Where you can conclude same-sex marriage to the Russians. Does this mean that same-sex families will be able to start children? Legal status of same-sex marriages in Russia

A sense of love is a very ambiguous phenomenon and a lot of people live around the world, who experience a sense of love is not to representatives of the opposite sex, but to their sex. The result of such feelings for each other is their desire to register legitimate marriage relationships. Single-sex marriages are a phenomenon that contradicts the laws of nature and supporters of same-sex love face a rigid public criticism. However, in the modern world there are a number of countries where same-sex marriages are allowed at the legislative level.

Countries that legalized same-sex unions

The list of countries in which same-sex marriages are allowed mainly consist of Europe, North and South America, 24 countries. All of them belong to the states of the Western world with the developed ideas of democratization and freedom.


Single-sex marriages in Europe were first legalized at the state level in the Netherlands in April 2001. Members of sexual minorities found the right to hold official wedding events in the City Hall on a par with traditional couples. However, the law provides for some restrictions: citizens of foreign countries have the right to join such unions only if one of them legally lives in the Netherlands. The mayor of the city, in some cases, has the right to refuse to register the marriage of citizens with the same sexual signs.


The next European country that has replenished the list of countries where one-sex marriages have been allowed Belgium, the parliament of which in January 2003 approved the law legalizing the equality of traditional and same-sex families. The main reason for the adoption of such a bill was the numerous requirements of representatives of the homosexual layers of the Belgian society of equality in the field of property ownership and its inheritance. In 2006, following the Netherlands, the country's parliament has legally allowed adoption and raising children in homosexual families.


Single-sex marriages in Spain found the legitimate nature of registration in June 2005 simultaneously with the right adoption of the child. The draft law on the legalization of gay marriages caused a great resonance in Spanish society and numerous protests. Jar opponents also became members of the Conservative Party of Spain and the Catholic Church. Hard criticism sounded from the position of the Vatican.


Single-sex marriages in Canada have found legal status and existed since 2005, the debate of which turned out to be the most scandalous of all those discussed ever in the walls of the Canadian Parliament. The promotion of the law through parliament was preceded by several years of trials dividing the country into two opposing camps. The issue of adoption and education of children of the gays was solved by the example of European countries - were fixed in de jure.


Single-sex marriages in Sweden have a more tolerant attitude from the citizens of the country, 71% of which in 2006 spoke in support of marital relations, regardless of gender. The Swedish bill on the gender-neutral marriage was discussed for three years and was realized in 2009.

Single-sex marriages in Sweden were first recognized as the leadership of the country in 1987 after the act of one-bed cohabitation was adopted, but he had not given the right to enter into a legal alliance. In 1995, it was possible to formally register the partnership between homosexuals.

Single-sex marriages in Sweden were recognized even by the Lutheran Church, in whose institutions were the reality of the wedding of lesbian and gei pairs.

Against the background of the extremely negative relationship of world religious denominations, Sweden has become the first country, where homosexual couples have gained the opportunity to issue their relations on religious traditions.


Single-sex marriage in Finland on legal grounds exist since 2001. The same-sex spouses are endowed with the same rights as all-choice partners, but, unlike other European countries, the right to adopt juvenile was legalized only in 2017. Finnish homosexual partners are deprived of the opportunity to wear the same name - everyone retains its surname.


Single-sex marriages in Denmark were officially recognized in 1989 and registered as partnerships. The possibilities of the church wedding is not provided, but the opportunity to take into the family of the child the law is fixed. One of the non-traditional partners should be a Danish citizen and live within a country on a permanent basis. In 1997, the Denmark parliament approved the law, who endowed the right to artificial fertilization of women, which consist in one-bed partnership.


Despite the fact that the country is located in the Middle East with harsh nravami, same-sex relationships use the friendliness by the population. In Jerusalem, there is a parade of sex minorities every year, but after its graduation, GIIs cease to openly put their relations at the bottom.

Single-sex marriages in Israel are officially banned, but the legislative framework has "unregistered cohabitation, which actually equates homosexual couples with heterosexual legitimate spouses. The same-sex alliance registered in another country is recognized and has legal force throughout the country.


Single-sex marriages in France received the right to exist in 2013 simultaneously with the right to adopt children with homosexual families. The adoption of the law "Marriage for All" was preceded by large-scale manifestations of his fierce opponents, but after its adoption, improved statistical indicators in the number of concluded marriage unions. Most homosexual spouses are citizens, among which the inhabitants of Paris are leading.


In early 2017, following the example of the remaining European countries, one-sex marriages in Italy received legitimate status. After perennial debates, 173 senators in the country's parliament supported the adoption of the law, only 71 senators expressed the opposite position. The Italian version of the "tolerant draft law" differs from other European countries by the fact that the concept of "Civil Union" is provided between representatives of the same sex. The civil union provides the same rights for spouses, as in a traditional marriage, except the right to adoption.

Czech Republic

The law allowing same-sex marriages in the Czech Republic entered into force in 2006 and provides for same-sex spouses all the right to inherit property, payments for alimony, but excludes the possibility of adopting minors.

The Czech version of the law prohibits the official homosexual partnership for close relatives, incapable and minor citizens. Foreign citizens who register the same-sex marital marriage, are obliged to documented their legal finding in the Czech Republic.

Ukraine: New player in the arena of same-sex unions

According to the National Human Rights Program, adopted for the implementation of integration with the European Union, the Government of Ukraine in 2017 intends to develop and adopt a draft law on the legalization of same-sex marriages. Ukraine has already been amended in existing laws that protect the rights of sex minorities and prohibit their discrimination.

Homosexual couples of modernity

For centuries, same-sex couples were forced to hide their non-traditional addictions under the fear of terrible punishment, because In society, religious morals were strong, allowing only the right alliance between a man and a woman who agrees with the laws of nature itself. The attitude of society to sex minorities began to change at the turn of the centuries with the development of the ideas of tolerance and tolerance in European countries. The loyalty of Europeans to unconventional partners is explained by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe right to choose every person, as opposed to centuries, to their lifestyle and the choice of a partner in life.

However, tolerance and tolerance for the European sample do not operate on the scale of the planet. In the countries of the Arab world and Asia, with strong religious ingredients and traditions, the homosexual behavior of a person is even difficult to imagine. In Saudi Arabia and in some other countries in which the laws of Sharia are operating, the death penalty is provided for homosexuality. However, the country's authorities try not to use the highest measure of punishment and limit themselves only by corporal punishments or prison.

There is no unequivocal approach to the question of same-sex families. At first glance, each personality has the right to a mutual agreement to associate his life with whom will wish. But if you look at the other hand, the centuries of the society in the sphere of marriage and family are destroyed, the laws of nature are disturbed. The solution of two same-sex members of society to live under one roof is their personal matter, but the legalization of such manifestations strongly affects the younger generation. Children who have grown in the family of homosexuals have a completely different worldview, which can lead to a serious demographic and moral crisis of society in the future.

For some time, only those nations will dominate in the world, in which the possibility of legalization of same-sex families is completely excluded, where a man always remains a man; The bread, warrior and the head of the family, and the woman will always be a woman; Mother and keeper of a homely hearth. Supporters of tolerance and the right to homosexuality will gradually be supplemented by stronger traditional nations, the initiation crisis in Europe is evidenced by the beginning of this process.

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Last week in Ireland A referendum on the legalization of same-sex marriage took place. Despite the fact that Ireland is considered a conservative country with a strong influence of the Catholic Church, the overwhelming majority of Irish for making an appropriate amendment to the Constitution. The step towards the equalization of homosexuals in rights with heterosexuals was met in nationwide, but not everywhere in the world share the joy of Irish. We understand where and as belong to same-sex couples and with which it is connected.

Olga Strahovskaya

Why are same-sex couples to marry?

To answer this question, it is necessary to start to determine the attitude towards homosexuality as a whole. Modern science, and in particular sexology, converges in the fact that homosexuality is not a disease and non-deviation, but one of the forms of sexual orientation of a person, equivalent heterosexuality and bisexuality. It is impossible to "infect", it is not related to any gender, nor with gender, and also due to not upbringing and the environment, but by genetics and peculiarities of biological development, including the influence of hormonal factors. The exception is a situational homosexuality - when people come into same-sex relationships on the basis of not from their sexual preferences, and forced, for example, for a long time in the same-sex environment, where there is simply no opposite partner. However, homosexuals do not do it: there is even a term "heterosexual men who have sex with men."

That is why the law on "propaganda of same-sex relationships" is simply absurd: a homosexual cannot be influenced by fashion or suggestion. The gradations of the sexual orientation of the person illustrates the Kinsey scale, where zero is exclusively a heterosexual orientation, and 6 is exclusively homosexual. There is no accurate statistics on the number of homosexuals and bisexuals in the world there: the data ranges from 5 to 7 percent, which in any case makes them a minority, but is not a criterion in order to consider them worse or better than others.

This means that gay and lesbians should have the same fundamental rights, as in heterosexuals (in contrast to common misconceptions, they do not require any special rights for themselves), including the right to legalize their relations. The popular position "We recognize you and do not touch you, do what you want behind closed doors" - in essence hypocritical semi-meter in terms of compliance with human rights. However, marriage has not only ethical, but also the legal party. The lack of a marriage certificate can create same difficulties as heterosexual, but the possibility of solving them, provoking their relations, there are no such steam. The main problem remains that partners who are not married are not considered members of the family from the point of view of the law and subjects of family legal relations.

Humorous video makes fun of popular fear that legalization of homosexual marriages will lead to the collapse of the traditional family

In many countries, the conclusion of marriage gives a lot of social bonuses, and its absence is the opposite. For example, one of the partners may not be allowed to another or his child in the hospital, moreover, a person formally, a person does not even have the right to receive information about the health of its partner in the event of an emergency situation. Partners are not protected by the right not to testify against their spouse, not to mention the painful question of guardianship. For example, on Russian legislation, only one partner in a homosexual couple can be considered a parent, so the second social parent according to the law does not have the same rights and duties in the education of a common child. Moreover, in the event of the death of an official parent, his partner will lose to relatives of the deceased in the matter of care.

Some questions can be closed by a civil contract or testament, but if it is not compiled, the partner of the deceased will not have any legality. The same applies to the separation of property during parting: if there is no appropriate paper, then everything together will be accessed by the partner on which it is issued. The inability to officially register its relationship deprives the same-sex couples and a number of social benefits available to heterosexual families, such as lending or medical insurance.

It means that same-sex
families will be able to start children?

The ability to have children in homosexual pairs is not related directly to their right to register the marriage and is determined by the legislation in different countries in different ways. In a number of states where one-sex marriages are prohibited, homosexual pairs can still have children, but it can affect it and how the pair plans to have a child. In same-sex couples, it can be both adopted and relatives, a biological child of one of the partners, conceived with the help of donor sperm or an endured surrogate mother. For example, in Germany, where there is a procedure for issuing a civil partnership for same-sex couples, surrogate motherhood is prohibited - however, German gay couples now recognize the official parents of children born with the help of surrogate motherhood abroad. In addition, there are same-sex families raising children from previous heterosexual marriages of one or both partners, so this question is more complicated than it seems.

In any case, all these situations are governed by the legislation of each individual country. For example, in Germany and Portugal, one of the partners can adopt their relative or adoptive child of their partner, and in Russia only one of the partners in the same-sex pair can be considered a biological or adoptive parent's parent. Also in Russia, there are no obstacles to the adoption of children with same-sex Russian couples, but in fact they often face failures. In addition, in 2013, a ban on adoption by foreign same-sex couples was introduced in Russia. This significantly limits the possibilities of orphans to be adopted, while American studies show that LGBT couples are more inclined to take children with the features of development and HIV-infected.

Who opposes same-sex marriage?

Church and conservatives are expressed against the conclusion of same-sex marriages at the institutional level - that is, those who adhere to traditional values \u200b\u200band often condemn homosexuality at the same time. But there are also paradoxical exceptions like the Republican Matt Salmon, who accepted the homosexuality of his son, but at the same time continued to oppose gay marriages. Secular conservatives are inclined to use other trump cards as arguments against same-sex marriages: a threat to the Institute of Traditional Family and Demography. For example, representatives of Utah conducted an amazing logical chain: they argued that the legalization of same-sex marriages devalues \u200b\u200ba heterosexual marriage, which will lead to an active extramarital sexual life, and therefore, to a frantic increase in the number of abortions.

It is believed that most religions, and primarily Christianity, unanimously considers homosexuality to sin, and intimate relations between partners of the same sex - unnatural. This is not quite so. Hinduism recognizes the biological cause of homosexuality and does not consider it to a sin at all, and the Catholic Church considers a homosexual sexual act with sin, and the orientation is not. Translated this means that you can be a homosexual and not sin, holding back the urge of your flesh. Pope Francis in 2013 even appeared on the cover of the LGBT magazine The Advocate and received from the publication the title "Man of the Year" for the fact that he called on not to marginalize homosexuals and with a great understanding to relate to same-sex couples. A modern Judaism is adhered to such a position. While the orthodoxs still consider homosexuality to sin, conservative Judaism since the beginning of the 90s makes steps towards LGBT community, welcoming his inclusion in religious life.

In some countries, as in Sweden, the church does not simply recognize homosexuality, but also admits in its ranks of priests-homosexuals. The Russian Orthodox Church, however, is clearly worth the traditional positions, considering the same-sex relationship "sinful damage to human nature", and still uses the word "homosexuality" with the word "homosexuality", emphasizing their "unhealthy" character. Islam also considers it a sin, but in the Islamic world a legal position on the issue of heterogeneous - in a number of countries like Turkey and even Iraq, homosexual communications are not considered illegal, and in Iran for this prison or even the death penalty.

How do relate to same-sex marriage in Russia?

Despite the fact that the article of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR "For Mudships" was canceled back in 1993, the rights of LGBT in Russia is not the most irrelevant and the recognition of same-sex marriages of speech is not yet. In recent years, the state holds an underlined course on conservatism and strengthen traditional family values, in which secular power and church support each other. In particular, Vladimir Putin spoke against the legalization of homosexual marriages, opposing them with traditional heterosexual, as "faith in God and in Satan."

Legislative initiatives like the law on the "prohibition of the propaganda of same-sex relations" are consonant with moods in society and form them - according to the social support data conducted by Levada Center, in Russia from 2003 to 2013, sharply wary relationship and fear of homosexuals increased
10 %. According to the same survey, a third of Russians considers homosexuality to the disease that should be treated, 16% of the population believes that homosexuals need to be isolated from society, and another 5% - that they need to be physically destroyed. Accordingly, the attitude to same-sex marriage is predominantly negative, and LGBT couples face widespread prejudices and discrimination.

In society, and not only Russian, homosexual marriages are condemned not only from political or religious considerations. Many of the problems of homosexual are simply not interested, since they do not touch them personally. But there is also an elementary fear of otherwise and fear that homosexuality represents a threat to the usual way of life. The struggle for the rights of LGBT is perceived by many as "imposing" homosexual values: opponents of same-sex marriage lead an unreasonable argument that the goal of fighters for the rights of LGBT is the victory of homosexual relations over heterosexual. In addition, there is a dangerous, caused by the desire to discredit homosexuality to associate it with pedophilia: it is concerned that the recognition of homosexual marriages will follow marriages with children and even animals. All this has nothing to do with the arrival of Christianity, but in medieval Japan, the tradition of fraternal love has flourished in the samurai environment and even in monasteries. In Western culture, a cohesive movement for the rights of LGBT began to form only in the middle of the 20th century, however, in some countries, homosexual relations were decriminalized significantly later: among the first were Poland and Denmark (in 1932 and 1933), Northern Ireland joined them only 1982, Russia - in 1993. Approximately 75 of the 190 countries of the world, homosexuality so far, and in some of them, only one-sex relationship between men. The situation does not change towards great freedoms: For example, in 2013 in India, the ban on homosexuality was returned, canceled four years before, and the country remains predominantly homophobic.

However, even the abolition of articles "For Sodomy" absolutely does not mean that same-sex marriages immediately allow in the country. The conservatives are in no hurry to take their positions, so public and political discussions are stretched for many years. The wave of legalization went only from the beginning of the 2000s - the first were the Dutch in 2001. You can officially issue our relations in 17 countries of the world, including Spain, South Africa, Iceland, Uruguay and France, as well as in 36 of the 50 US states; In Finland, the relevant amendment to the Constitution will come into force in 2017. One of the most high-tech cases was the newly past Irish referendum, where the population was offered to determine whether it was necessary to make an appropriate amendment to the Constitution of Ireland. Meanwhile in many countries where same-sex marriages are not yet permitted, there is an alternative for homosexuals like the design of the "registered partnership" or "Civil Union". Worst of all, according to the social supports of the recent years, the idea of \u200b\u200bone-sex marriage is related to Russia (only 5% of Russians), Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Croatia and Bulgaria approves it. Most of all, the right to be married to a partner of its sex is maintained in Holland (85%), Luxembourg (82%) and Sweden (81%).

Marriage between them was registered on January 4, 2018. Documents on registration, together with certified notarial translations, they filed to a multifunctional service center (MFC) in Moscow. "The head of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not flop by any muscle on the face. She asked us: "Are you together?" And asked for passports for stamps, "Pavel Stalko clarified.

"We were shocked that some laws in Russia work, despite the general homophobia. We prepared for a long-term struggle against the bureaucracy, but as a result, they achieved recognition in Russia simply defeats their own fear, "the newlyweds added.

According to Pavel Stotko, he and his spouse do not worry that because of the publicity they can be deprived of stamps in the passport. "They will have to change the Family Code, according to which our marriage is recognized and operates in Russia. But the law of the inverse force does not have, and our marriage will still remain in force, "Muscovite said.

As follows from the Family Code, marriages between Russian citizens concluded abroad are recognized in Russia with valid, if there are no circumstances, "impede the conclusion of marriage specified in the 14th article of the Family Code." This article says that marriage cannot be concluded between close relatives, adoptive parents and adopted, and also if one of the people is already married or was recognized by the court incapacitated due to a mental disorder. The fact that marriage is registered between two people of one sex, is not specified as a limiting circumstance.

Previously, Paul and Eugene took part in the "Plus Guys" and the Second Russian National Conference of HIV-Service Organizations and LGBT. They told about the history of their discordant relations - Eugene lives with HIV.

"We actually have always been a discordant pair," Evgeny told. - We did not know the first three years of our relationship that I had HIV. After we learned, our relations were just stronger. And all the problems were inflated and mostly were based on the feeling of fear for their lives and for the health of Pasha. But now I know that I can control the situation: regularly pass tests and studies needed for a clear idea of \u200b\u200byour health. The paths of transfer of HIV infection are well known to us, and we professionally know how to ensure that the infection is not transmitted. "

The portal "Guys Plus" congratulates young people with a victory!

In the 21st century, in many countries of the world, they were allowed to conclude same-sex marriage, and many homosexual couples hurried to arrange their relationship legally. Among them - a lot of stars.

So, celebrities that have arisen their unconventional relations in the most traditional way - entered into a lawful marriage.

This is perhaps the most famous homosexual couple, officially issued its union. Elton John and David Fernis did it in 2005, immediately after the same-sex marriages were pronounced in England. At a solemn wedding there were more than 700 guests, among whom the spouses Beckham, Ozzy Osborne and Elizabeth Herley. About this event Sir Elton informed all his fans, placing an instagram photo with a signature:

"The legal part is completed. Now we celebrate "

Spouses raise two small sons, which they gave birth to surrogate mothers. At this soil, Elton John even had a conflict with another world-famous non-traditional pair - Dolce and Gabbana fashion designers. Kuturier spoke against homosexual marriages and surrogate maternity than caused anger of musical legend:

"How dare you call my wondrous boys" synthetic "? Stick! ... More I will never wear Dolce & Gabbana
Cynthia Nixon and Christine Marini

Magnificent Cynthia Nixon, who performed the role of Miranda in the popular TV series "Sex in the Big City", unexpectedly, at 38 years old, having a 15-year-old marriage by the shoulders, realized that he was lesbian. To this discovery, it was pushed by a meeting with the love of her life - Christine Marini. Women met in 2004 with very curious circumstances: both of them participated in protest shares against the cutting of school budget and were delivered to the police station for violation of public peace. Probably, there was a spark between two "hooligans", which then broke out into a serious feeling. Already in 2009, women announced their engagement, in 2011 their son was born (Christine was published), and in 2012 they entered into an official marriage.

The other day it became known about the wedding of another famous lesbian pair. The star of the cult series "Orange - Hit of the season", Black Beauty Samira Wileli married Lauren Morelli - Writer of the same series. The ceremony took place in Pams-Springs (California) in the presence of relatives and friends of the girls. Both newlyweds were in white: Samira chose a dress with open shoulders, and Lauren is a light jumpsuit with a train.

By the way, for Lauren - this marriage is not the first, earlier she was connected with marriage with a man, but the meeting with Samrau turned his entire life: forced to change the orientation and escape from her husband.

When they met in 1986, Tom Ford was 25 years old, and Buckley 38. Later, Ford admitted that he had enough only joint ride on the elevator to understand that he wanted to register a marriage with this man with the eyes of the water color. And after 27 years, his desire was fulfilled.

In 2014, after a long year of living, Ford and Buckley have entered into an official union. Now the couple raises the adoptive son adopted in 2012.

Beth Ditto and Christine Okat

Eccentric soloist Gossip Group Beth Ditto in 2013 married his bride Christine Ogatu. The ceremony took place in Hawaii. Outfits two brides were created by the famous designer Jean-Paul Gauthier.

Stephen Fry and Elliot Spencer

The famous English actor Stephen Fry married for the first time in 57 years. His elect Elliot Spencer younger than Frya for 30 years. Before the wedding, partners met only 3 months, and then decided to sign. According to Fray, which suffers from bipolar disorder, a young husband returned him to thirst for life. Parents of the young Spencer did not have anything against the wedding of the Son, moreover, they are in the seventh heaven from happiness. So, in any case, he stated his father.

Now the couple is thinking about children.

Ellen Dezhnenes and Porsche de Rossi

TV presenter Ellen Dezhenes and the popular actress Porsha de Rossi got married in 2008, after 4 years of relationship. According to Hollywood standards, the wedding was very modest: only 19 guests were attended at the ceremony. But the marriage did not turn out to be configured: Already almost 9 years old Ellen and Porsha live a soul into the soul, and Prash took the surname of his partner. Spouses do not hurry to acquire children until they have several dogs and cats.

In 2014, Jody Foster entered into a legitimate marriage with actress Alexander Hedeson. The ceremony was closed. Earlier, both actresses had already novels with women, but before the wedding in both cases did not reach: then same-sex marriages have not yet been legalized.

Darren Haze and Richard Cullen

On June 19, 2006, probably became the saddest day in the life of the fan of Darren Heise. It was on this day that the famous musician made a marriage with a multiplier Richard Callen, thereby having deprived all his fans of ghostly hopes. To Richard, Darren was married to the makeazea Colby Taylor, with which still retains friendly relations.

From our article you can find out interesting facts about same-sex marriages.

1. In 70% of US states, same-sex marriages legalized

Whether the decision of the court, state legal authorities or the result of a nationwide vote, but the 35 states in the United States have at the moment have already legalized same-sex marriages. This is a very promising fact for same-sex couples, since in 70% of states in America are officially allowed marriages between representatives of the same sex.

But there are another 15 states that prohibit same-sex marriages.

In fact, court cases and legal issues related to same-sex marriages exist quite a lot. Wedding gives certain legal rights to spouses. In some circles, disputes are being conducted whether these rights should be in one-pole marriage.

If you look at such marriages from the point of view of the legitimate rights of the pair, it becomes clear that this is a matter of civil rights. Many people from the Society of Lesbian, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgenderrs in the legalization of same-sex marriage see a kind of civil rights movement in the United States.

2. The first same-sex marriage took place in Massachusetts on May 17, 2004

It turns out that until 2004 in the United States there were no cases when same-sex couples legally entered into marriage. Although some states do not have laws that prohibit marriages between representatives of the same sex, but none of them had specific laws that would regulate marriages between same-sex couples.

In 1978, a very important fact occurred. The case of one-bed marriage Pair from Minnesota has established a legal precedent for the next 30 years. Two activist student who sought to marry, won this business. It came even to the Supreme Court. And although he actually did not listen to him, it created a precedent, according to which the lower court courts cannot make decisions against. It also became the reason that the lower courts could not consider this question.

Only many years later, the lower courts received the right to consider this issue in connection with a number of changes that occurred in the laws regulating. Massachusetts became the first state that recognized the legitimate right of same-sex couples for marriage on May 17, 2004.

3. 11 Indian tribes recognized same-sex marriages

In the US, Indian tribes have jurisdiction over many of their own affairs. As part of this jurisdiction, indigenous Americans have the right to create their own laws that regulate the marriage. Same-sex marriages recognized 11 Indian tribes. In 2013, the first such marriage between the Indians from California was legalized.

4. There are 1138 legal rights that regulate same-sex marriages

In the United States, there are a number of legal rights and guarantees that people receive from the federal government after they concluded marriage.

The same-sex couples look at these rights as the basic rules for marital couples, and argue that all citizens have the right to the same legal protection. That is why efforts aimed at the legalization of same-sex marriages are often compared with the movement for civil rights. For supporters of gay marriages, this is part of the overall trend of civil rights in the United States.

Some of these rights include access to such benefits as medical insurance and social security benefits. Also personal rights include visiting hospitals, family leave and property planning. Many people who oppose same-sex marriages are precisely the reasons for which they need to ban. They believe that same-sex couples should not have access to the legal rights that Americans receive after marriage.

5. Support for same-sex marriages increased from 27 to 55% in the period from 1996 to 2014.

Over the past 20 years, public support for same-sex marriages is steadily growing. In 1996, a survey was conducted, according to which only a quarter of all Americans acted in support of same-sex marriages.

When the survey spent 20 years later, it turned out that more than half of Americans were not against such an idea. If you consider these facts more carefully, you can consider an amazing tendency.

It would be possible to assume that changes in this statisticians occur due to the younger generation and more progressive views. But the fact is that the actual attitude towards this phenomenon changes. Not only young people, but also the older generation changed their opinion about the legitimate marriage between the people of the same sex.

6. 33% of Americans denied gay marriages

Despite the fact that the attitude to same-sex marriage changes in America, there are at least four strong countries with more liberal views on this question than the United States. In the United States, 33% of the population suggests that homosexuality cannot be accepted by society. Compare this with 60% of people who adhere to the opposite opinion.

In Western Europe, the pace of acceptance is much higher. The highest indicator in Spain. There, 91% of people consider homosexuality quite normal for society. The second place is occupied by Germany, there are one-sex marriages to support 87% of the population. In France and Britain, 80% of the population have nothing against the legalization of same-sex marriages.

7. In the south twice as many people who oppose the same-sex marriage

Opinions about same-sex marriages differ depending on the region of the United States. In particular, studies show that people in the south are twice as often opposed to same-sex marriage than in New England. Half of the people surveyed in the south and in the central part of the United States denied marriages between homosexuals, while only a quarter of people in New England adheres to the same opinion.

While these regions dealt with the rest of the United States, the rest of the United States has a narrower range of opinions. In the Pacific Ocean area, 30% of people oppose, whereas in the mountainous regions of America - 42%.

Surprisingly, the majority of Americans, even those who oppose legalization, consider the legal recognition of same-sex marriages inevitability. 72% of the population believes that they are legalized throughout the United States.

8. 71165 same-sex marriages were registered in the USA

Oddly enough, the number of same-sex marriages in the United States is quite difficult to determine. Their legal processing occurs at the state level. The opportunity to participate in these issues at the federal level the Supreme Court and the government received quite recently. As a result, the reporting is slightly different. Nevertheless, it is clear to establish that since the first marriage in 2004, 71165 were registered.

The highest rate in this matter has all the same staff Massachusetts, California ranks second.

9. 60% of same-sex marriages were registered between lesbians

To date, many states do not require people to point out their sex in marriage certificate. For example, in the state of New York, 7950 couples took advantage of these right. It is assumed that at least some of them were same-sex.

Thus, it is difficult to determine how many gay and lesbians are married. Statistics argue that in 60% of cases, one-sex marriages were registered by women. The wishes to marry reports about an approximately equal amount of gays and lesbians. Obviously, women more often take the final decision.

10. Single-sex marriages are permitted in 20 countries of the world.

All over the world, more and more countries recognize same-sex marriages. The Netherlands became the first country, which took this step in 2000. In 1998, in Belgium, one-sex couples provided limited rights, and in 2003 they completely legalized them.

In the US at the federal level, same-sex marriages still do not recognize.