Abortion (termination of pregnancy) - complications and consequences. Take a VS pill to keep the pregnancy? How is a medical abortion Medical abortion at 7 weeks

Abortion at the 7th week of pregnancy can be carried out by various methods. When choosing a specific option, the woman's age, her state of health, and the presence of chronic diseases are taken into account. Taking into account all these factors, the doctor decides whether to perform surgery or interruption with medication.

By the seventh week, the placenta is not yet completely formed, so abortion is considered relatively safe. This means that the consequences for a woman's health are minimal, as is the likelihood of complications.

Preparatory activities

Those wishing to have an abortion at the 7th week of pregnancy need to prepare for such a serious intervention in the body. This preparation consists of several stages:

  • Visiting a doctor, conducting a gynecological examination;
  • Conducting ultrasound of the pelvis;
  • Collection of biomaterial (smears from the genital tract, venous blood) for testing for infections, including hepatitis, HIV, syphilis;
  • Blood clotting tests (coagulograms).

In the case of a clotting disorder, the risk of serious bleeding after an abortion at 7 weeks of gestation increases. Based on the history, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations. As a rule, this applies to women with chronic pathologies of organs and systems.

Features of medical abortion

Termination of pregnancy at the seventh week refers to abortions in the early stages. Most often, in such cases, a medical method is used, which has certain advantages:

  • Low risk of damage to the reproductive system;
  • Minimal soreness;
  • Absence of negative influence in anesthesia;
  • Possibility of outpatient abortion;
  • Short rehabilitation;
  • No threat to the uterus and uterine canal.

With medical abortion at 7 weeks of gestation, there is no surgical intervention. Accordingly, the membranes of the uterus and the uterine canal are not damaged. There is practically no possibility of penetration of infection and other lesions. The limit for termination of pregnancy by this method is 49 days from the beginning of the last menstruation.

Vacuum aspiration and surgical abortion

On the seventh week can be carried out. This is the name of the vacuum aspiration method. It differs from surgical intervention in more sparing conditions. In this case, the cervix does not expand artificially; curettage is not carried out in its cavity.

The procedure is performed with anesthesia. With a special syringe-aspirator with a catheter, the fetal egg is sucked out of the uterus. In this case, hospitalization is not required, and recovery is very fast. The risk of complications is minimal. After an abortion, it is necessary to drink a course of hormonal drugs to normalize the hormonal background.


How to get from the metro:

Our medical centers are located in close proximity to metro stations!!!

2016-11-10 11:16:41

Lena asks:

Hello. I was 36 years old and had one birth, a miscarriage, and 2.5 months ago I had an abortion at week 11. Menses came on time but became more abundant and lasted 5-6 days. I did an ultrasound on the 8th day of the cycle, here is its content: dimensions 58X46X59 mm contours are even myometrium of a diffuse-heterogeneous structure of medium echogenicity. Endometrium 8 mm thick of a heterogeneous structure contains several small liquid inclusions up to 2 mm in diameter.
The left ovary, 40x26mm in size, contains follicles from 3mm-8mm. There is no free fluid in the retrouterine space. Please decipher it.. Thank you.

Responsible Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello Lena! Virtually drawing conclusions is difficult, understand correctly. According to the ultrasound, a problem with the endometrium can be suspected - it has a heterogeneous structure and contains inclusions. It is not entirely clear to me what these liquid inclusions (polyps?) are. How long do you have heavy periods - 2 months? After the end of the next menstruation, take a control ultrasound and if the picture is the same, then it is advisable to undergo a diagnostic hysteroscopy.

2016-08-12 12:15:08

Karina asks:

On July 12, I had a medical abortion. After 2 weeks, I came for an ultrasound scan and they told me that the fetus did not come out. After that, the doctor prescribed me metronidazole to eliminate the unpleasant smell from the discharge. After 5 days, after that, he said to wait until the discharge passed, and then turn to him again. On August 7, I had physical activity in the gym. After that, my blood just runs. Big clots come out. Sometimes, pulling pain in the lower abdomen. I don’t have time to change pads. which doctor to go and what to do in general? please tell me!!!

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Karina! Have you had any bleeding after taking the abortion pills? At what time did you terminate the pregnancy? If for two weeks the remains of the fetal egg were in the uterus, then this threatens with an inflammatory process - endometritis. In this case, additional cleaning is usually carried out. You should contact your gynecologist if the amount of bleeding does not decrease.

2016-06-30 09:00:20

Catherine asks:

24 years old, regular cycle, 26 days, ovulation on day 14. Husband is 39 years old. None of them have children. The ecology in the city is not the best, but we do not work in hazardous production, we do not drink, we do not smoke, we monitor our health.

Last year there was a spontaneous abortion at 4 weeks (you can say that bhb), and in the next cycle a new pregnancy, but she froze at 8 weeks, judging by the CTE. In that pregnancy, I felt terrible, and after passing tests for thyroid hormones, I began to take thyroxine. After the failure, she became pregnant again as soon as the doctors allowed. The pregnancy was going great, but it also suddenly froze at 8 weeks, according to KTR.

In both pregnancies, there was no spotting and pain (there was spotting after PA with the second frozen due to the cervix, everything stopped in a couple of days, according to the ultrasound then everything was fine, it was 5 weeks + 6 days, and the size was set to 6 weeks and 4 days, Sat+).

For the husband: In the family, the husband had missed pregnancies, but all the children born are healthy. According to the spermogram, everything is fine, but the morphology is not taken into account (for some reason, there is no description of it at all). Handed over bakposev on a ureaplasma, a mycoplasma, chlamydias, gonococci and Trichomonas - it is pure. Recently I passed the KLA, blood biochemistry, urinalysis - no abnormalities, leukocytes are normal, there is only a little mucus in the urine. My husband went to the doctor because of morning swelling of his face.

For me: TORCH - negative (although the husband is a carrier of CMV and herpes), antibodies to rubella, bacteria culture for STDs is clean, PCR from the c / channel for chlamydia and pathogenic mycoplasma - negative. Homocysteine ​​against the background of the lack of folate intake - 5 or 6, that is, the norm. Thyroid hormones are corrected - on thyroxine 50. Progesterone in the second phase is 53 nmol / l, and during pregnancy at week 5 it was 94 nmol / l.

During pregnancy, she drank thyroxine, iodomarin and folic 1 mg. Before all pregnancies, she was on COC Diana 35 for 5 years, her health was excellent.

There is no way to do abortus karyotyping or us - they simply don’t do this in the city, so you can only guess about CA. According to histology, for the first time, the general picture is inflammation (in principle, it is logical, since I have already arrived with a weekly, or even more frozen). After the first frozen blood for a long time, they pricked and before cleaning dicynone and gordox, then a new cycle came after 22 days, they found a follicular cyst and a placental polyp. A new cycle began after 26 days and this frequency is still preserved, with a new cycle, this polyp was squeezed out of itself. Menstruation became adequate.

The conclusions of the ultrasound of the dead, if it makes sense:
1 st - chorion thickness 0.66 cm, ktr 1.6 cm, n 3.9 cm, sb -, location along the anterior wall with the transition to the pharynx - carried out according to obstetric 8 weeks + 2 days
2 sb - chorion thickness 0.9 cm, hypoechoic ktr 1.79 cm, p 4 cm, sb -, location on the back wall - carried out according to obstetric 8 weeks + 3 days

1. Questions about synth progesterone, is it indicated for me during pregnancy?
2. Question on hemostasis mutations, does it make sense?
3. Whether to be checked for aphs, lupus anticoagulant?
4. The second pregnancy has not been cleaned yet, tomorrow I am going to take a coagulogram - if it is in a relative norm, does it make sense to look for hemostasis mutations?
5. Should I increase my folate intake during pregnancy? Maybe a femibion ​​will be enough, for example? Or group B in general, the base dose? With folic 1 mg, the corner of the mouth cracks, with the addition of other B vitamins, everything returns to normal.
6. Can you tell me something else, thanks in advance. If you need scans of any research - I'll attach it.

Responsible Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

To clarify the cause of fading, donate D-dimer (in case of deviation from the norm, contact a specialist to search for hemostasis mutations), antibodies to phospholipids and lupus anticoagulant. To prepare for pregnancy, take complex vitamins, such as Elevit Pronatal, etc. I would recommend taking progesterone (at the next pregnancy), because. carrying a pregnancy depends not only on the level of progesterone, but also on the number of receptors for it. But first, repeat the study for STDs (PCR for ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis trichomoniasis) to yourself in the 2nd phase of OMC after a food provocation and to your husband, too, after a food provocation (I didn’t see your examination for ureaplasmosis and gardnerellosis, which today play a significant role in the cause of missed pregnancies)

2016-03-02 13:18:18

Maria asks:

Hello! I want to have an abortion at 16 weeks! But no one wants to take! What should I do? Where to apply? Unfortunately, I will not be able to give the child a normal life...


Hello Maria! By law, in the absence of medical indications, an abortion at the request of a woman is performed only up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. The best option for you is to give birth to a child and give it up for adoption. There are plenty of people who want to adopt a baby and give him a normal life now. Think about it. Take care of your health!

2015-11-06 07:07:01

Nick asks:

Hello! In 2010 had a caesarean with complications, in 2011 another caesarean. I was diagnosed with Nishi's syndrome by ultrasound. I saw Lindinet 20, but I feel bad from it, switched to Pharmatex cream, in 2014 I had an abortion with pills, a week later they put the Nova T spiral, a week later there was uterine bleeding, the spiral fell out by itself, they were brought to the hospital by ambulance and cleaned , a month later they put Nova T again. A year passed, she did an ultrasound scan: signs of diffuse changes in the uterus, partial expulsion of the IUD, endocervix cysts. The ultrasound specialist said that it was impossible for me to put a spiral! Tell me how should I be? Is it true that the spiral because of Nishi's syndrome does not suit me? The spiral did not protect me from pregnancy all this time, but a year has passed and I have not become pregnant.

Responsible Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello Nika! I would also advise you not to install the IUD, most likely the expulsion of the helix and bleeding is due to the formation of a niche and an insolvent scar. The installed IUD still does not protect against pregnancy, so I see no reason to put the spiral again.

2015-10-20 09:21:47

Olga asks:

Hello, I was diagnosed with mild cervical dysplasia, is it possible to have an abortion with this diagnosis, for a period of 3 weeks?

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Dysplasia is not a contraindication to abortion. If you do not want to carry, terminate the pregnancy and treat dysplasia: colposcopy, biopsy, examination for infections - treatment.

2015-10-12 12:22:59

Oksana asks:

How much does it cost to have an abortion? Delay of menstruation a week

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Oksana! It all depends on the actual gestational age at the time of termination and the type of abortion. The cost ranges from 1000 UAH. for medical abortion up to 3500 UAH. for instrumental (surgical) abortion. Take care of your health!

2015-07-05 08:17:06

Nastya asks:

Hello! I had a honey abortion on May 21, a week later there was sexual intercourse without contraception and after it all the discharge stopped, I thought everything came out, but the menstruation did not come June 23, I went for an ultrasound, they said that the fetus had not been cleaned out, the egg remained for a period of 4-5 weeks, I decided on July 4 to drink again pills please tell me how it can end

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

If you did not use contraception after the medical interruption, then it is most likely that this is a new pregnancy. Medical interruption is the same abortion that has the same complications as a regular abortion. What complications are fraught with: infertility, bleeding, violation of the MC with hormonal disorders of the endocrine organs, breast disease, .... Do not treat yourself - consult a doctor, because there are long-term consequences that can give a terrible complication during future childbirth - but, why the blame is shifted to the doctors ......

2015-06-29 10:15:54

Anastasia asks:

Hello! I am 19 years old, I recently had an abortion at 10 weeks of pregnancy, in general, my first pregnancy. The first 2 days after the abortion there was scanty discharge (literally a scarlet speck), in the next 2 days everything was clear, on the 5th day there was scanty bloody discharge, accompanied by pain in the lower back (as I usually had during menstruation) and a temperature of 37.2. I would like to know if such a process is normal? and are these discharges on day 5 monthly? p.s. after the abortion I went to the gynecologist and did an ultrasound - everything is normal. Thank you in advance.

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Protection against unwanted pregnancy - every woman who does not want to go through an abortion and its complications should take care of it. Details about the arsenal of contraceptives, how to choose the most suitable one - for reliable protection and preservation of women's health.

The article is devoted to the problem of the right to informed consent and medical intervention for a minor patient, in particular the right of underage girls to confidentiality during abortion and gynecological examination.

News on the topic: abortion 6 7 weeks

A young US woman has been charged with trying to self-abort herself using a coat hanger. The law treated her attempt to get rid of the fetus at the 24th week of pregnancy with all severity.

Artificial termination of pregnancy is legal in developed countries - but the law does not prohibit anti-abortion protesters from demonstrating at the doors of clinics. In Australia, this practice will soon be stopped: "buffer zones" will appear around hospitals.

At week 7, a woman may first feel the first signs of pregnancy, if they were not there before. If for some reason a woman did not know about pregnancy before this time and wants to have an abortion, 7 weeks is the last chance to have time to terminate the pregnancy with gentle methods.

The cost of some services in our clinic

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, an abortion at the request of a woman can be carried out up to a 12-week period, but you should not delay this procedure, because. early termination of pregnancy reduces the risk of complications.


As preparation for an abortion, a woman should make an initial appointment with a gynecologist at a medical facility licensed to perform abortions.

During the appointment, the doctor will not only conduct an examination, but also make an ultrasound to determine the exact gestational age, determine the localization of the fetal egg. Also, the gynecologist will collect an anamnesis - ask the woman about existing chronic diseases and allergies to drugs, the number of pregnancies and childbirth in the past.

In addition, the doctor must refer the woman to:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Vaginal smears for hidden infections and flora;
  • Study of blood coagulability;
  • Syphilis, HIV, hepatitis C and B.

If a woman has any chronic diseases, additional diagnostic procedures may be prescribed, as well as specialist consultations.

Abortion methods at 7 weeks

Among the methods used at 7 weeks of gestation, medical abortion and vacuum aspiration are the most preferred. However, 7 weeks is the deadline for their application, because. at a later date, these methods may be ineffective and even dangerous for a woman.

medical abortion

This method is considered the safest due to the lack of surgical intervention. The essence of the procedure is to take, one of which contributes to the detachment of the fetal egg from the uterine wall, which stops its development.

The second drug causes the uterus to contract, as a result of which the fetal egg is brought out along with bleeding. A woman takes both drugs under the supervision of a doctor to avoid possible complications, with an interval of 36-48 hours. 10-14 days after the termination of pregnancy, a woman needs to come for a control ultrasound to make sure that there are no parts of the fetal egg left in the uterus.

vacuum abortion

It is a fairly safe method of terminating an unwanted pregnancy, because. it involves minimal surgical intervention. The procedure completely eliminates the risk of injury to the uterus, and the likelihood of infection is less than 1%.

Vacuum abortion is performed under general or local anesthesia, so that the woman does not feel pain. The procedure is quite fast, after 5-10 minutes the woman is transferred to the ward, where she remains under the supervision of a doctor for 1-2 hours. After a vacuum abortion, a control ultrasound is also necessary, which is performed after 10-14 days.

Surgical abortion

Surgical curettage is considered the most risky abortion procedure, because. surgical instruments can cause damage to internal organs. However, this rarely happens in modern practice.

Surgical abortion is performed under anesthesia, most often general. The cervical canal is expanded with a special tool with a dilator, then the doctor, using a curette, removes the fetal egg and scrapes the mucous layer of the uterus to prevent particles of the fetal egg from remaining.

The operation takes 10-15 minutes, after which the woman spends some time in a medical facility. After 10-14 days after the operation, it is necessary to conduct a control ultrasound to exclude the possibility of complications.


Subject to the preparation and recommendations of the doctor, an abortion for a period of 7 weeks can be painless and not leave behind serious complications. It is very important to monitor the state of health after an abortion and, if in doubt, consult a gynecologist.

Pregnancy can be a surprise for every girl. Some will be happy about it, while others are thinking about interrupting it. As a rule, a girl finds out that she is pregnant in the fifth or seventh week. This is due to the fact that at this time pregnancy begins to manifest itself clearly in the form of various symptoms. Thinking about what kind of abortion can be done at week 7, a woman has many questions about the procedure and possible complications.

It is an artificial termination of pregnancy. There are several ways to carry out this procedure. At the same time, the level of development of medicine allows you to have an abortion for a period of 7 weeks with a minimum of consequences.

It is possible to have an abortion at the 7th week in the clinics of "PERSONS" using modern methods that are safe for reproductive health and using disposable soft cannulas from Ipas. Our clinics are one of the few in St. Petersburg that have a license to perform abortions, which guarantees patients confidence in the quality of the services provided.

Abortion at 7 weeks price

Name price, rub.
A range of services before surgical / vacuum abortion (appointment, examination, ultrasound, smear for flora, blood gr. and Rh factor, 4 mandatory) 2400
Termination of pregnancy at 7 weeks under intravenous anesthesia by vacuum aspiration. 10500
Medical abortion (Russia according to the French technology Mifepristone 600 mg. Russia and Topogin 800 mg. France) with a warranty card** The range of services includes ultrasound, consultation, smear analysis for flora, drugs. 5500
Medical abortion (drugs manufactured in France Mifegin 600 mg and Topogin 800 mg) with a warranty card** The range of services includes ultrasound, consultation, smear analysis for flora, drugs. 8500

* * At the complex of services with a warranty card, if complications develop in the form of an incomplete abortion or a prolonged pregnancy under a warranty card, vacuum aspiration under anesthesia is performed free of charge.

Symptoms of pregnancy

Many girls are unaware of the presence of a fetus in their tummy until the seventh week. At the onset of this period, the symptoms manifest themselves much brighter. It starts here:

  1. Delay of menstruation by more than 2 weeks.
  2. Lack of air.
  3. Increased fatigue.
  4. Drowsiness.
  5. Mood swings with signs of irritability or tearfulness.

Also at this time, as a rule, toxicosis begins to manifest itself strongly. It is difficult for a girl to eat something so as not to start to feel sick. In addition, pregnancy is manifested in changes in taste preferences and increased perception of various smells. Due to changes in the hormonal background, the temperature may rise, which will cause an even greater deterioration in well-being. At the same time, there are some changes that can be visually noticed:

  1. The appearance of spider veins on the thighs.
  2. The legs are swollen, and the muscles of the lower leg hurt.
  3. There is a sharp increase in the breast, resulting in their itching.
  4. The nipples are painful and dark.
  5. Sometimes there is swelling of the veins in the abdomen and chest.

It is worth noting that at this time there is an adaptation, and therefore there may be pulling pains in the lower abdomen and back. This is due to the fact that the uterus grows and the ligaments are stretched. The discharge may also increase. They may be of a thicker type with a whitish tint.

Abortion at 7 weeks: is it possible to carry out?

At the legislative level of the Russian Federation, pregnancy can be terminated up to 12 weeks. At the same time, there are several methods of relatively safe interruption, which have high efficiency and a minimum of contraindications.

Medical or pharmaceutical method

How does this happen? In the presence of a gynecologist, the drug is taken in the form of a tablet. Under the influence of drugs, the hormone progesterone is blocked, the corpus luteum reverses, the fetal egg dies and exfoliates. After 36-48 hours, a uterine contracting drug is taken that expels the fetus from the uterine cavity. The method has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The first one includes:

  1. The uterine cavity is not injured.
  2. There is no need to be in the hospital.
  3. There is no surgical intervention.

Despite the positive qualities of medical abortion at week 7, there are several disadvantages. First of all, this is the lack of a 100% guarantee in the effectiveness of the procedure. This method is suitable only for those who have a period of no more than 49 days from the beginning of the last menstruation.

After carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to make sure that the gynecologist makes sure that nothing is left.

Vacuum method

This method is also called a mini-abortion. The duration is a period of five to twelve weeks. It is performed on an outpatient basis, intravenous short-term anesthesia is used. After the drug begins to act, a disposable plastic tube is inserted into the uterus, which has a small hole at the end. Due to the vacuum aspirator, the fetus is sucked out through this hole into the tube. After a few hours, the girl will be able to leave the clinic. The positive characteristics of the method include:

  1. Minimum surgical intervention.
  2. Gentle effect on the uterine cavity.
  3. There will be no perforation of the uterus, as a result of which profuse bleeding may occur.

It is worth noting that the chance of complications after an abortion at 7 weeks of gestation is 1% -5%. After the procedure, to equalize the hormonal background and restore the mucosa in the uterus, you will need to take hormonal drugs.

Surgical method

This method does not make an abortion at 7 weeks. This is due to the fact that surgery is a serious step that can lead to complications.

Preparing for an abortion

Before having an abortion at week 7, it is worth carrying out a series of manipulations. First of all, you need to approach who will do it. After an ultrasound examination, it is required to take tests and blood for the group and Rh factor. They should show results in the presence of inflammatory changes in the genitourinary system, and the need for the introduction of anti-Rh immunoglobulin in the presence of women with a negative RH.

It is worth noting that during the appointment with the doctor it is necessary to notify him of chronic diseases. This will allow you to prescribe an additional examination to exclude unwanted complications.

On the eve of the abortion, the consumption of alcoholic beverages and various painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs should be completely excluded. If you constantly drink any medications, be sure to notify the gynecologist about this. Also, before the procedure, you must limit yourself to only water or sweet tea.

Please note that before the procedure, talk with a gynecologist and find out the possible consequences. As a rule, the doctor will inform you about the risk of complications.

Our clinic in St. Petersburg employs the best specialists who guarantee a professional approach and competent assistance in abortion at 7 weeks.

Whatever scientific terms are used to replace simple words when describing the process of abortion - abortion is the killing of an unborn child. In our country, abortion is legally justified only in cases of rape, the death of the father of the child during pregnancy, deprivation of parental rights, a threat to the life of the mother and pathology of the fetus.

Artificial abortion. Surgical and non-surgical methods of abortion.

Any abortion is done almost blindly and there are many circumstances that can contribute to an unfavorable outcome of the operation. Do not rush to blame the doctor if something went wrong, most likely it did not depend on him.

Abortions are done in a gynecological hospital that has its own abortion clinic. Before terminating an unwanted pregnancy, you need to take tests: a gynecological smear, ultrasound, blood for hepatitis, syphilis and HIV, get a referral from an obstetrician-gynecologist who examined you, confirmed the pregnancy, set its term and, taking into account all of the above conditions, recommended abortion method. If there is an infection, it is necessary to be treated before the abortion.

Types of abortions. How Abortion Happens.

Methods of artificial termination of pregnancy in the hospital.

If you have already decided on an abortion, go to the doctor as soon as possible after a missed period.
If you see a doctor before about 2 weeks late, a medical abortion or mini-abortion is possible. Both methods have their pros and cons, an individual approach is important. In addition, the cost of medical abortion is significantly higher.

Medical non-surgical abortion (interruption of pregnancy for a period of 0 to 8 weeks)

At a very early stage, the fetal egg does not yet have a close connection with the wall of the uterus, so it is easier to remove it from there than at a later date. After the discovery of the fetal egg in the uterus, the doctor explains to you all the features of the method and, having received your consent, gives you the opportunity to take abortion pills, which act in such a way that the pregnancy stops developing. This drug is now produced by many companies and it is called differently. You must return to the doctor's office after 48 hours. During this period, most likely nothing will happen to you, in some women the lower abdomen “pulls” a little. Further, everything will depend on your body. The doctor will observe whether the rejection of the ovum occurs, and may suggest that you take medications that will speed up this process. It will feel like a heavy, very painful period. The doctor will monitor you for some time and, if everything goes well, will let you go home. Spotting will continue for up to two weeks. After this period, the doctor will examine you again.

What problems can arise with medical abortion?

First, the pregnancy may not be interrupted. In this case, it is no longer possible to save it for medical reasons. A mini-abortion is done. Secondly, there can be very heavy bleeding. In this case, too, sometimes you have to resort to surgery. Thirdly, it can be very painful, it can make you feel sick, your blood pressure may rise.

The only advantage of this method is the absence of surgical intervention, and therefore, the possibility of injury to the uterus and infection.

Medical or Pharmaceutical abortion refers to a drug-induced abortion instead of a surgical abortion. Often ends with surgery and serious physical and moral consequences. Taking the form of an ordinary pill, medical abortion is designed to reduce the feeling of guilt that inevitably and naturally arises in every woman after an abortion. Medical abortion centers mislead women about the false simplicity of this type of abortion. Women who take these pills end the lives of their unborn children.

It is silent about contraindications for the use of drugs: these are smoking, heart problems and high blood pressure. It happens that the adoption of this drug ends in death for the woman herself.

There is a misconception that Medical or Medical Termination of Pregnancy is an alternative to abortion. No that's not true. Medical termination of pregnancy is a real abortion, as a result of which a human life is killed.

Medical abortion ("French pills") - the effect of interrupting pregnancy in 90 - 95% of cases with a delay of up to 49 days

A tubal ectopic pregnancy cannot be terminated with drugs.

Mini-abortion or Vacuum abortion (for up to 5-7 weeks i.e. within 6-14 weeks after the last menstruation)

Mini abortion - vacuum aspiration, termination of pregnancy at an early stage. This surgical abortion is performed at an early stage of pregnancy (termination of pregnancy before 5-7 weeks).

The operation is done under anesthesia. In medical centers, anesthesia is used, which does not leave consequences in the form of a prolonged headache, nausea, etc. That is, for you it will look like this: lay down on a chair, put a catheter in a vein, fell asleep, woke up not pregnant anymore. During the operation to terminate the pregnancy, the doctor inserts a special tube connected to the device into the uterus. After turning on the device, a negative pressure is created in the tube, due to which the fetal egg is removed from the uterus.

Before the operation, the muscles of the cervix are stretched with metal expander rods. or kelp (thin sticks that are inserted hours before the procedure itself);until the dilatation is wide enough to allow abortion instruments to pass into the uterus. The doctor attaches a special syringe to the tube (it is inserted into the uterus), and the intrauterine child is sucked out.The pump grinds the baby's body into pieces and sucks them out of the uterus. If the fetus could not be completely removed, a subsequent curettage is performed. In this case, the doctor may use a curette (rounded knife) to scrape parts of the baby's body out of the uterus.

Immediately after the abortion, there may be pain in the lower abdomen associated with uterine contractions, then for several days you will have a small discharge similar to menstruation. Sometimes a doctor prescribes antibiotics after an abortion. In this case, much depends on the skill of the doctor. This method is more reliable in terms of the chances that the pregnancy will definitely terminate. Cases where pregnancy continued to develop after a mini-abortion are extremely rare. Ultrasound is used to increase reliability during abortion. But, since there is interference, there is also the possibility of injury. If the smear before the abortion was bad, and the treatment was not carried out or was insufficient, infection is possible.

Despite the fact that a mini-abortion is performed earlier than an ordinary abortion, a mini-abortion is a means of killing a conceived child - a human life.

The physical, moral and emotional consequences of a mini-abortion are no less complex and dangerous than the complications of a surgical abortion. From the very moment of conception, there is a living, little man inside you, with its own individual set of DNA. With an already defined eye color, hair color and gender of your child. Don't be fooled by the words that you have a bunch of cells inside you. It is not true.

Medical abortion (6 to 12 weeks or 13 to 24 weeks after last period).

This surgical abortion is performed during the second trimester of pregnancy. Up to 12 weeks, you can have a routine or surgical abortion. It feels like it will be the same as a mini-abortion, but instead of a tube, a special instrument is inserted into the uterus, with which the fetal egg is removed. Here, the same rule applies very clearly - the longer the period, the more difficult the operation, the more complications there may be.

As the developing baby doubles in size between the 11th and 12th weeks of pregnancy, its body is too large to be crushed by the suction and pass through the tube. In this case, the cervix should be opened wider than in the 1st trimester abortion. Therefore, kelp is introduced a day or two before the abortion itself. After the cervix is ​​opened, the doctor removes parts of the baby's body with forceps. In order to easily remove the skull of a child, it is first ground with tongs.

Only these three methods of termination of pregnancy are permissible and are not considered in our country as "criminal abortion", with the exception of termination of pregnancy on the testimony of a doctor at a later date.

late abortion.

After 12 weeks, optional abortions are prohibited in our country. They do it only for medical and social reasons: a court decision to restrict parental rights, pregnancy as a result of rape; the death of a husband during a woman's pregnancy. They terminate the pregnancy in the later stages, either artificially inducing childbirth, or making a small caesarean section. That is, there will be childbirth, but there will be no child. So, you understand, it is better not to bring it to this.

This medical abortion is performed:

From 20 weeks after the last menstrual cycle. The late pregnancy termination procedure takes 3 days. During the first two days, the cervix is ​​dilated and the woman is given anti-spasmodic drugs. On the third day, a woman takes a medication that provokes childbirth. After labor has begun, the doctor will do an ultrasound to locate the baby's legs. Grasping the legs with forceps, the doctor pulls the child out, leaving only the head inside. In this case, parts of the child's body can come off the body itself and stretch through the vaginal canal. The rest of the body is pinched and pulled outward. The baby's head is pinched and crushed in order to pass through the vaginal canal. The placenta and the remaining parts are sucked out of the uterus.

Previously, salt abortion or salt pouring was used, but this method was not effective enough, like Homeopathy (efficiency no more than 20%), Acupuncture (up to 40% effect with a slight delay and depends on the qualifications of the specialist), Magnetic induction ("magnetic cap" with in the absence of contraindications, it is effective in 50% of cases with a delay of no more than 3-5 days)

Precautions after an abortion to prevent consequences.

If you, having weighed all the pros and cons, nevertheless decided to terminate the pregnancy, try to minimize the consequences of an abortion.
After an abortion, whether medical, mini-abortion or medical abortion, as well as after a miscarriage, in order to avoid serious complications, a woman must strictly follow certain rules:

In the first two weeks after an abortion, any physical activity should be excluded.

Sexual life is prohibited for three weeks. Since during sex you can infect the uterus, which after an abortion is essentially one big open wound.

In order for the contraction of the uterus to proceed normally, it is important to monitor the timely emptying of the intestines and bladder.

It is necessary to monitor the general state of health, measure body temperature daily and avoid hypothermia. In case of deterioration of health, the appearance of blood discharge and pain in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Pay special attention to the hygiene of the genitals. Wash twice a day with warm boiled water with a weak (pink) solution of potassium permanganate. Change underwear as often as possible, since the cervix remains ajar, which creates the risk of pathogenic microbes entering the uterus and developing inflammation.

The timing of menstruation after an abortion is the same as before it. With its delay or earlier onset, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Sexual life can begin only after the onset of menstruation. And be sure to take care of contraception!

Consequences of abortion

If you are going to have an abortion, try to minimize the complications and consequences of an abortion:

At the first suspicion of an unplanned pregnancy (delayed menstruation), consult a gynecologist. Don't delay - every day is precious;
Inform the father of the unborn child and make a decision together;
Never try to get rid of a pregnancy on your own;
Think again before deciding to have an abortion.
Ask your doctor which method is safer to have an abortion (it is safer to terminate a pregnancy up to 6 weeks).

After a surgical and medical abortion, a woman has spotting for some time. Their number and duration are individual and depend on the duration of pregnancy, uterine contractility and blood clotting.

Abortion is a global stress for the body. An imbalance of hormonal, immune, renal and hepatic functions, regulation of blood pressure, and circulating blood volume sets in. A woman becomes irritable, sleep worsens, fatigue increases.

That is, there is an "ideal state" for the penetration of any infection that provokes the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases. The result of inflammation of the uterine appendages most often becomes obstruction of the fallopian tubes. In such a situation, a woman is not immune from ectopic pregnancy or infertility. Impaired ovarian function due to abortion can become chronic and also lead to infertility.

In addition, blind curettage of the uterine mucosa during medical abortion usually leads to microtrauma: thinned areas appear that are not sufficiently saturated with blood, scars form. All these changes disrupt the normal nutrition of the fetus during subsequent pregnancy. Hence malformations, miscarriages or premature births.

In developed countries, women who have undergone an abortion undergo a course of psychological rehabilitation. The so-called "syndrome of experience of abortion" develops.

Complications after an abortion are of two types: early and late. The early ones develop during or immediately after the abortion, while the later ones manifest themselves after some time, sometimes years after the operation.

Complications immediately after an abortion (early consequences)

As a result of an abortion, complications can occur: pain in the lower abdomen, cramps, nausea, vomiting, and loose stools. Although in most cases there are no serious consequences, complications can occur in about one out of every 100 early abortions. And also, in one of every 50 late-term abortions.

More serious complications are breakthrough uterine bleeding, infection, perforation and uterine rupture.

The most terrible complication after an abortion is a violation of the integrity of the uterine wall (perforation) and its rupture. Perforation can lead to damage to large vessels, intestines, bladder and inflammation of the entire abdomen (peritonitis).

The most common complications of surgical abortion are bleeding, damage to the cervix, bleeding disorders, and embolism. Quite often, incomplete extraction of the fetal egg occurs. To prevent this complication, an ultrasound examination is performed, and in case of detection of the remains of the fetal egg, repeated curettage. In addition, after any abortion, chronic diseases of the genital organs (salpingoophoritis, endometritis, etc.) become aggravated.

A much more serious danger is the introduction of infection into the uterus during an abortion (infected abortion). If the bacteria have entered the uterus, then the probability of inflammation or inflammation of the ovaries and their appendages is very high. More often, the infection enters from the vagina, and not from instruments. Due to the fact that dilators are used during abortion, the cervix may not fully close, which is manifested by its insufficiency.

Complications after abortion: late consequences.

The consequences of any abortion include inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, hormonal disorders, endometriosis, ovarian dysfunction, infertility, pregnancy complications.

Due to the fact that dilators are used during the surgical termination of pregnancy, the cervix may not fully close, which is manifested by its insufficiency. It is known that the neck is a mass of annular and cylindrical muscles, and with violent rapid expansion, they often overstretch and tear, and scars form. Subsequently, this can lead to weakness of the muscular apparatus of the cervix, a decrease in the obturator function and, as a result, late miscarriages at a period of 18-24 weeks, the impossibility of full disclosure of the cervix during childbirth.

After an abortion, the frequency of ectopic pregnancies increases dramatically. With subsequent pregnancies and childbirth, the frequency of stillbirth and diseases of newborns associated with violations of the vessels of the uterus, violations of labor and the location of the placenta increases.

If an abortion was done once, the risk of miscarriage during a subsequent pregnancy will be in 26% of women, if twice, the threat increases to 32%, and three or more abortions increases the risk of miscarriage to 41 percent.

The field of abortion increases the risk of background and malignant processes of the mammary glands, cervix and uterine mucosa.

In addition to death, the next major concern is bleeding. In women who have taken the drug Mifegin for medical remission of pregnancy, bleeding usually lasts one or two weeks, and in 10 percent of them - more than a month. Because of this, women are at risk of infections over a long period of time, and, on average, a woman loses four times more blood than with a standard surgical abortion. While testing the drug in Europe, at least one in a hundred women was hospitalized due to blood loss and the need for a transfusion.

In an unfinished abortion, the remaining parts of the fetus can spread widespread systemic infection and cause septic shock and death.

Is it possible to have an abortion at home with folk remedies without going to the hospital, without buying abortion pills?

Folk remedies for abortion - a double-edged sword. It is impossible to provoke a miscarriage with folk remedies if the woman is absolutely healthy. If there are any violations - home remedies for abortion will work so that the consequences of an abortion can lead to the death of a woman.

Termination of pregnancy is possible only in specialized medical institutions by qualified specialists. Attempts to terminate a pregnancy on their own are called criminal abortion, and in the vast majority of cases they end in serious complications, the smallest of which is the loss of the uterus. Many of these self-abortion attempts end in the death of the woman.