Information about the state of the queue for kindergarten. Checking the queue for kindergarten without leaving home

Enrolling a child in a preschool educational institution is a way out for young mothers who are forced to leave their baby every day before going to work.

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However, there are not enough places in the kindergartens. Sometimes you have to wait for your turn for a long time. Previously, young mothers had to periodically call or visit a preschool institution to find out the current state of affairs. Today it has become much easier to find out about the changes that have occurred.

Young parents can check the queue for kindergarten via the Internet.

Manipulation is not difficult, but it has a number of features. To know about them in advance, you need to study the relevant information on the topic.

Formation procedure

To perform the manipulation, you will need:

  • information about the passport of one of the parents of the child or his legal representative;
  • information about the child's birth certificate;
  • other data that will need to be specified when filling out the online form.

After the necessary information has been transferred, the application will be accepted for consideration.

In what order are the statements?

The main criterion for placing applications in the queue is the date of their submission. It depends on her what position the statement will take. In addition, the age of the child is taken into account.

Toddlers who are in the same age group and apply for a place in the kindergarten will be placed in the queue in the order in which their parents applied. The approval only applies to children who do not have benefits. If a child has a lot of privileges, he can be enrolled much earlier.

Place in line allows parents to understand how many babies in the same age group and applying for a place in kindergarten are in front of their child.

The number is constantly changing. In order to be aware of the progress in advance, it is necessary to periodically visit the site and study the current state of the queue.

How to check the queue for kindergarten via the Internet?

If earlier a person who wanted the location of his child in the queue for a kindergarten had to constantly call the appropriate institution or visit it personally, today it is possible to obtain information of interest remotely.

Is it the turn to kindergarten via the Internet? Today there are several ways to perform manipulation.

Public services

If a person has decided, it is a portal with the help of which it is easiest to perform an action.

To track through this site, you need to go through the registration procedure, and then enter your personal account. After the manipulation is carried out, you will need to go to the appropriate section and enter the identifier.

If all actions are performed correctly, the system will automatically show the place in the queue where the little applicant for admission to the kindergarten is.

By birth certificate

The identifier obtained when submitting an application is not the only information that a person will need in order to find out a place in the queue through State Services.

The parent will have to enter the data contained in the Birth Certificate. To perform the manipulation, the document number is required. Only by entering all the necessary information, a person will be able to find out the information of interest.

By application number

If a person applied through a third-party portal or during a personal visit to the organization, you can find out the place in the queue or the information contained in it.

You can monitor the movement via the Internet or by calling the relevant government agencies.

Why might the place be shifting?

If a parent closely monitors changes in their child's place in the queue, he knows that movement can occur not only forward, but also backward.

Individuals who do not have benefits cannot receive priority in preschool enrollment.

If a person finds out that his rights have been violated, he can go to court. The public authority will verify the validity of the applicant's claims.

If they are justified, the child will be moved to the place in the queue that he should take, or enrolled in the kindergarten.

Increase in privileged places

Children who have advantages in enrolling in kindergarten include:

  • kids left without parental care;
  • children whose parents were orphans;
  • offspring of prosecutors;
  • children of judges;
  • kids, whose parents were injured during the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • children of citizens from units of a special risk group.

If a child does not fit into this category, he will have to wait longer.
Not all beneficiaries have enough places in kindergartens. In this situation, they also end up in the queue. The creation of additional places allows you to speed up the enrollment of the child in the kindergarten.

An increase in privileged places can occur if a new public preschool institution is built in the city.

Enrollment notice

The line is constantly moving. The period for enrolling a child in kindergarten can come unexpectedly, especially if the wait lasts for several years.

According to the established rules, after the child is enrolled in a preschool institution, his parent must contact the head of the organization within 30 days.

If this does not happen, the place in the kindergarten and in the queue is lost. The parent will have to start over. For this reason, experts advise you to exercise the utmost care and periodically examine your position in the queue.

To alleviate the fate of parents who cannot watch the queue move all the time, government officials have developed a notification system.

When a child is enrolled in kindergarten, his parent receives a message containing relevant information.

It gets sent to your phone or email. The choice depends on what data the person indicated when drawing up the application.

Registration of a child in a kindergarten in Russia is not always possible without queuing. At the same time, you need to know how to quickly check the queue for kindergarten via the Internet. Since this procedure can be carried out in several ways.

Key aspects

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In Russia, a separate commission is responsible for completing preschool institutions. It is under her leadership that the distribution of places and children in the preschool educational institution is carried out.

The beginning of the procedure for the formation of kindergartens is March 1. From that time on, you can receive a notification about the received place.

The regulatory authorities are notified by e-mail or by phone, which was indicated in the application for a place in the garden. Parents have 30 days to apply to a kindergarten from the date of obtaining the right to a place.

However, if you do not collect all the papers on time and do not come to the preschool educational institution, then there is a risk of losing the opportunity to get a place for the child. During this procedure, the application will be canceled and the child will be removed from the lists.

Initial concepts

Parsing such a topic requires knowledge of certain concepts:

The main ways of applying to a preschool educational institution

To get into the queue for a place in a particular child care institution, you must submit an application. And in Russia there are several options for carrying out this procedure:

In the first case, it will be easier to track the progress of the queue state. Since any of the Internet resources allows you to get information about the progress of the queue and what place the child takes.

If the application is submitted in person, then this option more difficult determines the passage in turn. This method involves contacting these authorities in person or by phone.

This is the only way to find out about progress in the queue. Plus, you need to take into account the working hours and days, since you won't be able to get this information on weekends and holidays.

Legislative regulation of the issue

From a legal point of view, the procedure for admitting a child to a preschool educational institution is carried out on the basis of Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

Article 67 establishes the compulsory admission of a baby to a preschool educational institution. But point 4 speaks about possible reasons for refusal to admit - only if there are no places in a child care institution.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 293 “On Approval of the Procedure for Admission to Education in Educational Programs of Preschool Education” allows you to establish all the necessary nuances when registering a child in a kindergarten.

The work of the state portal is carried out on the basis of Federal Law No. 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services."

In this law, all the data of a similar sample are in Article 21. And the viewing of data on the progress of the queue itself is carried out on the basis of paragraph 4, which refers to the possibility of exchanging information.

How to find out the queue for a child's kindergarten

The maintenance of order is carried out in turn at different levels. How to check the queue for kindergarten via the Internet?

If the application was submitted online, then tracking the queue will be quite simple:

  1. Initially, they register on the portal and then submit an application.
  2. After that, the information is processed for reliability.
  3. Further, it is possible to place the child in the queue. And from that moment on, the information will be updated.

After receiving the application, the citizen will be notified in a convenient way. From this moment, accounting is carried out in turn. An application for placing a child on the queue in kindergarten is possible.

Initially, they go to your personal account and select the progress on applications. This will contain information about the number in the queue.

After there is free space and the child's turn comes up, a notification will be sent to the parents.

Step-by-step instructions for recording

Registration for a place in a preschool educational institution should be carried out in the following order:

  1. Includes application after choosing a specific kindergarten.
  2. It involves the collection of documentation for the appeal.
  3. Tracking all information about the queue.

As a result of simple manipulations, you can queue up for a place in a child care facility.

Parents need to take into account the fact that there is a possibility of extraordinary and priority admission to a place in the garden. This right is given by federal and regional benefits.

The error in calculating the rate of distribution of places should initially be clarified whether there is a reason for such enrollment in children. Since the availability of benefits will make it much faster to register a child in a preschool educational institution.

On the portal of State Services

Registration of a child in kindergarten by queuing up on a portal where there is a public service involves the implementation of such a number of steps:

Registration on the portal Here it is worth understanding that you need to go through all the stages of the procedure to the end. Since not always standard registration allows you to apply for a queue to a kindergarten. Here you will need to carry out the transfer of supporting documents via postal mail or document scanning
Filling out an application An electronic application is in the form of a questionnaire, in which you need to enter the data of the parents, the child and the place in which they want to place the baby. The public services portal allows you to choose three accommodation options - from priority to less desirable
Application submission It involves scanning documents and sending an application for processing. Upon completion of the verification of information, notifications are received, which means either there are errors in the application, or about the acceptance of the document

It is quite simple to carry out the check - it is enough to find the status of the application in your personal account and select it. The system itself will give out the number of the child in the queue at the time of the request.

The check can be carried out as often as you like and at any time of the day or night. There are no restrictions in this regard. Plus, the application is offline and does not involve payment.

By application number

You can also find out the status of the queue in accordance with the application number. This value is assigned to the document after submission and registration in the system.

The check can be carried out both by telephone, which is less convenient, and by means of Internet communications. The second option involves turning to the resources of regional administrations.

On the websites of government agencies there are separate sections with the ability to enter the application number, which will allow you to get information about the child's number in the queue.

But in terms of updating information, there may be some slowdown - due to the need to enter data manually.

Enrollment notice

After the child enters one of the selected kindergartens in turn, the supervisory authority through which the application was submitted must notify the applicant about this.

In this case, one of the most convenient methods is used for the parent himself:

  • text message to a mobile phone;
  • letter in electronic form;
  • postal reply at the place of residence.

Each applicant establishes his own version of obtaining information from government agencies. Within a month, you will need to visit a childcare institution with a full package of documents and register there.

Features for different regions of the Russian Federation

Depending on the regional capabilities of the locality, there are chances to use other options for tracking the queue and submitting an application.

So, not everyone knows how to check the queue for kindergarten via the Internet in St. Petersburg. Although the official website of the city has complete instructions and forms for submitting applications and tracking them.

There is a city portal in Moscow, after registration in which it is possible to use all electronic resources. To enter your personal account, you use SNILS indicators and a personal password.

When submitting an application, you will need information from the following documents of the child:

  • birth certificate;
  • SNILS.

They should be prepared in advance.

When placing a child in kindergarten, there are many points to consider. And the most important thing is to submit the application correctly.

This can be done both in person and through Internet technologies. And here you should focus on your own convenience.

New parents are advised immediately after receiving the child's birth certificate. But even this does not give a full guarantee that the child will go to the nursery in a timely manner, therefore it is periodically necessary to check the status of the queue through the portal of public services.

How to find out the queue for kindergarten through the public service portal: step by step instructions

Only registered users can check the status of the kindergarten application. Therefore, if you do not have a profile yet, it is recommended to create one. Or use other methods.

Important! Information about the kindergarten queue will be available even if the application was submitted in a different way.

Authorization in your personal account is carried out by a mobile phone number or e-mail address, which are indicated during registration. A permanent password is also set when registering in the system. As soon as you successfully log into your account on the public services portal, you can look at the information one by one to the kindergarten.

You can find out the exact information if you go through the branches "Catalog of services" - "Family and children"

Note! The Family and Children section is a large catalog. Finding the desired section in it is not always easy. Look in the TOP services.

The page "Checking the status of the application", if you have already put the child in the queue, has only one functional button - "Check the application". After clicking on it, the child's serial number will be displayed, which shows how many children of the same age will receive a place in kindergarten before your baby.

How are children assigned to kindergartens?

The distribution to kindergartens is automatic, based on the data of the electronic queue.

However, there are essentially 2 queues:

  • Beneficiaries;
  • Children who enter the kindergarten on a general basis.

Beneficiaries have priority in admission over the second group. However, the same number of places is allocated for them, as well as for the group on a general basis. There is a ranking between the children of the privileged category, depending on which rules it falls under. For example, a child with federal benefits has priority over a child with municipal benefits.

In fact, it turns out that if the beneficiaries do not have enough space in accordance with the state indulgences, they are determined in the queue on a general basis. Moreover, the earlier the application was submitted, the higher the name of the applicant in the queue will be.

Previously, there were regional commissions for the distribution of children in kindergartens, but since 2012 everything has been carried out on an electronic basis. District offices only determine the time frame for enrolling children in groups. The first wave of enrollment begins in the spring and ends in early summer. But in August, some of the children graduate and go to school, so some more places are vacated.

Children from 3 to 6 years old can apply for the vacated seats. Recruitment into the senior or middle group is carried out if there are few such applications (1-3 pieces), in other cases a group of different ages is assembled.

Children over 3 years of age are admitted to the kindergarten. Children 2-3 years old get to kindergartens whenever possible, however, due to overcrowding, such groups are formed quite rarely. The child's age is calculated on September 1, that is, if the baby turns 3 years old on September 15, he will only be included in the next group of the set.

What is causing the queue to shift?

Upon reaching the age of 3, the child finds himself in a “real” queue, since from this age the child is assigned to kindergartens and groups. In the queue that is reflected on the portal of public services before this age, the number should not change, but sometimes this happens.

The offset can be up and down, so parents need to remember the status of their application. Usually, the place changes by just a couple of points, since all cases of changing the queue are associated with individual children. Changes can occur not only in the queue on a general basis, but also among the beneficiaries. The increase in place in the list is associated with:

The refusal of an "earlier" child.

This may happen because they decided to send the child to the kindergarten later, or he will not go there at all. In this case, it is necessary that the refusenik was in the same queue with you (on a general basis or the beneficiary), but submitted the application earlier.

Moving baby.

If parents move within the same municipal area, they do not lose their place in the queue. A parent or guardian is eligible to apply to 3 preschools. If a child who is in line at the same kindergarten moves, most likely, his preferences will change, because another institution will be closer. Accordingly, there will be a place in the queue for the kindergarten you need.

In this case, only the place in the queue for children with priority admission is increased. A child who has lost the right to early enrollment in kindergarten is sent to the queue on a general basis.
Demotion of one point or more in the electronic queue is associated with:

Relocation of a child with an earlier registration date.

This point follows from the similarity in the priority increase. If the child moves, he frees up space in one kindergarten and applies for a place in another preschool. Accordingly, if a baby moved, whose parents managed to register him earlier, your place will be reduced.

In case of loss of eligibility benefits.

In this case, the place in the queue is reduced on a general basis. A child who has lost the right to priority admission ends up in the general queue. And if his statement has an earlier date, yours will drop by a point.

Checking the status of the kindergarten application allows you to roughly assess your chances. Based on the location, it is possible to determine whether the child will end up in the nursery by the specified age or whether the mother will have to endure an extra maternity year.