Flowers and plants. How to give flowers according to etiquette

Our dear readers! Let me congratulate you on the start of the new school year - Happy Knowledge Day, from September 1! Thousands of boys and girls went to schools and kindergartens today and traditionally presented bunches of flowers to teachers and educators. Autumn is rich in holidays: ahead of us is the Day of the Educator, the Day of the Teacher. Therefore, today we want to tell you about floral etiquette. Let the choice and arrangement of a bouquet become an exciting experience for you, and let the academic year be easy and productive!

A flower story.
Floral etiquette was born in ancient times, in the East. And women invented it. It was then that they assigned each flower symbolic meaning. Its color and the way it is presented were also important. The knowledge of flower etiquette came to Europe in the 16th century. At that time, there was a real one between the lovers. "The secret language of flowers." With the help of him, they exchanged not only pleasantries, but also news. In the 19th century, flower dictionaries were published, telling about the meaning of a particular plant. The most popular book about the meaning of flowers "Selam or the language of flowers" in our country was published in 1830. Its author is the poet Dmitry Petrovich Oznobishin. In Soviet times, it was very popular.

Over the centuries, floral etiquette has undergone some changes. But, in general, the rules for presenting flowers and making bouquets remained practically the same.

"What can I give you, my dear man?"
The basic rule for composing a bouquet is "Odd up to a dozen". That is, the number of plants in a bouquet matters when they 3,5,7,9,11. After 12, the number of flowers in the bouquet does not matter. Therefore, you can safely present to the heroes of the day or your beloved an armful of roses. of 20, 30, 40 and so on pieces.

A single flower is a special gift. According to etiquette, it is permissible only in the case of romantic intimacy between a man and a woman. Moreover, the expression of such innermost feelings can only be rare and noble plants: a regal long-stemmed rose or an exotic orchid. Although, for romantics in love, even one chamomile can tell a lot.

Young girls it is customary to give delicate bouquets of pastel colors. The bouquet should be small in size, in a small boutonniere. Flowers in a bouquet for a young lady may not be the most expensive. The tenderness and freshness of youth is perfectly emphasized in chamomiles, daisies, tulips. And if you still chose roses, then their buds should be unopened. The decor of the bouquet can be very diverse: butterflies perched on a leaf, sparkles, curls from a ribbon. In youth, everything is allowed!

Held adult woman the bouquet should be chosen from more expensive and noble flowers: roses, chrysanthemums, lilies. The roses in the bouquet should be opened, and the color of the bouquet should be more saturated and bright. The design of the bouquet is supposed to be elegant and laconic.

Men it is customary to present large flowers with long stems, decorated in a vertical bouquet of rapid lines. A small bouquet in men's hands will look ridiculous. In a bouquet for a man, gladioli, dark roses, large single chrysanthemums look good. The design of a man's bouquet should be modest, without pretentious decor and curls.

Baby bouquet- an endless field for the designer's imagination. The kid is unlikely to appreciate expensive flowers, but teddy bears, sweets and toys - all this will bring joy to the child. Small bouquets of delicate daisies and small chrysanthemums, collected in a boutonniere or in a basket, are what you need.

Color palette.
White flowers- a symbol of innocence, purity and the beginning of a new life. They are well suited for wedding bouquets, as a gift for young girls. And they go well in a bouquet with all other flowers. Red flowers- a symbol of passion, life and love. Scarlet roses for your beloved are a classic of the genre. In the bouquet, bright flowers of all shades of red are perfect for an adult woman. Yellow- a symbol of separation, although bright golden flowers are also associated with the sun and joy. Still, yellow flowers are best presented in a composite bouquet with flowers of a different color. Blue flowers symbolize loyalty, blue- divinity, purple- greatness and respect.

A special place in flower etiquette is occupied. Buying such a gift should be taken into account in advance, will the person being gifted be able to take care of the plant? Wouldn't that give him unnecessary trouble? Such a gift is usually quite appropriate to give a flower in a pot to a school teacher or educator. Even if he does not take it home, the plant will decorate a class or kindergarten group. And it will be fun to look after him together with the pupils! In this case, the main thing to consider

AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: choosing a bouquet, be guided, first of all, by your taste and mood. Don't chase luxury. After all, even the most modest bouquet, collected and presented from a pure heart, will bring much more pleasure than “a million scarlet roses”!

The need or desire to present a bouquet of flowers to someone arises quite often. However, there is not always enough time to seriously think about how this bouquet corresponds to the atmosphere of the meeting and the nature of the congratulations, whether it conveys enough expressively our attitude towards the one to whom we are giving it. And, finally, we do not always know how appropriate certain flowers are in certain situations.

Usually we do not indulge in long reflections and give what we personally like the most. However, sometimes you have to think about what to choose in this or that case.

For example, you need to decide what flowers to give a young girl for her majority, a mature woman for her birthday and a respectable business partner for her anniversary. They should be different, but which ones? Is it good to give flowers in a pot, which are best for a hospital setting? How to give a bouquet correctly and can you give flowers anonymously?

Of course, a florist, as well as a sommelier when choosing a wine, will be able to help and give practical advice. But still, it is much more pleasant to feel competent and to understand a little about what is usually called floral etiquette.

Flowers as a gift

Flowers can be given for a wide variety of occasions. But you need to take into account the nature of the meeting (birthday, bride's bride, funeral) and the characteristics of the relationship (boss or subordinate, wife's relatives or school friends), as well as age (young girl or elderly woman) and gender (man or woman). And it would also be nice, if possible, to clarify the tastes and preferences of the person to whom the flowers are intended.

Real gentlemen, who are able to enjoy the impression that a presented bouquet makes on a woman, often need to solve several difficult problems at once. After all, the objects of their attention, in addition to loved ones, are work colleagues, employees of partner organizations, company owners and many other worthy women. And the list of loved ones, which includes a mother, grandmother, sisters, several aunts and, finally, a wife or friend, requires special attention (and on one of the March days, you need to present flowers to everyone almost at the same time). What should the bouquet look like for each of these so different women?

Let's try to imagine some of the “meaningful” bouquets.

For wife and lover

Perhaps this is not the most difficult task. Almost every man has his own, hopefully, positive experience in solving it. Most men around the world, including our compatriots, know that the symbol of love is a red rose. More precisely - roses of red shades. A bouquet of such roses is perceived the same in almost all European countries. Those who have not yet mastered the basics of flower etiquette should take into account this circumstance, so as not to accidentally present to a colleague, a woman - a business partner or the spouse of a business partner, a bouquet meaning "love". Of course, you need to be careful in relation to men (if we are talking, for example, about flowers for an anniversary), if we want to be correctly understood.

With a certain degree of convention, we can say that the darker and richer the tone of red roses, the stronger the feeling they expressed. Burgundy and dark burgundy roses in the language of flowers are considered a symbol of passion. Ignorance of this sometimes leads to very ambiguous situations. For example, a school graduate presented his beloved teacher with three dark burgundy roses. She laughed back and said, "I agree." The student, of course, did not understand what exactly made the teacher laugh and what she actually agreed to, but the teacher had fun from the heart.

In a business and formal setting, not knowing the basic rules of flower etiquette can lead to much more awkward situations. Imagine how an official, for example, a statesman, a member of the government or a deputy, will perceive the presentation of a bouquet of burgundy roses!

True, here it is immediately necessary to make a reservation. The fact is that red, burgundy and even maroon roses can be used both in flower arrangements for decorating premises and in bouquets for official ceremonies - in other words, in bouquets of different types of flowers - but only if they are there. do not dominate.

Unfortunately, romantic bouquets are still found in business and formal settings. This is partly due to the fact that in the perception of a significant number of older people, especially men, roses and carnations were and remain the main flowers in life. They are the ones who most often choose bouquets of the same type of flowers that are now considered old-fashioned. Typically, these are long-stemmed roses, red carnations and gladioli.

But back to the bouquet for the lady of the heart. At the request of a man, the florist will be able to make such a bouquet, which will take into account the color of the eyes and hair of the beloved woman, and her preferences regarding flowers, and even height and age. Of course, such a bouquet will require significant financial costs, but what an effect it can have! Any woman can appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of a bouquet made with love. Bouquets for a wife or sweetheart can be very different. For Valentine's Day, February 14, red flowers are more suitable. In the spring, by March 8, winter varieties, including the popular Grand Prix variety of roses, no longer make a strong impression. At this time, it is best to give spring flowers. For example, lilacs, levkoi, daffodils, hyacinths, anemones, ranunculus and similar seasonal varieties. Tulips of all shades can certainly be considered ideal for such a bouquet. Tulip is a classic spring flower.

A bouquet for a beloved woman can be large, and even very large, or, conversely, very small. But the formula for a classic bouquet looks something like this: a round, small-sized bouquet up to forty centimeters high in fashionable shades.

When choosing such a bouquet, everything matters: the personal taste of a man, and his sense of harmony and beauty, and the nature of the relationship, and knowledge of the individual characteristics of the beloved's personality, and the seriousness and depth of feelings for her.

For a relative

A bouquet for grandmother, aunt, sister, cousin is designed to express different emotions. This is, first of all, respect, affection and a feeling of kindred love.

Differences in bouquets for loved ones are largely due to floral traditions associated with the woman's age. It is not accepted to violate them.

For a girl, a teenage sister and a young girl a flower gift can be a small bouquet of violets, small pink carnations and spray roses tied with a silk ribbon to match the flowers. It should be noted that white flowers, delicate and variegated shades are considered the most preferable for young girls: pink or white-cream roses with unopened buds, white lilies, lilies of the valley, mimosas, forget-me-nots, daisies ... - red or burgundy colors. In the 19th century, etiquette books paid special attention to flowers for young ladies, since an incorrectly composed bouquet or a flower that was unsuccessfully chosen for decorating a toilet or hairstyle could cause a scandal and compromise a young lady. A bouquet of flowers for married women, presented to a girl, was considered a rude hint and insult. She was entitled to strictly defined flowers, the symbolic meaning of which corresponded to girlish virtues. So, for example, cornflowers were intended to symbolize trust and undemandingness, bells - cuteness; white lilies, daisies, violets, lilies of the valley - purity and innocence; reseda - kindness of the heart; forget-me-nots - a memory ...

Unlike girls bouquets are suitable for young women, made up of flowers with open buds. Most often these are flowers of pink, light and variegated shades. Such bouquets have one more advantage - they are considered universal, they can be given to everyone. Bouquets for young women come in a variety of shapes and sizes and come in both classic and avant-garde styles.

Flowers intended for women of mature and old age,
also have their own specifics. It is not customary for them to give small girlish bouquets - for example, from lilies of the valley, violets and especially from white flowers - white lilies, chrysanthemums, calla lilies, lilacs. Older people are often prejudiced against white. However, if certain wishes are expressed, then nothing can serve as an obstacle to the delivery of just such a bouquet.

If the preferences are unknown to us, we are guided by the general rules. For older women, not white, but bright and variegated flowers are considered more appropriate. For example, red-orange lilies, red tulips, gladioli or brightly colored roses with open buds are suitable for them. In addition, women of age, who have many indoor flowers, have a garden, terrace or loggia, often prefer potted plants to ordinary bouquets. Cut flowers can even upset them. It happens that they dream of some kind of daffodil, crocus or hyacinth in a pot. Unfortunately, not many of the indoor plants in our climate are able to delight us in spring with beautiful, fragrant flowers, so you can give a spring flower even in a bulb so that our aunts and grandmothers can live with it the whole process of birth and flowering. Sometimes the love and touching care of our elderly relatives allow us to extend the life of such flowers until summer, right up to the summer season.

Houseplants are generally a good and not uncommon gift. A beautifully packaged flower pot looks very impressive. Especially such a gift pleases those who plant flowers and love to care for them. Moreover, these are not only women, but also men, including bachelors and young employees of companies who are fond of office floriculture.

Flowers in pots are given by prior arrangement. It is not customary to present them to unfamiliar people, since neither the tastes nor the atmosphere of the house are known to us and the gift can become burdensome for them.

For Mom

Mom may be forty-two or eighty-two. Therefore, the bouquet for the mother is made up strictly individually. The main requirement for him is it must certainly correspond to your mother's ideas about the perfect bouquet. They are often associated with memories of childhood, adolescence, and family traditions. Therefore, a bouquet for mom is made only of her favorite flowers. It can be ordinary lilac, and pansies, and purple irises, and something exotic, like strelitzia. If the list of mother's affections includes red, burgundy or yellow roses, white flowers or little girlish bouquets, feel free to give them. In this case, the bouquet “with meaning” will be composed of plants that are classified as “favorite”.

For a famous person

A bouquet for a theatrical actress, pop artist, singer can have the most incredible shape and be made up of both rare and expensive flowers, as well as the most modest and simple ones. It's not bad if the bouquet takes into account the role of the actress or the genre in which she performs. For example, rare exotic flowers, such as orchids, or a classic bouquet of one type of flowers, such as pink roses, are more suitable for an opera singer. On the other hand, it is better for a folk singer to present a composition of wildflowers. This role, especially in a spring bouquet, will be successfully performed by modest alstroemeria-like wildflowers, anemones and chamomile-like matricaria. Seasonality is generally important in bouquets. At the end of winter and spring, you no longer want roses, but spring flowers.

For a woman - an official

A bouquet intended for an official, public figure, deputy, requires mandatory compliance with protocol norms. For such a case, neutral, soft, most often light shades and medium-sized bouquets are suitable, which are delicate motley compositions of white, pink, light yellow, pale lilac, light green and cream colors. As a rule, this is a mixed, round-shaped bouquet with medium-sized odorless flowers. Gamma - red-orange with greens in the spirit of fashion trends. Quite bright, but not contrasting.

In a bouquet for an official, the protocol does not recommend the use of certain types of flowers. It is not supposed, for example, to give irises, dahlias, peonies, asters and wildflowers, even if the bouquet looks very attractive. Chamber bouquets of small flowers such as daisies, hyacinths, spray roses and carnations are also not accepted in an official setting. Flowers of blue and lilac are not suitable for special occasions, unless they are part of an artistic composition of different flowers. You must pay the utmost attention to packaging. It cannot look cheap, be too bright and must comply with the rules of safe comfort.

For business woman

A too large or very bright bouquet will not work in an office setting, except for especially solemn events. An ideal bouquet for a business woman should be of medium size, restrained and laconic. These women are best suited for elegant round and irregular bouquets that accentuate the lines of plants and balance the colors. This is a rather dense composition in expensive, high-quality packaging. It should be noted that lace, ruffles, flounces, bright ribbons, foil and tinsel do not correspond to the business style. This does not mean that bows and ribbons cannot be present in a business woman's bouquet. They can, but their quality is noticeably different from those that are usually used in bouquets for weddings or anniversaries of relatives.

For a business woman, different colors of gerbera, alstroemeria, delphinium, malucella, eustoma (resembles bells), carnations of various shades, lilacs, spray roses, matrikaria (similar to daisies), the whole palette of tulips, as well as flowers that are usually recommended are best suited for men's bouquets - strelitzia and anthurium. The most successful are flowers of light delicate shades, as well as compositions of white, blue-blue and yellow flowers.

Sometimes, in order to turn an ordinary bouquet, for example, from pink roses and light-colored tulips into an exclusive bouquet for a business woman, it is enough to add a few orchids. Such a change completely transforms the bouquet, turning it into something elusively refined, elegantly ceremonial and spectacular.

Another mandatory requirement. A bouquet intended for a business woman should be safe - nothing in it should stain, paint, scratch, or cling to clothes.

How to present and receive a bouquet correctly

An elegant, tastefully composed bouquet is very important not only to pack effectively, but also to present it competently and beautifully. The rules are very simple. It is recommended to hold the bouquet in your left hand, so that your right hand is free for a greeting and a handshake. Flowers are given after congratulations. Large bouquets, which are usually given on anniversaries and other similar celebrations, are presented with both hands supporting them.

Anyone who receives flowers as a gift accepts them with gratitude. Is always! If you don't like the bouquet, in no case should you show it. It is imperative to thank the person who presented it. After all, he wanted to please with his gift. It often happens that the giver, inspired by the beauty of a bouquet of the most unusual shape with unprecedented exotic flowers and decorative elements, gladly acquires it, hoping to make an impression. But it turns out that the bouquet is inconvenient to carry, it is impossible to put or lean against something, without packaging it clings to clothes and loses its appearance. Therefore, paying attention to the beauty of the bouquet and its shape, it is imperative to take into account all the attendant circumstances.

If the bouquet is brought by a couple - a man and a woman invited to a home celebration, then the man gives flowers to the hostess of the house, even if the guests came for the host's birthday. He, of course, also does not go unnoticed and receives a beautifully designed gift with appropriate congratulations. However, the bouquet is always presented to the hostess, the wife of the birthday person or the hero of the day. Flowers are presented after the women exchange greetings and congratulations. Not earlier.

A few more practical tips. If the invited couple is a man and a woman, then the woman carries the flowers (although the man presents them). She puts them on an elegantly bent arm in the opposite direction from her companion, and with the other hand holds them by the stems. The woman gives the bouquet to the man before handing it over, but, of course, not at the last moment.

According to the existing rules, it is customary to hand flowers in a room without packaging; it is usually removed immediately before ringing the doorbell. True, here it is necessary to give some clarification. If we are talking about special packaging that is part of an artistic composition, then such a bouquet, of course, is not unrolled. The hostess puts the bouquet in a vase along with the packaging, without disturbing the overall look of the floral masterpiece. Previously, it is customary to remove only large cellophane packaging, which is designed to preserve and preserve the bouquet during transportation.

Bouquet through delivery service

If flowers are sent with delivery from a store, then a postcard or business card is usually included in the bouquet, indicating the purpose of the offering. In this case, etiquette obliges you to thank and answer the donor with a short letter (including email) or a phone call. In a business relationship, you are expected to respond with a business card with the word “pr” in the lower left corner (the worldwide abbreviation of French “to thank”). The inscription can also be made in Russian. In this case, write the word "Thanks" in the lower left corner in pencil. Necessarily in the third person singular (and not "thank", as sometimes mistakenly indicated). If the bouquet is delivered by a messenger, it is not accepted to remove the packaging. The flower delivery service usually follows this rule.

Flowers can also be sent anonymously. Unlike all other things and objects, a flower bouquet is the only gift that can be given in this way.

Flowers to the sick

For a sick person, a bouquet of flowers is a great joy, which can brighten up being away from home, return hope and good mood. However, it should be remembered that flowers with a strong or pungent odor (lilacs, carnations, lilies of the valley, sweet peas), as well as too large bouquets and dark flowers in such an environment will be inappropriate.

White colors that blend in with the hospital interior and bright red, maroon colors should be avoided - they can be annoying and contrast too much with the environment. A small bouquet of bright and variegated flowers or a small bouquet is best suited.

When returning home, you should not take with you even the most beautiful bouquet that was brought to the hospital. We will leave it to the roommates or the medical staff, thank and say goodbye.

National features of flower etiquette

Of course, you need to be extremely careful in choosing flowers as a gift to a foreigner, especially a business partner: ignorance of flower etiquette can question your business relationship and even destroy it. For example, chrysanthemums, carnations and white asters, presented to a European, can confuse and even shock him, since they are perceived as flowers of mourning.

Bright red, dark red and burgundy roses
recall, almost universally considered a symbol of passionate love. This tradition is especially widespread in Germany and Great Britain. A bouquet of roses presented by a guest to the mistress of a house in the UK will not be a very decent gift. The citizens of the British Kingdom do not differ too stormy temperament, unless, of course, you take into account the football fans, therefore even the roses presented to his beloved by his bride are considered a sign of incontinence of feelings. The British love modest but graceful bouquets. They like crocuses, hyacinths and other similar flowers.

If the bouquet is intended for business partners from China or Turkey, then it must be remembered that the combination of blue and white is not very popular there. In these countries, bouquets made up of flowers of various shades of red with decorative greenery are preferred.

In contrast, in Mexico and some other Latin American countries, it is best to give white flowers.

The traditions and rules of flower etiquette, of course, are not limited to these recommendations. Nevertheless, even the first acquaintance with them allows you to avoid many mistakes and makes it possible not only to look at flowers as an endless source of beauty and perfection, but also to see certain symbols and signs in them that can convey feelings and even whole messages.

The rule of flower etiquette
The ability to present flowers is a great art. Until now, even in Europe, they adhere to certain rules of flower etiquette. First of all, it should be remembered that the flowers presented not only give out your taste, but also emphasize your attitude towards the gifted. Therefore, before giving a bouquet, you need to remember two basic rules of flower etiquette, of which we will code the first as “bouquet and personality”, and the second as “bouquet and reason”.
Floral etiquette says:
- flowers as a gift must be chosen very carefully, depending on the age, gender, state of the person being gifted;
- when choosing an assortment of flowers, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the bouquet, since not every flower is suitable for every occasion. In addition, a gift in the form of flowers will bring much greater joy to the hero of the occasion if, when choosing them, his predilections for certain flower arrangements and types of plants were taken into account.

The rule of flower etiquette: bouquet and personality.
Children, boys and girls, are given small and delicate flowers, arranged in small, rounded, multi-colored, warm joyful tones of bouquets. They should represent a nice addition to colorful toys or a box of chocolates.
Adults are often presented with bouquets on long stems. Young girls are presented with so-called "noble" flowers. Depending on the degree of proximity, their colors change from intense reds to pastels, known as neutrals. These can be carnations, gerberas or roses. An orchid is appropriate for a gift to a woman with mature sensual beauty, and giving it to a girl is considered inappropriate. Older women can be presented with all noble flowers, including lilies and chrysanthemums. It is better if they are pastel and calm colors, skillfully arranged in bouquets.
It used to be considered indecent to give bouquets of white flowers to older people. But even today, some people do not like to give and receive flowers of this color. White chrysanthemums and calla lilies are still considered flowers of mourning and sadness, although, for example, in combination with light roses, they were mandatory in wedding bouquets in pre-war Poland.
A small multi-colored bouquet of Biedermeier, presented to a man, can put everyone in an awkward position, unless, of course, this “man” is only three years old. Men are usually given flowers with long stems and the same color.
The selection of colors for sick people requires special care. These should be the most beautiful flowers that you can get, but even better if they are the patient's favorite flowers. However, it must be remembered that flowers with a strong smell, like freesia, lily of the valley, lily, installed at the patient's bedside, can cause him inconvenience. This is especially true in the hospital environment. Large bouquets and compositions that take up too much space in the patient's room also do not meet these conditions. In a word, those bouquets about which the word “too much” cannot be said may be acceptable for a gift to a patient. too big, too fragrant, etc.
All flowers that have the character of a gift must be wrapped in thin paper, cellophane bag, cardboard box or any other type of packaging that serves to protect them from creasing, as well as from the adverse effects of wind, sun, frost and warm hands. Before presenting flowers, they are unpacked. Only during severe frosts, when the flowers in the package were very hypothermic, do not they need to be unwrapped, but should be handed over together with the package. Such supercooled flowers must stand in water with packaging until their temperature equalizes with the ambient temperature.
When handing over, the bouquet should be held with the flowers up and the stems down. During the presentation of flowers, they must be held in the left hand so that the right one is free to greet. The presentation of flowers is accompanied by appropriate words and bows. When making a visit to friends, flowers are handed over to the mistress of the house, in case of a name day or birthday - to the hero of the occasion.
If a man accompanies a woman, he presents flowers to the hostess after the women exchange greetings. A young man who appears in the house on the first courtesy visit should not forget about flowers for both the mistress of the house and her daughter. Bouquets, however, should not be the same, but equal - this is an important rule of floral etiquette.
Giving flowers is an art, but getting them is even more. The manifestation of pleasure, admiration is a reward for the giver. The resulting flowers are placed in water and placed in a place visible to all, so that they can be admired. Most often, flowers are given to a woman, but a man will not remain indifferent to the language of flowers, even if he does not explicitly show it.

The rule of flower etiquette: bouquet and occasion
Bouquets that remind us of a vegetable garden, forest or field - simple, cute and colorful, you can give yourself every day. They create a pleasant, homely atmosphere. But these flowers are clearly alien to the official solemnity. In addition, they are too delicate and wither very quickly.
Bouquets and flower arrangements of the same type, and especially of the same color, create the impression of austere, elegant and most solemn, emphasizing the festive atmosphere and the significance of the person being gifted.
Flowers from foreign climatic zones that have an exotic look are much better to give singly or in small bouquets. Anthurium, gloriosa, orchid, strelitzia give the impression of elegant restraint, and their arrangement requires a fair amount of skill and experience. These flowers are associated with such important celebrations as engagement, birthday, anniversary. On the wedding anniversary, it is most pleasant to receive flowers as a gift, which were in the wedding bouquet.
Official guests or foreign delegations can be presented with bouquets of roses, carnations, tulips, but these should only be greenhouse flowers. Do not hand over dahlias, asters, irises, or other outdoor flowers.
Artists are presented with expensive monochromatic flowers - roses, carnations, gerberas, gladioli, chrysanthemums. To present them directly on the stage, flowers are collected in graceful round, one-sided or diagonal bouquets with a rich arrangement of greenery, or they are decorated with large flower baskets, also decorated with lush greenery. It is better to send them a small fantasy bouquet at home.
Funeral bouquets are usually made of dark flowers in rich colors - dark red roses, gladioli, dahlias or white chrysanthemums and carnations.
Times change, and with them customs. A decade ago, a bouquet of 5-10 or more species of flowering plants was considered by many in Europe as a sign of bad taste. Now it is readily used as a gift on various occasions.
And the custom of making up odd numbers of flowers is slowly changing. Old arrangers in the West claim that the custom originated from the saying "misfortune does not go alone" or "misfortunes go in pairs."
Today, few people remember the ancient, once strictly observed rules. Previously, it was impossible to think about giving someone one flower. Now a single flower has become not some kind of symbol, but just a sign of attention in free companionship. Single pots with flowering indoor plants are becoming more and more popular as a gift.
In our country, the opinion has taken root recently that an even number of flowers in a bouquet is acceptable only for funerals, although there is no logical explanation for this. The situation with an odd number of flowers in a gift bouquet also brings a smile. Here, the "magic of numbers" is as follows: 1 flower - a sign of attention, 3 - respect, 5 - recognition, 7 - adoration, 9 - I am at your feet.
In conclusion, it must be admitted that floral etiquette is not followed as strictly as before. Some rules simply cannot be followed due to the lack of conditions. So, according to the previously observed European rules of good taste and floral etiquette, the groom had to send bouquets of a strictly defined color to his chosen one from the day of the engagement to the day of the wedding. At first it was white flowers, then pale pink, then pink and so on, ever darker shades, up to purple and crimson. Instead of this beautiful and complex ritual, now they give the bride-girl just small bouquets of flowers.
Flowers are the most frequent and most pleasant gift or addition to it. A modern European bouquet is a wonderful gift for friends and relatives, a sign of gratitude and gratitude. It can be presented at dinner and dinner parties, weddings and housewarming, christenings and birthday parties.

Giving flowers to each other is one of the most beautiful and ancient traditions, and the ability to present them is a great art. To master it, you need to master their language, learn how to decorate bouquets, putting a special meaning in them.

Floral etiquette - general rules

The history of the emergence of flower etiquette is beautiful and touching. In ancient times, Eastern women were deprived of the right to openly express their feelings, so they used hidden signs to convey love messages. Each flower was assigned a symbolic meaning. In the 16th century, the method of secret communication was successfully adopted by Europeans, and on its basis floral etiquette was formed.

Etiquette was influenced by different cultures, and therefore in each country acquired its own national characteristics. So, in Russia, there is still a belief that the number of flowers in a bouquet should obey the “odd up to a dozen” rule. According to superstition, an even number, not exceeding 12 pieces, is brought only to funeral ceremonies, and can bring misfortune to a living person. But in the United States and some European countries, the opposite is true: an even number is considered lucky.

However, there are general rules for floral etiquette. Flowers are always chosen depending on the occasion, personal preferences, age category and gender of the person gifted.

How to give flowers correctly

When buying an armful of roses or tulips, make sure they are wrapped in a pretty, secure wrapper. This prudence will protect the contents from damage, early wilting and crumbling.

Floral etiquette prescribes to present a bouquet without packaging with inflorescences up. At the same time, the stems are held first in the left hand in order to shake hands with the mistress of the house or the hero of the occasion with the right, and then give her a flower. The presentation process is accompanied by greetings, congratulations, good wishes and a light polite bow.

If it is winter outside, do not unfold the bouquet right away. Let it warm up first and stand in the wrapped water in the room until the temperature of the plants equals the temperature in the room. Such an act does not contradict etiquette, it will allow the gift to last longer.

Flowers for women

The fair sex always treats flowers with awe when they are selected with taste and love, presented in accordance with floral etiquette. The most pleasant impressions for women are left by original compositions in which attention and individual approach are guessed.

Particularly sophisticated are floral arrangements of the same color, which create a festive mood and can convey the feelings of the giver. So, a man in love can confess his love by sending his beloved several scarlet, burgundy or bright orange roses, and express warm feelings, gratitude and respect with the help of pink or white roses.

According to etiquette, chrysanthemums are usually given as a sign of friendship, and to congratulate a lady on a significant event, they choose yellow or pink carnations. And the older it is, the larger the specimens are selected.

What flowers are given to women

  • But what is good for an older woman is not always acceptable for a young person. Etiquette says that a young girl should be presented with fresh pink buds or barely blossoming roses, tulips, violets, symbolizing tenderness and purity, and an adult woman - already opened specimens.
  • Beloved grandmother will love the lush bouquets tied with bright silk ribbons. An alternative would be successful combinations of wildflowers that look very picturesque.
  • Wanting to please dear mother, you need to try to remember or guess her ideas about the perfect bouquet. Create an unforgettable composition according to her taste. A similar approach is shown towards a friend, sister or work colleague, but taking into account the intricacies of floral etiquette. Pick up light monochrome options by gracefully decorating them with matching accessories.
  • Each loving spouse roughly guesses what his mistress dreams of. Much depends on what he wants to convey to his soul mate. So, in accordance with floral etiquette, red roses symbolize love and passion, and purple and blue - fidelity, which is why it is worth giving them to your wife.

How often to give a girl flowers

All women love it when men shower them with roses, tulips, lilies or orchids, especially during courtship. But not all boyfriends can do it. However, there are days when they just have to do it:

  • first date;
  • birthday;
  • March 8;
  • The 14th of February.

What flowers to give men

According to flower etiquette, in order to properly present flowers to the stronger sex, you need to choose the largest specimens of the same shade on long, strong stems. For example, if these are carnations, then they should only be red or white. In especially solemn situations, you can present several roses of noble shades, as well as peonies, hyacinths, chrysanthemums. As for the size and design of flower arrangements, they should be strict and voluminous, you cannot give miniature bouquets.

According to etiquette, it is supposed to give flowers to a man when there is a serious reason: an anniversary, birthday, celebration of a significant event or some important date. At other times, flower surprises are made as a sign of gratitude or respect, for example, when they want to visit a doctor or teacher they know.

A special case

A bouquet for a special occasion is compiled based on considerations of its relevance in each specific situation.

Flowers for birthday

When planning to celebrate an anniversary or birthday, consider, first of all, the individual taste of the hero of the occasion. If you cannot find out information about his preferences, be guided by the norms of floral etiquette. For not too pretentious men, present a strict bouquet without additional decorative elements. And leave luxurious bright compositions of gerberas, orchids and lilies in expensive packaging for fastidious ladies.

Flowers on

A separate topic is the preparation of a festive flower arrangement for the newlyweds. It is important here to try to match the personal taste of the bride, match in style and tone with her wedding dress, hair and makeup. Avoid large, gloomy specimens. If the stems have thorns or other catching elements, remove them so they don't harm anyone.

How to give flowers to an actor in

If the bouquet is intended for your favorite artist, singer or other public person, whose creativity does not leave you indifferent, rely on your financial capabilities and the imagination of a florist. Consider the specifics of the activity and personal preferences. So, performers of folk songs will suit modest flower compositions with anemones and matricaria, and opera singers - rare exotic specimens (orchids, lilies). Etiquette allows you to hand them right on stage at the end of the performance or send them to the dressing room.

For foreign guests

Floral etiquette prescribes giving members of foreign delegations roses, carnations or tulips grown in greenhouses, and not outdoors. It is advisable to inquire about the peculiarities of the culture of the country from which the guest arrived, and take this nuance into account when drawing up a flower arrangement. Neglect in this matter can ruin future relationships. Thus, white flowers in the East are associated with mourning, and carnations in France symbolize failure.

At the official event

Handing a bouquet to public figures and officials requires strict adherence to protocol and etiquette. Delicate variegated floral arrangements are suitable, in which there are neutral light shades: pink, light yellow, pale lilac, light green and cream. Red range in combination with juicy greens is allowed. The shape of the bouquet should be round, the aroma should be subtle.

1st of September

The first day of school requires careful and lengthy preparation. One of the important attributes of a student on this day is classic roses, gerberas, lilies or asters for the class teacher. Keep in mind that your child will carry them for several hours, so choose options that exclude the possibility of ruining his holiday outfit.

In hospital

Caring for a sick friend can be expressed in different ways. One of the easiest ways is to present the bouquet along with fruit or candy. When going to the hospital or guests, adhere to two rules:

  • choose floral arrangements with a subtle scent;
  • the gift should not take up much space.

At the cemetery

When choosing a bouquet for funeral ceremonies, remember that it expresses your grief for deceased people. In this case, roses, dahlias and gladioli of dark and restrained tones are appropriate, as well as white calla lilies, carnations and chrysanthemums. The presentation process is accompanied by condolences and words of support.

Potted flowers and houseplants

One of the few holidays where decorative and flowering plants in pots will be appropriate is the anniversary. Such a gift will leave a good memory of the donor and deserve a place of honor along with the rest of the bouquets. However, keep in mind that the hero of the day or his family members should have a minimum understanding of the rules for caring for indoor plants and a tendency to do so.

Of course, giving flowers to relatives and loved ones is pleasant and very noble, but receiving them in return is much more pleasant. However, here, too, floral etiquette prescribes obeying certain rules that are worth studying carefully.

Flowers are a direct attribute of any significant event in a person's life. Not a single solemn event is complete without them. However, flowers are not only a wonderful gift, they are also a way to express your feelings and attitude towards a person. In addition, the bouquet is often a chic addition to a love message that can be printed from a printer or handwritten. There is such a thing as floral etiquette. This set of rules contains the features of choosing colors for certain cases and people.

If earlier floral etiquette was observed mainly in a more formal circle, now they are trying to adhere to these rules in everyday life.

Floral etiquette places great importance on aspects such as the color of the bouquet, the number of flowers and how the bouquet was presented. When choosing a bouquet, it is also necessary to take into account what gender, age, social status the person for whom this bouquet is intended, as well as how close he is with the giver.

Speaking about the color of the bouquet, you need to take into account that red flowers personify love and passion. A bright, red bouquet is best suited as a gift for a loved one or a mother, thereby emphasizing strong feelings. It is considered bad manners to present red flowers to adult women. Delicate colors such as pink, white or soft pastels are a symbol of purity and tenderness. Bouquets of these flowers are ideal as a gift for young girls. Orange is considered to be universal. He personifies life. Bouquets composed of orange flowers such as gerberas, roses or gladioli can be gifted to both men and women. Since yellow is considered to be a symbol of separation, it is not recommended to present bouquets with yellow flowers to your beloved.

Typically, a standard bouquet consists of three or five flowers. Large bouquets can be presented either for an anniversary or very close people.

According to the accepted norms, according to the number of flowers, a gift bouquet should be odd. Bouquets with an even number of flowers are considered a sign of expression of sorrow and are usually brought to funeral events.

However, if a flower arrangement consists of more than 12 flowers, their number ceases to carry this kind of semantic load.

It is better to make a bouquet for a woman from roses. Lilies or chrysanthemums are also perfect for a fragrant gift. At the same time, according to etiquette, it is customary for young women to give flowers in buds, while older women are presented with bouquets with already opened flowers. Despite the amazing beauty of the orchid, this flower is not recommended to be presented to young girls. A masculine bouquet should emphasize a masculine character, that is, be strict, without unnecessary design details and pretentiousness.

The bouquet should be presented by holding it in the left hand, since the right hand should be free to greet. The bouquet should be handed over by holding it with flowers upwards, that is, by the stem.

If the bouquet is presented by a married couple, then a man should do it. Moreover, regardless of who has a birthday, the bouquet is presented to the mistress of the house.

When going to visit a girl, a young man should take into account that the bouquet must be presented not only to his chosen one, but also to her mother. Bouquets should be different in content, but the same in value.

Men are usually presented with bouquets for special occasions such as anniversaries, congratulations on special dates or events.

If there is no opportunity to present flowers in person, then they can be transferred through a courier. This method is especially relevant when the recipient is in another city. The courier service CDEK Krasnodar can help deliver the valuable gift. There are special rules for the delivery of flowers through delivery services. In this case, it is necessary to attach a business card or a small postcard with the name of the sender and an indication of the reason for the gift to the bouquet. Upon receipt of the bouquet, it will be courteous to express gratitude to the sender. This can be done by phone or by sending a letter. If such a courtesy was given by a business partner, a business card marked "pr" can be sent as a response. This abbreviation is translated from French means "to thank". The lettering should be in the lower left corner of the business card. You can also express gratitude in Russian. To do this, write "thanks" in pencil on the business card. The use of this verb in the first person form is considered incorrect.

It is better to wrap the flowers intended for a gift in thin paper, special floral cellophane, or pack them in a cardboard box. This will help protect the delicate gift from wrinkling and the adverse effects of the sun, wind and temperatures. Immediately before presenting the flowers, the packaging is removed. The exceptions are cases when the bouquet was brought into a warm room from frost. Flowers that have fallen from the cold to the heat must be placed in water without removing the packaging until they are heated to room temperature.

When choosing flowers for a bouquet, you can also be guided by the personal preferences of the recipient. As a rule, this refers to the purchase of bouquets for loved ones.