Arches decorated with stone. Arch made of decorative stone: only advantages. Preparation and laying

Arch decoration with decorative stone allows you to make the interior really stylish and bright. So unusual openings always attract attention. They are associated with triumphal arches or mysterious inputs in the cave. If you decide to create an arched opening in the apartment and make it correctly, you can make space visually wider.

For decoration can be used stucco, carving, forging or wood. But the perfect solution is a decorative stone. There are different types of this material, so finding suitable is very easy. The arch, trimmed by a stone, perfectly fit into the interior and brings into it a kind of highlight. It looks truly great. At the same time, the material itself is durable and reliable.

The decorative stone has practically no shortcomings. It is made of material to which no corrosion is neras. He is also not subject to rotting and infection with fungus, which makes it truly reliable.

The composition of the decorative material includes:

  • ceramzit;
  • cement;
  • pumice.

All fillers are environmentally friendly. Phamba is a glass of volcanic origin, which is formed with the rapid frozen of the lava. It has a porous structure and superbly retains heat. Ceramzite is baked clay balls. Perlite - also has volcanic origins.

Another advantage of artificial stone is simplicity of care. It can be cleaned with a soft detergent.

The widest range of artificial material allows you to find imitation of any natural stone. Similar notes on texture and color.

Arches made of decorative stone in the interior

Today, the interiors are very often used arches decorated with decorative stone. With it, you can easily embody any, even the most unusual design ideas. For example, if the arch is framed by stones of light and blue-green tones, it can resemble a fabulous entrance to the underwater grotto, and if you create a imitation of granite, you can in the form of a bizarre entrance to the cave or an old castle.

It should be remembered that to create the most harmonious design, additional decoration is required. Excellent solution - plant and workshop use of light. If the arch is styled for a magical entrance to the underwater world, then plants are simply necessary.

The backlight will give special solemnity and some mysteriousness. If you highlight the edge of the green light, you can create an illusion of aquarium.

Selection of material and decoration arches

Before you know how to separate the arch with a decorative stone, you need to decide on the finishing material. It is worth noting that all kinds of artificial stone are quite easy to work, so often the most important argument for choosing one or another is its value.

It is best to work with a narrow tile. In this case, the arches are much easier to separate the arches. If the arches from drywall are decorated, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the material. Too heavy - deforms the surface or hurts it.

How to separate the arch with your own hands?

Stone laying is very simple. For this work, you will not need the help of a professional builder, everything can be done with your own hands. Consider it in more detail:

  1. Before you start work, you need to clean the surface of the arch and primed it. It should be done carefully so that the dirt or garbage remains. This is very important, because in the future it will be necessary to glue the elements of the decorative stone, and on the crude surface they simply will not hold on. If the surface is very smooth, it is worth making notches.
  2. After that, a mortar is prepared on a cement basis, the composition and proportion of which depend on the type of stone. At this stage it is imperative to perform those requirements that make a manufacturer of selected material.
  3. Only after that you can move directly to the masonry. First, the stone is placed on those places where the arch is in contact with the wall. Work lead in the bottom upwards. So that everything is exactly, use the construction level. You can also use plastic cross. After the first row is laid, we perform the masonry of the second row on the principle of the chessboard. At the corner there is a nestling.

Work on laying stone should start at the bottom and then go upstairs

To finish the arc-shaped section, it is necessary to initially place the stone itself. To do this, it is applied to the wall and cut. At this stage it is very important to withstand the radius of the arch. It is necessary to remember the need for stamping seats.

In order to trim the product as carefully, you must first draw the markup, and then go through a special construction knife several times. Surplus can be easily removed by simple pliers. Special plugs for tiles or grinding are also suitable. For processing the cropped surface use sandpaper. The remaining elements, if necessary, customize on the same principle.

Special plugs for tile will be suitable for removal of excess decorative material

To put the inner surface with decorative material, similar actions should be performed. In this case, the elements are also seen in length. For trimming, a manual saw is used (suitable for plaster based material) or circular saw. So conduct cladding the entire surface.

When the installation works are completed, a certain time is required in order for the cement solution well frozen. Usually it leaves for a day - two. Then be sure to handle the seams using a special putty.

After everything is well dry and the primary processing will be completed, you can move to the decoration of the arch under a certain style or to produce stone coloring. For these works, an airbrush is perfect. It is enough to choose the necessary coloring mixture and also take into account your own taste.

As can be seen, the decoration of the arch with a decorative stone as simple as possible. You can perform it without the help of specialists. You can browse a stylish element. Even an enthusiast amateur will do it with incredible ease. It is only necessary to do very carefully and observe the entire sequence of work.

Arched loops firmly entered the interior design in the house or office. Even in the anconditions, the arch was not associated with a passage into the future, not the triumphal procession. The decorative stone in the decoration of this architectural element gives the arch even more sophistication and chic.

Designers offer many ways to finish arches. Among them, they are especially elegant and gracefully look: plaster stucco, decoration with wooden panels and forged elements. Such combinations perfectly fit into any style of the room and emphasize his individuality. But nothing can compare with the beauty and durability of stone. This is what provided him with the championship in the decoration of arched outlooks. But a natural stone Today is very expensive. Therefore, its artificial analogues are increasingly used with for decorating the arches.

What is better: artificial or natural stone?

Of course, fans of all natural will give preference to natural material. And even its value will not be the reason to abandon the conceived. The photo of the arched outlooks, trimmed with natural stone, in magazines and on the pages of the Internet show how many beauty and grace they add to the interior. Very unusual on the texture and surface such rocks like sandstone and shells. And marble is valued for the unusually delicate color and the intricate pattern.

Arches in the apartment decorated with granite, look unusually majestically and rich.

But you should not deprive your attention and decorative analogue. It has a lot of advantages compared to natural, most importantly of which is the cost. Artificial fellow is much cheaper than natural. But at the same time, it can imitate a completely any breed.

The decorative stone is made of environmentally friendly materials, such as clamzit and pumice. And in order to achieve the desired color, in the mixture add special pigment. After the material passed drying and firing, its strength is not inferior to a natural analogue. And the weight of such a stone is several times less, which is also a significant plus.

Tools for finishing

It is worth noting - in order to fulfill the decoration of the arched out of artificial stone, no special skills required. But some tool will come in handy:

  • bulgarian or manual hacksaw to cut a stone;
  • sandpaper;
  • construction knife;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer.

Decorative stone need in advance to cut into small piecesso that there are no linings in the process of work.

Sequence of work

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in such work. But it is still necessary to adversely.

Advantages of decoration arches with decorative stone

Decorative stone in decoration arches it has a lot of advantage. He not only adds a highlight to the interior of the apartment, but also helps to give the entry into the room a special style and monumentality. But this option of finishing has a practical component. Doorway is a place through which people and animals pass. So, it is very dirty. Decorative stone will help to avoid it. In addition, this material is perfectly cleaning, it also has a rather interesting texture on which stains will not be noticeable.

The decorative decoration of the Arch has many variations that fit perfectly to any interior. Many photoideuses - confirmation of this. You can choose the material imitating brick or fine pebbles, and you can choose and design under granite.

Ways to decorate

Of course, you can lay out a decorative stone and the whole wall that is adjacent to the arch. But most often lay out only side row around the arch.

With the help of various imitation of the stone, you can create a variety of variations in the room input. So, the granite arch will mimic the entrance to the ancient castle, and the arches of the light green color will become the entrance to the marine grotto. What exactly do you want to see in your home - to solve only you.

It is worth noting that using combination of photo wallpapers and masonry You can create a panorama of the destroyed building and the city behind it. But not only this decor can be applied. Here is the case of taste and your imagination.

And, most importantly, you should not overload the interior if the decoration of the arch in it is planned from the stone. This will lead to the fact that the effect of perseverance will be created. The whole design of a similar room, if there is more than one element from the stone in it, will put it with its weight. But if you have a fireplace in the house, it must be separated in the same style as the arch. Together they will create a harmonious ensemble, indulging in a special charm and warmth.

Decorative Arches in the apartment

The decorative finishing stone is definitely there are his fans. After all, it is practical, beautiful material, styling with even the unprofessional.

The variety of textures and wider color of the stone will help to issue an interior in various styles, create comfort and comfort in your apartment or private house. The most widely facing material is used when finishing walls, columns, kitchen "aprons", niches and doorways, including arches.

For internal work, artificial stone based on plaster is most often used. This is a lightweight (much easier concrete analogues), breathable, environmentally friendly material with high performance characteristics.

Today we will discuss in more detail on the decoration of the Arch and doorways decorative stone.

Types of decorative stone

  • decorative brick

Brick natural shade - popular material in the interior in the style of Loft. The tile "under the brick" imitates brickwork. The arch-decorated arch looks good in combination with dark color ceiling beams in the "Country" interior.

White brick will make the room more romantic and easy. Suitable for the interior in Scandinavian, Mediterranean and vintage style and of course in the style of Provence.

  • shelter, sandstone

The cladding tile of the sewer will fill the interior with light and heat. Warm color gamut and porous surface is perfectly combined with columns in an antique style interiors.

  • limestone

Limestone tile or imitation is characterized by texture and variety of shades: from white to brown.

  • river stone

Such a cladding looks very brutal, resembles a medieval castle or an entrance to the cave. A large stone is suitable for the interior in the style of "chalets" and in the Gothic style.

Being in search of suitable options, it is useful to explore the catalogs of the finishing material. The finished products made of natural stone are tens of a variety of names, skillfully combining which you will get a harmonious interior it is in your style.

The design of the opening stone has several advantages. First, it is the protection of side surfaces and exterior angles from abrasion and pollution. Secondly, such a finish is more durable.

Thirdly, the opening or arch acquire an interesting species, can become an emphasis in the interior or emphasize its common style.

The doorway finish with artificial stone will help visually combine the hallway with a residential premises, it looks great in conjunction with decorative plaster or smoothly painted walls.

Decorating openings, arches and walls with natural or artificial stone gives ample opportunities for the flight of designer thought in the interior design. Light pastel tones of stone are harmonized with various frescoes.

The long corridor can be visually "broken" on the sectors using the archer, lined with a stone, and "expand" by placing the wall with mirrors.

Performance of work on decorative stone

Artificial analogues of decorative stone attract the buyer with their democratic price, and in appearance almost no differ from natural material. You can also save, if you perform work on the facing, not attracting specialists.

For it is necessary to select lightweight material, and narrow tiles easier to lay onto the arcuate (vaulted) surface of the opening.

The composition of the adhesive solution directly depends on the material selected for finishing. It is necessary to knead the glue by following the instructions on the package. Take advantage of a special mixer for kneading so that the solution structure is homogeneous and plastic.

The surface of the walls should be clean and treated with primer. For better clutch with glue, some experts are recommended to do on the wall of notches.

The glue is evenly applied to the spatula on the wall at the place of gluing and on the back side of the tile. The layer thickness should not exceed 5-10 mm.

Applying the tile to the wall, press it and compact with the help of rubber Cyanka, tapping on the surface. Excess glue along the edges gently remove the spatula. Drying time of glue is about a day or two.

The decorative facing stone can be laid in two ways: with the extender and without it. Putting the tile with the extender, use plastics cross or wooden wedges of the desired thickness.

Swipping seams are usually performed by a solution with a special syringe. After some time (20-30 minutes), after setting the solution, the seams smooth the shovel for the bollard.

At the end of the masonry, after drying the griming solution, the artificial stone is recommended to be cleaned from dust to coat with a transparent acrylic varnish on a water basis, for less abrasion of the surface during operation.

When complying with the sequence of work, the decoration of the arches and openings, however, as decoration of the walls, under the power of any person who has a desire and at least any skills in repair. Without hiring builders to work, you can transform your home in a short time, decoring it with a stone.

One of the options for creating at the same time original and practical interior can be recognized the design of the doorway in the form of a beautiful arch. Now it has become fashionable to combine the kitchen and a dining room, living room and a bedroom into a single room. Arched opening in this case combines rooms, but leaves some of the functional space some of the withdrawal. In rooms with a large corridors, corridors, kitchens, canteens, get rid of the door at all, because the households are annoying constantly open them, close, with a constantly open door, it becomes meaningless.

Varieties of Arok

The variety of designs of this element makes it possible to find a suitable option for placing any stylistry. Depending on the design idea, the arch of the structure takes various forms. Taking into account the appearance of Arches, there are such types of their types:

  • Classic. The most common, concise and harmonious in a large number of interiors. Have a semicircular arch without protrusions, suitable for spacious, high rooms.
  • Romantic. They have rectangular arches, and the corners are somewhat rounded. Usually used in wide interroom openings.

  • Portal. It has a concise square, rectangular shape, which eliminates unnecessary labor, but not applicable everywhere.
  • Modern or British. Intermediate form resembling classics and portal. The circle is smoothed, but you won't call rectangular. It looks good in the openings of those rooms where low ceilings.
  • Trapezium. The arch has a trapezoidal form.
  • Ellipse. Popular universal type of design, where the corners are rounded. The most popular type of construction for low spacious rooms. Combined with other species, columns.
  • Half and Thai. The arch asymmetry, the left and right side is made in different ways, combining the angle and roundabouts of the non-sensible radius in one design.
  • Turkish. Takes the beginning in the palaces and Harema Ottomans. It will require harmony with the whole interior, the presence of Mediterranean motifs in finishing and furnishing.
  • Gothic. It has a spectacular sharp arch, it is capable of being the center of the interior.
  • Arch Framuga. Its upper part is drawn up with plastic insert, glass. Stained glass windows, embossed parts are used.

About Decorative Stone

From popular materials that are used when designing arched openings It is worth highlighting plasterboard, wood, brick and stone finish. Each of the materials is complemented by a variety of decor elements. Decorating the arch emphasizes the stylistics of the room, helps to change the dimming, disguise some defects. The decoration of stucco, forging and thread is good in its own way, but the arch from the decorative stone is most effectively. There is no such designer idea, which could not be embodied with a stone.

When using artificial stone inside a house or apartment to its protective functions, significantly fewer requirements. But here it is better than other materials resisting mechanical damage, does not corrosive, is not subject to rotting. The word "decorative" should not deter fans of natural: to the material composition of cement, pumice, expanded clay, environmentally friendly fillers that are of volcanic origin, derivatives of clay and shale. There are practically no shortcomings in raw materials.

Benefits Arch from stone

Listing the positive points of the arches in the apartment decorative stone, it is necessary to note the aesthetic and practical properties:

  1. Easy care. Special detergents will not be required, any, where there are no abrasives in the composition.
  2. Imitation does not have external differences with the original. Manufacturers have achieved complete resemblance. At the same time, the price and weight of the artificial stone is much more attractive. With it, it is separated by the walls of wooden houses, a mass of natural granite and marble, they would not stand.
  3. Special learning in order to repair with your own hands is not required. Arc facing can be done after the appropriate briefing, viewing the video on the topic.
  4. Material has many style options, under ancient, modern.
  5. Wide color gamut, problems choose to your interior will not be.

How to choose a decorative stone for arches

To begin with, it is evaluating the appointment of repaired premises in which it will be used as a finish. After calculating the required amount. For arched openings, narrow plates are more likely, which are easier to mount on curved vaults. It is better to purchase stones with water-repellent properties or after covering the water-repellent composition several times.

In order to calculate the desired amount of material, 5-10% add to the facing area. The material is saved using stone trimming in the corners and for additional fragments. Primers are taken at the calculation of two wall processing. The amount of glue is approximately 3 kg per 1 m2.

Before laying on the surface of packing with a stone, the contents are stirred. First, individual fragments of the future decoration are folded on the floor, selecting them on shades and size. Short combined with long, their location should look naturally. Inspect the tile on the back side, it should not be a foam layer, worsening adhesion. If there is, it is written with a metal brush.

Collecting stone

Some factors affect the color perception of facing. When choosing a material estimate its color at different times of the day, with natural and artificial lighting. At the southern and northern windows, on a cloudy and sunny day, samples will look different.

Pay attention to what the selected facing material will be adjacent: wallpaper, glass, decorative plaster. The texture and color of the products are selected in accordance, but not in one boring color.

The choice of color affects the history and style of the house. Some color may not go to style, spoil it. Sometimes chocolate is better black, and beige stones look better than gray. If color specks are present, contrasts, overflow shades, it will create a more beautiful surface.

What styles are arches from decorative stone

Styles sometimes coexist each other, sometimes one is born from the other. It affects war, fashion, crises. The use of decorative stone is different, depending on the stylistics of the room.


The rigor and proportionality, high-quality wood, silk are combined with refined trim. It must be non-tag, in a small amount. The most suitable monophonic decorative stone.


It is practically not found in pure form, but it has to deal with the elements. Stained glass windows, wrought elements are harmonized with a decorative stone. Door portals in a rough stone frame create "Castle" effect. It gives the impression of a part of the arch with the "losses", where the brick or solid-caliber stone masonry looks.


In a rich parade decor with bronze, crystal, bas-reliefs, the expressive texture of stone will play an important role. Arches are laying out relief fragments, framed by frames, friezes.


In the wealthy country house, there is a tree and decorative flat stone. Arches, lined with a stone, are harmoniously adjacent to the plastered walls.

African style

The arches are plated with a stone of warm and hot colors: spices, brown, copper. Masks and wooden tableware, skins are well combined with a red tree, a rosewood, a color-colored chicken.

Scandinavian style

The laconic northern interior will emphasize the light natural tones in the decoration. The ternary relief will look much more winning with multi-level lighting.


"Babushkina" Ancient furniture and exit from the room through an arc from the warded brick will be like lovers of romance.


Here, concrete, open beams of overlapping, metal and glass will be in harmony with a rough texture of the arched stone, whitewash and crawling paint. The uneven angle of the brick wall with peeling reinforcement will be fully appropriate.

Illumination and other ways to decorating arches

The visual expansion of the space is important to arrange correctly in order to result in an interesting object. One decorative stone only creates a sense of incompleteness. If the arch leading to the hall or in a nursery under stylize entrance to the cave or tunnel mouth exotic lizard, further decorating means in this case are the light and plants. Without vegetation, it is difficult to create an arch, which will serve as a tunnel in the underwater world.

Luminaires embedded in arched opening do not spread the light on the room itself, which is comfortable at night. The backlight will add to the arched impement of mystery. It is not necessary to do without light here if the arch is a dragon head.

Color nuances and cliffs of stone require good lighting. For such purposes, stylish sheds hang, set LED backlight, depending on the specifics. The material is great combined with alive fusing plants, vine. Wide uncomfortable opening is bated with racks and shelves on the sides.

Finishing the arch do it yourself

To create a stone design in the house, a step-by-step instruction will be required, a list of materials, the presence of which they take care in advance.

Tools and materials

  1. Construction mixer for thorough mixing of glue. For lack, adapt drill.
  2. Level, roulette, cizyanka.
  3. The cutting machine is desirable.
  4. Capacity for glue.
  5. Paint brushes.
  6. Pencil, sandpaper.
  7. Metal brush.
  8. Syringe for grouting, grout.
  9. Spatula or blade, sponge.
  10. Wedges of wood or plastic.
  11. Hydropobizer. Unlike waterproofing, give the stone to "breathe."
  12. Primer, glue, stone itself.

Cooking surface

This stage passes traditionally: remove the remains of the previous coating, smooth irregularities using sandpaper, then they are covered, using primer. The primer is chosen according to the material of the walls.

If the walls are concrete, monolith, a special adhesive soil is applied. When working in a hot or too wet, the tile of tiles are wetted. Moisture-resistant GKL after the primer dry well.

We cook for stacking stone

The styling material is once again revised. In accordance with the markup, the finishing stone is cut properly. Working out the sketch, take into account the laying method: jack or with the formation of the seam. Pruning is made using a machine, giving products an arcuate look. If necessary, the opposite side is purified by a metal brush.

When using a hand saw, you need to be neat. Excessive efforts during cutting lead to the fact that the stone breaks through unforeseen lines.

Preparation of adhesive solution

Material is fixed to the wall using silicone, tile glue. Liquid nails are suitable, as well as cement-sandy solution. The most optimal option is a specialized composition that is prepared in a bucket with a mixer. The composition is thoroughly mixed to full uniformity.

Buy glue stands after purchasing tiles, prepare according to the instructions. Big reserve do not do, because The solution is quickly seized.

Laying stone

Arches are starting from below. First, with a spatula, glue is applied to the wall, then on the back side of the stone. On both surfaces, its thickness should be 5-10 mm.

The too thick layer will cause a climbing stone, cavity to form condensate. During the procedure, the horizontal of laying periodically check.

For trimming angles, special shaped elements are used or stacked the stone so that its edge performed on the thickness of the tile. Fragments on the other side of the angle will cross the protrusion.

The tile is applied to the selected place, slightly pressed. With the help of the level and the illustration, they align, achieve full fit. When tapping, determining inside the emptiness, the elements are dismantled, the glue is cleaned, the process is repeated again. Glue spoke on the edges is removed by a spatula. At the ends of the elements, the glue is not removed, it will contribute to their better adhesion with each other.

In a seamless pattern, the tile fits tight to each other. Provided that the material was pre-prepared, the process occurs quickly. Catching the laying from top to bottom, get clear lines of boundaries.

For laying with the extender, special wedges of the required thickness are used. You can use plasterboard stripes of different thickness or tile cross. The beauty of the arch in the future depends on the competent and accurate performance. If the fragments used in thickness exceed 15 mm, the technology prescribes pause after laying 3-4 rows, giving them the opportunity to grab.

Grouting seams and final stages

After the solution is frozen, somewhere after two days, the auxiliary elements are cleaned. Excess the solution also believes. Prepare the composition for the grout, which fill all the seams. To fill the cracks use a construction syringe. After half an hour, the seam is smoothed by a special shovel, a spatula. You can use a sponge for dishes to remove excess the grouts. In accordance with the design, use the grout of different colors and shades.

Rules and secrets on laying a facing stone from specialists

To create the naturalness of masonry, the stone in places from the edge is made in decorative chips. To do this, the knife is stated with the desired line, it is born with excess pliers, trying to grab up more unnecessary small pieces. Skoli smoothed with a file.

The stone of large and small size alternate, and the joints of the plates should not coincide out of the row in a row. When finishing, which is not made from the floor, the auxiliary metal profile is fixed on the wall, which is removed after drying the structure. Clear and smooth angles, curly parts are obtained using a grinder using a diamond circle.

Must with the arch from scuff can be acrylic varnish. When cleaning, we use a broom, a vacuum cleaner, a pulverizer, after which from the floor simply remove the glass water with a rag.

On decorative stone decoration, as a rule, do not stop. This element looks more advantageous, errors with the same fragments on the walls of the room. The process takes a lot of time, but the arch decorated in the same way will decorate the house in the original, will bring extra comfort.

In recent years, the Arch Stone is becoming increasingly popular. The resulting unusual appearance of the room, for example, in the hallway, gives the room personality, originality and solid look, expanding the space and creating a feeling of space.

It has not only beautiful design, but also practicality. After all, the stone does not require when using the perfectly smooth base, while it disappears the need for surface alignment. Many apartment owners wish, but do not know how to separate the arch by stone. The information presented later will help you figure it out.

And what will take advantage of the surface if you separate the arch of the stone?

The laying scheme of the arcory arch: B - the height that you want to raise the top of the arches, C is half the width of the opening, R is a radius.

The arches decoration by a stone, as mentioned above, creates not only a pleasant eye an external interior. The decorative stone has the correct forms and has a light weight, which greatly simplifies the work performed. This material is absolutely harmless from the point of view of ecology, is not subject to corrosion, fungi and other bacteria. The stone does not need special care, it is possible to wash it with any unanimicious detergent, it has a wide selection of colors and structures (brick imitation or in the form of tiles), in addition, the style of execution may be different (under ancient or modern).

The stone is especially valuable for such advantages as reliability and durability. Usually, the arches are included in the design when designing the interior of corridors near the entrance doors. This part of the apartment is characterized by the high probability of pollution and damage to the walls.

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What instruments and materials require an arches of a stone?

When conducting work, the main complexity is the fact that it is necessary to build not only a flat surface, but also the internal rounded part of the arch. If you carefully read all the nuances of the process, then the stone finishes will no longer seem so difficult, it can be done with your own hands.

To separate the arch before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the following tool:

  • passatia;
  • kirk;
  • roller;
  • saw
  • primer;
  • building level;
  • putty knife;
  • knife for construction work;
  • sandpaper;
  • pencil.

In addition, you will need:

  • a rock;
  • liquid nails or glue;
  • cement mortar;
  • solution for embedding seams.

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Preparatory stage of work

Stone tile can be attached not only to cement, but also with liquid nails.

Prior to the start of work on cladding Stone Arch, the following operations are required:

  • selection of stone. If the surface of the arch is made of plasterboard sheets, then too heavy stone tiles can deform or destroy it. As a rule, narrow plates acquire for finishing the arches, since they are easier to carry out their fasteners to the arcuate inside;
  • preparation of the surface. It is necessary to carefully examine the surface for possible defects.

Stone can only be fixed on a solid, clean surface.

Print the stone on the dusty or dirty plane is categorically prohibited. This will lead to poor-quality fasteners, and the stone will soon fall off. Pre-surface need to be treated with a special impregnation. Penetrating inside, it strengthens it significantly. If the surface is too smooth, then with the help of Kirk, it will be necessary to make notches. They will help improve the clutch of the stone plate with the arch. In completion, the arch is treated with primer.

Preparation of cement mortar. The composition depends on the type of stone used. The classic solution includes sand, cement, lime and glue. The exact proportions of all components depend directly from the stone. Therefore, this question is better to solve with experts. If a decorative stone is used, having a small weight, it will be easy to glue it to a pre-treated surface using a special glue either liquid nails.

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How to separate the arch from the outside?

Stone laying is performed according to the following sequence:

After cladding the arch must pass at least 24 hours, after which all the seams need to be lured with a special solution.

  1. Laying of the 1st row. Walls bordering the arch should also be separated. The first tile is attached at the junction of the arch with the wall. Start work from the Niza himself. To obtain a neat smooth row, you need to use the construction level and plastic crosses.
  2. The 2nd row is also placed at the intersection of the arches with the wall. However, the 1st stone of this row should be per bog at a distance equal to the thickness of the tile. Facing tile is fastened at the outer corners of the Vangest. This will allow not to close them in the future, and the laying will become more durable. It turns out that the tile should fit in a checker order. The number of tiles depends on the length of the series.
  3. Going to the roundabout, finishing the tile first applied to the wall to which it will be mounted, and then, by observing the accuracy, cut down the arc (withsting radius of rounding). With the help of a pencil, the stone is placed according to the rounding.
  4. Carefully trim the stone can be taken, having passed pre-several times with a construction knife along the drawn markup. After that, everything is too much removed by ordinary pliers. In addition, it is possible to trim the tile using special tile pads or grinders. Cropped surface is treated with emery paper. All other elements, bordering the arch, if necessary, are adjusted in the same way.