Knitting in a circle on circular needles. Circular knitting with fishing line. Preparing materials for the Magic Loop

Ways of knitting a circle with two knitting needles. MK, models, video Source: Girls, I found on the Internet MK for knitting a circle with two knitting needles. MK is not mine, I will try it myself today. Here is an article Watch the video "Knitting a circle with double-edged needles" But it turns out that you can knit a circle with the most common knitting needles. Author: Elena Misheeva .. You can knit a circle not only on stocking or circular knitting needles, but also on 2 most common knitting needles. This knitting technique is especially suitable for those who find it difficult to work with stockings or circular needles. The ability to knit a circle can help in the implementation of ideas that make this or that model more expressive and decorative, as well as in the decoration and decoration of knitted clothes. Knitting of circles. Technique of work 1. With a thread different from the main color, dial the number of loops required to form one wedge, of which the circle will consist (in the example, 12 loops). Rotate knitting (fig. On the left). 2. With the main thread, knit 10 purl loops, remove the next, disconnecting loop, without knitting, thread at work, and leave the last loop on the left knitting needle. Rotate knitting (fig. In the center). 3. Leaving the thread before work, transfer the disconnecting loop to the right knitting needle: thread at work, and knit the rest of the loops with the front ones. Rotate knitting (fig. On the right). 4. In the next row, knit 8 purl loops, the thread is in front of work, remove the next, disconnecting loop, without knitting, the thread at work, leaving 3 loops on the left knitting needle (Fig. Left). 5. Leaving the thread before work, transfer the disconnecting loop to the right knitting needle; thread at work and knit the remaining 8 stitches. Rotate knitting (fig. In the center). 6. Continue knitting, gradually decreasing the stitches for knitting them with the purl to the dividing loop (6 loops after 2 rows, 4 loops after 4 rows) and adding the loops left after the dividing loop on the right knitting needle. Rotate knitting (fig. On the right). 7. Knit a purl row on the front side of the work. This first purl row ends the first of the 10 gussets that make up the circle to be crocheted. Rotate knitting and knit all stitches. The needle will again have 12 initial loops. 8. Repeat the above steps from step 2 and tie 10 wedges. When knitting the last wedge, do not knit the last 2 rows with the front ones. Leave the hinges open (fig. left). 9. Joining the edges of the wedges: loosen the loops made with yarn of a different color, and transfer them to the knitting needle, then bring both edges closer together (fig. On the right). 10. On the front or seamy side, make a loop-to-loop seam to connect the edges of the wedges (fig. Left). 11. Insert a working thread into the loops of the inner edge of the circle and pull it off to close the hole. Hide the thread on the seamy side of the work. Also hide the end of the thread left at the beginning of work (fig. On the right). Now let's see the models: Rug knitted in a circle Description of knitting here: http: // Takes Description here: Famous Scarf "Sun of Tuscany" by Nicky Epstein .. Scarf "Sun of Tuscany". Modular knitting. Designer Nicky Epstein. This scarf consists of 6 garter stitch motifs and is an adaptation of the Tuscan Sun Shawl. The scarf is knitted in a simple "garter" knit in shortened rows. There are no edge loops here - they are knitted with front loops. And one more thing ... if you knit loosely - do not knit the first loop at the beginning of the shortened row, just lower it onto the right knitting needle. If you knit as recommended in the description, then you get a hole in the canvas. Who knits tight - you can knit according to the description. For an original golden scarf you need 6 "suns". Each motif has a diameter of 20 cm. For the "sun" we collect only 22 loops. 1 row 7 persons, turn 2 row 7 persons, turn 3 row close 1p., 8 persons turn, 4 row 9 persons, turn 5 row close 1p., 10 persons, turn 6 row 11 persons, turn 7 row close 1 st. , 12 persons, turn 8 row 13 persons., Turn 9 row close 1 st., 14 persons, turn 10 row 15 persons, turn 11 row close 1 st., 16 persons, turn 12 row 17 persons, dial 5p - in total it turns out 22 loops Repeat rows 1-12 17 more times, then repeat 1-11 r, again. Close the loops, sew in a circle. Jacket, tied in a circle, with braid piping

With circular knitting, a seamless tube-shaped product is obtained. This technique is most often used for knitting hosiery, but it is also used in a wide variety of areas.
Rows in circular knitting are knitted continuously, in a circle, without turning the product. For this technique, use 3-4 ordinary knitting needles or a pair of special knitting needles.

In general, circular knitting does not differ from flat knitting, but it has several advantages. With circular knitting, the work is always facing you, which is very convenient, especially with a complex pattern. In addition, the circular product does not need to be sewn on the sides.
When using this technique, it is important to mark the beginning of each circle. To do this, I use a special loop marker (usually a large plastic safety pin or a piece of yarn in a contrasting color), which is inserted in front of the first loop of the circle and moved at the end of each circle.

For circular knitting, use circular knitting needles with fishing line or a set of silt 4-5 double-edged stocking needles. The choice of knitting needles depends on the product. It is convenient to knit small items with stocking needles, the length of such needles is from 15 to 30 cm. Circular needles are more suitable for large items. When choosing circular knitting needles, keep in mind that the length of the line should be slightly shorter than the circumference of the pipe, otherwise the loops will turn out to be too stretched. Circular knitting needles also come with a replaceable line and are usually sold as a set. This set allows you to combine different knitting needles with different lines.

Cast on the total number of stitches on a regular long needle. Carefully transfer the stitches to the stocking needles, spreading them evenly over the three needles, removing them as purl. Place the needles in a triangle so that the working thread is at the apex of the triangle formed by the needles (between the needles).
Close the circle: insert the tip of the right knitting needle into the first loop on the left knitting needle, knitting it tighter. Insert a buttonhole marker.
With the fourth knitting needle, knit the loops from the first knitting needle. With the freed first knitting needle, knit the loops from the second knitting needle. Etc.

Knitting on four stocking needles

Cast on the required number of stitches using circular knitting needles as normal. Distribute the stitches evenly over the line, aligning the dialed edge with the inside of the circle. The end of the working thread should be on the outside of the right knitting needle.
Close the circle by knitting with the right knitting needle the first loop on the left knitting needle. Continue knitting the first circle, stopping to move the stitches and stitches around the line. Continue knitting from the left knitting needle to the right knitting needle without interrupting the circle or turning the work.

Circular two-tone knitting

With circular knitting, the product is always turned to face you, so it is much easier to monitor the correctness of the pattern.
Each line of the pattern is read from right to left and counting as one knitting circle. Use a stitch marker at the beginning of each circle (row) to mark the beginning of the next outline.
Long broaches on the seamy side can be woven into the fabric. Broaches less than 3 loops do not need to be fastened. It is important not to stretch the broaches so as not to tighten the pattern of the product.
Read more about two-color knitting in the section.

With circular knitting, a seamless tube-shaped product is obtained.

For this technique, use 3-4 ordinary knitting needles or a pair of special knitting needles with fishing line.

Knitting on four stocking needles: Cast on a regular long needle, then transfer to the stocking needles.

Close the circle. insert the tip of the right knitting needle into the first loop on the left knitting needle, knitting tighter.

With the fourth knitting needle, knit the loops from the first knitting needle. Continue knitting in the same way.

Knitting on four stocking needles: Cast on the required number of stitches

Close the circle. Continue to knit the first circle.

Continue knitting from the left knitting needle to the right knitting needle without interrupting the circle or turning the work.

Circular two-tone knitting Each line of the pattern is read from right to left and counting as one knitting circle.

It is no secret that 90% of craftswomen prefer to knit their products without subsequent stitching of parts. Novice knitters learn much more easily with straight tools. However, as soon as the craftswoman picks up the circular knitting needles and knits her first thing on them, the straight instruments will go down in history.

Circular knitting needles are two straight stocking needles that are connected into a single whole with a rope, thanks to which the craftswoman can knit any product without seams. Like straight knitting needles, circular knitting needles are subdivided according to the diameter as well as the length of the cable. Their diameter varies from 1.5 to 30 mm, and the length of the cable ranges from 30 to 300 cm.

In general, short circular knitting needles are best used for knitting baby hats, socks, or the neck of a sweater. Long tools are easiest to knit oversized items such as a blanket, coat or cardigan. All circular tools come in plastic, metal, and even bamboo. In the video, the craftswoman shows how to start knitting with metal stocking needles.

Video: The process of knitting in a circle

Most often, needlewomen prefer to work with metal tools, but some things are easier to make using plastic or bamboo, for example, with thick yarn, as in the photo below, it is easiest to cope with large-diameter bamboo knitting needles.

In order for circular knitting to bring only joy, when choosing a tool, pay attention to the following points:

  • the quality of the cable. For better gliding of the loops during knitting, it is necessary to choose tools with a flexible and light rope;
  • transition from rope to knitting needle. In order for knitting in a circle to bring only joy and pleasure, it is necessary to pay special attention to the junction of the cable and knitting needles. There should be no jags in this area, and the angle of the joint should be obtuse.

What are the advantages of special knitting needles:

How to start knitting correctly

In order to properly start working in a circle, follow these steps:

  • first, dial the required number of loops on the knitting needles. You can dial the loops directly on circular tools, or you can first dial on straight stocking needles of the same size, and then transfer them to circular ones;
  • then you need to distribute all the dialed loops along the entire length of the cable. Before knitting patterns, you should make sure that all the loops are facing the same direction;
  • in the knitter's right hand there should be a stocking needle with the last dialed loop; in the left hand, respectively, it is located with the initial loops. In order not to be mistaken and correctly connect all the loops in a circle, mark the first loop with a marker;
  • we knit the marked loop together with the last loop, and then we continue knitting in a circular fashion, in accordance with the scheme.

The video below clearly shows the whole process of the correct set of loops and their closure in a circle. Any craftswoman knows how difficult it can be to knit some large thing, for example, to knit a blanket or a coat, rather long and durable tools are needed. Special knitting needles with fishing line can greatly facilitate the life of a craftswoman, because circular knitted products, even very large ones, do not need to be sewn, they are easier and easier to hold while knitting, and the knitted fabric itself turns out to be much neater and smoother.

Video: Circular knitting for beginners

The article is about: How to knit in a circle. Master class with step by step photos and descriptions.

How to knit in a circle

Knitting Needle Size Chart

Loop set

Keep two needles with two working ends together, cast on 24 loops. Cast on the stitches evenly so that the first row is not too tight.

When there are 24 stitches on the needles, pull out one needle. Without turning the knitting needles or loops, divide 24 loops into 3 needles, 8 each.

Knitting stitches on the first knitting needle.

Knit with two ends, knit 8 stitches from the first knitting needle.

Knitting on the second knitting needle

Knitting on the third knitting needle

With a free knitting needle, knit 8 stitches from the first knitting needle.

Arrangement of knitting needles for knitting in a circle

The 24 stitches should now be evenly spaced across the 3 needles. With a free knitting needle, start knitting 8 stitches from the first knitting needle, at the same time joining the third knitting needle with the first. So, now you knit in a circle, not in rows.

How to knit with circular knitting needles?

If you already know how to knit with ordinary knitting needles, then it will not be difficult for you to learn and master knitting with circular knitting needles. Only during work, circular knitting needles do not turn the work, but circular rows, or "circles", are called rows. The advantage of knitting in a circle is that the product is seamless.

To master the skill of knitting in a circle, you need special tools, patience and dedication. Special tools are a buttonhole marker, a set of short or circular needles. Is it better to take a set of knitting needles or circular knitting needles? This choice will depend on the number of loops required to make the product. If you do not know how to knit at all and have never even held knitting needles in your hands before, it doesn’t matter! How to knit with circular knitting needles, the video on the Internet will show you. This is a very interesting and exciting process.

Circular knitting needles, what is it

Externally, circular knitting needles are ordinary metal knitting needles, usually 15 cm long, connected with some kind of synthetic material, such as fishing line or wire. The thickness of the needles can be different, and the length of the wire will depend on the circumference of the product. For example, loops on a very long line will stretch, and on a short line they will pile up. The difference between circular knitting needles and ordinary ones is that only the hands hold the circular knitting needles, and the entire weight of the product is concentrated on the central part of the fishing line.

How to knit with circular needles correctly

  • We dial a certain number of loops on the same numbers as the circular ones, a regular knitting needle that you will use in your work. Then evenly distribute them on the wire so that the needles themselves remain free.
  • In the right hand with the last dialed loop, we take the end of the knitting needle, the other end of the knitting needle must be taken in the left hand. After the last dialed loop, set a mark for marking the loops. Then we begin to knit up to the mark in a circle. The mark means the end of one circle. Then we transfer the mark to the other end of the knitting needle, continue knitting.
  • So that the wire holding the knitting needles does not twist, it must be dipped in hot water for a few minutes. She becomes even.
  • Circular knitting needles can be knitted in both straight and reverse rows. When making some products, for example, knitting bedspreads or blankets, it is much more convenient and easier to knit with circular knitting needles. This can be explained by the fact that for the product you need to dial a large number of loops, and then as the work progresses, the entire weight of the canvas will be on your knees, and not on a long straight knitting needle.
  • To avoid the formation of a hole at the beginning of the row of the first circle, it is necessary to knit the first few loops with both a working thread and its free end. If you cannot knit the first loops in this way, then there is another way. Cast on one extra loop at the end of the initial row. Then, without knitting it, we transfer the loop to the first knitting needle and knit together with the first loop.

Holes may also form during the transition from one spoke to another. To prevent their formation, you need to tighten the thread tighter or knit from the next knitting needle a couple of more loops in each circle. You have learned how to knit with circular knitting needles, now you can practice it.