Analysis of the activity of 2 ml c. Self-analysis Node methodical development (junior group) on the topic. Sample. Self-analysis of classes in kindergarten

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Learning to make a pattern on a circle, filling the edges and the middle using ticking techniques, drawing the end of the tassel. Educate accuracy in working with paints.

The teacher was ready for the classroom. The structure, logical sequence and interconnection of steps is well thought out. It is advisable to distributed time. The form of training is rationally selected. Equipment lessons: visual and demonstration material that was effectively used. The content of the classes complies with the requirements of the program, is complete, reliable and was transferred to children in an affordable form. Methods, techniques and learning tools were correctly selected, which corresponded to the content of educational material, set goals, educational capabilities of this age of children. The material is applied emotionally. With the help of a surprise moment and visual material, interest in the lesson in children and discipline is supported.

Negative moments: The educator forgot to carry out a dynamic pause (physkultminutku).

View Classes for familiarization with the outside world

The tasks that Pedagogue put:

Give children knowledge about kindergarten, his appointment. Learning to make an offer to demonstrate actions, coordinate nouns with pronvious. Expansion of the dictionary on the topic.

The educator acted competently and professionally: all techniques were allocated and involved to solve the tasks; All receptions without exception corresponded to the age of children and the requirements of the methodology of this program. All techniques applied by the educator at the lesson were correct and accurate. All the tasks of the software content were mastered by the children completely, at the lesson, the children showed activity, were attentive when explaining the teacher of a new material, with interest new tasks performed with interest. High school skills have been demonstrated by children.

Interesting the reception of the teacher to apply new material. The scope of software content is observed and set aside. In class, children showed activity, mastered the tasks of software content, but not all. Negative moment: individual work with children was not very successful.

Conducting a test work on design. Topic: "Tulip"

Software content:

Teach children to make a craft from paper by folding, without the use of glue.

Continue to learn to navigate on a sheet of paper, determining the middle, angles.

Accustomed to accuracy, fix the ability to make work to the end.

Development of shallow motility hands.

Educating a benevolent attitude towards others.

Actress of the teacher

Children's activities


1. Game motivation.

I offer children to make gifts to the employees of kindergarten. At the same time I specify that all women love flowers.

What flowers do you know?

Showing a sample of the tulip, I propose to perform such flowers with your own hands.

2. Show ways to perform work. Together with the children we consider the sample, we specify from which parts it consists (flower and stem). Then I offer children showing and explaining the stages of work.


3. Independent work of children. I perform the crawl simultaneously with the children.

4. After graduation, children give their tulips to educators, nurse.

List the name of the colors.

Watch out the stages of work.

Alone performed the craft.


individual assistance. Many do not cope.

Conducting and analyzing open classes is one of the most effective ways to increase the competence of the educator. The most valuable methodological work in this form is a good example of practical work. But no less important is the second part of the event, where all teachers become participants in the parsing seen, his analysis.

I have extensive experience in the post of senior educator, however, I think that it is not always possible to effectively and qualitatively conduct an analysis of the studied classes. Sometimes teachers behave restrained and do not want to express critical comments to the colleague. Maybe they gentle feelings, they do not want to spoil relationships. In any case, the role of a senior educator in creating a situation of communication, where the educators openly express opinions, an assessment of seen techniques of work, lead arguments in favor of the effectiveness of this work (or lack of results).

I want to give an example of the analysis of the lesson in the younger group (conducted SK-Oova N.G. April 27, 2015. "Reading and retelling a fairy tale based on visual symbols (mnemonics)" (see Appendix)
The purpose of the classes is to train the retelling of children of 3.5 years.
Tasks: To acquaint with the text, learn to establish a sequence of events, develop memory, contribute to the understanding of the events of the fairy tale.

1. The educator made an explanation: chose this lesson to show due to the fact that he considers the reception of mnemonics (the events of the fairy tales are depicted as an educator in the form of simple pentagram) very effective. Application in practice for 2 months of this reception gave a visible result. The children began to actively respond to questions on the text, their attention is saved throughout the exercise, the retells have become more accurate, often close to the text.

2. Evaluated the performance of the classes: very effective. Arguments: High speech density, each child spoke at least 2 times. If in 1 part of the class (in organizational moment) and in the second part (in response to the questions of the educator), the answers of children were phrase, then in 3 parts (drawing table-prompts) and in 4 parts (retelling) they consisted of complex-composed proposals . The maximum number of offers -6, minimum - 2. The interest of the children remained until the end of the class.

3. Allocated the techniques used.
Motivation of children's activities. Reception was used in each part of the classes.
At first there was a dog (toy), and the children explained that this is a pet and why.
Then they were intrigued by the question of the dog that was looking for a friend, and agreed to listen to this story.
Before Piz-minute, the teacher suggested playing a familiar game in a wizard and turned everyone in small puppies. After the workout, I did not forget to turn them back in the children and checked, whether all the children returned. It gathered attention, returned to the matter.
The educator reminded the children that they can help the sign, "our assistant, which we learned to create themselves." Committed together, and began to make an explanation (retelling text on consistent episodes). Only 8 participants, statements for 1-3 sentences. If necessary, help the caregiver: Tip, refinement, approval.
He applied to a question who wants to tell a fairy tale. The children actively reacted, the educator invited a boy who began to show activity recently. Total 5 statements from 2 to 6 sentences, sometimes close to the text. The second and last child - with a well-developed speech.

4. Evaluated the timeliness of receptions. Physle-minute did not distract children. Thought transitions between parts of the lesson. During the drawing of Pentagram, an additional tip for children sometimes served a drawing.

5. Evaluated the speech of the teacher. As a spectrum's speech contributed to the creation of an atmosphere of thinking, the examples led.

6. Evaluated the developing environment created by the educator at the lesson.

I think that the main thing during the analysis of the classes is the ability of teachers to argue their statements. Opinions can be opposite. In pedagogical communication, the ability to convince the ability to bring the example.


How a friend's dog was looking for

Mordovian fairy tale
For a long time, a dog lived in the forest. One one-identity. It was boring. I wanted a dog a friend to find yourself. Such a friend who would not be afraid of anyone.
Meet the dog in the forest of the hare and tells him:
- Come on, bunny, be friends with you, live together!
"Come on," the bunny agreed.
In the evening they found themselves a place to sleep and went to bed. At night, the mouse fled past them, the dog heard a rustle yes as jumped as she climbed loudly. The hare in the fright woke up, the ears from the fear shake.
- Why do you go? - Says the dog. - Here he will hear the wolf, will come here and eat us.
"Lovely is a friend," the dog thought. - Wolf is afraid. But the wolf probably is not afraid of anyone. "

In the morning there was a dog with a hare and went to look for a wolf. Meet him in a blind ravine and says:
- Come on, wolf, be friends with you, live together!
- Well! - Replies the wolf. - Two more fun.
At night they lay down. Pasting a frog jumped, the dog heard yes as jumped as she climb loudly. The wolf in fright woke up and let's scold a dog:
- Oh, you are such a difference! Hears the bear your barking, comes here and tear us.
"And the wolf is afraid," the dog thought. "I'd rather make friends with a bear."

She went to the bear:
- Bear-Bogatyr, let's be friends, live together!
"Okay," says the bear. - went to me in Berlnogo.
And at night, the dog heard, as past the burgoots, jumped up and lay. The bear was overwhelmed and well scold the dog:
- Stop doing that! A person comes, skins will remove with us.
"Well, things! - Thinks dog. - And this turned out to be cowardly. "

She escaped from the bear and went to a person:
- Man, let's be friends, comply to live!
A man agreed, fed the dog, she built a warm cone near his hut. At night, the dog barks, the house is guarded. And the person does not scold her for it - thanks says.

Since then, the dog and man live together.

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

"Osinsky kindergarten number 3"

Open exercise on FMP in 2 younger group

Subject: « Many, equally, so much - how much


Petrova. P. A.

OSA 2018.



  • Expand the dictionary of children.

Form of organization: Group

Demonstration material:


Plan lesson:

I.Organizing time

Surprise moment

II. Main part.

1. The formation of two groups of objects: by a lot, equally, so much - how much.

2.Pizkultminutka "Bunny white sits."

3. Work with geometric shapes. Comparison of a triangle with a square.

4Dactic game "Find your house".


1.The device

2. Guest from the bunny.

Travel course:

I.Organizing time.

Sit semicircle. Guys, guests came to us, let's say hello to them, show what we are good.

2. Surprise moment

Q: Guys, look, who came to us? Bunny came to us. But for some reason he is sad? Let's find out why he is so sad?

Q: Bunny says that guests will come to him today. And he does not know how much Need to put on the table plates and cups for guests?

Q: Guys, and we can cheer our bunny. Let's help the bunny to cover the table.

II.Main part.

1. Comparison Two groups of items (many, equally, so much - how much)

Q: Let's start exposing dishes for guests. Guys, how many plates and cups do we have?

The educator draws attention to the plates and cups standing on the tray.

D: Much

Q: Guys, first lay the plates on the table. (Children take turns to the table and set the plates)

How many plates did we put? (Lot)

And now we put a cup for each plate. (Children are suitable for the table and set the cups on the plates)

How many cups? (Many) What can be said about the number of plates and cups? (Equally.) Is there a cup on each plate? (Children's responses.) Plate and cups equally? (Children's responses)

Guys, look again at the table. We have so many plates on the table cups.

Q: How many plates do we have and how many cups?

D: the plates as many cups.

Q: So they robbed them?

D: Yes?

Q: Guys, the bunny has fun at all, he thanks you for the help and invites you to the game.

2. Fizkultminthka "Bunny white sits"

(The game helps to create a good mood, promotes the development of well-coordinated movements).

3. Work with geometric shapes. Comparison of a triangle with a square.

Bunny something brought. (geometric figures)

Guys, call what this figure? (Square). What color square? What is the square? (Parties, angles). How many sides of the angles? (Lot).

What is the figure? (Triangle). What color is a triangle? What is the triangle? (Parties, angles). How many sides of the angles? (Lot).

What are the square and triangle? (There are sides and corners). What do these figures differ?

The tutor imposes a triangle square. Draws attention to which corners of the square and triangle have pairs ("Friends"), which corners there are no "friends". (Shows).

Similar questions asked the teacher about the sides of the figures.

Generalization: Square has more sides and corners.

4. Didactic game "Find your house."

On the table lie triangle, circle and square. Children take on one geometric shape, called them and begin to move to the music. At the end of the melody, they must find their houses: those who have a square in their hands, run to a square, those who have a triangle, to the triangle, those who have a circle run to a circle. When children fall into place, the teacher asks them to justify their choice.


1. Outcome

What did we do in today's occupation of mathematics? (We helped the bunny to cover the table, right on the table of cups and plates, compared the number of cups and plates, they were equally, they were a lot, played with a bunny, compared a triangle with a square, etc.) Bunny liked our lesson! Today you all worked well, there were big great things.

2. A party from the bunny.

Bunny for you prepared a hotel.

The tutor shows a plate with candy.

Q: Look at the basket, how many candies are here?

D: Much

Q: Right! Let's see how many of them. Take one candy. How many candies do we have?

D: as much as guys (children).

Q: Correctly guys. Let's say thanks and say goodbye to the bunny.

D: Thank you, goodbye!

Q: The bunny is time to meet its guests.


The age of children: 3-4 years. There are 13 children: these are 6 girls and 7 boys. Preliminary work was not carried out, as the occupation according to prospective planning, where the possibilities and features of children were taken into account. The material used corresponds to the program and age of children.

Subject: Many, equally, so much - how much


  • Learning to compare two equal groups of objects by the application method, denote the results of the comparison words by many, equally, so much - how much;
  • continue to form elementary mathematical representations of children;
  • Continue to acquaint with a triangle, learn to call and compare it with a square.


  • To form the ability to compare items by quantity by expansion one by one.
  • Specify the use of words: so much - how much, equally, in many.
  • Fasten the ability to understand the addressed speech and respond to adult questions.
  • Expand the dictionary of children.
  • Develop logical thinking in children, observation, ability to compare, compare.
  • Educating curiosity, cognitive interest.
  • Educating friendly relationships between children, habit to engage together.

Form of organization: Group

Integration of educational areas: FCCM, FAMP, physical culture, speech development.

Demonstration material: Box, toy, tables, plates, cups, plate with sweets, circle (diameter 10 cm), square (length of side 10 cm), Triangle (side length 10 cm)

Handout: Circles, squares, triangles (one for each child).

Travel course:

I.Organizing time

1. Attracting attention, mood for joint activities.

Methods used: Introductory conversation

2. Surprise moment

Methods used: visual - demonstration (bunny), verbal - conversation, means - toy.

II. Main part.

5. The formation of two groups of objects: a lot, equally, so much - how much.

Methods used: verbal - conversation, questions, clarifications, promotion;

Practical - put the plates, the cups equally. Means - dishes.

6. Physical attachment "Bunny Site Sits".

Muscular activity formation, creating a good mood.

7. Work with geometric shapes. Comparison of a triangle with a square.

Method: Sluban - Conversation, Reception - Questions, Generalization (Squared more Parties and Corners); observation, reception - show,

8. Didactic game "Find your house".

Methods: observation, verbal - conversation, gaming - didactic game (performing game action).


1. Togo.

Sensual method - questions that generalizing the conversation.

2. Guest from the bunny.

Game method: Reception - sudden appearance of objects. Promotion (candy).

Types of children's activities:

Communication with adults (communicative);

Physical activity;

Game activity

Throughout the period structure classes persistedThere were smooth transitions between the stages.

Atmosphere by classes: All children were passionate about, positive emotions were present, the kids were interested at the expense of a surprise moment, involvement in activities, motor activity.

The material was made on affordable children, the contact was adjusted and was saved throughout the lesson.

Objectives and tasks have been achieved.

Educator: Muhametdinova Lilia Shamile
In our group on the list of 20 children. Of these: 8 girls, 12 boys. The classroom is present.
Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Development of Speech", "Health", "Cognition"
Preliminary work: display illustrations of the seasons, reading poems, showing slides about the peculiarities of the seasons.
Secure knowledge about the peculiarities of the time of the year, develop logical thinking and speech development. Brigade careful attitude towards nature and animals.
To implement educational tasks and regions, all groups of methods were used: (visual, verbal) and were interrelated.
During the classes, the individual capabilities of children took into account.
The occupation was carried out in accordance with the abstract. The abstract adapted to this group, in accordance with the tasks of the main general program, corresponding to the child's age. To implement each task, techniques were chosen to help solve in an interesting and entertaining form software tasks.
At each moment of classes, visual material were selected, the corresponding attributes of the seasons, aesthetic design, which stimulated and intensified children to mental activity. And accommodation and use was rational, thoughtful. The class used music that strengthened emotional perception. The occupation was held in accordance with San Pina. The duration of the lesson is 10 minutes.
A quick change of activity during the classes made it possible to avoid fatigue of children.
All moments of classes are logical and consistent, subordinate to one topic. In the lesson, the moments from the educational regions were integrated: "Communication" Development of monologic and dialogical speech. "Health" in each section of the classes were used movements. Use of respiratory gymnastics, eye gymnastics, "reading fiction" use of poems about the days of the year.
In each moment, classes were used in working with children, questions of the search nature were used by questions about intelligence and logical thinking - all this contributed to the effectiveness of classes, an increase in cognitive and mental activity.
The use of gaming reception with toy beasts helped in an interesting game form to implement the main training task - to teach children to find changes in the seasons, teach to the careful attitude towards nature and animals.
I believe that the software tasks delivered during the occupation were solved. According to the poll of children after the classes, it was revealed that the children had liked.

Analysis of the open classes in the younger group

Developing tasks: - Wake up attention, memory, thinking, motor activity; -Un and fine motility of hands; - to provide the formation of mental operations, the development of speech. Educational challenges: - to be interested in knowledge of cognitive classes through a fairy tale, to joint creative activities; - to educate friendly relationships, promote the creation of joyful emotional children; - to educate a desire and habit to think, the desire to learn something new.

Types of children: Game, informative, communicative, motor, musical - artistic. Walrous work: bunnies (fun, good, fast, wolf (gray, hungry, angry, no one is afraid, teddy bear (chip, clumsy, big, chanterelle (redhead, tricky, fast, bun (round, ruddy, yellow).
Methodical techniques: games, riddling riddles, questions, playing fairy tales.

Abstract and analysis of NOD in the second youngest group of L. from. profitable

It gathered attention, returned to the point. The receptionist reminded the children that they could help the sign, "our assistant, which we learned to create themselves." Committed together, and began to make an explanation (retelling text on consistent episodes).


Only 8 participants, statements for 1-3 sentences. If necessary, help the caregiver: Tip, clarification, approval. Received with the question who wants to tell a fairy tale.

The children actively reacted, the educator invited a boy who began to show activity recently. Total 5 statements from 2 to 6 sentences, sometimes close to the text.


The second and last child - with a well-developed speech. 4. Evaluated the timeliness of receptions. Physle-minute did not distract children.

Thought transitions between parts of the lesson. During the drawing of Pentagram, an additional tip for children sometimes served a drawing. 5. Evaluated the speech of the teacher.

Material for the development of speech (junior group) on the topic: Analysis of the Node for the Development of Speech

Given all this, I set out the goal, tasks, content, identified the form, methods, techniques and means necessary for positive results. The purpose of the lesson: to summarize the knowledge, skills and skills obtained during the year.
I got the following tasks: educational: continue to form elementary mathematical representations: - distinguish between form, color, size of objects and objects; - Mastering simple links and relationships: more (less) in size, the same, more (less) in quantity, as much as the same and different in color and size; - consolidate the ability to make an image of the object out of parts; - the ability to navigate in a small space: ahead (back), on top (bottom), right (left). Developing: - develop speech and cognitive activity, attention, memory, thinking, intelligence, imagination; Development of sensory culture.

Analysis of drawing classes. Topic: "Decorate a plate"

I have extensive experience in the post of senior educator, however, I think that it is not always possible to effectively and qualitatively conduct an analysis of the studied classes. Sometimes teachers behave restrained and do not want to express critical comments to the colleague.

Maybe they gentle feelings, they do not want to spoil relationships. In any case, the role of a senior educator in creating a situation of communication, where the educators openly express opinions, an assessment of seen techniques of work, lead arguments in favor of the effectiveness of this work (or lack of results). I want to give an example of the analysis of classes in the younger group (conducted SK-Oova N.G. April 27, 2015. "Reading and retelling a fairy tale based on visual symbols (mnemonics)" (see

"Pre-school age / education of preschool children"

The content of classes corresponded to the goals: to develop the speech of children, communicative skills, enrich the vocabulary; Develop the ability of children to express their knowledge about poultry, about the appearance of domestic birds; develop vocabulary, auditory attention, horizons, thinking, memory; Relieve careful attitude towards birds. During open classes, the following methods of work were used: verbally (questions, clarification, reminder, encouragement); clearly demonstration material (pictures and illustrations, toys); Game material.

In the water part: the organization of children, switching attention to activities, stimulation to it. An open occupation was aimed at solving a cognitive-speech sensory situation.

Sample. Self-analysis of classes in kindergarten


The performance of various game tasks created a positive emotional background of the learning process, increased the speech activity of children and retained the interest throughout the educational activity. To ensure emotionality, the reception was also used - the arrival of fabulous heroes.

We, caregivers should always think about the health of children, so I tried rationally approach the choice of dynamic poses: we stood and moved. Removing muscle tension, emotional rest contributed to the inclusion of fizminutka.

In the process of productive activities, a four-year-old child is not enough to understand that it should be attentive, it is necessary to teach it to this. The main mechanisms of arbitrary attention are laid at that age.

I believe that the activities of children on the Node are developing in nature, corresponds to the interests, temperament of children, the level of preparation.

  • continue to form elementary mathematical representations of children;
  • continue to acquaint with a triangle, learn to call and compare it with a square.
  • to form the ability to compare items by quantity by expansion one by one.
  • specify the use of words: so much - how much, equally, in many.
  • fasten the ability to understand the addressed speech and respond to adult questions.
  • expand the dictionary of children.
  • develop logical thinking in children, observation, ability to compare, compare.
  • educating curiosity, cognitive interest.
  • educating friendly relationships between children, habit to engage together.

Organization form: Group integration of educational areas: FCKM, FAMP, physical culture, development of speech.

Analysis of the open lesson in 2 VK Group

Children in turn fit to the table and set the cups on the plates) How many cups? (Many) What can be said about the number of plates and cups? (Equally.) Is there a cup on each plate? (Children's responses.) Plate and cups equally? (Children's responses) Guys, look again at the table. We have so many plates on the table cups. Q: How many plates do we have and how many cups? D: the plates as many cups.

Q: So they robbed them? D: Yes? Q: Guys, the bunny has fun at all, he thanks you for the help and invites you to the game. 2. Pyzenkult mini "Bunny white sits" (the game helps to create a good mood, promotes the development of coordinated movements). 3. Work with geometric shapes. Comparison of a triangle with a square. Bunny something brought.

(Geometric shapes) - Guys, call what kind of figure? (square). What color square? What is the square? (Parties, angles). How many sides of the angles? (Lot).

Analysis of the open classes in 2 younger group journey to the winter forest

Demonstration material: box, toy, tables, plates, cups, dish with candy, circle (diameter 10 cm), square (side length 10 cm), triangle (length length 10 cm) Razdatnye material: circles, squares, triangles (one by one For each child). Plan Claim: I. II Organization Surprise moment II.

Main part. 1. The formation of two groups of objects: by a lot, equally, so much - how much. 2.Pizkultminutka "Bunny white sits". 3. Work with geometric shapes. Comparison of a triangle with a square. 4Dactic game "Find your house".

II.reflexia 1. Veidog 2. Guest from the bunny. Travel course: I. Organization moment. Sit semicircle. Guys, guests came to us, let's say hello to them, show what we are good. 2. Surprise moment in: Guys, look, who came to us? Bunny came to us.

Analysis of open classes in 2 youngest group

It is advisable to divide the time in all parts of the lesson. The lesson template is chosen optimal. Moderate speech pace. The material set out emotionally. When planning open classes, the age characteristics of children were taken into account. The material is selected on the level available for children. Given the age characteristics, the children answered the questions of the teacher, they independently uttered Pestechka, supported the conversation, were observed with interest, considered, they would have answered questions, they independently uttered counting in the game. The children were quite active, felt comfortable, willingly took part in the game, moved to the music. All elements of open occupation among themselves are combined with a common topic.