Home fitness: how to play sports at home. How to deal with the gym? Training program in the gym

Fitness house - Trend of the last few years. However, this occupation is not for the weak. We have prepared several advice on how to properly organize home training, so that they are a lot of motivation, and your motivation does not disappear from the first failure.

Choose Goal

No one in the right mind will wake up an hour earlier to twist pedals or run in dusty and unfriendly Morning Moscow. In the home fitness it is very important to put the target, which, in essence, there are only two - a muscular body or a discharge of weight. In accordance with the selected goal, you must develop a system of classes, calculate the amount of time required until a specific result is achieved, well, to determine the point of reference on which you track the process of weight loss or, on the contrary, a set of muscle mass. This two articles will help you: "The most honest weight loss guide. Sing 1" and "The most honest weight loss guide. Part 2" .

Pick up the training system

In accordance with the result you want to achieve, decide with the type of training. If in your plans, the figure is like a young Schwarzenegger, then you need strength exercises with weighting. If the goal is to lose weight, you need long cardiotrans. To tighten the body a bit, it will be enough for half-hour charging or famous seven-minute - a set of exercises performed during the already mentioned 7 minutes.

Set the training schedule

Choose a convenient time and days for you, do not skip the workout. Discipline is the most important thing in this matter. Initially, it will be difficult to make yourself take to stop lying when the sofa, computer and TV are so close, but remember the rule 21 days. We talked about him.

Listen to your body

You should not start with a marathon race if you last put on a sports form still at school. Start dipping the body in Sport gradually, otherwise you are waiting for pain in the muscles, stretching and other multiple injuries that will only be awk out. And, of course, do not forget about the workout. At the initial stage, it is especially necessary, since the muscles need heated after a long stagnation.

Make a playlist

Classes for TV are better not to spend. News, clips, movies, or worse, the series will distract you from the sport itself. It is better to make a cheerful playlist that will motivate and raise the mood.


Drinking during training is necessary at regular intervals, regardless of whether you feel thirst or not. The fact is that during intensive classes, the body temperature rises. The body begins to highlight the sweat to balance the temperature of the body. Because of this, there are two problems at once: dehydration and as a result, a double load on the heart, as the blood begins to thick, and the heart becomes much harder to skip it through itself and distribute through the body. Therefore, drinking during training is very important.

Observe the power mode

The intervals between meals and training should be one and a half or two hours. It is better if the food is protein, so the body will be easier to transfer stress from enhanced physical activity and where will it take energy. From carbohydrates better to refuse.

Get a sportswear

At first glance, the form may seem unnecessary detail, especially if you are doing at home. Nobody sees you, and therefore, it will not condemn that you are doing squats in old legs and slippers, you think. This is an extremely wrong approach. Sport is a stress for the body, so you need to create the most comfortable body conditions for the classes to be safe and efficient. Poor running shoes are fraught with ankle dislocation, and synthetic clothing - excessive release of sweat and disadvantage of oxygen.

Find like-minded people

If you understand that you can not work alone in you, and you will regret yourself until the latter, postponement of training on far-finished reasons, find a companion. It will not scoff at your motivation. You do not want to seem like a bright rag in the eyes of a beloved boyfriend or girlfriend?

Contrary to common delusion, Vedic women know how to not only cook, honor her husband and keep a family hearth. In the bedroom, they can completely spend time with their karmic hail, and not only for the sake of conception of children. In families where her husband and wife live on the advice from Ayurveda, just in moderation: love and respect, sex and mutual understanding, pleasures and ascetic. And all because such families have learned to feel the measure and interact not only on physical, but also on a thin level. We, simple and ignorant inhabitants of this world, are also able to establish their sex life in such a way that sex does not interfere, but on the contrary - contributed to the development of spiritual, creative and even career growth.

What does Ayurveda say?

Sexy energy is actually a vital force. It is given to us not only to continue the human race by a pleasant pastime in bed. And sexual energy can be used not only for emissions during seal or masturbation, it can be transformed into different interesting directions.

For example, instead of winning on beautiful fantasies when watching a porn film, you can send your vitality for creative implementation. Psychologists call it sublimation of sexual energy. But abstaining from sex in achieving its goals is not at all. It is important to be able to properly spend what will be copied in your chest.

In modern culture, sex is overestimated and transformed into something mandatory for execution. Teenagers are complex that they have not yet tasted the "sweet fruit" - a virgin to be ashamed. Women are looking for a partner "for health," because they are sure, depression will begin without sex, and all the irritability from the "unfinite" man will begin. With men, everything is much more difficult, because they are inspired by the centuries that they should be able to be something else, and this comes only with experience. And in general, the male must try to fertilize as much females as possible - this is its biological function. It is possible a smaller life expectancy in men, compared with women and is a consequence of the irrational spending of vital sexual energy.

Today "SEX SELLS". Most advertising campaigns are aimed at calling your sexual unconscious. Porn Studios - the same common thing as the dairy. We have to live with the idea that daily orgasm is also needed as vitamins, trace elements and tooth thread. And it turns out that we spend our vital energy with how much in vain, trying to "be normal." And normalness is a little different approach to sex life ...

Ayurveda says that with the help of controlling his sexual energy, you can achieve harmony in relations with a partner and achieve happiness. And, if you adhere to some rules, life can wake bright colors.

Select a partner. Ayurveda welcomes Monogamy, because with sexual contact there is a very strong exchange of energy, fusion of thin bodies and even the exchange of karma. Former partners are able to influence the woman on a subtle level for many years after parting. Because be happy with your chosen one's life, it is better to marry without "baggage" from former lovers.

Make love and not sex - It is extremely important for the proper exchanging of energy. Mechanical movements for the achievement of orgasm empty the mind. Sex with a loved one seems to fill the emptiness in the shower. After all, when you really love your partner, and sex is better, and pleasure is more, isn't it?

Control of the desire. A constant sexual desire is not a sign of a healthy sexual appetite, but on the contrary - stagnation in sexual chakra. And the person turns the slave of his desires in the sexy. It should be understood that sex is not the point of existence and forget about the "animal reproduction instinct". We are reasonable people, and we use sex more often not for breeding, but for pleasure. Animals are more honest in this matter.

- regular partners are often frustrated that they have much less sexthan at the beginning of the relationship and perceive it as the fired fire and the lack of attraction to the second half. In fact, when harmony arises in a relationship, people are configured "for one wave" and they have no need for such an intensive sharing of sexual energy. They are so good next to each other and in order to experience happiness to them quite simply hug or be near.

- Women will like the fact that ayurveda recommends having sex longer. Indeed, in order to make an exchange of energy, the three to five minutes is not enough. In the case of rapid sex, only the loss of energy will occur and after it you can experience yourself empty. Well, often, women are offended by men, that he graduated earlier and did not "take care of her." Such a resentment, naturally, will go beyond the bedroom. Therefore, Ayurveda insists that the man comes to the finish line the second.

- Also, can not be operated partner. To love and sex brought joy, you can not take without giving. Not only in terms of erotic games, but also on the emotional level. Truly happy relationship between a man and a woman is being built on the principle of serving each other. Without biased perception of this word. To serve a partner means striving to make it happy, and not think about what you get from these relationships.

- No sex in the toilet at refueling - the atmosphere is of great importance, especially when the couple is trying to conceive a child. For the correct energy exchange, it is necessary to "do this" in the bedroom, on a married bed. The bedroom should not be TV, billiard table and dining table. In the bedroom it is impossible to receive guests and drag a dog bedding, because this is a sacred place where magic should occur.

Proper nutrition facilitates understanding. Some products have tonic properties for the sexual system. And these are not, the so-called aphrodisiacs in the form of oysters or the "dumping fly". The use of bee honey and grained oil GCH can lead to "correct" sexy excitement and return the sharpness of the senses. Bananas and dates "strengthen" male seed to facilitate the conception of the child.

No aggressive sexuality - This is an extra cast of energy. If a woman shows too much of his body, provokes to himself a man's sexual interest, it will be used to meet his needs, without giving the energy in return. And in society we have it, - when there is no place for fantasy, the woman loses its appeal. As our grandparents said: "Do not marry such." Attract a man better than other qualities, if the purpose of the relationship is not sex "for health." When a man is attracted at a low level, and the relationship will be low.

Wait. Now there is a joke that sex is not yet a reason to add it to friends. We strongly robbed with new passes at the physical level. Naturally, it is difficult to restrain himself when you do not know how to control your sexual energy and one touch of your favorite can make you lose your head. But when you are at the level of emotional development, where it is capable of saving with their feelings and desires of the body, you can wait. It is worth waiting when the relationship will be harmonious when you tune into one wave, when you get closer enough so that sex turns into an enchanting action and has become the addition of your union, and not its basis.

Yes, we are accustomed to another: a sexy revolution, free access to information, relationships without obligations ... But if you want to change your attitude to sex. Then life will play with new colors, and you will understand that full of power, which previously just went to nowhere.

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X OpenSo that she told about a fantastic night with you to all your girlfriends? Well, or at least did not tell them about a nightmarish night with you ... Then you certainly need to familiarize yourself with the rules of sex.
Now you will at least know what they are!

1. Even with a minimum of effort, it can be done so that she remains a feeling of truly insane sex. Feeding in advance for the bed of some hip table and disperse the most hated ceramic and glass products on it. Now it remains only at the right moment to fry the table, so that all these mugs in the form of a cow with the handle and ashtray "hello from Sunny Krasnoyarsk" turned into a bunch of fragments. As it should be covered by the passion, you will not pay the slightest attention to this catastrophe.

2. Lubricant needs to be applied to the penis, and not stuff it in the vagina. And in general, it is better to do it if possible.

3. If you are in public, and you want to express all the completeness of your feelings, bring the girl's hand to your lips and see a long time in the gap between her palm and thumb. ATTENTION: This superinimal action is appropriate only towards a woman with which you have already had sex.

4. In no case do not turn her nipples. She will not like it guaranteed.

5. Before you have to have sex directly, a good tone recommends that I first caress the girl with your fingers, tongue and the tip of the penis. How long should it take? About a couple of hundred years. Maybe a little more.

6. Before oral sex you need to wash what you are going to offer your partner. Especially if Lubrikant remained on it.

7. Possing her on her hands on the room - women adore it. So they feel gentle, fragile creatures that are under reliable protection of strong male hands.

8. If the girl is very complete, do not try to take her in hand, even if you are driven up with weight with weight in the gym without any problems. Full girls are not accustomed to such an appeal - she will not sleep, she will sway from dreary horror.

9. By the way, about the full girls. No need to lie, assuring she is thin. She herself knows what she's thin, and guesses that you hardly need urgent services of an ophthalmologist. It is better to write on how you start from the abundance of bends and forms, using the words "luxurious", "real" and "Wow!". So she let and make you mentally in the category of perverts, but stop shyly hiding under the sheet.

10. Sophisticated, but the most effective way to annoy the woman: one hand, we press it to the wall (but without superfluous pressure), another pie all that is unbounded, and move everything that interferes. All this time silently see the girl in the eyes, caressing her body with his fingers.

11. Feet! Kiss your feet! Get them, lick and massag. It is not clear why so much sensitive sensors are stuck in the female feet, but sin such wealth to disappear.

12. If during the cunnilingus you got a hairs in your mouth, make it so that she does not see how you look for him and spit.

13. Easy bumping and the suction of the urster's urster is exciting almost all women. Cheerful wet lingerie in the ear creates 90 percent of them.

14. Warning it when it is becoming nearing completion so that it was morally ready for what happiness can not last forever, broke away from viewing the Discovery channel and for the last time I also tried to come to some result.

15. Sex will start approximately 22 minutes after you are exclusively from human-loving feelings - you will suggest to make a head, back and shoulders massage tired at work.

16. Women appreciate when men know how to make them well, using not only natural data, but also by the achievements of science. But never get a vibrator without a box from the bedside table: if men are still thin, it can be shaved, then the vibrator will look at the vibration of the vibration from disgust.

17. The correct lighting in the bedroom is very important: orange and pink tones are much more preferable to green and blue. The first paint the skin into pleasant cheerful tones, masking small defects, while the second are large experts in turning the impeccable beauties in anemic, covered with suspicious spots of creatures.

18. And if you have exclusively dense curtains, you can sometimes arrange sex in complete darkness. In the pitch, hopeless and absorbing darkness so that even the vague silhouettes of partners are not visible. You do not imagine how it liberates women.

19. Sitting it. Pinch per ass. Wrong so that she squeezes you on the pillow head. Out in the style of "to eight years" sometimes there is a better pre-game.

20. She again hurts his head and is she tired? Try the method that shared with us in the letter is one of the readers: "And what do you think he did? He printed one of my photos from the south on the printer, lay down next and began to demonstratively masturbate, looking at my portrait! I first I was indignant, then looked around, and then I could not stand and joined. " True, there is a suspicion that this focus is from those that work only once.

21. If any of the poses hoped in the sexual directory turns out to be completely impracticable, do not hurry to blame the authors in hereditary idiochem. People are not like each other: there are different erection angles and in different ways located in the vagina, so that each pair should experiment and choose the most suitable combinations for them.

22. If your penis has an affectionate name, let your partner never know about it.

23. Bear of the skin on the floor in the bedroom - the thing is irreplaceable. Fur VILLIN, contacting with sensors in female skin, wonders are creating. Deer mats or sheepskin floccati are suitable for these purposes. Need exactly the fur, and quite long and thick. (But do not even try to persuade the girl to do this on her mink coat.)

24. An ideal dialogue after her classic nightmare "What are you talking about now?" Sounds like this:
- About you.
- Yes?! And what exactly?
- The fact that you are a miracle.
After this dramatic confession, she felt that it was time to silently silently. Here you can use the pause and quickly fall asleep.

25. You had one woman for every year your fellowship. The first time you had sex at seventeen years old with a girl who was a little older than you. In love with you were once, and quite strong, but in the end you realized that you are too different people. This is the version of your sex life that will arrange the majority of women and will answer all their questions immediately:
No, he is not a sexy maniac;
without oddities;
capable of real feeling;
Now completely free.

26. Alternate fast pace with slow. In order for the partner to have no extraneous associations with a jackhammer, nor with a dying swan.

27. The more the woman is moving in bed, the weaker she feels something. Neurons are distracted by all sorts of additional sensations of the type of tension in the lower back or on the work of the muscles. But the initiative ladies reach the orgasm faster, since, showing activity, the girl better manages the situation and does exactly what she needs.

28. Female fantasies during sex are much more plot than men. If at this moment there is often a purely mechanical plot of sexual intercourse, then women have time to come up with a whole story, including scenery, minor characters, landscapes, dialogues, the colors of your skatera and the names of all twelve children who were born with her.

29. On the imminent onset of orgasm, you can guess the following signs: Many women at this moment forehead, cheeks and chest sharply blush.

30. The best pose for the beginning of sex is a classic missionary, since at this time partners can kiss, look to each other in the eyes and generally raise intimacy banner. The best posture for graduation is "Doggi-Style", since it is in her women most often achieve climax. All other options will appropriately be placed in the middle.

31. If, after the end of the process, it turns out that the condom could not stand the onset of passion, and the young creation is confused with his eyes and clearly does not understand what to do, urgently take the girl in the bathroom, take off the divider of water from the shower and, smearing the hose by lubricant, enter His centimeters are ten deep into her body. Water should be hot enough, but not burning. This lesson can be devoted to five minutes. It will not save from possible infection, but spermatozoids will be much less comfortable: they begin to collapse at 44 degrees.

In addition, a strong jet of water will remove latex scraps that could remain inside and become in the future cause of inflammation. Want to show yourself quite a gentleman? Come to the night pharmacy and buy tablets or candles that protect against conception already after Koitus - for example, postinor or placom. But we note that these drugs should not be abused: they are suitable only for exceptional cases. Doctors do not recommend using them more often than once a month.

32. Unlike a woman, a man during sex in bed is desirable to be completely naked, except in cases when you play, for example, in Eskimo and white bear. T-shirts, pajamas, bathrobes and especially socks do not add you sexuality.

33. Take her hands up behind her head and jaws together in the wrists. This powerful movement causes in women a tide of sexual humility, and even the conservative, which will indignant at one mention of handcuffs will not be protest against him.

34. Although it is usually more women excite light touches than energetic stacking, it is not necessary to completely refine: during the sex itself, the strong and energetic compression of its buttocks, the neck of the back or waist will like it more than the delicate tickness of these regions.

35. The inner surface of its hips is twice as sensitive than the external, therefore, if the second can be pinned, and squeeze, then you need to be particularly delicate.

36. What you can do with the nipples: blowing on them, licking, very easy to eat, suck (and even extremely vigorious). What can not: pull up, pinch, rub on them badly shaved cheek.

37. If for the night you will repeat the expression "My Little Girl" more than two times, she will suspect that you are a secret pedophile or start calling you to retake "daddy".

38. If you accidentally called it the name of your ex-catastrophe. Do not shine your mistake, do not try to continue quickly: "Elvira ... Elvira was nothing compared to you, Katya". Do not hesitate to ask for forgiveness and honestly, that you completely stopped contacting with reality (from excitement, of course) and your language simply issued a standard set of call sign, while the brain was steamed in shining vertices. In fact, women are creatures much more susceptible to logical explanations than we think about them.

39. Women also like when men moan or even scream at the time of orgasm. This is not the case when it is worth demonstrating its iron excerpt.

40. Never say that you have become such a stunning lover through the reading of men's magazines and books like "perfect lover." Is it a congenital, understandable?

Today, especially for schoolizes. I am sensationally and for the first time in history not only Runet, but I will tell you all the way about how to do this is Right ... Do not forget to turn on the feeling!

The first condition for the very correct sex- It is to decide on the floor. This seemingly easy task at all is not so easier, as it seems. An external inspection of yourself, a beloved, in a mirror, which is still thirty-fifty years ago was the most faithful method for determining the floor, in our incredibly advanced century no longer guarantees one hundred percent accuracy.

"Women should have long fluffy hair", - You say.

Do not make me laugh! Do you think that Dmitry Malikov and Philip Kirkorov (in any case, before the wise) - women? Why, there are Malikov - even Stephen Sigala, who regularly crawls into a salad of international terrorists on his galley, on this criterion can be attributed to the beautiful floor!

No, this criterion is not suitable. The same can be said about pants and skirts.

"Well, I do not! - Exclaim the road, but the naive reader. - If we see a woman in his pants regularly, then here's a man in a skirt - very rarely! "

And again you did not guess, my reader. Men in skirts, you mean in kilts, today, as the century ago - are not uncommon. Yes, and long hair from scots men - also very in the go ...
Source: Artchive.ru.

So, the external inspection did not give their fruits. Then go to a tactile study. That is to banal feeling. But here we are waiting for many pitfalls and obstacles ...

What is the fact that you fastened the developed (possibly not by year) chest? The third size breast may well be at bodybuilders who, as we have repeatedly seen on TV, can even put a glass with water on it ...

You did not do? Then you could well put (while you slept) breast implants ...

So do not hurry with the conclusions ... the exact answer will we with you will give "Cerpic and Milk", or rather - "Orlastic and two-headed" passport. The first "snap", which will tell you the truth, will become your name. If you name Irina, Natalia or, let's, Dazzpperm (a full list of female names you can find in the spelling dictionary), you can be sure: no matter what you saw in the mirror (short hair, muscles, bristles), you are a woman . But still you should not hurry. It is advisable to look at patronymic and surname, but the main thing is in the "Paul" ...
Source: Artchive.ru.

After you with the floor with the floor, you can proceed to active actions from the sphere. What can be done first is to try to find a partner.

It is possible that the partner goes somewhere nearby. Perhaps even in the next room. Having found it, do not work to determine the floor in appearance or tactile method. We have already figured out that today these methods do not work. Immediately ask the passport of the proposed partner on the right one. It will be good if it turns out to be the opposite sex, while the surnames in your and his passport will coincide. This is the key to the right sense of all right sex.

At the same time, it is advisable to make sure that the partner is not your brother or sister, father or mother. To do this, open the Marital Status page. Make sure your surname and initials are inscribed on this page. After that, you can with a relaxed soul get to the right sex ...

Suppose you are a man. In this case, everything is simple. It is necessary to inform the partner about his desire, after which it is to free him and itself from clothes in the groin area. This is a working minimum, while probably a complete exemption from clothes.

This selection of tips will be useful to everyone who is engaged in the gym. From newbies to experienced swings!

Humans tend to make mistakes. Even many years of experience at visiting the simulator room does not yet mean that we do not make many errors in training. What can we talk about newcomers, first bought a subscription and crushed the threshold of the fitness club!

In the article I will give advice on the right workouts and indicate typical errors in the exercise in the gym. As a result, your classes in the simulator room will become much more efficient and correct.

How to do in the gym

Before you, a good arch of good tips from a professional coach who spent not one year in training seen anything and made a lot of correct observations and conclusions.

Do not exercise only on cardiovers

Modern cardiotrymen - a powerful thing! And burning calories is useful to a certain extent. But, unfortunately, the cardiotrymen will not help to significantly strengthen and pump the necessary muscles. They are designed to train the aerobic abilities of the body (heart, vessels, light, red muscular fibers). But this is not all what health and appearance depends on. Moreover, the development of aerobic abilities may not affect external data at all. Cardio will raise the muscle tone, helps burn a little fat. But without power exercises, the result of training will not be very bright.

The fact that you went, running or twisted the pedals for an hour, does not yet mean that the body got a full-fledged load. Especially the load is proportional.

Use non-standard exercises

For the stimulation of fantasy 🙂 during classes in the simulator room I recommend this video with unusual exercises that can be rarely seen in the simulatory halls. Removed for a long time, but everything is still relevant.

Men without numerous exercises like pushups, twisting, leg information do not see the embossed parts of the body. Only rude non-zero slices of "meat".

I do not get tired of repeating, there are no purely female and purely male exercises! It all depends on the goals. And there are differences only in working scales on the rod and simulators. Men are much more, women are smaller. And this is perhaps the only difference.

Correct working weights on simulators and rod

Seen in the halls of guys, which hise the lying 120 kg 10 times, and then squatted with a barbell weight ... 60-80 kg on the same 10 times? I have seen many times! And this is not the norm, definitely.

There are correct proportions in working scales for different exercises. For example, if you click on the length of 80 kg 10 times, then in squats, be kind of raising at least 100-110 kg for the same 10 times. And in the simulator "Horizontal thrust" pull at least 85 kg per 10 repetitions. These relationships are not taken from the ceiling, but are dictated by the anatomy and human physiology, so that no unhealthy imbalances arise, leading to the curvature of the spine and deformation of the joints.

Do not neglect the help of the surrounding and coach

A common mistake "I myself can do everything and know, I saw on YouTube." I saw seen. But see and know, see and be able to see and understand - these are different things.

Many exercises on simulators and a barbell that seem simple, actually require proper equipment and skill. They begin to properly get after 2-3 weeks of regular execution. And then, provided you got the right feedback from external observers (coach or people nearby). Someone should see, evaluate and point out errors. And provided you work with a rather large working weight. Often it is impossible to achieve the right technique until you take the barn to the bar.

Other exercises for the proper effect should be performed with such a weight that you will most likely not be able to raise in the last repetitions. Here you need insurance, which will provide an assistant.

Just believe the word, the coach is good. Even if it is a novice coach. It is better than nothing.

If possible, use the services of experienced trainers. It always pays for yourself.

If you are lucky enough to face the trainer-methodologist, you are doubly lucky. How, for example, my customers ...

In the simulator room without a trainer, of course, you can. And quite successful. But training with the coach will be an order of magnitude more efficiently, since the coach usually knows all pitfalls and errors. And simply will not give them to make, saving your strength, time, nerves. And also, along the way, teaching you the numerous wisdom of the simulator room.

Visit not only women's / general group programs

This is mainly for girls. The mistake here is a popular stereotype that "we pumped up all the muscles and worked out Cardio" on a group training. And this is in a small mirror room without a single "piece of iron"? And this is despite the fact that every time for several months or even years is performed by the same set of exercises with the same load? Mixed!

Exercises with their own weight, static, jumping, stretching, step-platform, even work with mining, etc. - it is wonderful! But has its natural borders. And the device itself in the club programs in the clubs is such that the coach in principle cannot control the load and exercise technique. You do not even notice what you do wrong. Dug and everything is fine! You feel about what I say?

From time to time, replace the usual group training with qualitatively other power training, which will include muscles at full power. For example, attend group classes, the month is a simulator. Turn on in a set of exercises of simulators and barbells, dumbbells and weights.

And the programs need to be changed every 1-2 months, even if everything suits. And especially if you easily cope. This is a sign of what you no longer develop. Development is always associated with difficulties in training.

Or you can after the usual group program to fulfill several approaches with a barbell on the necessary muscles.

Do not only go on power simulators

This is a favorite bug of newcomers in the simulator room. Go from the simulator to the simulator, forgetting about the barbell and dumbbells. It's easier and more interesting!

Well, to satisfy curiosity, you can take the first few workouts like this to walk on the simulators. But for a full result, you need to follow the useful formula.

70% of the training should be performed with free weight (rod, dumbbells, their weight). And only 30% - on simulators. This is the golden rule of training in the simulator room.

The fact is that most of the simulators are intended for isolated training of individual muscles. It is very useful in two cases:

1. If a person has a trauma, and he needs to purposefully strengthen these muscles. Or get at least some kind of load.

2. If this is a professional athlete, seeking to improve the shape and tighten the details of individual muscles. Or stronghold, working on the weak points of the trajectory of some exercise you need.

In all other cases, it is necessary to train muscles in a bundle with other muscles. This is very useful for health and is simply beneficial for the considerations of the growth of the general muscular mass and overclocking of metabolism.

This effect without problems is achieved by using a rod, dumbbells, weights.

Include in training squats with a barbell, becoming craving, vertical cravings, Pull-Over, Mahi dumbbells on the sides, bench rods on an inclined bench, lunges with dumbbells in hands, hammer with dumbbells, etc.

Do not lie on the press muscle training

Training muscle press, of course, needed. But this is needed in this.

Do not forget that the press is one of the muscles in the muscles of the bark.

Excessive training of some parts of the bark without sufficient compensating load on its other parts leads to deformations in the waist and pelvis. These are various disorders of posture (insufficient or excess lordosis), problems with hip and knee joints, problems in the cervical department, stuff.

One hero of my childhood is remembered - a young man from the neighboring court, Eugene, who managed to pump up the luxurious muscles on the horizontal bar and the bars on our school stadium. When he passed through our yard, we just did not breathe, looking at him with undisguised reverence! Its mighty biceps, shoulders balls, triangular torso, powerful breast muscles stretched a snow-white t-shirt so that she seemed to be burst!

However ... Remembering now his magnificent cubes of the press I remembered the other feature - a slope back, excessive lumbar lordosis, not enough powerful legs. Eugene could not reach the floor with his fingers ...

Despite the beautiful muscles of the torso, shoulders, hands, this guy did not have the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Band's muscle balance, so important for general health and aesthetics. But then, in the distant eighties, it seemed unimportant, since we did not know anything about it ... But now we know!

Therefore, shaking the press, do not forget about other elements of the bark: oblique muscles, buttocks, spin extensors, biceps hip. Do not forget about flexibility too.

In this case, the balance in the load is much more important than the development of one muscle.

Perform not only twisting or feet lifting, but also oblique twisting, hyperextension, butorous bridge, sloping to the side with a dumbbell in hand, sitap ...

Do not avoid communicating with doctors and medical care

We do not love doctors and these damn municipal clinics! We have full right, given the low level of service.

However, without medicine in fitness nowhere. We somehow need to follow health: take tests, follow, hormones, notice the early signs of emerging diseases, treat teeth in the end.

Try to pay the time to find a suitable doctor. Better paid. Attend it every 2-4 months. Check the pressure, vision, rumor, pass overall analyzes, some special tests (oncottobod, for example), pass the necessary courses of treatment, massage, preventive procedures. Before the logical end started treatment (especially if you take antibiotics).

Believe me, it will be an excellent contribution to health. After all, you will have a chance to miss any serious problem, and start solving it long before it gains strength and lead to irreversible consequences.

In the end, health is one of the most important reasons to attend a gym!

Before starting regular training in the simulator room, a visit to the doctor is obligatory!

Teach elementary methods of self-control in training

Do not follow the breath and pulse in training in the simulator room - a bad habit.

Learn to count the pulse manually. Use accessible gadgets, services and applications for this.

The exercises performed is better to shoot on the video and view after training, checking with the standards. Or show the video to the coach. For example, I see even minor errors (and problems with the musculoskeletal system), simply looking through the videos performed by my wards.

Many exercises serve as an excellent test on different body parameters (flexibility, endurance, spinal curvature). But this is the information rather for coaches and specialists.

You need to master the elementary self-control skills: follow the pulse, find out the signs of fatigue, not exceed the recommended load levels, do not deal if they are sick.

On time to leave the workout sometimes more important than finish it completely.