Good morning health to you. Good morning! An original wish. Good morning original wish in prose

Good Morning Beloved Beloved Husband Wife Good Night Missing Apologies Love

I dream of waking up in your arms
Good morning: one for two.
I appreciate, I hug, I love you madly
And I always want to be with you.

The sun bathes in the rays of dawn
And gives rays of beautiful warmth
Knocks her palm on a sleepy window,
And all the bells are ringing in gold.

Open your eyes, my love, wake up
And admire the morning haze
And smile back to the sun
Let the dream go and become invisible.

Let the morning wake up with a tender kiss, the sweet bliss of sleep will leave desired memories for the whole day, aromatic coffee, prepared with love only for you, will fill you with vigor and give strength for a day full of sparkling impressions and quiet joy in moments of happy relaxation.

Good morning! Wake up!
Take off your pillow
Pull the arms, legs,
Sweet, yawning all over your mouth.
Going into a cold shower
Remember: I love you.

The night takes you east
Out of dreams an empty bag
To the best dreams to the brink,
For you, dial in China.

So you get up for now
Greet the good morning
Look at the dawn in the window
Writes: I love you.

Morning is coming. The kitchen brews coffee and smells delicious. There is silence all around. The two of us, just you and me. This is not a dream, but the beginning of another happy day. Good morning my love!

I wish you good morning
Delicate, my dear chick!
The day will be good, I know
When my love is with you.

Have a wonderful good morning
Fresh, peaceful and cozy!
Soak up, honey, in the crib
After our passionate fight.

As soon as you get up, I'll kiss you
You, dear sorceress!
I will not forget all the promises -
I will cherish and cherish you.

The flower blossomed after sleep, shaking itself from the dew, and the sun woke up, winking at you with a golden smile - morning has come! I want the kiss of the first rays of the sun to bring you good luck for the whole day!

My good morning greetings to you!
Long awake larks, owls,
And the city is dressed in bright colors,
As if painted in a picture.
Look out the window and smile at the world
After all, this day is like a small life.

Leave wonderful dreams
Let their night shake
The scent of fragrant herbs
Now the morning is breathing.

Time for you to get up too
Rejoicing in the rays of dawn
Open the window to the meeting
Sparks of sunlight.

Darling, wake up, open your eyes to see another wonderful morning outside the window. May it be joyful for you, regardless of the weather, just remembering me!

Here is a new beginning in the morning,
It sounded like a song!
Let the sun touch sweetly
Will give the day a charm!

Beloved person, wake up soon
After all, the sun has already risen high.
Let it warm you in the rays
And let it be warm in your soul.

Throw away your blanket rather
And look in the mirror and smile.
May it be good morning that has come
Let your life be happy.

I wish you a good and clear morning! May my ardent love bring you the most pleasant emotions, and a cup of freshly brewed coffee will give you vigor and energy for the whole day!

Alina Ogonyok

I think you all agree that each of us wants to wake up early in the morning and become even happier at the expense of a loved one who gave you a romantic voice message on your mobile. In addition, you can often come across the expression: as you meet the day, you will spend it, in our case it really is in place. Thus, if you belong to the circle of people who do not know what words could be original, and what is most important, it is fun to wish your dear person a good start to the day, we strongly recommend that you continue reading our today's article. It is with us that you can easily find universal address congratulations, which sometimes can be cool enough to amuse a person. They are actually intended for him. I think now there will be a huge number of skeptics who will start talking about the fact that there is always an opportunity to simply copy the text you like, and then send it to the required recipient, thanks to the most ordinary SMS.

Of course, it makes no sense to argue that such a possibility exists, but you can argue about the convenience of the service we are considering and the usual sending of SMS. So, for example, if you need to send poetry as soon as possible. Moreover, we are ready to assure all our users that their good morning wishes, will be sent to the addressee as soon as possible, which, in most cases, is no more than one minute, while it does not make any difference where in our country it is located.

Good morning poems in sms

It's been a long time since the sun has risen
Get up quickly, you are my joy!
I wish you a good morning, quietly,
Now you have any whim!

The coffee in the cup has been smoking for a long time,
A healthy, delicious breakfast is served,
I kiss you on the lips tenderly
May your day pass - serenely!

I wish you good morning
My dear man!
May this day bring joy
Dozens will bring victories.

Let it accompany you
All - a day of success and ideas,
And never lets go
The mood is wonderful - like dawn!

A bright beam broke through the window,
Crept through the slits of the curtains
A shiny spot on the pillow
The burning bunny crept into the house!

Whispers softly - good morning!
Rather open your eyes
I give you hope now
To bring joy of life!

My kitten - get up quickly
Open your eyelids from sleep
Long ago the sun rose in the sky,
Get out from under the covers!

And how this morning began,
From the sun - bright greetings!
Let the day pass like this
Will bring joy to your heart!

Open your eyes - my beloved
And smile at the start of the day!
Together today you and me
Let's stay the whole day - loving!

And as a ray of sunshine kisses
Through the smile of lips, sliding,
I will love you today
From a good morning - the beginning of the day!

Good morning - my baby!
You are not sleeping at all!
Happiness with you is to live together
And aromatic coffee - drink in the morning!

Let the sun shine through our window
And freshness is a breeze
I love you madly
And I give you a passionate kiss!

May the morning give us fun
Charge for a day - with mood!
Wake up soon and get up
We will drink hot tea!

How did you sleep tonight?
Did you have dreams - with love?
May the day bring success
My love - lives in you!

May this morning, with a clear light
Night dreams will dissolve
And you will wake up - cheerful in spirit
And the day will open hugs!

He will give you - success
And the purpose of life - will clarify!
I wish you a good morning
You are my heart - a magnet of love!

Thanks for adding to:

Let the sunny morning give only positive emotions! With a good start to a new day! Wake up for new achievements and brilliant solutions!

Good morning! My sun is in your smile. I dream of speaking in your ear the most pleasant words right after waking up!

My dear, wake up! Good morning! It's time to take new steps towards happiness, bringing the meeting with him closer!

Good morning has come

And the world became brighter.

Open your eyes

Full of love for him!

Good morning dear!

The light of my eyes is permanent.

I want to soon

We spent the day together.

Good morning, dear person!

I wish you happiness, success

And a positive, glorious day

So as not to be without me for a minute!

I am from good morning

I look forward to hope and goodness.

And meeting with you

Dear little man!

I'm waiting for you to

Day and evening are long

To spend until the night.

Wake up urgently!

I wish the morning light

Goodness and joy from dawn.

Sincere and bright smiles,

From a life of affection and gifts.

And let you just open your eyes

Luck is awake with you.

And you will spend with her

And day, and evening, and all night.

Good morning, my baby!

Let life shine with your lights.

And he will not dare to darken anything,

Life pleases, loves, regrets.

And never that you are sad

So that everything is smooth and joyful.

Do not be offended by the fact that I wake up.

I'll tell you a lot more!

I want you in the morning

Show that life is beautiful.

Wake up for good

For confident happiness.

And let it out your window

The sun is shining and warming.

In what you want for a long time

A trembling heart believes!

Hasn't it swayed since morning?

But it’s time to get up.

I wish it began

Luck is yours in the morning!

Wishing you a good morning is the coolest start to the day for me! Darling, open your sleepy eyes and go to give the world joy and smiles!

You smell like childhood when you wake up ... You are so sweet when sleepy ... Good morning, my angel! Your alarm clock wakes you up with love and pleasure!

My sleeping beauty, it's time to get up! Morning promises to be kinder than yesterday and give you only pleasant surprises and big changes for the better.

Sleep is good at night, but in the morning it's time to meet new perspectives and adventures! Good morning, my beloved! Get out from under the blanket and go to the shower. Cheer you up!

Did you sleep well? Good morning then! I am so pleased to start the day with these words addressed to you. And I want to believe that you like to start your day with them ...

The sun, even on a cloudy day, you illuminate my morning with light! It's time to start a new day. Do it with your irresistible smile!

The morning is wiser than the night, so I wish you to gain wisdom and meet the dawn in a great mood! It doesn't matter if it's sunny or cloudy. The main thing is that the sun is in your soul!

Good morning! Wonderful mood, new plans, fulfillment of the conceived, delicious breakfast and aromatic coffee!

Let the morning fill you with new strength, give you confidence that everything will work out and delight you with good news!

In the morning the birds began to sing
Fluttering on the windowsill ...
Open your eyelashes
My funny sleepyhead ...

Let there be a lot of kindness
You will be able to feel.
Throw the blanket on the floor
Come on, drink coffee!

The long-awaited morning has come
It brings many victories ...
Stand up my sleepyhead please
The coffee is already getting cold ...

From a sheet of crumpled silk
Raise your body.
The world is the temptation of the immense
Let me into your soul!

Good morning!
Let the sun shine
Suddenly it will hatch from behind a cloud,
The world will become warmer and brighter

And the heart believes in good things.
Wake up and believe in a miracle
And it will knock on the door!

I wish from the very morning
Good health and good to you!
May it be fine every moment
Looks like a glorious fairy tale!

It's great to know from dawn
That in life there is someone to wish for
Good morning
Today, tomorrow and yesterday.

I wish you again
Get up in a joyful mood
And in anticipation of miracles
Light up a cheerful shine in your eyes!

Good morning
I am in a hurry to wish.
Be both successful and wise
Dispel sadness with a laugh in your soul!

I wish you to feel in the morning
A surge of energy and goodness!
So many surprises await
Just go ahead.

As soon as the sun rose
But my heart felt warm ...
Let it continue so
In reality, not in dreams!

I wish you prospects for the day
So that the morning starts with good.
Throw away your laziness
It's time to get up and act!

Fly forward at all times
Keep up with your plans.
Success, as we know, does not wait
Make your dreams come true with him!

I wish you good morning
Even if it's a rainy day
I want you to believe
And the shadow of sorrow disappeared.

A new day will bring a smile
Both discoveries and dreams.
With a wish: "Good morning!"
You will walk on a new day.

Life is inconceivably fleeting
Have time to fill it!
Meetings will be interesting
Find your passion.

Every moment should be special
This is the hidden meaning of life.
In a positive mood
Share with others!

Morning gives you a smile
Warming with your warmth.
The wait is not followed by a happy case,
We create it ourselves!

Don't forget to call your loved ones
Wish them a happy day
And to a meeting with a wonderful world
Hurry, business awaits you!

My darling, good morning
May the day be fun too!
Let it be beautifully lived

Even more beautiful than yesterday!
Hope it helps you
Fate wishing us well!

It's time for everyone to get up
I wish you good morning!
The sun has already risen long ago

Illuminated every window.
Bird trills ring in the air
Souls amuse with their singing.

Wake up! A new day has come!
Everyone who just got up
I wish you good morning

Rainbow mood!
May everyone this morning
Luck and success await in business!

* * *

Stop basking in bed!
It's high time to get up
To do you managed
All things to come.

Good morning! With the sun clear!
With a wonderful mood!
May it become warmer in your heart
And the smile will sparkle!

What could be better and more pleasant than affectionate and kind words from the very morning, which are intertwined in a poetic form and sound from a loved one? To surprise a loved one and provide him with a positive start to a new day, combined with positive emotions, it is enough to use our website. The section "Good morning" contains the best poems with wishes and invigorating words that will be so nice to hear for both the guy and the girl.

And if you meet the morning far from each other, then such verses will help express your feelings for your loved one, remind you that you are still there, despite the distance and want to please him every morning with your warm and affectionate words. Make the morning of any day pleasant for your significant other, dedicate poems to her with wishes for a good day, emphasize the joy of starting each new day in your life.

Good morning to you
Smile soon
I wish you an easy day
Be more cheerful to you!

To be in time everywhere and everywhere,
Smile more often
And also do not get tired,
Enjoy life!

Good morning I wish you
I am sending you a positive one,
The mood with him in the bargain,
Joy, kiss for change.

And you also have warmth
I wish you an easy day
Impressions and smiles
And don't make mistakes!

With the first ray of dawn
With morning light
The earth is waking up
I miss you.

May the morning be good
May every minute
You feel the warmth of love
Catch my love!

Good morning, I send you good
And I wish you mood
Smiles to you and have a nice day
May everything be fine with you!

Do not get tired, do not lose heart,
And everywhere, everywhere you have time,
Energy, joy, luck and strength,
For success to visit you!

Good morning, happy new day,
May he bring good luck
With every sunbeam
May happiness come to you.
Good morning new day
Beckons with new things.
May luck be like a shadow
Follows you in circles!

Stretch, get up soon
Start the day with a smile
Smile, don't be sad
Start your morning with coffee!

Positive and kind
I wish you an easy day
To make it all work
So that everything is good!

Good morning, I will say as always,
So that your day is light in the morning,
To sing in the soul of the nightingales,
So that your thoughts are kind,
So that today you are lucky
So that nothing interferes with business,
To make it joyful, light,
So that everything ends successfully.

May this morning be wonderful
The most joyful, interesting,
Let the energy overflow
Day promises to be successful!

Good morning and happiness to you
Let the sun shine above
Angel illuminates the path of life,
In business and in love it helps!

May your dream end this morning
A premonition of a smile and miracles.
And the birdsong will burst into your window,
Like music immortal from heaven.

May it be an airy and cheerful day
And bright, like a fabulous flower.
And the wind of change is a kind wizard
A warm breath of light will give you.

How can words describe feelings?
How to draw a picture without a brush?
I want to fill your day with wonders
And "Good morning" to whisper softly.

What could be more pleasant in the morning than hearing gentle and kind words addressed to you, especially if they sound from the lips of a loved one. But sometimes it happens that we are far from our relatives and friends, and we cannot always please them with affectionate phrases when they wake up. An original good morning greeting sent in a plain text message will help you get out of this situation.

Our selection of SMS Good morning will allow you to send new extraordinary messages every day. Here you can find romantic texts for sms-ki beloved, funny and playful phrases for friends, as well as just interesting rhymes for the morning greetings of family and friends. Be sure that from the huge number of presented SMS wishes you will definitely choose the one that will best suit the occasion, and your loved one will undoubtedly be delighted with such a pleasant surprise.

Greetings! Good morning!
Have a nice day!
Thank you my joy
For the fact that I have you.

Good morning, happy new day,
With the joy of events in it,
Happiness, vivid impressions,
High goals and ambitions.

Good morning I wish you
Good morning, congratulations!
I send SMS with greetings, loving!
I hug, kiss you!

My love! My destiny!
Good morning, it's me.
I give you the dawn -
We will be together for many years.

Sun Ray
Slides across the cheek.
Morning coffee -
Mug in hand.

Splashing water
Glass fogged up ...
Good morning,
My happiness!

Good morning, my happiness!
It’s a pity that I don’t see your face!
A day without you will be boring, believe me
Check your inbox more often!

So the morning has come
The rays woke us up.
And I wish you
Have a great day.
May love warm the soul
Warm words in your ear
A sweet man whispers
The one who loves you forever!

Do not forget in the morning
Wish each other well.
Good morning hello
It will help to avoid all troubles.

Good morning! Sun is up!
The light tickled everyone.
You wake up, get up quickly!
And don't be discouraged.
"The sun" is sweet, dear,
I am always with you everywhere.

Let the first ray of sun slip to you
My words gently whisper in my ear,
You will dimly hear my affectionate voice
I will whisper to you - good morning.

Receive SMS -
She is from me:
Hello, good morning!
Have a good day!

May the morning be the kindest
And the sun shines brightly - brightly!
And sms will remind you
What happiness is in this world!

When you wake up in the morning
And the heart sings with happiness -
Think about someone who is serious
Only lives by you!

I will write sms,
Maybe I'll even wake you up.
Good morning. This morning
True, I find it kind.
May luck smile
The chances are in the queue.
Let the energies, like the sun,
The charge does not end.

Make your eyes open
Stretch your hands up
Make your legs move
Sponges - smile.

Today is a magical morning.
As soon as you read the SMS -
Cheer up. Don't waste a minute.
And expect miracles from me.

I wish you a clear morning
Start a wonderful day!
I love you even more
And I give you SMS!

Good morning my baby!
I know you are already awake.
I had to get up early
To disperse the clouds.
So that we can today
Meet again in the morning.

My "joy", wake up
And get up quickly!
Bright morning has come
Happiness, joy brought.

Look out the window. How beautiful is the dawn!
My kiss melts gently in the air, as if.
It is a pity that you are not with me now.
Good morning!

Morning comes
My soul sings.
See you again
The heart is calling.

Want to be with you,
Any day is yours.
To watch together
Into the sky blue.