Dating in Sweden and Men from Sweden. The most terrible mystery of Swedish men

This old Russian saying is fully relevant for you, girls, if you married abroad.If you are already sitting on the suitcases or just think to sit down on them, stop for a minute and read this stovetka.

I really want to hope that you found a wonderful person with whom you want to live the rest of your life. It is understandable, compared to most of our Russian men, foreign husbands seem to be fabulous princes. And they do not leave in the river, many do not even smoke, and they can help them, and their life is somehow arranged, with an apartment / house / car, and they do not terrorize you by the eternal requirements of the type bring - feed - take away. It is clear that the most real live prince, yes? ;-)))

After 16 years in Sweden, I would answer "maybe yes, and maybe not." 80% - no, and only in
20% - yes. Dévitsa, I feel sorry for me and insulting for the fact that you, in most cases, fall into some fool's networks about which you, being on the other side of the border, and have no idea. And it is difficult to guess this.

I looked at somehow a couple of documentary films about the grooms from the overseas countries, looked at himself and his girlfriends, and I came to the sad conclusion: these seekers of Russian wives, foreign grooms are not quoted in the marital markets in their countries. Their last chance to find his wife is to go for her to Russia. In 80% of cases. There are also the other 20% but there are no specials with them and therefore I will not write about them here.

After all, who is going something, it is with the aim of finding his wife? Postmen from states, shepherds from Greece, working people from Sweden and Germany. Of course, of course there are people and with higher education who found you on the Internet ... But the essence is that everyone has something wrong with them. Or they are old, or small, or poor, or socially so compound that the woman is afraid to approach. And maybe they live in such regions of the country where a woman of indigenous origin does not stop foot. That is, there is a reason because of which they are not in demand.

How do you like this thought? ;-)))) Mashet handle? ;-))) Let even an old but Swede / Englishman / American? All is better than (comparatively) Young Russian. I also thought exactly so. And then made sure that age 50+, or a large age difference between you, leads to other negative consequences. For example, what they are, our future lynaleks have already traveled around the world, they would have worked out and already abandoned all their plans to achieve any heights in his career. They raised children (until a certain age), and in fact they want only peace and a pleasant measured life with a young beautiful woman who does not put any special demands.

And here you come, 35-year-old, educated clever and beauty that essentially began to enjoy life and tends him, her husband, various wishes. Trips, new kids, the desire of a career. Who will convince whom you think? ;-))) Without receiving support, you will start "fuck" like candle. This is not to mention that in the event of unemployment, your beauty will not be able to find a new job. And there is age-related discrimination.

But God is with him with age, and with increasing, and with the lack of social skills. It will be much more difficult if your narrowed crying economic situation has. That's really a pipe. And in the deplorable situation you can get in two ways: lose your job / go bankrupt or turn out to be a debtor.

The debt of your narrowed can be obtained for example for non-payment of alimony and it very quickly reaches large sizes, as interest percentage goes. Together with the current payment, this can lead to a large monthly cost.

Another type of debt is non-payment of taxes. It may be taxes from the sale of houses / apartments or from the sale of goods / services in their own enterprise. The state is such an attitude to taxes, as it does not like and these debts never say goodbye. That is, a person pays them to the very death.

Conclusion, directly or indirectly you, getting income, will pay the debts of your beloved.

In order for you not to please this debt point, you would be fine in advance to devote the following information:

- Availability of work or enterprises of the beloved. With address, telephone, native classes, home page, enterprise economy. It would be nice to know what kind of salary he has, how much he pays for the house / apartment, etc.

- Availability of children Which he pays alimony. As I said, it can be quite large expenses, especially if there are 2-3-4-5 kids up to 18 years.

- The presence of any debt: to the state, relatives, acquaintances, friends. My former husband was owned by everyone. But relatives and friends familiar over time waved on it with her hand, that is, ceased to demand their money back. But the state was distinguished and made him sell the house and pay debts monthly to his very death. Even when he was diagnosed with lung cancer, it was not retreated and did not say: "But okay, forgive." It demanded its money to the end.

What else should I remember

Many Swedish men with the joy of calling you married and offer a civil marriage. They argue that in Sweden it is very common and such marriage is no different from the official. The truth is common. But they dare dogs. The difference is that if you understand with him, then you will not be able to share the property in half. As in a registered marriage.

What he bought and what he owned to your marriage is all it. The fact that you have come together, a new apartment / house and things in the house, this is divided into half. But it is not money on the account of the action, or other securities, etc. Remember the accommodation, if you purchased it together, and what is in the house! Money on account and securities are inherited to children. And if they are not then their parents, and even then brothers-sisters.The same if Lälechka will die.

Outside there are girls. Do not be sad. ;-))) Even two. First, it's all the same to marry him. If he agrees. Or the second, write a mutual testament, where you tell someone from you inherit.

On the other hand, even if you marry him, he can "ask you" to sign a marriage contract. And there it is written that in the case of a divorce you do not apply for his property. And also with a beautiful foam at the mouth, you will assure you that the marriage contract is completely normal for Sweden. Or for what other country.

I do not know how where but in Sweden it is really a normal phenomenon. When marriage, oooooochen rich people and marriages with foreigners.

Well, I completely skid my head? ;-))) Forgive me. But believe me, no one will tell you in advance. And when you yourself know maybe it will be too late to do anything.

Good luck to you! ;-))

This old Russian saying is fully relevant for you, girls, if you married abroad.If you are already sitting on the suitcases or just think to sit down on them, stop for a minute and read this stovetka.

I really want to hope that you found a wonderful person with whom you want to live the rest of your life. It is understandable, compared to most of our Russian men, foreign husbands seem to be fabulous princes. And they do not leave in the river, many do not even smoke, and they can help them, and their life is somehow arranged, with an apartment / house / car, and they do not terrorize you by the eternal requirements of the type bring - feed - take away. It is clear that the most real live prince, yes? ;-)))

After 16 years in Sweden, I would answer "maybe yes, and maybe not." 80% - no, and only in
20% - yes. Dévitsa, I feel sorry for me and insulting for the fact that you, in most cases, fall into some fool's networks about which you, being on the other side of the border, and have no idea. And it is difficult to guess this.

I looked at somehow a couple of documentary films about the grooms from the overseas countries, looked at himself and his girlfriends, and I came to the sad conclusion: these seekers of Russian wives, foreign grooms are not quoted in the marital markets in their countries. Their last chance to find his wife is to go for her to Russia. In 80% of cases. There are also the other 20% but there are no specials with them and therefore I will not write about them here.

After all, who is going something, it is with the aim of finding his wife? Postmen from states, shepherds from Greece, working people from Sweden and Germany. Of course, of course there are people and with higher education who found you on the Internet ... But the essence is that everyone has something wrong with them. Or they are old, or small, or poor, or socially so compound that the woman is afraid to approach. And maybe they live in such regions of the country where a woman of indigenous origin does not stop foot. That is, there is a reason because of which they are not in demand.

How do you like this thought? ;-)))) Mashet handle? ;-))) Let even an old but Swede / Englishman / American? All is better than (comparatively) Young Russian. I also thought exactly so. And then made sure that age 50+, or a large age difference between you, leads to other negative consequences. For example, what they are, our future lynaleks have already traveled around the world, they would have worked out and already abandoned all their plans to achieve any heights in his career. They raised children (until a certain age), and in fact they want only peace and a pleasant measured life with a young beautiful woman who does not put any special demands.

And here you come, 35-year-old, educated clever and beauty that essentially began to enjoy life and tends him, her husband, various wishes. Trips, new kids, the desire of a career. Who will convince whom you think? ;-))) Without receiving support, you will start "fuck" like candle. This is not to mention that in the event of unemployment, your beauty will not be able to find a new job. And there is age-related discrimination.

But God is with him with age, and with increasing, and with the lack of social skills. It will be much more difficult if your narrowed crying economic situation has. That's really a pipe. And in the deplorable situation you can get in two ways: lose your job / go bankrupt or turn out to be a debtor.

The debt of your narrowed can be obtained for example for non-payment of alimony and it very quickly reaches large sizes, as interest percentage goes. Together with the current payment, this can lead to a large monthly cost.

Another type of debt is non-payment of taxes. It may be taxes from the sale of houses / apartments or from the sale of goods / services in their own enterprise. The state is such an attitude to taxes, as it does not like and these debts never say goodbye. That is, a person pays them to the very death.

Conclusion, directly or indirectly you, getting income, will pay the debts of your beloved.

In order for you not to please this debt point, you would be fine in advance to devote the following information:

- Availability of work or enterprises of the beloved. With address, telephone, native classes, home page, enterprise economy. It would be nice to know what kind of salary he has, how much he pays for the house / apartment, etc.

- Availability of children Which he pays alimony. As I said, it can be quite large expenses, especially if there are 2-3-4-5 kids up to 18 years.

- The presence of any debt: to the state, relatives, acquaintances, friends. My former husband was owned by everyone. But relatives and friends familiar over time waved on it with her hand, that is, ceased to demand their money back. But the state was distinguished and made him sell the house and pay debts monthly to his very death. Even when he was diagnosed with lung cancer, it was not retreated and did not say: "But okay, forgive." It demanded its money to the end.

What else should I remember

Many Swedish men with the joy of calling you married and offer a civil marriage. They argue that in Sweden it is very common and such marriage is no different from the official. The truth is common. But they dare dogs. The difference is that if you understand with him, then you will not be able to share the property in half. As in a registered marriage.

What he bought and what he owned to your marriage is all it. The fact that you have come together, a new apartment / house and things in the house, this is divided into half. But it is not money on the account of the action, or other securities, etc. Remember the accommodation, if you purchased it together, and what is in the house! Money on account and securities are inherited to children. And if they are not then their parents, and even then brothers-sisters.The same if Lälechka will die.

Outside there are girls. Do not be sad. ;-))) Even two. First, it's all the same to marry him. If he agrees. Or the second, write a mutual testament, where you tell someone from you inherit.

On the other hand, even if you marry him, he can "ask you" to sign a marriage contract. And there it is written that in the case of a divorce you do not apply for his property. And also with a beautiful foam at the mouth, you will assure you that the marriage contract is completely normal for Sweden. Or for what other country.

I do not know how where but in Sweden it is really a normal phenomenon. When marriage, oooooochen rich people and marriages with foreigners.

Well, I completely skid my head? ;-))) Forgive me. But believe me, no one will tell you in advance. And when you yourself know maybe it will be too late to do anything.

Good luck to you! ;-))

After receiving a letter from the Swedish man, some girls immediately imagine mountain villages with beautiful houses or a large lake. It happens for the simple reason that Sweden is often confused with Switzerland. These are different countries.

For knowledgeable people, Sweden is the country of Astrid Lindgren and its funny heroes of fairy tales, these are cars "Volvo" and "Saab." And for the ladies of "Balzakovsky age" - it is also a memory of school discos to the music of the Abba group.

Many girls would like to marry the Swedes. High blondes, high standard of living, leisure and measured life -. This is how many ladies are life in Sweden. But it must be remembered that the high standard of living itself does not happen. To do this, you need to work a lot and stick to many rules and laws.

If a woman has a marriage with a Sweden, it is natural that it will be disturbed by the problem of language. It is no secret that Swedish does not apply to the number of lung languages. It is very important to learn to perceive the language by rumor, and gradually learn to think in the language. But not everyone can get rid of the Slavic accent.

What national features of Swedish men need to get used to:

1. Swedes are difficult to converge with people. They are home. At the same time, in Sweden there are a lot of different associations in interest, problems, diseases. Such associations do not give any benefits and privileges. Simply, uniting, people feel more comfortable among their one-edibles.

2. What non-unprecedented non-pieces about Swedish families. Yes, they have guest marriages. People live apart, although they love each other, have children. But they live apart. They have families where a man and a woman live all their lives together, and without making wedding rites. But they love and suffer the same as in any other country.

Look at the Films of Ingmar Bergman or at least read his book "Scenes from married life." And much about the Swedes will become clearer. If a woman gathered married to Sweden, she should read the books of Swedish writers, try to understand the traditions of this country.

3. For many years, the Swedes were famous for their tolerance to foreigners. But too much of the immigrants from different countries, with distant treasures from Swedish cultural and religious traditions, has become a certain problem for Swedish society. All this led to the fact that the Swedes became much worse to treat foreigners. We wrote about it in.

4. Attitude towards Russian deserves special attention. Unfortunately, some criminal elements created by the Russians in the 90s in the 90s led to a wary relation to our compatriots.

At the same time, the Swedes give tribute to hard work and the mind of those Russians who found their place in the Swedish life. Russian wives for many Swedes were an excellent incentive to move up the social staircase. There are negative examples of marriages between the Swedes and the Russians, but many such examples in other countries.

5. As for the standard of living, there are small salary in Sweden. However, here people with such salaries have a lot of benefits and subsidies. All these subsidies are taken from the pocket of those who earn a lot. Therefore, in recent years, dissatisfaction in the Swedish society has increased by too high level of subsidies for those who earn little and lives well at the expense of benefits and benefits.

6. How to spend money. Not once a different approach to the expenses of the family budget caused a distribution in international families. It would be nice to know in advance about certain traditions of family spending. Swedes love spacious housing. Heating of such housing requires considerable costs. But the Swedes show a considerable in search of various economical technologies.

The system of catering is developed very well. In any Swedish city, many different cafes and restaurants. The food in them is good, but not cheap. However, for the Swedes, dinner in a restaurant or cafe is not a luxury.

Related Swedes live in removable apartments, go on small maternity. But their standard of living can not be called low. Some of the emigrants, as well as local drug addicts and alcoholics cannot afford this standard of living. At the same time, the abyss will not give them. Bevel of rich people in Sweden are very small. The high level of taxes makes its business. And his wealth is not accepted here.

7. Resting the Swedes prefer families. The older people choose the calm resorts of Europe, love to visit museums and various monuments of antiquities. Young people travel around the world. A special group is Swedish pensioners. In the country, it is customary to make pension accumulations that allow them to have a comfortable life.

A lot of parks and forest parks makes it possible to relax at home without leaving the country. Modern cottage villages, nice landscape design, beautiful and well-groomed trees, flowers and shrubs make eyes everywhere.

In any Swedish city there is not one swimming pool. And these pools are available at a price to any resident of the country.

Merry feast with alcohol not accepted. There are lovers to drink, but traditionally the Swedes prefer other "types of rest."

8. Swedes do not like to divorce. Legislation protects the rights of both binding. With whom the court will leave the child in the event of a divorce - it is difficult to guess. If you think about divorce with the Swede, you will first consider the possibility of a child's export from the country.

Our women are accustomed to that one statement is enough: "I am a mother." In the Swedish court it is not an argument. The decision will be made in favor of the parent who will choose a child or who can provide the best education and a comfortable child's stay. The moral level will be taken into account, and the reputation of each of the parents.

To remove the child born in marriage with the Swede, you will not work if the former spouse will not give consent. Employees of the border service are very picky.

Get married to Sweden is possible and tempting. But before it is necessary to decide for yourself how ready you to take their traditions and mentality.

Alexandra, especially for the site.

February 01, 2011.

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53 comments to " National Features of Swedish Men, to which you need to get used to

  1. Alinka:

    Dear girls! Before you get married for the Swedes, think very and very well. From my experience I want to say that many are very lazy, false and heartless. Or maybe I'm not so lucky? Get married for Russian men, even if it seems to you that they are bad. Believe me, the Swede may be worse.

  2. Tatiana:

    Dear girls! Alinka is simply not lucky. Very sorry. Among any people there are goats and d'Artena. We have too different a look at life. And if there is no possibility and desire to put up with it, get married Russian. But you can try to find your happiness with the Swede too. I found. What do you want))))

  3. Yulia:

    Yes, the difference in mentality is of course there is a big, but I would say that their mentality is far from the worst :)) So if you want to get used to it.
    The article is very much written about a high standard of living, but do not excuse that there will be gold mountains here. This is a completely different country and wealth is not accepted here at all ... If you like fur, gold, heels, expensive cars and Ponte is a country not for you. But lovers of nature, calm and ascetic existence here.

  4. Natalia:

    I can only confirm the words of Julia! Sweden Country where nature and man is one.
    Agriculture is well developed!
    You know ... When I got into a supermarket for the first time, and saw wandering buyers ... .. I had a shock .... Many of them were dressed as they got, but about shoes in general, I am silent .... They do not bother with cleaning their shoes. In general - freedom in everything!
    Now my eyes got bored with that.
    But I want to say the main thing is to be wonderful, beautiful landscapes! Everywhere lakes, forests ... Bambubi graze on the lawns ... .. And the people themselves (Swedes) - they are soft and friendly!

  5. Natik:

    Yes, I read and crazy almost left, nonsense. They are polite in the eyes, and they don't like the visitors at all. Clastunov is enough, I almost all poured in my area and all the Swedes. As much as a slutty life from family people I am still amazed and live in Sweden 4 years. Russian girls and Ukrainians get married, and then they complain that there is a swede-type type, and some in the winter to the street in minus 30 were expelled and even at night. Here you have friendly Swedes. And they suffer their poor things and suffer await when they get permissions and then they want to divorce. Here you and pretty, friendly. The Council can give, get married in Sweden for men from countries from the former USSR !! Council is the best, and no offense will not give up. And they do not mind these and not a pity that married the Swedes and then ammounted ... Confident sealer

  6. Anya:

    Natik How can you contact you? I plan to move to Sweden there are a few questions to you. better think in a personal

  7. Anya:

    Yes, they all do not like migrants)))) I will tell you a secret)) I herself herself about the Swedes - they certainly encourage gay, lesbian, etc., even the festival. Of course, I do not understand this and do not accept. The Swedes are cruel, I saw how they scream in children with an extreme cry. Uncommunicable they can say 100%. I flew from Sweden and I was sitting next to the Swede at the age - not a word did not say, only smiling ridiculous)))) Russians will always start talking, something to ask - and the Swedes never. Drink, then they drink, but not as of course as before. And what kind of greedy - they consider each penny, the plan for each month is on the products, do not let the God bother. Hold, when they treat the restaurant or cafe, everyone pays for himself. They are very economical husbands, unnecessary from the clothes, the ladies do not buy. Of course, it is certainly married to migrants that have constant citizenship. It is better than to divorce.

    • Alexandra:

      You can contact me. I live in Sweden for almost 2 years. By the way, in a happy marriage with the Swede.
      [Email Protected]

  8. Slayer:

    Sweden is Black Metal (and not the aforementioned stupid Popus group and a talentless paper)

  9. Oxana:

    How everything correctly said oh the smart. And check checks after shops and try not to show what I spent. Very greedy and cruel and in general, we will never understand them.

  10. Aleksandra:

    Lord, well, what nonsense))))
    Well, this is the same thing about the Russians to talk "Every evening a bottle of vodka drink with your bears, and then beats his wives with balalaikas. All Russians are so! "
    Do not judge a person by nation. In all countries there are greedy, and jealous, and drinking and so on. Call me at least one nation on which you will not find on the Internet bad feedback as husbands! England, Pakistanis, Poles, Greeks, can Americans? Is this the "ideal marriage nation"?
    Regarding my personal experience, in 2 years in Sweden I have already acquired girlfriends here, somewhere married to the Swedes, something in Russian. So, with the Swedes, the girls are happier, even though marriages in most and calculation. They are just on their hands wearing, love and tenderness. But with Russian husbands problems.
    As a woman will put themselves in a relationship, it will be a man with her. And handle it as it will allow. So, girls, your happiness in your hands, and it does not matter from which country the husband is important

    • Natalia:

      Alexander Hello, was last year in the summer of 2 weeks in Sweden and just fell in love with this country! I realized that I want to live in Sweden! I want to ask if you let you get acquainted with your husband, heard that there are some dating sites on the Internet. But he also heard a lot of marriage chairs, advise something))) 😉

  11. Mira:

    Kak Je Nado Ne Lyubit Svoego Rebenka Chtobi Jelat Emu Jit 'v Rossii! Pust 'Jivet V Civilizovannoy Shvecii. Ya I Sama Ne Hochu V Rossiyu Ni Za Chto!

  12. Alyona:

    And I want to go to Sweden to buy a house, work and live. If there is aware of it - to know with a normal man. There are a lot of free men. The chapter and understand the features of the national character of the Swede and take the living conditions. How does it say "not to climb with a stress in someone else's Monastery »Country Country, beautiful, well-groomed. Matto meet and maintain.

  13. sebastian:\u003dutvlescqi8s#t\u003d4078.
    About Sweden and Norway! Russian girls do not even think about life in Scandinavia countries you have nothing to do!

    • Olga:

      I live here for more than 10 years. And I understood the main thing in this country. This is equality between a man and a woman! In everything! And go here in search of a rich dumping to sit down on her neck and do nothing ... This is exactly a bad idea! It is necessary to have a good education (which is easy to get here) and create a financial base and well-being together. Husbands and joy are engaged in both the house and children. And in general, I must say that the Swedish men are pretty soft, gentle and caring ... If the wife does not bring him a brain, does not require fur coats, diamonds, etc. How are our girls know how to do. There are just other values \u200b\u200bhere. Do not stress, have fun and joy from life!

  14. Elena Johansson:

    AAA I also like my husband Swede. He is very soft in character .. thought a little lazy, calm. But it's cozy with him. He collects dinner every day (as I go to Swedish courses from morning to evening. If I ask, prepares dinner and breakfast in the bed on the weekend it brings me. He is very soulful, warm. We are already 3rd year. I love very much. I love his.

  15. olga:

    i am rewritten with the Swede here and read comments. I am 57 years old, and if this love calls the country, some questions

    • Olga:

      Olya, you must try everything. Return home is never late. But keep in mind that the Swedes are very careful. If he is not poor and there is something to lose, it will be a long time to look closely, to prove ... several times they must meet, know each other well. We are very different. But if you feel that this is your person, you can and push tactfully. But do not frighten your pressure. And live here is cool!

  16. Kristina:

    Accidentally on vacation met the Swede. Explicit interest did not show it, apparently it was even more interested in)) ☺ After each of us has rare in our countries / cities we called .. and ... after 4 days he flew to me. We perfectly spent the week together. But! Sooo, he is not clear to me ... Multicotable ... I could not understand his attitude towards me ... (You, girls, write that they are mostly all such ..?) He flew away "but promised to return")))) if Honestly, I thought it all ended! But! Now he calls me to him ... Unusually, yes?)) So I'm here)) - Monitor all possible sites and forums, trying to understand whether it is necessary to get involved in this Swedish story) I also have small Finnish now. Ir. ... how to tell him that I would have a flight with a flight ... Or if he invites you and pays? Girls-forum users, what do you think? Thank you

    • Alexandra:

      So and tell him. It is not necessary to ask for money, but to say that you now have no financial opportunity to come, you can. You look at what he will say you.

  17. Tatyana.:

    Christina, yes, the Swedes are slow, slightly phlegmatic, frozen, as we speak here. But benevolent, polite and calm. They do not rush in feelings with their heads. When life is prosperous, then there is nowhere to hurry. They may arise unexpectedly in a month and a year and two. This is normal. So you hooked him something, he became interested and did not forget. For them, it is important that the girl had a good education and specialty (although it is easy to get a new profession here). And ... very important! Here there is equality in everything, and the woman provides himself and never sees the neck of a man, and a good social system, benefits for children, at housing .... At first, while you learn the language, while finding a job, it will help you minimally, but it is advisable to have some small finances, at least at first. Therefore, I do not advise you even hint of financial problems. You can immediately scare it. The trip is made to pay in half. And you need to negotiate in advance. Well, in general, the Swede is nice to live, they know how to live beautifully, not tightening. In everyday life, there is also equality, men take both children and homework, it is believed that the woman has already accomplished a great feat. Do not be afraid, maybe your man will be more generous. And the Council ... no scandals and hysterics, they are afraid and do not tolerate even our tears.

    • Kristina:

      And he has an idea of \u200b\u200bmy staks, when I flew here to myself at my own apartment and he knows the economic situation of our country ... and I have repeated about the average zp and he saw our public transport, subway, etc.)) What I saw The money he considers that it would be straight, I would not say ... He was not enough to pay a little to the hotel and he asked me. But later I gave it all at first meetings at the resort and me and my friends at a taxi Salua himself and I myself paid ... that I was surprised, knowing the feature of those MZ, "Everyone pays for himself." Well, I also live on my own I know the expense of the denyuzhka ... and never had the habit of living for whose account .. and sit by someone on the neck ...

    • Kristina:

      And by the way, thank you for the comment

  18. Anya:

    Kridtina! Shvedy Lubjat Kogda Im Govorjat Pravdu I Ne Uljat Tuda-Suda! TAK CHTO GOVORITE EMU VSE KAK EST 'I NENADO ETOGO STESNJAT'SJA! Muzhchiny Shvedy Redko Pokazyvaut Svoi Emocii No Shvedy Ochen Dobryj Narod! Tolko Nado Vsegda Dumat 'Chto I Kak Im Govorish! A to CHTO ON VAS ZOVET-ETO OCHEN DAZHE NEPLOXO, UVIDITE KAK ON ZHIVET I CHEM DYSHIT!

  19. Kristina:

    Thank you, girls that responded! While I gave him a link from the office of the embassy on the fact that he needs to collect certain docks and make me a government and point out there that will be my fin. Spronsor - it seems he agreed that he said that he would say everything to the week and I will send me ... nice. But about the tickets did not yet say, this kind of nature is so mine (((I can not ask for. Later I will write the results of this story.

    • Alexandra:

      We will keep your fists for you!
      Here, by the way, Tatiana wrote that it is necessary to have Fin. stocks at first. We have already been together for 4 years, and I got to work only in the spring, when I finished the last level of Swedish and came out from the decree. All this time, the family contained a husband. There was not a word of reproach, nor a hint. Therefore, again everything depends on a person.

  20. Kristina:

    Good day, girls. As I promised I wrote the continuation of my history ... If anyone is intent and a week, I'm flying to Stockholm. Tickets paid, although "not the first time" 😆 after he sent all his documents and the invitation I was waiting for me that the ticket would pay, and he says: "Well, how to pay the ticket tell me when I wait for you" 😨 😉😆. I say through the day that I have no money for a ticket and that if he wants to come to me ... Answer! - "Very sorry, you needed to say it before ... Before I sent you docks." I am a little pitched as not such a reaction expected. I thought that on this, the whole story would end. But!))) He continued to write me and after a week sent SCSO, that he really wants me to see and thought and ready to make me a gift on DR (just recently I had) and buy me Tickets. Hee hee. I was opened with a visa .. and I already think what things are there to take it)))) Although, if you do not have a fearful feeling, I'm not definite. Here is such a continuation of my Swedish history .... interesting what will happen next

    • Elena:

      We will definitely wait for the continuation of the story. I also want to live in Sweden. But on the sites of dating sites with Russian women they almost do not get acquainted ... ..Deople, how do you get acquainted with your brothers? If you are inordinary, how to meet?

    • Alexandra:

      And what are you really, immediately did not tell him that you do not have the opportunity to pay a ticket? Do not ask. Inform. And there would be no misunderstanding.
      Where does he live? In Stockholm?

  21. Kristina:

    I immediately after the invitation he said that I had some money and TP, and he replied: "Do not worry, I will help you" 😞

  22. Kristina:

    Yes, and he lives in Stockholm

    • Elena:

      Christina, and what is your continuation of your dating story? It is interesting to know very much ...

  23. Anna:

    I got acquainted with the Swede via the Internet, asks my address and telephone to send a bouquet of delivery service. I think it is possible to give? I do not know him at all. Several times corresponded

    • Olga:

      On the Swede, it seems little. Especially immediately make gifts a serious Swede will not. Here, too, there is also enough crooks of all sorts of masters and nationalities .... Ask for Skype or the phone, live easier to understand a person.

  24. Victoria:

    Good day! And I have such a situation. I am very pleased with the advice among girls living in Sweden, which are aware of the intricacies of the mentality. I meet with the Swede 2 months. He flies in Kiev. Before that, I was rewritten 3 months. A total of 5 months. At first he told me his story like this: he only broke up with the former (married officially were married). And the guardian of 2 young children, they have a row - a week with him, she has a week. Then it became a big surprise to me when they flew to rest together. Like friends, for children. And the fact that she lives most of the time with him, not the parents. They say it is so comfortable. Because he is often driving, but most of the things of children in their house. But he says he builds her house. As soon as he is to complete, she will move. What I started to doubt the time ... I had his birthday, which came his former with children and her parents 😯 🙁 😯

    • marie:

      I was alarmed that he was his former "building a house," very much I doubt it is not accepted here. Or sell a house if he is not rented, and make money when divorced, or one who leaves the house to itself, half the cost pays former. Some kind of dubious story.

  25. Victoria:

    Is this a normal situation for the Swedes - a joint long-term accommodation with the former and children to fully clarify financial issues? I initially tried to close my eyes to this situation. But then fell in love and now it is unbearably painful when he returns there. No already 100% confidence. All holidays they are together. Although he says that they live as a brother with a sister and he does not feel anything to her ...

    • Elena Johansson:

      It's hard to say why she !!! Victoria. If something is not suitable for you .. it is not your ... in Sweden just a sea of \u200b\u200bloose men .. With my daughter you can find better ... I know when a woman moved from Ukraine with her daughter .. really good kids .. but you need to look for an option without unnecessary women .. in your life and so that as your daughter also took the sea .. and it turns out as it does not quite rightly ..

  26. Victoria:

    I almost disappeared straight! Thank you for support! Yes, you are right, I feel the injustice of this situation. Although you know, I accidentally met him, I did not seek the Swede. Even at first frightened a little fact that he is a Swede. I am French and English itself. Of course, I would like to move somewhere in the country, whose language I know ... But the feelings took the top over the mind.
    It is also probably upsetting the fact that my child's father does not help and does not participate in her upbringing (this is my former husband - he is Canadian by the way, those throw children). I myself was pulling for a long time for a long time. Now I want a reliable man .. and that the daughter had at least a father, but a man who replaces him .. We are tired of spending all the holidays together .. I really want a real family! There is a new year, and be paired, but again to spend it one thing - it seems nonsense for me.

    • Elena Johansson:

      Swedish husband is a really good husband .. and many know English ... But as I said ... you have a daughter ... You need to find a man without children who will love your girl .. that maybe .. I also got acquainted with my husband On a dating site, but in Moscow .. Now we have the same little girl ... 9 months .. so when we met, we did not even part. Many traveled .. it should be the same .. one future satellite must invest in your child .. only then he will love her ...

  27. Victoria:

    Elena, sorry for the details, you say that you have not even parted. And how he decided the issue with the work. Or did you immediately go to him? An opinion is more interesting why a man with a child will not be able to accept someone else's child? He opposes well on the contrary to my daughter. Although I have not yet seen his children

  28. Cvellana:

    Swedes, especially from the scone, greedy to the status of a diagnosis. If you do not have common children, generally forget about any financial assistance. My rich and older than me for 17 years, the Swede is not fainted by greed, if I ask you to pay me a travel or buy boots.

    • Victoria:

      What a horror! You are a big one, if in someone else's country they will provide themselves!

  29. olga:

    Victoria, it's not a horror! Here are happy those unions where both work and the wife does not sit on the neck of her husband, as our girls are accustomed. But many of our smart and well-educated women are quite happy in marriage with the Swedes. Is it bad to be independent of the husband's money? Country of equal rights, opportunities and responsibilities. It is customary to work part-time when there is a family or children. Swedes value independence and do not rush into new relationships, but they are simply friends with their former almost all their life, not turning into deadly enemies as in Russia. Yes, much comes from Eastern Europe, it is not clear and unnatural. Get ready for the fact that the first time is not easy. After all, emigration is always stress, and not everyone is withstanding it. But believe me that the positive here is much more! And expensive gifts give in big holidays and for a birthday.

  30. Elena.:

    I met the Swede on a dating site. We appreciated each other. He immediately began to communicate with me by e-mail. Theaten was exchanged by phones and communicate via Vomzappu. For the past 45 days we will communicate. It takes to yourself. Even 50% pay the tickets. I will take care of his attention, its attitude to our meeting. We communicate daily. All news. The Russian men do not show such attention. We have been with him from one year of birth and even one constellation. We have completed the institutions of both medical. So the coincidence rarely happens.

Sweden is a European country with a population of 9,000,000 people. This is more than in Norway (4 million), Denmark or Finland (5 MLN), but much less of the UK population (58 million) and especially Germany (81 million).

In the kingdom of Sweden to this day, there are untouched corners of wildlife, priest landscapes without a trace of civilized "improvements", and people, sincerely living in the natural and harmonious rhythm of alternating seasons - alas, about very few European countries can be said to the same. But at the same time, Sweden is a modern and rich country, produced here products are recognized as a standard benchmark, and the level of wealth of population can only be envied as a magnificent social protection system.

Swedes adore nature and can speak on a favorite topic with anyone and how much. Most residents know English, and if you ask a question about the passing in the Swedish city in this language, then almost guaranteed you will understand and answer you.

Another beloved by all residents of Sweden is the object of the National Flag of the Kingdom: two bright yellow stripes crossed on a blue background. Such flags fluttering over the houses and on the flagpoles installed in the gardens, are depicted on postcards and napkins, on packings of cookies and bottled labels, served with christmas trees, festive candles and native cakes. And, of course, to include the national flag in your logo considers your debt hardly every Swedish firm!

Men Sweden: what are they?

As the friendly connections between states are expanding and strengthened, Russian beauties are increasingly conquering Swedish male hearts. And make it right!

On my personal opinion, perfect husbands are obtained from most Swedes. This statement I brought not only on the basis of my own experience, but also watching Swedish families in general.

It is the men of Sweden more than any of the Europeans help their excellent "halves" in domestic affairs. Such a flattering conclusion was made by sociologists of Europe: when comparing the time that the strong floor in different countries spends on cleaning at home, washing, cooking food and care for kids, it turned out - in the Swedish families, these duties are divided between spouses almost equally!

Men of age categories from 20 to 64 years old, who are married, constantly help women in all everyday trifles. It should be noted that it was not always that, and the reason for the current situation is not the increased activity of husbands, but all the increasing workload of wives at work.

As sociological studies show, the average spouse-schople willingly accepts up to 40% of all homework. Men Finland and Norway are held with a slight margin. But the wives of Italians and Spaniards can be arms: in these countries, men have the least help women in the house.

What is a typical Swedish man? He is a few and shy, sentimental and inclined to obey, reliable and principled - that is, it has all the qualities to become a wonderful spouse and the caring father of the child of his chosen. The Swedes have golden hands, which he gladly attaches to the arrangement of the house; This man is aware of what a children's stroller needs, and how to change the diaper with a routing baby. The individualist Natura of the Swedes makes him alone, which is comfortable in the workplace, in a mountain hike - or in a country cottage, which he without tired and will improve with love.

Women and men Sweden unites unique quality: the ability to "diagnose" personal and family relationships. It does not matter if the relationship between a social plan or just sexual pleasure - they disassembled around the bones without any constraint, they are analyzed, studied in comparison of the perception of both parties. For the Swedes, questions are natural: "Did you like it?", "And if you think of something that is that next time it was even better?" Such an unceremonious approach to personal theme is sometimes shocked by foreigners, but serves as a good hardening method for adaptation in the Swedish medium.

But it's pleasantly surprising and attracts attention, this is a very healthy atmosphere in the Swedish family. Wife stands at the slab, and the husband lies on the tacht in front of the TV?! This is not to see in Sweden! Everything is done together, from general cleaning to cooking dinner. It will not surprise anyone, unless the tired man who came from work is covered on the table until the spouse is engaged in children; It may well be the opposite, but it is for everyone. And most importantly, both spouses are enjoyed that they are doing a household together.

The phrase, which Swedish men explain their altruism, should be recorded in the Book of Wisdom with gold letters: "If I don't help you in your home care, where do you get the time to take care of me?!"

Respect + Independence \u003d Swedish Formula

Men of Europe are fundamentally different from men in Russia. They know exactly what they want to achieve, set themselves and successfully solve life tasks. They are persistent, full of healthy ambitions are capable of planning, and therefore successful and competitive! They do not need a vest in the face of his wife (mistress, mother, daughters, and so on), in which you can climb and comfort. They remain amazing lovers even when the romantic pre-wedding period ends, and gorgeous in the married bed over long years. They love children without sharing them on strangers and their own. And they are also interesting multifaceted personalities, strong professionals, with a wide range of and curious hobbies. Holders of tightened figure, energetic and sports. And, sorry for the nuance, always smells well and have clean nails.

In European countries, a man since childhood is accustomed to independence in everyday life and does not expect a woman to serve it. As a result, he is looking for a homemade man, but a partner spouse.

Easy to be educated in Sweden: all types of education are completely free. Yes, not only children learn without any payment, but you yourself can sit at any time at the university desk, regardless of age! Up to 90% of the Swedes and Swedes have a higher education, as you can learn all your life. Even the scholarship will pay: minimal or, if you want, increased - but it will be necessary to compensate after the device to work. Of course, for visitors there is a time to master the tongue in the special system "Swedish for foreigners" (SFI). Be curious, persistent, and you will succeed!

Another barcode to the portrait of Swedish men: they highly appreciate the feeling of freedom and are in no hurry to impose on themselves the bonds of marriage. In the country, such a kind of partnership as "Samba" is very popular - accommodation together with the uniform distribution of expenditures on the household.

Take into account: Swedes flashed as a torch!

To happily get married at an attractive foreigner, among Swedish men, it is not necessary to look for the youngest, the ideal option will be a man from 40 years old and older. Swedes long-livers who preserve their sexual activity and give it great importance; This contributes to the lifestyle itself - permanent sports activities, balanced and full nutrition, a stable social situation, a friendly climate.

Make a marriage in Sweden easily, and just as easy to divorce if the spouses have no common children. Printing for marriage registration or its termination in the passport is not affixed. The best option is to register a marriage in that state where you are going to live with your husband. Being a legitimate wife, you automatically acquire the same social security that we use the citizens of Sweden, and the same legitimate rights, receive the right to live in the territory of the kingdom, to travel around the country and beyond. For marriage, only a passport is required and certificate that you have not previously been married or officially divorced.

Men Sweden will be happy to surround you with romance, will be presenting surprises, give beautiful underwear, inviting candles for dinner, accompany in ocean cruises. They know how to appreciate the beautiful, differ in openness and cheerfulness, are very sociable. Russian women are presented by the beauties, the best in the world who can delightly demonstrate their advantages. You can walk in any clothes and behave like anything - the Swedish husband will still be delighted with your style and exquisite taste.

More Swedes are gourmets, adherents of home comfort and home meal. But do not be discouraged if you are not a goddess in the kitchen: the husband will still respect your individual approach to business and with pleasure to try everything you cook.

Finally, I would like to note that in Sweden it is very comfortable to live, this is a beautiful country. People here, as everywhere, very different, but I am as a representative of the IBA "Svetlana" is ready to help understand Swedish culture, social environment, as quickly as possible adapting in the new conditions.

Sweden is waiting for you!

Not trying to approve the immutable truths, I tried to draw you an objective picture of a Swedish life and give a few tips, which seem important to me.

Dear girlfriends reading this article! Do not forget that in it only general information, and each person remains unique, and your chosen one will not necessarily approach the average image. But I want to believe that my story will help you make a really happy choice for many years of marriage.

Happiness and love you, dear women!
Are you ready to marry the Swedes?

What do we know about Sweden? Someone comes to mind a story about a funny fat man with a motor behind his back, which became known to the world due to the efforts of the Swedish writer Astrid Lintgren. And more modern and landed at the mention of Sweden recall IKE and Hasseld Beloblad, Volvo and Saab, as well as the famous Quartet of Abba.

And for many of our compatriots, Sweden is a dream country, a country that is capable of solving all the vital problems, and easily and easily. Of course, many people consider living in Sweden - almost the highest in Europe, despite the fact that this country is practically not part of the EU. So, the Swedes have something to lose, and therefore there is something to offer new citizens - a Swedish leisurely dimension and quiet, fed life in one of the most relaxed and clean corners of the planet.

Is it so wonderful Swedish life? Is it a cloudless future of those who marry the citizens of this country? Let's try to describe everything as it is, without bill.

Mentality and lifestyle

To say that the Swedes are paradoxical as a nation - it means not to say anything. Judge for yourself: in the country, which is the main European supplier of iron ore (about 2% of world production), in the country producing cars and heavy equipment of the world-class, most people experience panic fear of accurate sciences. Yes, yes, no more and no less.

Swedes in the mass of their own - terrible households and owners: the average resident of this northern kingdom is very difficult to converge with people. At the same time, a huge number of public associations are successfully located in Sweden, which unite people in various interests, problems and even diseases. Yes, the presence of a particular chronic disease causes the Swedes to look for the same as he himself. Often, such aspiration is not substantiated by nothing, nor benefits or moral problems. People just gather and communicate, and not always this communication is associated with problems or interests that are uniting them.

In addition, only in Sweden there is one strange custom: people who are officially married can reside separately, meeting sometimes once a week, and often - and once a month. At the same time, they can store loyalty and even love each other special, Swedish, love. There is another extreme - often and thick people live together, without bothering the official registration of relations, and they live with decades, they give birth to children, die, and without concluding the official union.

Dysfasts, people who have violated the read and writing function, make up different estimates from 4 to 8% of the Sweden population. Among dislikes - and the Swedish royal family in full, and many political and social figures.

Since for the average Swedes, communication with equipment and technologies is associated with experiences and breaking of their own consciousness, the percentage of people with disabilities, which has lost its workability as a result of stress, is amazingly high - about 5% of the country's total population. Only due to the well-established social system, these people can lead a normal lifestyle.

Another myth, which asks to be debunking - Swedish tolerance towards foreigners. Of course, there is no explicit discrimination here and close, as well as not and infringement of the rights of immigrants of the first generation. But a foreigner is impossible to take a leadership position in the Swedish company, no circumstances will never be highly professional and personal qualities. The exception is only the nearest neighbors - the Dutch and Norwegians, whose culture is very similar to the Swedish culture and customs.

Attitude to Russian

Attitude towards leaves from Eastern Europe ambiguously. Most Swedes belong to "our" tolerant, but without visible respect, such as, for example, to Finns, Dutch or Americans. Suspiciousness and alertness manifest themselves in communicating, ready to work for responsible positions, in the desire to communicate in neighborhood. And, of course, when taking a job. Other things being equal, among several applicants will choose a led from Western Europe or North America, and only then Russian, Pole or African.

In fairness, we note that a certain discrimination, when taking a job, exists not only with respect to foreigners, and to people over 40, to single women with young children, to young people without confirmed experience.


Working in Sweden is officially, it is possible, in principle, to exist well-sided. This does not mean that there are no small salaries in Sweden. Utility workers, service workers and agricultural workers get quite modest salary.

However, there is a very developed production of high-quality inexpensive things, products, as well as the construction of cheap housing. Yes, and the state actively participates in the life of the socially weak layers, reaching them and providing all the privileges. Such care is paid, of course, from the pocket of a conscientious taxpayer. Accordingly, the tax level in Sweden is very high - up to 60%.

The salary of the Middle Swedish Engineer is about 5,000 US dollars. This, of course, does not mean that the average Swedish engineer is spoiled and bathes in luxury. Most of the salaries eat a rather big one for our standards, the rest goes to the costs and deductions to pension funds.

Sweden is not a country of lawyers. A lawyer here is the same employee or entrepreneur as a bank clerk or an engineer. What can not be said about experts in the field of accurate sciences, electronic windows, builders who earn more than a lot, especially if they have high qualifications and great work experience.


The middle class in Sweden prefers not to buy too cheap goods, taking care of the image and social status. A good car, quite expensive clothes, a big, beautiful house - that is the minimum that the middle swed is owned by the middle of the class.

Here, generally build housing with a scope. Spacious Swedes are often associated with comfort. And since large areas require greater heating, and Sweden is still a northern country, quite serious means are spent on heating dwellings. However, here in the go various innovative technologies, cost-effective and convenient, moreover, strongly reduce heating costs.

Eating in a restaurant in Sweden is not considered luxury. The system of catering is therefore developed incredible. Cafes, cafeterias, restaurants and restaurants - there are a lot of them in any Swedish city, and in most of them you can eat quite homely, but not at all cheap.

In Sweden, of course, not only representatives of the middle class live, although in view of the high taxes in the country in the country. Poor and socially weak layers still have. They are not very visible on the street, because social services work, like everything in this country, as a well-established mechanism. However, recently unemployed, and hence the poor, it becomes more and more, in addition to the internal factors, the economic crisis has also contributed.

Related Swedes, of course, cannot afford spacious private houses and middle-class cars. But this does not mean that they cannot afford to buy accommodation and car in general. They also have the vital benefits, but the class below is not very spacious apartments, predominantly removable, and inexpensive cars, mostly small trap.

Lained property and cannot afford "dealers'" only especially weak layers of a Swedish society - in most emigrants, as well as people suffering from drug addicts and alcoholism.

We can count the rich and very rich people in Sweden. High taxes are doing their job, and the oligarchs are very few here. And those that still exist, live almost the same as middle-class representatives, without special excesses. It is almost impossible to distinguish such a person on the street, except for the car of a prestigious model or on a very expensive o'clock.


Swedes relax are predominantly families, and mostly at home or in neighboring Scandinavian countries. Youth, however, actively travels around the world, preferring exotic countries. The older generation people choose Europe, calm, quiet resorts, or combine trips with visiting museums and various monuments of old days.

Swedish pensioners travel with a scope. Solid pension savings allow them to live no worse than working people, and the presence of free time moves to cruises, long-lasting exits in the old and new light.

Working people and those whose income do not allow you to go to rest, find the opportunity to relax at home. Numerous resort areas right in the city feature, parks and forestarks give such an opportunity. In addition, in any Swedish city, many swimming pools, solariums, rest in which is available to everyone and is not interrupted for the winter.

The feast and consumption of alcohol is not very accepted. This, of course, does not say anything about the fact that the Swedes do not like to drink. But among the huge number of opportunities for recreation and relaxation, alcohol looks more than pale, and most of the country's population prefer to remain sober.

Family and Children

Swedish family is something average in all respects. Swedes are not the most stringent educators, but not the most indifferent to the behavior of children.

The Swedish school gives a fairly high level of education, which, nevertheless, is significantly inferior to the formation of Swiss, British, and often American. In small towns there is a shortage of teachers in schools, and in large cities - the overcrowding of classes. Hence, some of the problems of young Swedes upon admission to universities, and the growth of adolescent crime, which is celebrated by many independent experts. However, the increase in crime by 0.03% per year already turns Swedish society in shock, so it is necessary to draw conclusions.

Recently, family values \u200b\u200bhave been included in fashion. More and more young people prefer old-fashioned marriage ceremonies with weddings and feasts in banquet halls at churches. The concept of "Swedish family", meaning the life of several partners together, is actually absent here.

Puritanism is generally very inherent in the Swedes. Often, the husband and wife are even sleeping separately, sometimes in different rooms, and the sexual education of children is discharged.

Children from Slavic countries are experiencing serious difficulties related to the language. It would seem that children give languages \u200b\u200beasily, because the children's psyche is predisposed to knowledge, and the core brain, like a sponge, absorbs everything new. But the Swedish is so unusual that the child often just becomes a dead end, especially in the first months of his study. In addition, the Swedish school often does not have any special features for teaching children the basics of the language - for this they do not allocate teachers and study hours. Therefore, it is worth thinking hard, whether it is possible to pay the private teacher for in-depth and accelerated training of your child Swedish.

Swedish language

Here is the stumbling block and the problem of many former compatriots. Swedish is extremely difficult to study the Slavs. This is explained by a tangible difference in building proposals and related to this confusion: to master the Swedish, you must first learn to think in this language. And, of course, make a lot of effort. However, learn to speak Swedish without an accent for only people very capable of foreign languages. The average resident of the country recognizes the immigrant in you as soon as you say a few words.

In case of divorce

Divorces in Sweden - rarity. They affect both modern trends and efforts of public institutions in this direction. And the legislation in the event of a divorce is holy on the side of both former spouses. Will the court decides to leave a shared child with you or ex-husband - the question is interesting. Most likely, the decision will be made in favor of who the child will choose.

To remove the son or daughter without the consent of the former spouse - almost unreal. Sweden is not included in the European Union, therefore border control here is unshakable throughout the perimeter, and the Swedish border guards seriously check the documents of traveling from the country. Therefore, if the relationship with your husband becomes too tense, you should not hurry with a divorce, without thinking about the possible removal of the child.


Swedes are quite closed people. In addition, many of them are disabled, as well as soon become those as a result of stress, which is experiencing in the process of work;

The Swedish family, like sexual freedoms in Swedish society, is nothing more than a myth, in fact, everything is exactly the opposite - the average Swede is shoenye and bought;

Since the Swedes are pathologically afraid of the exact sciences, you have if you have one of the most popular specialties, there is an undoubted advantage in the device to work. At the same time, forget and think to occupy even in the distant future chair of the head;

Swedish school education is not the best in Europe, but rather average in all respects;

To remove the child in the event of a divorce without the consent of the biological father - the task is almost impossible.

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