic ability. Props: a large sheet of Whatman paper, a pencil, a blindfold. The test is carried out at the entrance. The presenter greets the groom with the words that she has heard about his artistic abilities and wants to check whether he remembers his companion well. The future spouse is blindfolded, given a pencil, with his eyes closed, the betrothed draws a portrait of his beloved.

  • Old photographs. Props: several printed photographs with small children, including a photo of the hero of the occasion. The task of the participant in this ransom competition is to guess which bride is. It is best to pick up shots where the children are small and it is difficult to decipher the features. For each mistake the competitor will pay a fine.

  • Versification competition. Props: a sheet where the last words of the lines are written, rhyming with each other. The groom's job is to come up with the rest of the words to make the poem.

Watch the fun, quirky buyout contest go on video below:

Original Bride Ransom contests will help bridesmaids create a fun event that will forever be remembered by the participants. An interesting ransom will cheer up the hero of the occasion with his betrothed, give a pleasant experience for the rest of the day. You need to think carefully about all the details so that the tests are a great start to the holiday.

Wedding contests for the bride and groom are comic tests for young people in preparation for family life. Tasks are carried out in the form of fun games. Newlyweds must show their skills that will be useful in everyday life, find out the headship in the family, demonstrate respect and love for each other.

Wedding contests are romantic, extravagant, funny and lyrical. Consider examples of interesting wedding contests.

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Testing the skills of the bride and groom

The task of this group of competitions is to find out the skills of the bride and groom. Very often, thanks to various tasks, you can find out a lot of new things about the bride and groom.

The newlywed demonstrates her skills in sewing, knitting, cooking, caring for her husband and children.

The young spouse shows the ability to perform purely male household chores: fix, make something, chop wood, light a fireplace, etc. You can also find out if the future dad will be able to swaddle the baby, get the child to school, kindergarten or for a walk, braid his daughter's pigtail or tie a bow, etc.

The newlyweds can show the coherence and compatibility of a couple in such tasks as: together to light the family hearth, extinguish the first quarrel (a candle, a torch, which is set on fire at the right time and with the right words). In addition, newlyweds will have to be resourceful in order to redeem it faster.

Distribution of responsibilities in the family

With the help of the following selection of games, newlyweds will be able to distribute their responsibilities in family life.

Family responsibilities. Option 1.

The facilitator brings a piece of paper with responsibilities written on them, which may fall to the lot of the bride or groom. Each piece of paper is folded so that what is written is not visible to anyone, and placed on a tray.

Young people should take turns taking pieces of paper and reading out what fate is in store for them. Moreover, each duty is accompanied by the words: "I will ..." - and what is written will become a continuation of the phrase.

Responsibilities can be as follows:

  • wash up,
  • taking out the trash,
  • Earn Money,
  • to lay on the sofa,
  • mending clothes,
  • go to picnics,
  • wash diapers,
  • chat on the phone,
  • go to restaurants and cafes,
  • prepare delicious meals,
  • go to the beach,
  • wash,
  • iron,
  • give birth to children,
  • To do nothing,
  • babysit children,
  • watch TV,
  • vacuum,
  • watch "M-TV",
  • raise children,
  • to make purchases,
  • to drink beer,
  • teach a child to read,
  • dust off,
  • knit socks,
  • do makeovers.

My dear readers!

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Family responsibilities. Option 2.

Various things are hung on the rope, which symbolize different responsibilities.

For example:

  • frying pan - who will have to cook food;
  • an empty beer bottle - who should drink beer;
  • iron - who will iron;
  • a pack of washing powder - who will do the laundry;
  • children's book - who will bring up the children;
  • wallet - who will become the earner of money;
  • skewer - who will go to the barbecue;
  • spool of thread - who will mend clothes and darn socks, etc.
The bride and groom are blindfolded, after which the presenter explains that each of them will need to remove six items. After this is done, the eyes of the bride and groom are untied.

The presenter, taking in turn each of the removed objects, explains their meaning, starting with the words: "The husband will be ...", "The wife will be ...".

Family responsibilities. Option 3.

The toastmaster says to the bride and groom:
Dear newlyweds! In life, you will have to carry out many responsibilities for housekeeping, and let fate now distribute them between you. Magic balls will help us in this competition.
Put out 10 balls, 2 pins.

The bride and groom take turns choosing and bursting balls, reading out the responsibilities that have fallen to their lot.

To the bride and groom, before reading the text of the card, it is advisable to say the following:

To the groom:

My only one! For your smile, I'm ready ...
To the bride:
My dear! I love you so much that I agree ...
Phrases for cards:
  • Throwing in money - I can do that.
  • Cook cabbage soup, or maybe borscht - I don't mind doing this.
  • Do sports in the morning - This suits me, brothers.
  • My business is to rest, Lying on the couch to read.
  • Play in the casino until nightfall - I love this job very much.
  • I will go shopping, so be it.
  • I will wash, and wash, And clean the apartment.
  • Mushrooms, fishing and hunting - Here, friends, my job.
  • I will bake pies Only on holidays.
  • There is no better job - Making compotes for the winter.
  • I will take the children to the circus, to the cinema, to the theater, to the museum.
  • I say in front of everyone, friends, I will be busy with the children.
  • Digging a vegetable garden in the country. I will, but how else?
  • In the morning I will serve coffee. I'll go to your bed.
  • Sweating in the bath - This is a wonderful job.
  • I will eat the harvest in the garden bed, everything is all right here.
  • Make the bed in the morning I'm not too lazy at least every day.
  • Throw the trash out of the house - This business is familiar to me.
  • Giving gifts and flowers You will be in our house.
  • To fix the bell or the door, I can, you trust me.
  • To nail the shelf to the wall, I can do that.
  • Go to rest on the sea I will, no need to argue.
  • Dress only in fashion - I can do it, like.
  • Fixing the car in the garage - I will, of course.
  • Travel the world - I'll be, how cute it is.
  • Renovate an apartment - I will be different for a miracle.
The presenter says at the end:
Family responsibilities are distributed, but I am sure that you will help each other in difficult family work.


  • 1.Dolls (Ken and Barbie) - 2 pairs.
The bride and groom stand with their backs to each other, each holding a pair of dolls that symbolize the bride and groom. The host names different family responsibilities. The newlyweds raise those dolls that are supposed to do this.

The competition is very interesting not only for guests, but, first of all, for the bride and groom.

Examples of family responsibilities:

  • I will ask my parents for money.
  • I will make money.
  • I will spend money.
  • I will be in charge of raising our children.
  • I will bear children.
  • I'll drink beer with my friends.
  • I'll serve coffee in bed in the morning.
  • I'll go to the dressmaker.
  • I will take out the trash.
  • I will cook and eat.
  • I will lie on the couch and watch TV.
  • I will be cleaning the apartment.
  • I will hand over the bottles.
  • I will wash the baby diapers.
  • I will go to football.
  • I will go to the theater.
  • I will walk with the child.
  • I will wash the dishes.
  • I will drive the car your parents will give you.
  • I will be repairing our car.
  • I will go fishing.
  • I will go to the resorts.
  • I will play on the computer.
  • I will wash my socks.
  • I will embroider and knit in the evenings.
  • I will carry my wife in my arms.

Wedding contest: Get to know me, darling

Leg of the bride

  • 1. A scarf for the eyes.
  • 2. Stockings.
Ladies sit on chairs, including the bride, 4-5 people. They show the groom that his wife is sitting among them. The groom is blindfolded. At this moment, all women are transplanted, and among them (for flavor) 1-2 men are transplanted. At this time, the bride is replaced by another girl. All bare one leg (just above the knees) and let the groom in with a bandage. He squatting, alternately touching his bare leg with his hands, must recognize his wife. For men, to hide hairiness, you can wear a stocking. There are many options.

Bride's hand

Several women come out, preferably of different ages, from girls to grandmothers. They remove all jewelry from their hands. The groom must guess his betrothed blindfolded.

Kiss the bride

Recognize the bride by kissing (the groom is seated on a chair, three girls call, he is blindfolded; only the bride kisses).

Wedding Contest: Guess Me Darling!

Groom's ear

The bride is blindfolded. You need to recognize the groom by the earlobe or nose (five men).

Recognize by voice

  • 1. A balloon filled with helium.
Take a balloon filled with helium. First, the bride is blindfolded or she turns away. Then several men should come out and in turn say to the bride the phrase "I love you", changing their voice with the help of a balloon. Among these men is her husband. The bride must guess the voice of her beloved.

Wedding Competition: Choosing the Head of the Family

  • The newlyweds have to break the bagel. Whose half is bigger - he is the head of the family.
  • Together break a loaf of bread. Whose half is more - he is the head of the family.
  • A coin is hidden in a loaf of bread; whoever finds it first is the owner of the house.
  • Two glasses, one filled with vodka, the other with water. Whoever chooses a glass of vodka will be the head.
  • A strip of paper with a penny glued in the middle. The newlyweds take the strip by the edges and, at the command of the presenter, tear it apart. Whoever has a coin on a piece of paper will make money for the family.

Wedding fortune telling for a boy-girl


  • 1. Cabbage.
  • 2. Coin.
There is a coin hidden in the cabbage. Who will find her first? If the groom is a boy, if the bride is a girl.


  • 1.Children's toys.
  • 2. A scarf for the eyes.
Children's toys are laid out on a tray - those that belong to girls - a doll, knitting needles, some kind of decoration, and those that belong to boys - cars, pistols, etc. The groom is blindfolded and offered to take a toy from a tray at random. On this subject and wonder who will be the first.

You can also give the bride to participate in fortune-telling. Then the newlyweds, blindfolded, take turns taking apart the toys and by the last toy they determine who will be the first to be born in a young family.


Appetizing compliment

The presenter asks the bride the names of the dishes that she will prepare for her beloved for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

For each dish, the groom must tell his wife an affectionate word starting with the same letter as the dish:

Potatoes - my beauty, cutlets - my kitten, salad - my sexy ...

Wedding game - Compliment (19 rubles)

Affectionate hedgehog

  • 1. Apple.
  • 2. Toothpicks.
Stick more matches into a large, beautiful apple. Newlyweds should take turns pulling out these matches and uttering affectionate words. Whoever has the most matches is the winner.

I am always with you

  • 1. Sheets of paper with inscriptions.
This game involves the bride and groom. Its essence lies in the fact that on a large sheet of paper the sentence "I am always with you, beloved" is written in a line. The paper is cut into stripes, each of which corresponds to one of the letters of the inscription.

The bride and groom take turns tearing off the strips of paper and picking each other up affectionate words that begin with the letters that make up the phrase.

Wedding competition: "Darts"

  • 1. Game "Darts".
  • 2. Inscriptions on paper.
Test for the groom. You need to prepare the game "Darts" in advance. On the field, glue strips with the names of those benefits that he can present to the bride in the first year of life together - "travel around the world", "car", "dacha", etc.

Well, groom, tell everyone
Show in the test -
What is the first year of life
Will bring it to your bride.
There is a lot on the target,
What can you give her.
Pull yourself together with strength, come on
Direct your arrows.

Wedding drawing competition: Question-Answer

  • 1. Cards of the groom, the bride.
Make cards for the bride and groom (separately). Everyone pulls out a question, reads it out, and then pulls out and reads out the answer.

Questions to the bride.

  • Will you call your mother-in-law mom?
  • Do you want to have three children?
  • Are you fond of Kama Sutra?
  • Will you look at other men?
  • Are you going to feed your husband a three course dinner?
Answers of the bride.
  • I would not mind, but I am afraid of the collective condemnation.
  • This is my secret passion.
  • As a rule, I want more.
  • Yes, I consider myself sufficiently prepared in this matter!
  • I'm scared to even think about it.
Questions to the groom.
  • Are you able to spend your honeymoon without leaving your bedroom?
  • Will you give your wife expensive gifts?
  • Are you going to take your wife on vacation to the Bahamas?
  • Will you look at other women?
  • Do you want to have many children?
The groom's answers.
  • It all depends on how many dollars are in your pocket.
  • This is fine, but it comes with some risk.
  • Only with good nutrition.
  • Only for the sake of great love.
  • I dream about it at night.

My dear readers!
To save your time on organizing a holiday, we suggest you use our efforts. In our archive you will find cards for this competition.
The cards are made in the same style, good resolution and sizes suitable for all major print formats.
You just have to print them (it is best to print them on photo paper of A5 or A4 format (two or three cards per sheet), you can also print on ordinary photo formats 10x15,13x18, ...).

  • 20 high quality copyright cards ~ (2453x574px) 72dpi
  • pictures are made in the same style
  • optimized for printing on A5,10x15,13x18,15x21

Examples of pictures from the archive (reduced):

Summing up the wedding contests, the host should focus the guests' attention on the victory of solidarity and understanding of the new young family. The main task of contests and assignments for newlyweds is to show the talents of the spouses, their willingness to help each other, to equip their everyday life together, to respect and love each other.

You can purchase all these and other Games for a feast in the special:
Online store of wedding accessories

The ransom can be carried out in different ways - with dances, tasks and money. The main thing is that the groom does not plan to avoid the ransom and is not late. Below we have prepared cool contests for the groom to buy the bride, which we hope you will want to take note of.

Usually, the ransom includes money assignments or fines, and all the money collected is sent as a gift to the young. Thus, one can test not only the firmness of the groom's intentions, but also his generosity.

At the entrance, on the wall or in front of the entrance to a private house, a chamomile made of paper is attached, from which the petals can be easily torn off (lightly glue them or attach to tape). One possible reason for the wedding is written on each petal:

The bridesmaid invites the groom to tear off the petal and announce the official reason for the wedding. If the young guy is not satisfied with the reason, he pays the prescribed fine and tears the petals further.


Competition to test the strength of the groom and his friends. This competition has a deep history. Indeed, in jealousy, in order to pick up the bride, the betrothed had to cut a log on the way to her house.

Today, more sophisticated methods can be used to test the physical abilities of the groom. Forfeits with different tasks should be put in the bag:

  • hammer in a nail with one blow;
  • raise the weight as many times as possible;
  • push up 10 times;
  • raise a friend in your arms;
  • break a thread or rope;
  • Jump 10 times on one leg;
  • sit down 10 times on one leg;
  • pick up the mother-in-law.

While the groom completes the tasks, the friends should laugh at him and shout: “Look, the groom is holding the hammer for the first time”, “Oh, it's hard for him”, “Well done groom!”, “He will be a good husband!”.

The groom has the right to refuse to complete the task and pay for him or ask his friends to complete the task for him.


It is necessary to prepare the props in advance: a large Whatman paper on which various lip marks are placed. To create the props, you should go through the bridesmaids in advance and ask them to kiss a sheet of paper with their painted lips.

To diversify the competition, relatives of the bride, her mother or sisters can kiss the leaf.

Well, to make it very difficult - ask to kiss whatman and men. The groom's job is to find the lips of his bride.

If he is mistaken, and the girlfriends must somehow mark the correct lips for themselves in advance, then the boyfriends will be forced to pay the ransom. Lipstick for kissing can be the same or they can be different.


At the entrance to the apartment or room, the groom is offered to freshen up and put several cups of compote in front of him. It is important that the compote is free of berries. A thoroughly washed key from the front door or from the door to the bride's room is placed in one of the mugs in advance.

If parents give young people an apartment, this may be the key to their door. The groom must find the key by drinking the whole compote.

In order to avoid further incidents, the boyfriends can help the groom with the search and drink together or instead of him. Of course, an alternative option is to donate money to the girlfriends, but it's more fun when the groom and his friends are looking for the key on their own.

Before going to the registry office, you should definitely give the groom and friends the opportunity to visit the toilet, so that the further event goes without incident, and the mood remains good.

"Power of love"

Props should be prepared in advance - a towel soaked in water. The girlfriends give the towel to the groom and say: "How much you love your bride, tighten the towel so much!" The groom tries to tie the towel as tightly as possible.

At the same time, he can turn to friends for help. Together they tighten the towel tightly and give it to their friends. They examine the towel and return it to the groom with the words: "Now untie it as quickly as you will quickly put up with your wife during quarrels."

The groom tries to quickly untie the towel, a comic situation arises and, most likely, he will have to pay off his annoying girlfriends with money.

"Call me"

There should be a piece of paper on the door to the bride's room. But it should be done in the form of an ad - with a few separate stripes at the bottom. In the center of the paper there is an inscription - call me, and on the vouchers - individual letters.

The groom must tear off each strip and call the bride with an affectionate name using the letter indicated on it. You can't let the groom think for more than 5 seconds in order to add some difficulty to the task. If the groom does not have time, he must pay in money. Girlfriends open the door when all the leaves are torn off.


If the bride has a brother, then this competition must be. In front of the door to the bride's chambers, a brother stands up and says to the approaching groom: “What have you come for?”. The groom explains why he came, and the brother says: "I am on the shore of my sister, so you turn from the gate." The groom replies that the bride is already his, to which the brother offers to prove it to him.

The groom must say various reasons that show that the bride already belongs to him by right: we love each other, we have a wedding, and so on. The brother should listen and ask the guests whether to believe him the groom?

Most likely, the guests will shout "No" and the groom will have to open the wallet.


Girlfriends prepare pieces of music and write their name on pieces of paper. The leaves are folded into a bag, and the groom must pull out one of them. After drawing out the name of the dance and music, the groomsmen and groom should dance together. In case of refusal, the girlfriends receive a ransom.

A large hard apple is taken and matches are stuck into it, the more there are, the better. One of the matches should be broken so that it is smaller than the others. The girlfriend holds the apple so that the small match is hidden as far as possible.

The groom must pull the matches until he pulls out the small one. For every long match - he is obliged to come up with an affectionate nickname for his bride or just say a compliment.

"Test for ingenuity"

This competition is designed to test the groom's ingenuity and eloquence. Random words are written in advance on small sheets of paper: car, bird, roof, Egypt, window and others. All pieces of paper are placed in a box or bag.

As soon as the guests want to get into the house, the girlfriends invite the future spouse to pull pieces of paper out of the bag and compose a story from the words written on them. The story may be about the bride, future family life, or relatives.

The more eloquent the guy is, the better, otherwise - a fine. The story can be anything: by car we will rush to the registry office faster than a bird, and even Egypt will be visible from the roof of our future house, the house will be so high, etc.


A girlfriend stands in front of the young man with an empty container (glass, bowl, etc.), she also says the forfeits that he must do: put what rustles, what rings, splashes out, etc. If the guy cannot find a suitable item, the girlfriend suggests replacing it with something rustling.

There can be quite a lot of forfeits, and they must be complicated in order to get a decent amount at the end.


After the guests do get into the apartment, the young man is brought to the locked room. The bride is in the room with her grandmother and several girlfriends. Each has a rope or thread in her hands, the end of which sticks out from behind the door.

The future head of the family must pull the rope and pull the owner out of the room. If it is not a bride that comes across, then a fine is paid and the rope is pulled again. At the moment of failure, the presenter may say: "Get married or pay." The competition lasts until the guy finds his betrothed. Although he can choose a bride and a bridesmaid.

Cool contests for the ransom of the bride in verse

The more fun the ransom goes, the better. You can take the old rituals as a script, where all competitions are held in verse. It will be a little more difficult for the girlfriends, because you have to learn everything, but positive emotions are guaranteed to all guests.


When the groom tries to enter the apartment, the girlfriend says:

“We have 3 bouquets.
Answer this hour
Which one do you take and what are you carrying as a gift? "

The girlfriend has 3 envelopes in her hands, each of which has a piece of paper with the inscriptions: a broom, a birch broom for a bath and a bouquet.

The young man must choose one of the envelopes and receive from the bride's friends what has been written.

For example, he pulls out an envelope with the word "broom", then the girlfriend says again:

“I chose something badly,
If you gave a broom as a gift,
It just won't do
And you have to pay "

The groom continues to choose until he finds a bouquet of flowers, then he receives it from the hands of his friend.

This competition is designed to help the guests get to know and get to know the groom better. The girlfriend turns to his friends and says:

“Why are you silent guests?
Praise us the groom "

In response, the friends should tell everyone at least 10 good qualities of the groom, without repetition and as original as possible. If friends cannot name 10 qualities, then they will have to pay.

This competition has a second option. The witness asks:

“Well my friend, do not be silent,
Talk about merit and name all 20,
And if you don't collect everyone,
You turn from the gate "

"Sing the birdie"

The bridesmaids meet the groom on the doorstep and say:

“What kind of a groom do you have?
Is it not pockmarked or crooked?
Is there strength in him?
Is the call his voice?

Sing to us about the bride, about her beauty and become,
And let the friends not be silent,
In chorus let them shout with you "

The groom must sing loudly about his love, he can use existing songs or just come up with. Maybe he just screams loudly with his friends about his love for the girl.

Playful script for a wedding to buy the bride at the entrance

The ransom scenario involves several contests that are held along the entire path to the bride, starting from the entrance and ending with the door to her room. It all starts from the entrance:

  1. In advance, the girlfriends tie a thread between the doors of the driveway. It cannot be torn or passed underneath, nor can it be touched at all. The groom must figure out how to overcome the obstacle, or pay a fine. One of the correct answers would be to burn the thread;
  2. Immediately after the door, a drawing paper with a drawn large lock must be attached to the entrance wall. Stickers should be placed on the lock so that little men are drawn on their hidden side and only one of them is a couple. Guests must tear off the leaves and find a pair, in case of failure - a fine.

The procession then approaches the steps leading to the floor. It also has its own tasks:

  1. A paper letter should be placed on each step, and the groom should compliment his betrothed for each letter;
  2. Each flight of stairs must contain a heart on which the reason for the wedding will be indicated: calculation, hunger, clean socks are out, mom does not let her go home without grandchildren, and others. If the young spouse does not agree with the reason, he must pay. Place a heart with the correct answer only on the last flight in front of the bride's apartment;
  3. On one of the stairs, place hearts of different colors on the steps, stepping on a step with red - you need to praise the bride, with blue - scold. There is a secret of how to overcome the stairs quickly - a friend must carry a young man in his arms;
  4. Lay out paper traces with questions on the steps, the groom must answer correctly or pay for it.

The questions can be different:

On the staircase of the bride, the ransom leader or bridesmaids also prepare tasks:

  1. The footprints are glued to the apartment, the groom, stepping on them, must say what household chores he will perform. The penalty will be if the guy goes around the tracks or is unable to come up with a case. In order for guests to be guaranteed to pay, it is worth sticking the footprint on the wall or door;
  2. Around the door, the presenter needs to place a garland of balls and put a piece of paper in each ball. All pieces of paper are empty and only one has the inscription "key". The procession must find the correct ball and only then get the key to the apartment. By tradition, for a mistake - a fine;
  3. But the key to the apartment is also not easy to get, because it is frozen in advance in an ice cube, and the friends must warm it with their palms or lips;
  4. Opening the doors, the groom finds 10 ribbons tied in the aisle. The witness for each tape must name one positive quality of the groom.

In the apartment itself, the groom also has several tasks awaiting him. The path to the bride will not be easy:

  1. A friend greets guests in the hallway with a tray. The groom must lay out the name of his beloved on the diarrhea with the help of coins or banknotes;
  2. The next girlfriend is holding a camomile with detachable petals in her hands. Each petal contains a number that means something to the couple. The groom must explain all the numbers. You can take as an example the date they met, the time of their first date, the waist or shoe size of the bride, the number of best friends, the height or weight of the bride, the number of guests invited. For every failure, buddies must pay with money;
  3. The bride's father meets the groom and offers him 3 glasses. In one - sweet water, in the second - vodka, and in the third - bitter water. The groom must drink all three. With what expression on his face he drinks, so they will live together. Therefore, if the groom suddenly grimaces, he must justify this with a monetary gift to his future father-in-law;
  4. The mother of the bride holds a glass of water on a tray, while the groom must fill it with coins so that the water flows over the top. How much water to pour, the future mother-in-law decides;
  5. There are three shoes in front of the bride's room, the groom must guess the shoes of his bride. Moreover, it does not have to be wedding shoes, there can be sneakers and house slippers;
  6. In front of the door, the groom will have to sing a song to his bride or shout loudly with his friends about how much he loves her. Only then will the door open slightly.

Already in the room, the groom sees the table at which his bride is sitting, but her girlfriends are also sitting next to her so that there is no way to approach her. Therefore, the groom has to pay again. His friends shout at him to put a bill on every corner of the table and only then will they let him in.

But when the groom puts in the money, they may shout “Not enough! Few! Put more! ”. The path to the bride opens only when the girlfriends are satisfied with the amounts.

When developing a script, you should think over all the little things in advance and prepare the props.

But having spare tasks on hand is sometimes useful, because when the bride's fees are slightly delayed, and the groom has already arrived, you can gain more time by conducting additional tasks. And, of course, you should warn your friends and groom in advance about the competitions and the required coins and banknotes.

And there are a few more original ideas for buying a bride in the next video.