What you need to choose a maternity hospital. How to choose a maternity hospital. What is worth knowing about choosing a maternity hospital? The generic certificate is presented in the form of three coupons

When, in January 2006, the law, popularly referred to as the “law on birth certificates,” came into force, an invasion of discouraged new-born dads was recorded in antenatal clinics, besieging the offices of managers, shouting that their wives and heirs were not allowed out of maternity hospitals without this mysterious document. Since then, if the situation has changed, then understanding, and even more so, a reliable solution to the mechanism of action of MS (generic certificate in the future) did not happen. Legends and myths circulating about him among potential mothers amuse and discourage.

So what is this PC?

Visually, it is a paper that includes three coupons. The first one remains in the antenatal clinic (for the management of your pregnancy, upon the fact of its permission, the LCD receives 3000 rubles). The second remains in the hospital, where the RD receives 6,000 rubles according to a similar scheme. The third coupon is divided into two and given to the children's clinic for serving your child (1000 rubles for each half of the first year).

A reasonable question arises - what does it have to do with pregnant women, women in labor and young mothers? Why do they need this document?

Here's what competent sources answer:

"Generic certificate" is a priority direction of the national project "Health".

The "Birth certificate" program allows a woman to fully exercise her right to choose a health care institution and receive qualified, high-quality medical care during pregnancy, during childbirth, in the postpartum period, as well as for dispensary supervision of a child during the first year of life. A birth certificate is issued to a registered pregnant woman from 30 weeks for singleton pregnancies and from 28 weeks for multiple pregnancies.

When asked how a woman, who has already been followed up to 30 weeks in the antenatal clinic at her place of residence (and where else?), Can choose something, competent sources do not give an answer. Because it is clear that there is nothing to choose and there is no need.

How to get to the desired maternity hospital thanks to a magic piece of paper, competent sources also do not clearly answer. Because a huge number of “ifs” (if there are no seats, if it is closed for washing, etc.) nullifies any guarantees.

The situation with children's polyclinics is also transparent. No certificates of as much as a thousand rubles will serve you as a pass to a brand new clinic in a neighboring area and will not provide unhindered access to the district doctor who also treated you and your sister. Theoretically, this is possible, but this is the business of the drowning people themselves, and the certificate will not help you here.

So, the most common misconceptions of potential mothers, overheard in the queue to the obstetrician-gynecologist.

The first delusion

MS must be obtained without fail, otherwise they will not be admitted to the hospital.


You will be admitted to the maternity hospital. Not that without a certificate, but even without a passport, naked, unwashed - anyone! Because they are required by law. And in fact of a successful birth, the administration of the maternity hospital will write out this certificate for itself. It will not ask you, do not worry.

Second misconception

RS needs to be obtained because it is supposed to. This is something like documents for maternity leave, and it is also given for the same period.


Now, it's not the same thing at all. The institution serving you is primarily interested in the availability of a generic certificate. Since it will receive the money. So, when you are forced to stand in line for him, they feed you "breakfast" or try to blackmail (they say, you are so-and-so, you donate urine irregularly, but how can I not give you a certificate!) - boldly declare: I went to the cinema, and you tell me Bring it on a silver platter at the end of the movie. If you don’t want it, don’t carry it. I don't need it.

And don't worry - they will.

Misconception three, global

It concerns both MS and, alas, many other things in the relationship between the citizen and the system. This is the inability to distinguish between one's own rights and obligations.

The birth certificate is the undoubted right of a pregnant woman to certain benefits. While the duty of medical institutions to serve us with the utmost comfort and professionalism does not and should not depend on any certificate.

And right, it is right for that, that you can refuse it.

About antenatal clinics and children's clinics

The procedure for issuing PCs has now been simplified as much as possible - the expectant mother, without any fuss, receives it in the antenatal clinic along with an exchange card.

The certificate was created primarily to stimulate doctors and provide pregnant women and children with the necessary medicines.

The antenatal clinic will issue a birth certificate and receive money after 12 weeks of continuous monitoring of the pregnancy. That is, it is in the interests of doctors to consult so that a pregnant woman is registered as early as possible. If a pregnant woman is not observed in the consultation for the prescribed 12 weeks, then the birth certificate will be given to her, but the women's consultation will not receive money.

Women's clinics work on a territorial basis, and so far no one has canceled it.

However, if for some reason it is more convenient for a woman to be observed not at the place of her registration, theoretically no one will interfere with her - for this it is enough to come to the manager and write an application for registration.

You can also register at a children's clinic not at the place of your registration, but where it is more convenient, usually, where the child lives, the child comes there.

If mom is not satisfied with something, she can come to a nearby children's clinic and write a statement there. This issue is resolved individually with the chief pediatrician of the clinic. But these cases are extremely rare, since parents are usually satisfied with everything.

About maternity hospitals

For five months a year, all Ufa maternity hospitals are closed in turn for scheduled washing, as a rule, this period lasts from May to September.

This is a necessary event, during which the operating maternity hospitals bear an increased load.

Therefore, there may not be places in the desired hospital, despite the fact that the certificate gives the right to choose - it is unlikely that they will meet you halfway if you come to a crowded maternity hospital not in your place of residence.

By the way, the ambulance workers have a clear prescription - to take a pregnant woman from a specific consultation to a specific maternity hospital.

She will be taken to another maternity hospital only if there is a permit visa on the exchange card, which is signed by the chief physician or his deputy for obstetrics. You need to worry about such a visa in advance - just for a period of 28-30 weeks, it's time to think about a maternity hospital.

When a woman does not have a certificate in her arms, the specialists of the maternity hospital turn to the antenatal clinic, where the woman was supposed to be observed, and receive the birth certificate themselves. If a woman was not registered for pregnancy, then the maternity hospital applies to the Social Insurance Fund and draws up a birth certificate there.

Of course, if a woman has contractions, she will be taken to the hospital in any case, regardless of the place of registration and the presence of a certificate and other documents, but this is an exception - according to statistics, most women in labor now have birth certificates.


A birth certificate is a financially secured document, the funds from which are used to increase the salaries of doctors and improve the material and technical base of the hospital. In fact, the money does not go to the account of the medical institution immediately and not in full.

Specialists in antenatal clinics are incredibly loaded and simply physically will not be able to reach women from other sites with their attention.

Maternity hospitals are overcrowded - add the cleaning period here, and the choice will disappear by itself.

So the salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves, and it makes no sense to rely on a magic certificate, as, in fact, to blame doctors, since both doctors and expectant mothers are components of one system that is not able to ensure the implementation of all prescribed in the generic certificate of rights.

In fairness, it should be added that the provision of children and pregnant women with the necessary medicines prescribed in the generic certificate takes place without any overlaps.

When it is necessary and how to choose the right maternity hospital, not all expectant mothers know.

In Soviet times, our parents went to the nearest medical institution from home. Modern medicine gives pregnant women the right to choose any maternity hospital, depending on their requirements and taste preferences. A woman is not limited in her choice, it is only necessary to fulfill several conditions.

Can you choose a maternity hospital yourself?

In the last months of pregnancy, a woman is puzzled by the question of whether the ambulance will take her to the chosen maternity hospital.

Many parents-to-be agree with the doctor in advance during the pregnancy's stay on the register. It is considered normal practice to have a preliminary acquaintance with your doctor and obstetrician 1-2 months before the PDD (estimated date of birth).

During such a period of time, you can have time to meet with the doctor several times, he will be able to carefully look at the medical (exchange) card and learn about possible complications. At the same time, it will be possible to establish contact with a professional doctor.

At the first visit to the maternity hospital, the expectant mother is often asked to conclude a contract on a paid basis, she is being introduced to the list of additional services. They presuppose a comfortable stay, the necessary medicines and an attentive attitude of workers. So, it will be possible to choose a separate ward and be in it with her husband, mother and other close relatives.

In the process of getting to know the doctor, it is strongly recommended to take his phone number, as well as to clarify the possibility of calls at any time of the day, if necessary. Such an arrangement implies a monetary reward.

It is important to understand that even paid childbirth does not guarantee easy resolution. Often, on a paid basis, the conditions for finding a future mother in a maternity hospital are improved.

In the absence of an opportunity to pay for childbirth, you can use the birth certificate, which allows a mentally vulnerable woman to be confident in the future and not worry about the upcoming event.

In 2006, a state program was adopted that allows pregnant women to choose a consultation and a maternity hospital. Its action has significantly improved the medical care of the population.

At the same time, young mothers and their children are provided with quality medicines completely free of charge. The presence of a birth certificate significantly simplifies financially the management of pregnancy, childbirth and further supervision of children by pediatricians in the first year of their life. It allows a woman to choose in which maternity hospital she wishes to give birth to her baby. The expectant mother has the right to come to any medical institution and declare her desire to become its patient.

When is it impossible to choose a maternity hospital on your own?

Today, there are a number of cases that do not allow a woman in labor to choose a maternity hospital at her will.

  1. The first reason is the lack of a birth certificate at the onset of labor. In this case, the ambulance will take the woman to the nearest institution. The occurrence of such a situation sometimes leads to the most unfavorable consequences in the form of a lack of urgent qualified assistance from health workers and the necessary equipment.
  2. Secondly, all maternity hospitals are forced to close one or more times a year for sanitization. Therefore, when the day of birth coincides with this procedure, then the expectant mother will not be able to get to the chosen clinic.
  3. Many maternity hospitals specialize in providing certain types of care. In the event of complications during pregnancy, it will be advisable to contact an institution that meets the necessary requirements. Not all clinics are equipped with everything necessary for delivering women with diabetes, problems with the cardiovascular system, and so on.

The essence and purpose of the generic certificate

The state program "Health" organizes competition between medical institutions that seek to provide comprehensive assistance to a large number of pregnant women. At the same time, it is possible to improve the quality of medical services provided in all clinics.

Registration of a birth certificate helps to stimulate the desire of all healthcare institutions to provide assistance in gynecology, obstetrics and pediatrics. Hospitals are becoming interested in equipping them with certified medicines as well as modern equipment.

To obtain a certificate, you must perform the following steps:

  • register (in the 1st trimester) in the antenatal clinic;
  • regular visits to the clinic (for at least 12 weeks);
  • a monthly visit to a pediatrician with an infant.

Who can issue a generic certificate:

  1. All citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of age, the fact of official employment and registration.
  2. Women with any condition of the fetus, with or without a legal spouse.
  3. Citizens of other states with a TRP or residence permit are also eligible for a certificate.

The need to obtain a generic certificate

The birth certificate is a kind of material incentive for modern clinics, maternity hospitals and antenatal clinics, which provide the population with high-quality medical care on favorable terms. They receive from a special fund (FSS) monetary payments of a fixed amount to ensure interest in each expectant mother, as well as her baby.

According to the birth certificate, a woman chooses a maternity hospital for herself, taking into account the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. The presumptive nature of labor (complicated or uncomplicated) is also taken into account. When choosing a maternity hospital, it is strongly recommended to take into account the territorial feature (to the nearest place where the contractions began).

You can get a birth certificate absolutely free of charge at 28-30 weeks of pregnancy in a consultation or an obstetric center registered with the expectant mother. The document allows you to choose the best medical institution.

It will be necessary to obtain a generic certificate to select:

  • consultations for monitoring pregnancy;
  • maternity hospital;
  • children's polyclinic for patronage supervision of your child up to 1 year old.

Having a certificate in her hands, a woman has the right to contact any maternity hospital she likes (with an exchange card) and agree on the upcoming birth. The manager is obliged to sign the card, so the expectant mother can come to the chosen hospital on the expected day of delivery. When contractions come at home, ambulance doctors will take the woman in childbirth exactly there.

It is impossible to sell or cash out the certificate, it is not material assistance. The main purpose of the document is to pay for medical services in public institutions. The certificate will not be accepted by commercial private clinics.

Is an ambulance required to take to the hospital and admission without a certificate

A birth certificate protects a pregnant woman from the provision of low-quality and hazardous medical services. She has the right to choose any antenatal clinic (maternity hospital) even if a medical facility is located in another city or region of our country. Issuance of a document helps women to receive comprehensive support during pregnancy and at first after childbirth.

Even in the absence of a certificate, a pregnant woman will not be denied medical assistance. She will be able to go to the maternity hospital only at the place of residence. The document gives the right to choose any maternity hospital, regardless of registration. Moreover, in the hospital itself, if a woman has all the necessary documents, she will be helped to issue a certificate on the spot. If a document is lost, it can be easily restored. The women's consultation will be interested in the efficiency of this process, since on the basis of it, the funds for the services provided are transferred to the institution's bank account.

Modern maternity hospitals are divided into 3 types:

  • the predominance of uncomplicated childbirth (up to 500 babies are born a year), they do not provide for a round-the-clock stay of an obstetrician;
  • the birth of up to 1,500 children per year (the department has an intensive care unit and intensive care units);
  • regional and federal institutions with assistance during pregnancy and the postpartum period (often there is a department of pathology).

Depending on the characteristics of carrying a child, the gynecologist issues a referral to the maternity hospital of one of the above categories. With such documents, you can go in case of contractions to the selected hospital. With a post-term pregnancy (from 40 weeks), you can go to a hospital in such an institution until you wait for the onset of labor.

How to choose a maternity hospital?

Which is the best to choose a maternity hospital - many women in labor are puzzled by this question since the first trimester of pregnancy. Parents-to-be often visit several institutions, find out about the offered conditions, talk to doctors and choose the best option. It is important that a contract is concluded between the pregnant woman and the maternity hospital. The attending physician makes appropriate notes on the pregnancy chart. Only in this case, when the waters drain or the beginning of the contractions, it is possible to demand from the ambulance to take the woman to the maternity hospital of her choice.

To understand how to choose the right maternity hospital, you need to study its following criteria:

  • the proximity of the institution to home;
  • living conditions (having a separate shower, cleanliness, sterility, etc.);
  • availability of good medical equipment;
  • staff qualifications and experience;
  • the possibility of partner (joint) childbirth;
  • round-the-clock stay with the baby.

When choosing a maternity hospital, it is necessary to study the attitude of all staff towards natural childbirth.

Domestic medical institutions are guided mainly by natural delivery. In this case, a planned cesarean is used exclusively according to indications.

Sometimes there are emergency situations when weak labor occurs when the waters drain. In this case, additional stimulation is indispensable, and the life of a newly born person will depend on the high qualifications of the personnel and the availability of modern medical equipment. After a successful birth, it is advisable that experienced gynecologists, neonatologists and polite medical personnel deal with the mother and the newborn.

Any woman who is preparing to become a mother worries about childbirth, this is not surprising. But the issue of the upcoming birth requires serious preparation from the mother for the birth of the baby. After all, very soon a wonderful baby will be born, which is awaited by both the woman and all those close to her. It is clear that choosing a maternity hospital is closer to the process of childbirth, but it is better not to delay this issue, since it is not known exactly when the baby will decide to be born. For those who prefer to solve problems as they come, it is worth noting that only 4 percent of pregnant women give birth on time. Therefore, you should not trust one hundred percent of the doctor who guides you in the consultation. After all, pregnant women often play a kind of lottery that involves unexpected decisions.

You need to understand that every woman has the right to choose, she is able to independently decide where exactly the birth process will take place. As soon as a pregnant woman receives a birth certificate for a certain period of time, she can start choosing a medical institution where she will be helped to give birth to a baby. Today, the choice of medical institutions is quite wide. It turns out that a woman has the right to choose any institution that is located within the borders of our country. It turns out that any pregnant woman can count on giving birth in good conditions. Many factors will depend on the selection of an institution for delivery. First of all, the health of the unborn child depends on this, and only then it is worth thinking about the improvement of the mother.

How to choose a maternity hospital with a certificate?

Despite the fact that when choosing a maternity hospital, pregnant women are not limited in their choice, although there is every chance of finding ideal conditions. It all depends on the woman in labor herself, since some girls say that they are in no hurry, as a result of which they have to go to the nearest maternity hospital with contractions. But there are also responsible mothers who negotiate all the conditions with doctors in advance, conclude an agreement. Sometimes the expectant mother is considered the problem of choosing a maternity hospital insignificant, because she understands that, depending on the conditions created, the condition of the crumbs will not suffer.

It often happens that the hospital is closed due to repairs and disinfection. If possible, you should not let the situation take its course, therefore, you first need to decide on the maternity hospital, think over a backup option, which will become a kind of airbag. After all, pregnancy is a responsible process in which you do not want to rely on Russian maybe.

How to choose a maternity hospital. Choosing the best option

Let there be situations when the expectant mother easily tolerates pregnancy, does not face health problems, does not know what malaise is. In these cases, you do not have to worry about choosing a place for the baby's birth. Remember that the success of childbirth depends a lot on the woman herself. According to statistics, most pregnant women are not fully healthy people. As a result, we can say that some kind of unforeseen situation may occur during childbirth. In such cases, the professionalism of the doctor, his experience, as well as a sufficient amount of equipment for the appearance of the child, will be important.

The best option would be to choose an institution in advance, and not a couple of weeks before the expected hour of delivery. In order to understand whether a healthcare facility is a good one, it is important to evaluate a number of factors.

How to choose a maternity hospital. Examining the data

  • It will be correct to turn to friends, acquaintances who have given birth not so long ago. Most likely, they will tell you which maternity hospitals are really good at. Friends will tell you what conditions exist in a particular institution. But you should not fully rely on the opinion of friends, since it can also be subjective. For some girls, an institution where it is warm and dry seems ideal, while for others, delicious food will be a prerequisite.
  • You can also refer to the reviews that are left by women in childbirth on the network, they will also help to understand a large number of maternity hospitals. Remember that often women leave negative information about maternity hospitals because of difficult childbirth.
  • To understand which maternity hospital to choose, it is important to independently assess the conditions created for pregnant women, you also need to pay attention to the specialists who work in the institution.
  • Another important factor is how close the facility is to your home.
  • Look at what kind of staff work in the institution, how equipped the wards are, perhaps you can find excellent options among them. Today, hospitals often offer separate wards, which would be an ideal option for a new mother. Remember that all people are different, because some important little things seem insignificant, and in other cases, vice versa.
  • It is great if you have a person who works in this field, since he is always aware of what is happening in the nearest maternity hospitals.

How to choose a maternity hospital. What is worth knowing about choosing a maternity hospital?

For those who are concerned about the question of whether we have the right to choose a maternity hospital, it is worth taking it easy, since a maternity hospital can be selected independently for a successful resolution of pregnancy.

  1. The ideal option would be to visit the institution on your own, see with your own eyes the conditions in which women are kept, what they are fed with, how often the bed is changed and everything like that.
  2. To give birth to the chosen maternity hospital, you need to think in advance about the presence of a toilet and shower, since these are the benefits that are very important in the process of childbirth.
  3. It is also worth knowing in advance how many people the wards are designed for, whether there are individual delivery rooms, what exactly the doctor offers during childbirth.
  4. Today, individual chambers are considered popular, where the best conditions are created after childbirth, while the spouse may also be here.
  5. Take into account the fact that at the moment most institutions offer a joint stay for mom and baby, this contributes to both the appearance of milk and the strengthening of the baby's body.
  6. Usually, when the baby feels good and nothing threatens his health, he is brought to a happy mother. It’s always worth hoping for the best, but childbirth can have an unpredictable outcome. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify in advance whether the institution has intensive care units.
  7. It is also worth asking how new is the equipment that the hospital is equipped with.
  8. The choice of institution will also depend on which method of childbirth you are going to practice.

There are many unconventional methods that are successfully used among many pregnant women.

  • For example, some experts advise giving birth upright.
  • Also, some girls may be attracted by the opportunity to give birth to a baby in the water.
  • Partner childbirth is firmly entrenched in society, but it is still worth checking with the institution staff in advance if there is an opportunity to give birth in an unconventional way.
  • It is worth finding out in advance whether medicines are free or paid, what things should be taken to the hospital, what will be needed in the delivery room.

How to choose a maternity hospital. What do you need to pay for?

Many pregnant women are considering concluding a paid contract, according to which the maternity hospital will be obliged to provide all the conditions for childbirth. It is quite possible to choose a maternity hospital for free, since most of the factors speak for a free option:

  • the high cost of services does not always indicate their quality, therefore, it is necessary to think several times before deciding to conclude a paid contract, it often happens that doctors from free clinics work part-time in paid organizations;
  • when I know a specialist, I am sure of his qualifications, there is not much difference in which clinic you have to go through childbirth, so choosing a doctor in a maternity hospital is also quite important;
  • the cost of childbirth in paid clinics seems exorbitant, you might think that you are going to give birth to a baby not in our country, but somewhere in a French city.

Speaking about the timing, it is worth recalling that the contract is concluded for about 36 weeks of pregnancy, while all the conditions regarding the upcoming birth are negotiated. The plus is that you pay a lot of money, therefore, if necessary, you can demand the comfort or care you deserve.

How to choose a maternity hospital. How to do it right?

To ensure the most comfortable conditions for yourself during childbirth, you need to carefully look at the following factors:

  1. Wards in the prenatal period, the conditions of stay, the presence of a shower room, a refrigerator in the department, depending on these seemingly insignificant trifles, your well-being before childbirth will depend. Find out how much the ward is calculated by the person, because the more people in the ward, the more discomfort you will experience.
  2. The conditions in the delivery room are of the utmost importance; the successful course of labor depends on them. Ask if there are individual delivery rooms, if it is possible to give birth with your husband.
  3. Find out about the availability of special equipment that is used in emergency situations, the availability of a specialist neonatologist who can help the baby if necessary, if something does not go according to plan.
  4. Find out in advance how you will be with the baby in the postnatal ward, some maternity hospitals practice joint stay, others separate. You can also find out if relatives are allowed to visit you, come to the department.

How many weeks should you choose a maternity hospital?

Every mother-to-be is looking forward to the birth of a small miracle that will outshine the whole environment and become the main person for a woman. If you are thinking for how long to choose a maternity hospital, then you need to focus on whether you can begin labor or it is too early for this moment. Try to think about this problem as early as possible, because:

  1. Having picked up the maternity hospital in time, you will ensure the safety of both yourself and the baby, since unforeseen situations often occur when medical attention is required, when premature birth occurs. You do not lose anything if you decide where you will give birth, at the same time, at least somehow protect yourself from surprises.
  2. A careful study of the data about a particular maternity hospital will be the basis for deciding in which institution to give birth. You should not worry about how your loved ones will look at it, because it is better to seem distrustful than to face the discomfort and unprofessionalism of the staff later in childbirth.
  3. Try to choose a doctor, because even in the same maternity hospital you may be faced with a situation where one specialist is reputed to be a professional, and the other does not inspire confidence.
  4. Do not particularly trust the reviews of pregnant women, it is better to get to know the institution on your own, since the woman before childbirth becomes more impulsive, more explosive, so it is difficult to call the comments of pregnant women genuine.

Making the right choice is the key to success

Very soon, a small miracle will appear that will fill your life with light and meaning. During pregnancy, try to provide all the conditions for the baby to fully develop, receive positive emotions, feel your warmth and care. You have the right to choose a maternity hospital, so try to approach this task as responsibly as possible, your well-being and the well-being of your child will depend on this choice.

By observing you for 9 months, he can decide if you will be in your usual maternity hospital e, or it is better to give you a referral to a specialized one. V Moscow There are many such institutions, and they all have different directions. These are pathologies of the cardiovascular and urinary systems, and infectious diseases, and diabetes mellitus. In any case, no matter what diseases you suffer from, competent specialists will always help you to successfully resolve the burden.

If everything is in order with health and there is no need for a narrow-focus maternity hospital, you can proceed to choosing an ordinary institution. Currently, a huge number of sites are devoted to childbirth issues. Almost every one has forums where mothers share their impressions of maternity hospitals. Choose a few, located near your home, and about which there are more positive reviews. Call there and find out when they close for the sink. At that time maternity hospital not, and by arriving there, you will lose precious time.

If you want to give birth on a paid basis, you need to discuss the terms of the contract with a representative in advance maternity hospital a. At the meeting, you will receive full information about the services provided by this medical organization. Usually the contract includes a separate ward, the possibility of choosing which will be childbirth, unlimited visits to relatives. All additional conditions must be discussed with a representative of the clinic and included in the contract in separate clauses.

When choosing maternity hospital and as much as possible communicate with women who have already been there. This can be done on specialized portals, for example http://www.mosroddom.ru/... There you can find out about living conditions, personnel qualifications, attitudes towards and. Perhaps there is a wonderful institution near you, which is not inferior in anything to institutions that occupy the first places in medical ratings. After all, the main thing is not a big name, but the professionalism of midwives. And it is these indicators that should be decisive when choosing a maternity hospital.


What is the most important in the matter of choosing a maternity hospital in Moscow, what should you pay attention to first of all? 1. First of all, expectant mothers and fathers should get acquainted with all maternity hospitals in their city of Moscow. 2. It is best to choose a maternity hospital that can be easily and quickly reached from home. The proximity of the maternity hospital is sometimes an invaluable factor of salvation - for both the mother and the baby, and this must be taken into account first of all.

Helpful advice

Someone does not want to travel far and choose from a group of maternity hospitals located nearby. Others prefer to choose from over 30 Moscow maternity hospitals. There are three maternity hospitals in Moscow that have the title of “child-friendly hospitals”: ​​maternity hospitals # 6, # 25 and # 4. This title is awarded by the World Health Organization - for the fact that breastfeeding is built in accordance with the WHO requirements: early attachment, lack of supplementary feeding-supplementation, pacifiers.

Correctly chosen username and password for authorization on the site is a guarantee of security. If you have registered on an entertainment resource, a music forum, then a hacked password is still half the trouble. But if you run the risk of hacking your mailbox or web wallet, then this is already serious and fraught with unpleasant consequences.


Come up with a login to enter the site - it should be memorable and not just a set of letters. Often the login for the site can be the same, by which other users will recognize you, but in any case it will not be possible to change it. The main function of protecting the account is assigned to password, therefore, the main requirement for it is reliability.

Do not choose passwords containing information about you and your relatives, friends, acquaintances, famous personalities. Hackers have a number of programs that automatically and very quickly sort out possible password variants - a combination of various letters and numbers. What seemed difficult to you (for example, your date of birth and her maiden name - 1939sviridova) will turn out to be a mere trifle.

Therefore, do not use passwords of the following plan: name, the user's last name, any other names of relatives, friends, pets, etc .; computer term - operating system, program name, etc .; information about you and your relatives - passport details, address, phone number, car number, etc .; simple one or two syllable words; a sequence of characters on the keyboard (numbers or letters in a row) or several identical letters in a row.