Trouser suit for a corporate party for the new year. Bowling party. What to wear for a New Year's corporate party: photo images

A tight dress, or maybe a floor-length skirt or a trouser suit with a strict blouse ... What to wear? The thoughts of a woman who is going to a corporate event are even more chaotic, because the problem of choice is a real headache. One of the most influential people in the fashion world - Evelina Khromchenko - like no one else knows which outfit is ideal for a party with colleagues, and what to wear for a corporate party is categorically impossible. About this and many other things.

Universal outfit

Natalya Kozhina: Evelina, what outfit is best for a corporate party?

Evelina Khromchenko: I think that a little black dress can always become a lifesaver. There is no size, age or weight that cannot be packed into it. Moreover, there is no level of celebration, level of representativeness, for which you cannot choose your own version of such a dress. It can be a simple case. Let's say, sleeveless, with bare shoulders. This is already quite an elegant option for such corporate events, where everything is very strict. Or it could be some fantastically beautiful guipure dress with a case. This is a fairly high element of the solemnity of a dress, even if it is cut in a very simple form. It is necessary to understand where you are going, in what interiors you will be, against the background of which your photo will be taken at a corporate event, how other people will be dressed, with whom your bosses will be and, most importantly, who your bosses will be.

- Is it appropriate to dress more smartly than your superiors or is it better not to risk it?

- Your appearance at a corporate party and investment in an outfit should serve for the benefit of a career, and not play against you. It is very important. Therefore, you should not dress more beautifully than the boss. This is fraught with various consequences. Whatever we do, we are all women. Why shake a red rag in front of the bull's nose in vain? There is, of course, an exception to this rule. If, say, we are talking about the editorial office of a fashion magazine, then this is even welcome. But if we are talking about a bank, an engineering office, an office of an insurance company or an accounting department, then it is dangerous here.

White top black bottom

- Not all women are ready to spend their energy looking for a New Year's outfit. Is it possible to wear a dress for a corporate evening in which you have already been?

- If your colleagues are men, then in most situations, with changed accessories, tights of a different color, other shoes, with a different hairstyle, not only do they not recognize the old dress on you, they do not recognize you. If this event is dominated by women, then, of course, the next day at work everyone will say that you wore the same dress as last year.

- Let's say I'm not lucky, I work in a women's team, so I can't put on an old dress, but it's a pity to spend money on a new one, what should I do in this case?

- Of course, in the arsenal of any woman there are some basic things that she can use in such a situation. Even if it's just a white blouse that looks like a shirt and a black pencil skirt, this outfit can be made solemn and suitable for a corporate party by buying, say, a wide patent belt, some kind of large necklace. It is in great fashion now. Get your manicure, makeup, hair done in the salon. I think that once a year you can afford it. And, of course, buy new shoes. Such things immediately give a woman a sense of her own peculiarity, significance and celebration.

Woman in red

- There are times when women come to a party in the same outfits, how would you advise to behave in such a situation?

- The most correct way is to get acquainted, because you obviously have a lot in common, and spend this evening together. Not to go to change clothes, especially since it is often simply impossible. Such double dressing is not something supernaturally rare, it happens quite often and in a fairly well-known society. If you search for examples of double dressing in a search engine, you will see that women are photographed together, even very famous ones.

- Russian-style dresses are in fashion now, is such a colorful outfit suitable for a corporate party?

- These dresses definitely attract public attention. If you are not ready for this style, then it is better not to risk it and wear something else to the corporate party. Today, fashion offers a huge number of options. But if you do not have such questions, of course, it is great if a person, within the framework of his self-expression in clothes, emphasizes the national roots of the country from which he comes. If this kind of party takes place abroad, in Europe, in America, it will be greeted with a bang. Another question is if all this takes place in some Russian city, where people's ideas of beauty are associated with somewhat different forms and lines, perhaps more European. Most likely, it will make less of an impression on them than on foreigners. You just need to understand who will evaluate you, and then make a decision about what to wear.

- Is a red dress a good choice for a corporate evening?

- Red is very dangerous for a corporate party, regardless of whether it suits you or not. This is a serious challenge to society. As I said, a black dress is better for a corporate party. The red dress will attract public attention to you whether you want it or not. If you nevertheless decide on such an outfit, then let your nails be neutral, lipstick transparent or burgundy. The two reds should not argue with each other.

And the last thing: you should dress in such a way that during the evening you do not think about clothes at all, but think about some more important things for you at this moment. Clothing is an important thing, but it shouldn't weigh on you all the time that you are in it. She must serve you. I wish you that no one ever remembers what you were in, but everyone always remembers you.

15.12.2017 13:00

One of the tricky questions on New Year's Eve is what dress to wear to a corporate party? And it would be nice to look in it not only beautiful and fashionable, but also appropriate. The most dangerous things from the point of view of style for a corporate get-together are analyzed by the stylist, teacher of the international school of image Art in Style Vera Markina.


Mademoiselle Chanel was adamant and bluntly declared: "A mini-skirt, too short a dress, cut in half the line of the thigh, one of the most beautiful parts of the female body." It's hard to argue.

Indeed, if the length behind the knee adds the cherished centimeters to the legs, then the mini decisively diminishes, and at the same time takes away elegance and status with centimeters. You will have to choose what is more important to you - to be sexy or to keep your face. And at the same time, keep in mind that this short length has an obscenely long list of requirements for a figure, which, among other things, includes a thin physique and beautiful legs.

What to do

If the difficulties of planting short dresses do not bother you, but you yourself, on the contrary, are determined to embarrass others at least once a year, then choose a mini dress, and not separate top and skirt - the image will look more solemn and complete. A semi-free cut or volumetric details will also help out. And one more thing: let the dress have sleeves. Perhaps even long ones. These techniques will reduce the degree of frankness and add sophistication without prejudice to the flirtatious mood.

3/4 sleeve

We continue to reveal the "short" topic. The rolled-up sleeves are gradually losing ground, and the shortened ones are completely declared an anti-trend. Yes, they accentuate the waist. Yes, they are comfortable, but, alas, they are already unfashionable. From the word at all. Now the sleeves should go up to the wrist, and the most chic - if they go down to the second phalanx of the fingers or even lower. The overlong trend has made its way to evening wear.

What to do

The question "with or without sleeves?" a strong-willed decision to close by choosing the first option. Do not try to find compromises: decided is decided. And half measures (read, half sleeves) are not suitable here.

Neckline and leg cut

How to look seductive without going beyond the bounds of decency? Put on a floor-length dress worthy of the red carpet at some academy ceremony. A good choice, but with only one amendment. In the black tie dress code, ladies' bare shoulders and arms are unchanged, like diamonds, but even here a quiet revolution took place. I would call her a victory for more closed outfits. Of course, this does not mean that according to the new fashion, only the head should be open. But you will have to sacrifice something - either the neckline or a high cut along the leg. Both accents are spectacular, you can't say anything, but it is no longer accepted to combine both in one dress. At least outside the world of show business.

What to do

Prioritize and choose what to focus on. Keep in mind that the focus is more often on the portrait area, so people around you will notice bare shoulders and back more quickly. How comfortable it is is up to you.


The first thing to remember when choosing an openwork dress is that any lace adds volume. It is most insidious on the hands, especially when the sleeve is unlined. If for objective reasons you prefer not to open your hands, then closing them with lace is a bad idea. Also, do not experiment with tight elastic lace if your shoulders are not in the best shape. The fabric will creep ugly as soon as you relax your hands.

What to do

If your hands are moderately athletic, then you can safely choose openwork outfits with sleeves from the same material. In other cases, it is better to look for time-tested lace sheath dresses with a dense lining or look for models with voluminous lace sleeves. Decorative openwork inserts will not offend the feeling of beauty either. It is only important that they do not fall on areas of the figure that you consider to be problematic - such decor always attracts attention.

Stocking boots

When tall boots resembling stockings were shown on the catwalks, we all became interested in them and thought in chorus: "Where can we go in this?" They came up with a quick idea: "Maybe for a holiday!" And here the reason is not far off - a corporate party. Isn't it possible? No, still not worth it. The boots are just blatantly sexy. While you are in these shoes, no one will remember either your achievements in business, or your excellent education, or what an interesting interlocutor you are. In short, such an accessory risks overshadowing your personality. Agree, it's a shame to lose your own boots.

What to do

Leave stocking boots for flying crepe dresses and bohemian parties. To go to a New Year's corporate party, you should choose more discreet shoes, even if you are in a romantic dress in the spirit of the 70s.

Every girl chooses a dress for a corporate party with special care. And it's not just about showing your beauty and charm to your colleagues, but it's also so important to make a positive impression on your boss. Who knows, maybe a well-created image will allow you to make new friends or get a promotion up the career ladder. A collection of dresses from 2018-2019 will help you in choosing the right outfit.

Create an image

A corporate evening is an important event that can be compared in importance to the work itself. Where to go? Choose an outfit seriously. To do this, you will have to focus on the style, color and material from which the dress is made.


When choosing a dress for a corporate party, you should pay attention to the model of a black outfit. This product must be chosen taking into account the characteristics of the figure. The option of a small black dress is considered suitable. This is a universal option that looks great not only at a celebration, but also in everyday life. It is fashionable for him to choose any shoe, but only it should be with high heels. For ladies with curvy shapes, the style of a sheath dress looks great. The black dress of this model will favorably demonstrate all the advantages of the silhouette, thanks to which the woman will be in the center of attention. An evening dress in black has another important advantage. If you accidentally put on a stain, it will not be noticeable.

Read also:

  • The best styles of dresses for obese women -!


A white dress should be chosen when a corporate party is planned in the summer. This way they will be able to highlight tanned skin. But white has one feature - it can emphasize figure flaws. So, when deciding what to go in, be attentive to the choice of style, having thought through everything to the smallest detail.

The main advantage of this outfit is that it is not hot. But if you inadvertently put a stain from wine or champagne, then you will not be able to hide it from the eyes of others.


A beautiful red dress is the outfit that will allow every lady to feel like a real queen at a corporate party. Moreover, the style can be absolutely any: tight, Greek version, trapezoid. In any of the presented models, the girl will look luxurious. Correctly selected shoes and accessories will help to make a stylish look.

What to wear under a red dress? An excellent tandem will make shoes in gold or red. Earrings should be chosen with red stones. The selected accessories will make the look irresistible. But the main thing is not to overdo it with jewelry, otherwise there will be a lot of red, and the girl will look defiant.

Attire for the event. Details in the video:


How to dress for a corporate woman? If you decide to choose a blue dress, then it is important to correctly determine its length, shade and model. Strongly saturated blue is not in great demand, as well as too dark. It is better to choose a fabric of a real blue shade. Don't forget about accessories. Thanks to them, the image turned out to be complete. Shoes fit in the form of boats, high heels. The color scheme can be blue, black, silver.


For a corporate party, you can try on a dress with lace trim. But it is suitable for ladies with excellent body proportions. It's just that this option is not suitable for overweight, because lace adds extra volume. You need to wear such a product only if the girl likes her figure.

Shoes under a lace dress should be elegant, light. Low heel. And the color should not only be fashionable, but also ideally match the overall image.

Clothing for a corporate party involves more than just a dress. You can create an equally attractive image, appear at an event in trousers with a stylish jacket, a skirt with a blouse.

Image for a New Year's corporate party

What to wear for a corporate party for the New Year? Before you go to the store to choose an outfit, you need to know in what style the celebration will take place. You can wear a dress that is too elegant and shiny, which simply will not fit the chosen style of the holiday. The same goes for everyday, simple models.

To choose a dress for a New Year's corporate party, you must adhere to the following simple rules:

  1. If for a corporate party for the new year a working space is used, for example, an office, then clothes can be picked up in the usual style, but a little more solemn than on ordinary days. So put off shining evening outfits for better times. All a woman can afford is beautiful midi-length dresses with arms. Non-shiny fabric can be used for sewing. You can choose a skirt with a bright blouse. The style will turn out to be both business and smart. Since you do not leave your place of work during a party, therefore, you are at work. The dress code shouldn't change much. It is enough to add a little color and elegant accessories to it.
  2. A corporate daytime should be attributed to events that do not need a special outfit. Moreover, this rule applies even if you need to celebrate in a restaurant or cafe. At such a celebration, a woman may appear in trousers. Of course, they should be classic. You will have to forget about jeans and capri pants. For girls who vehemently support a business bow, you can wear a jacket over a shirt.
  3. If the event will take place after 5 pm, then this is the case when a woman can "get confused" over the choice of dress for a corporate party. She can choose the option with bare arms, mini lengths, with bare shoulders and a neckline. But before buying such a product, you should make sure that the cafe or restaurant will be warm enough, otherwise you will not feel comfortable. When a corporate party is scheduled from 5 to 9 pm, then it is worth stopping your gaze on a variant of a suitable style and color, but only the length should not be maxi. Despite the fact that an outfit made of matte fabric with arms can be long, up to the ankle, they are solemn, but have nothing to do with evening wear. In order not to freeze in December, you need to take care of your jacket. It should be long sleeved.
  4. For a corporate party from 8-9 pm and lasting all night long, evening dresses should be provided. At the same time, you can choose a long and too solemn product only if the dinner is held in an expensive restaurant, where a concert program is provided. When the events take place in the club, and there will be dancing, it is best suited. The choice of style is greatly influenced by the location of the holiday.

Tips from a fashionable judgment:

Options for New Year's dresses

Considering the photos of New Year's outfits, which are present in a wide variety, each lady will be able to choose the perfect style. There are the following differences between corporate attire and usual:

  1. Corporate dresses don't have to be gloomy. If you decide to go with a dark fabric, then deep cobalt, rich burgundy, dark green is best. But only homogeneous black matter will have to be abandoned.
  2. Floral print. This option must be chosen with care. The fact is that the New Year is a winter holiday, so a model with “blooming” motives will not really fit into the overall concept. In addition, at the holiday among colleagues and superiors, it is necessary to remain in a more serious manner. But the floral print gives the bow a lightheadedness and lightness.
  3. New Year is a holiday that is personified with splendor and radiance. So on this day, every girl can afford to try on a product made of bright and shiny fabric. Rhinestones, sequins can be used as decor. But just do not overdo it, otherwise you will sparkle like a Christmas tree. In addition, under a shiny outfit, it is enough to put on discreet earrings made of gold or silver, and a thin bracelet on your hand. Massive jewelry should be discarded.

Choosing a corporate outfit is a complex and very responsible process. There are many things to take in, including the style of the party, the place and time of the party, the shape and your personal wishes. And remember that corporate is not a meeting with friends in a club. For this event, you must wear an elegant dress, but at the same time a restrained and not too frank style. Then you can give the impression of a sophisticated lady who knows her worth and has excellent taste.


She likes to be beautiful, she usually likes the attention of others. It is important for her to like herself and to feel confident.

Before we show you specific examples and photos of how you can dress for a corporate event, let's talk about the rules - what you can and should not wear to an informal meeting of the work collective.

  • First, make a clear relationship between the location of the party and your appearance. The more expensive and pretentious the institution is, the more elegant it is to dress, and vice versa. For example, if you are going to celebrate a holiday in a simple democratic cafe, do not wear a dress on the floor in combination with expensive jewelry.
  • When going to a corporate party, do not wear a very short / transparent dress / dress with a deep neckline or open back, and especially if you are going to a party without a companion. Remember that an office romance ends with a wedding only in the movies. Even if you become a happy exception, who confirms the old rule of the world, it is unlikely that your transparent clothes at a corporate event will be the reason.
  • We also do not recommend that you wear to corporate... For the above reasons.

If you are going to put on a lace dress for a corporate event, then let it be pastel, because pastel and vulgarity are practically incompatible things.

How to dress for a party with colleagues and colleagues to look stylish?

The answer to this question is simple and complex at the same time: you need to dress stylishly and, as they say, with a twist. It doesn't matter what exactly you will be wearing - a dress, a fashionable skirt with a blouse or a suit, the main thing is that there should be something in your image that “clings”, which means that it will attract the attention of others to you as a Person.

For example, you can wear an elegant blouse paired with trousers, a skirt, or some grandma's vintage earrings:

There is no thing more universal than small. It will always help and is always appropriate. If you think that black does not suit you, find a dress with a V-neck and tie a scarf around your neck in the most complimentary color to you.

We suggest that middle-aged women and older ladies wear a suit. A blouse under a jacket can be of any, even the brightest shade

Going to a corporate party, you can wear a short-sleeved blouse or a silk T-shirt in combination with a skirt, trousers or. Be sure to choose a stylish piece of jewelry - it will personalize your style. You can wear an en neck choker like the photo or some stylish bracelets, the keyword or.

The blouse can be of any bright color, the main thing is that it "makes the image". , not very high transparency, will also work.

If your corporate event is dedicated to March 8 or New year, you can wear a jacket on the blouse or, see photo:

You can become a "feature" of your image, see photo:

In addition to the shoes as in the photo (well, suddenly you won't find those), we recommend wearing it with a similar black and white set.

You can wear a stylish jumpsuit or a spectacular sheath dress for a festive corporate party, see photo:

In the fall of 2018 and winter 2018-2019, wide-leg trousers with a high waist are in fashion. We recommend, and especially for those who aim to stretch the silhouette - due to the absence of horizontal lines on the figure, such trousers will lengthen the legs. Of course, don't forget to wear heels or platform shoes that will also work with your overall look:

If you are wearing a dress in a bright color (for example, fuchsia), put on a jacket in pastel colors on top, for example:

Blue and green look great together, see photo:

Plaid clothes are in fashion. This image is simple to execute, but it works perfectly:

Pleated skirt and shine-shine-shine are also in fashion. Corporate event on the occasion of the New Year 2019 - this is a great reason to shine!

On the horizon of endless workdays, a holiday sparkled with alluring colors, and my heart sank in anticipation: the big bosses of their own company promised to arrange a grand party. What to go to a corporate party? How to make a lasting impression on the people with whom you spend more time than your own family? It all depends on the reason and location of the festive party.

A corporate party is a rare opportunity to appear in front of your colleagues and bosses not in a dull office suit, but in a beautiful outfit that allows you to show yourself from your best side. That is why, on the eve of this event, women are faced with the painful problem of choosing which clothes to give preference to - maybe a romantic dress, a sexy top, trendy jeans, etc. Thinking about what to wear for a corporate party, remember - this event is also work. If you dream of building a career, in choosing clothes it is very important not to overdo it in an effort to conquer everyone and choose the most appropriate outfit.

Restrained style in clothes for a corporate party in a restaurant

The basic rule: the clothes of the employee must correspond to the status of the organization When choosing clothes, you should consider the theme of the event. You need to dress according to the season and weather. The most wonderful summer dress made of light fabric is unlikely to look natural at a New Year's corporate party, just as a fur coat will not be appropriate on a May outing. The outfit should be chosen according to the figure. Appropriate clothing will skillfully hide figure flaws and highlight its merits. Don't wear overly sexy dresses and critically short skirts. It is also recommended to avoid using transparent and “metallic” fabrics, deep cuts and necklines. A dress with bare shoulders is worn if it does not violate the dress code. Don't let immodest clothing negatively affect your business reputation.

Fashionable little things 2017

Basic rules for clothes for a corporate party in a restaurant

The basic rules to follow in order to look decent and decent:

  • Classic silhouettes (unless a theme party is announced).
  • Restraint - Don't wear overly avant-garde clothing.
  • Lack of vulgarity - both in the image and in the behavior.
  • Avoid excessive luxury - don't wear all the jewelry in your jewelry box, one or two of these flashy accessories will be enough.
  • Dress appropriately for your job.
  • Do not get carried away by too short long skirts and a deep neckline.
  • Don't be a gray mouse - it's still a holiday.
  • Despite the fact that you are at work, you need to balance between informal and business style.

Choosing clothes for a corporate party in accordance with the venue

When choosing an image for a corporate party, it is worth considering the location of the event. Small organizations tend to gather in their own office or in establishments such as bowling alleys and cafes. More impressive firms often invite their employees to restaurants or prestigious nightclubs. In all these cases, the outfit may be slightly different.
So, let's pick 5 fashionable looks for going to a restaurant with colleagues.

Pants and blouse. We recommend two types of trousers: cropped and flared. They will look more original than the usual classics or narrowed ones (although these models are not completely excluded). Black trousers are a sure-fire and practical option that will go with a variety of blouses. But it's worth trying something more colorful too. So red flares or cropped ones with a print will make you stand out and attract attention. You can wear a white or contrasting top with them. By the way, about him. The presence of sleeves is not necessary, in addition, the blouse can be transparent - this is very important.

Cool evening expected? Then put on a jacket. Heeled shoes. Pumps or sandals. Don't forget about accessories and bright makeup.

Pantsuit. Black satin tuxedo pantsuit, hidden platform shoes with high heels, clutch to match the suit. Trendy tuxedo suits are a stylish alternative to dresses. Such a suit is perfect for bright and charismatic people. So that such a suit does not look too prim, you can complement it with a narrow scarf made of beads, a satin bow tie or a fashionable false collar.

An important detail: today it is very fashionable to wear such a suit without blouses, so you should choose a model, the fastener of which does not have a deep cut.

Skirt and blouse. Our modern life is getting easier every day, but this makes it more difficult. Many people now go to restaurants in ripped jeans and feel completely comfortable.

For them, a restaurant is something ordinary and ordinary, no different from the street. But let's be a little conservative and imagine that a restaurant is still a special place that requires a dress code, an elegant appearance. Based on this, we suggest that you wear a midi-length pencil skirt and a blouse that does not open, but emphasizes the chest. Complement all this with sophisticated high-heeled shoes and a neat handbag. The image is ready, but it is worth remembering that a pencil skirt is insidious and, if you want to eat properly, it can play a cruel joke. Therefore, in this case, either follow the rule: "decent girls come to the restaurant do not eat", or wear a less fitted skirt.

Fashionable news 2017

Black little dress. I think that a little black dress can always be a lifesaver. There is no size, age or weight that cannot be packed into it. Moreover, there is no level of celebration, level of representativeness, for which you cannot choose your own version of such a dress. It can be a simple case. Let's say sleeveless, with bare shoulders. This is already quite an elegant option for such corporate events, where everything is very strict. Or it could be some fantastically beautiful guipure dress with a case. This is a fairly high element of the solemnity of the dress, even if it is tailored in a very simple form. It is necessary to understand where you are going, in what interiors you will be, against the background of which your photo will be taken at a corporate event, how other people will be dressed, with whom your bosses will be and, most importantly, who your bosses will be.

Dress to the floor.Remember that you are not going to a ball, carpet or wedding. There is no need to wear a dress with a toroidal fluffy skirt, everything is embroidered from top to bottom with stones. Brevity is the sister of talent, and moderation is the sister of a stylish image. Let the dress be closed, but fitted, without active details, but made of beautiful material. Think carefully about your hair, makeup, manicure. Shoes - with heels, but with a comfortable last, then the whole evening you will feel calm and confident.

What you don't need to wear for a corporate party in a restaurant

First of all, let's figure out what you don't need to wear in any case, if there is no desire to shock the respectable audience. So, under the ban:

  • fishnet tights or with a bright large pattern (if this is not an element of a carnival costume);
  • deep neckline and open back;
  • too short skirt;
  • an abundance of sparkles, sequins and sparkling stones (again, an exception is the outfit of a Christmas tree toy at the New Year's carnival);
  • a transparent blouse that does not leave the slightest room for imagination;
  • sandals or shoes with open toes (they cannot be worn with tights, and it is not recommended to come to a corporate party with bare feet), an exception is a country party in nature in the warm season.

Corporate events can be of all sorts of solemnities, and it depends on what form to go to them.