Whiskers are not only for Pushkin! How to choose, grow and care. Removing unwanted hair from a woman's face How a girl can get rid of sideburns without shaving

Facial hair in recent years has been actively gaining popularity among the stronger sex. Whiskers in men are a sign of excellent taste, an indicator of masculinity and sexuality. If you are thinking about the shape of your future beard, be sure to look at the photos of sideburns - they will not leave you indifferent.

What are the names of these or those tanks, how to grow and choose the right ones for you - read below.

Choosing tanks

Sideburns came into fashion at the end of the 18th century. So they began to call the hair growing vertically on both sides of the face, they became a great addition to the beard, and the combination of mustache and sideburns attracted the attention of others.

Popular types of sideburns

Sideburns with or without a beard?

This is the most common question men ask. Without sideburns, the beard does not look as impressive as we would like, so below we have presented several options with photos for every taste and color.
One of the most common types of beard:

Where to begin?

Sideburns as a separate art form and growing sideburns is an interesting process, they can be cut creatively, and they can also be used to correct the shape of the face. Don't know where to start? Here are some tips to help grow sideburns:

  • Hide your razor until you need it. Be patient, growing sideburns will take anywhere from one to six weeks, depending on how fast your hair grows.
  • Get burdock oil, it will promote the rapid growth of your hair. For a good effect, every time before going to bed, apply it on the skin of the face.
  • Be sure to decide on the shape of future sideburns. Short sideburns appeal to a round face, puffy sideburns for an oval face, and shaved cheek hair for a square face.
  • Shave off all facial hair, carefully avoiding new sideburns. For this, a regular razor will do.
  • It will be most convenient for you to trim the “tanks” with the help of ordinary scissors and a comb.
  • It will not be superfluous to take vitamins and nutritional supplements, such as fish oil.
  • You also need to choose the right one.

A few tips for caring for sideburns:

Shave your sideburns regularly. So they will become more visible and expressive. I know from personal experience that an incorrectly chosen form of sideburns will not emphasize, but will spoil facial features. I strongly recommend a couple of times to contact the master, who will select the appropriate form. It is also better to cut sideburns for the first time with a professional, he will select the optimal length, after which you can do it at home.

What to do if sideburns do not grow

Genetics is sometimes very insidious and the amount of facial hair directly depends on it. Undoubtedly, sideburns are the pride of any man, but what if they do not grow?

  • For starters, visit a doctor. After passing the analysis, the doctor will determine what is missing in your body, and with his help you can choose the most suitable option.
  • Start eating right, perhaps this is the reason. After some time, the processes in your body normalize, facial hair will begin to grow.
  • Take plenty of vitamins and nutrients. Lack of vitamins A, C, E, B3 and B5 in the body can lead to a slowdown in hair growth not only on the face but also on the head.
  • Do not forget to take care of your skin, nourishing oils and face masks will help improve blood circulation.
  • Avoid stressful situations, because. this directly leads to hair loss, go in for sports.
  • Go to the doctor and get tested, maybe your body lacks testosterone, in which case taking the hormone will help.
  • Hair follicle transplantation is also an option. If all of the above steps do not help, you can resort to this procedure. But before that, be sure to consult a plastic surgeon.

By following the above recommendations and tips, you are guaranteed luxurious sideburns. Because I am writing from personal experience, to be honest, I was waiting for success. He was satisfied and could not stop looking at himself - a handsome man. I wish you the same success!

Question for connoisseurs: Girls, do you have fluff on your cheeks? If so, how do you get rid of it?

Best regards, Aqua Tofana

Best Answers

Laura ******:

If in these cases there are no other manifestations of androgen excess, then there is no need for treatment. But if suddenly the hair began to grow where it was not there before, you need to urgently go to the doctor. An excess of androgens usually occurs when there is a malfunction in the adrenal glands, ovaries and brain.
Dark down on the cheeks and along the edges of the face is often found in women of the southern type. Plucking in this case is inappropriate, because it would be too tiring, shaving is also impossible, since the bristles remain. If you suffer a lot from fluff and are not sensitive to pain, you can remove it yourself with cold wax strips or carry out this procedure at a cosmetic bag. Another way to make the fluff less noticeable is discoloration. Soak a cotton ball in 10% hydrogen peroxide from a pharmacy and leave it on your cheeks for 20-30 minutes.

The antennae on the upper lip can also be removed independently using cold or warm wax. You can delegate this procedure to a cosmetic bag. It is painful, but over time you get used to this pain and you no longer feel it like that. The big advantage of this procedure: you can calm down for a long time and not think about the mustache (new hair does not begin to appear soon, sometimes after four weeks). Individual hairs can be plucked with tweezers.

Single hairs on the chin appear in many women due to hormonal changes in menopause. The simplest solution to this problem is regular plucking with tweezers. At the same time, check the nostrils in this regard. Often, single hairs are visible from there, which have an unaesthetic appearance.


Hair that grows from a mole should not be plucked and should be trimmed regularly with nail clippers. Such moles should be shown to a skin doctor once a year or every two years so that they do not degenerate into malignant tumors.

Olesya Ryabinina:

try a pumice stone


there is velvet

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:

I do not have, but you can do hair removal.


remove with hot wax

Video response

This video will help you understand

Expert answers

Polite Man:

Only on pussy!

Brezhnev L.I.:

Oh, I remember I was in the 5th grade around the 70s of the last century, there was a fashion for sideburns among girls, we called them sideburns. A sort of fashionable five-grader with ponytails, bows, bangs and sideburns))))

Hedgehog in the fog:

And the beard too.

Oksana Barova:


The question of how to get rid of hair once and for all today excites many. For some, this is just fun, but for someone this is really vital.
1. Thoroughly mix a spoonful of citric acid with a glass of sugar and add three large spoons of boiled water. After that, the mass should be melted in a small container over low heat to a greasy state. When the mass has cooled slightly (to a tolerably hot temperature), apply it on the hairline so that it lies on the skin and wait until it dries, then jerk off the crust.
2. There is also a way to get rid of facial hair. The situation with them is usually aggravated by the fact that they are easily stimulated to even greater growth. But if they are wiped once or twice a day for thirty days with a 0.1% solution of rivanol, they will first weaken, then become brittle and eventually stop growing. It is noteworthy that the hair removed in this way almost does not grow back.
3. Combine and shake such components - a drop of iodine, five milliliters of ammonia, thirty milliliters of ordinary medical alcohol and five milliliters of castor oil. Treat the area of ​​​​skin where unwanted hair grows twice a day with the resulting remedy for a month.

A beard is an insidious thing: it can really add brutality to the look, but it turns some men into inhabitants of the forecourt. Lifehacker decided to find out what kind of beard to get in order to increase the chances of success for girls.

We invited the female half of the editorial staff and readers of our communities in social networks to rate 10 types of beards on a five-point scale: 1 - horror, 5 - beauty. The results were rather unexpected.

10th place - goatee with a mustache


Strictly speaking, it is the mustache that is in the center of the composition here. Beard - insofar as. The approach is interesting, but not very modern - it would not hurt to shorten the mustache.

However, if you have a fairly bright appearance and pronounced charisma, it makes sense to try on this image. After all, how are you worse than Frank Zappa?

9th place - bad guy


It's dangerous to mess with someone like that, just look at his beard! Probably, men are guided by similar thoughts when they carefully wield a razor in an attempt to achieve perfectly even outlines.

Here is the same story as in the previous paragraph. Such a beard is not suitable for everyone: it is desirable for her to have an oval or elongated face shape and darker hair. Chubby blondes are better off looking for other options.

8th place - skipper's beard


She is English. With this type of beard, you can fine-tune the shape of the face. A short hairline around the perimeter of the chin will soften its excessive massiveness.

The only catch is that such a beard, again, will not decorate everyone. For example, she is clearly not very suitable for the eternally young and slender Elijah Wood. If your look is severe, and the lower jaw has a rather pronounced outline, it is quite possible that it is the skipper's beard that will suit you.

7th place - what has grown has grown

The clearest explanation of why a beard needs to be looked after. It happens that it grows in such islands: it is thicker here, less often there. Alas, it is impossible to order a certain form and degree of density from nature, but it is absolutely always possible to improve what is.

Johnny Depp could have a pretty decent goatee if he paid her a little more attention. Neatness is extremely important, so arm yourself with a razor and trimmer to keep your beard in decent shape and get rid of everything in a timely manner.

6th place - beard with sideburns


A compromise solution that combines all types of vegetation at once. Not to say that such a beard ruined Hugh Jackman, but it didn’t make it better either.

If you have a fairly wide face, choose a different shape: such a beard will only round it further.

5th place - I'm wild with my mother


Many strive for such a beard, but nature rewards only the elite with the necessary resources. Christopher Hivju was incredibly lucky: in addition to a glorious beard, he got a look that can crumble concrete. In theory, a killer combination. Or not?

Unfortunately, the survey participants had doubts about the expediency of having such a beard from the point of view of hygiene. And the very type of a big hairy man turned out to be to the liking of not everyone.

4th place - goatee


This type has a lot of variations, but the principle is the same: the beard remains only on the chin, the mustache goes exactly along the contour of the lips. The goatee suits almost every face shape, it is doubtful that it will look only in frankly moon-faced citizens.

Robert Downey Jr. is definitely not one of those, the chosen form of the beard definitely suits him. He would be in the first place, but either the competitors are too strong, or the association with Stas Mikhailov is to blame.

3rd place - classic of the genre


Hans Gruber from Die Hard, although an extremely nasty type, you can’t refuse him good taste. A neat short beard without unnecessary details - the owner clearly looks after her. Take a look at the hairline: before going to work, Gruber carefully shaved his cheeks and neck. Honor to him for this and praise.

If you want the same beard - arm yourself with a razor and a trimmer. The firmness of the hand and an excellent eye will not be superfluous.

2nd place - severe beard


As you know, instead of shaving, Chuck Norris just kicks himself in the face, and behind his beard there is no chin, there is another fist. Moderately long, moderately thick, moderately well-groomed - it seems that this is how a typical male beard should look.

You will need a minimum of tools - only a trimmer so that the beard does not get out of control. Trim every couple of weeks - and you will be happy.

1st place - weekly stubble


In fact, it cannot even be called a full-fledged beard. It looks good, but in terms of tactile sensations when in contact with a bristly man, there may be questions. However, there is an opinion that the beginnings of the beard acquire the maximum pricklyness on the second or third day after shaving, then the bristles become softer.

Whether this is the reason for this or the penetrating look of David Gandy, but it was the weekly stubble that became the leader of our top. If you want to achieve the same amazing result - wait, let the stubble grow quietly. When it grows, periodically shorten it with a trimmer. It is better to choose models, the step of changing the length of the nozzles in which does not exceed 1 millimeter.

As it was required to prove - ideas about a beautiful beard are very diverse. We have collected the most revealing statements of the participants in our mini-study.

  • "The best is the one that is well-groomed."
  • "Either with a beard, or shave, to hell with half measures."
  • "A good beard is a neat beard."
  • “I can’t stand a beard that grows around the face, as it were. There is nothing on the chin, and bushes under it and on the neck. Any curly beard is very individual. Some people really like it, some don't."
  • “The best beard is either no beard, or a week of unshaven. It is necessary to beat on the hands for sideburns, broad beards (even in a well-groomed form they look like washcloths) and for figured beards. Better than Clark Gable's thin mustache."
  • “For a curly haircut, get a poodle, and just trim the beard neatly.”
  • “The main thing is not to prick. And so that a man does not need to spend two hours every day at the mirror.
  • “The perception of a beard depends very much on the attitude towards the person who grows it. I personally do not like beards that show that a man is overgrown, because he does not care how he looks, or vice versa, is overly concerned with how each hair grows on his face. Both are perceived as a signal of complexes.

And finally, four rules, the observance of which will surely help you grow a beard to the envy of everyone.

1. Don't grow a beard just because it grows.

Nature has a peculiar sense of humor: you dream of a bushy beard, but instead you get some kind of slurred shreds of wool. Formally, the task was completed, because there was more hair on the face, only beauty and masculinity did not increase.

Remember and pass on to posterity: complete naturalness does not benefit any beard.

If you have firmly decided to say goodbye to smooth cheeks, be prepared for the fact that merciless reality can put an end to this undertaking.

2. Bristle is also good

Light unshaven is cool, in many cases men look much better with it than with perfectly smooth cheeks. In cases where a beard does not fit into your style in any way, and you are simply tired of scraping your face with a razor every day, stubble is a good option. Prickly, true, but beautiful. More precisely, it can be beautiful if the stubble looks neat, and does not turn you into a person suffering from a permanent hangover.

Trimmer Help! Choose models with nozzles that allow you not only to trim your beard, but also to maintain a decent look of stubble. Philips trimmers combine impeccable cutting quality with innovative technologies, such as laser guidance or a vacuum system that prevents shaved hairs from flying in all directions.

3. A good beard is a well-groomed beard

If you deliberately refuse to pay attention to her and think that it’s not good for a man to mess with a trimmer, then it’s up to you. It would be naive to expect this approach to make you look like a stern Viking. Most likely, it will turn out to be a regular at the Grushinsky festival.

If you aspire to have a truly well-groomed beard, in no case do not let things take their course.

Facial hair, by definition, cannot be perfectly even. Somewhere more, somewhere less - periodically it must be reduced to a common denominator. In order not to turn your beard into an asymmetrical laughingstock with a slight movement of your hand, use a good trimmer. Philips BT9290 with laser guidance technology allows you to give the beard and stubble an extremely clear outline.

4. Beard loves cleanliness

This is not even discussed, no one has yet canceled the rules of personal hygiene.

Thickets smelling of tobacco, in which the remains of breakfast or lunch are hidden, make a repulsive impression. To avoid turning your beard into a supply store, wash it.

Captain Evidence claps his hands at such sudden advice, but the fact remains that for some reason many do not single out this stage as a separate procedure. Shampoo or washing gel will do for washing, the main thing is regularity. Women will be very grateful to you.

A beard can do wonders. She will hide an insufficiently strong-willed chin, help to correct the oval of the face and give your image the necessary share of brutality. True, all this is possible only with due attention to it. The ideal beard should be beautiful and well-groomed, and the length is not the main thing here.

Greetings to all!

Unwanted hairs have always haunted me. Increased "hairiness" on the arms, legs and in unwanted places bothered me a lot in adolescence, because of this I was very complex. Fortunately, in my student years I bought myself an epilator, later I began to go for shugaring, eyebrow correction and sighed with relief.

But this problem suddenly crept up on me during pregnancy. Apparently, due to hormones, they began to grow not where we would like (for example, on the head or so that the eyelashes grow, so as not to do extensions), but in the most inappropriate places: mustaches, sideburns, on the stomach. Something had to be done.

Fortunately, in our time, almost all salon procedures can be done at home. And I decided that it is necessary to solve this problem as soon as possible.

Wax strips in the amount of 12 pcs.

2 wipes for skin care after depilation

The price is about 190 rubles.

SHARY (Sheri) - a South Korean brand that has been on the market since 2005, combines the centuries-old traditions of the East and modern production technologies. Shary products provide comprehensive face and body care, have the most delicate textures and sensual aromas.

The strips were packed in a cardboard box. The back contains all the necessary information about the manufacturer, composition, method of application and expiration date. The box is decorated in a pleasant light green shade.

The procedure is extremely simple. Rinse or wipe the depilation site with cool water, wipe dry. Next, warm up the strips thoroughly with your hands, separate the strips, glue them to the right place. After you smooth the strips on the skin and rip it off with a decisive (this is the key word!) Movement against the hair. The first time is always painful, but the result will make you forget about the pain, because the hated hairs are gone!