Protection of leather soles. How to properly care for leather soles of shoes leather sole protection

Tools for protecting leather soles are professional products that prevent cracking and damage to leather shoes with constant contact with moisture and various chemical reagents. You can purchase these funds from well-known manufacturers on the website "Magic Gutalina".

What do we offer?

Tonic based on special resins are presented on sale, which impregnate material and make it stronger, and also prevent the impact of moisture on the product. You can purchase compact pencils based on synthetic wax. Such products creates a solid protective film that prevents the deformation and damage to the material on the sole.

The store has both standard impregnations in banks (OURALINE SAPIR) that are suitable for sports and tourist shoes. The composition of such impregnation includes animal fats and vegetable oil, which soften the skin and reliably protect it from dampness.

Why are we?

Why to purchase means for protecting leather soles on shoes Recommended in the store "Magic Gutalina"? Here are some reasons:

  • The sale presents high-quality and certified products, which is guaranteed to extend the life of the leather shoe.
  • You can purchase these funds at an affordable cost.
  • We have products in various form form.
  • Fast and inexpensive delivery - Another advantage of our online store.

Furfur continues to explore the extensive topic of care and customization of men's shoes. We have already talked about how to cord, stretch shoes, as well as modify their appearance. Now it's time to give a few tips on leaving shoes on a leather sole.

Shoe care
on leather sole

Until the beginning of the 20th century, all shoes were on the leather sole, now most of the daily, sports, military, tourist and work shoes are made with a rubber, polyurethane or other synthetic sole. The exception is classic business shoes - the overwhelming majority of respected shoe factories continues to produce classic shoes on the leather sole.

The sole of the skin looks elegant rubber, but she has two serious disadvantages: it is wear out much faster and worse tolerates puddles and rains.

There are several ways to cope with it:


If all this seems too complicated, then you should put prevention. This is a subtle rubber pad that is glued to the leather sole and protects it from moisture and wear. Prevention can put in any shoe workshop in less than 500 rubles. Some do not like prevention, because it spoils the appearance of the sole, but in practice it is practically imperceptible - only if you do not put your feet on the table or foot leg. Another claim is that the shoes are becoming less breathable. Perhaps this is true, but you do not complain about the rubber sole of sneakers?

It is never too late to put prevention: you can do it, even when half the soles are broken.
But it is not recommended to put on completely new shoes: it is believed that it is still at first to spread them a little.

The most "expenditure" part of the sole is a heel, so it is even more common to shoes with a leather sole, a rubber audit is still installed at the factory. They not only protect the leather heel from abrasion, but also soften the load on their feet when walking. Therefore, it is not surprising that the heels are cut before all. Depending on the weight, the gait and the kilometers passed by kilometers have to change once in the season up to times a few years. Replacing the sets will cost approximately as much as prevention. It, by the way, also needs to be replaced as wear.

Washing on the heel come and metal, but, how to say, it is not the best idea. They are very loud, the parquet scratches, and on slippery surfaces are dangerous at all. So the saved 500 rubles per year they are not worth it.


Recently, it became popular to install "kosyachki" shoes - special metal lining on the nose of the sole. As people have different gait, in fact, the need for "jams" is far from all. They make sense to establish if you quickly wear a sole on the Misk. And it is not necessary to panic for the third day after buying shoes - many soles are stepping until a certain point and stops. But if you are sure that you need "kosyachki", then most likely have to tinker. Not every wizard can and take them to install them, and even less who they have. Probably, you will have to order "kosyachki" with foreign shoe sites. Since they are screwed with small screws and do not require glue, they can be theoretically installed on their own. But experiment is better at a pair that is not a pity.

When replacing the prophylaxis on old shoes, a good shoemaker can dry out the side parts of the sole and heel. After that, even imparted shoes usually begin to look better.

What is called wooden soles (even on foreign sites) is a leather sole. From wood there are only Dutch sandals Sabo. Although the skin for the sole is particularly rigid and the special processings of the oak, it still remains skin.

The transitional period has come. Outside ice.

Even the sole sole on the shoes may not save a person from ice and slip. The risk fall under these conditions and is very high to be injured.

Now we will look at a few options - how at home with your own hands make the archers-anti-slippers for shoes against slip. And if you do not have the opportunity to buy these lining, we'll tell you how to make the shoes do not slip into ice.

How to cut a snowflake from paper in 1 minute :.

1) Option 1.

Take old boots. Cut off a piece from it and nail with small cloves to the sole of our shoes. Or glue it to the sole. Usually this option using an old boiler (a piece of felt is also suitable) will help to withstand slipping shoes, if there is no rain on the street (not damp), if there is no snowfall. If all this is (snow or rain), then felt just take a small crust and will also slide on the road as if you were going on skating. This method protects shoes from ice for 7-10 days. Then the felt is erased.

2) Option 2.

To make shoes yourself against ice, you will need glue "moment". We apply glue to the sole of the shoe snake. Let him get sick a little. Then the match is smearing it along the sole of the shallow snake. After a day, when the adhesive will dry, a little bit of its large sandpaper so that its surface becomes Schelava. Usually this method protects from ice for 4-6 days (a week).

3) Option 3.

Simplest. Take a large leucoplasty and stick it with pieces to the shoe sole. The effect is approximately the same - for 3-4 days you will have enough protection from ice. But it is necessary that there is no snowfall or rain so that the leukoplasty does not take a crust.

4) Option 4.

Special strips with sandpaper-based sandpaper (see photo) are sold in the business store. They are commonly used near shops, sticking to the porch so that visitors in the winter do not fall. Similarly, they can be placed on the sole of the shoes as the plaster. Usually this method is enough for 2-3 days at ice, as the sandpaper is quickly engaged when walking on asphalt or at the entrance of the house.

5) Option 5.

The use of various polyurethane beaches. This material is soft, like silicone, and with ice he does not dub. Therefore, he is well clinging for the ice and protects a person from slipping on it. Usually such supports serve the whole season.

6) option 6.

Metal widing. They are manufactured and sold specifically for those regions where the ice is frequent. Or for special services that work in the mountains or in terms of frequent slip shoes. It can be special naval with spikes, with nails, audit on the perimeter of shoes, etc. But in the city where, after the street, people enter the room, these widows are somehow uncomfortable, they knock like metal horsepow horseshoes. Therefore, they are used only as a last resort, when other ways do not help.

7) option 7.

Special antifungal overlays on shoes. They are rubber. And from the bottom there are metal spikes, like a studded car tire. Dressing overlaid tissue on shoes, a person will be very steadily walking on ice and not fall.

And the most important thing. How not to fall into ice.

First Council . It is necessary to choose shoes specifically for winter. That is, that the sole is not from plastic, which in the cold becomes "oak, wooden" and slides like skates. And to be from polyurethane, which in the cold remains soft.

Second Council . Sole of shoes must be corrugated. Then she will "grab" for the ice, not giving sliding.

Third Council . Work out the habit of walking in the ice is different, not as summer. How to go to ice? Very simple: a) the legs of a little bit in the knees and do not straighten them to the end until they stop on a normal, stable surface. b) Make small, short, slow tags. If we go fast, widely, if we run, then you will quickly fall into ice. C) We definitely look under your feet, noting areas with ice. If we do not look under your feet, we will not be ready for dangerous sites, and the risk of falling in this case is very high.

So that the shoes do not lose the form and look, it is necessary to care for it, and it does not matter what brands you prefer and how much money is ready to give in one pair. Furfur publishes a short guide to shoe care: what exactly needs to be done with shoes and shoes to warn them from premature old age and some means to choose for different materials.

General Shoes Care Rules

Despite the presence of universal funds, which, according to manufacturers, are suitable for any shoes, it is worth distinguish between the means and methods of care for different materials. Incorrectly chopped creams and lotions can only spoil your new boots. Several basic rules for caring for different types of shoes:

Cleaning suede

Unlike the leather sole, which can be prepared in advance for the exit to the harsh street reality, warning off the weather and urban dust will not succeed. Typically, experts condemn the use of all sorts of care products for such shoes, which are only absorbed into the suede, but do not protect it from moisture and dirt. It is almost impossible to prevent their appearance on shoes in this case, moreover, good means are very expensive, but clear the suede shoes from dirt quite real.

Five pairs of suede shoes in the Internet

BlackBird Inc.
Oi Polloi.

Mr. Porter.

Previously, it suede thoroughly cleaned with rubber brushes, pre-protected shoes with a damp cloth. After drying the boots, it was necessary to lose the brush again and boldly go to the street. But now, in view of the greater pollution of the environment, you have to resort to more radical methods and tools - skirt and rubber glue.

The skin must be very gentlely rubbed, so it will not spoil, but only grumbs up the pile and sacrifice the dirt out of it. With glue slightly more complicated: you need to apply a thin layer on the glass surface, wait for it to dry, and roll it into the ball. These ball need to rub the shoes like a brush, all the dirt will stick to it, and the shoes will look clean and well-groomed. Even if the suede is completely extended and whites spots are visible on shoes, it is not necessary to resort to coloring means. You can, as it was done in Soviet times, tint black suede by a regular copy. The only thing to cope will completely work out are oil stains, they are practically not removed from suede.

Protection soles

"Prevention" is a special dense sticker that is attached to the shoe sole and protects it from wiping. Thirty years ago, such explanations were not required - all the prevention was done, because often in the wardrobe, the man had only one pair of shoes, followed by which in any case had to care for. Now few people cares about it, although it is possible to make prevention in any shoe workshop for a very short time and small money - about 350 rubles.

Prevention is needed primarily for shoes with leather soles. With any contact with water, it softened and, absorbing moisture, instantly erased. Such a sole will dry for a long time, and in a dry condition, the skin does not prevent protection from wiping. If you do not put prophylaxis on the leather sole, the shoes will come into disrepair very soon, and so the skin will retain its original state. It does not need preventive stickers only shoes with a rubber sole, for the rest of this rubber prophylaxis should be glued.

New John White boots
First, they remove the factory coating to which glue does not lie
Then take ready-made rubber stickers or cut out those of a large rubber roll.
Heating glue, apply it to a rubber sticker and sole
Stop boots on a metal stand called "heel"
Gently smash the sticker
Print prevention to the sole
For reliability and better gluing use hammer
In the final, it is neatly cut off the excess rubber to the edge of the stickers coincided with the edge of the sole
Finished shoes can be immediately put on, but it is better to give glue to cool

There are three main types of preventive stickers: from microporous, conventional and special dense rubber. The first two are most versatile, they are damped, and therefore do not last enough long time. In addition, you can choose the color of the stickers: most often they are black, brown, beige and white.

It is best to think about prevention in advance, immediately after buying a boot, however, it's never too late to make it. It is best to put prevention after the third or fourth shoe socks, so that the sole dispersed a little. The process of gluing prevention itself takes no more than ten minutes.

Usually, the audit is installed with the heels prevention, but in the case of new boots or shoes should not be done: the heel will become higher than, it is not useful to go to such shoes. Nabylov must be put only when the factory will erase. It will cost about 200 rubles per pair.

Stretching shoes

Stretching shoes is much simpler than you can imagine, and does not require special funds. To begin with, before carrying a pair in the workshop, you can try to stretch the boots at home. You need to wet the palm with warm water and wipe the shoes inside, to cover a pair of wet rag from above and leave half an hour. When the skin sofas, you need to wear shoes and look like a little in them - then the shoes will take the desired shape.

The skin and suede stretches only in width, increase the length of the shoe, even one size will not work

If this is not enough, go to the master, it will also moisturize a couple, only stretching will be on a special device. It is important to understand that both the skin, and the suede stretches only in width, increase the length of the shoe, even one size will not work.