I love my husband status. Romantic phrases for a loved one. Cool statuses about husband

Best statuses about husband on Statuses-Tut.ru! Ah, these husbands, the most predictable men - so many wives think. Especially after several years of married life. And they are wrong! Real husbands will always find a reason to surprise their wife and children with a pleasant surprise. They make you laugh and enjoy every day you live. And it is about such husbands that the statuses in this section are collected. Like real men, they are ready to work tirelessly so that his loved ones can not need anything. Husbands protect and protect the peace of loved ones. They deserve the warmest and most affectionate words. Our statuses about the husband of the beloved and dearest person in your life will help any of the wives express their love with a beautiful quote!

The best statuses about love for your husband!

The most important thing in a family is love! When two people love and respect each other, when they understand and accept their soul mate as they are, there will always be harmony and mutual understanding in such a family. A good joke in the family circle, when the closest ones are nearby, is the key to an interesting evening. On Statuses-Tut.ru you can always pick up cool statuses about your husband and the whole friendly company of relatives and friends laugh heartily at a funny quote. We often forget to tell our husbands how we feel. “He already knows that I love him,” many women think so. But at the same time, they are offended if they do not hear a declaration of eternal love at least once a day. Where's the justice! After all, husbands also want to hear words of love from the beautiful half of humanity. Our statuses about love for her husband will correct the situation. Just visit our website and choose the most exquisite and beautiful sayings about love for your spouse!

Sayings about a son and husband, like a declaration of love!

In the life of any woman on earth there are several people whom she loves more than anything in the world. The first parents on this list are the law of nature. And in second place is her family, husband and children! Everyone knows that mothers love their sons the most, and there is nothing wrong with that. If you want to tell your men about the most important thing, then our statuses about son and husband are for you! Is your family fifteen years old? Looking back, you think how many storms your family has weathered. How many joyful moments are stored in the photos of your family album. Time to celebrate another anniversary! You start preparing for the celebration. We are happy for your strong family! And our wonderful statuses about husband and wife will be a good help in preparing your holiday program.

Selected quotes about husband and family!

People believe that parents love their children equally. But at the same time, mothers love their sons more, and dads cannot refuse anything to their little princesses. As they say, how many people have so many opinions. And what difference does it make what they say. It’s just that if you have three daughters in your family, then dad simply has no choice! Our statuses about husband and daughter are another reason to laugh heartily with your whole friendly family! There are many anecdotes about conversations, quarrels and jealousy of a husband and wife. This is due to the fact that family relationships are very significant for people, especially for those who are married. Your spouse should always know what you think about him on the Web, so even your statuses are dedicated to him. We hope that in this category you can find important and warm or funny statuses about your husband.

May the flame of our love not die out, may its strength not be destroyed by quarrels, scandals, or disagreements! 13

My only, most beautiful, attentive and gentle. I love you with sincere and pure love, only you I need in my life, only with you I am happy. 16

You are my bright ray of happiness in this darkness of endless, identical days. I live for you and for you, because I love you very much! 19

I want to live my whole life only with you, my dear and most beloved. It was you who could make me happy and give me real joy. You turned my every day into a little fairy tale. I want you to know that there is no one closer to me than you. 60

I love you, my joy, and I want to always be with you. May our happiness be endless, and may love be great and pure. I confess the brightest and boundless feelings that I have for you, for the best guy! 35

You are an angel who gives me hope, you are my dream, my ideal. I love you, my unique, desired, only you give me moments of pleasure and happiness! 31

My prince, my cat, my knight, the strongest, decisive, bright, attractive, sincere, I love you very much! You made me the happiest! 18

I can't imagine myself without your smile, without your eyes, without your kisses, without your hands. When I'm sad, I remember you, my heart immediately becomes warm and light. You are my happiness! I love you! 31

When you are near, a light burns inside me, I like its warmth. I feel comfortable with you when you hug me. Your kisses are sweet and tender, and your lips are soft and inviting. You are my little world that the whole universe cannot replace. I love you - and that says it all. 27

I want to become a snowflake to melt on your tender cheek. I want to be the moon to light your path. I want to be a sunny bunny to wake you up for work ... But most of all I want to always be and remain your favorite. 8

You are my life, my ray of light. I love you! So strong, so crazy! You are my whole life, I simply cannot live without you, you are the best! 1

You are the person for whom there has always been a place in my heart. And now it's filled. I love you so much! 11

The strongest and most beautiful feeling in the world is love. I love you and want to always be by your side. Only with you I am truly happy, only next to you I feel protected and loved. 35

My sweet cat, I love you madly! You are the dearest person for me! You are the clearest sun that makes me happy! All day long I can look into your eyes, hug you and receive kisses in return! I adore you! I need you very, very much! 40

Love makes people optimistic. She gives them wings, strength and helps them fly towards their dreams. I already got to mine. After all, my dream is you, my most beloved person! 16

About husband and wife statuses, short expressions on social networks, do not lose their popularity over the years. Feelings, situations and problems do not change much over time. But the way of expressing them takes on new and new forms.

Romantic about husband and wife: statuses and phrases

You don't have to be serious to convey your feelings. About husband and wife statuses are more often a way to show your partner your attitude, and to remind yourself what is most valuable in life.

  • "When someone else likes your beloved, you don't have to be jealous and get excited. You need to be proud that you got someone else's dream."
  • "A happy marriage is a terrible thing. It is forever!".
  • "What do you want most, love?" - "So that in 50 years you will ask the same thing."
  • "Never stop doing those cute things that you once fell in love with."
  • "In fact, romance is not 101 roses and songs under the balcony. Romance is when you listen with interest to your endless stories about gasoline."
  • "A woman does not need much. Enough to be loved."
  • "You need to live with someone with whom you want to share three things: bread, thoughts and bed."
  • "Truly loving is wanting another to be happy. Even if it does not allow him to live with an unloved self."
  • "In a happy marriage, all conversations seem too short."

Beautiful phrases about family

Status about husband and wife, beautiful phrases about true love can not only decorate the page on social networks, but also inspire others to search for their happiness.

  • "The main thing in life is family. Work will not comfort your pain, career will not wait at home."
  • "I am old-fashioned. I love my wife more than ever. And tomorrow I will love more than today."
  • "Start your day beautifully! With hot coffee, scent of perfume and thoughts of loved ones."
  • "In life, everything is simple: relatives are not offended, but understand, loved ones do not promise to be there, but come."
  • "In a happy family, spouses wake up from the fact that they have stopped hugging."
  • "The sign of a happy family life is to want to go home."
  • "The best thing parents can do for their children is to love each other."
  • "Unwavering faith in each other brings people together for life."
  • "The virtue of the wife is the honor and merit of the husband."

Funny statuses about husband and wife

People with a sense of humor are able to remind everyone that even the most difficult situations can be seen as comical. That is why statuses about husband and wife are increasingly becoming ridiculous.

  • "Message to husband:" Pick up your son from kindergarten today. Don't worry, he will recognize you."
  • “I managed to dissuade my husband from having a mistress - the budget is not rubber, we won’t pull it. I’d better get a lover - an extra penny will come in handy at home.”
  • "A good man must build a house, raise a son ... What else is there on the wife's list?"
  • "Never! Do you hear? Never ask if your husband liked the soup if he is delighted with this porridge."
  • "A cheerful wife is never upset when she comes to the mirror in the morning. She only smiles ominously and whispers to her husband:" So you need it!
  • "In our family, everything is divided fairly. I buy a fur coat, my husband - swimming trunks."
  • "Life hack for men: persuade the seller of an alcohol stall not to sell anything to your wife without a passport. This way she will be happy to run to you for beer."
  • "Husband does not notice your housework? Stop doing it! He will soon notice."

Original statuses about husband and wife

Statuses about husband and wife with meaning can be non-standard:

  • "The day of reconciliation with consent in our family takes place in the store. I try on, he agrees."
  • "My husband is perfect. If he finds my stash, he puts some more money in it."
  • "Advise a gift to my husband, if he already has everything I need?".
  • "My grandmother also advised me not to bring my husband to a boil. Otherwise, he may evaporate. But not be cold. It will cool down!"
  • "Okey Google, how do I explain to my husband that we got married and I didn't adopt him?"
  • "Girls, do you know how to change your husband's evening plans? Text him:" I know where you go!
  • "Tip of the day for girls: to get your husband to buy everything you want, take him shopping until he begs you to buy something, just to end it all."
  • "Never threaten a woman that if she does not lose weight, you will go to another. There is a risk that she will lose weight and go to another."

Statuses about husband

  • “I would have killed my husband a long time ago. But I can’t - he was issued to me against a signature in the registry office.”
  • “I brought a kitten home. It turned out that my husband was allergic to it. I think who to give it to? He is cute, picky. Height is 190 cm, blond, works as a driver.”
  • "You can't understand a man with your mind. How, tell me, can he say that all my dresses are the same, but his screwdrivers are different?"
  • "My husband is a lucky man. Well, it was necessary to marry so successfully!"
  • "My husband has I remind him regularly."
  • "Dear, your name is inscribed in the Red Book! In my passport."
  • "Ladies! If yours, put bars on the windows and change the locks. So that they don't return back."
  • "I love reading my husband's wives at night. It's like counting sheep before bed."

Statuses about wife

  • "The return of a husband from a business trip is not as scary as a wife from a corporate party."
  • "I will never ruin my wife's birthday. I don't remember when it is."
  • "A woman needs a little to be happy - a husband and everything else."
  • "A wife can forgive a lot. Except one thing: if the husband does not understand how lucky he is with her."
  • "As a wife, you need to choose the one with whom you would be friends all your life, if she were a man."
  • “Instead of a photo of your wife in your wallet, it’s high time to put a note: “Your money could be here.”
  • "My wife is very jealous. For her, I'm always either suspiciously sleepy or suspiciously alert."
  • "Stupid women watch their husbands, smart women watch themselves."

Truthful, witty, wise, vital and always with humor. All these are quotes about her husband. After all, if you figure it out, then the spouse is a mystery from the mysteries of nature, which only his loving (and this is the main condition) spouse can understand and accept. It is for them that this collection of cool phrases and expressions was created. So read, think and smile.

Briefly about the husband in quotes

A good husband, when he finds his wife's stash, should add money to it!

Insanely happy for my husband - he married so well !!!

What to give my husband if he has everything I need?

Husband is a unique person! For him, all your dresses are the same, and all the screwdrivers are different.

It was the second year of our family life. My husband still thinks he doesn't eat zucchini and onions.

Who in our time refuses a living husband!

A woman's strongest defense is her husband's love.

Husbands do not grow up, but only gain weight.

There is no such husband who would not dream of becoming a bachelor for at least an hour ...

My husband's best wife!

The wisdom of the authors and the people in quotes and statuses about the husband will help in family relationships. You will come closer to answering the riddle of what kind of husbands they are.

Cool statuses about husband

My husband and I have differences on religious grounds: I refuse to believe that he is a god.

A woman needs only two things to be happy: a husband and everything else.

Sometimes you just want to kill your husband! But you can't! I'm responsible for him. I was given it in the registry office against signature.

My husband said there was no spark between us. I bought a stun gun. Wakes up - I'll ask again.

How could I ruin my wife's birthday when I don't even remember when it is?

She took a pregnancy test, which turned out to be positive, showed her husband, who, in joy, kissed him. I wonder if he knows how to take a pregnancy test!?

A friend is known in trouble... A hero in battle... A wife in poverty... A husband on maternity leave.

The timid husband, having returned from a business trip a day earlier, waits for a day at the station.

Beats - it means he loves ... the husband thought, wiping his tears and looking at the bruises in the mirror.

I love everything about my future husband! Only one thing is a little annoying - we are still unfamiliar.

Quotes about a husband are one thing, but real life is another. And how phrases and reality intersect is hard to say. Everything is individual. Therefore, whether an ideal spouse exists or is it a fairy tale, only a single wife of a single husband knows. Read wise and funny quotes about husbands and maybe you too can look behind the veil of this greatest mystery.

Funny statuses about husband

I thought she got married ... But it turned out: she took her mother-in-law to raise her son ...

The bachelor does all the housework himself. A married man is forced by his wife.

Of course, my love, you must have a personal opinion, and now I will tell you!

If your husband offended you, you do not start a scandal. Simply, he does not see yet, spit him three times in tea!

Do not bring your husband to a boil, otherwise he may evaporate!

If the husband began to come home full, then soon he will stop coming at all.

Finding a husband is an art, and living with him is creativity!

A husband is such a creature that, having washed the plate, will look at his wife, as if he had cleaned the whole apartment.

There are no bad husbands... There are first, second, third...

A smart husband does not ask his wife what she wants. He knows!

Quotes about her husband, short statements for social networks, will never lose their relevance. After all, problems in family life almost do not change over time. But the way they are expressed takes on new forms. Therefore, fresh statuses about husbands with meaning appear.

About husband quotes with meaning

An ideal husband is a man who believes that he has an ideal wife.
George Bernard Shaw

One good husband is worth two good wives: the rarer the commodity, the more expensive it is.
Benjamin Franklin

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.
Alfred Hitchcock

Everyone can become a noble man. You just need to decide to become one.

A husband is a person who always forgets your birthday and never misses an opportunity to tell you your age.
Marilyn Monroe

Under old age, you understand that you need to change yourself, not your wife ...
Dina Rubina

In dreams we are heroes, but in life we ​​are husbands of heroines.
Gennady Malkin

A wise woman creates the ideal husband herself.
Ekaterina Makarova

Women's erotic fantasies are a faithful husband.
Tigran Babayan

Every nation is worthy of its leader, and every wife is worthy of her husband.
Darya Dontsova

It should be noted that stable expectations remain in society regarding models of marital relations, according to which men are assigned the role of the breadwinner of the family, and women - the keeper of the hearth and educator of children. Let's try to figure out if this is the case. And to achieve the goal, we use quotes about her husband with meaning.

It is easier to be a lover than a husband, for it is more difficult to be witty every day than to joke from time to time.
Honore de Balzac

It's not enough to have a millionaire husband. And it is not the second word that is important here, but the first. Let him be a billionaire - or let him be a beggar. This is nonsense! Something else is important. For you to love and be loved. And if this is not at home, sooner or later you will go to look for your love on the side. To everyone's grief.
Galina Goncharova

You don't know how hard it is to love a man just because he's your husband.
Rinat Valiullin

If a husband is constantly looking for flaws in his wife, then another will find her virtues.
Charles Duclos

When a wife supports her husband, spreads his wings with her love, he becomes invulnerable.
Bahram Bagirzade

A husband is such a thing that can be easily improved.
Terry Pratchett

Much marital friction arises from the fact that the wife talks too much and the husband listens too little.
Kurt Goetz

If you can't accept your husband's lifestyle, don't take the job—in other words, don't marry him.
Agatha Christie

Be your husband's lawyer, not his investigator.
Magdalena the Pretender

It is said that finding a husband is an art; keeping it is a profession.
Simone de Beauvoir

There are stereotypes about husbands. And there is no getting away from them. And, naturally, the physical appearance or intellectual merits of husbands could not but be reflected in quotations.

Sayings and phrases about husbands

If the husband began to follow the fashion, start following the husband.
Konstantin Melikhan

The husband is what is left of the lover after the removal of the nerve.
Helen Rowland

The wife is the calling card of the husband.
Rosa Syabitova

Husbands are not gods, it makes no sense to demand attention from them, as from suitors.
William Shakespeare

A stupid husband scolds his wife, and a smart one scolds himself: for marrying her.
Konstantin Melikhan

Women, as a rule, choose a nightgown for themselves much more carefully than their husband.
Coco Chanel

A husband is almost always only a substitute for a beloved man, and not this man himself.
Sigmund Freud

Without a husband, a wife is always an orphan.

Of course, your husband has his shortcomings! If he were a saint, he would never marry you.

Marriage is a kind of relationship in which one side is always right, and the other is the husband.

Away is good, but mother-in-law is at home!

In an ideal family, the wife does not know where the money comes from, and the husband has no idea where it goes!!!

In family life, everything is not new, so as not to drive your husband crazy, you should know 4 words: herself, herself, herself, herself.

In a happy family, the wife thinks the money comes from the nightstand, the husband thinks the food comes from the refrigerator, and the children think they found it in the cabbage.

All men are goats only because we, women, cuckold them ...

Always remember the most important rule of a happy marriage: "Good things happen to those husbands who listen carefully to their wives!"

Getting married is a very serious step! When we quarrel with our parents, we don’t think that we need to look for new ones! So the husband should become a native little man! One for life! The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing!

Ivan Tsarevich came out into the open field and fired an arrow. An arrow fell on the boyar yard. Yes, it fell so well! The wedding of Ivan Tsarevich and the funeral of the mother-in-law were celebrated at the same time ...

To a foolish husband, a red wife is more precious than a red egg.

Woe, woe, that husband Gregory: at least a blockhead, but Ivan. Ready for everything? So take out the trash!

The husband gave his wife the will - not to be good.

If the wife is a shopaholic, then the husband, as a rule, is a naked ass.

If the husband says, "I know for sure that this road is the shortest," then the wife already knows for sure that she must prepare for an extremely long journey.

If a husband gives his wife flowers for no reason, then he just saw this reason.

If a husband has grown horns, it means that not all men watched football yesterday.

A wife without a husband is the worst. A wife without a husband is worse than a widow.

The wife is in charge, so the husband wanders around the neighbors.

The wife of her husband does not beat, but leads according to her liking.

Honor the husband's wife, like a cross on the head; Husband take care of his wife like a pipe in a bathhouse!

A wife is a plaster to her husband, a husband is a shepherd to his wife.

The wife used a rolling pin to drive away thoughts of drinking from her husband.

The wife must be carried in her arms, and she herself will sit on the neck.

There is no one to judge a wife and husband, except God.

Women are divided into 2 types: good and ideal. The good ones have a large M, a small P, and are good at holding an X; where W - living space, P - need, X - economy. But what you think is perfect.

The ideal wife is the woman who was born on March 8th and whom you met and married on March 8th. And it's not just savings on gifts!