Bonbonniere made of wrapping paper. What to put in Bonbon Room? Useful video: do yourself

Wedding bonbonnieres are their own hands are souvenir bags or miniature boxes of different shapes where candy, sweets, small gifts for invited. Tradition to give small sweet surprises originated for a long time. With their help, the bride and groom are grateful to their gratitude to friends and relatives for the fact that in this important day they were near, divided joy with them, helped to make the celebration memorable and cheerful.

How to make a bonbonniere of paper: step by step instructions

If you soon have the organization of your own wedding celebration, we suggest you to work in creativity and make your own bonbonnieres for the wedding. So you will kill two hares: can close and save. Below is a master class of making interesting paper boxes in the form of an envelope, within which, in addition to the sweet gift, guests are waiting for a love message. A beautiful appearance, a gift must be filled with. We offer several ideas:

  • cookies;
  • fruits;
  • seeds;
  • berries;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate;
  • chewing;
  • popcorn;
  • dried fruits;
  • lollipops;
  • soap;
  • coffee.

In addition, it is necessary to resolve the question of when presenting a surprise guests. You can do it at any time when you find it necessary:

  • You can ask the waiters to decompose the boxes on clean plates of guests at the moment when everyone goes from the tables, for example, to dance.
  • Special design surprises gives them to use as seeding cards, then it will be not only a gift, but also a way to find a guest your place.
  • Gifts You can hand over when invited will be collected home.
  • Boxes are easy to fold into a large basket or bag, and the guests will fit and take their surprise.
  • When receiving gifts from the guests themselves.
  • You can handle at the entrance to the place where the banquet will be held.

Necessary materials

To create your own hands, the Bonbon Rooms will need the following:

  • scotch or glue;
  • sheet tight paper A4 format;
  • ribbon;
  • template.

Scheme and stages of creation

Bonbonnieres for a wedding from a fate and ribbons

The easiest way to make an independent bonbonniere - to build a bag. The above step-by-step instruction demonstrates the creation of a surprise to guests to a wedding with ribbons and fate. A bag is done in a matter of minutes, and it looks very festive and interesting. Inside it is recommended to put candy or nuts covered with icing.

Necessary materials

To create your own hands, the following materials are required:

  • fatin;
  • satin ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • candy;
  • little postcard with gratitude.

Pattern and stages of creation

Fabric Bonbonniere

If before the bonbonnieres were boxes, then in the modern age, the fantasy of wedding decorators and newlyweds went far ahead, and gifts guests can have a bottle, jars, bag. In this master class, the bag will be manufactured using a very simple and affordable material called burlap. It is suitable for the wedding in the style of Rustic. You can decorate it than the soul wishes: acrylic paints, lace, ribbons, wooden or painted beads.

Necessary materials

To create your own hands the bag will be needed:

  • cutting burlap;
  • line;
  • acrylic paint on fabric;
  • ribbon;
  • brush;
  • scissors, thread, needle;
  • candy.

Template and stages of creating

Ready Bonbon Room Templates

Ready templates are easy to use to create your own hands of gift boxes. You only need to transfer the scheme for beautiful paper or cardboard required size, observing all the proportions. During the manufacturer, with your own hands, it is necessary to cut the transferred blank to the cardboard, give it the shape, bending the part along the specified folding lines in the diagram. To connect may require glue. After assembly, it will only be left to decorate a gift with your own hands: write initials, glue decor elements, tape ribbons, decorate decoupage, coloring.

Video lesson for the manufacture of bonbonnieres

At first glance, the bonbonnieres seem to be trifle, however, they allow you to give a special mood of the marriage ceremony, because the newlyweds are inserted a part of the soul into such miniature signs of attention. Cute gifts are able to successfully add a single wedding style, provided that they are made in a single design and colors with seeding cards and invitations. To create your own hands, you can use the master class in the video where the process of assembling the bonbonnieres of pastel colors with butterfly decoration is clearly demonstrated.

Date: 07.24.14 / 01:00

Bonbonnieres for a wedding do it yourself, step-by-step photo turbines, fresh ideas and recommendations for the manufacture

The first bonbonnies appeared for a very long time, but their appearance and filling have changed little. In Armenia, Bonbonniere called "Taroscians", in Russia - "Hotels", in France, and then in Europe - Bonbonnière, which means "candy man." Externally, the "candlers" are a small box, a glass jar or a cup, a bag or a fabric pouch, inside which dried fruits, berries, nuts, sweet pastries, candy, nominal magnets, decorative candles or handmade soap pieces. Sometimes coffee beans, plant seeds or fragrant herbs and even tiny pots with alive flowers are used as a filler.

The very first bonbonnies were made of precious metals, skin, porcelain and crystal. They were made in the form of chests, which was invested 5 sweets with liqueur filling, sugar figures or five other mini items, personifying family happiness, longevity, well-being, good luck and, of course, love.

Bonbonniere is taken to present guests as a sign of gratitude for honoring their presence of young at the wedding event. According to etiquette, boxes are presented in the middle of the banquet on a beautiful dish, or put on the plates to each guest at the end of the evening.

The style of bonbonnieres is usually chosen based on the general concept of the holiday, its color and stylistic design. On the package, sign the names of the newlyweds, the date of the wedding, the words of gratitude, sometimes add the names of those who are meant the present.

If you have time and want to surprise your guests, prepare the necessary materials, consider the filler and, accordingly, the packaging volume, then proceed to the creation of small wonderful surprises.

Textile bonbonnieres for a wedding with their own hands

Textile bonbonnies are well packaging plant seeds and fragrant herbal fees, coffee beans, small caramels, nuts. Make them easily, but to give guests - not ashamed.

Double-sided flax bags and a lining of cotton fabric with a flower print are suitable for a wedding in vintage or gentle romantic motifs.

To sew bones-bonbonnieres will need: sewing machine, iron, directly fabric (two types), lace for decor, thread (in tone tissue), tailoring pins, scissors and needles, shallow cutter, line, sheet of paper in a cell.

To begin with, find out the silence sizes. Take the filler that will lie inside and decompose on a sheet of paper into the cage. Now sink a rectangle, add one centimeter (insertion on the seams) and cut out. This leaflet will serve as lecture.

Now it is necessary to carefully rebound the cloth of the fabric (you can preach them in advance) and decompose on the table or other smooth surface. We take chalk, a centimeter tape, our paper molds and marry a lot of rectangles on the fabric (as much as you need to make ready-made bonbonnieres). Cut the fabric over the lines. Fabric cut only on a rigid surface, without lifting it up. Then the cut line will be neat and clear.

Now it remains only to fill the bonbonniere, attach a card with your names and tie a ribbon or rope.

If you do not know how to sew or do not have a free time, make simple bonbonnieres from any translucent tissue (for example, fatin) or floral packaging material (grid, rigid tissue, films, etc.). It is enough to draw a circle or any other figure on paper, cutting it out and on the resulting lecturer cut the cloth to the desired number of pieces. After that we are wearing the edges with thin lace or ribbons.

To assemble the bonbonniere, lay down in the center of the tissue "Stuffing" (nuts, candy, etc.), we collect the edges of the fabric up and tie to the ribbon. The resulting bag with a bow can be decorated with a flower or a bow.

In such a bag, the coffee beans and fragrant herbal fees are well packaging.

Cut the rectangle from the burlap, we fold it twice and flash on the machine from three sides. Now simply turn the bag so that the seams are inside, fall asleep the grains and pack. You can sew a bunch of junction, just tie it with a rope or roll, flash threads and attach the decor (for example, lace). The label with the wishes and names of the newlyweds is glued to the bag or tie on a thread as a tag.

Glass bonbonnies are relevant for homemade jams, drinks, grains, for candles, etc.

To make a bonbonniere, you will need several jars (for example, from under child food), identical little cups or tiny bottles. Insert the stuffing inside, we close the jar with a lid or firmly redeemed the neck of the food film, after which it is proceeding. The neck can be decorated with a beautiful piece of fabric, for example, in a cell, fixing it on a glass container with a ribbon or rope. Cards with inscriptions should be printed in advance on the color printer, cut and gently stick to each bonbonnome. As an ornament option - painting on glass Stained in paints. It is unlikely that all the bonbonnies are the same, but your creativity will definitely be assessed by guests.

Bonbonnieres for a wedding of paper or origami and decoupage lessons

Paper bonbonnies are most in demand and distributed. They are easily made with their own hands, and the whole process will take at least time and spent funds.

The richer is your set for creativity, the more interesting work. Experiment with curly scissors and holes, rhinestones, stickers and paper for decoupage, various slices of color tape, ribbons, lace, artificial flowers and leaves, pendants and buttons made of glass, plastic, metal, beads, glitters and sequins ... The list can be continued infinitely. Before creating bonbonnieres, practice using all of the above accessories.

For printing, the name cards will need a color printer. Also do not do in working without scissors, glue, lines, pencil, stationery knife.

Very beautiful and elegant paper bonbonnies - boxes. They can be performed from a strong paper, color cardboard, sheets from a tank notebook or any other paper products. The lid decorate according to the stylistic direction of the wedding ceremony and the total color policy. Ribbons, flowers, feathers, etc. come as decoration.

  • Cut the square and bend it in half (diagonally).
  • We have the resulting triangle blunt end up. In turn, we submit to the top of the triangle first the right angle, then the left (pictures 3 and 4). Carefully stroke the place of bend. Now we again got a square. We straighten with the right corners.
  • Before us is a triangle that should lie with a blunt end up. Watch the top down, to the center of the bottom side (picture 5). Smoothing fingers of the fold line.
  • Now we turn two exactly the same triangle from similar square sheets of paper.
  • We take two triangles and put the sharp angle of one of them into the same angle of another (picture 7). The angle of the third triangle is connected with the angle of the second and closure "Circle" (picture 8).
  • Now we are lining the middle of the corner, which used to be blunt angles of three triangles, and now have become a bottom of our bonbonniere.
  • Prepare a square sheet of colored paper. We note the centers of each of the parties, connect these points with the line and bending paper exactly on the outlined lines. Deploy paper. There should be a square crossed by two lines of bending.

    We turn the square on the diagonals. Smoothing the fold line, deploy.

    Now we will turn the square in the rhombus - you will shine each of the corners to the center. Two corners return to its original position. The billet should be reminded in the form of a candy.

    Side parts of this paper "candy" bend vertically. Straightening edges we bring inside the box.

    To make a cover, you should repeat the execution of origami by the same scheme, but the initial size of the square sheet of the paper is 2-3 mm.

    Tie the finished box with a lid beautiful ribbon and decorate at will.

    To make other beautiful boxes - find the drawing, transfer it to paper, cut out and collect the most unusual boxes.

    Increase the density of fine paper or simply nice to improve the view of the inner space of the box, mark the reverse non-colored stronger of each workpiece and connect pairwise, after drying the adhesive, you can cut the parts and collect beautiful bonbonnies for guests.

    Video - Paper Bonbon Rooms for the Wedding DIY

    Video - Original Bonbon Rooms for Guests at the Wedding

In wedding stores, you can find a rich selection of boxes of various sizes, colors and design. However, it carries a greater symbolic meaning. Particularly popular, bonbonnieres for a wedding of a fate.

These accessories simply simply make it possible to fully showing their creative imagination. Moreover, in this way, a person expresses his personal sympathy for each guest.

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Recall that the wedding is an important event in the life of every couple in love. In order for the celebration to be at a high level, it is important to take into account all the nuances of his organization. An important value for the holiday plays creating a friendly and positive atmosphere. Newlyweds should express their appreciation and gratitude to those who came to guests and relatives. For these purposes, symbolic gifts use. Presents are packaged in a special packaging - Bonbonniere.

How to choose a wedding style

Depending on the style and theme of the wedding, the bonbonnieres can have different versions. Usually they look like a small bag or. It all depends on the desire and human capabilities.

Inside the present put dried fruits, candies, nuts, sweet pastries, nominal magnets, personal wishes and even. Agree that anyone will be pleased to get such a gift.

Wedding vendor

Very often, Bonbonniere is mastered in the form of a house, a chest or handbag. On the thematic weddings, you can see the most different versions of the model: from tiny shoes to a small car

Elena Sokolova


Newlyweds need to prepare in advance to ensure that everyone has various small surprises for this and there are various small surprises, such as Fetina Bonbonnieres. They do not lose their relevance to today. By tradition, Bonbonniere is taken to present in the middle of a banquet or put on a beautiful plate at the end of the evening.

The whole charm is that the wedding bonbonnies from the Fatin fit perfectly practically. For example, if the blue shades prevail in the design of your hall, then. This solution perfectly complements the overall style and interior design. And positive emotions will provide a benevolent and positive atmosphere on your holiday.

If you have a wedding celebration in the near future, we suggest you to show creative imagination and make it possible to make such cute bonbonnieres from the fate. Make it is not as difficult as it may seem.

Useful video: do it yourself

Master class on creating a stylish and compact bonbonniere from a fate name, how to do and what to fill out:

You will need:

  1. Color cardboard 4 * 17 cm
  2. Fatin 25cm * 25cm
  3. Satin ribbons
  4. Glue stick

Creation scheme:

  • take the cardboard and divide it 4 cm 4 times;
  • vertical lines highlight markup;
  • take the stationery knife and do not strongly spend them along the lines;
  • form the box;
  • gently glue the ends of the product;
  • take the fatin and on top. Put the finished box;
  • put prepared surprises in advance in advance. It can be nuts, candy, personal
  • wishes, baking, souvenirs and so on;
  • take the tape and fill the fatin tape from above;
  • then take the second tape and complete the design;
  • cut extra ends of the tape and enjoy the result!

Useful video: Perform a bulk version

How to make an original and spacious model, look at the video below.

You will need:

  1. Three squares from fate 25 * 25 cm
  2. Candy in gold wrap or tight glaze. M & M's and chocolate coins
  3. Various flowers for decor on a wire leg
  4. Beautiful tape or cord

Creation scheme:

  • Collect the fatin in the bag to make it easier to form a form.
  • Open fatin and fill it with sweets: Put one coin, five chocolates M & M's and 10 M & M's with nuts.
  • Choose the most suitable three roses and secure them with each other.
  • Collect the bag and tighten it by the resulting bouquet.
  • Take two tapes and tie them around. Work is ready!


As you can see, there are a lot of options to perform bonbonniells. At the same time, the schemes for creating models range from simple to complex.

Experienced masters make real masterpieces from Bonbon Rooms. They attract the attention of the public and do not remain unnoticed.

Now and you know how to express my appreciation to the guests of the wedding and get a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive feedback in return.

Bonbonnieres boxes are small, cute surprises that are taken to give every invited wedding. They express gratitude, the location of the bride and groom, and are filled with a variety of souvenirs or sweets. Translated from French Bonbonniere means an elegant box for candies. The tradition of doing the invited such surprise originated in France: there were five candies in Bonbonnieres, which mean the most important wishes - wealth, fertility, health, longevity and happiness.

How to make a bonbonniere box: Step-by-step instructions

In the modern time, things made by their own hands are very valued. Therefore, Bonbonniere, demonstrating gratitude for the fact that the guest divided the happiness of the wedding day with the newlyweds, it is better to do it yourself. The invited will be nice to know that the bride and the bride made a gift with their own hands. This process does not take much time, and for the manufacture of boxes can use different materials: for example, corrugated paper, cardboard, transparent fabrics, beads, rhinestones, lace and others.

When the bonbonnieret is ready, it is necessary to decide what to fill it. According to the European tradition, inside put almonds in chocolate. But you can not dwell on it. We offer you several other ideas that you can beat at your discretion:

  • an excellent gift for guests will be small candles of different forms;
  • make sure all kinds of cookies;
  • to a sweet gift in a box Bonbonniere can add fragrant tea;
  • in the summer, please the guests with fragrant fruits;
  • original idea - handmade soap, bath bomb, flavored salt;
  • if the wedding is thematic, then think about gifts that would be successfully fit in the style of the celebration.

Necessary materials

For the manufacture you will need the following:

  • a dense sheet of double-sided scrap paper;
  • line;
  • paper cutting knife;
  • folding stick;
  • double-sided tape;
  • tape;
  • accessories for decor boxes.

Scheme and stages of creation

  • From the scrap-paper sheet, we cut off two bands, one should be wider because it needs to lay the amount of allowance for the seams.

  • Folding stick It is necessary to perform 4 bends to be between them equal distances.
  • On one lane, we make a slot to the Bonbonnieret box formed. The strip that is wider, cut out as shown in the photo.

  • Two bands we fold the cross-closer, glue with the help of bilateral scotch.
  • Top tie a ribbon, decorating to your taste.

Bonbonniere Box with Paper Lid

Bonbonniere boxes with lids are on sale. You can save time and buy ready-made, but it is better to do with your own hands, because such gifts will not look like standard. You can place the boxes on the tables along with the name card, give each guest at the end of the celebration, either folded in the basket, from where the guests will get their surprise themselves. According to the master class below, you can easily make an original gift.

Necessary materials

For manufacture, you will need such materials:

  • beautiful paper;
  • objects for decorating;
  • scissors.

Template and stages of creating

  • We take the paper with a size of 21.5x21.5 cm, blacks are diagonally, which intersect in the center.

  • Bend one corner so that he looks at the center, after we do another fold so that its edge goes into the center with a strip.

  • With all the angles we do the same. From both sides we cut off, as shown in the photo.

  • We fold in stages.

  • Ready lid. In the same way, it makes the bottom of the paper in size 21.2x21.2 cm. Next, the basis of the Bonbonniere box decorate.

Ready Templates for Bonbon Rooms

Presented boxes templates are easy to use for the manufacture of surprises with their own hands. You need to transfer the scheme in compliance with the proportions on paper or cardboard of the desired size. After the workpiece is cut, bends along the specified lines in the diagram. You may need additionally glue for connecting parts. When the box is collected, it will be necessary to decorate it with various elements. You can decorate it in the technique of decoupage. Put nuts, candies, fruits in chocolate or other sweets inside the bonbonnieres.

To deliver joy to guests, to pay each invited attention and make a small gift, bride and groom can present guests small boxes or bags filled with sweets, candy, tiny souvenirs.

Young can make bonbonnies with their own hands using affordable materials and without resorting to excess costs. Such memorable boxes made in the form of hearts, pieces of cake or neat bags - not just an additional decoration of the holiday. For a long time, the bonbonnieres became a mandatory accessory of a wedding celebration.

The most common way to make bonbonnies with their own hands is recognized as sewing tiny bags of fabrics, which were used during the design of the wedding bandage hall.

It is quite simple to make such a bag, but not to spend time on creating patterns, you can use the services of internet sites and download ready-made drawings.

How to make a bag of fate, atlas: patterns with dimensions

Original Bonbonniere - not always a bright colorful box glued from cardboard or wrapping paper. Very interesting things are the bags stitched from a fate name or atlas.

These are the most ordinary bags for gifts, but only significantly smaller sizes. Sew the bonbonniere in the form of a bag of fate in a predetermined pattern. In the drawing, a circle with a diameter of at least 30 cm will be depicted. For each bonbonniere, you will need two such circles cut from the fate.

They need to be folded, together the edges and the middle.Between pieces of fabric should put a circle of paper. The diameter will be 5-6 cm, and it is necessary to accurately designate the bottom of the future bonbonniere. Over the entire circumference, cloth fastened using a needle and a thin thread. Small candy or tiny souvenirs are put on the bottom.

Strip the top edge of the sack of a satin ribbon and decorate with artificial flowers, beads or other elements of the decor.

No less attractive bonbonnieres, sewn from satin. For their manufacture, you will need to cook:

  1. Slices of fabric in the form of rectangles with sides 22 and 11 cm. Here it is taken into account that 1 cm is left as a transmission on the seam, and one more - on the top edge of the bag.
  2. Threads, needle.
  3. Satin tape.
  4. Beads, rhinestones, artificial flowers, lace.

The pattern build on a sheet of paper into the cage and transfer to a dense cardboard. The fabric is folded into several layers, fasten the pins and, applying the pattern, will be driving, using a chalk or a piece of soap. Now you can proceed to cut out. As a result, several billets for bonbonniell are obtained.

The first thing is determined by the facial and irons of the fabric. Then there are every workpiece "face to face" and gently descend the sidewalls, not reaching the top 2 cm, the upper edge turns away and sewn so that the holes for the lace or tape remain. Now you can thoroughly sew the sidewalls. It will remain to twist the finished product, removing the seams inward, and to turn the tape into the lapse, which will serve as striking.

You can wear large beads on a thin satin ribbon, and they will become an additional decoration of the product.

From paper - schemes

Make bonbonnies for gifts invited to the wedding can be guests from thick paper or cardboard.

In order for the product to be attractive, original and even unique, will have to make efforts, to show fantasy, take advantage of the most suitable materials. Drawings for the manufacture of bonbonnieres can be found and downloaded on the Internet.

Bonbonniere Cake: Template

One of the most sought-after and popular Bonbon Room models is a box made in a piece of a wedding cake.

Cutting the cake, young divide it to such a number of parts so that each guest can try the main holiday dish. This also applies to bonbonnies made in the form of a cake. Their number corresponds to the number of guests present on the banquet, and folded together, these boxes are reminded or even repeat the wedding cake.

You can make such a box using special drawings and templates. Choosing the most convenient template, young, before proceeding with cutting and gluing the blanks, decide the question of the need to increase the proposed size or leave everything as it is.

Cutting out of thick paper, the workpiece, exactly the corresponding pattern, should be gently bend the sheets along the lines noted by the bonding increase.

It is better to use the adhesive pencil, which is allowed to avoid hitting the glue to the outer surface of the bonbonniere.

Finished boxes can be decorated with lace, openwork napkins, beads, satin ribbons, rhinestones.

Bonbonniere-heart: sweep drawing

No less popular bonbonnieres in the form of hearts. Make them simply, if you use the finished template. The master will need color cardboard, lace tape for decoration, beads and rhinestones. You can make a box of dense white cardboard and decorate it with colored paper.

Billets are cut into strict accordance with the selected template, bending the paper on the lines marked by the dotted line.

Additional sections designed for gluing are lubricated with adhesive composition, the middle part is connected by the slots made in the specified places.

On some templates that can be found and downloaded on the Internet, there are points for holes in which the satin tape can be inserted.

Such a product is not only attractive, but also convenient. Bonbonniere can be carried in his hand, keeping the ribbon, not afraid to remember or damage.

Templates, print layouts

To make the right choice, you need to take advantage of the opportunity and by visiting many sites, find the most interesting models of bonbonnieres and download templates for which you can print blanks and make interesting and original gift boxes.

Using ready-made templates, young can make a variety of bonbonnieres, decoring them to their taste and desire. The size of such boxes depends on what will be inside such a gift packaging.

For candy, small boxes will be required, but for memorable souvenirs there are more bags of atlas or burlap decorated with lace.

Bonbonnieres made by their own hands can not be compared to attractiveness with those that are offered by young purchased in retail chain.

In this master class, you will see how easy and quickly make bonbonnieres alone:

Independently manufacturing boxes for memorable gifts, which will be presented to guests invited to the wedding, young put into each product a part of their souls.

Each bonbonnieret is made in strict accordance with the topics of the wedding, the characteristics of the place and style of the holiday. In addition, manufacturing bonbonnieres for certain guests, young people can focus on contacting them or put a special gift to the box. This concerns the closest relatives or best friends who will retain the received gift for many years.