How to treat a cough during pregnancy: effective methods and recipes for a quick fight against the disease. Treatment of cough during pregnancy

Treatment of cough during pregnancy occurs according to a scheme specially designed for each patient. All drugs and folk remedies are prescribed by a doctor, self-medication can be dangerous for both the woman and the fetus. It is necessary to eliminate bronchospasms as quickly as possible, because they can cause negative reactions and complicate the course of pregnancy. Before choosing a therapy, the doctor must make the correct diagnosis, this is the key to a successful outcome of the disease.

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, take a lot of air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, do you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

Do you feel a dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity, you quickly “out of breath” and get tired, breathing becomes faster, after which there is a lack of air)?

Why are bronchospasms dangerous during pregnancy?

Treatment of cough in pregnant women should be carried out immediately, since bronchospasm can cause serious pathologies in the fetus and harm the woman. For an unborn child, such a violation is especially dangerous in the first trimester: a strong bronchospasm causes an increase in the tone of the uterus, which can provoke a miscarriage.

You need to quickly understand how to cure, because it causes circulatory disorders. This slows down the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus, which can cause deviations in its formation. It should also be borne in mind that bronchospasm is a consequence of a viral or infectious disease that can penetrate the placenta.

Coughing during pregnancy is dangerous for the expectant mother. If the placenta is low or placenta previa, bronchospasm causing uterine contractions can cause bleeding.

There is also a high probability of outflow of amniotic fluid in the later stages and premature difficult births. And this is fraught with serious health problems for women up to death.


Cough in a pregnant woman can occur for various reasons. Most often it is provoked by viral infections transmitted by airborne droplets. They are especially dangerous for the fetus and the expectant mother. Bacterial diseases can also affect the body, they can be infected in any public place.

If the disease affects the upper respiratory tract, a severe cough during pregnancy occurs due to mucus flowing into the throat. Sputum irritates cough receptors, which causes bronchospasm. Most often, he disturbs patients at night: it is in the supine position that the fluid contained in the nose flows down through the throat.

Infections of the lower respiratory tract can cause the appearance of a dry, and then a wet cough. Sputum accumulates in the lungs and bronchi, for its release the body uses a protective reflex - a spasm. Such ailments quickly become chronic, so you need to quickly decide how to get rid of them.

There are other causes of bronchospasm:

  • allergic reactions;
  • violations of the digestive tract;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • nervous tension;
  • improper functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • ascariasis (infection with roundworms).

Features of treatment

When we treat cough during pregnancy, the list of drugs used in the early and late periods should be different. In the first trimester, the fetus is especially sensitive, so it is not recommended to use chemical drugs. It is better to give preference to dietary supplements, homeopathic remedies and alternative methods.

In the second and third trimester, the threat of miscarriage decreases, almost all vital organs and systems of the unborn baby are formed. You can get rid of a cough at this time with the help of many drugs: the range of approved drugs is significantly expanding compared to the first 13 weeks of gestation.

However, it should be borne in mind that in the later stages such a phenomenon as premature aging of the placenta is possible. When the "protective" layer wears out, the fetus becomes defenseless against the negative effects of chemicals, viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.

Medical treatment

Pregnant women can only use certain drugs that are prescribed by the attending physician. In different periods of gestation, the use of different drugs is allowed. Consider which of them will be beneficial for the health of the mother and will not harm the unborn child.

First trimester

It is necessary to fight dry cough with the help of mucolytics: they thin out sputum, increase it in volume and help to remove it from the respiratory tract. Such funds also relieve inflammation, soothe and heal the mucous membranes.

The following drugs will help expectant mothers to cope with bronchospasm without sputum:

  • "Libeksin" (appointed only in extreme cases, as it is a synthetic agent);
  • "Mukaltin", syrup "Althea Root", "Stodal", "Bronchogran", "Pulsatilla" (sold without a prescription, as they do not affect the development of the fetus, but can cause allergies in case of personal intolerance to the components);
  • "Bronhikum", "Gedelix", "Doctor Mom" ​​(herbal preparations that do not contain substances harmful to the body of a woman and the fetus, but there is not enough information about their effect on the fetus).

How to treat a wet cough, you can find out in a consultation with a doctor. Expectant mothers are suitable for means that improve coughing, disinfecting and fighting pathogens.

During pregnancy, treatment is carried out using such means:

  • "Doctor Theis", "Stodal", "Bronchogran", "Pulsatilla", "Bifidofolus Flora Force" (completely safe for the body of the mother and the unborn baby, with the exception of personal intolerance);
  • "Bronchipret", "Bronhikum" (plant-based preparations, can have a negative effect on the body due to high biological activity).

Second and third trimester

During this period, the list of permitted funds is wider, the fetus is almost fully formed. Drugs are selected so as not to cause premature birth and bleeding in the expectant mother. The following items are added to the list of drugs against dry cough:

From a wet cough during pregnancy in the last stages, more funds are also shown than in the first trimester.

Their list is replenished with such drugs:

  • "Tussin";
  • "Ambroxol";
  • "Fluifort";
  • "Herbion".


It is possible to alleviate the condition of the expectant mother without harm to the fetus with the help of inhalations. They can be wet or dry. Wet airways help transport drugs in high concentrations into the respiratory tract. Together with the steam, patients inhale healing substances that disinfect the mucous membranes, relieve swelling, improve coughing and reduce spasm. For the procedures, you can use the following devices:

If the patient has a fever, then steam inhalations are contraindicated for her: they accelerate blood flow and increase pressure, which is dangerous for the fetus. You can replace them with cold inhalations. To do this, 1-3 drops of essential oil of fir, pine, calendula or other medicines need to be dropped on a pillow, a piece of paper or cloth, put next to you and slowly take deep breaths.

It will also be useful to use an aroma lamp, it can not only normalize breathing, but also disinfect the room.

Healthy drink

Drinking plenty of fluids can help with a cough during pregnancy. The liquid, heated to body temperature, is quickly absorbed in the body, accelerates blood circulation and stimulates the production of sputum by the mucous membranes.

To alleviate the patient's condition, you can use ordinary teas, but it will be more effective to use medicinal drinks:


Gargling is useful both for prevention and to eliminate coughing. This method will be especially effective for sore throats. For rinsing, a mixture of baking soda and water, a mixture of salt and water, infusions of linden or chamomile flowers, and plantain herbs are used. It is necessary to carry out the procedure between meals or after a meal 3-4 times a day. It is better to refrain from straining the vocal cords after rinsing.

Precautionary measures

Any medications and traditional medicine can have a negative impact on the body of the expectant mother under certain circumstances. Before using any cough suppression methods, you need to make sure that they do not cause a negative reaction. For this, samples are taken: medicines are taken in small quantities and wait for several hours. If no changes in the state of health are found, therapy is continued.

You also need to make sure that the expectant mother does not have chronic diseases in which the use of certain drugs is completely contraindicated.

Especially carefully, therapy is selected in the presence of pathologies of fetal development or complicated pregnancy. Self-treatment is strictly prohibited.

In conclusion

Pregnant women need to carefully monitor their health and do everything possible not to get sick.

If it was not possible to protect yourself from viral and bacterial infections, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will help you choose a safe and effective therapy, including medications and traditional medicine.

Cough during pregnancy is a symptom of diseases, but not an independent disease. In this article, we will only touch on such an important issue as the treatment of cough during pregnancy. The most important thing is not to harm the baby - which means that I have found the duty to warn you what you should not do.

Treating a cough during pregnancy is essential because it can harm your baby. How, you ask? I'm coughing, not the child. However, the harm of coughing during pregnancy is obvious - it disrupts your breathing, you do not have enough oxygen, and of course, the child begins to suffer from this. Moreover, when coughing, especially dry and obsessive, which overcomes attacks, there is a strong contraction of the diaphragm and muscles of the anterior abdominal wall with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which of course is dangerous if you have a risk of premature birth or isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

During pregnancy, you can encounter any cause of cough, even a very serious one, and of course, you need to see a doctor. Even if you have an ARVI cough, it can indicate the development of complications such as bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, these diseases should not be underestimated, because any of them can even cost life if severe and not properly treated.

Of course, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment for you, and all his recommendations must be strictly followed. Here we will only touch on those drugs that can be used without a doctor's prescription if you have a cold (for example, if the consultation is not available and you have to wait 1-2 days, or you can’t get to the doctor at all), and of course, folk methods of treatment. These methods will give you the opportunity to alleviate your condition safely for the baby and pregnancy.

An allergic cough during pregnancy is a special conversation, as is a cough for other reasons not related to a cold.

For starters, what is a cough?

Cough is dry and wet.

Wet cough (also called productive, or wet) is accompanied by sputum. Usually, after expectoration of sputum, it becomes easier to breathe. This cough can be painful or even pleasant, sputum can be abundant liquid or viscous and scanty, it can be mucous, purulent, in some diseases it may contain streaks of blood (with SARS, the last 2 options do not occur - they occur only with serious complications, or for other causes of cough). Often a wet cough in the morning worries smokers, but you are pregnant, and certainly do not smoke. Sometimes a cough is to blame for a secret flowing from the nose with a runny nose.

A dry, or unproductive, cough is especially unpleasant. It is often accompanied by pain in the throat and trachea behind the sternum, there is no sputum with it, but there is a most unpleasant tickle. It is obsessive and can be paroxysmal. Very often, such a cough occurs at the very beginning of the disease.

How to treat a cough during pregnancy

Medicines that can be bought without a doctor's prescription and used for coughing are quite numerous.

Important: List of prohibited cough medicines, they should not be taken by pregnant women:









Tussin plus

And now the treatment of cough during pregnancy, medicines that a doctor can prescribe for you. Treat the choice carefully, do not take them yourself - be sure to consult, although almost all of them are sold without a prescription.

Dry cough

Treatment of dry cough during early pregnancy should begin with inhalations and reflex methods of exposure, drugs are used in pregnant women in the first trimester only as a last resort, even permitted. Now all the organs and systems of the baby are being formed, and it is very important to avoid any chemical preparations.

In pregnant women up to 12 weeks, it is permissible to use:

Stodal (after consulting a doctor)

Starting from the second trimester, you can use the same:

Stoptussin (with caution)

Coldrex (with caution)

Sinekod according to strict indications

Moist cough

Treatment of wet cough during pregnancy in all trimesters is carried out with the following drugs:


Breast collection (there is no information on the effect of the components on the fetus - use only under medical supervision)

Doctor Mom


Tussin (with caution)

Both dry and wet cough during pregnancy should be treated with great care in any trimester when it comes to prescribing medications.

Folk recipes for treating cough

Remember that during pregnancy:

Warming up is prohibited (jars, mustard plasters, hot baths and you can’t soar your feet)

Do not abuse ascorbic acid

Do physiotherapy like UHF

Despite the safety of folk remedies, there may be individual contraindications - consult your doctor before use.

Can be taken orally:

Milk with figs

Severe cough during pregnancy can be treated with real baby medicine. 3-4 fresh or dried figs (1 large fruit per one and a half glasses of milk) are washed, poured into an enamel saucepan with milk with a fat content of at least 3.2% (half a liter), heated under the lid for half an hour. 2/3 of the milk will evaporate, resulting in a thick brown sweet broth. Do not drink it warm, let it stand for at least 2 hours - so the beneficial properties of the drink will gain maximum strength. At a time, you can prepare no more than half a liter of drink, store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. Take no more than a glass a day in 3 divided doses. After standing in the refrigerator, milk with figs thickens, becomes viscous. When drinking, you can heat the drink and add honey to it.

Onion with cough honey

Dry cough during pregnancy can be successfully cured with onions and honey, while you will not smell of onions. To do this, boil the syrup: cut the onion into small pieces (half a kilogram), mix with honey (2 tablespoons), add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Pour the mixture with a liter of water and boil over very low heat for 3 hours. Leave the syrup to cool, then strain and pour into a bottle with a well ground cap. Store in refrigerator, take 1 tablespoon between meals 4-5 times daily.

Hazelnuts with cough honey

Another delicious recipe for treating cough in pregnant women is to grind a glass of hazelnuts in a meat grinder or coffee grinder and mix with half a glass of honey. The mixture can be stored without refrigeration. Tasty medicine is taken 3-4 times a day for a teaspoon, washed down with warm milk.

Horseradish with cough honey

Wash fresh horseradish rhizomes, peel and grate on a fine grater, mix in equal proportions with honey. Take the mixture 3-4 times a day for a teaspoon. You can squeeze juice from horseradish and mix it with honey in equal proportions, this medicine is taken 2 times a day for a tablespoon.

Honey massage helps cough (carefully! Only after consulting a doctor, because the use of massage in pregnant women is limited), you can make compresses from fresh cabbage leaves smeared with honey on your chest at night. And of course, you need to gargle and inhale, about this in detail in the relevant articles.

And she didn't cough - that's great. But, unfortunately, it is often impossible to avoid various ailments, which, of course, contributes to the reduced immunity of a pregnant woman.

How to be? After all, you can’t cure a cough in a pregnant woman with the usual medicines, and you need to fix the problem as quickly as possible.

Possible Causes of a Cough

A cough is not always associated with a cold. In order to successfully get rid of the disease, you must first find out the causes of its occurrence.

They may be:

Do not rush to get rid of a cough on your own, it is better to consult with your doctor. Treatment of cough during pregnancy should be prescribed only after finding out the causes of the disease.

The danger of coughing during pregnancy

But why is coughing so dangerous during pregnancy? A cough is a kind of spasm in which muscles contract. If the cough is dry, frequent and strong, then the tone of the uterus rises, as a result of which spasms can occur and the blood supply to the baby is disturbed. If the cough is accompanied by all the "charms" of colds - fever, infectious inflammation, and so on - this can harm the fetus.

Especially take care of getting rid of cough as soon as possible for expectant mothers with diagnoses such as threatened miscarriage or.

How to treat cough during pregnancy?

Traditional ways

If you feel the first symptoms of an upcoming illness, immediately consult a doctor - he will give professional advice, how to cure cough during pregnancy.

  • Drugs that can be taken by pregnant women with a dry cough:

"Stodal" - the entire pregnancy, 2nd and 3rd trimesters "Stoptussin", "Libeksin".

  • Drugs that can be taken by pregnant women with a wet cough:

"Mukaltin", "Gerbion", "Bromhexine", "Gedelix", "Tussin", licorice root syrup, breast collection - the entire pregnancy. Fluditec and Fluifort can only be taken in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

  • Drugs that are strictly forbidden to be taken by pregnant women:

Glycodin, Codelac, Tussin Plus, Bronholitin, Terpinkod, ACC, Pertussin, Ascoril, Travisil, Joset.

Folk methods

During pregnancy it is strictly forbidden: to soar legs, put cans, use mustard plasters, take hot baths. Do not forget to visit a doctor first if you decide to cure cough during pregnancy folk remedies- some of them may be contraindicated for you and your baby.

  • Rinsing.

If you have a severe sore throat and frequent dry cough, rinsing is a must for you. After eating, gargling is a must, but you can gargle every 2 hours. For the solution, use warm boiled water with the addition of soda, apple cider vinegar, onion or beetroot juice. You can also use the infusion of herbs (chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, sage).

  • Warm drink.

When you are sick, you need to drink a lot and often, and what you drink should be warm and not cause you an allergic reaction. Drink teas, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, hot milk with honey - as long as it is not contraindicated for you.

Warm milk with added butter, honey and Borjomi sparkling water (or a pinch of soda), as well as lime, chamomile, sage tea, helps very well.

  • Inhalations.

The safest way cough treatment during pregnancy. For the procedure, you can use special devices - inhalers, or you can use a saucepan and a blanket or a kettle and a paper cone. Steams of boiled potatoes with the addition of garlic and onions, as well as steams from herbal decoctions or water with the addition of essential oils, will help very well for coughing.

  • Compresses for the night.

A very efficient method. It is necessary to smear a cabbage leaf with honey, attach it to the chest, cover with something warm and go to bed. You can also use a vodka or alcohol compress: warm an alcohol-containing liquid, soak a soft cloth in it, fix it on your chest and cover with a warm towel.

In addition, cough can be treated with food. Ordinary mashed potatoes will help you, but this time cooked with more milk, butter or ghee, garlic and onions. The puree itself should be almost liquid and hot, you need to eat it several times a day.

If you, being in a position, feel unwell, put aside all your affairs and take care of your health, because the disease can affect your unborn baby.

According to medical statistics, cough is one of the top five painful symptoms, due to which pregnant women are forced to consult a therapist. First, continuous coughing significantly impairs the quality of life and thus causes great anxiety. Secondly, with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, pressure on the diaphragm increases, and breathing becomes more difficult. Coughing only makes the condition worse. And if before pregnancy it was possible without hesitation to choose any drug and try to eliminate this unpleasant symptom, then a special position obliges a woman to be more attentive to the medications she takes. Most of the conventional drugs are banned during pregnancy due to their negative impact on the formation of the organs and systems of the unborn child.

Cough during pregnancy: causes, classification, danger

Cough is an adaptive (defensive) reaction of the body, with the help of which the airways are cleared of accumulated mucus, foreign particles, irritants. This unconditioned reflex can appear for the following reasons:

  • the impact of external factors on the respiratory system: temperature, humidity, air pollution, plant pollen, ingress of food and foreign particles;
  • the formation of sputum, pus, blood in the respiratory organs due to pathological processes;
  • heart failure, disorders of the nervous system, gastrointestinal reflux (reverse movement of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus).

Cough can be both the only symptom of the disease, and one of the many signs of any pathology.
Causes of cough can be both external irritating factors and various diseases.

In ninety percent of pregnant women, cough is one of the signs of an acute respiratory disease (ARI), in which the respiratory organs are affected. At the same time, the mucous membranes begin to secrete protective mucus, in which antibodies are produced to locally fight infection. In the future, mucus is periodically removed from the body in the process of coughing along with viruses and bacteria. Unlike other symptoms of an acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), a cough can persist even after an illness. Usually the duration of treatment for ARVI is about a week. If after that, after a few days, the cough appears again, then most likely this is the beginning of the development of a bacterial infection. Undertreated acute respiratory infections can provoke more serious diseases: bronchitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia. In this case, cough becomes the main symptom of the disease, and sputum often contains pus and blood.

Allergy (hay fever) in pregnant women is also often accompanied by a cough. It is important to correctly determine the nature of the underlying disease, since treating a cold instead of an allergy can lead to complications. With hay fever, as a rule, body temperature does not rise, there are no chills and aching muscles, but there is increased lacrimation and sneezing.
Cough is one of the symptoms of an allergic reaction to plant pollen.

In addition to the fact that pathologies that cause coughing are dangerous for the fetus and mother, the symptom itself can cause the following disorders:

  • an increase in the tone of the uterus, which, under certain circumstances, at an early stage can be a threat of miscarriage;
  • fetal hypoxia in the second and third trimesters due to a combination of cough and pressure of the enlarging uterus on the diaphragm;
  • slowing down the development of the unborn child due to the action of the hormone cortisone, which is produced in excess in the body of a pregnant woman with constant anxiety about acute or chronic cough.

By the nature of the action, unproductive (dry) and productive (wet) coughs are distinguished. In the first variant, irritation of the reflectors occurs without the release of mucus, accompanied by pain or sore throat. In the second - there is excess sputum, wheezing, heaviness in the chest. With acute respiratory infections at the initial stage, a dry cough occurs, which after two to three days at the stage of recovery turns into a wet one.

According to the degree of intensity, the cough is divided into the following forms: coughing, mild, strong. It is the strong form that causes serious concern. A pregnant woman should immediately consult a doctor, as this condition indicates a severe pathology of the respiratory organs. A cough lasting more than three weeks means that the disease has passed into the chronic stage.

Treatment of cough in a pregnant woman

Since a cough is only a symptom of a disease, it must be treated first of all. Therefore, self-medication is not worth it. Only an experienced specialist can determine the nature of the cough by clinical signs and laboratory tests: viral, bacterial, allergic.

Methods of therapy are divided into basic and symptomatic. The main ones, depending on the severity of the disease, may be limited to general recommendations aimed at creating favorable conditions for the action of the body's defenses and alleviating cough, and may be supplemented by specific treatment when one's own immunity is not enough for recovery.

  • regular ventilation of the home;
  • creation of certain living conditions: temperature not higher than 22 ° C, humidity 60–70%;
  • drinking plenty of water, which contributes to the formation of protective mucus of the desired consistency in the respiratory tract;
  • regular moistening of the throat and nose with antiseptic solutions;
  • limiting the consumption of cold, hot and spicy foods;
  • ensuring sufficient time for sleep (at least eight hours) and rest;
  • long walks in the fresh air in the absence of temperature.

Drinking plenty of water is the main recommendation to relieve cough during pregnancy.

Specific treatment consists in the use of antiviral drugs, antibiotics, interferons, antihistamines allowed during pregnancy. Treatment with these drugs is not recommended during the first trimester. During this period, the formation of the main systems of the fetus occurs, therefore, the risk of malformations due to the teratogenic (chemical) effects of drugs is high.

Specific treatment of cough in infectious diseases

If coughing is a symptom of SARS, then it is necessary first of all to deal with viruses. Mild forms of SARS do not require antiviral treatment during pregnancy. The body is able to cope with the disease within a week. It is enough to follow the general recommendations.


If a pregnant woman has a severe form of a viral infection, accompanied by a high fever and severe cough, then doctors may prescribe intensive therapy with antiviral and antipyretic drugs. Medicines approved during pregnancy to fight infection include:

  • Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) is the first choice for influenza;
  • Zanamivir (Relenza) is a drug that is highly active against strains of viruses resistant to Oseltamivir;
  • Umifenovir (Arbidol) - a Russian-made drug with a wide spectrum of activity against viruses, can be prescribed as a prophylactic agent for epidemics.

Antiviral agents are most effective if they are used in the first days of the disease.
Arbidol is a remedy approved during pregnancy for the viral nature of cough


If the respiratory disease is due to exposure to a bacterial infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. During pregnancy, the following antibacterial drugs are allowed:

  • penicillins: Augmentin, Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav;
  • cephalosporins: ceftriaxone, cefotaxime;
  • macrolides: Azithromycin, Clarithromycin.

They can be used from the second trimester of pregnancy.

Antipyretic drugs

Among antipyretic drugs, paracetamol is the drug of first choice, which is allowed for the entire duration of pregnancy. But with a strong cough, Ibuprofen is considered more effective, which acts not only as an antipyretic and analgesic, but also as an anti-inflammatory agent. Ibuprofen is not recommended during the third trimester.

Immunostimulating agents

Means for stimulating immunity, which are made from human blood, are widely used in Russia and the CIS countries. They are proteins that are produced in cells in response to a viral infection. Such drugs are called interferons. These drugs do not directly act on viruses, but only signal the body to start producing antibodies. With SARS, already on the third day, cells begin to produce their own interferon.

Some doctors have recently been skeptical about the use of these immunostimulatory agents for the treatment of viral infections, as their effectiveness has not yet been proven by clinical studies. Nevertheless, manufacturers and other experts recommend using the Interferon solution in ampoules for inhalation using a nebulizer. Also, some medical sources recommend the use of Viferon in the form of suppositories for the treatment and prevention of SARS. Interferon in the form of a solution is used for inhalation when coughing during pregnancy

Medicines to relieve cough during pregnancy

Symptomatic treatment is aimed at relieving the cough and is based on two approaches:

  • impact on the cough reflex with the help of special drugs that block this physiological process;
  • facilitating the separation of sputum with expectorants or thinning it with the use of mucolytic drugs.


Antitussives during pregnancy can be used only after a doctor's prescription in exceptional cases, when a strong cough leads to an increased tone of the uterus, causes vomiting, and absolutely does not make it possible to sleep. But you need to understand that the suppression of this physiological reflex can lead to the accumulation of mucus in the lungs and provoke pneumonia. Based on this, antitussive drugs are most safely used for dry, irritating coughs. Most manufacturers do not conduct clinical trials on the safety of these medicines during pregnancy. Therefore, in general, the instructions for antitussive drugs contain a ban on their use when carrying a child.

Table: cough reflex suppressants allowed during pregnancy

Release form Syrup. Syrup, drops. Tablets, syrup for children.
Indications Dry cough with:
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.
Dry cough of various etiologies. Cough of the upper and lower respiratory tract.
  • heart failure;
  • high pressure;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • sleep disturbance.
Hypersensitivity. Copious expectoration.
Side effects
  • high blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • insomnia;
  • digestive disorders;
  • skin rashes.
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea.
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin allergy;
  • drowsiness, fatigue.
Price, rub From 100 for 125 g. From 200 for 100 ml of syrup. From 425 for 20 tablets.

Photo gallery: antitussive drugs during pregnancy

Bronholitin relieves dry cough and reduces bronchial edema
Sinekod suppresses cough and facilitates breathing Libeksin tablets are effective for the treatment of unproductive cough of any origin


Every year, the number of various expectorants increases in the market of medical preparations, the effect of which and safety for a pregnant woman has not been proven by any studies. But most reputable doctors believe that the effectiveness of the use of such drugs in diseases of the upper respiratory tract does not exceed the effectiveness of drinking plenty of fluids. A wide range of expectorants are made from plants that are unsafe for fetal development. It is not recommended to take medicines containing the following herbs during pregnancy:

  • roots of marshmallow, elecampane, licorice;
  • ivy;
  • anise;
  • coltsfoot;
  • oregano;
  • thyme.

The safest herbal component in expectorants are linden blossoms.

From the point of view of evidence-based medicine, there are currently no convincing arguments in favor of high efficacy combined with safety for most drugs used in the treatment of cough in ARI.

B.M. Blokhin

"Modern approach to solving the problem of cough in acute respiratory infections in children"

A special place among drugs that dilute sputum in the lower respiratory tract is occupied by mucolytics. Mucolytics are modern drugs, chemical compounds that change the very structure of thick mucus. Their effectiveness far exceeds the effectiveness of other expectorants. But for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, with a wet cough, SARS in a mild form, it is not advisable to use these drugs. Also, you can not combine antitussives and mucolytics. Expectorants are available in various forms: syrup, drops, dragees, tablets, lozenges.

Release form
  • powder for making mixtures;
  • solution;
  • suppositories;
  • pills.
  • drops for oral administration;
  • dragee.
  • dragee;
  • pills;
  • drops;
  • potion.
  • solution;
  • pills;
  • syrup.
  • pills;
  • granules in bags;
  • syrup.
Indications The need to liquefy bronchial secretions in case of inflammation of the respiratory tract. The formation of viscous sputum in colds. Diseases of the bronchi with impaired sputum discharge. Diseases of the respiratory tract with the formation of a viscous secret. Diseases of the respiratory organs with the formation of viscous sputum.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity. Hypersensitivity. Individual intolerance.
  • stomach ulcer in acute form;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage.
Side effects With prolonged use:
  • loss of appetite;
  • disorders of the stomach;
  • headache.
  • skin manifestations of allergies;
  • abdominal pain, nausea.
Rarely allergies, digestive disorders.
  • skin allergic reaction;
  • headache;
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • skin itching, rash;
  • lowering blood pressure, tachycardia;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • headache.
Price, rub FROM 38 for 200 ml. From 360 for 50 dragees. From 120 for 25 pills. From 50 for 100 ml of syrup. From 120 for 20 bags.

Photo gallery: drugs that thin sputum in the respiratory tract

Sodium bicarbonate has a pronounced expectorant effect Sinupret promotes the outflow of mucus from the upper respiratory tract Bromhexine dilutes sputum in diseases of the bronchi and lungs Ambroxol is one of the most used mucolytic drugs
Mucolytic ACC remains active in purulent sputum


Gargling with a cold is used to moisten the mucous membrane, as well as for its antiseptic treatment. It is safe to treat the throat with solutions of Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, as well as sprays: Ingalipt, Hexoral, Octinecept. This procedure contributes to liquefaction of sputum, removal of infection with cough, and general recovery. Numerous lozenges are intended for the same purposes, which cause an increased formation of saliva and thereby moisturizing the pharynx and larynx. According to doctors, it is better to choose sucking tablets with eucalyptus and mint, but without sugar.


Often, after a cold, the cough does not go away due to the fact that the healing process of damaged tissues is underway, and this requires much more time. In this case, it is recommended to use the so-called auxiliary symptomatic methods. One of them when coughing is inhalation. This procedure speeds up the healing process of the mucous membranes. As solutions, you can use decoctions of chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, garlic and onion juices. Inhalations with antiseptics such as Miramistin and Chlorhexidine are effective. A modern device for carrying out this procedure is a nebulizer, which breaks down the liquid to an aerosol state. With the help of spraying, the smallest particles of the solution reach the lower respiratory tract. Inhalations are recommended to be carried out three to four times a day.
Using a nebulizer, inhalations are carried out to affect the lower respiratory tract

Bronchodilator drugs

With bronchitis and pneumonia, swelling of the bronchial mucosa occurs. At the same time, the lumen of the bronchus narrows, breathing becomes difficult, coughing intensifies. This condition is called bronchial obstruction. If bronchial obstruction develops quickly, then it is called bronchospasm. In any case, for the treatment of this pathology, it is effective to use bronchodilator drugs (bronchodilators), which dilate the bronchi and thereby reduce respiratory failure and cough force.

During pregnancy, the appointment of such drugs should be handled by an outpatient doctor, since oxygen deficiency poses a threat to the health of the woman and the development of the unborn child.

For relief of bronchial obstruction during pregnancy, the following bronchospasmolytics are allowed to be used from the second trimester:

  • Intal;
  • Ventolin (Salbutamol);
  • Clenbuterol.

Moreover, before prescribing them, the doctor must take into account the ratio of the therapeutic effect and the possible risk to the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Treatment of allergic cough in a future mother

To reduce an allergic cough, it is necessary, first of all, to treat the allergy itself. It is necessary to avoid contact with allergens, maintain general immunity, rinse the nose and gargle. The approved modern allergy medicine is Loratadine (Claritin), which has few side effects. But in some cases, a more effective drug is required. In exceptional cases, Suprastin can be used, the safety of which has not been sufficiently studied.

For local effects on the bronchi with an allergic cough, it is allowed to use Bekotide and Beclomethasone with caution. The drugs are available in the form of an aerosol for inhalation.

Folk remedies for cough during pregnancy

Traditional healers offer about a hundred different ways to treat cough. All methods, one way or another, are associated with exposure to steam and heat, gargling, applying compresses, rubbing the chest and back, drinking warm drinks.

Folk remedies are effective if the main painful process comes to an end. And it is only necessary to get rid of the residual cough, which can continue for a long time in the form of coughing, the appearance of night and morning attacks.

One of the most popular cough drinks is warm milk, which is drunk at night. Milk reduces irritation of the larynx, dilutes sputum, facilitates its removal. In a warm drink, you can add a spoonful of honey, soda, a piece (50 g) of butter. Linden tea is an excellent expectorant. With caution, it is taken only in case of cardiovascular insufficiency.
Linden flower tea is a safe anti-inflammatory and expectorant for coughs during pregnancy

Gargle effectively with soda-salt solution. To prepare it, dissolve one tablespoon of soda and salt in a glass of warm water. With an exacerbation of the disease, rinsing should be done up to eight times a day, and for preventive purposes - once. You can also moisturize the mucous membrane of the throat with a decoction of chamomile.

Cough compresses should not be used in acute inflammation and high fever. During pregnancy, the use of compresses from potatoes, honey, vodka is allowed. This method of treatment enhances local blood circulation, stimulates local immunity. Compresses are applied to the chest or back, the duration of the procedure is several hours. With success from residual cough, rubbing with products made from badger, goat, mutton, goose fat is used. It is best to perform this procedure at night before going to bed. The duration of treatment is five to seven days.

A few years ago, a good friend of mine developed a seasonal allergy in her seventh month of pregnancy. Endless flow of nasal discharge, watery eyes, trouble breathing at night. Naturally, this state of affairs caused serious concern. Doctors advised to undergo plasmapheresis, which did not help. Claritin was ineffective. The condition worsened: sputum began to accumulate in the respiratory tract, a cough appeared. I had to save myself from asthma attacks with Intal. I recommended daily nasal rinses and rinses with Chlorhexidine and soda-saline solution. In addition, a pregnant woman, on my advice, purchased an air purifier with a humidifier. Sleep became easier, painful symptoms decreased, anxiety went away. After the end of the ragweed season, the allergy began to recede, but the constant cough remained. Daily rubbing at night with goat fat helped. Within a week there was no cough left. The birth went well, the baby was born healthy.

Video: pulmonologist Andrey Belevsky about the nature of cough and the principles of its treatment

Cough is an annoying and unpleasant symptom of a number of diseases. An exhausting dry or prolonged wet cough in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy can greatly disturb a woman and even a child.

Important! Treatment of cough during pregnancy must be under the supervision of a doctor.

Self-medication can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous for a growing baby. Only the doctor knows what can and cannot be taken for coughing during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. The list of antitussive drugs for the expectant mother is limited.

Pregnancy is a special state when the forces of the female body are aimed at supporting the growth and development of the fetus. The immune system also works in an “enhanced” mode, but with close contact with viral patients, a young mother can still become infected. The decrease in the body's defenses occurs precisely in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

The main measures are aimed at treating the disease that caused the cough. When the disease recedes, the symptoms will soon pass on their own. Thinking about taking cough medicine during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is only in cases where the cough is protracted, debilitating.

What is dangerous cough in the 3rd trimester

The main danger is often not a cough, but its cause. Cough itself is not a disease, it is a protective reaction of the body to an infectious disease.

During a productive cough, the upper and lower respiratory tract are cleared, waste products of bacteria and viruses come out with sputum. Wet cough relieved by drinking plenty of water, it passes quickly enough.

Dry cough worries more, accompanied by perspiration and chest pain. This is a reflex reaction to irritation of the ENT organs. It does not bring relief, interferes with sleep and tires the pregnant woman. Dry cough can be dangerous for the baby.

If the cough is caused by a virus or bacterial infection, then the risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus cannot be ruled out. For a fragile child's body, infection in the third trimester is more dangerous than for the mother.

The unpleasant consequences of a dry lingering cough during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester are:

  1. Fetal hypoxia. A strong hysterical cough increases the tone of the uterus. An unpleasant consequence of increased tone is fetal hypoxia, a lack of oxygen in the child's blood.
  2. premature birth. A constant and significant increase in tone provokes contractions, and premature birth may occur. By the middle of the third trimester, the baby is already well developed and can be born completely healthy, but it is better to bear the baby until the end of the term.
  3. Bleeding. If there is an offer of a placenta, coughing, as a serious physical exertion, can cause dangerous bleeding. It is in the 3rd trimester that the risk of such bleeding increases, since the walls of the uterus are already greatly stretched. A similar danger is cough and low placentation.

The task of the gynecologist is to explain to the patient in time what is the danger of coughing in the 3rd trimester, and refer to the therapist to determine the cause and undergo treatment.

Causes of cough

The most common cause of cough is diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract of various etiologies. Proper diagnosis will help determine the cause of coughing during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, how to treat it and what to avoid.

A mild form of SARS and a cold pass without consequences for the fetus. An increase in the mother's body temperature does not harm the child, as well as a runny nose and cough. For a pregnant woman, it is important to observe bed and drinking regimens, as well as consult a doctor in order to control the course of the disease.

If you hope that the cold will pass "on your feet", do not follow the treatment of cough during pregnancy according to the instructions of health workers, then complications may arise. Inflammation of the pharynx and trachea (laryngitis and tracheitis) lasts up to three weeks, is more difficult to treat and causes bouts of severe coughing, including at night.

Some viral diseases in which a cough occurs are extremely harmful to the baby. Among seasonal diseases, the most dangerous is the flu. It is accompanied by severe fever, high fever, headaches.

Important! If the disease develops rapidly, accompanied by a rise in body temperature above 38 ° C and a severe headache, it may be the flu! It is urgent to call an ambulance.

Diseases of a bacterial nature also cause coughing. Bronchitis and pneumonia are common and dangerous complications of the common cold. Treatment of such diseases is not complete without the use of antibiotics. In serious cases, hospital treatment is recommended to ensure round-the-clock monitoring of the condition of the mother and child.

Important! Infections are not always severe for the mother, but the activity of bacteria is dangerous for the baby! Visit a doctor.

If there are no other respiratory symptoms, and the cough does not stop, then the therapist will suspect an allergic reaction. It is caused by household allergens (animal hair, dust, feathers, mold), chemical (washing powder, cosmetics) or food. In this case, after complete restriction of contact with the allergen, the cough quickly passes.

Cough and condition of a pregnant woman

The fight against disease is a serious burden for the body. In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother has already spent a lot of energy, and the constantly growing tummy makes her more and more tired by the end of the day. In this state, even a mild illness is not easily tolerated and very tiring.

Excessive experiences can adversely affect the development of the child, so it is better to start treatment in a timely manner.

Treatment in the 3rd trimester

Many patients do not agree to take even cough medicines that are allowed during pregnancy so that the chemicals do not enter the baby's body. A young mother is more willing to agree to the treatment of cough during pregnancy with folk remedies, not suspecting that herbal medicine can be dangerous for a child or cause premature birth.

Do not underestimate the danger of taking "children's" dosage forms. If the drug is allowed for babies under three years old and even infants, then it can still be prohibited for a baby inside the mother's womb.

Some pregnant women mistakenly rely on "harmless" homeopathy and take it without a doctor's prescription. However, only a specialist can decide what is possible for a cough, and choose the right homeopathic remedy. The composition of such drugs is complex and some components are prohibited during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester.

Important! Any self-medication, including herbal preparations and herbs, as well as "children's" preparations and homeopathy can be dangerous!

medical therapy

During pregnancy, a woman should consult a doctor for any, even minor ailments. You can visit a therapist at a antenatal clinic or call a doctor at home from a clinic.

The therapist will conduct an examination, in difficult cases, prescribe additional tests and examinations. Only a qualified specialist will correctly determine the cause of the cough and prescribe an effective cough treatment during pregnancy.

Important! During the visit to the doctor, tell him about the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, and also describe in detail the symptoms that appeared along with the cough.

In the case of viral infections, the doctor will recommend:

  • Bed rest. In the absence of temperature, short walks in the fresh air are allowed in good weather.
  • Plentiful warm drink (tea, fruit drinks, compotes, juices, mineral water). In the 3rd trimester, many pregnant women face the problem of edema, fluid intake is limited for them. In this case, the doctor will try to find the optimal drinking regimen.
  • Washing the nasal passages with sea water, products based on it
  • Frequent gargling with warm decoctions of poisons (chamomile, sage)
  • Steam inhalation with herbs (chest collection) and some essential oils
  • Inhalation with saline or alkaline mineral water using a nebulizer
  • Taking drugs inside.

Mustard plasters and jars, hot foot baths and any heating, exposure to radiation are prohibited for pregnant women.

When prescribing drugs, therapists take into account the risks to the fetus and prescribe the safest drugs that have passed the appropriate tests.

Often, to relieve cough and improve sputum discharge, they prescribe:

Herbal preparations in the form of a syrup.

  • Herbion (based on plantain or primrose)
  • Gedelix, Prospan (ivy-based syrups)
  • Marshmallow syrup (marshmallow root)
  • Stodal (homeopathic syrup with natural composition)
  • Dr. MOM (includes a complex of herbs)
  • Bronchicum (thyme-based syrup).

Herbal lozenges.

  • Bronchipret
  • Mukaltin
  • Dr. MOM (lozenges).

In difficult cases, synthetic drugs are prescribed:

  • Stoptussin
  • Ambrobene
  • Lazolvan
  • Synekod.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies should not take place without the supervision of a doctor. There are natural and plant substances that adversely affect the course of pregnancy.

When choosing folk recipes, it is better to give preference to those that a woman has already put into practice. Knowledge of individual reactions to the components will help to avoid allergies to the drug and unpleasant consequences for the stomach.

Relatively safe means for treating cough in pregnant women are:

1. Natural honey.

Honey has a local anti-inflammatory effect, softens the throat. With a dry cough, it relieves attacks, and with a wet one, it improves sputum discharge.

It can be gradually absorbed during the day, added to warm drinks.

You should not put honey in too hot tea, as at temperatures above 60 ° C, the beneficial properties of honey are reduced.

Warm honey compresses are applied to the chest area for 15-20 minutes. For a better warming effect, you can wrap yourself in a towel or blanket warmed up on the battery.

You should not abuse honey, as it is a strong allergen. If redness, itching or other reactions occur, discontinue use.

2. Heated milk.

Any warm drink helps to soothe a cough-irritated throat and reduce the viscosity of phlegm. Milk also has a pronounced softening and enveloping property.

It does not need to boil, it is enough to heat it over low heat. In hot milk, you can dissolve a teaspoon of butter and a spoonful of honey. After taking a warming drink, it is better to go to bed and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. It is better to drink a glass of milk before going to bed, then the night will pass much calmer.

3. Burnt sugar.

A quick and affordable dry cough remedy can be made from regular sugar. It is melted in a spoon or in a pan until a thick brown mass is obtained.

Then add a small amount of water or milk. The frozen mixture is broken into pieces and absorbed during the day.

Such homemade lollipops can always be kept on hand, and their intake for a pregnant woman is absolutely safe. The exception is patients with diabetes mellitus.

Prevention measures

So that cough and other unpleasant symptoms of respiratory diseases do not spoil the last months, a pregnant woman should take care of prevention in advance:

  • Avoid frequent visits to crowded places, especially during seasonal influenza epidemics
  • Use a gauze bandage when visiting medical facilities
  • Wash hands thoroughly upon arrival at home, in public places, before eating
  • At home, use only personal hygiene products, eat and drink from your own dishes
  • Limit contacts with sick people as much as possible, do not visit sick relatives and friends
  • Use seawater nasal rinses
  • Take daily walks outdoors
  • Well ventilate the apartment, carry out regular wet cleaning.

Treatment of cough during pregnancy is important to start on time, so a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. Modern safe methods and medicines, natural folk recipes will not harm the unborn baby, but will greatly alleviate the condition of the young mother. If the last months of pregnancy are calm and happy, then the birth will be easier, and the mother will have enough strength for a quick recovery.