Spring crafts in the garden. Making spring crafts for kindergarten

Interested in spring crafts for kids? I present to you a large selection of various ideas in step-by-step execution.

Spring is a period of awakening of nature, the blooming of the first leaves and flowers, a warm rain with a rainbow, the appearance of all kinds of insects. All this can be realized in crafts by adding holiday works such as Easter, March 8th.

DIY spring crafts

Various caterpillars

Already in May, the first caterpillars appear, why not make these bright insects with the children? But they can still be very diverse in color and shape. For example, caterpillars from circles, from paper rings, from a sleeve, from paper accordion. Choose an interesting option and create with children, welcoming the beginning of spring!


An excellent spring craft is also a ladybug. See how bright, beautiful and different they can be. A ladybug can be made from strips of paper, paper sleeves, paper circles, and rolls.


Bees are a fertile topic for all kinds of activities with children. Bees can be made from different materials, including junk. The main thing is the yellow striped body of the insect, and the rest of the parts, such as wings, eyes and antennae, are a matter of a few minutes. The following options for bee crafts will turn out great for children:


April is the month of the awakening of butterflies. This is one of the popular and favorite character for kids to craft. Choose a colorful colorful butterfly and craft:


In the spring, you can also make a rainbow with your children. The work is not only interesting, but also educational for children. By cutting out 7 stripes, children will consolidate their knowledge of the primary colors of the rainbow, you can also briefly introduce them to this wonderful atmospheric phenomenon.

Crafts in spring - tulips

It is in spring that the first sprouts of tulips appear in order to be in all their glory by the Women's Day. Children can make tulips for their mother or grandmother in a variety of ways, the most interesting are:


Spring crafts can also include a sunflower. A bright flower cheers up and reminds that after spring, summer will soon come - a favorite time of the year for children. One of the best ideas is:

frog crafts

The frog is a great craft for spring. They appear with the first streams and glimmers of heat. This character, popular in children's creativity, can be made in a variety of techniques: origami, from strips of paper, in a three-dimensional version, from rolls, a cone, bushings, and even a tin can.

paper umbrella

Rains in the spring are a frequent and protracted phenomenon. But from the window, sitting in a warm room, looking at the rain is interesting and not at all sad. In addition, children can make a beautiful and bright umbrella, even if it can hide from the rain just for fun. Great ideas for spring crafts are:

Spring crafts for the holidays

Easter crafts

Since Easter is celebrated in the spring, all the crafts dedicated to it are also suitable for this collection. There is no limit to creativity here. With children, you can make various chickens, chickens, rabbits, lambs, egg holders and baskets.

Every year, the kindergarten hosts a spring vernissage, where handicrafts made by children and their parents are exhibited. The theme includes spring natural phenomena, the arrival of birds and the appearance of the first flowers from under the snow. Spring crafts differ from handicrafts for other seasons by the abundance of green color and the spirit of freshness.

You can make crafts in kindergarten from natural material (twigs, blades of grass dried in autumn, cones), improvised means (bottles, corks, bags), cardboard, paper and much more.

Only hatched chicks, snowdrops, tulips, trees, insects, and the sun can act as heroes of crafts on the theme “Spring”. You can also make or depict a birdhouse using natural material, or make a tree branch with buds open with the children.

Cardboard bird's nest

An easy option for children's creativity in the kindergarten will be a bird's nest made of cardboard. To create it, you will need colored cardboard of various textures:

  • smooth,
  • corrugated,
  • packaging (thick).

You will also need colored paper, wrapping fabric, a small wooden frame, scissors and PVA glue.

For the nest, a thick brown packing cardboard is taken. According to the proposed stencils, the largest part is cut out first. You don't need to cut a hole in it. The following parts are cut in order, in each of them you need to cut a hole.

After all the details of the nest for crafts in the garden are cut out, they need to be glued together, placing the largest one at the bottom, then placing a larger part, and so on. Between each part you need to lay pieces of thick cardboard (3x4 cm). The holes in the parts must match.

The upper part of the nest is also made of thick cardboard, but with the addition of wrapping fabric. A piece measuring 15x20 cm is cut out of the material and gathered at a distance of 5 cm from the top (along the long side). To assemble cardboard like a hut, it must be cut on both sides. To do this, you need to cut out a square of 15x15 cm and make cuts of different depths, and the width of the strip should be 0.5 cm. The uncut part of the cardboard is assembled by analogy with the fabric.

Putting together the fabric and the assembly of cardboard, they need to be connected in such a way that a roof is obtained. The resulting roof for crafts in the garden must be glued to the top of the nest, and the nest itself to the bottom corner of the wooden frame. After fixing the nest, you can start creating birds. For this, corrugated and smooth cardboard is taken.

The torsos and large feathers for the tails of birds are cut out according to the stencil. It is better to take cardboard of different color for each pen. You also need to cut out the beaks, eyes and wings of birds for crafts in the garden. The bodies of the birds are first glued to pieces of thick cardboard, which is then also glued to the frame.

One of the birds must be placed on the nest, and the other two should be distributed around the perimeter of the frame. All feathers, wings, eyes and beaks are glued to the body. Leaves of various shapes are cut out of green cardboard, which are also glued to the frame. Such spring crafts can act as unusual photo frames or be used separately.


What do-it-yourself spring crafts without a flower theme. With children, you can create bright panels or postcards from colored paper with applications in the form of snowdrops, lilac branches or tulips. A beautiful stable postcard can be made in the form of an opening vase with or without a handle (for convenience).

To make the vase more attractive, you can glue a white sheet on which various patterns are cut out on colored paper. Spring crafts for kindergarten from colored paper are glued together with PVA, stationery glue or glue made from starch. You can decorate flower bouquets with sequins, ribbons and other decor.

A more complex version of crafts in the garden is a voluminous bouquet. You can make it from plasticine or polymer clay. You can place a flower bouquet both in a vase and in a pot with earth. In order to fix the stems in the desired position, a foam plastic is placed in a pot or vase, which is poured with alabaster solution, and after hardening, the upper part is decorated.

Also, unusual spring crafts are made from satin ribbon or pieces of colored paper cut in the likeness of these ribbons. You can create a three-dimensional composition in the form of blossoming twigs of an apple or cherry tree by twisting the paper strips together in a spiral. Additionally, spring crafts in the form of flowers are decorated with stamens, also glued from paper.

Spring is coming and that means the holidays are coming! Every year we ask ourselves the question: what to give to relatives and friends? I want something original and fresh, but there are no ideas (do not believe it, try to force yourself to give birth to an original idea - you will get a creative stupor). In this article, we will offer you many tips on how to make DIY spring crafts that you can make yourself for both adults and children. And the lesson itself is fascinating, and the gift itself will always remind the recipient of spring, please the eye.

Spring themed craft ideas

Origami "Bird on a tree"

Origami is always fun and inexpensive, as all you need is paper and a couple of pens. As well as accuracy and patience, but, by the way, making this spring craft with your own hands is very simple.

From a strip of paper 1-2 cm wide we make a free knot. We cut out one of the remaining ends in the shape of a bird's head, on the other we make a zigzag or “fork” - this will be the tail. We fix the received birds on a tree branch and admire the work done!

Papier-mache "Easter egg"

Papier-mache crafts (pieces of paper mixed with glue) have long gained their popularity, as you can create any shape with minimal weight. This technique requires a little more effort, but it's worth it.

  • The basis of the shape of the egg will be an inflated balloon. We cover it with pieces of unnecessary newspapers, richly covered with a paste;
  • The first and last layers can be laid out with colored paper in the shades of the egg that you want to get;
  • We leave the ball to dry for at least 10 hours, and preferably at night.

After complete drying, carefully burst the balloon, cut out a jagged hole on top (like a newly hatched chicken) or in the middle on the protruding part (attach a bow on top or glue the place of the ball knot with colored paper).

Inside, you can put scraps of colored paper, plant plasticine or purchased plastic figures. It remains only to put candy in the ball and give it to the child.

Application-panel "Bird's Nest"

The list of do-it-yourself crafts on the theme of spring would be incomplete without various panels that are very simple to perform. You will need colored paper, scissors, glue, brown wool thread and a felt-tip pen.

  1. We cut out individual details of the future application from paper (birds, wings, nest silhouette, leaves);
  2. We glue all the details in the right order;
  3. We add yarn to the nest, imitating twigs;
  4. We draw the eyes of the birds, the veins of the sheets, the branch on which they are located.

Crafts from natural material

Crafts made from natural material can rightfully be considered one of the simplest and most organic. You can find the base right on the street or among cereals, seeds, etc. Such variations of products teach the child to see unusual shapes and ideas in everyday things.

Decoration for Easter "Hen"

The basis of the craft is a cardboard silhouette of a chicken, on which you need to stick beans. You can use not only white, but also brown grains - the craft will turn out to be more interesting. The eye is made from black pepper and the beak is made from corn kernels. Working with beans and other cereals develops fine motor skills, and such a chicken can be brought to the kindergarten before Easter.

"Raft" of tree branches

DIY spring crafts are always very interesting and exciting. Spring came, streams murmured, and it became clear that do-it-yourself crafts can be not only a gift, but also a toy for a child.

A very original and exciting idea would be to build a small raft out of branches. Branches of the same length are tied with a rope or wire, following the example of a real raft. You can insert a vertical branch with a sail and set off to conquer the swift rivers in the yard!

Composition "Snowdrop"

Snowdrops, the main symbol of the awakening of nature from winter sleep, are among the first to appear with the advent of spring. Take a strong wire, wrap it with green tape. Attach a small ball of plasticine to the end, stick pumpkin seeds imitating petals into it. Long leaves can be made from green plastic bottles or plain paper.

Crafts from plasticine


Plasticine will always be a favorite children's "building material", it is pleasant to the touch, develops fine motor skills and spatial thinking. A chicken molded from plasticine can be planted in a papier-mâché egg, a child can give it to his relatives for Easter.


In the form of a three-dimensional figure, such a craft is unlikely to be stable, so the plasticine is applied to a sheet of cardboard. Details are first made on the board: the excess is cut off, details are added. Then they are transferred to a sheet with a drawn template.

This is a very interesting activity for children, which will never turn into monotonous work. The result will be an easy and original spring craft to school.

flower arrangements

Flowers, like nothing else, are associated with spring, with the beginning of a new life. They can not only be collected on the street, but also made from a variety of materials. The advantage is that such flowers will never wither, and they can be made in any way.

paper roses

Paper crafts are the most obvious idea. Making such a flower does not involve difficulties, it is enough to roll the paper spiral tighter and attach it to a skewer. Crafts can be brought to kindergarten and even try to do with the wards. It will certainly keep them busy, because working with paper is quite interesting. Step-by-step instructions for kindergarten will not cause difficulties for the children if the teacher explains everything in detail.

Flowers from pom-poms

It sounds unusual, but the result is a very beautiful and bright composition that imitates mimosa. To work, you will need yellow yarn, scissors, glue, wire and green tape or corrugated paper. To make a small pom pom (about 1.5 cm), wind the yarn around a small U-shaped piece of cardboard, tie with wire in the middle and cut. Trim the threads to give the pom-pom a rounded shape.

From 8-10 balls, collect a twig by winding the wire stems. Cover the wire with colored tape or paper, add green leaves. Several branches can be put together in one craft and get a spring bouquet with your own hands.

Decoration on the window "Tulips"

Very simple craft, but different originality. For manufacturing, you need to cut out the silhouette of a tulip from paper, and the flower head itself should be empty inside. Scotch tape is glued there and sequins, rhinestones, etc. are poured onto the transparent sticky part. The resulting flowers are attached to the window, on a sunny day the flower will shimmer beautifully. Such beautiful DIY spring crafts can be brought to kindergarten (or made with children) and decorate windows. This will definitely make the kids happy!

Crafts in kindergarten

Do-it-yourself crafts on a spring theme in kindergarten are not particularly different from the above. You can choose crafts for kindergarten from a photo, moreover, it is worth considering how difficult this or that thing is to perform. After all, the child should take a greater part in its creation than you. Banal drawings or applications can captivate a child and give him the most vivid impressions.

craft ideas for school

With the arrival of spring in elementary school, children also begin to make crafts with their own hands, creating a spring mood for themselves and teachers. It can be absolutely all of the above ideas, as well as collages from various clippings associated with spring, the application "Lilies of the Valley", etc.

If your child has already gone to grade 3, you can make a simple craft from foamiran (foamed thin sheet). The material is easy to handle, and the crafts are pleasant both in appearance and to the touch.

  1. From the sheet, cut out several strips 2 cm wide, on one side of which make a fringe;
  2. Take a long skewer and start wrapping the strips with the fringe up to make something like a dandelion. Glue periodically with hot glue.
  3. Continue wrapping until you reach the desired thickness. As greens, you can add the same strip of the corresponding color.

Such dandelions can be brought to school as a gift to the teacher.

Spring paper crafts

corrugated paper bouquet

Crafts can be very different, but one of the most pleasant gifts is handmade spring flowers. They will not fade and will constantly remind you of spring. You can make crepe paper flowers using any technique by attaching them to green wire stems. Next, the flowers are collected in a bouquet and tied with a beautiful ribbon. This is a wonderful gift for family and friends, and even for a kindergarten teacher.

Colored paper tulips

Origami tulips are elementary in execution, and also funny when at the end you have to inflate this flower and spread the petals. Such tulips can be presented to mother or grandmother on March 8th.

Crafts from improvised materials

Butterflies from clothespins

Clothespins can be used to make beautiful decorations that can be attached to almost anything. We attach a butterfly made of paper to a wooden clothespin (we fold the colored circle with an accordion and tie it in the middle).

We add details, for example, you can “revive” a butterfly with antennae and wire paws. Most often, such crafts are attached to flower pots or thick leaves of flowers.

Button flowers

As strange as it may sound, you can make flowers from buttons. They look very unusual, especially in a bouquet, and the creation process will be easy even for a child. Assemble a kind of pyramid from buttons of different sizes, and then thread the wire through the holes. Twist the ends of the wire together to form a stem. It can be decorated with colored tape or ribbons.

Such cute "flowers" can also be used to decorate house plants. Thus, creating crafts on a spring theme with your own hands will not be difficult at all, but will only give you a lot of smiles and positive emotions.

Marina Suzdaleva

Spring will come soon. The frosts will be replaced by sunny and warm days, the first leaves will appear on the trees, and the flower beds will be decorated with bright flowers. The Snow Maiden also heard about all this, but she cannot see all the spring decoration of nature, otherwise she will melt. The granddaughter of Santa Claus decided to write a letter to the guys who helped her in "" with a request to do for her DIY spring crafts.

Creative works are made in different techniques and are suitable both for the creative development of the baby, and as a gift to relatives for the spring holidays.

Spring craft "Dandelion from foamiran"

Artyom and I made crafts from foamiran. Wonderful material: plastic, non-toxic, undemanding to wear.

Oksana Demidova and son Fedya, 3 years old, St. Petersburg.

Craft "Spring Sun" (my son came up with the name himself) is made of:

  • fruits (banana, apple);
  • sweets (soft cookies, marshmallow, marmalade);
  • canape sticks.

Technique: construction from fruits and sweets.

When making crafts by a child, the help of an adult is needed in cutting fruit. This craft will decorate any festive children's table. We even repeated what moods (sadness, joy, surprise) are with Spring Sun.

Craft "Spring mood"

Manufacturing technology: laying out.

Materials for the work:

  • a frame made of a sheet of colored or white cardboard;
  • bones from fruits;
  • colored stones.

Creative works: "The first flowers of spring" and "Insects wake up"

The works are made in the same technique, using the "mirror drawing" method.

Insects were drawn in the lessons at the center of additional education. After that, the idea came up to draw snowdrops. It seemed to me that this is a theme that combines walks in winter fairy tales and the theme of the competition.

  • watercolor paints;
  • tassel;
  • watercolor paper.

Work sequence:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper "book" in half;
  2. Draw half of the drawing with a pencil. For those who are still bad at drawing, this can be half a coloring book;
  3. Paint the details of the picture and until the paint is dry, cover with a clean half of the sheet and smooth it with your hands;
  4. If something doesn't print well, you can repeat the process. But, remember, if there is too much water in the paint, the sheet will quickly get wet and the paint may spread, not giving a clear outline. If you apply a different color of paint on top, then it is better to let the masterpiece dry a little before that, otherwise the colors will mix.

The process of creating drawings in this technique is not complicated, fast and very exciting.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Natalia Turchaninova and Daniil, 5 years 2 months Rostov-on-Don.

Magic book in pop-up style

Our craft is a spread of a magic book for a journey through fairy tales in pop-up style.

The idea of ​​the spread is to show the winter characters spring and summer. They can easily move from their ice palace, walk through the green meadows, swim in the lake, admire the rainbow and flowers!

The craft is made of paper, the objects are drawn with oil crayons, stamps and blown felt-tip pens are used.

Anastasia Pavlova and sons 2.5 and 7 years old, Moscow

Poster "Spring Miracle"

According to fairy tales, we took a walk for a long time, and everything was spinning in our heads that we needed to make crafts, participate in the competition, stir ourselves and the children to creativity. And for some reason there were no ideas, I kept putting it off and putting it off, and now, on the very last day, I tell the children (or myself more) that there is nowhere to put it off, let's create! We sometimes do this: I spread a large sheet of paper on the floor, put paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, colored paper, glue, scissors and various tools with which you can draw (pebbles, brushes, combs, cotton buds, etc.), write a word and ... our creativity has gone! And now we have made such a miracle - a spring uplifting mood!

Required materials and tools:

  • Sheet of A3 paper;
  • colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Oil crayons, wax pencils, felt-tip pens;
  • sequins;
  • Good mood;
  • Free time.

The children got to work. We started with the youngest, the eldest walked, looked, but did her own business (either homework, or a postcard for dad on February 23), but then she could not stand it and joined us in the end.

I wrote the word "spring". We decided that there is no spring without flowers and made a flower. Sveta glued, we think, we fantasize further. Suddenly, a ladybug flew to us (it folds like a frog out of paper, rounded off the tips, cut it off), my daughter painted and glued it to our spring meadow.

They began to add more flowers ... Tulips appeared in our clearing after a snowy winter. The eldest came up, said, one ladybug is bored, she needs a friend! They also made a friend only from double-sided colored paper. Now we have the friendship of ladybugs, we have flowers, we drew stems, we made grass from colored paper using the “fringe” technique. Added sequins. There are still patterns of light: I drew balls and hearts.

The eldest came: she made the word “Spring” brighter and, at my suggestion, wrote words-wishes-associations with the word “Spring”.

This concludes our creative process! Now we admire our spring picture! I hope that a piece of warmth, joy and kindness was passed on to you from us!

Mom Olga Khuzzyatova and daughters Svetlana (4 years old) and Violetta (7 years old). We are from Irkutsk.

Doll – Vesnyanka

We decided to create a girlfriend for the Snow Maiden - Vesnyanka. She will definitely tell and show what spring is. We have been making amulets for a long time. Relatives have accumulated a decent collection of these wonderful toys. The Vesnyanka doll is a cheerful and perky doll that was made for the arrival of spring. The growth of a doll is the size of a palm, and strength, joy and a young yari until the very Kupava holiday. Traditionally, she is bright, with hair of an unusual color, because she depicts not a person, but the spirit of awakening nature.

For work you will need:

  • Torso and head: white fabric (35 cm by 12 cm);
  • The doll's dress consists of two parts: an underskirt in a solid color and an upper skirt in color (35 cm by 15 cm);
  • Sleeves: plain or colored fabric (16 cm by 12 cm);
  • Hair: woolen threads;
  • Scissors.

Difficulties in working with children aged 4.6 and 5.5 in tying knots, working with a needle. Therefore, the work is joint, but at the same time we got 3 dolls. Children chose fabrics specifically for their dolls, made twists, braided braids, sewed skirts.

Master class on making dolls - Vesnyanka:

  1. We make the body: fold the fabric in the middle and make a twist.
  2. . We form the head. We make a ritual gesture: we press the thread firmly with our thumb, and only then we begin to wrap it.
  3. We form the arms and waist.
  4. We insert threads into the loop of the head - hair. We leave the bangs in front, we braid the rest into a braid and weave a ribbon.
  5. Next, put on the underskirt. We collected it on a needle (worked out even stitches).
  6. We put on an overcoat. We also collected it on a needle.

Doll - Vesnyanka - ready!

Shikovs Alena (5.5) and Kolya (4.6), Moscow. Grandma Kotyashova Elena Petrovna helped

peach blossom

Since the goal of our game is to tell the Snow Maiden about spring, we first cut a few branches of a plum tree and put them in a jar of water in a sunny place to watch the flowers and leaves bloom. And everyone rejoiced when they saw how flowers bloomed one after another, how the leaves turned green. As if a piece of spring appeared in the house. I read this idea in the book “from our childhood” by S. Sakharova “ House Wizard Academy", where it was proposed to prepare such" "for March 8 from various branches.

After that, she offered to make flowers for the Snow Maiden herself. Flowers made of corrugated pink paper and white paper napkins were attached to a dry branch with adhesive tape.

“Vase” is an ordinary glass jar that we decorated with “perfumes” and “lipsticks” cut out from a catalog that we happened to have lying around. The son additionally decided to decorate the jar in which the branches were with embossed foil.

We showed all this to the Snow Maiden, who briefly “looked” at us, but soon “flew” to the North, because. we already have a real spring: the sun is shining, it is very warm outside, the birds are singing! And in some places flowers are already really appearing on the trees!

Vlada Maksimishina, daughter 4 years old and son 11 years old, Yalta

Grandfather Mazai and hares

Spring is coming! It's time for flowering, love, fragrances!
But ... let's not rush time, everything has its own! Admire what a wonderful spring composition Ilya made! He was inspired by N. Nekrasov's poem "Grandfather Mazai and Hares".

For crafts, Ilya picked up a shallow box, painted the background with blue paint, twisted birch trunks out of paper, and drew dashes with a felt-tip pen. Completed the composition with cocktail tubes. Beach, hares and a dog from salt dough, which we always have in the refrigerator. A little snow from cotton wool. Grandfather wooden from a fairy tale about a bull. Ilya fixed his hair and put on a hat. And the hat is not simple, it is a cap from an acorn.

What a flood! Like outside our window!

Oksana Zagalskaya and son Ilya, 3 years 4 months old, Moscow

Helpful Hints

To create a spring mood you need the Sun, green grass, trees and flowers.

But besides this, you can give spring coloring and some things.

2. Decorate electrical wires and cords with colorful tape or washi tape.

When there are a lot of wires at home, decorating them not only makes the house more beautiful, but it will also be easier for you to distinguish which wire goes from what.

You will need:

Colored tape or washi tape


Cardboard (optional)

Piece of leather or leatherette (optional)

Button and thread (optional)

1. Cut the multi-colored tape into several small pieces.

2. Start sticking the pieces of tape in any order. Choose the color scheme that suits you.

* If you wish, you can cut out several labels from cardboard and fasten them with thread or tape to the wires, writing on them the device from which the wire comes.

* Also, if desired, you can make a cord mount from a piece of leather and a button - this is useful when the cord is very long and it will be more convenient to fold it.

3. Decorate flower pots with bright and cheerful flowers.

You will need:

Plain ceramic pots (preferably a light shade)

Ceramic, acrylic or fabric paint.

Water and capacity.

1. Prepare the paint. If you have acrylic or ceramic paint, then just take a brush and start painting the pots as you like.

* If you decide to use fabric paint, then it must be diluted in water.

1.1 Immerse the pot halfway into a container of colored water and hold it for about 5 seconds.

1.2 Immerse the pot deeper and hold for 10 seconds.

1.3 Dip a third time and hold until you get the desired shade.

1.4 Leave the pot to dry.

* Paint several pots in this way using different colors.

4. Decorate the house: paint ordinary jars with spring patterns

You will need:

Thin cloth



PVA glue

Small cup.

1. Measure the height and circumference of the jar and cut the fabric into strips approximately 1 cm wide.

2. Pour PVA glue into a small cup and dilute it with water (ratio 1 to 2). Mix well.

3. Dip the first strip of fabric into the cup, take it out and run it over with your thumb and forefinger to get rid of excess glue.

4. Stick the strip to the jar anywhere. Use a brush to smooth the strip well and get rid of air bubbles.

5. Glue a few more strips in the same way.

* Strips may slightly touch or overlap.

* You can put a candle inside the jar.

5. How to decorate a chair with spring flowers

You will need:

Chair (wooden in this example)

Spray paint (you can use regular wood paint)

Masking tape.

1. Tape some places on the chair with masking tape.

2. Start painting the uncovered areas of the chair.

* If you decide to use spray paint, then you need to paint outdoors or in very well ventilated areas in a special mask and preferably in protective glasses.

3. Leave the paint to dry.

4. When the paint is dry, carefully remove the masking tape.

6. Decorate cups: emotional cups and bowls

You will need:

Ceramic light container

Black ceramic marker


cotton pads

lettuce seeds

* You can use ordinary tea cups and draw cute faces on them. After that, place the cups in the oven according to the marker instructions.

You can complicate the task:

1. If you decide to go the hard way, then first draw the faces on the bowls and place the bowls in the oven, after carefully reading the instructions for the ceramic marker.

2. Put the cotton pads in a cup or bowl and fill them with water so that they are completely immersed in it.

3. Sprinkle some lettuce seeds over cotton pads and place the cup in a well-lit area, but out of direct sunlight.

4. Lettuce leaves should appear soon - they grow quickly. Don't forget to water the plants.

7. How to make colorful key rings

You will need:

Wood beads

Nail polish (can be old), wood paint or acrylic paint

Thick thread, jute or strips of leather or leatherette


Masking tape (if desired).

1. Color each bead however you like.

* If you want to make even stripes or evenly color the halves of the bead, then each one must be partially sealed with masking tape, and the open part should be painted over with paint or varnish. Then remove the masking tape.

2. Pass the thread through several beads and make a loop on top of the last bead.

3. Pass the key ring through the loop and you're done!

8. Crafts for spring with your own hands: cones with flowers

You will need:

White thick paper (in this example, watercolor paper was used)

Floral decorations (artificial flowers, greenery, etc.)

PVA glue or hot glue

Paint (optional)

Double sided tape.

1. Cut out a square from paper.

*If you want to draw a pattern on your future vases, then you should start this process now.

2. Twist each square into a cone and secure the ends with glue.

3. If you have not drawn a pattern, you can make a small pom pom and glue it to the cone. Instead of a pompom, you can use ribbons, strips of fabric or colored paper.

4. Using double-sided tape, stick the cones to the wall or wallpaper.

5. Create the bouquet you like best and place it in the decorated cone on the wall.

9. Children's crafts on the theme "Spring": paper hyacinth flowers

You will need:

Thin paper (papyrus or corrugated)


Tube (cocktail) or skewer

Scotch tape (preferably green).

1. Prepare a sheet of paper, cut out a long rectangle from it (in this example, the size of the rectangle is 8 cm x 14 cm).

2. Prepare 2-3 more such rectangles.

3. Fold all the rectangles into a stack and fold in half.

4. From the side of the fold, start making cuts, leaving a distance between them of about 0.5 - 1 cm.

5. Using tape, attach one end of one rectangle folded in half to a tube or skewer and begin to twist it, descending in a spiral.

6. Secure the other end with tape as well. You can add a leaf if you like.

* Make a bouquet of these paper flowers and put it in a vase.