The belly became soft at the 37 week of pregnancy. Food and bad habits. Changing the character of stool

Pregnancy for each woman is a very responsible period. At this time, the body of your crumbs is being formed. In many respects, its health in the future depends on the course of pregnancy. The standard duration of the baby tooling period is 40 weeks. However, this period is very conditional. Doctors say that childbirth may begin by or 41-42. At the same time, this process will be considered normal. What did the birth of the doctors get the birth of 37 weeks? It is about this that the submitted article will tell. You will also learn how to cause childbirth on and is it possible to do it at all.

Duration of childbirth

Standard pregnancy continues approximately ten lunar months. This period is 40 weeks. It is within the specified period that most babies are born. However, the beginning of birth can occur both on the 38th and on the 42nd week. At the same time, we are talking about an urgent process, that is, we started on time.

Birth at 37 week are theoretically recognized as premature. The rules indicate that such kids should be placed in special kudesa and receive special observation. However, modern specialists have a somewhat different opinion on this.

Birth in 37 weeks: opinion of doctors

Doctors suggest that the beginning of a generic activity may occur absolutely at different times. At the same time, premature babes require special observation and sometimes emergency care. Medicine has committed a big breakthrough in recent years. Now even kids born after 22 weeks of pregnancy can get a considerable chance for life. However, this requires appropriate equipment and competent specialists.

Birth at 37 weeks can be recognized as urgent or premature. It all depends on the duration of the female cycle and the individual characteristics of the organism of the new mammf. Doctors always evaluate the condition of the baby before they are talking about premature birth. Consider two main options and find out the opinions of doctors about such states.

Urgent delivery of 37 weeks

How do medicines characterize childbirth at 37 weeks? About the process that happened on time, we can talk in the following cases:

  • If a woman has a regular short cycle, its duration is on average three weeks. Since the estimated date of childbirth is established with the help of standard calculations, in this case it will be enjoys incorrectly. The process of the delivery must begin for one week earlier. That is why the baby, who appeared in 37 weeks of pregnancy, is recognized as a full-time and requiring additional assistance.
  • In some cases, it happens that the birth of 37 weeks lead to the emergence of a full-time child. It is worth recalling that in the maternal womb, all kids are developing unevenly. Each kid can be noted the so-called races in growth. It also happens that in 37 weeks a child is born, which for development and sizes corresponds to a 40-week kid.

In both of these cases, doctors recognize childbirth urgent (consisted of time). Doctors say that a few decades ago, this assessment and classification were not used. At the same time, the process of the Rhodework, which began in 37 weeks, was always recognized as premature.

Early childbirth

In what cases do doctors say that premature births have occurred at 37 weeks? Initially, when the fever enters the walls of the hospital, the doctors put this diagnosis. However, after the toddler appears, the conclusion can be confirmed or removed. What are the estimates guided by obstetrics, gynecologists and neonatologists?

  • We are talking about premature childbirth in the event that the child has insufficient weight and growth. So, the standard point of the body is considered to be 2.5 kilograms. The length of the Toddler should not be less than 48 centimeters. In other cases, childbirth at the 37 week of pregnancy is recognized as premature or early.
  • Also, doctors speak of early childbirth when the process has already begun, but the woman's body is not ready for him. So, often there is an influence of the oily water, but the contractions are "empty", that is, they do not lead to the opening of the cervix.

It is worth noting that the birth at the 37 week of pregnancy is not a catastrophe. It will be much worse if the baby is born in 42 weeks, but in its development will be in 38-39. In this case, childbirth is recognized as urgent, but it is already talking about the delay of intrauterine development.

Is it worth calling childbirth: the opinion of doctors

Doctors say that pregnancy can lead to completely unexpected consequences. The baby may appear quite viable and ready for further development in the new environment. However, in some cases, the child appears prematurely. It entails heavy consequences. At the same time, only one or two weeks of stay in the maternal womb would help avoid such problems. Is it worth calling birth?

Doctors say that on this time it is not necessary to call the beginning of the generic activity. The kid himself appears in the time allotted him. Foreign intervention in the process of tooling can lead to complications. Doctors argue that it is possible to cause childbirth, but it is necessary to do it only after 40 weeks of pregnancy, and then for this there should be good reasons. However, the feminines do not always listen to the opinion of specialists. The desire to get rid of the abdomen to get rid of the abdomen and take their hands to the crumb encourages women to resort to the most unexpected actions. Consider the main ways to cause childbirth in 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Physical Loads and Walking

One of the effective and secure methods to cause childbirth is walking. It is worth noting that it helps only with a dead pregnancy. If your uterus is ready to release a child into the outside world, then long walking and physical exertion will provoke contractions. When the childbearing body is not yet ready for the beginning of its work, these manipulations will not lead to anything.

You need to walk a few hours a day. At the same time, women talk about strengthening the effect when lifting the stairs. You can also hold a big cleaning in the house. Wash the floors. Do not use the mop. Wash the windows and remove the curtains for washing. Remember that you can not lift gravity.

Miraculous cocktail

One famous gynecologist cocktail helps cause childbirth. To make it preparation you need to mix on one part of the orange and apricot juices. Also, place 100 milliliters of champagne in the capacity. Add half the packing of castor oil to the mixture. And drink.

The effect of such a cocktail will not make himself wait. After a few hours, you will feel the urge to defecation. After careful cleansing of the intestine, there is a high probability of the beginning of the battle. The same effect has an enema. However, it must have decent volumes. To call the childbirth, you will have to clean the intestine at least one liter of water. Remember that on 37 weeks of pregnancy, this method can lead to an infringement of spindle water in the absence of disclosure of the cervical canal! In this case, there is a probability of cesarean sections.

Take into account the fact that the above methods of activation of labor activities can impose an imprint on your child's health. Be prudent!

The development of the fetus at the 37 week of pregnancy is primarily aimed at improving all its internal organs and systems. The baby grows not by day, but by the hour! It is growing actively, so now you can understand, a tiny or bogatyr will be born.

Weight, size and growth of the fetus

The fetus size for the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy from the top of the sacrum is about 36 cm, and its growth is completely approximately equal to 48 cm. Each week, the kid will grow up, on average, on a centimeter. Now his head and stomach in a circle is approximately equal.

The weight of the child at the 37 week of pregnancy - 2800-3000 g. A set of mass occurs, primarily due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. It is he who will help the crumb in the first days after childbirth, while you do not work the lactation process.

Of course, it is the average indicators. In fact, on this period, the size of the fetus is individual and are determined by heredity.

Therefore, it is quite logical if the toddler will have larger than its peers at the time of birth, and at low, respectively, less.

What changes in the development of the child

Surely you will be curious to know what is happening on the 37 week of pregnancy, if the baby is ready for the passage by the generic paths. So:

  • Leather and nails. The skin of the baby is compacted and increasingly smoothed due to the accumulation of fat cells under it. Nails have already grown to the tips of the fingers. Sometimes the crumb can be careless to scratch himself. The launo gun from the skin surface almost disappeared, remaining only in the shoulders and backs. The original lubrication accumulates mostly only in the folds on the body;
  • Cartilage fabric. The degree of maturity of the fetus is determined by how hard it was the cartridges of his nose and ears. If earlier the ear shells were not at all bent, then now they became much more elastic and dense;
  • Rodnichok.. The fetal skull is not completely bonell. Two small soft plots (spring) remain open so that the head can easily slip through the generic paths. Spring will completely close a little later;
  • Respiratory system. Formation of the lungs ended, so the kid after birth will be ready to make his first independent breath. In addition, a cortisone hormone contributing to the full development of the respiratory system is beginning to be produced in its body. The production of a constructant (substance that impedes the lung sticking) also continues;
  • Endocrine system. Adrenal glands are superior to the kidneys. They strongly produce hormones that will protect the nervous system of the baby from stress at the time of birth;
  • Nervous system. The process of its formation will continue even after birth. The best and sucking reflexes are now developed, the development of others will gradually happen over time;
  • Digestive system. The dump base is covered with vile, which will be responsible for suction of nutrients. And the first contracting movements needed to digest food in the stomach are already happening. The intestine in the meantime is filled with the first kaloma - Mekonia, which will be released a few hours after childbirth.

Active movements and movements kid

The fetus at the 37 week of pregnancy continues to grow. His legs rest and painfully kick your chest if it lies his head. If the position of the fetus is incorrect (ass down or across), then it still has time to turn around, although it will not be so simple.

Shevations are active and very tangible. Spaces for the Kuyrkov at the kid, of course, no, but it can volatrate and pushed hard. By movements and behavior, you can judge its condition. The child should not be sharply unfold, so to kick too often. Norma - 10 chapels for 12 hours.

With any questions regarding the activity of the fetus, you can always contact your gynecologist.

The well-being of the future mother on the period of 37 weeks

For you, the most difficult physically period has come for you. It is hard to move hard, the stomach has just been huge, the skin on it stretched very much and the zudit, the naughty sticks out ... It is important not to give in to the ugliece, even sometimes it seems that the last weeks of pregnancy will last forever, making the baby's expectation more and more tedious. Of course, you are tired, but tolerate quite a bit!

At first-night women, the baby's head on this period is already lowered to the pelvis area, so it becomes easier to breathe. But in the toilet, alas, pulls even stronger.

It will take quite a little bit of time, and you with nostalgia and special trepidation will remember your current state.

Symptoms and feelings of pregnancy

Feelings and symptoms on the 37 week of pregnancy are as follows:

  • Pain at the bottom of the abdomen and in the lower back. It is connected with the fact that the baby is preparing for childbirth, falling down below and handing out your muscles in the field of small pelvis. Feels like this is a tension after the prolonged swing of the press;
  • Relief. Due to the omission of the uterus, the pressure on the diaphragm is facilitated, it ceases to disturb the heartburn;
  • Students of urination. Sometimes the desire to go to the toilet becomes simply unbearable, so try not to get into traffic jams on the road. To tolerate, pulling away the emptying of the bladder, is unacceptable. This is fraught with the development of infection;
  • Student processes of defecation. Keep in mind that disorder of digestion (namely diarrhea) most often indicates the approaching childbirth. So nature itself cares about cleansing the intestines so that he does not interfere with the natural appearance of a child on the light. If, before admission to the maternity hospital, your intestines did not cleanse himself, do not hurry to categorically refuse the enema. Of course, this procedure is not at all mandatory! However, it appears rather ethical and necessary to prevent the intestinal emptying during the dyg. However, and such a moment should not cause you constraint, because it is accustomed for medical staff;
  • Floating and irritability. Having heard various "horror stories" about childbirth, you may begin to scare the near future. Always remember that every childbirth is unique! And also to be afraid - this is normal. Try to treat everything calmly and without panic. Observe what exactly you scares in the labor process to overcome your fears;
  • Training fights. Now they can increase even more. The time has come to learn to distinguish them from real battles during childbirth (the second more frequent and painful).

Your weight and abdominal size

The uterus rises above the navel of about 16-17 cm, and above the Lonny joint - by 37 cm. The total volume is about 4-5 liters. By this period, your weight increased by 11-14 kg from the initial one. With that, most of them make up the fetus, then blood, oily water, placenta, and your uterus, chest and hips are already underway. Now we take weekly, on average, 150 g.

Announce belly is one of the signs of approaching childbirth. Recall that the pregnancy is already considered to be dodged, so the birth at the 37 week of pregnancy - the phenomenon is quite common.

This looks like a basin of other pregnant women who are on the same period that you are now:

Important medical examinations

The thirty-seventh obstetric week of pregnancy is the ninth month of your excellent condition. Attending female consultation and test analyzes will have, as before, weekly. At the reception, the doctor will not carry out a gynecological examination, but will refine your weight, inspect the limbs for the presence of swelling, measure the abdomen's circumference, the height of the bottom of the uterus and hell.

If protein is found in the urine or blood pressure will be elevated, the gynecologist can offer early hospitalization. I do not have to give up it. In the presence of any deviations, it is desirable under the control of medical personnel.

Internal research of the cervical

The doctor may offer to conduct such a study in order to determine the degree of readiness of the uterus to childbirth. Also, through it, the location, length and density of the cervix takes place.

Throughout the pregnancy, ZEV is completely closed or can be opened for 1 cm. With natural childbirth, it is revealed by 10 cm. This is enough for the kid's head to get out.

Results of ultrasound research

According to testimony, ultrasound can be appointed for the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy. Its results allow the doctor who will take childbirth, decide on their tactics and with terms. If a caesarean section is shown, then hospitalization will occur already this week.

Possible complications for 37 weeks

The thirty-seventh week of pregnancy often finally decides, it is worth taking up on natural childbirth or prepare for the operation. Caesarean section is shown in such cases:

  1. Pelvic prevention of the fetus;
  2. Malovodie, multi-way;
  3. Prelation of the placenta;
  4. Hypoxia fetus.

It is now especially important to carefully monitor your condition.. If your blood pressure has increased, the head began to hurt, the edema appeared on their hands and legs, be sure to talk about it with your doctor! In addition, a runny nose or elevated temperature due to a cold can serve as a reason for the fact that the baby will take away from you after childbirth. Yes, and give birth with a cold - not easy. Remember, you need to take care!

Talk directly about childbirth

It is important to learn to recognize the first signs of childbirth and, in fact, the beginning of the generic activity in order to be able to react to them on time.

Harbingers approaching birth

Situating all of the above, you can highlight the following precursors of the approaching childbirth:

Want something interesting?

  1. Sank the belly;
  2. The pelvis pressure has increased;
  3. Began unpleasant tingling pubis;
  4. Pulling painful sensations in the lower back strengthened;
  5. There was a disorder of digestion;
  6. The mucous plug was departed, which closed the entrance to the uterus (abundant viscous mucous allocations began);
  7. The motor activity of the fetus decreased, but the ultrasound records its normal heartbeat;
  8. Your weight began to decline.

How to determine the beginning of labor

You have started childbirth if:

There was an influence of spindle water. Urgently accept a supreme position and call an ambulance! After the water goes away, the baby will not swim in the usual environment, but to be in a dry and close space. To avoid complications, urgent stimulation is required.

Regularity and strength kits increased. The child is born in a few minutes, alas, only in films. In fact, the duration of the first birth can be about 12-14 hours, of which only 1-2 hours is released on frequent active and painful contractions during generic activity. If the bouts are frequent:

  • go around the room;
  • drink tea;
  • check if all things have you prepared for a trip to the hospital;
  • contact your husband, call a taxi service or call ambulance.

It is not recommended to sit down the roe! Your task is to tune in for a positive outcome.

For a period of 37 weeks of pregnancy, the following recommendations are relevant:

  1. Already soon you will swing your crumb on your hands, and sing him lullabies. So why not start singing now? You can also listen to a pleasant soothing music;
  2. It's more often with your tummy and talk to the baby. If possible, walk in the fresh air;
  3. Take care of yourself from random blows and falls. Observe special caution in the bathroom (put a rubber rug on the floor) and in places of accumulation of a large number of people (preferably to avoid them at all);
  4. The "nesting" instinct can master you even stronger. If you suddenly, I want to put order in the storage room, go through things on the mezzanine, throw out everything too much from the house, remember, the main thing is not to overcome! Before childbirth, it is better to gain strength to gain strength. Sleepless nights associated with the care of the newborn - very close!;
  5. Try to sleep on the left side. So the uterus and fruit are provided by the necessary amount of oxygen. It allows the crumb to sleep with a stronger and strolling. Foot lay on the pillow to avoid swelling;
  6. Light proper breathing - it will help it very much during childbirth!;
  7. Rest, read, do your favorite thing;
  8. If you have never decided on the maternity hospital, it has come close to this issue. On 37-38 weeks, it is usually acquainted with the doctor who will take childbirth. All the moments you are interested in can be clarified by him. In addition, to discuss in advance the option of partnerships as a doctor and my husband.

This material is exceptionally introductory character, before using the outlined information it is necessary be sure to consult with a specialist.

The 37th week of pregnancy occurred. At this time, the baby continues to develop, but is ready to be born. During this period, the characteristic signs that the childbirth is approaching - may drop the stomach, the chair will become liquid and can move the mucous plug (pinkish-yellow or muddy mucus). Pains can appear at the bottom of the abdomen at the 37 week of pregnancy, pain in the stomach in such a period as during menstruation, there are blunt pain at the bottom of the abdomen, sometimes in the lower back.

37 weeks of pregnancy and hurts the abdomen, these are normal and safe symptoms, especially if the woman passes its first pregnancy.

The uterus during this period reaches its maximum size. Its weight is about 1 kg. There may be pain in the legs and back, the pressure on the bladder becomes even more, and the stomach becomes a solid a couple of times a day, which can lead to the formation of a pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen at 37 week of pregnancy. Pretty many women at 37 weeks are experiencing abdominal pains at the bottom of the abdomen during pregnancy, most women have only light discomfort or weak abdominal pain.

From the 37th week begins a relatively difficult period in the life of each mummy. Very often the future mammy does not leave the feeling of helplessness. She is bad and suffers from various forms of malaise. And, of course, he is very worried about the kid. Permanent experiences can also contribute to the appearance of a pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen, more precisely increase the appearance of such symptoms. During this period, you need to give pregnant to maximum attention and care. Special attention should be paid to your diet - after all, this is the guarantee of the health of mom and baby. Power should be diverse, but should not be overeating. Because of overeating, you will feel the severity in the stomach, which can affect the quality of sleep. Overbinding can contribute to the formation of such a symptom as abdominal pain, a feeling of bloating and discomfort. Drink more kefira or yogurt, eat cottage cheese, sour cream and cheese, as well as iron-containing products.

37 week of pregnancy. Pulling abdominal pain, lower abdomen

For a period of 37 weeks, most of the future mammies feels abdominal pains in the lower abdomen. Such a symptom like pulling abdominal pain in the 37 week of pregnancy is the usual phenomenon if such a stomach pain is not very strong. The bowl of all is a completely standard and non-hazardous symptom. During pregnancy, concrete and very visible abdominal transformations occur. For example, its lowering. Every woman happens in different ways: someone has a couple of weeks before childbirth, someone in a couple of days. There are cases when the tummy can fall only a couple of hours before delivery. On the 37th week, the stomach becomes "stone" and future mothers feel oppressive and acute pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

The main thing is to remember that the 37 week of pregnancy is a woman, this is a period that can lead to the beginning of childbirth. Even on a given period of pregnancy, a woman may come prenable and generic contractions.

Some women at the 37 week of pregnancy notice the fact that they have a stomach stone, others noted the appearance of a pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen, less frequent pain at the bottom of the abdomen. If the abdominal hurts during pregnancy, the causes of such a problem can be a whole set.

The reasons for the appearance of pain at the bottom of the abdomen at the 37 week of pregnancy

The Z7th week of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, which may arise due to a number of a wide variety of reasons. At this time, even a weak pain at the bottom of the abdomen (as during the period of menstruation) can talk about the approach of birth. But, if the temperature increases, you znobit or began to isolate blood, it means the problem is much more serious than you thought. In this case, you need to urgently apply to your doctor. Early childbirth can be the main cause of such pains. Therefore, if on the 37 week of pregnancy hurts the bottom of the abdomen as during menstruation without other painful symptoms, it may mean the beginning of the final period of the body of preparation for the labor process.

Future mothers can feel the abdominal pain or spasm. This means that the uterus becomes more. But it may also mean early childbirth. Then the uterus is reduced all the time, as a result of which the cervix opens the cervix. With this process, women usually feel convulsions or pain at the bottom of the belly as during menstruation.

Painting pain at the bottom of the abdomen and at the bottom of the back are usually accompanied by mucous bleeding. In this situation, contact the gynecologist. Sometimes early labor can be predicted by how the transparent mucous membranes are beginning to leave the uterus without a special sharp smell, there may be a pulling pain at the bottom of the lower back, discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen appears. Most often, early childbirth can be determined on time and then you can convey the child to the latter.

The main indicators of early pregnancy:

1 Spasms arising every ten minutes and more often. The belly at this moment is very tense.

2 Pressure on the pelvic area. It seems that the baby is pushing and presses down.

3 Spasms, convulsions, in many respects similar to those that during menstruation.

There are other signs of early childbirth. For example, blood extraction or mucus, a pain at the bottom of the back.

As a possible cause of pain in the lower abdomen on the 37 week of pregnancy is the gap of the placenta or pain round bundle. If spasms are accompanied by abundant blood release, you should urgently apply for help from a specialist. Most pregnant women experience tolerant pain at the bottom of the abdomen at 37 weeks and throughout the pregnancy. The main reasons are constipation, gases or stretching of the uterus.

It is possible that the pain of a round bundle will turn into an acute pain in one side of the abdomen or immediately in both. Although usually, the pain is most pronounced on the right. But such a pain in the stomach is easy to hug - for this you just need to relax or change the pose. The pain of a circular ligament subsides, if you lie down on the other side that does not hurt.

Round bundle pain at 37 week of pregnancy

The most frequent abdominal pain on the 37th week is the pain of a round bundle. This is a standard phenomenon that happens during the usual pregnancy in the 37th week. The uterus of the future milf reminds a pear of small sizes. One of the thick connections that keeps the uterus is called a round bundle. Since the uterus becomes more and harder, these links are lengthened, become thinner and something resemble round gum. The pain at the bottom of the abdomen flashes precisely when the breaking of these connections on susceptible areas and nerve endings. Reducing a round ligament provokes a strong abdomen pain as during menstruation that can scare a future mammy.

The pain of a circular ligament may appear even after a minor physical load. But, fortunately, not all women feel this pain in the stomach. However, cardinal transformations in the body during pregnancy occur absolutely to all women and this is due to the fact that the child grows inside you.

Other reasons that cause abdominal pain at the 37th week of pregnancy

Very often, future mothers feel acute and sharpening pain, the cause of which serious diseases can become. For example, the inflammation of the appendix, which is on the right. A pregnant woman refuses meal, her sick, the temperature rises. And the more appendicitis, the stride becomes the stroth stronger. Due to the fact that the uterus increased, sometimes pain at the bottom of the abdomen with an inflamed appendix pregnant women can feel at the top of the abdomen.

Sharp and stretching abdominal pains during pregnancy, especially at the stages of completion of the fetal tool, can appear for very serious reasons, so tighten with a visit to the doctor if the abdominal is strongly hurts during pregnancy, if the lower back is very much. It is recommended when strongly pulling pain in the field of abdominal Niza appear, immediately seek help to the doctor, and if necessary, to cause an ambulance care, especially when sudden sharp pain appeared at the bottom of the abdomen.

Possible pain in the appendages. This is due to the rupture of the cyst, which causes a sharp sharp pain in a woman. If you have risen the temperature, the stomach hurts on the 37 week of pregnancy, if you are ill, you experience pain when urinary and it is difficult for you to move - urgently consult a doctor. You need to go through an ultrasound examination of the pelvis and find out whether it is worthwhile to fear for your health and health of your baby.

If you expect twins - then the 37th week can become for you and kids decisive. Most often twins appear on the world just on the 37th week.

Do not forget that only your gynecologist can find out what to find the real cause of pain at the bottom of the abdomen. And, most importantly, he will tell you what needs to be taken, will calm you. But in no case do not do self-medication. It can be dangerous for you and for your who has not yet born baby.

Allocations on the 37 week of pregnancy

Allocations on the final weeks of pregnancy, especially for 37, 38 or 39 weeks of pregnancy, can go gradually or immediately stick with a whole stream. Normal discharge from the vagina on the 37 week of pregnancy should be transparent and should not have a sharp smell. The discharge on the 37 week of pregnancy from the vagina usually signals that a vaginal stopper comes out of the body. Such a mucous plug looks like a large lump of mucus, which, according to its size, usually does not exceed the pair of tablespoons.

If a woman has abundant bleeding on the 37 week of pregnancy, you should seek as soon as possible for help to the doctor, because Abundant bleeding at this week of pregnancy can talk about the placenta detachment.

At the 37 week of pregnancy, the fruit is considered to be donated. It would seem that it would be possible to give birth, but the child has its own opinion on this subject: to appear on the light, it can choose any day and an hour over the next 4-5 weeks.

Development of a child on this period

The fetus at the 37 week of intrauterine development is active preparation for the emergence of:

  • the gun is disappearing, covering the whole body;
  • brain neurons are covered with myelin shell;
  • hardened nasal and ear cartilage;
  • the hair on the head reaches 1-5 cm;
  • the daily increase in subcutaneous fatty fiber is 14-15 grams;
  • nails are lengthened.

Adrenal glands are ready for emission of adaptation hormones. The lungs are ripe, and the intercostal muscles are developed. In addition to the rapid sleep phase, the child is mastering the slow phase during which the muscles relax, brain activity is reduced.

Length and weight of the fetus

The kid's growth is approximately 48 cm, and the body weight is 2.8 kg. But the boundaries of the normal body length and mass are wide enough, so the norm of the norm on this period will be the growth of both 46 and 50 cm, and the weight of 2.6 to 3.3 kg.

What happens in the body

If until this point pulling pain at thenime of the abdomen, there was no more - wait for them to 37-38 weeks of pregnancy. This is a pelvic bone, soften and draw the ligaments of the pelvic bottom. So the body is preparing for childbirth.

The uterus is now maximum volume - 4-5 liters. It presses on the bladder, so the urination can be disturbed by the future mother several times overnight. For the same reason, the smallest urine leaks occur with laughter and cough.

Standard weight gain at 37 week - 11-13 kg. 14-15 kg is considered the norm for women, with an initially low mass body. A weight set from 16 or more is extra kilograms that do not benefit neither baby nor mom. What to do with them? At least not to give!

Go to innocent fermented milk products, stew vegetables, fruits, bread from coarse grinding flour, lean meat, fish and egg dishes. From which it costs flatly refuse, it is from carbonated drinks, baking and sweets, including useful marshfish, marmalade and pastes, as well as ice cream, smoked and pickled products, pork, chocolate.

Harbingers of birth

The harbingers are a complex of symptoms for which you can determine the preparedness of the body to childbirth.

The first harbinger is the desired belly. This noticeably not only visually, but also feeling - retreats pressure on the diaphragm, and the future mother for the first time in the last 2-3 months breathes with full breasts.

Abundant and thick discharge, light, mucous, sometimes with strengths of blood - this is a released plug. Almost all the pregnancy, she covered the neck of the uterus, and now the need for it disappeared. But do not rush to run in the hospital. Sometimes the plug leaves for 6-7 days before the start of the generic activity.

Diarrhea and nausea, not caused by poisoning, as well as the inexpressive loss of 1-1.5 kg - another characteristic feature. Like the slowdown of the kid's movements. Everything is obvious here: the body is exempt from the ballast, and the child is gaining strength before entering the final direct.

Training struggles have become stronger and last longer. Sometimes they are so similar to real, even doctors are mistaken. In fact, false contractions from true to distinguish easy:

  • they are easily removed by the warm shower and the admission of antispasmodics;
  • characterized by an irregular cutting frequency;
  • when walking, the pain calms down and no longer enhanced over time.

Please note that the intensity and duration of the harbingers at primordin and repeatedly differ greatly. For example, if at first-night women from the date of omitting the abdomen and waste of the traffic jam to the appearance of a baby takes 1-7 days, then repeatedly with the same symptoms should be hurried - childbirth will most likely begin during the day.

In repeated duration of the forerunners less, and the generic process itself, as a rule, passes faster. Take this point, planning things and trips.

Hazards and complications

Unfortunately, none of the complications of 37 weeks of pregnancy can not be considered empty. Major hazards 3:

  1. Gestosis, one of the symptoms of which are strong and resistant edema;
  2. Hypoxia of the fetus, the cause of which can be both the pathology of the placenta and infection, the curse of the umbilical cord, etc.;
  3. Premature celaiming placenta arising from both prestosis and in the injury of belly, multi-way, exacerbation of the disease, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure (diabetes mellitus, fetal blood and mothers in the rhesus and group, thyroid pathology, adrenal glands, etc.).

We wrote about the edema and the danger of gestosis in the previous reviews of the calendar of the third trimester.

Hypoxia is diagnosed with CTG, but the main estimate factor becomes the intensity of the kid's movements. Keep track of them yourself, notice deviations towards a sharp gain or vice versa, weakening.

Premature placental detachment is a state that requires urgent medical care. The main sign of the detachment is bleeding. Allocations may be abundant or not very. When blood cluster between the placenta and the rear wall of the uterus of bleeding may not be! But there are obscure pains, spilled around the abdomen. The uterus is strained, the stomach takes an asymmetrical shape, and the woman complains about dizziness, rapid breathing, sweating, weakness. With the slightest signs of such a state, it is important to get to the doctor as soon as possible.

If well-being allows, walk and breathe fresh air as often as possible. In the absence of contraindications, swimming classes, gymnastics for pregnant women and even sex. Moderate physical activity of the child only benefit!

Do not hurry to get rid of things that were fitted for 5-7 months of pregnancy.

A small postpartum tummy will leave only after 1-2 months, and the restoration of the premium-shaped form, depending on the age and metabolic rate, will take from 2 months to 1 year. The wardrobe of the second trimester is still useful!

37 week of pregnancy - time to check if you all bought the baby to the baby and did everyone notify everyone about what gifts are preferred. Perform an inventory to do not waste time and nerves on emergency purchases.