Orange body scrub. DIY Sugar Body Scrub

Good time! Dear girls, happy holiday to everyone, today is our day) Let's put aside all the business, fuss and just dedicate it to ourselves? Today I will tell you about a banal simple product that each of you can cook. The result after using this product will be smooth, supple and nourished skin.
Who cares, welcome under cat.

A little background:
I took up the preparation of my own cosmetics a couple of years ago, when I just got tired of smearing everything on myself and not getting any result! At first, everything was limited to everyone's favorite coffee scrub, or rather, just dry coffee, which I first poured out, then carried to the bathroom, then did all the walls with it, well, in general, you understand . Then cocoa was used - no less fuss with it, of course. Then oatmeal. And I even felt like semolina for a while, oh my God. Then I somehow drew attention to store scrubs (of course, the organic segment) and then it dawned on me, sugar! Yes, yes, the most common sugar, and then it all started) Do not think, I will not tell you how to pour 3 spoons, bring them to the bathroom, etc., I will tell you about a ready-made scrub recipe that you can make for future use and use in your pleasure for a month and a half.
Product Name: Orange and Cinnamon Sugar Scrub

So we need:
1. Sugar, cane or regular (the former has a slightly higher melting point on the body, white dissolves faster). In fact, there are few differences, except for the color, incl. start with the usual, what is in the sugar bowl) The only thing is that the grinding of sugar is different, for different companies, some are larger, some are smaller: you will choose for yourself over time, by trial method. By the way, the main difference between a sugar scrub and a salt scrub is that it does not irritate or dry the skin!
2. Ground cinnamon. I grind cinnamon with my own hands, but also the usual ground rub. for 10 also suits us!
3. Orange peel. Here, if you wish, who does not want to make a bath, do not add! But the effect is much better with it!
4. Olive oil. Good. First cold pressed.

In principle, this can already be stopped, but whoever is the same "crazy master" like me will add the following components. In addition, they are all freely available, for example, in the same Leonardo and on the Spivak stalls.

5. Coconut oil. Refined is also suitable (about 85 rubles, Spivak)
6. Cocoa butter, unrefined - not required, but I add for texture. I have brought from Sri Lanka.
7. Liquid oil - any that is, except for the olive. For me, it's usually peanuts, sweet almonds, wine pits. The brands are all different, the prices too, even in the cheap segment you can find decent oils.
8. Essential oil of orange. Red or sweet. Or both) It’s worth spending money on it, believe me, it will still come in handy, for example, with a cold.
9. Essential oil of cinnamon. An indispensable component in all "hot" scrubs and masks, incl. and for the face. It’s not so easy to find, if anything, we’ll add a little more dry part to increase blood flow. I have in samplers from different online stores, so far I have not found the optimal price-quality.
10. D-panthenol (about 150 rubles, Leonardo), not necessarily, but I always add to the funds. Has moisture-retaining properties.
11. Vitamin E (tocopherol), sold in any pharmacy in the form of capsules or oil extract (the latter is much more convenient), will come in handy later for hair, for example.
12. Vegetable glycerin (about 100 in my opinion, Leonardo).

Girls, do not be afraid, at first glance, all these components come out a little expensive, but with such a volume you will make a kg of scrub, believe me) Moreover, all of them are necessary and suitable for other methods of use. Who needs information about what and where it is useful, I will write

We go further, the components are assembled, prepare the container. Plastic trays and containers are best suited for this business (in no case do not interfere in metal utensils, many oils oxidize immediately and lose their properties). Yes, I almost forgot, ideally, of course, we would have a measuring spoon, but for simplicity I will give a layout for ordinary tea and dining rooms, but again, only plastic, not metal!

Cooking process:
In general, creaming reminds me of cooking, many of the basics are taken from it. In this tool, too, first we need to combine the dry components, then the liquid ones.
1) We put warm butter butters in a water bath. If you limited yourself to one coconut, then this is 2 tables. spoons, if also cocoa - then one each. Do not overheat the oils, it starts to melt a little, immediately remove from the bath, the rest will melt already in the melted itself.

Combine sugar, cinnamon and zest. With sugar, start with half a glass, then bring it to the desired consistency, plus many will determine the desired texture for themselves (I like dry ones, many of my friends are mostly creamy), pour out 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, who likes it hot and the skin is not sensitive - you can.
Orange on a fine grater - here you have the right amount of zest. I throw the peel and whole cinnamon into the food processor, but for the sake of one jar, you can suffer with a grater. It turns out that such a bright and cheerful mass.

Mix everything well with each other. The sugar should darken a little in the end. The smell should already be "baldezhny" , because vapors of essential oil are released from the zest.


Pour the melted butter into the dry ingredients, mix quickly and quickly, while rubbing the butter into the sugar as if pressing (I explain clearly, a)) It should look like this in the end:


Next, we add olive oil - 3-4 tablespoons. We interfere. The mass becomes thinner.
Liquid oils - 2-3 teaspoons of one or more.
Vitamin E - 10 drops or 2-3 capsules (of course, pierce them and extract what you need))
D-panthenol, half a teaspoon

Essential oils 10 drops - orange and cinnamon.
We mix everything well, ideally with a mixer or a combine, but you can just use a plastic spoon (now we remember about metal, right?)). And we evaluate the texture, if it seems dry - add olive oil, if vice versa - then a spoon or two of sugar. Once again, everyone will choose for himself. Here is the best one for me:

10) We shift all this into a beautiful jar and give it a presentation.

We leave the scrub for a day in a cool place to infuse and soak with esters. Next, we take it out and warn all households that it is impossible to eat . We store in the refrigerator, only here. A month and a half, calmly. I have a fad in this regard, I don’t add preservatives at any point of a gun, even if the girls themselves ask me. It is better to make a new composition more often than to use any beech!
Here are just pictures:

Such a pattern came out by itself at the bottom) And ... another marble scrub recipe was born (everything comes to my mind in the process, I can fall for 25 minutes and fly somewhere far away, my husband laughs, I’m already used to it)


2-3 times a week during bath procedures, take the required amount of scrub (put a spoon or spatula, do not climb with your hands every time), actively massage for 3-7 minutes and rinse with water. After this product, moisturizing is no longer required - the oils in the composition will do everything for you. With a more liquid consistency, you can manage to make an anti-cellulite wrap out of this scrub!

Expanded opinion:
No shop scrub gave me such smooth, nourished and fragrant skin! + anti-cellulite properties due to the essential oils of orange and cinnamon - also contribute) On my hips from the age of 15 I had terrible stretch marks (I don’t know why, there weren’t big weight drops), and so with the use of this and of course my other scrubs, they became practically invisible!

The cost of this product in terms of servings is about 150 rubles, instead of 600-800 in organic shops.

Test period:
About 2 years independently and a year in ready-made products for about six months. This scrub is one of my favorites!

Well, now I'll show off pictures of my "babies", samplers or mini-versions of this product.

Haven't I tired you with my boring words about handmade cosmetics? Is it worth writing more? I have about 150 recipes in my luggage, of which %35 can be prepared by any girl who has a kitchen and a refrigerator))

Benefits of a body scrub. Types of scrubs. How to make your own scrub. Recipes for popular sugar body scrubs

Competent care of the skin of the face and body will preserve youth and beauty. To tidy up, it is not necessary to seek the help of professionals; at home, you can prepare skin cleansers. One of the effective cosmetics is a sugar body scrub.

What is a scrub? This is a cosmetic preparation that removes all impurities from the skin (its upper layer) by mechanical action. That is, if you just take a shower and use the usual product - soap or shower gel, then in this way you can only remove impurities from the surface of the skin, but in order to remove the stratum corneum, cleanse the skin of sebaceous secretions and sweat, you need to use special scrubbing agents. In stores, you can choose any drug you like, taking into account the price and aroma of the product. But a stunning effect is not always expected. Moreover, in each tube there are many additional components that can adversely affect skin health. These are flavors, dyes and preservatives. Making a good cleanser for the skin of the body is quite possible on your own.

What are scrubs?

Any cosmetic preparation, whether it is store-bought or made independently, consists of the smallest particles or abrasive. These can be: salt or sugar crystals, crushed grape, almond or apricot seeds, as well as synthetic fiber, silicone granules and even fine sand. All these abrasive particles will help to cleanse the skin of impurities better than ordinary soap or shower gel.

Scrubs are different: oil or water. In the first case, the main components are oil and an abrasive (sugar, salt, ground coffee beans, grape, apricot or olive pits). Oils are used as a basis: synthetic or natural. The scrub consistency may vary depending on the percentage of oils and abrasive particles. Such a scrub is more suitable not only for deep cleansing of the skin, but also for moisturizing. Used in professional massage rooms and spas.

Scrubs without oils are light, the composition contains a little essential oil or a mixture of oils. Abrasive particles natural and artificial: silicone, synthetics, cellulose. A light scrub is suitable for cleansing dry and sensitive skin.

What is a scrub and how to use it correctly

Skin cleansing with abrasive particles is not done every day, it is not necessary. Scrub should be used 2 or 3 times a week, depending on lifestyle and skin type.

With the help of one cosmetic product, you can achieve the following results:

  1. Deep cleansing of the upper layer of the epidermis. Our cells work without interruption: sweat glands, as well as fatty glands, secrete a secret (this is fat and sweat), which mixes with dust and remains on the surface. This happens regardless of whether a person leads an active lifestyle or not. Even at rest, cells continue their work. Soap alone is not enough for body skin care, it can only remove the top layer of impurities, and the dense fatty film will remain “lying” and preventing the pores from breathing. Various scrubs are designed for deep cleansing of the skin.
  2. In addition to nutrition, the scrub will help moisturize the skin and saturate it with useful substances. If you use an oil-based product plus vitamins, then in this way you can not only cleanse the skin with high quality, but also moisturize it, nourish it with useful components.
  3. High-quality cleansing of the skin from keratinized particles is especially important for adolescents, because the cells actively produce sebum and sweat. If the skin is not cleansed, then certain areas of the body become rough, these places darken.
  4. With the help of a scrub, you can make a light body massage and improve blood circulation. Thus, the recovery processes of metabolism in the body are activated, and body fat does not accumulate. Scrub can be a real salvation for girls who are struggling with cellulite and stretch marks.
  5. Scrub is a unique product that simultaneously cleanses the skin, nourishes, moisturizes and even tones. The ideal option is a sugar scrub, it is suitable for any type of skin and does an excellent job with the tasks.

The benefits of sugar scrub

Depending on the components of the cleanser, you can improve the condition of the skin.

What are the benefits of a sugar-based scrub:

  • gentle cleansing of dry and sensitive skin;
  • treatment for hyperkeratosis of oily skin;
  • sugar is a good abrasive and an excellent skin massage agent;
  • sugar scrub gives a slight lightening effect. If every day you treat areas of darkened and rough skin (knees / elbows) with an oil-based scrub with sugar, then you can gradually improve the condition of these areas;
  • getting rid of rashes, fat deposits;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • does not irritate even sensitive skin;
  • struggles with problems such as peeling, corns, cracked heels;
  • stored in the refrigerator.

How to make a sugar scrub

It is easy to make this cosmetic product on your own at home, but before you start purchasing the necessary components, you need to choose the right scrub ingredients for your skin type.

So, natural abrasive particles are suitable for combination and normal skin types: these are grape or apricot seeds crushed on a coffee grinder. For oily skin, you can use walnut shells and the same apricot or grape seeds, only coarsely ground. If the skin is dry and sensitive, then the addition of oils is indispensable, and the abrasive particles should be small.

Dry skin can be scrubbed once a week, normal and oily / combination - from 2 to 3 times. You can’t do without assistants in the skin cleansing procedure, so we recommend that you immediately purchase a special washcloth, mitten or body brush with an elongated handle. In the absence of accessories, you can use a "waffle" towel.

There are a lot of sugar scrub recipes, for starters, we advise you not to rush and try everything at once. Decide on your skin type and choose the best set of ingredients that will solve your specific problems. The basis of a sugar scrub is sugar plus additional components: vegetable oils, essential oils, coffee, vitamins, clay, honey, etc.

Sugar scrub at home:

  • you need sugar - 1 cup;
  • shower gel (neutral) - 50 ml;
  • any vegetable oil - 100 ml.

All components must be mixed in a jar, if you see that the scrub is watery, then you can add a little more sugar. If desired, put a spoonful of crushed coffee beans, orange essential oil, vitamins A and E. You can use this scrub 1 or 2 times a week while taking a shower.

Another Sugar Body Scrub Recipe:

  • sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • clay - 6 tablespoons;
  • honey - 1 tbsp;
  • essential grapefruit oil - 3 k.

All components are mixed and the scrub is immediately ready for use: you need to apply the product on slightly moistened skin. Problem areas: buttocks, thighs are massaged for 5-7 minutes. Rinse off the scrub preferably with hot water. This tool is just perfect for fighting cellulite.

In the fight against cellulite and body fat, such a scrub with sugar and coffee will also help:

  • sugar - half a glass;
  • coffee - 4 tablespoons;
  • water - 70 ml;
  • olive oil - 2 tsp

Prepare the skin cleanser:

  1. Ground coffee must be brewed in water.
  2. Add sugar and vegetable oil to the resulting chilled mixture.

Scrub, aka peeling, ready. If there is not much left, then you can store this product in the refrigerator, but not more than 4 days. Ideally, if you prepare this scrub and go to the bathhouse with your friends.

Popular sweet scrub recipes

You can make a sugar scrub with your own hands in just a few minutes, the result will please you, especially since the reviews on the use of a sugar scrub are pleasantly surprising: the skin becomes tender, velvety, fat deposits disappear, cellulite disappears.

Chocolate with sugar

To prepare such a delicious body scrub, you need to select only 2 ingredients from your stocks: this is 5 tbsp. sugar and 10 tbsp. cocoa powder. You need to combine these components in a convenient container (you can use a deep bowl) and immediately apply to the body. First you need to thoroughly massage the moisturized skin, 5-7 minutes are allocated for this stage, then wash off the remains of the scrub with water. The next time you need to repeat the steps after 7 days. Result: cleansed skin, if done regularly, you can get rid of cellulite.

Honey with clay and sugar

The constant component is sugar, you need to select 4 tablespoons, put 1 large spoonful of liquid honey and 6 tablespoons of sugar immediately. with a hill of clay (black, cosmetic), you can add your favorite essential oil for aroma - 3 drops. All products must be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass, and then immediately applied to moistened skin. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas: these are the tummy, hips and buttocks. Here you need to thoroughly massage the skin with a terry mitten. Rinse off the scrub - only with warm water without cleansers. After using such a tool, it is necessary to apply a cream with an anti-cellulite effect to the problem areas.

Sugar and potatoes

Agree, very unexpected, but effective. You need to mix 4 tablespoons of sugar with the yolk and add fresh potatoes grated on a fine grater. Apply the resulting mass to the skin, massage, leave for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with warm water without soap.

Oatmeal and cane sugar

If you make a scrub, then only from brown sugar, it is more effective and healthier for our skin. You will need half a cup of crushed oatmeal flakes and 1/4 cup of brown sugar, add any essential oil (5 drops) and 2 tbsp. liquid honey. Excellent effect of cleansing the skin, smoothness and hydration are provided.

Cranberries with sugar

To prepare the scrub according to this recipe, you will need a blender. In it you need to grind a mixture of regular white sugar with brown (1/4 cup), frozen or fresh cranberries (half a cup), 2 tbsp. oatmeal and 1 tsp. favorite essential oil. This sugar scrub is also suitable for delicate facial skin.

Nut and sugar

Mix chopped almonds in the amount of 3 tbsp, almond oil - 4 tbsp, salt - 1 tsp, sugar - 2 tbsp, chopped oatmeal - 4 tbsp. If the skin is dry, add 2 tbsp. liquid honey. The body should be scrubbed for at least 5 minutes, then rinsed with water.

Homemade sugar body scrub with tomato

To prepare the scrub according to this recipe, you need to buy homemade tomatoes grown without chemicals, then you can expect cleansing and skin renewal.

You will need:

  • chopped tomato;
  • sugar (can be white) - 3 tablespoons;
  • homemade yogurt or sour cream - 2 tbsp.

Grate a fresh tomato, add sugar, mix and leave for 1-2 minutes. Then we put yogurt or sour cream (can be replaced with vegetable oil). Apply the scrub to clean skin, leave for 10 minutes, massage with a hard washcloth and wash off the remnants with warm water.

Sugar salt scrub

Sugar and salt can be found in every house of every housewife, so these simple products can be used to make an excellent skin cleanser.

Scrub based on sugar and salt:

  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • crushed oatmeal - 3 tablespoons;
  • sea ​​salt (not coarse) - 2 tbsp;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • cranberries - 3 tbsp.

The components are mixed and applied to the steamed skin. We carefully perform a light massage, more carefully go through problem areas. Rinse off this scrub with hot water.

Another effective scrub recipe that will help in the fight against cellulite:

  • natural ground coffee - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - 3 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • olive oil - half a teaspoon.

The resulting mixture should be slowly and thoroughly rubbed into the skin, paying more attention to problem areas.

Moisturizing and cleansing is achieved with this scrub: 3 tbsp. ground coffee beans mixed with salt and sugar (also 3 tbsp each), a few drops of shower gel, preferably odorless, are added.

In the fight against stretch marks (even old ones), this mixture will help: salt and sugar in equal proportions (half a cup). Salt should be taken fine, sea, sugar - brown. If not, then white is also suitable. The mixture is poured with any vegetable oil in an amount of 125 ml. You need to use a scrub 1-2 times a week, the course of treatment is 3-5 months. It is best to store leftovers in the refrigerator, in a container with a tightly closed lid.

In the fight against subcutaneous fat deposits, a sugar-salt scrub with the addition of a mixture of olive oils and flax seeds, plus a couple of drops of orange essential oil, will help. Usage: 2 times a week, course - 3 months.

honey and sugar

Prepare these ingredients:

  • cane sugar - 1 cup;
  • olive oil - 1 cup;
  • essential oils of rose, lavender and sage - 1-2 drops each;
  • liquid honey - half a glass.

The sequence of mixing the products is as follows: first you need to mix honey with oil, add sugar, mix again and at the end add a mixture of essential oils or 1-2 drops from each vial. Again, the scrub is mixed and applied to cleansed skin. The rest should be stored in the refrigerator, and warmed up in a water bath before use.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, good deep cleansing, nutrition and hydration. There are no age restrictions, you can use scrubs at any age, starting from 16 years.

Sugar scrub 3in1

This recipe is more interesting, to make such a scrub at home, you need to prepare well, namely, to purchase a soap base in advance. It is sold in specialized stores for soap products, and this component can also be ordered in the online store.

What you need to prepare in advance:

  • soap base (ideally made in England) - 80 g;
  • vegetable oil of grape seeds, jojoba or wheat germ - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar (any, white or cane) - 200 g;
  • vitamin E - 5 drops;
  • food coloring (optional) - a few drops;
  • fragrance or essential oil - 2-3 drops.

You will also need: rolling pin, cookie cutters, plastic bag.

This recipe is slightly adapted, because if you make a sugar scrub according to a standard recipe (this is 1 part of a soap base, 1 of butter and 3 of sugar), then the scrub turns out to be loose and greasy.

How to make a scrub yourself:

  1. Cut a piece of soap base with a knife.
  2. You can melt it in a water bath or in a microwave, only then it is important not to miss the moment so that the base does not run away.
  3. Quickly add dye to the hot soap base (if you want to do this). If something confuses, you can add 2 drops of olive oil, it gives a beautiful yellowish tint. If you brew a dye madder, you can get a scrub shade ranging from delicate pink to rich red. An oily solution of Chlorophyllipt (sold in pharmacies) gives a beautiful greenish tint.
  4. When the base has cooled slightly, add sugar in small portions, mix. It is better not to add sugar to the hot base, because it will dissolve and you will need a fresh portion. Quickly stir the mass, it will be thick.
  5. We lay out the whole mass on a pre-prepared plastic bag (we lay it out on the table in 2 layers). The mass is crumbly and loose. You need to wrap it in a bag and knead it with your hands. This is necessary so that the grains of sugar are combined with the soap base. You will see for yourself how it becomes soft and plastic.
  6. Now you can take a rolling pin and roll out the mass like dough.
  7. After rolling, remove the top layer of polyethylene and use cookie cutters to push the figures.
  8. We leave the figures on the table for 3-5 hours.

It turns out soap, scrub and an excellent moisturizer at the same time. For 1 application you will need 1 sugar bar.

How to make a scrub at home. Video

Competent care of the skin of the face and body will preserve youth and beauty. To tidy up, it is not necessary to seek the help of professionals; at home, you can prepare skin cleansers. One of the effective cosmetics is a sugar body scrub.

What is a scrub? This is a cosmetic preparation that removes all impurities from the skin (its upper layer) by mechanical action. That is, if you just take a shower and use the usual product - soap or shower gel, then in this way you can only remove impurities from the surface of the skin, but in order to remove the stratum corneum, cleanse the skin of sebaceous secretions and sweat, you need to use special scrubbing agents. In stores, you can choose any drug you like, taking into account the price and aroma of the product. But a stunning effect is not always expected. Moreover, in each tube there are many additional components that can adversely affect skin health. These are flavors, dyes and preservatives. Making a good cleanser for the skin of the body is quite possible on your own.

What are scrubs?

Any cosmetic preparation, whether it is store-bought or made independently, consists of the smallest particles or abrasive. These can be: salt or sugar crystals, crushed grape, almond or apricot seeds, as well as synthetic fiber, silicone granules and even fine sand. All these abrasive particles will help to cleanse the skin of impurities better than ordinary soap or shower gel.

Scrubs are different: oil or water. In the first case, the main components are oil and an abrasive (sugar, salt, ground coffee beans, grape, apricot or olive pits). Oils are used as a basis: synthetic or natural. The scrub consistency may vary depending on the percentage of oils and abrasive particles. Such a scrub is more suitable not only for deep cleansing of the skin, but also for moisturizing. Used in professional massage rooms and spas.

Scrubs without oils are light, the composition contains a little essential oil or a mixture of oils. Abrasive particles natural and artificial: silicone, synthetics, cellulose. A light scrub is suitable for cleansing dry and sensitive skin.

What is a scrub and how to use it correctly

Skin cleansing with abrasive particles is not done every day, it is not necessary. Scrub should be used 2 or 3 times a week, depending on lifestyle and skin type.

With the help of one cosmetic product, you can achieve the following results:

  1. Deep cleansing of the upper layer of the epidermis. Our cells work without interruption: sweat glands, as well as fatty glands, secrete a secret (this is fat and sweat), which mixes with dust and remains on the surface. This happens regardless of whether a person leads an active lifestyle or not. Even at rest, cells continue their work. Soap alone is not enough for body skin care, it can only remove the top layer of impurities, and the dense fatty film will remain “lying” and preventing the pores from breathing. Various scrubs are designed for deep cleansing of the skin.
  2. In addition to nutrition, the scrub will help moisturize the skin and saturate it with useful substances. If you use an oil-based product plus vitamins, then in this way you can not only cleanse the skin with high quality, but also moisturize it, nourish it with useful components.
  3. High-quality cleansing of the skin from keratinized particles is especially important for adolescents, because the cells actively produce sebum and sweat. If the skin is not cleansed, then certain areas of the body become rough, these places darken.
  4. With the help of a scrub, you can make a light body massage and improve blood circulation. Thus, the recovery processes of metabolism in the body are activated, and body fat does not accumulate. Scrub can be a real salvation for girls who are struggling with cellulite and stretch marks.
  5. Scrub is a unique product that simultaneously cleanses the skin, nourishes, moisturizes and even tones. The ideal option is a sugar scrub, it is suitable for any type of skin and does an excellent job with the tasks.

The benefits of sugar scrub

Depending on the components of the cleanser, you can improve the condition of the skin.

What are the benefits of a sugar-based scrub:

  • gentle cleansing of dry and sensitive skin;
  • treatment for hyperkeratosis of oily skin;
  • sugar is a good abrasive and an excellent skin massage agent;
  • sugar scrub gives a slight lightening effect. If every day you treat areas of darkened and rough skin (knees / elbows) with an oil-based scrub with sugar, then you can gradually improve the condition of these areas;
  • getting rid of rashes, fat deposits;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • does not irritate even sensitive skin;
  • struggles with problems such as peeling, corns, cracked heels;
  • stored in the refrigerator.

How to make a sugar scrub

It is easy to make this cosmetic product on your own at home, but before you start purchasing the necessary components, you need to choose the right scrub ingredients for your skin type.

So, natural abrasive particles are suitable for combination and normal skin types: these are grape or apricot seeds crushed on a coffee grinder. For oily skin, you can use walnut shells and the same apricot or grape seeds, only coarsely ground. If the skin is dry and sensitive, then the addition of oils is indispensable, and the abrasive particles should be small.

Dry skin can be scrubbed once a week, normal and oily / combination - from 2 to 3 times. You can’t do without assistants in the skin cleansing procedure, so we recommend that you immediately purchase a special washcloth, mitten or body brush with an elongated handle. In the absence of accessories, you can use a "waffle" towel.

There are a lot of sugar scrub recipes, for starters, we advise you not to rush and try everything at once. Decide on your skin type and choose the best set of ingredients that will solve your specific problems. The basis of a sugar scrub is sugar plus additional components: vegetable oils, essential oils, coffee, vitamins, clay, honey, etc.

Sugar scrub at home:

  • you need sugar - 1 cup;
  • shower gel (neutral) - 50 ml;
  • any vegetable oil - 100 ml.

All components must be mixed in a jar, if you see that the scrub is watery, then you can add a little more sugar. If desired, put a spoonful of crushed coffee beans, orange essential oil, vitamins A and E. You can use this scrub 1 or 2 times a week while taking a shower.

Another Sugar Body Scrub Recipe:

  • sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • clay - 6 tablespoons;
  • honey - 1 tbsp;
  • essential grapefruit oil - 3 k.

All components are mixed and the scrub is immediately ready for use: you need to apply the product on slightly moistened skin. Problem areas: buttocks, thighs are massaged for 5-7 minutes. Rinse off the scrub preferably with hot water. This tool is just perfect for fighting cellulite.

In the fight against cellulite and body fat, such a scrub with sugar and coffee will also help:

  • sugar - half a glass;
  • coffee - 4 tablespoons;
  • water - 70 ml;
  • olive oil - 2 tsp

Prepare the skin cleanser:

  1. Ground coffee must be brewed in water.
  2. Add sugar and vegetable oil to the resulting chilled mixture.

Scrub, aka peeling, ready. If there is not much left, then you can store this product in the refrigerator, but not more than 4 days. Ideally, if you prepare this scrub and go to the bathhouse with your friends.

Popular sweet scrub recipes

You can make a sugar scrub with your own hands in just a few minutes, the result will please you, especially since the reviews on the use of a sugar scrub are pleasantly surprising: the skin becomes tender, velvety, fat deposits disappear, cellulite disappears.

Chocolate with sugar

To prepare such a delicious body scrub, you need to select only 2 ingredients from your stocks: this is 5 tbsp. sugar and 10 tbsp. cocoa powder. You need to combine these components in a convenient container (you can use a deep bowl) and immediately apply to the body. First you need to thoroughly massage the moisturized skin, 5-7 minutes are allocated for this stage, then wash off the remains of the scrub with water. The next time you need to repeat the steps after 7 days. Result: cleansed skin, if done regularly, you can get rid of cellulite.

Honey with clay and sugar

The constant component is sugar, you need to select 4 tablespoons, put 1 large spoonful of liquid honey and 6 tablespoons of sugar immediately. with a hill of clay (black, cosmetic), you can add your favorite essential oil for aroma - 3 drops. All products must be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass, and then immediately applied to moistened skin. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas: these are the tummy, hips and buttocks. Here you need to thoroughly massage the skin with a terry mitten. Rinse off the scrub - only with warm water without cleansers. After using such a tool, it is necessary to apply a cream with an anti-cellulite effect to the problem areas.

Sugar and potatoes

Agree, very unexpected, but effective. You need to mix 4 tablespoons of sugar with the yolk and add fresh potatoes grated on a fine grater. Apply the resulting mass to the skin, massage, leave for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with warm water without soap.

Oatmeal and cane sugar

If you make a scrub, then only from brown sugar, it is more effective and healthier for our skin. You will need half a cup of crushed oatmeal flakes and 1/4 cup of brown sugar, add any essential oil (5 drops) and 2 tbsp. liquid honey. Excellent effect of cleansing the skin, smoothness and hydration are provided.

Cranberries with sugar

To prepare the scrub according to this recipe, you will need a blender. In it you need to grind a mixture of regular white sugar with brown (1/4 cup), frozen or fresh cranberries (half a cup), 2 tbsp. oatmeal and 1 tsp. favorite essential oil. This sugar scrub is also suitable for delicate facial skin.

Nut and sugar

Mix chopped almonds in the amount of 3 tbsp, almond oil - 4 tbsp, salt - 1 tsp, sugar - 2 tbsp, chopped oatmeal - 4 tbsp. If the skin is dry, add 2 tbsp. liquid honey. The body should be scrubbed for at least 5 minutes, then rinsed with water.

Homemade sugar body scrub with tomato

To prepare the scrub according to this recipe, you need to buy homemade tomatoes grown without chemicals, then you can expect cleansing and skin renewal.

You will need:

  • chopped tomato;
  • sugar (can be white) - 3 tablespoons;
  • homemade yogurt or sour cream - 2 tbsp.

Grate a fresh tomato, add sugar, mix and leave for 1-2 minutes. Then we put yogurt or sour cream (can be replaced with vegetable oil). Apply the scrub to clean skin, leave for 10 minutes, massage with a hard washcloth and wash off the remnants with warm water.

Sugar salt scrub

Sugar and salt can be found in every house of every housewife, so these simple products can be used to make an excellent skin cleanser.

Scrub based on sugar and salt:

  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • crushed oatmeal - 3 tablespoons;
  • sea ​​salt (not coarse) - 2 tbsp;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • cranberries - 3 tbsp.

The components are mixed and applied to the steamed skin. We carefully perform a light massage, more carefully go through problem areas. Rinse off this scrub with hot water.

Another effective scrub recipe that will help in the fight against cellulite:

  • natural ground coffee - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - 3 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • olive oil - half a teaspoon.

The resulting mixture should be slowly and thoroughly rubbed into the skin, paying more attention to problem areas.

Moisturizing and cleansing is achieved with this scrub: 3 tbsp. ground coffee beans mixed with salt and sugar (also 3 tbsp each), a few drops of shower gel, preferably odorless, are added.

In the fight against stretch marks (even old ones), this mixture will help: salt and sugar in equal proportions (half a cup). Salt should be taken fine, sea, sugar - brown. If not, then white is also suitable. The mixture is poured with any vegetable oil in an amount of 125 ml. You need to use a scrub 1-2 times a week, the course of treatment is 3-5 months. It is best to store leftovers in the refrigerator, in a container with a tightly closed lid.

In the fight against subcutaneous fat deposits, a sugar-salt scrub with the addition of a mixture of olive oils and flax seeds, plus a couple of drops of orange essential oil, will help. Usage: 2 times a week, course - 3 months.

honey and sugar

Prepare these ingredients:

  • cane sugar - 1 cup;
  • olive oil - 1 cup;
  • essential oils of rose, lavender and sage - 1-2 drops each;
  • liquid honey - half a glass.

The sequence of mixing the products is as follows: first you need to mix honey with oil, add sugar, mix again and at the end add a mixture of essential oils or 1-2 drops from each vial. Again, the scrub is mixed and applied to cleansed skin. The rest should be stored in the refrigerator, and warmed up in a water bath before use.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, good deep cleansing, nutrition and hydration. There are no age restrictions, you can use scrubs at any age, starting from 16 years.

Sugar scrub 3in1

This recipe is more interesting, to make such a scrub at home, you need to prepare well, namely, to purchase a soap base in advance. It is sold in specialized stores for soap products, and this component can also be ordered in the online store.

What you need to prepare in advance:

  • soap base (ideally made in England) - 80 g;
  • vegetable oil of grape seeds, jojoba or wheat germ - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar (any, white or cane) - 200 g;
  • vitamin E - 5 drops;
  • food coloring (optional) - a few drops;
  • fragrance or essential oil - 2-3 drops.

You will also need: rolling pin, cookie cutters, plastic bag.

This recipe is slightly adapted, because if you make a sugar scrub according to a standard recipe (this is 1 part of a soap base, 1 of butter and 3 of sugar), then the scrub turns out to be loose and greasy.

How to make a scrub yourself:

  1. Cut a piece of soap base with a knife.
  2. You can melt it in a water bath or in a microwave, only then it is important not to miss the moment so that the base does not run away.
  3. Quickly add dye to the hot soap base (if you want to do this). If something confuses, you can add 2 drops of olive oil, it gives a beautiful yellowish tint. If you brew a dye madder, you can get a scrub shade ranging from delicate pink to rich red. An oily solution of Chlorophyllipt (sold in pharmacies) gives a beautiful greenish tint.
  4. When the base has cooled slightly, add sugar in small portions, mix. It is better not to add sugar to the hot base, because it will dissolve and you will need a fresh portion. Quickly stir the mass, it will be thick.
  5. We lay out the whole mass on a pre-prepared plastic bag (we lay it out on the table in 2 layers). The mass is crumbly and loose. You need to wrap it in a bag and knead it with your hands. This is necessary so that the grains of sugar are combined with the soap base. You will see for yourself how it becomes soft and plastic.
  6. Now you can take a rolling pin and roll out the mass like dough.
  7. After rolling, remove the top layer of polyethylene and use cookie cutters to push the figures.
  8. We leave the figures on the table for 3-5 hours.

It turns out soap, scrub and an excellent moisturizer at the same time. For 1 application you will need 1 sugar bar.

How to make a scrub at home. Video

DIY Sugar Body Scrubs, the recipes of which we will look at today, are an incredible cleanser with a gentle but deep action.

The main advantages of do-it-yourself sugar body scrubs are accessibility, ease of preparation / use and, of course, the amazing effect that your friends will ask you about more than once, suspecting you of visiting expensive beauty salons.

Clean, healthy and youthful skin - all this sugar scrubs for the body!

Universal Sugar Scrub

First in line is the easiest way to make a sugar scrub, which has nourishing and skin-softening properties.

Consisting of only two ingredients, this scrub gently exfoliates dead skin cells, improving its firmness and elasticity.

  • half a glass of sugar;
  • cold-pressed oil (such as olive or corn).

We mix the components of the recipe in a clean container, and then gently massage the steamed skin in circular motions, applying the scrub to the palm or sponge. After the procedure, we take a shower and repeat after two to three weeks.

Regular use of sugar-based home scrubs is the key to youth and beauty!

This recipe has a little more ingredients, but the preparation time of the remedy will not increase from this. Get ready to bring back the softness of baby skin to your skin.

  • vitamin C in the form of effervescent tablets;
  • aloe vera gel (a little);
  • vegetable glycerin and granulated sugar in equal proportions;
  • two - three drops of any essential oil;
  • turmeric or grated hibiscus.

We mix all the listed products in a clean, convenient container until smooth and distribute over steamed skin with light massage movements. We wait five minutes and wash off the remnants of running water.

Also, be sure to use the recipe for a honey hair mask at home, the recipe of which will give curls silkiness and volume!

Homemade sugar scrub - simplicity and affordability!

Banana pulp has excellent moisturizing, nourishing and soothing properties.

  • the pulp of a medium ripe banana;
  • six teaspoons of granulated sugar;
  • a quarter teaspoon of any essential oil.

We mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, apply and rinse in the same way as described above.

Sweet Sugar Scrubs – Your skin still has that sweet tooth!

This home remedy contains spices and is considered ideal for cleansing skin up to thirty years. The tonic effect of the scrub is felt even after the procedure.

  • two teaspoons of ground nutmeg;
  • two teaspoons of ground ginger;
  • two teaspoons of cinnamon powder;
  • a third of a glass of soy or almond oil;
  • a glass of white granulated sugar;
  • one glass of brown (cane) sugar;
  • thirty drops of cardamom essential oil.

It is necessary to mix all the listed components of the recipe (except for the essential oil) in a wide glass container until a homogeneous consistency. Now we begin to gradually add the oil, stirring the mixture with a wooden spoon (I use an ice cream stick). We shift the scrub into a convenient jar for storage and use it as in previous recipes.

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Soft toning scrub with sugar for body skin rejuvenation

The scrub prepared according to this recipe is ideal for use in the summer, because its refreshing effect lasts so long! In addition to all the properties inherent in other products, this composition is able to dissolve the glue that binds dead cells together, making room for new ones.

  • six teaspoons of sour cream;
  • fresh puree from one tomato;
  • a quarter cup of granulated sugar.

We mix sugar with mashed potatoes and let the mixture brew for three minutes, after which we add sour cream and proceed to the procedure according to the method similar to the second recipe.

What are you waiting for? Most time to make your own sugar body scrub- you already have the recipes!