Characteristics of Famusov's guests at the ball. A.S. Griboyedov "; Woe from Wit". All school essays on literature

The first of the guests to appear at the ball are the Goriches. This is a typical Moscow married couple. Chatsky knew Platon Mikhailovich before the latter got married. He was a cheerful, lively person, but after marrying Natalya Dmitrievna he changed a lot: he fell under the heel of his wife, became a "husband-boy, husband-servant." Natalya Dmitrievna does not even let her husband "open her mouth": she answers for him to Chatsky's questions, talks to him in an orderly tone: "Listen just once, dear, zip up quickly." Gorich understands his position very well and has already resigned himself to it. He bitterly says to Chatsky: "Now, brother, I'm not the same." In general, the motive for the subordination of a husband to his wife runs through the entire work. Griboyedov draws a parallel between Platon Mikhailovich and Silent other. Natalya Dmitrievna's spouse says: "There is still something to do: / I repeat a duet on the flute / A-molly." The author with this phrase refers the reader to the beginning of the comedy, when Molchalin and Sophia play a duet on the piano and flute behind the stage. Sophia prefers Molchalin, although she could choose Skalozub or Chatsky. Molchalin earned her love for being "the enemy of insolence." Sophia was brought up in the Famusian spirit, and she needs a husband like Gorich - "husband-boy", "husband-servant." The lackey Petrusha hardly speaks in the comedy; Famusov commands him, who orders him: "Come on," "Come on, hurry." And he obeys. However, Lizanka says about him: "How not to fall in love with the barman Petrusha?" Petrusha knows how to obey, he also likes that: Lizanka fell in love with him. The Tugoukhovsky family also comes to the ball. The princess is very worried about finding suitors for her daughters. The reader understands this almost from her first words. As soon as she saw Chatsky and learned that he was not married, she sent her husband, the same "husband-boy", "husband-servant", to invite a potential groom to her. But as soon as she finds out that Chatsky is not wealthy and does not have a high rank, she "as much as possible" shouts: "Prince, prince! Back!" The figure of Princess Tugoukhovskaya helps to better understand the character of Famusov. Pavel Afanasevich wants to marry his daughter to a wealthy, powerful, prominent person in society. Princess Tugou-khovskaya pursues the same selfish goals. Through the figure of the princess, Griboyedov emphasizes in Famusov's character such traits as greed and respect for rank. In Famus society, for rich brides, grooms are chosen according to the following principle: Be inferior, but if there are two thousand family souls, He and the groom, as well as "He who is poor is not a match for you." Countess Khryumins appear at the ball. This is Hryumna the granddaughter, embittered by the whole world around her, with her half-deaf grandmother. Khryumina, the granddaughter, cannot find a worthy groom and is therefore unhappy with everything that happens around her. Having barely arrived at the ball, she regrets that she arrived too early. Leaving the ball, the countess-granddaughter speaks of him like this: "Well, the ball! .. And there is no one to talk to, and there is no one to dance with!" She is angry that at the ball she did not meet anyone to whom she could marry. Khryumina the granddaughter shows her admiration for everything foreign, reveals an addiction to "fashionable shops". She often uses French words, even utters several whole phrases in French, which no one else does in comedy. In her face, Griboyedov ridicules another characteristic feature of the nobility of that time: admiration for everything foreign. Countess-granddaughter Khryumin differs from Natalya Dmitrievna, princesses Tugoukhovskaya and Khlestova in her bitterness; Natalya Dmitrievna stands out for her coquetry and "gentleness", the princess - for her "command", and Khlestova - for her harsh judgments and expressions. They all have different characters, but at the same time they are typical, as they express the same ideas. All these ladies belong to the "bygone era" and thus participate in the social conflict of the play. It is the female images that help to better understand the foundations and life principles of Moscow in the 10-20s of the XIX century.

Describe the guests of Famusov. What is the originality of each of them, what brings them together?


Famusov's guests: 1) Natalya Dmitrievna - a married young lady, a flirt, very proud of her husband Platon Mikhailovich, a retired military man. Probably thinks that she has married successfully. In public, he cares a lot about his health, he is afraid that he might be blown away. 2) Platon Mikhailovich - Natalya Dmitrievna's husband, a former military man. Out of everyday life, out of boredom, he plays the flute and does not re-read to his young wife. 3) Chatsky is a “smart guy”, a self-confident young man who talks on various topics, mostly condemning the current “world” (today's Moscow), and giving unflattering characteristics to those around him. 4) Prince Peter Ilyich Tugoukhov with the Princess and six daughters. The daughters were brought up in a modern spirit with the instillation of foreign fashion. The princess is curious and "fixated" on suitors for her daughters, she selects candidates everywhere. The prince is deaf, uses an auditory tube. Carries out all the orders of his wife unquestioningly. 5) Countess Khryumina: grandmother and granddaughter. The granddaughter is not married, in search of her betrothed. She is talkative, without complexes. The grandmother is deaf and uses an auditory tube. Despite this, he tries to participate in the events. Inserts replicas. 6) Zagoretsky - knows who you need to "suck up" on time. So Sophia offered tickets for tomorrow's performance. I did not forget to tell in the "paints" how difficult it was for him to get them. Society considers him to be a liar, a swindler and a rogue. At the card table - cheats (sharper). But despite this, he is accepted everywhere. Such rascals should also be in society. 7) The old woman Khlestova is Famusov's sister-in-law. She is capricious, has an arapka in her servants, is overly talkative, "pulls the blanket over herself." 8) Skalozub - colonel, seeks to rise to the rank of general, is rich. Not very smart, like most military people, all his conversations boil down to army military topics. In society, he is known as a well-known, respectable person, in ranks. Has orders for service. 9) Molchalin is Famusov's secretary who lives in his house. He came from Tver and got a position through "pull" through Famusov himself. Molchalin is stupid, laconic, poor. Quiet, modest, compliant, silent, does not discuss anyone, is silent when he is scolded. Alphonse is a deceiver, he does not love Sophia at all, he meets her for convenience, he is not going to marry her. 10) G.N - an unknown person, but apparently, the first gossip (gossip girl). It is through him (her) that Sophia lets out the rumor that Chatsky has gone mad. 11) G. D is also an unknown person who picks up gossip and spreads it further at the speed of light. 12) Repetilov is a late guest. In the past, a drunkard, a carousel, a libertine, a stupid chatterbox, a loser. Now, supposedly, a person who has changed for the better, who has entered the secret society of the Decembrists. The uniformity of ways and like-mindedness brings together all these different people. Moscow society brings all opinions to one, common, admitting disagreements on trifles. This cohesion contains all the power of Moscow.

Famusov's house and guests in the comedy "Woe from Wit"

The houses are new, but the prejudices are old ...

Moscow, early 19th century.
Let's drop in on a visit to a Moscow nobleman, Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov.
The house looks rather wealthy and welcoming. It has a grand entrance hall with a large staircase, two floors, many mezzanines, a spacious ballroom furnished with sofas and sofas. The big clock greets everyone with its ringing at the very beginning of the action. Famusov lives here with his daughter Sophia, secretary Molchalin. Numerous servants (Liza, Petrushka, Filka and Fomka ...) from the early morning treadmill around the house: "they sweep and clean everything."
I wonder what kind of atmosphere reigns in this prosperous house, how do its owners and numerous guests live?

The owner of this respectable house is Pavel Afanasevich Famusov, a respectable Moscow nobleman who enjoys the location of the capital's circles. At first glance, he is a good-natured, witty, cheerful person, a cordial and hospitable host.

But soon we are faced with an example of greed, pride, ignorance. "Collect all the books and burn them!" he exclaims. Being the "manager" of the state house, Pavel Afanasyevich almost does not deal with business, but expects from the service to raise the rank, money, orders.

Sluggishness and moral "mustiness" reign in his house.

Guests often come to the Famusovs. "Well the ball! Well Famusov! I knew how to name the guests!" Who are they - the flower of the Moscow nobility of that time?

The first to appear are the Goriches. The wife boastfully emphasizes that her husband was predicted to be the commandant of Moscow. Platon Mikhailovich once served with Chatsky, shared his views. Now he is entirely under the thumb of his wife and secretly sighs about his former glorious life.
Then a large family of Tugoukhovsky appeared. The family is preoccupied with finding rich suitors for their six daughters. The princess is very proud of her title. She, like Famusov, is a supporter of marriages of convenience: she is only interested in rich and titled suitors.
The Countesses Khryumins have the same goal. The granddaughter countess is in constant search of a groom and has already become embittered. It is derogatory to almost all guests. I took part with pleasure in the persecution of Chatsky, who compared her to a “French milliner”.
Lady Khlestova is a cruel serf woman, "Famusov in a skirt", an ignorant and grumpy old woman. She fiercely defends "the most vile features of the past life", opposes anything new that can threaten the usual life.
Anton Zagoretsky is a liar and a notorious swindler. He is always ready to "serve", just to arrange the person he needs. All the guests know him well, but they welcome “masters of service” into their homes.
The last to appear is Repetilov - a very vivid image. He assumes the mystery and significance with his "secret meetings on Thursdays" and "secret union", but in fact is a worthless chatterbox, ranting about advanced ideas.
Famusov's guests lead an idle life - they have fun at balls, have fun and gossip, play cards. The ideas of enlightenment are alien to them, they are already happy in their wretched world, where uniforms and titles, wealth and the number of serfs matter. By the power of his talent, Griboyedov portrayed them so vividly and clearly that for all readers the Famusov house and its guests appear as a living picture of the lordly Moscow of the first quarter of the 19th century.

The comedy "Woe from Wit" reflected the opposition of new ideas to old ones. Griboyedov showed the clash of two ideologies: "the present century" and "the past century".

Famusov's ball gathers people who make up the elite of noble Moscow. They are many-sided, but they all have a common feature: serf views, ignorance, respect for rank, greed.

Before the arrival of guests, the most desirable guest for the owner, Skalozub, appears in Famusov's house. This typical soldier, who can be called a blind performer, thinks only of a military career. He, like Famusov, is a staunch supporter of the old order.

The reason for coming to the ball is to find a rich bride. Famusov sees Skalozub worthy of his daughter Sophia, because he is "both a golden bag and marks for generals."

The first of the guests to appear at the ball are the Goriches. This is a typical Moscow married couple. Chatsky knew Platon Mikhailovich before his marriage - they were comrades in the service. He was a cheerful, lively person, but after marrying Natalya Dmitrievna he changed a lot: he fell under the "heel", became a "husband-boy, husband-servant." Natalya Dmitrievna does not even allow her husband to "open his mouth", Gorich understands his position perfectly and has already resigned himself to it. He bitterly says to Chatsky: "Now, brother, I'm not the same."

The Tugoukhovsky family also comes to the ball. The princess is very concerned about the search for suitors for her daughters, pushes the old prince around, barely seeing Chatsky and learning that he is not married, sends her husband to invite a potential groom to her. But, as soon as she realizes that Chatsky is not rich and does not have a high rank, then that is urine shouts: “Prince, prince! Back!". In Famus society, grooms are chosen for rich brides according to the following principle:
Be inferior, but if you have enough
There are two thousand generic souls,
- He and the groom.

Countess Khryumins appear at the ball. This is Khryumina-granddaughter embittered by the whole world around her with her half-deaf grandmother. Khryumina, the granddaughter, cannot find a worthy groom and is therefore unhappy with everything that happens around her. Having barely arrived at the ball, she regrets that she arrived too early. She says: "Well, the ball! .. And there is no one to talk to, and no one to dance with!". She is angry that here she did not meet anyone to whom she could marry. Khryumina the granddaughter expresses her admiration for everything foreign, reveals an addiction to "fashionable shops". The arrogance of Khryumina the granddaughter outrages Chatsky:
Unhappy! Should reproaches come from imitators to milliners?
For daring to prefer originals to lists!

Zagoretsky is perhaps the most vicious person present at the ball at Famusov's. Everyone is frankly talking about him, a notorious swindler, a rogue,
He is a liar, a gambler, a thief.

But, despite such a destructive characteristic, he is accepted in the world, the doors of the Famus house are open for him.

Zagoretsky pays off his servility, this is his baseness. He will do everything to serve the right person at the right time. Chatsky could not help but express his opinion:
And it is ridiculous for you to be offended;
Besides honesty, there are many joys:
They scold here and thank you there.

The sixty-year-old lady Khlestova also comes to the ball. She always has her own opinion, knows her own worth, and at the same time is rude, despotic with serfs. Khlestova takes with her to the ball "little arap girl and a dog." For her, a serf is like a dog. Even such an imperious and headstrong lady, Chatsky was able to annoy with his remark:
It will not be good for such praise,
And Zagoretsky himself could not stand it, he disappeared.

The very last, to the "nodding analysis", to the ball is Repetilov. This man, vulgarizing, discrediting the ideas of the time, with his "secret alliance" and "secret meetings on Thursdays", where only "they make noise" and "drink champagne for slaughter", acts like a worthless chatterbox for whom all the leading ideas are nothing more than a fashionable hobby. Repetilov uses the good graces of authoritative people in the "secret union", but all these people cannot bring real renewal to society.

There are many other members of the Famus society at the ball. Griboyedov did not even give them their full names. Such are, for example, gentlemen N and D. They are involved in spreading gossip about Chatsky's madness. They themselves do not believe it. But they are interested in what others have to say about it. In the images of petty gossips, the goals and interests of Famus society are shown: career, honors, wealth, rumors, gossip.

Chatsky compares favorably with the Famus society. His image reflected the typical features of the Decembrists. Chatsky is ardent, dreamy, freedom-loving. He revolts against serfdom, the dominance of foreigners, the magical power of women in society, servility, service to persons, not to the cause. He realized the true values ​​of the crowd, in whose circle he spent only one day - and lost hope of finding like-minded people.

Before leaving Moscow, Chatsky in anger throws the whole Famus society:
... he will come out of the fire unharmed,
Who will have time to stay with you for the day,
Breathe the air alone
And in him the reason will survive.

    One of the outstanding works of the first half of the 19th century is the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A. Griboyedov. Each hero of the play, being a typical image, has at the same time unique individual traits. The author portrays his ...

    The main artistic feature of the play "Woe from Wit" is the combination in one work of the features of classicism and critical realism. From classicism in "Woe from Wit" a high civic content is preserved. The idea of ​​a comedy can be formulated ...

    The comedy was written in the 20s of the XIX century. After the victorious war with Napoleon in 1812, when the Russian people dealt the mortal blow to the Napoleonic army, which had won fame as invincible in Europe, the contradiction between the greatest possibilities arose with particular acuteness ...

    Griboyedov's contemporaries admired the language of the comedy Woe from Wit. Pushkin wrote that half of the poems of the play will be included in the proverb. Then N.K.Piksanov noted the peculiar verbal flavor of Griboyedov's comedy, "liveliness of the spoken language", characteristic ...

The comedy "Woe from Wit" reflected the opposition of new ideas to old ones. Griboyedov showed the clash of two ideologies: "the present century" and "the past century".

Famusov's ball gathers people who make up the elite of noble Moscow. They are many-sided, but they all have a common feature: serf views, ignorance, respect for rank, greed.

Before the arrival of guests, the most desirable guest for the owner, Skalozub, appears in Famusov's house. This typical soldier, who can be called a blind performer, thinks only of a military career. He, like Famusov, is a staunch supporter of the old order.

The reason for coming to the ball is to find a rich bride. Famusov sees Skalozub worthy of his daughter Sophia, because he is "both a golden bag and marks for generals."

The first of the guests to appear at the ball are the Goriches. This is a typical Moscow married couple. Chatsky knew Platon Mikhailovich before he got married - they were comrades in the service. He was a cheerful, lively person, but after marrying Natalya Dmitrievna he changed a lot: he fell under the "cab-bow", became "husband-boy, husband-servant." Natalya Dmitrievna does not even allow her husband to "open his mouth", Gorich understands his position perfectly and has already resigned himself to it. He bitterly says to Chatsky: "Now, brother, I'm not the same."

The Tugoukhovsky family also comes to the ball. The princess is very worried about finding suitors for her daughters, she pushes the old prince around, barely seeing Chatsky and learning that he is not married, sends her husband to invite a potential groom to her. But, as soon as she realizes that Chatsky is not rich and does not have a high rank, then that is urine shouts: “Prince, prince! Back!". In Famus society, grooms are chosen for rich brides according to the following principle:

Be inferior, but if there are two thousand family Souls, - He and the groom.

Countess Khryumins appear at the ball. This is Khryumina the granddaughter, embittered by the whole world around her, with her half-deaf grandmother. Khryumina, the granddaughter, cannot find a worthy groom and is therefore unhappy with everything that happens around her. Having barely arrived at the ball, she regrets that she arrived too early. She says: "Well, the ball! .. And there is no one to talk to, and no one to dance with!". She is angry that here she did not meet anyone to whom she could marry. Khryumina the granddaughter expresses her admiration for everything foreign, reveals an addiction to "fashion shops". The arrogance of Khryumina the granddaughter outrages Chatsky:

Un-happy! Should reproaches come from imitators to milliners? For daring to prefer originals to lists!

Zagoretsky is perhaps the most vicious person present at the ball at Famusov's. Everyone speaks frankly about him

A notorious swindler, a rogue, he is a liar, a gambler, a thief.

But, despite such a destructive characteristic, he is accepted in the world, the doors of the Famus house are open for him.

Zagoretsky pays off his servility, this is his baseness. He will do everything to serve the right person at the right time. Chats-kiy could not but express his opinion:

And it is ridiculous for you to be offended; Besides honesty, there are many joys: They scold here, and there they give thanks.

The sixty-year-old lady Khlestova also comes to the ball. She always has her own opinion, knows her own worth, and at the same time is rude, despotic with serfs. Khlestova takes with her to the ball "little arap girl and a dog." For her, a serf is like a dog. Even such an imperious and headstrong lady, Chatsky was able to annoy with his remark:

It will not be too late for such praise, And Zagoretsky himself could not stand it, he disappeared.

The very last, to the "nodding analysis", to the ball is Repetilov. This man, vulgarizing, discrediting the ideas of the time, with his "most secret alliance" and "secret meetings on Thursdays", where only "shu-mint" and "drink champagne for slaughter" tun, for whom all advanced ideas are nothing more than a fashionable hobby. Repe-tilov uses the favor of authoritative people in the "secret union", but all these people cannot bring real renewal to society. Material from the site

There are many other members of the Famus society at the ball. Griboyedov did not even give them their full names. Such are, for example, gentlemen N and D. They are involved in spreading gossip about Chatsky's madness. They themselves do not believe it. But they are interested in what others have to say about it. In the images of petty gossips, the goals and interests of the Famus society are shown: career, honors, wealth, rumors, gossip.

Chatsky compares favorably with the Famus society. His image reflected the typical features of the Decembrists. Chatsky is ardent, dreamy, freedom-loving. He revolts against serfdom, the dominance of foreigners, the magical power of women in society, servility, service to persons, and not to business. He realized the true values ​​of the crowd, in whose circle he spent only one day - and lost hope of finding like-minded people.

Before leaving Moscow, Chatsky in anger throws the whole Famus society:

He will come out of the fire unharmed, Whoever has time to be with you for a day, Breathe the air alone, And in him the mind will survive.

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