Fgos of preschool education subject developmental environment. Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution according to fgos before

All centers of the developing environment in our group are interconnected and united by the tasks implemented in the main general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" (edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. -Moscow: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2010).

The subject-development environment is a system of material objects of the child's activity, the unity of social and objective means of ensuring the various activities of children.

When organizing a subject-spatial environment in a kindergarten, the activities of all preschool teachers are necessary, because a variety of toys is not a basic prerequisite for the development of children.

When creating a subject-developing environment for children, it is necessary to pay attention to its developing character. The objective world should ensure the realization of the child's need for active and diverse activities.

The subject-developing environment allows you to enrich the experience of the child's emotional and practical interaction with peers and a teacher, to include all children in the group in active cognitive activity. The environment stimulates the development of independence, initiative, in which children realize their abilities.

When creating a developing environment for a group, it is very important that the environment surrounding the children is comfortable and aesthetic. Beauty shapes the child. Therefore, you should pay great attention to the aesthetics of the corner. Its design should be attractive to children and make them want to be independent. At the same time, it is necessary to teach children to maintain order in the corner and to cultivate a respect for toys.

One of the tasks of the educator is to create a versatile developmental environment for each child in order to give him the opportunity to express himself. A large number of play equipment and materials for creative activities must be made by the hands of educators.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of the corners of our senior kindergarten group.

The group room is a rectangular room, along the perimeter of which there is furniture, children's tables for classes, board games, and meals.

The entire group space is divided into centers that are available to children: toys, didactic material, games. Children know where to get paper, paints, pencils, natural materials, costumes and paraphernalia for staging games.

Zone of motor activity

The need for movement is an important task in organizing a subject-developing environment. For this, a large space is allocated in the group, there are various equipment: wickets, tunnels, balls, hoops, wheelchairs and toys on wheels, bags filled with sand, soft bricks, multi-colored flags, ribbons, etc.

In the "Zone of physical activity" there is a "health path", massage mats, balls, gymnastic sticks, hoops, throwing balls, rings, attributes for outdoor games.

Musical and theater center

Children are delighted with our music and theater center. There are musical instruments that give children a lot of joyful minutes, various musical didactic games. In addition, they develop the child's phonemic hearing and sense of rhythm.

We try to introduce children to different types of theater, so that each child can choose exactly the theater that is closest and most convenient to him. Here we have a table theater, finger theater. A meeting with a doll helps children to relax, relieve tension, and create a joyful atmosphere. The theater activity corner is equipped with - a screen for a puppet theater, theater toys.

Mummer corner

The corner of the dress is a necessary attribute of the group. Guys dress up with the help of an adult in kerchiefs, capes, skirts, costumes of different characters. We fill the corner of dressing up throughout the school year, gradually introducing new attributes: beads, hats, ribbons, attributes, elements of costumes for role-playing games. It is desirable that parents help to replenish this corner with the material that is in their home and they no longer need.

Corner of nature

A corner of nature - introduces children to the available phenomena of nature, recognizes pets and their cubs in pictures and toys, learns to distinguish vegetables and fruits by their appearance.

Children learn to generalize the results of their observations of natural objects by keeping a weather calendar. If at a younger age, only the basic weather phenomena (rain, snow, sun, wind) are noted on it, then at an older age, it becomes more complex.

Book corner

In the corner for artistic activities - a book corner - books, literary quiz games, plot pictures.

Since the development of active speech is the main task of the development of children, in the center of a favorite book and speech development, sets of subject pictures, sets of plot pictures, games for cognitive development and speech development, portraits of writers and poets are selected. Children love it when we read books with them and look at pictures, so here we have a lot of books on the program.

A place for seclusion

A place for solitude is organized in the group - where children can look through their favorite book, and just sit and relax from the children's team. In this simple way, the creation of "your" personal space is achieved.

Dressing room

I would like to tell you a little about the design of the dressing room. There is a panel "Our group" with photos of children attending the group.

There is a corner for parents, a corner-exhibition of children's art works and a modeling corner, where children's works are also exhibited.

A purposefully organized subject-developing environment in a preschool institution plays an important role in the harmonious development and upbringing of a child.

The created aesthetic environment evokes in children a sense of joy, an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, a desire to attend it, enriches it with new impressions and knowledge, encourages active creative activity, and contributes to the intellectual development of preschool children. Such an organization of the subject-spatial developmental environment of the group seems to us the most rational, since it takes into account the main directions of the child's development and contributes to his favorable development.

Game center "Living room"

The main activity of children is play. In our center "Living Room" toys are collected that introduce children to the surrounding household items. Children not only get acquainted with subjects that are new to them, but also learn to act with them. And then they transfer the acquired knowledge and skills into everyday life.

In the group, the play environment is filled with a variety of materials and equipment. These are, first of all, toys-characters, cribs and strollers for dolls, kitchen furniture with a set of large toy dishes, an ironing board with an iron, etc., They bring joy and pleasure to children, form ideas about the world around them, and encourage active play activities.

The group has a special play corner, equipped according to the principle of matching games according to play zones: "Hospital", "Kitchen", "Canteen", "Hairdresser". The separate lower drawers contain building material that children enjoy using while playing.

The game centers contain all the attributes for this topic. For example, for a game:
in the "Hospital" there are gowns and medical devices (instruments), all-possible vials and pill boxes;
for the corner of the road - various cars, road signs,
for playing in the "Hairdresser's" - drapes, hairdressing kits (tools), bottles, boxes, photographs with model haircuts.

Thus, the diversity and richness of sensory impressions, the possibility of a free approach to each center in the group, contribute to the emotional and intellectual development of the pupils. The environment allows them to choose activities according to their interests, and the educator - to guide the children's activities. By creating various zones and corners, the teacher invites preschoolers to do what they love (drawing, design, research), thereby realizing the development potential, as well as the need for recognition and self-expression. Observing children, the teacher receives a lot of interesting and valuable information. This helps him to thoughtfully and rationally organize and adjust the space of the group in the future, and also provides an opportunity for creative self-realization and organization of the educational process at a new qualitative level.

Elena Vasilievna Shakirova
Organization of a subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

« Organization of a subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution»


Question organization of a subject-development environment The preschool educational institution is especially relevant today. This is due to the introduction of a new Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) to the structure of the main general education program of preschool education.

Concept subject development environment is defined as"The system of material objects of the child's activity, which functionally simulates the content of his spiritual and physical development» (S. L. Novoselova)... The adult's role is to properly model such Wednesday which contributes to the maximum development of the child's personality.

The goal of the educator: to design a multi-level multifunctional subject-developing environment to carry out the process development the creative personality of the pupil at each of the stages of his development in preschool.

Form and design items focused on the safety and age of children. Decor elements should be easily replaceable. Each group needs foresee Organizing the subject environment development development, as well as indicators of the emotionally needful sphere. The color palette should be presented by warm, pastel colors. While creating developing Subject-developing environment

Important, that subject environment development... In other words, environment is not only developing, but also developing... Under any circumstances objective world a certain age.

Thus, creating subject development environment Wednesday Wednesday.

Requirements Federal State Educational Standard for a Subject-Developing Environment:

1. Subject-developing environment ensures the maximum realization of educational potential.

2. Availability Wednesday, what presupposes:

1. Accessibility for pupils of all premises the organization where the educational process is carried out.

2. Free access of pupils to games, toys, materials, manuals that provide all basic activities.

Organization of a developing environment in preschool education, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard is built in such a way as to enable the most efficient develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity.

The subject-development environment is organized as follows so that every child has the opportunity to freely do what they love. Equipment placement by sector (centers development) allows children to unite in subgroups according to common interests: design, drawing, manual labor, theatrical and play activities, experimentation. Mandatory equipment is materials that activate cognitive activity: educational games, technical devices and toys, models, subjects for experimental search work - magnets, magnifying glasses, springs, scales, beakers, etc. a large selection of natural materials for study, experimentation, collection.

Subject-developing environment in the preschool educational institution includes myself:

Active sector (occupies the largest area in the group, including myself:

1. Center of the game

2. Center of motor activity

3. Design center

4. Center for musical and theatrical activities

Calm sector:

1. Center of the book

2. Recreation center

3. Center of nature

Work sector: (The working sector occupies 25% of the entire group, since there supposed placement of equipment for the organization joint and regulated activities. All parts of the group space have conditional boundaries, depending on the specific tasks of the moment, if necessary, you can accommodate everyone, since preschoolers "Get infected" current interests of peers and join him:

1. Center for cognitive and research activities

2. Center for productive and creative activity

3. Center for correct speech and motor skills

Materials are needed that take into account the interests of boys and girls, both in work and in play. Boys need tools to work with wood, girls to work with needlework. In the groups of older preschoolers, various materials are also needed to help them master reading, mathematics: printed letters, words, tables, books with large print, a manual with numbers, board-printed games with numbers and letters, puzzles, as well as materials reflecting the school theme: pictures about the life of schoolchildren, school supplies, photographs of schoolchildren, older brothers or sisters, attributes for playing at school. ; also children's encyclopedias, illustrated publications about the flora and fauna of the planet, about the life of people from different countries, children's magazines, albums, brochures.

Saturated subject-development and educational environment becomes the basis for organizing an exciting, meaningful life and versatile development of every child. The developing subject environment is the main means the formation of the child's personality and is the source of his knowledge and social experience.

By creating subject-developing environment must be remembered:

1. Wednesday must perform educational, developing, educating, stimulating, organized, communicative function. But most importantly, it must work for development independence and initiative of the child.

2. A flexible and variable use of space is needed. Wednesday should serve the needs and interests of the child.

3. Shape and design items focused on the safety and age of children.

4. Decor elements should be easily replaceable.

5. In each group it is necessary foresee a place for children's experimental activities.

6. Organizing the subject environment in the group room, it is necessary to take into account the laws of the mental development, indicators of their health, psychophysiological and communicative characteristics, the level of general and speech development, as well as indicators of the emotionally needful sphere.

7. The color palette should be presented by warm, pastel colors.

8. When creating developing space in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the leading role of play activities.

9. Subject-developing environment groups should change depending on the age characteristics of children, the period of study, educational program.

Important, that subject environment has the character of an open, open system, capable of adjusting and development... In other words, environment is not only developing, but also developing... Under any circumstances objective world surrounding the child must be replenished and updated, adapting to neoplasms a certain age.

Thus, creating subject development environment of any age group in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to take into account the psychological foundations of constructive interaction between participants in the educational and educational process, the design and ergonomics of modern Wednesday preschool institution and psychological characteristics of the age group targeted by this Wednesday.

Construction features subject-developing environment at preschool educational institution.

V conformity with the principles considered, the following should be created in the group subject development environment centers:

1. Locker room.

2. The design corner, although focused in one place and takes up a little space, is quite mobile. The content of the building corner (constructors of various types, cubes, large and small wooden building materials, diagrams and drawings of buildings) allows organize constructive activity with a large group of pupils, a subgroup and individually, expand construction on the carpet or on the table.

3. Corner of traffic rules. The road safety corner is primarily of interest to boys. It is equipped with the necessary attributes for role-playing games, activities to consolidate the knowledge of traffic rules. A floor mat with street and road markings is a good didactic tool.

4. Artistic corner. The brightest, well-lit place in the group is allocated for this center. Here pupils draw, sculpt, and do application work in their free time. The shelves are filled with the necessary graphic material. Children have at their disposal crayons, watercolors, ink, gouache and sanguine. Didactic games, paper of different textures, sizes and colors, cardboard stored for future use are in the drawers under the hinged shelves. There is also a place for a small exhibition with samples of folk arts and crafts.

5. Book corner. In the noisy space of the playroom, there must necessarily be such an island of silence and tranquility as a book center (a seclusion corner that disposes to contemplative observation, dreams and quiet conversations. Comfortable chairs contribute to this. Coziness, home environment allows children to comfortably sit down and immerse themselves in a magical world books.

6. Musical corner. Includes various musical instruments, audio recordings. Playing musical instruments fosters a steady interest in musical works of different genres.

7. Sports corner. A bright, cheerful sports corner laconically and harmoniously fits into the space of the group room. It is popular with children because it fulfills their need for physical activity. Here, preschoolers can practice and consolidate different types movements: jumping with progress along a winding path, crawling under an arc, playing with a ball, throwing at a goal, etc.

8. Theatrical zone is an important object developing environment, from which you can start equipping the group, since it is the theatrical activity that helps to unite the group, unite children with an interesting idea, new activity for them. In the theater, preschoolers open up, showing unexpected facets of their character. Shy and shy people become confident and active. Anyone who unwillingly went to kindergarten now rushes to the group with pleasure.

9. Corner of a plot - role-playing game. The group has zones for role-playing games - "Hospital", "Family", "Hairdresser", "Atelier".

10. Mathematical zone.

11. Center of the didactic game (grammatical corner).

12. The Ecological Center serves not only as a decoration for the group, but also as a place for self-development of preschoolers... In the ecological center, children's crafts made from natural materials, exhibits of nature will be appropriate. With a subgroup of preschoolers, the teacher can conduct observations in the natural corner, simple experiments and classes of natural history.

13. Center for Local History.

14. A corner of privacy.

15. Dressing room.

Thus, the diversity and richness of sensory impressions, the possibility of a free approach to each center in the group, contribute to the emotional and intellectual development of pupils.

Development environment cannot be built completely. At organization of the subject-spatial environment a kindergarten requires a complex, multifaceted and highly creative activity of all participants in the educational process. Further work presupposes search for innovative approaches to organization of a subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution, and development parental interest in this problem and motivation of the desire for interaction.

The current situation in the development of the education system Russian Federation characterized by the actualization of the problems and tasks of preschool education. Preschool age is considered as a fundamental period of purposeful development of basic personality traits.

The organization of the modern pedagogical process in educational organizations implementing the educational program of preschool education (hereinafter referred to as educational organizations) requires pedagogical teams to create a kind of material environment. One of the main indicators of the quality of preschool education is the subject-spatial developmental environment, created in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards for preschool education (hereinafter - FSES of preschool education).

The subject-spatial developmental educational environment (hereinafter referred to as the subject environment), created in educational organizations in accordance with the requirements of taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and taking into account the approximate basic general educational programs of preschool education, should provide an opportunity for teachers to effectively develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity ...

The subject environment in an educational organization performs educational, developmental, upbringing, stimulating, organizational, and communicative functions. But the most important thing is that it works to develop the child's independence and initiative.

In every educational organization, the subject environment should have the character of an open, open system, capable of adjustment and development. In other words, the environment should become not only developing, but also developing. Under any circumstances, the objective world surrounding the child must be replenished and updated, adapting to neoplasms of a certain age.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, the subject environment should provide:

· maximum realization of the educational potential of the space of the educational organization (group, site);

· availability of materials, equipment and inventory for the development of children's activities;

· protection and strengthening of the health of children, the necessary correction of the peculiarities of their development;

· the possibility of communication and joint activities of children and adults (including children of different ages) in the whole group and in small groups;

· physical activity of children, as well as the opportunity for privacy.

The filling of the subject environment must meet the principle of the integrity of the educational process. To implement the content of each of the educational areas represented in the FSES of preschool education, it is important to prepare the necessary equipment, game, didactic materials and tools that correspond to the psychological, age and individual characteristics of the pupils, the specifics of their educational needs. At the same time, the subject environment should be created taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas. Materials and equipment for the implementation of the content of one educational area can also be used in the course of the implementation of the content of other areas, each of which corresponds to children's activities (play, motion, search and research, visual, constructive, perception of fiction, communicative, etc.).

When creating a subject developmental environment, teachers need to observe the principle of stability and dynamism of the subject environment, which provides a combination of familiar and extraordinary elements of the aesthetic organization of the environment; individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child. It is necessary to pay attention to the informativeness of the subject environment, which provides for a variety of subjects of materials and equipment for the activity of children in interaction with the subject environment. A properly created subject environment allows each child to have a choice of activities according to their interests, the opportunity to interact with peers or act individually. The subject environment of a modern kindergarten should not be archaic, it should be in tune with the time.

Traditional materials and materials of the new generation should be selected in a balanced way, in accordance with the pedagogical value. Objects, toys, manuals offered to children should reflect the level of the modern world, carry information and stimulate search. At the same time, traditional materials that have shown their developmental value should not be completely supplanted for the sake of the “new” as valuable in itself. Leaders of educational organizations need to systematically analyze the state of the subject environment in order to bring it into line with hygienic, pedagogical and aesthetic requirements (unity of style, harmony of color, use in the design of works of art, indoor plants, children's work, harmony, proportionality and proportionality of furniture, etc.) .NS.)

When implementing the educational program of preschool education in various organizational models and forms, the subject developmental environment must meet: - criteria for assessing the material and technical and medico-social conditions of the stay of children in educational institutions, - sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational organizations.

1. Materials and equipment should create an optimally rich (without excessive abundance and without lack) holistic, multifunctional, transforming environment and ensure the implementation of the main general educational program in the joint activities of an adult and children and independent activities of children.

2. When creating a subject environment, it is necessary to be guided by the following principles defined in the FSES of preschool education:

· polyfunctionality : the subject developmental environment should open up many opportunities for children, provide all components of the educational process and in this sense should be multifunctional;

· transformability: this principle is closely related to the multifunctionality of the subject environment, i.e. provides the possibility of changes that allow, according to the situation, to bring to the fore a particular function of space (as opposed to monofunctional zoning, which rigidly fixes functions for a certain space);

· variability:the objective developmental environment presupposes a periodic change of play material, the emergence of new objects that stimulate the research, cognitive, play, motor activity of children;

· saturation:the environment corresponds to the content of the educational program, developed on the basis of one of the exemplary programs, as well as the age characteristics of children;

· availability:the environment provides children with free access to games, toys, materials, manuals;

· security:the environment assumes the compliance of its elements with the requirements for ensuring reliability and safety.

3. When creating a subject developmental environment, it is necessary to take into account gender specificity and provide the environment with both general and specific material for girls and boys.

4. As guidelines for the selection of materials and equipment should be the general laws of the child's development at each age stage.

5. The selection of materials and equipment should be carried out for those types of child's activities that are most conducive to solving developmental problems at the stage of preschool childhood (play, productive, cognitive-research, communicative, labor, musical-artistic activities, as well as for the organization of motor activity during the day), as well as with the aim of enhancing the child's physical activity.

6. Materials and equipment must have a quality certificate and meet hygienic, pedagogical and aesthetic requirements.

7. The most pedagogically valuable toys are those with the following qualities.

7.1. Multifunctionality. Toys can be flexibly used in accordance with the child's intention, the plot of the game in different functions. Thus, the toy contributes to the development of creativity, imagination, the sign symbolic function of thinking, etc.

7.2. The possibility of using toys in joint activities. The toy must be suitable for use simultaneously by a group of children (including with the participation of an adult as a playing partner) and initiate joint actions - collective buildings, joint games, etc.;

7.3. Didactic properties. Toys should contain ways of teaching a child to design, familiarize themselves with color and shape, etc., may contain programmed control mechanisms, for example, some electrified and electronic games and toys;

7.4. Belonging to handicrafts. These toys are a means of artistic and aesthetic development of the child, introduce him to the world of art and acquaint him with folk art.

8. When selecting materials and determining their number, teachers must take into account the conditions of each educational organization: the number of children in groups, the area of ​​group and auxiliary rooms.

9. The selection of materials and equipment should be carried out on the basis that in the implementation of the educational program of preschool education, the main form of work with children is a game, which in the educational process is set by an adult in two forms: a story game and a game with rules.

10. Material for a plot game should include items of operation, toys - characters and markers (signs) of the playing space.

11. Material for playing with rules should include material for games for physical development, for games of chance (chance) and games for mental development.

12. Materials and equipment for productive activities should be represented by two types: materials for visual activities and design, and also include general-purpose equipment. The presence of general-purpose equipment (a board for drawing with chalk and a marker, a flannelegraph, magnetic tablets, a board for placing sculpting works, etc.) are mandatory and are used in the implementation of the educational program.

13. A set of materials and equipment for productive (visual) activities includes materials for drawing, modeling and application. Materials for productive (constructive) activities include building material, construction parts, paper of different colors and textures, as well as natural and waste materials.

14. Materials and equipment for cognitive research activities should include materials of three types: objects for research in real action, figurative-symbolic material and normative-sign material. This equipment will help create a motivational and developmental space for cognitive and research activities (for example: telescope, corrector binoculars, children's mini-laboratories, puzzle-constructors, etc.).

14.1. Materials related to objects for real-time research should include various artificially created materials for sensory development (inserts - forms, objects for serialization, etc.). This group of materials should also include natural objects, in the process of actions with which children can get acquainted with their properties and learn how to organize them in various ways (collections of minerals, fruits and seeds of plants, etc.).

14.2. A group of figurative and symbolic material should be presented with special visual aids that represent the world of things and events to children.

14.3. The group of normative-sign material should include a variety of sets of letters and numbers, tools for working with them, alphabet tables, mathematical multi-separators, magnetic display posters for counting, etc.

14.4. Materials and equipment for physical activity should include the following types of equipment for walking, running and balance; for jumping; for rolling, throwing and catching; for crawling and climbing; for general developmental exercises.

15. When designing a subject development environment, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

· psychological factors that determine the correspondence of the parameters of the objective developmental environment to the possibilities and characteristics of perception, memory, thinking, psychomotor skills of the child;

· psychophysiological factors that determine the correspondence of objects of the objective developmental environment to the visual, auditory and other capabilities of the child, the conditions of comfort and orientation. When designing an objective developmental environment, it is necessary to take into account contact and distant sensations that are formed when the child interacts with objects of the objective developmental environment.

· visual sensations. Consider the lighting and color of objects as factors of emotional and aesthetic impact, psychophysiological comfort and information source. When choosing and positioning light sources, the following parameters should be taken into account: level of illumination, absence of glare on work surfaces, light color (wavelength);

· auditory sensations. Consider the totality of the sound of sound-producing toys;

· tactile sensations. The materials used for the manufacture of objects of the objective developmental environment should not cause negative sensations in contact with the child's skin;

· the factors are designed to ensure the compliance of objects of the objective developmental environment with the power, speed and biomechanical capabilities of the child

· anthropometric factors that ensure the correspondence of growth and age characteristics to the parameters of the objective developmental environment.

16. Children should be protected in every possible way from the negative influence of toys that:

· provoke the child to aggressive actions;

· cause the manifestation of cruelty towards the characters of the game

· people and animals), the roles of which are played by playing partners (peer and adult);

· cause the manifestation of cruelty towards the characters of the games, which are plot toys (dolls, bears, bunnies, etc.);

· provoke game plots related to immorality and violence;

· arouse unhealthy interest in sexual problems beyond the competence of childhood.

Irina Putivtsova
Building a subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard

Organization issue subject development environment The preschool educational institution is especially relevant today. This is due to the introduction of a new Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) to the structure of the main general education program of preschool education.

Organization of developing environment in preschool education, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard is built in such a way as to make it possible to most effectively develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity.

The space created for children by adults should have a positive effect on the preschooler. To do this, observe the following conditions:

Subject-spatial developmental Wednesday in kindergarten should:

Have an attractive appearance;

Act as the natural backdrop of a child's life;

Relieve fatigue;

Have a positive effect on the emotional state;

Help the child to individually explore the world around him;

Give the preschooler the opportunity to engage in independent activities.

If Wednesday organized incorrectly, it does not evoke new impressions, does not create conditions for the development of imagination, fantasy, desire to play. It has no element surprises: everything is familiar from the first day and remains unchanged. Such Wednesday creates internal tension, creates a feeling in the child permanent the presence of a large number of children, and does not meet the basic needs of children.

When organizing subject-developing environment in a preschool institution, the most important condition is accounting age characteristics and needs of children, which have their own distinctive features.

For children of the third year of life, there is a free and large space where they can be in active movement - climbing, skating.

In the fourth year of life, a child needs an expanded center of role-playing games with vivid features of attributes, children strive to be like adults, to be just as important and big.

V average- at the senior preschool age, there is a need to play with peers, to create their own world of play. Besides, in subject development environment the formation of psychological neoplasms in different years of life should be taken into account.

Approximate centers to be established in group in educational areas with taking into account


1) Socio-communicative development:

PPD Center

Fire Safety Center

Duty Corner

Center for role-playing games

2) Cognitive development:

Centre "We will know the world"

Center for sensory development

Center for constructive activities

Center for Mathematical Development

Experimentation Center

3) Speech development:

Center "Speak Correctly"

Book Center

4) Artistic and aesthetic development:

Creativity corner "Skillful hands"

Center for musical and theatrical activities

Center of fury

5) Physical development:

Physical development center

Let's take a closer look at the equipment and the meaning of some zones.

Theatrical corner is an important object of developing Wednesday where you can start equipping group, since it is the theatrical activity that helps to unite group, unite children with an interesting idea, a new activity for them. In the theater, preschoolers open up, showing unexpected facets of their character. Shy and shy people become confident and active. Those who did not want to go to kindergarten now hurry with pleasure to group.

Approximate equipment of the theater corner group:

1. Theater and play equipment: large and small screens, simple decorations, flannelograph

2. Stand-hanger for suits.

3. Costumes, masks, wigs, attributes for performances of 5-6 fairy tales.

4. Different types of puppetry theater: picture theater, finger theater, glove theater, parsley theater, shadow theater, cane puppets,

The musical development of a child is conditioned not only by classes with a teacher, but also by the opportunity to play independently, experiment with musical toys, and freely engage in creative music-making. For the development of independent musical activity of children, the musical corner in group(music zone)... The development of children's creativity largely depends on the equipment and its attractiveness.

Musical subject environment should be consistent with the eye, hand actions, child's height. In the music corner there should be a wardrobe, shelves for musical aids, a couple of tables, chairs for didactic games. Developmental benefits Wednesday should be aesthetic, attractive, easy to use, evoke a desire to act with them.

The equipment of the music corner is divided into two level: for the teacher and for the children.

The music corners should be:

Material for creative role-playing games - soft toys, soft musical toys; dolls - tumblers, figurative musical "singing" or "dancing" toys

Portraits of Composers (works of which children sing or listen to)

Musically didactic games:

Illustrations-aids type "Lotto": cards with pictures drawn or pasted on them

- All kinds of pictures: baby books "We sing", musical pictures for songs, which can be performed in the form of a large album or separate colorful illustrations, illustrations on the topic "Seasons", illustrations of musical instruments, pictures of animals singing, dancing or playing musical instruments.

Unsound children's musical toys and instruments.

The book corner is a necessary element of the developmental subject environment in the group room... Its presence is mandatory in all age groups. groups, and the content depends on the age of the children.

The selection of literature and the pedagogical work organized in the corner must correspond to the age characteristics and the needs of the children.

The frequency of book exchange also depends on the specific tasks of introducing children to reading. The composition of the book corner may not change within a week or even two when constantly both the educator and the children need to be addressed. V average, the stay of the book in the book corner is 2-2.5 weeks.

What do we put in the book corner?

Age-appropriate books for children. In addition to program books, you can exhibit books that children are interested in. For young children, it is imperative to select books in 2-3 copies: this will help to avoid conflict situations.

Educational and children's encyclopedic literature.

Collections of rhymes, phrases, proverbs, sayings, riddles.

Children's magazines.

Albums of photographs of the hometown (village, children's writers, holidays held in group.

Portraits of children's writers, whose works children are familiar with.

Panels, paintings, drawings of your favorite literary heroes.

Filmstrips, slides, discs with children's fairy tales.

Sets of postcards (thematic, plot).

Desktop-printed, speech games.

Sketchbooks, coloring books, colored pencils.

RPG Attributes "Library" (in senior groups) .

Based on the requirements FSES, a distinctive feature in the equipment of a sports corner should appear:

Flexibility of the playing space, multifunctionality Wednesday and game materials (Availability substitute subjects) ;

The variability of the availability of materials and equipment for the free choice of children;

Periodic change of game material, availability of game materials, the ability to use all elements Wednesday.

Theoretical material of the sports corner.

In the younger groups:

Card file for outdoor games;

Card index for sedentary games;

Card index of physical education minutes;

Morning gymnastics card index;

Card reader;

Illustrated material on winter and summer sports;

Symbols and materials on the history of the Olympic Movement;

In senior groups to this material added:

Information about the most important events in the country's sports life (homemade books, albums) ;

Practical play material and equipment:

Material for outdoor games;

Didactic games about sports;

Benefits for the prevention of flat feet and the development of fine motor skills hands:

massage mats, non-standard equipment, massage balls.

Aids for games and exercises with jumping: jump ropes, hoops, ribbons with rings.

Aids for games and exercises with throwing, catching, throwing: balls of different sizes, ring toss, table tennis ball with a racket, Velcro ball with a target, skittles.

A corner of nature, which organically fits into the interior, will be a decoration group rooms and will allow children to conduct observations and experimental activities.

Plants that are placed in a natural corner must be safe. It is not allowed to have poisonous and thorny plants in the corner of nature. And, of course, the implementation of daily plant care is mandatory. It is desirable to have name plates on flowers.

All inhabitants of a corner of nature in kindergarten can be divided into permanent and temporary.

Permanent the inhabitants of the corner of nature will be indoor plants.

Temporary inhabitants of a corner of nature are objects that are brought in for observation for a short period time:

In the fall, these will be autumn bouquets and flowers from the flower garden, transplanted into pots. And also in the elders groups crafts made from natural materials;

In winter, it can be boxes with green onions and tree twigs;

In the spring - boxes with seedlings for the kindergarten garden, bouquets of spring primroses.

In addition, in a corner of nature in each the group needs to have:

Natural vegetables and fruits, or their dummies.

Sets of pictures depicting animals, birds, insects and more.

Albums "Seasons"; books with illustrations depicting animals; paintings by famous artists.

Children's drawings about nature and crafts from natural materials.

Material for labor. Aprons, watering cans, shovels, loosening sticks, rags are useful for caring for indoor plants. Brooms and scoops - to maintain cleanliness in a corner of nature and group.

Equipment for experiments. Molds, funnels, shovels, sieves will be needed for playing with sand. For playing with water, you can use pipettes, disposable syringes, containers of various shapes. For the manufacture of crafts, natural and waste material is needed. For children of preparatory group it will be interesting to work with a magnifying glass, microscope, scales.

Natural didactic games "Who eats what?", "Whose house?", "Whose baby?" other

So, the main task of upbringing preschoolers is to create a sense of emotional comfort and psychological security in children. In kindergarten, it is important for a child to feel loved and unique. Therefore, it is important Wednesday, in which the educational process takes place.