Breastfeeding: advice for mom how to breastfeed properly. How does human milk differ from cow's milk? What to do for constipation while breastfeeding mom and newborn

In the first days after the birth of the child, the mammary glands of the woman in labor produce colostrum - thick yellowish or transparent milk. Colostrum contains more protein, antibodies and other protective factors than mature milk. Colostrum has a mild laxative effect and promotes the timely cleansing of the newborn's intestines from meconium (original feces), which reduces the duration of the physiological and prevents the development of pathological jaundice in the baby. (Reduces the duration of physiological jaundice, and more often completely prevent it, if the umbilical cord is not cut with a rhinestone after birth, but after the final cessation of its pulsation.) Colostrum also contributes to the development and normal formation of the functions of the intestines of the child after his birth, prevents the development of allergies and intolerance to other foods. In terms of its vitamin content, colostrum differs from mature milk, especially a lot of vitamin A.

It is during these first days that the child "orders" the quantity and quality (composition) of breast milk, which will suit him best.

The newborn also renders invaluable service to the mother. Sucking it develops the breast: the alveoli of the mammary glands are activated, the ducts open, the nipples change their delicate structure to a more elastic, durable one. Also, sucking stimulates the production of oxytocin, which contributes to the rapid contraction of the uterus after childbirth. In many women who breastfeed a baby from the first day, the uterus contracts very quickly and its figure returns to its former (before pregnancy) proportions within 40 days, and sometimes even faster.

The child feeds on colostrum for the first 2-3 days. To meet the immediate needs of a newborn, it is enough for him to suck out 5-10 ml of colostrum in one feeding, which lasts 10-20 minutes. If the baby received such 7-10 feedings during the day, then in total he eats an average of 70 ml of colostrum. This amount is necessary and sufficient for the digestive system to gently adapt to independent work and the successful assimilation of breast milk. Thanks to the composition of colostrum, the "correct" microflora begins to actively develop in the intestines, which will not only successfully fulfill its role in the baby's digestion process, but also prevent pathogenic aliens from settling in the intestines - the territory will already be occupied by "ours" and will be actively guarded.

This amount of colostrum is enough for the baby to recover energetically after birth - a difficult experience at all levels. Of course, from such nutrition, the newborn does not gain weight. But it also loses much less - from 1% to 5% of its original weight. And sometimes, by the third day of birth, the weight remains the same as it was at birth.

An example of normal weight loss: A baby was born weighing 3.0 kg. For 2-3 days, he lost 150 grams. This is equal to 5% of the original weight.

With the arrival of milk (on the 3-4th day), after 1-2 days, its weight will reach its original values, and in the following days the newborn will begin to gain weight.

Given the unique composition of colostrum, it is very important that the child receives it from the first hours of life. It contains all the necessary components and fully meets the nutritional needs of the baby until the mother has mature milk.

It is on the first day or three, while there is mainly colostrum in the breast, the baby "orders" the quantity and quality (composition) of breast milk. He renders an invaluable service to his mother. Sucking it develops the breast: the alvioli of the mammary gland are activated, the milk ducts open, the nipples change their delicate structure to a more elastic one.

My comments will follow in the course of the article. Write questions in the COMMENTS section.

(Who has read all my recommendations already posted here in the form of comments, let me know if I have described / explained clearly. If something is not clear or the definitions of some anatomical parts of the breast are not accurate, ask a question or correct me. Recommendations - let me know. This is important to me. Sometimes it seems to me that I chew too pedantically and this confuses the inquisitive reader. In general, I look forward to your comments with gratitude. Your Tatiana Sargunas.)

(I will continue the comments of the following sections later - T.S.)

Breast milk has many benefits, one of which is its unique balance of nutrients, based on fats, lactose and protein, which are the most important for our body. The proportional composition of nutrients automatically changes over time, adapting to the growing needs of the child. This is what makes breast milk optimal nutrition for your baby.

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Breastfeeding is breastfeeding of newborns, otherwise lactation. Behind a long wait, pleasant efforts to prepare everything necessary for the child, childbirth, and now that long-awaited hour of meeting with your miracle has come. As a rule, in maternity hospitals, if circumstances permit, they try to attach the baby to the breast in the first minutes after childbirth. It is from these seconds that the "invisible thread" is established, which from now on firmly connects the mother with the child at all levels: both physical and psychological.

Yes, it’s natural. Women's breasts are designed to feed babies. The mammary glands, long before childbirth, begin to prepare for lactation, increase in size. They begin to produce colostrum - the baby's first food.

The benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and baby are undeniable. Modern propaganda of formulas adapted to the composition, replacing breast milk, is gaining momentum. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to once again recall the "advantages" of mother's milk and make a choice towards the latter. Mix is ​​not a bad mom equals sign. But it should be a necessary measure. For those who doubt the feasibility of GV due to a number of reasons inspired by our times: about non-fashionableness, withering of the beauty and elasticity of the breast later, asexuality, it is worth thinking about what we are depriving our child of, following stereotypes.

1. Significant contribution to health, immunity of the baby, thanks to the beneficial components and trace elements contained in breast milk in the correct concentration, for the needs of a particular child.

2. Protection against infections (in the first six months of life) and allergic reactions. There is never an allergy to breast milk protein. And allergies to the protein of cow and goat milk are very common. Moreover, not only the child's skin suffers from this, but the entire body, and especially the intestines. Many mothers are faced with its inflammation, expressed by the appearance of blood in the stool, diarrhea and constipation, colic.

3. Protection against the risks of developing diabetes and obesity in the future. Babies who eat formula often gain weight too quickly and too much.

4. Easy assimilation of breast milk helps to quickly adapt the baby's gastrointestinal tract in the new world. The stool of newborns during breastfeeding is almost always normal. There is no delay.

5. Unique emotional contact. Over the years, you will recall with pleasure the moments of this intimacy with your child.

6. Pleasure. If the baby is breastfeeding correctly, there is enough milk in it, the breastfeeding technique is observed, the feeding process is very pleasant for the mother.

7. Breastfeeding promotes smoother and better postpartum recovery, and also reduces the risk of breast cancer in the future.
After giving birth, the uterus contracts much better if the baby sucks. The fact is that when sucking, the hormone oxytocin is actively produced, the same one that causes the muscle layer of the uterus to contract and expel postpartum secretions and blood from its cavity - so-called lochia.

8. Convenient, practical and economical! There are no hassles, worries or costs in the lactation process. Breasts are always with you, therefore, even if you are out of the house with a hungry child, in most cases you can contrive and feed him. To do this, purchase the so-called nursing clothes, which hide such an intimate process from outsiders.
Formulas are expensive. Especially if the baby has allergic reactions, you will have to spend a lot on expensive adapted food.

9. Psycho-emotional unity and harmony in the family. Good nights. When the baby is bottle-fed, mothers are forced to get up at night, prepare a mixture, rock the baby in the arms. On the GV, children fall asleep quickly with their breasts.

10. Breast milk while feeding, or rather colostrum, is some kind of prevention of jaundice in newborns, as it promotes frequent bowel movements. In contrast, in a very small number of newborns, hepatitis B exacerbates jaundice. But even in this case, one should not refuse natural feeding, there are “workarounds”.

When breastfeeding is contraindicated

This is a series of diseases of the mother:

  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • severe mental illness;
  • herpetic rash on the nipples;
  • eclampsia;
  • severe infectious diseases (typhoid, cholera);
  • HIV infection (it is known that there is about a 15% risk of transmitting the virus to a child with hepatitis B);
  • purulent mastitis (with the content of Staphylococcus aureus and other pathogens in an amount of more than 250 CFU in 1 ml of breast milk);
  • acute hepatitis A.

With intestinal infections, for example, salmonellosis, hepatitis B can be continued. But observe personal hygiene carefully. Change clothes often and wash your hands.

With ARVI, flu, you can also breastfeed, but wear a medical mask and wash your hands often.

With hepatitis B and C, it is allowed to feed the baby only through silicone nipple covers.

Due to a severe health condition, sometimes you should not breastfeed during pregnancy. But breastfeeding after cesarean is allowed as soon as possible.

Mothers who are taking:

  • cytostatics;
  • immunosuppressive drugs;
  • anticoagulants;
  • most antiviral drugs;
  • anthelmintic drugs;
  • some antibiotics (eg, clarithromycin, spiramycin, midecamycin);
  • antifungal agents of systemic action and others. Before you start taking any medication, you need to carefully read the instructions for it.

You should not take contraceptives containing estrogen in the first six months after childbirth, as it reduces lactation.

Taking alcohol and drugs with hepatitis B is unacceptable. Smoking is also harmful, as it leads to intestinal colic, vitamin C deficiency in mother's milk, and low weight gain in the child. You need to either quit smoking, or significantly reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. And try to smoke not before feeding, but after.

For some malformations of the baby, such as the cleft lip or cleft palate, breastfeeding is not possible. But the mother has the power to feed the baby with expressed milk.

Children with galactosemia, a hereditary disease that manifests itself in metabolic disorders, cannot feed on breast milk; valinoleucinuria and phenylketonuria.

Breastfeeding rules and mom behavior

In order for the breastfeeding of the baby started in the maternity hospital to continue beyond its walls, it is important for a woman to know about some rules that will help the successful course of lactation.

1. Feeding on demand, that is, no time frames and restrictions. Especially if the baby is lazy sucking, often falls asleep while sucking. If you feed him according to the schedule, there will be a lack of weight, and the mother will begin to lose milk.

2. Compulsory night feeding, because it is at this time of day (the period from three in the morning to six in the morning) that the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation, is especially actively produced.

3. Exclusive breastfeeding from birth to 6 months of age, if possible, without using bottles. Too early introduction of complementary foods not only badly affects the immature digestive system of the child, but also leads to a decrease in lactation.

4. Correct latching of the breast by the baby. It is very important from the first days to observe this principle and correct the child until the gripping technique is performed automatically correctly.

You can understand to mom that there are mistakes in the capture by the following signs:

  • pain in the nipples during feeding (there should be no discomfort);
  • the baby makes clattering sounds when sucking on the breast;
  • the baby does not open his mouth wide, and his lips are not turned outward.

Don't worry if you find these phenomena in yourself, just give your baby time to get used to and adapt to the new world and your breasts. And correct it yourself gently. Try to insert the nipple as far as possible into its mouth. If you are still in the hospital, ask your nurses about how to properly latch on your newborn while breastfeeding. They will show.

5. Make the process of feeding your baby convenient for you and your baby. Many newly-born mothers find it more convenient to breastfeed while lying down. Especially for those who have perineal tears, which means that the first three weeks after childbirth should not be sitting. Some mothers continue to feed their babies lying down and after the perineum has healed, especially at night. If it is convenient for mom and child, why not? But if you feed in an uncomfortable position, in tension, if your back hurts while feeding, then there is a high probability that you will soon switch to an artificial mixture. Look for convenience for yourself. And make sure that when feeding the baby always lies on the barrel, and not on his back with his head turned towards the nipple.

6. Refusal to use products that imitate the mother's breast (pacifiers). You can give a bottle of water to drink if there are no problems with the amount of milk.

7. Healthy sleep and rest for mom. Do not neglect this point, considering that household and household chores are more important. Be prepared that, especially in the first 1-2 months after childbirth, you will need to feed and sleep with your baby, and not get busy trying to get everything done. This adaptation time is very important for both of you and for establishing the feeding chain as well. If possible, invite a relative or friend to help with the housework.

8. Proper nutrition of the mother during breastfeeding avoiding certain foods. For example, garlic, onions, whole cow's milk, brightly colored vegetables and fruits, sausages, smoked meats, canned fish, chocolate, citrus fruits. The rather strict nutrition of the lactating woman during breastfeeding with the age of the child, the introduction of complementary foods into his diet, becomes more free.

9. "Calm and only calm!" As you know, all diseases are from the nerves. In the case of breastfeeding, all the problems are from the nerves. A happy mother, confident in her abilities, is another guarantee of successful feeding of her baby. If the mother is in a good mood, then the whole family will harmoniously exist, and first of all, this will be reflected in the baby.

10. Don't be afraid to ask and seek advice from breastfeeding counselors and more experienced in breastfeeding moms, listen to Komarovsky's advice on breastfeeding newborn babies. Despite the fact that breastfeeding is a natural process, it is not so easy for an inexperienced mother to immediately "get involved" in this business. And that's okay too! You are not the first woman and not the last who may face questions and mistakes in this matter, so consult, ask and look for your approach in establishing the most magical connecting "thread" between you and your baby!

Following these simple rules, and most importantly, having taken an optimistic mood for success, you will not notice how one day you will wake up in complete harmony with a happy, sweet snoring lump! I wish you success and happy motherhood!


Breastfeeding is a natural process during which not only baby food but also a close relationship with the mother is formed.

However, along with knowledge about breastfeeding, there are a number of misconceptions among mothers.

Let's take a look at the most common.

Starting breastfeeding vani I am

Myth 1: Breastfeeding always hurts

In the first few days after giving birth, a woman may feel some soreness, especially if the baby is the firstborn. This is due to the fact that the baby was not properly attached to the breast. It is enough to correct the attachment and the pain will go away. During latching on to the breast, the hormone oxytocin is stimulated, it is this hormone that continues to work to maintain breastfeeding, maintaining the mother's state of mind.

Myth 2. Breastfeeding spoils the shape of the breast.

In fact, the mammary glands undergo changes during pregnancy. Well-organized breastfeeding does not cause breast prolapse. What really spoils breast shape is frequent pumping, regular feeding, and abrupt breastfeeding.

Myth 3. Breasts should be washed before feeding

With a normal schedule of hygiene procedures (2 times a day), no germs are dangerous to the child. Immediately after childbirth, special microorganisms settle on the halo of the breast, which help the baby to create a healthy microflora in the intestines. These microorganisms are also antiseptics.

Myth 4. In some women, the body does not produce enough milk.

The real problem - hypogalactia - only affects 3-5% of women. This is preceded by serious illnesses. Breast size also does not affect the amount of milk. Milk in the breast begins to be produced in response to the baby sucking it. The more often the baby sucks, the more milk.

Breastfeeding water

Myth 5. The child needs extra fluids.

Breast milk is not only a food, but also an ideal drink for a nursing baby. In addition to nutrients, it contains 87% water and at the same time has important properties that help the baby's digestion, which ordinary water does not have. At the age of 6-8 months, the baby can be offered water from a cup.

Breastfeeding treatment

Myth 6: If mom is on medication, she should stop breastfeeding.

In fact, there are very few medications that a nursing mother cannot safely take. The amount of medication that passes into breast milk cannot harm the baby.

Myth 7. If a baby has diarrhea, stop breastfeeding.

In no case. Human milk contains substances that contribute to the rapid restoration of the intestinal mucosa and lactose, which is well tolerated by children.

With the birth of a child, every mother faces the question of how to properly feed her baby. Proper feeding means providing the newborn's body with all the necessary nutrients for normal physical and neuropsychic development. Therefore, every mother should think about what type of food she chooses for her child.

Why should you breastfeed?

The most beneficial and ideal food for a newborn is breast milk, which ensures the best development of the baby. Nature has provided for the composition of breast milk, which is ideal for newborns, it contains proteins, they include essential amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins, contained in the right amount and easily absorbed by the baby's body. It also includes immune proteins and leukocytes, with the help of which the body's resistance to diseases increases, since babies have underdeveloped immunity.

Breast milk has the optimal temperature, sterility and is ready for use at any time, anywhere. Breastfeeding provides emotional contact between mother and child, the development of the maternal instinct. When sucking on a breast that is elastic and soft, the baby will have a correct bite. For problems that develop during the eruption of deciduous teeth, breast milk can help relieve symptoms. It is also known that children who were fed with breast milk, at an older age, are less prone to various diseases, compared with children who were fed artificially (infant formula). Therefore, in order to achieve the best result in the development of the child, the development of immunity, it is necessary to use breastfeeding and for as long as possible, at least one year.

How do I prepare my breasts and nipples for breastfeeding?

Even during pregnancy, you should pay attention to the shape of the nipples, it depends on them how the baby will take the breast. The nipples are pronounced, flat, or inverted. Pronounced nipples are the most comfortable for the baby at the moment of gripping the breast with the mouth, and flat and inverted nipples are less comfortable. Recall that the baby suckles the breast, not the nipple, but still, with a comfortable nipple shape, the baby takes the breast more easily and with pleasure. Women with flat or inverted nipples should not be upset, as all that is needed is a little preparation of the nipples before childbirth.

Applying a halo (areola) to the area, special silicone caps, which have a hole, the nipple is pulled into it. Wearing such caps is recommended 3-4 weeks before childbirth, and half an hour before each feeding in the first weeks of breastfeeding. If you still didn't have time to prepare the nipples, it's okay, using a breast pump after childbirth will solve this problem for you in a couple of weeks. For all breastfeeding mothers, it is recommended to wear special bras, they do not squeeze or squeeze the enlarged breasts filled with milk, and also prevent harmful substances from clothing or the environment from getting on the breast skin and nipples. In these bras, you can put special pads that collect leaking milk, preventing contamination of clothes.

It is also recommended to wear clothes for nursing mothers, they provide easy access to the breast. Always wash your hands with soap and water before each feeding. The breast should be washed once a day, frequent washing of the breast a day, leads to a violation of the natural microflora of the areola area, and possible inflammatory processes. The breast is washed with warm water, without using soap (if you take a shower, rinse with clean water), they are harmful to the health of your child.

What is the mechanism of milk formation, the composition of breast milk?

Breast milk is produced by the mammary gland, under the influence of oxytocin (the hormone with which labor pains take place) and prolactin (a hormone whose concentration increases when a woman has sucked her breast). Both hormones are produced by the pituitary gland (a gland located on the lower surface of the brain) and they affect milk production. With an increase in the concentration of prolactin, the production of milk is stimulated by the cells of the mammary gland. Oxytocin promotes its expulsion by contracting the muscles that are around the milk-forming cells, further along the milk canals (ducts), milk comes to the nipple, a woman feels this process as engorgement of the breast (milk flow). The rate of milk production depends on the degree of breast emptying. When the breast is filled with milk, its production decreases, and when the breast is empty, the production increases accordingly. Also, increased milk production is facilitated by the frequent latching of the baby to the breast. Increased milk production is noted only in the first 3-4 months of breastfeeding, in the following months it decreases.

The composition of milk changes over time. At the birth of a child, “colostrum” is released for several days, it is thick and sticky, yellow in color, contains a large amount of immune proteins, they provide the development of immunity, for adaptation, the sterile organism of the born baby, to the environment. Colostrum is secreted in drops, and compared to milk, it is fatty, therefore, even a very small amount is enough to saturate the baby.
"Transitional milk" appears on the 4th day after childbirth, it becomes more liquid, but its value remains the same as that of colostrum.

Mature milk appears 3 weeks after childbirth, when the baby is breastfeeding, it is white, liquid consistency, less fat than colostrum, but fully meets the requirements of the infant's body. Almost 90% consists of water, so you should not add water to children, this applies only to children who are purely breastfed. The fat content of breast milk is approximately 3-4%, but this figure changes frequently.

At the beginning of feeding, the so-called fore milk (first portion) is released, it contains less of them, therefore it is less high in calories. In hind milk (subsequent portions), the amount of fat increases, this milk is more nutritious, and the baby is satiated faster. In the first months of breastfeeding, milk is richer in fat compared to subsequent months (starting at 5-6 months). Proteins in breast milk are approximately 1%. The composition of proteins includes essential amino acids that are easily absorbed by the baby's body. Among the usual beks, which are necessary for the development of a child, there are also immune proteins that contribute to the development of immunity. Carbohydrates contain about 7%, the main representative is lactose. Lactose regulates the intestinal microflora, the absorption of calcium by the body. Also in the composition of milk, leukocytes (white blood cells) are included, when they enter the intestines of a child with milk, they destroy harmful bacteria. Milk also contains vitamins, various microelements involved in the complete satisfaction of the child's body.

How can you tell if your baby has enough milk?

A breastfed baby should be attached to the breast at his request during the day, and at least 3 times at night, an average of 10-12 times a day. Feeding on demand means that at the first sign of anxiety in the baby, it needs to be applied to the breast. In order for the baby to be satiated, it must be correctly attached to the breast, it should suck rhythmically for about 5-20 minutes, swallowing movements should be heard while sucking (swallowing milk), a well-fed baby may fall asleep under the breast, after feeding the breast should become soft. infant: opens his mouth wide, turns his head in different directions (looking for a nipple), whimpers, sucks on a fist.

The baby sucks on the breast not only to quench thirst or hunger, but also to calm, comfort, fall asleep easier, recover, and remove the gas. Newborns are not able to regulate the work of their intestines, therefore, in order to push out the gas, they need a new portion of milk. Therefore, the younger the children, the more often they need to be applied to the breast. If the child is not capricious, is gaining weight well, neuropsychic development is appropriate for age, this suggests that the body is developing normally, there is enough food for it and enough milk, but this only applies to children under 6 months. 6 months), gain in weight, must be at least 500 g per month, the upper limit of the weight gain for each child is individual. But if the process of eruption of milk teeth began earlier, then weight gain is possible and less than 500 g.

How to stimulate milk production?

  • As mentioned above, milk production occurs under the influence of two hormones, prolactin and oxytocin, which are produced in response to sucking on the breast of a giving birth woman. Therefore, in order to stimulate the formation of milk, frequent stimulation of these two hormones is necessary, this implies frequent latching of the child to the breast (nocturnal latching is required), correct latching of the breast.
  • The elimination of stress, tension, increased mental and physical tension, fatigue, these factors contribute to a decrease in the production of oxytocin and prolactin, and if they are not enough, then muscle cells will not be able to form and secrete milk, as a result of which the child will not be able to get the amount of milk he needs. Thus, all nursing mothers need: calmness, rest, a calm environment, they should try to sleep well (a daytime sleep is required, next to the child).
  • Constant contact with the child (affects the production of hormones).
  • Warm shower promotes better milk flow.
  • Special lactogonic (better milk excretion) teas (sold in pharmacies) for nursing mothers.
  • Lactogonic drugs, for example: Apilak.
  • Walnut with honey also has a lactogonic effect; use honey with caution for mothers with children suffering from allergies.
  • A nursing mother must follow the diet: eat on time, high-calorie food and rich in vitamins (it does not matter if your weight changes or not), drink more fluids, forget about any diets.
  • In no case should you smoke or consume alcoholic beverages.
In case of insufficient milk production, an urgent need to seek help from a breastfeeding consultant.

How to latch on the baby to the breast?

Correct latching to the breast helps the baby get enough milk, gain weight, and prevent nipple pain and cracking.

You can breastfeed while sitting or lying down, whichever suits you best. The baby should be turned with the whole body, and pressed to the mother. The baby's face should be close to the mother's chest. The baby's nose should be at the level of the nipple, tilting the head back a little, for free breathing through the nose, for convenience, the woman can hold her breast at the base. The chin should touch the baby's chest. The contact of the nipple with his lips will trigger the search reflex and the opening of the mouth. The mouth should be open wide to capture the mother's breast with a full mouth, the lower lip should be turned outward, so the baby should capture almost the entire areola with his mouth. While latching on to the breast, he makes rhythmic deep sucking movements, while the swallowing of milk is heard.

Expressing milk - indications and methods

Indications for expressing milk:
  • feeding a premature or sick baby (in the case when the baby cannot suck);
  • leave milk if the mother needs to leave the baby;
  • in case of lactostasis (milk stagnation) to prevent mastitis (inflammation of the breast);
  • increased milk production (when the child has already eaten, and the breast is still full of milk).
  • With inverted nipples in the mother (temporary pumping).
There are 3 ways to express breast milk:
Expressed milk can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours, or in the freezer for no more than 3 days.

Cracked nipples, what to do?

Nipple cracks are formed as a result of improper attachment of the baby to the breast, or improper expression of milk, frequent washing of the breast and the use of soap (when taking a shower, it is recommended to rinse the breast with clean water). If the infection penetrates through the damaged nipple, then mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland) may develop, therefore, if there are cracks, their timely treatment is necessary.

With small cracks, breastfeeding continues, through special silicone pads, with pronounced and painful cracks, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding, and the breast must be carefully expressed. For treatment use: washing with furacilin solution, Bepanten ointment, Panthenol spray, 5% Syntomycin ointment, washing with 2% Chlorfillipt solution, celandine juice and others. After each feeding, it is necessary to dry the nipple, treat with one of the above means, cover the nipple with a sterile gauze napkin.

Diet and hygiene of a nursing mother

A nursing mother should observe body hygiene (take a shower every day, rinsing her breasts with clean water), wear clean clothes, wash hands with soap and water before each feeding. Before each feeding, it is necessary to express a few drops of milk, to remove any germs that may have gotten from clothes.

A breastfeeding woman should not smoke, consume alcoholic beverages, drugs, strong tea, coffee, and, if possible, medications.

For a nursing mother, frequent walks with the baby in the fresh air, frequent rest and daytime sleep are recommended.
Observe the diet, exclude any diets, abundant drink. The diet should include foods rich in vitamins (vegetables and fruits), iron (found in meat, it is better to eat veal), foods rich in calcium (dairy products), rich in phosphorus (fish). Be wary of eating red vegetables and fruits (tomatoes, strawberries and others), eggs, as they can cause allergies in the child. Eliminate citruses from the diet, they also cause allergies. Foods containing vegetable fiber (peas, beans) should also be excluded, as they lead to bloating in the baby's intestines. Garlic, onions, and condiments can ruin the taste of the milk.

Neonatologists consider breastfeeding of newborns an important stage, because at birth the type and source of nutrition of a little man changes, as well as his mode. Breastfeeding of newborns is an important aspect of adapting to life outside the mother's womb. This process raises many questions for young mothers. We will try to give answers to them in this article.

Feeding technique

Many expectant mothers, while carrying a child, decide for themselves that they will certainly breastfeed the child. And this is the right decision, because breast milk is the ideal first food for a baby. Breastfeeding of newborns is a natural process that sometimes causes some difficulties. In order to establish favorable feeding, the young mother must know proper breastfeeding techniques.

Basic moments:

1. Capturing the nipple by the baby.
The newborn reflexively finds the nipple for the first time, grabs it with his mouth, sucks at the breast and swallows. The newborn cannot independently support the breast and correctly grip the nipple, so he needs the help of the mother.
Correct attachment to the breast, when the baby sucks the nipple and the area around it with his mouth, keeping the face close to the breast.
With the correct body position, the baby will be able to fully saturate, completely emptying the mother's breast.

2. Breast selection.
What kind of breast to offer to the baby? Is it possible to give a baby the same breast? These questions are often of interest to new mothers.
Breast milk is divided into front and back milk, differing in density and filling with useful nutrients. Front milk is more liquid, it enters the baby's mouth from the moment sucking begins. Hind milk begins to be produced a little later, it is more saturated with nutrients and fats.
The baby should receive both types of milk, in this regard, the breast should be alternated. Remember, however, that the composition of breast milk changes every three hours. If you give a new breast every time at the request of the baby, only the front milk will get to him.

3. Position in the hands of the mother.
Favorable breastfeeding of newborns depends on how comfortably the baby is in the mother's arms.

The position of the child is considered correct if the following rules are followed:

  • His little body with his tummy turned towards his mother,
  • The face is close to the chest,
  • The mouth is open and "aimed" at the nipple.
If the baby's body is not positioned correctly, due to the inconvenience of the posture, he will begin to be capricious and will not be able to concentrate on food.

4. Frequency of feeding.
Many young mothers have heard that feeding is important. This statement is true, but not for newborns, but for babies over six months.

A newborn is given a breast at his first request. Each child is different with his own personality, therefore, he will have his own feeding regime. And frequent latching to the breast during this period will help to establish full-fledged lactation.

Breastfeeding difficulties

During the breastfeeding process, a young mother can encounter many problems on her way, ranging from the baby's rejection of the breast, the formation of cracks in the nipples and ending with lactostasis.

Let's consider these problems in more detail.

Sometimes the baby refuses to breastfeed. Improper grip on the nipple may be one of the reasons. The mother's task is to help the child by placing him more comfortably on the arms, taking a warm shower and drinking lactation tea to expand the milk ducts. This will make it easier for your baby to suck, and he will stop being naughty.

Babies 2-4 months of age can sometimes refuse to breastfeed due to difficulty in sucking. The baby is making great efforts to start flowing milk. In this regard, the baby begins to get angry, cry and may refuse to breast. If at such a moment the mother shows weakness and gives him a bottle, then she runs the risk of ending lactation completely because of this. The solution to the problem is to latch on the baby to the breast as often as possible.

Sometimes breastfeeding can mean that the baby is not feeling well. A young mother will not always be able to immediately understand what torments the baby, because the symptoms may not be obvious: gas, stomatitis, a slight cold lead to difficulties in sucking. When giving up breast, it is better to visit a pediatrician in order to establish the cause with him.

Nipple cracks are painful and make feeding difficult. The solution to the problem is to lubricate the nipples with an ointment that will heal cracks, relieve inflammation and pain.

Lactostasis, a blockage of the milk duct, is a fairly common occurrence in nursing mothers. There is pain in the chest, induration, body temperature rises along with general poor health. These symptoms should be reported to the doctor who will advise how to get rid of the problem.

  1. In the first hours of a child's life, apply it to the mother's breast,
  2. For up to six months, give the baby only breast, without using complementary foods and water,
  3. Feed the baby on demand,
  4. Beginning at 6-8 months, try complementary foods without restricting access to the breast.
Breast milk is a unique product that contains the nutrients and antibodies that are most adapted for assimilation by a child's body, which it needs in the first days and months of life.

Milk contains vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances. Therefore, it is recommended to continue feeding for up to two years or more.

There are also contraindications to breastfeeding:

  1. Oncological diseases, accompanied by the intake of heavy drugs that can penetrate into breast milk,
  2. Infectious diseases
  3. Open tuberculosis,
  4. Mother's HIV-positive status,
  5. Mental illnesses that require taking drugs harmful to the baby in the course of treatment are also likely to be harmed by the mother.
  6. Complications during childbirth associated with severe blood loss.
Contraindications for breastfeeding may be on the part of the child:
  • If the baby has serious genetic pathologies,
  • Prematurity with low weight, respiratory failure.
By following these rules and carefully observing the needs of the baby, you can establish successful breastfeeding of newborns and raise a healthy and strong baby.