Money tree leaves become soft and lethargic. Money tree - what to do if the leaves fall? If the leaves of the fat woman fall. Why does this happen and how to prevent it

My mother gave me the first crassula, promising that the tree would attract money to the house. In fact, it turned out that there was not enough money for the Maldives and the yacht, but there was still not enough money - but the whole family fell in love with the succulent home "pet". Still - the flowerpot is unpretentious, not afraid of a lack of sun, moisture and nutrition. True, sometimes a fat woman gets sick, but almost always it is curable.

The tree does not grow

With proper care, a fat woman will grow in your home for 10, 20, and in some cases - 50 years. All this time, it is growing in size, and it is up to you to decide whether to cut its crown every year or let it grow to the entire window sill.

But what if you diligently water and fertilize the tree, and it looks like it is made of plastic - and remains in the old size? Here root problem. Surely the pot for the plant is chosen shallow and narrow, so the money tree is poorly rooted.

Transplant your pet into a larger "bucket". But when transplanting, inspect the rhizome well - sometimes it is shortened by rot, and sometimes by pests that have settled in the ground. In this case, cut off the rot, completely replace the soil, and eradicate the pests with an insecticide. And be careful: if you break the root during transplantation, this will affect the growth of the fat woman even worse.

The stem of the money tree is stretched

Crassula's long curved branches can form from malnutrition. The fact is that, like all succulents, the fat woman does not like fertilizing with nitrogen. If you water it with nitrogen compounds, the branches will begin to stretch in different directions, and the leaves will not have time to form, and the crown will look poor and ugly.

If the branches are already stretched out, they can be pinched and / or cut. It is best to do this in the spring. Not only long apical shoots are subject to removal, but also extra small branches inside the crown.

But what if the stem is normal, plump, but the tree falls on its side, that is, it falls? Here the problem is in too wet soil, which does not hold the trunk. Do not water it so thoroughly, due to excess moisture in the pot, rot can start! And for the fat girl, make a backup. Over time, when the green pet gets stronger, you will remove it.

Leaves become soft

There may be several reasons:

  • excess moisture in the pot, due to which the plant has developed rotting (the most common problem);
  • the temperature in the room does not suit the tree;
  • the fat woman is very lacking in light.

Root rot is shown in this photo (as you can see, the roots have rotted away completely, despite the fact that the top of the plant seems to be completely healthy):

Rot it is treated like this: Crassula should be urgently dug out of the pot, the roots should be carefully washed. Cut off everything rotten - roots, parts of the stem, leaves. It is better to sprinkle slices with crushed coal, it will not allow bacteria to get into the wound and aggravate the condition of the tree. After planting the tree in fresh soil (take a new pot or disinfect the old one with at least boiling water). For insurance, pour the soil with a solution of carbendazim. In the early days, shade and do not water the fat woman.

The tree withers, turns yellow, and then dries

This is a "complaint" about the heat.

If you can, expose the money tree to fresh air (open veranda, courtyard, unglazed balcony), but so that the sun does not fall directly on the leaves.

Some people plant a fat woman in a flower bed or in a garden. The plant loves it. Just bring him back to the room in time. As soon as the temperature drops below 15 degrees during autumn nights, dig up the tree and plant it again in a pot.

leaf fall

It can start for various reasons:

  • this is a natural process (some fat women spontaneously “go bald” every 2 years, and then grow new leaves);
  • you pour a tree and it began to rot (I already wrote about rot above);
  • you water the crassula with cold water, and this is the reaction of the roots (it is correct to water the tree with settled water at room temperature or a little lukewarm);
  • you haven’t watered the tree for a long time, and it dropped the “ballast” that it cannot “feed” - in this case the leaves will dry up first, and then they will fall off;
  • the money tree suffers from direct sunlight - in this case before falling, the leaves turn red.

Crassula withers and loses leaves

Thin, soft, wrinkled leaf blades are a sign illiterate watering. You either dried the tree (or maybe it’s too hot in the room, and almost all the water poured into the soil is immediately stolen by the sun), or vice versa, you often pour it and the roots grow in swampy soil.

Look at the situation. If the tree has little water, water it more often (if you constantly forget about it, buy an aquaglob or other automatic watering). If you are overwatering a fat woman, transplant it by adding more drainage to the bottom of the pot.

By the way, about transplantation. If the tree withered immediately after being transferred to a new pot, it is quite possible that the problem is roots damaged during this manipulation. Shade the tree and water it very carefully - perhaps it will still move away.

Leaves turn yellow and fall

As with other problems, there may be several reasons for the yellowing and loss of the leaves of the fatty.

  • Irrigation with cold water. And if you also refill your green pet, you will get an additional “package” of problems: fungus, mold.
  • lack of light. Trees growing on the northeast or north window fall into the risk zone. And if in summer the sun even looks a little through such a window, then in winter you definitely can’t do without additional lighting. True, I noticed: if there is always someone in the room in the evenings and the main lighting lamp is on (the flowerpot is not closed with a curtain), you can do without buying a phytolamp.

Spots on the leaves

Black (dark brown) circles

If weak sunburns resemble red spots, then strong ones are just such circles.

Urgently remove the flowerpot from the sunny windowsill, or hang a tulle (you can also stick a film on the window). It is not necessary to hide the flowerpot in a thick shade, but direct sunlight should not fall on it.

Affected leaves will have to be cut off.

Brownish (brown), whitish spots

You're out of luck: it's fungus.

If there are still few spots, this means that the tree has recently become infected and you can still fight for it. Buy a medicine (fungicide) and treat the fat woman strictly according to the instructions.

If the infection is total, things are bad - the money tree will have to be thrown away. And so that the disease does not go further, the pot in which the tree grew can also be disposed of - well, or at least sterilized (boiling water, a strong solution of potassium permanganate).

Pests attacked

Yellowish, reddish spots

Most likely, your Crassula was the victim of an attack scale insects- harmful insects that suck the juice from the leaves. This diagnosis will be confirmed if the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, or if you see the insects themselves (round red "plaques").

Your actions:

  1. Set the money tree away from the rest of the flowerpots. All home flowers (including bouquets) meticulously inspect for harmful “plaques” hiding from the inside of the leaves.
  2. We remove adult insects manually. A pot with a tree should be placed in the sink (if the plant is small) or in the bath. With a small brush or Q-tip soaked in an insecticide solution (or alcohol, kerosene, soapy water), brush off each pest and flush it down the drain.
  3. Treat all leaves with soapy water. But this should be done only if the infection is minimal.
  4. If everything is bad (or you just don't want to risk it), immediately spray the flowerpot with an insecticide solution. This substance is considered moderately hazardous, so all work should be carried out on an open balcony so that relatives do not inhale. Yes, and you should protect yourself by covering your face with a handkerchief, hands with gloves, and eyes with glasses.

The treatment should be repeated a week later. And if necessary, then another 7 days after that.

Cotton wool in leaf axils and/or at the base of the plant

White plaque is traces of vital activity mealybug, whitish winged insects.

Remove them mechanically (just like the scale insect), and treat the plant with either a soapy solution or an insecticide.

Yellowish spots + cobwebs

On the leaves of your fat woman welcomed spider mite.

These insects are very small, black or red. The more webs they lay, the worse, because pests hide their future offspring in the web.

Together with aphids, flowerpots are often attacked by gray rot (a fungal disease).

If there are few cobwebs, the flowerpot can be sprayed with soapy water. If a lot - acaricide (poison from ticks). Flower growers praise Aktofit, Fitoverm, Aktellik very much.

By the way, ticks are afraid of dry air. So if you make it a habit to spray your houseplants often, these pests will never bother you.

More about proper care, thanks to which you can minimize the risks of all the diseases listed above, you can hear in this video:


A problem that occurs when the flower is not moist enough.

Crassula belongs to the family of succulents with moisture storage properties. and nutrients. The homeland of this species is countries with a hot and arid climate, so the plant makes reserves. And when there is not enough food from the outside, the fat woman begins to expend her own resources.

To restore the beauty of the elasticity of the leaves, you should change the watering regime, remove the flower from exposure to direct sunlight or heating devices, and spray.

Brown and black spots

If the spots are black and dry, then, most likely, Fatty got a leaf burn. In this case, it is enough to shade the plant. Damaged leaves will not recover and eventually fall off. But the plant itself will retain beauty and health.

Brown spots indicate a more serious problem - a fungal infection.

Damaged leaves must be removed immediately to prevent the infection from spreading, and the flower itself must be treated with an antifungal drug. If the problem recurs, treat the plant again and pay attention to the irrigation regime and air ventilation at the location of the flower.


These symptoms are indicative of environmental problems with the plant. Cramped pot, stuffy room, direct sunlight.

It is necessary to understand what exactly causes discomfort in the money tree and correct or completely eliminate the negative factor.

Blush at the edges, from the top and bottom

The change in leaf color comes from bright light.. Contrary to its origin, the Fat Woman still does not like the open sun. The second reason is the lack of nutrition. To fix the problem, the plant should be rearranged and fed.

It should be noted that redness can be not only along the edges of the sheet, but also from the top and bottom.

It all depends on which side of the leaf is most vulnerable at the time of solar activity.

We offer you to watch a video about redness on a fat woman:

Causes of combined problems and how to fix if such symptoms appear?

Become soft, sluggish, wrinkled and thin

Occurs with irregular watering.

If the plant is forgotten and not watered for a long time, then leaves waste their reserves, become soft and thin. And when they suddenly remember about the flower and begin to actively water it, the leaves immediately wrinkle.

It is necessary to choose the correct irrigation regime, avoiding such differences in the state of the soil. Otherwise, the flower will die from stress.

We suggest watching a video about why a fat woman can have soft leaves:

Wrinkled and blushed

The combination of these factors indicates a lack of nutrition and excessive lighting. The flower should be shaded and fed with any complex fertilizer. It is also good to spray with a biostimulant.

Soft and fall off

This often happens with the money tree. It reproduces well with leaves, and if it begins to drop them, it means that the plant does not want to grow its offspring.

One of the reasons lies in watering directly from the tap. The water in this case can be quite cold. The second possible reason is excess fertilizer.

To correct both deficiencies, when watering, use only warm water and reduce feeding.

We offer you to watch a video about the causes of leaves falling on a fat woman and how to eliminate them:

Read more about what to do if the leaves become soft.

Dry and fall off

With these symptoms, the plant can signal both waterlogging of the earthy coma, and the fact that the roots have filled the entire pot and it's time to transplant.

When such a problem occurs it is necessary to inspect the root system and at the same time dry the earthen ball.

If the plant is cramped in the old pot, then it needs to be transplanted.

You can find out more about the drying of the leaves of the fat woman and how to save the plant in, and read about what to do when the leaves fall.

We offer you to watch a video about the causes of dry foliage on crassula:

Wither and shed leaves

Most likely, the flower was flooded, as a result of which the root system suffered. What to do if the leaves become soft and lethargic? It is necessary to dry the earth and increase the temperature of the content. If drying the earthy coma did not work, then a plant transplant is required.. The roots should be freed from rot, washed in a solution of potassium permanganate and only then transplanted into a new soil.

You can find out more about the decay of a fat woman during the bay.

In order for the Fat Woman to please with a strong trunk and a beautiful lush crown, it is necessary to carefully monitor her care. Contrary to the opinion about the resistance of the plant, it does not tolerate inattention and negligence in care. The main thing is not to neglect watering, protect from bright sunlight and feed the flower in time.

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Why is a fat woman sick and how to cure a houseplant money tree?

Why does the fat woman (money tree) not grow (stand in one place) or grow poorly and what should I do? Since the money tree (crassula, crassula) is a semi-desert plant, it requires natural habitat conditions for good growth: bright, but not excessive lighting; sufficient drainage; watering during the growth period; drying of the soil and coolness during a period of relative dormancy. If these conditions are met, you will not have to complain about the slow growth of the money tree. You can give it an attractive appearance by regularly pinching the shoots, which stimulates growth points, helps to quickly grow the crown.

ATTENTION! In order for the Fat Woman to grow quickly, it is necessary to find the optimal lighting mode, the so-called "golden mean". The money tree needs bright light, but direct sunlight is not allowed on the plant.

Falling leaves:

Money tree sheds leaves: why? Since the Crassula (money tree) reproduces with the help of leaves, their shedding indicates a disease of the leaves or this is an alarm signal that the plant has fallen into adverse conditions and urgently wants to leave offspring. Why does the flower of the fat woman (money tree) fall off the leaves (the fat woman crumbles) or why does the fat woman shed and lose leaves? The reasons (why the leaves fall) of such an unpleasant phenomenon or disease can be: excessively abundant watering and insufficient lighting, especially during winter dormancy; prolonged repeated drying of the earthen coma; watering with cold water from the tap; too frequent fertilizing. What to do, how to care at home and how to save if the leaves fall off the fat woman? After analyzing the reasons, you should try to observe the irrigation regime in accordance with the season, water with warm settled water, and minimize the use of fertilizers. ATTENTION! In winter, watering Crassula is reduced to 1-2 times a month, the lower the air temperature, the less often it is. It is also desirable to reduce the temperature in the room to 15⁰, because at this time in the homeland of the money tree there is cold, dry weather.

Rotted stem:

Why does the money tree have a soft thin trunk?

Succulents, to which the Tolstyanka (money tree) belongs, accustomed to storing water for future use in desert conditions, do not tolerate excessive soil moisture at all. The roots begin to rot, followed by the stem of the plant. If, after drying the soil, the plant did not return to its proper form, then everything is very serious - it urgently needs to be transplanted. How to save and what to do if the trunk rots, the roots rot and the money tree (fat woman) dies? Before transplanting, you need to wash the soil from the roots and carefully examine them. If everything is not so bad, and only the roots have rotted, they are cut to healthy areas, powdered with wood ash and planted in a new substrate. A rotten trunk is almost impossible to reanimate. Crassula stem cuttings take root very easily, and the new plants you grow from them will help you work out the mistakes.

Leaves turn yellow:

Why do the leaves of the fat woman (money tree) turn yellow?

The most likely cause of the yellowing of the leaves in a fat woman is a lack of light. What to do if the leaves of the money tree turn yellow? If the windows of the room face north or northeast and the toastka turns yellow, you should think about artificial lighting. In the warm season, the best place for a fat woman will be a garden or a loggia with protection from direct sunlight. Soft sluggish leaves Money tree wither and fall leaves! Let's see why this happens.

Why does the fat woman wrinkle the leaves, become soft and thin, lethargic, and what to do if the money tree wilts?

The loss of leaf elasticity in a fat woman signals a problem with watering. The plant either suffers from drought, or the roots suffocate from waterlogging. What if the money tree has soft leaves? It is necessary to check whether the drainage of the substrate is sufficient, to adjust watering. Another reason may be excessive solar insolation, especially if the plant has recently been transplanted. The roots damaged during transplantation cannot cope with the need of the money tree for watering, the leaves wither and wrinkle. Black spots appeared on the leaves.

Why do the leaves of the money tree turn black?

Dry rounded black spots on the leaves of Crassula appear as a result of sunburn. Shading the plant from direct sunlight will solve this problem, but the affected leaves will eventually fall off. Black and brown soft spots on the leaves indicate that the Crassula is affected by a fungal infection. Leaves with signs of the disease must be removed, the plant treated with a drug to combat fungal infections, if necessary, the treatment can be repeated several times. There is no need to be afraid of removing a large number of leaves, this creates new growth points, the crown of the plant will be thicker and more magnificent.

ATTENTION! It is worth reviewing the conditions for keeping the money tree, since the fungus develops only in rooms with high humidity. Airing the room, mulching the surface layer of the earth can help to cope with this problem.

The leaves turn red

Why and why do the leaves of the money tree turn red or have they already turned red?

The main reason for the reddening of the leaves of the fat woman is too bright sunlight. The Fat Woman does not tolerate direct sunlight, although her African origin, it would seem, suggests otherwise. A red tint may appear on the leaves after "relocating", moving the plant from a shaded window sill to a brightly lit window sill. This problem is solved very simply - just slightly shade the window with a light curtain, and the leaves will turn bright green again. If, in addition to redness, the leaves are also slightly wilted, it means that the change of location has led to sunburn, and the money tree needs to be fed with complex fertilizer, sprayed with a biostimulant. You can apply Epin, universal "living water" for affected plants.

CAREFULLY! When using Epin, an overdose should not be allowed, the bill goes literally for drops, this drug is so active. For the treatment of an adult plant, 1-2 drops dissolved in a glass of water are enough. If the underside of the leaves turns red, you need to pay attention to the irrigation regime, perhaps the plant simply does not have enough moisture, the earthen lump has dried up. Pest control and photos Pests do not really like to settle on Tolstyanka, but from time to time she suffers from their invasion.

Why does a white coating appear on a fat woman (white spots or dots on the leaves): what is it?

Sometimes in the axils of the leaves of the money tree you can see a white coating that looks like cotton balls. This is a signal that a mealybug has settled on the plant. In order to get rid of it, you need to: wash off the pest with warm water from the shower; wash the fat woman with a small brush with a thick foam of laundry soap, then rinse the plant with clean water; treat with an infusion of garlic, or tobacco, a decoction of cyclamen tubers. Such treatments are carried out 3-4 times a month. The scarlet affects not only the Crassula, but also many other plants, for example: Hoya, Poinsettia succulent, Cereus cactus. If the worm is not fought, it will feed on the juice of young shoots, which will lead to a weakening of the plant, slowing down its growth, loss of leaves, and the appearance of soot fungi on the Crassula colony. The white coating on the plant must be rubbed between the fingers in order to distinguish the defeat of the mealybug from the defeat of the fungus. A moldy smell is indicative of a fungal infection. It is much more difficult to get rid of the spider mite. Its presence can be seen by small yellowish spots on the leaves and cobweb threads. The reason for the appearance of this pest is warm and dry air, so by spraying the plants regularly, you can avoid the appearance of a tick on a fat woman. In the early stages of the lesion, you can treat the money tree with garlic or tobacco infusion, soap suds. Such measures are not always effective, most often neighboring plants are also affected by the mite. In this case, only insecticide treatment will help. They need to process not only plants, but also the surface on which they stand, as well as flower pots to destroy spider mite eggs. The shield can be seen only at the late stage of the lesion, when red-brown plaques (spots) appeared on the bases of the petioles of the money tree and the reverse side of the leaves along the veins, that is, the pest can be seen with the naked eye.

The following measures are being taken urgently: scale insects are removed by scraping them from the surface of leaves and shoots; the fat woman is wiped with tobacco or soapy water, washed with warm water; treat the plant with a systemic insecticide. With a strong lesion with a scab, when all the leaves are covered with sweet sticky secretions, it is very difficult to deal with it.

REFERENCE. Soap solution for spraying is prepared in the following proportion - 10 g of potash, green or laundry soap per half liter of water. Before the soap treatment, the soil in the pot must be covered with a film. What to do: the money tree falls from gravity? Such a problem is possible only if the pot with the Crassula was not turned in relation to the light, its crown became one-sided, and the tree lost its stability. How to strengthen the trunk of a fat woman? To solve the problem, an adult plant is transplanted into a slightly larger pot, slightly reducing the load on one side by pinching. It is advisable to transplant in the spring, but if the situation does not tolerate delay, you can use the transshipment method, that is, carefully remove the plant along with an earthen clod, place it in a larger pot, and carefully fill the gaps between the ground and the walls of the pot with a substrate. The shape of a young plant can still be corrected by turning it around its axis. The plant reaches for the window glass, the only light source, the main trunk is bent. Timely attention to the shape of the money tree will allow you to get a slender plant with uniform growth and a neat crown. Having created the optimal conditions for the development of Fatty, you can be sure that problems and diseases will not interfere with growing a beautiful, strong plant, signaling to its owners about the well-being of the house in which it lives.

Flower growers who prefer not to suffer with the complex care of ornamental and exquisite plants opt for a fat woman. Among people, this houseplant is called the money tree. It is loved for its ease of care and evergreen leaf color. But, despite its unpretentiousness, it can also get sick.

The main problems that the owner of such a plant may face are red or sluggish leaves. Each of them is worth considering in more detail.

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    A little about the fat woman

    • Money Tree;
    • fat woman;
    • monkey tree;
    • zhiryanka.

    The tree is native to South Africa.

    Crassula is a perennial evergreen plant. This is a tree with a woody trunk and thick fleshy leaves. Under natural conditions at home, the money tree can reach a height of 3 meters. In room conditions, the plant does not grow more than one and a half.

    Since ancient times, it has been believed that the fat woman brings good luck financially. But it is worth remembering that when acquiring a plant already grown by someone, you should not count on it. A fat woman should be grown by herself from a small sprout, caring for and caring for the plant. Each leaf should not be deprived of attention.

    During the growth period, the lateral processes that have appeared are removed, which helps to further form an even, strong trunk. After the plant reaches the desired height, you can begin to form a crown, leaving only the main shoots.

    According to many gardeners, the fat girl does not like unnecessary custody, and they advise leaving him alone. But still, every owner needs to know the basic rules for the care and preferences of a tree.

    After all, a lot of troubles can happen with a money talisman, among which the most common are:

    • sluggish leaves;
    • reddening of foliage;
    • leaf fall;
    • decay of the root system.

    It is important to know what to do and how to quickly deal with problems so that your favorite tree pleases with its green beauty and brings good luck in financial matters.

    Why does the fat woman's foliage turn red

    The main reason that causes the appearance of red leaves is bright sunlight. This is the most likely reason why the leaves of the money tree are gradually turning red. Surprisingly, because the homeland of the plant is arid and hot Africa and Madagascar. But still, the fat woman does not tolerate direct bright sunlight. Initially, redness may form at the edges of the leaves, and then all the leaves will become a similar shade.

    In some cases, the leaves can not only turn red, but also begin to crumple and wither. Often, the foliage becomes soft before falling off. Already at this stage, you should sound the alarm and begin to reanimate the plant.

    Most often, this condition causes careless movement of the pot. That's right, the money tree will react if it first gets used to being in a pleasant penumbra, and then abruptly moves to the windowsill, where direct sunlight will constantly fall on it.

    The appearance of redness indicates sunburn.

    There are times when the leaves turn red on the inside. Such a state will already be caused by a slightly different reason. It's worth checking out the ground. Usually redness from below appears with insufficient watering. Despite the fact that the fat woman tolerates drought with ease, she still prefers moderate regular watering. There is no need to explain what to do in this case, everything is clear.

    Plant restoration

    There are two ways to restore the original appearance of the leaves:

    1. 1 Move the plant to another place where there is no direct sunlight.
    2. 2 During bright light, cover the window with a curtain or gauze.

    And after a while the owner will notice that the tree has turned green again and restored its original healthy color. But if the leaves not only turn red, but also wither, then treatment should be taken more seriously. Here one permutation will not be enough. You will also need to fertilize with fertilizer or a biostimulant, which will speed up recovery. It is also important to water regularly. In normal weather, the plant should be watered once a week, if it is too hot in the house and on the street, then you can twice.

    Why do leaves wither and fall?

    There are too many reasons for this state of affairs. If the leaves wither and dry out, then most likely it is a high temperature and sunlight on the leaves.

    It is worth noting that the plant copes best with the heat in the fresh air. Therefore, after the end of frost and the normalization of the temperature regime, it can be safely sent until autumn to fresh air. It is very important that the plant is not exposed to heavy rain outside. From a large amount of moisture, the root system can begin to rot, which over time will lead to the fact that the leaves will begin to wither, turn pale and fall off.

    In such cases, a plant transplant is indispensable. All soil is removed from the roots, replaced with fresh soil. The roots themselves should be carefully checked for rot and any damaged areas removed.

    Causes of the problem

    The fat woman herself signals her owners about her problems and illnesses. It's important to be careful. First of all, this is manifested by the state of the foliage. If leaf fall begins to be observed, then it is worth taking action. The first sign of problems may be soft leaves on the money tree, and then their fall.

    Most often, the leaves fall off during extreme heat or excess watering. The tree does not like wet soil very much. The soil should be slightly moist, so in summer, despite the heat, you should not get carried away with watering. It will be enough to spend it in 2-3 days. But it is best to focus on the condition of the soil.

    During the heating season, leaf fall can cause a lack of air humidity. Always in winter, the plant slows down its growth, less fresh leaves appear on it. They do not grow much and remain small and thin. It is very important to preserve mature leaves, for this you can spray regularly to replenish moisture from the plant from the outside, preventing the tree from wilting. The water must first be defended for some time so that it becomes at room temperature. Too cold or hot water can have a negative effect on the foliage.

    It is very important to monitor the moderate temperature regime, if possible, it is worth avoiding a strong increase in temperature.

    At night, the money tree, like a person, prefers to be in a well-ventilated cool room.

    The leaves of the tree are thick, strong and large.

    This state of the plant is the dream of every owner, but it is he who should try to make the fat girl look like this all the time. There is a belief among people that by the condition of the leaves of the money tree one can judge the amount of funds the owner has. Therefore, for your financial well-being, it is important to create all the necessary conditions for the plant.

    If you follow simple rules, then the money tree will not blush and crumble.

    Here are a few simple rules that will help organize the proper care of the tree:

    • First of all, ensure moderate watering. Allow the soil to dry out before watering again. The tree will not grow if there is a tray filled with water under the pot.
    • When transplanting, the root system should be completely freed from the ground. Check their condition and cut off any rotten areas.
    • When top dressing, it is worth using preparations designed to fertilize cacti and other succulents.
    • The pot should have good drainage.
    • In the ground where the fat woman is to grow, brick chips, sand, crushed coal should be present. Such a composition will protect the roots from decay.
    • Spraying is carried out with settled warm water.
    • The lighting of the tree should be sufficient, but without direct sunlight falling on the foliage. The best place in winter can be a window sill in the southeast of the house.
    • A money talisman for the summer should be sent to fresh air.
    • In winter, you should not place a flower near heating appliances. He needs coolness with a temperature in the range from +18 to +24.

    The plant will respond to good care with the beauty of its foliage.

    There was a strong belief that The fat woman is sensitive to the family microclimate, financial condition and mental attitude of the person who raised her.

    Contrary to this opinion flower lovers say that there are few such unpretentious houseplants as Fatty.

    She puts up with many mistakes of inept flower growers, cheerfully green with its bright elastic leaves. However, when growing a money tree (fat woman), sometimes one has to meet problems and diseases.

    Diseases with photos and home care

    In this article, we will consider the main diseases, diseases of the Crassula flower (money tree) and their treatment. We will answer the questions: why does the fat woman get sick and how to cure a houseplant money tree?

    slow growth

    Why does the fat woman (money tree) not grow (stand in one place) or grow poorly and what should I do?

    Since the money tree (fat woman, crassula) - it is a semi-desert plant, for good growth he needs natural habitat conditions:

    • bright, but not excessive lighting;
    • sufficient drainage;
    • watering during the growth period;
    • drying of the soil and coolness during a period of relative dormancy.

    When these conditions are met do not have to complain about the slow growth of the money tree.

    Give it an attractive appearance regular pinching of shoots, which stimulates growth points, helps to quickly grow the crown.

    ATTENTION! In order for the Fat Woman to grow quickly, it is necessary to find the optimal lighting mode, the so-called "golden mean". The money tree needs bright light but it is unacceptable to get direct sunlight on the plant.

    The leaves are falling

    Money tree sheds leaves: why?

    Since the Crassula (money tree) reproduces with the help of leaves, their shedding - this indicates a disease of the leaves or is it an alarm that the plant has fallen into adverse conditions and urgently wants to leave offspring.

    Why does the flower of the fat woman (money tree) fall off the leaves (the fat woman crumbles) or why does the fat woman shed and lose leaves?

    Causes(why the leaves fall) of such an unpleasant phenomenon or disease can be:

    • excessively abundant watering and insufficient lighting, especially during the winter dormancy;
    • prolonged repeated drying of the earthen coma;
    • watering with cold water from the tap;
    • too frequent fertilizing.

    What to do, how to care at home and how to save if the leaves fall off the fat woman?

    After analyzing the reasons, you need to try follow the watering schedule in accordance with the season, water with warm settled water, minimize the use of fertilizers.

    ATTENTION! In winter, watering Crassula is reduced to 1-2 times a month, the lower the air temperature, the less often it is. It is also desirable to reduce the temperature in the room to 15⁰, because at this time in the homeland of the money tree there is cold, dry weather.

    rotted trunk

    Why does the money tree have a soft thin trunk?

    Succulents, which include the Tolstyanka (money tree), accustomed to storing water for future use in desert conditions, they do not tolerate excessive soil moisture at all. The roots begin to rot, and behind them the trunk of the plant. If, after drying the soil, the plant did not come into its proper form, then everything is very serious - it urgently needs to be transplanted.

    How to save and what to do if the trunk rots, the roots rot and the money tree (fat woman) dies?

    Before transplanting, you need to wash the soil from the roots and carefully examine them. If everything is not so bad, and only the roots have rotted, they are cut to healthy areas, powdered with wood ash and planted in a new substrate.

    A rotten trunk is almost impossible to reanimate.

    Crassula stem cuttings take root very easily, and the new plants you grow from them will help you work out the mistakes.

    Find out why root rot occurs in Aloe, Morgan's stonecrop succulent.

    In the photo below, the root system (roots) of the Crassula (money tree):

    Leaves turn yellow

    Why do the leaves of the fat woman (money tree) turn yellow?

    The most likely cause of yellowing leaves in a fat woman is lack of light.

    Find out why Azalea leaves turn yellow.

    What to do if the leaves of the money tree turn yellow?

    If the windows of the room face north or northeast and the toastka turns yellow, you should think about artificial lighting.

    In the warm season, the best place for a fat woman will be garden or loggia protected from direct sunlight.

    soft wilted leaves

    Money tree wither and leaves fall! Let's see why this happens.

    Why does the fat woman wrinkle the leaves, become soft and thin, lethargic, and what to do if the money tree wilts?
    The loss of leaf elasticity in a fat woman signals a problem with watering.

    The plant either suffers from drought, or the roots suffocate from waterlogging.

    What if the money tree has soft leaves?

    It is necessary to check whether the drainage of the substrate is sufficient, to adjust watering.

    Another reason could be excessive solar insolation, especially if the plant has recently been transplanted. The roots damaged during transplantation cannot cope with the need of the money tree for watering, the leaves wither and wrinkle.

    Black spots appeared on the leaves

    Why do the leaves of the money tree turn black?

    Dry rounded black spots on the leaves of Crassula appear as a result of sunburn.

    Shading the plant from direct sunlight will solve this problem, but the affected leaves will eventually fall off.

    Black and brown soft spots on leaves they say that the fat woman stricken with a fungal infection.

    Leaves with signs of the disease must be removed, the plant treated with a drug to combat fungal infections, if necessary, the treatment can be repeated several times. No need to be afraid of removing a large number of leaves, this creates new points of growth, the crown of the plant will be thicker and more magnificent.

    ATTENTION! It is worth reviewing the conditions for keeping the money tree, since the fungus develops only in rooms with high humidity. Airing the room, mulching the surface layer of the earth can help to cope with this problem.

    The leaves turn red

    Why and why do the leaves of the money tree turn red or have they already turned red?

    The main reason for the redness of the leaves of the fat woman is too bright sunlight. The Fat Woman does not tolerate direct sunlight, although her African origin, it would seem, suggests otherwise. Red tint may appear on leaves after "change of residence", transferring the plant from a shaded window sill to a brightly lit one.

    This problem is solved very simply - it is enough to slightly shade the window with a light curtain, and the leaves will turn bright green again. If, in addition to redness, the leaves are also slightly wilted, it means that the change of location has led to sunburn, and the money tree needs to be fed with complex fertilizer, sprayed with a biostimulant. You can apply Epin, universal "living water" for affected plants.

    CAREFULLY! Applying Epin, do not overdose, the account goes literally on drops, this drug is so active. For the treatment of an adult plant, 1-2 drops dissolved in a glass of water are enough.

    With reddening of the underside of the leaves you need to pay attention to the irrigation regime, perhaps the plant simply does not have enough moisture, the earthen lump has dried up.

    Pest control and photo

    Pests do not really like to settle on Tolstyanka, but from time to time she suffers from their invasion.

    Why does a white coating appear on a fat woman (white spots or dots on the leaves): what is it?

    Sometimes in the axils of money tree leaves you can see a white coating, similar to cotton balls.
    This is a signal that the plant has settled mealybug. In order to get rid of it, you need:

    • wash off the pest with warm water from the shower;
    • wash the fat woman with a small brush with a thick foam of laundry soap, then rinse the plant with clean water;
    • treat with an infusion of garlic, or tobacco, a decoction of cyclamen tubers. Such treatments are carried out 3-4 times a month.

    The scarlet affects not only the Crassula, but also many other plants, for example: Hoya, Poinsettia succulent, Cereus cactus.

    If the worm is not fought, it will feed on the juice of young shoots, which will weaken the plant, slowing down its growth, loss of leaves, appearance on the Tolstyanka colonies of sooty mushrooms. The white coating on the plant must be rubbed between the fingers in order to distinguish the defeat of the mealybug from the defeat of the fungus.

    A moldy smell is indicative of a fungal infection.

    Much harder to get rid of spider mite. Its presence can be seen by small yellowish spots on the leaves and cobweb threads.

    The reason for the appearance of this pest- warm and dry air, so by spraying the plants regularly, you can avoid the appearance of a tick on a fat woman. In the early stages of the lesion, you can treat the money tree with garlic or tobacco infusion, soap suds.

    Such measures are not always effective, most often neighboring plants are also affected by the mite.

    In this case, only insecticide treatment. They need to process not only plants, but also the surface on which they stand, as well as flower pots to destroy spider mite eggs.

    Shchitovka can be seen only at a late stage of the lesion, when on the bases of the petioles of the money tree and the reverse side of the leaves along the veins red-brown plaques (spots) appeared, that is, the pest can be seen with the naked eye.

    The following measures are being taken urgently:

    • scale insects are removed by scraping them from the surface of leaves and shoots;
    • the fat woman is wiped with tobacco or soapy water, washed with warm water;
    • treat the plant with a systemic insecticide.

    With severe damage to the shield, when all the leaves are covered with sweet sticky secretions, it is very difficult to deal with it.

    REFERENCE. Soap solution for spraying prepared in the following proportion - 10 g of potash, green or laundry soap per half liter of water. Before soap treatment the soil in the pot must be covered with a film.

    What to do: the money tree falls from gravity?

    This problem is only possible if the pot with Crassula was not rotated in relation to the light, its crown became one-sided, and the tree lost its stability.

    How to strengthen the trunk of a fat woman?

    To solve the problem an adult plant is transplanted into a slightly larger pot, slightly reducing the load on one side by pinching.

    It is advisable to transplant in the spring, but if the situation does not tolerate delay, you can use transfer method, that is, carefully remove the plant along with the earthen clod, place it in a larger pot, and carefully fill the gaps between the earth and the walls of the pot with the substrate.

    The shape of a young plant can still be adjusted, turning it around its axis. The plant reaches for the window glass, the only source of light, the main trunk curves.

    Timely attention to the shape of the money tree will allow you to get a slender plant with uniform growth and a neat crown.

    Having created Tolstyanka optimal conditions for development, you can be sure that problems and diseases will not interfere with growing a beautiful strong plant, signaling to its owners about the well-being of the house in which it lives.