The art of seducing men - female pickup. The art of seducing men

Let's give men a reason to think that only they are the initiators of the relationship and have the secret weapon of seduction. They like to feel like conquerors and conquerors of women's hearts. Only sophisticated men know that a woman's weakness is her strength. But even they cannot always resist the ability of women to charm and seduce. So what is the art of seducing men, which makes a man's heart beat faster than you can attract the attention of a man you like? Every woman should master this science.

The art of seducing men: how to attract attention to yourself

Perhaps you need to know the rules and secrets of seduction of men.

  • A smile is not only a manifestation of friendliness, but also a sign to continue communication. This is what immediately disarms and attracts.
  • Eye contact, "shooting with the eyes", is simply necessary for the acquaintance to take place. Smile, flirt and - this is so characteristic of the weaker sex.
  • Any woman should always monitor her appearance, makeup, so if you are ready to demonstrate your charms and dignity, then position yourself so that the object of your desire can admire you.

Time, place and circumstances also play a big role. No need to hope to meet a romantic person in a brasserie or a loyal family man in a nightclub. The art of seducing men does not need to be specially studied, but you need to raise the level of education, reasonably emphasize your sexuality and behave with dignity. And as the saying goes: "men will not let such a woman pass." The secrets of female seduction of men are an art and a weapon that every woman owns. The main thing is to use this arsenal in a timely manner!

The art of seduction or how to win a man's heart forever

Suppose an acquaintance took place, you are in love and dream of living together. How to keep a man close, what seduction secrets to use?

The most important thing is not to rush things, let the candy-bouquet period last longer. Remain a mystery longer. Men are hunters by nature and they are interested in the process of hunting, and not already caught prey. Keep the intrigue for a long time, apply the ones that suit you, play with him. Let him think about you, and dream of meeting.

Feminine strength lies in weakness and femininity, which is expressed in demeanor. Be gentle, caring. Even if you are a strong and strong-willed person, become helpless and weak, let the man take the initiative, make him feel like a hero. Do not forget to say words of gratitude and appreciation, admire his generosity and courage.

Do not take away freedom and personal space from a man. Nature has laid in the stronger sex the desire for freedom and independence. The more you strive to control and limit, the greater the likelihood.

It is very important to take care of yourself, to be attractive. This does not mean that you need to dress haute couture and apply a layer of makeup on your face. But to try a couple - three extra pounds and maintain your health will not be superfluous at all.

Do not forget to consult, ask for his opinion, even when you are quite capable of independent decision-making. He will definitely appreciate it.

To ask your friend to change the light bulb, nail down, repair something. Usually men are happy to do their homework. Be sure to praise and note the fact that there are things beyond the control of women. A man definitely needs to know that you value and respect him.

- the guarantee of a long-term relationship. Therefore, do not stoop to spying on your beloved, do not pester with interrogations and jealousy, learn to trust him. If he is a decent person, he will reciprocate.

It will be nice if you can be liked by his friends. Make friends with them, let your companion be proud of your communication skills, beauty and a wide range of interests. This will help strengthen the relationship and become even closer. A very important advice - do not rush things, do not scare the chosen one.

Apply the secrets of the art of seduction of men in doses. Most of all, men love freedom and are not particularly in a hurry to start a family. Women, on the contrary, want to go out to give birth to children, take care of the family. This happens at the subconscious level. Your admirer should come to the conclusion about the need to create a family with you, he should be afraid of losing you.

There won't be enough princes for everyone

Recently, the stereotype of a man has become established, who must present a lady with expensive gifts, fall asleep with flowers, and invite her to restaurants. This is just the image that television and the press create, unfortunately, there are not enough princes and millionaires for everyone. No need to bother the guy with demands, whims, hints of gifts - this will cause bewilderment and dislike. In this case, your relationship will be doomed. A woman is adorned with modesty and patience. When will you borrow

Coquetry, love play, the ability to seduce in many women is inherent in the blood. The gallant French women are the standard of flirting, they have mastered the art of seduction since time immemorial. During the reign of King Louis XIV, flirting was the norm. Everyone flirted: from the king himself to courtiers and maids. The coquetry of that time was significantly different from today's art of seduction. Flirting was just sweet communication, which did not commit to anything. Today, if a woman shows signs of attention to a man, it is believed that he can count on something more. In the modern world, it has become increasingly difficult to separate simple flirting from easy accessibility.

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The main secrets of flirting

Every woman wants to be desired, regardless of age, weight and appearance. She dreams of being attractive and conquering men's hearts. Many of them use flirting as a way of self-affirmation. When flirting, a woman feels at her best. The process itself gives her tremendous pleasure. The art of seduction is a special technique with its own laws and rules. Any girl can learn this if she wants.

The main tools for flirting are body language, gaze, and smile. Coquetry always leaves innuendo, intrigue, mystery.

Alphonse is

Feeling your own irresistibility

If a woman does not feel attractive and does not love herself, she will not succeed. Flirting is primarily self-confidence. High or low self-esteem is a common problem. A notorious woman can never be happy.

Psychology is a great science, if you follow its advice, you can eradicate an inferiority complex in yourself. To do this, you need to repeat the phrase "I am a magnet for men", "I am sexy and attractive" or something like that every day. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary that the woman sincerely believe in what she is saying. All changes start from within. Inner attractiveness and self-confidence will help to achieve liberation and give a feeling of freedom. Men feel a confident woman a mile away, and it is these ladies who are attracted to them. Therefore, before you start flirting, it is important to develop confidence in your own attractiveness.

How to seduce your husband


The look should attract and attract. It is necessary to learn how to send a man special vibes so that he can guess that the girl is interested in him. It is with the help of a glance that you can show a person that he is not indifferent. If he is not paying attention to the woman, you need to look at him closely. When he catches a glance at himself, the girl should not immediately turn away, ideally, it is necessary to continue looking into the eyes for five seconds, then look down, and after a few seconds look at the man again with a charming smile on her face. These gestures will serve as a kind of signal for the guy. If he smiles at the girl in return, the interest is mutual. If he does not react in any way or turns away, then the woman should not waste her time on him and find a more suitable object.

You can, looking at your partner, mentally say to him: “I like you,” “you are my ideal,” etc., the man will read the signal in his eyes and respond to it. After contact is established, you need to proceed with further actions.


Attempts to please in any way and the desire to impress men are seen immediately. They always feel false and try to keep their distance from such women. When an insecure and modest girl tries to play the role of a fatal beauty, it looks unnatural and striking.

It is important to learn: each person is unique and inimitable, it is the individuality that can interest a man. Do not copy gestures from famous movies, in real life it looks unnatural and fake. Staying true to yourself in any situation is the ideal behavior. After all, sooner or later you will have to take off the masks. When flirting, a woman should feel pleasure from the process, and while playing a role, it is impossible to relax.


A smile is a powerful weapon for any woman.

Smiling coquettishly, the girl gives the impression of a confident, full-fledged personality. Men adore cheerful, optimistic women who can think positively. Insecure, gloomy, shedding tears, girls evoke only one desire - to run away as soon as possible.

A sincere and benevolent smile works wonders, but it should not be overused either. A constantly smiling girl raises suspicions that she is not all right with her mental health. If a woman is not yet completely savvy in the art of flirting, it is best to rehearse a seductive smile in front of a mirror.


The timbre of the voice should make a good impression. When communicating with a man, you do not need to raise your tone or, on the contrary, speak too quietly. The best option is a calm and restrained conversation. Women who naturally have a loud voice are advised to muffle it a couple of tones. A man, listening to his lady, should feel relaxed and calm.

Most of the stronger sex love to joke. The ringing laugh of a girl is the best reward for a guy, so you shouldn't hesitate to openly express positive emotions. A woman should be able to appreciate his jokes and funny stories. If a woman does not like male humor, she should not openly tell him about it. Self-esteem will be hurt, and the person is unlikely to want to continue communication.

Warming up interest

Most people are selfish, and a person can talk about himself for hours. When flirting, you should not focus on your own person. A man loves it when a woman listens with enthusiasm to stories about his "heroic deeds". Therefore, it is best to ask the guy about everything. Special attention to it will be very pleasant. Girls should not reveal all their secrets and be an open book for their partner. You need to talk less about yourself, leaving some understatement and mystery. A man dreams of solving a mysterious woman, this stirs up his interest.

Compliments are just as important. Sincere praise is loved not only by girls and women, if a partner has some special quality, it is worth expressing admiration with delight. For example, how strong, courageous or noble he is. He will be delighted with compliments and want to look even better in women's eyes.

Men love tactile sensations. During communication, a woman may accidentally touch her shoulder or hand; such gestures bring the interlocutor closer and have a place. Unexpected touches can say a lot - they are more eloquent than words. To establish contact, it is enough to straighten a tie or brush an invisible speck from a man's shoulder.


In psychology, there is such a thing as body language. Subconscious movements give out secret thoughts and true desires of a person. In order for a man to understand a woman without words, several seduction techniques will come to her aid:

  • Hair touch. A representative of the stronger sex will be fascinated by how a woman straightens her hair, winds a strand on her finger or performs some other manipulations with her hair.
  • Demonstration of the wrist. Opening the inner side of the wrist has a very strong effect on the object of flirting, generating in it the fire of desire. To rivet a man's gaze, a woman can accidentally adjust a wristwatch or bracelet.
  • The voice of the flesh. The representative of the stronger sex demonstrates sexual interest on a subconscious level. Light nibbling of the tip of a pencil, languid licking of lips, play of half-asleep shoes - all these signs can kindle passion in a man. When a woman puts one foot on the other, the man's brain is practically shut off. He wants to see more than is currently open to his eyes.

A man is delighted when a girl touches her hair, smiles, "shoots" her eyes and uses all her natural charm.

Western civilization, unfortunately, cannot boast of its own serious achievements in the development of methods for seducing the opposite sex. Asian and Muslim traditions in this matter are for us an example followed by women who want to achieve happiness in their personal lives.

The main message of all seduction techniques: "The main sexual organ of a man is ... his brain." We see your surprise, but take your word for it: if you do not agree with this yet, then most likely you are still only a student in the first stages of the seductress training course. In this article, we are interested in telling you what the art of seduction and seduction of a man is: rules, technique, methods, psychology.

1) Keeping your body, hair, nails on hands and feet clean and well-groomed is a basic but necessary part of physical love. The ambivalent attitude here is only to epilation: some men prefer a small amount of hair on women, but you can only find out after you seduce him.

Therefore, at the first stage, we remove all vegetation from the armpits, from the legs and in the bikini zone. Even if you are still very far from direct physical contact with a man in your relationship - observe the rule of "hygiene everywhere" - this will give you self-confidence. Confidence is the foundation of your success.

2) A woman affects the man's thirst at the level of physiology, but keeps him captivated by the mind. Make an effort to ensure that the man enjoys talking to you, dancing, spending time with you. Keep interested, but independent. Don't limit men's freedom. Do not call or text him until he calls and writes.

In the event that constant contact has been established, observe the rule: he must call and write to you twice as often as you do to him. A man does not tolerate if they limit his time, or claim his right to be a leader in a relationship himself. Be subtle and smart, do not press on him.

3) Pay attention to the clothes. Dress in a way that looks good next to your partner. Study his clothing style, evaluate the appropriateness of the outfit. If the man is wearing a blazer and jeans, also opt for the “formal” casual style. If you don't know much about fashion, just “reflect” your future lover. For example, also choose jeans and a jacket.

4) A man should like your scent. Avoid harsh perfume if the scent irritates it. Use neutral, odorless deodorants. Refresh your mouth with mints after meals, or better yet, carry a small bottle of mouthwash with you. It is useful for teeth, and for seduction - it rules!

5) In contrast to the usual advice to pay attention to the purchase of expensive lingerie, we advise you to limit yourself only to careful care of your "underwear".

Holes, wear, wear and tear are unacceptable. And everything else is not a problem. If a man wants you, then the main joy for him will be to see you without any underwear at all.

6) At the stage of seducing a man, in no case be overly frank. Intrigue, but don't be straightforward. Show interest, but don't be easy prey. Gritting your teeth, dose the dates with him. Take breaks so the man can get bored. Show your independence - have other hobbies and hobbies besides dating. Let the man know that your time is also devoted to communication with parents, girlfriends, hobbies, studies, sports.

The man himself is very independent by nature and will never give up his friends in favor of even the most luxurious romance in his life. However, if you achieve that meeting with you becomes a priority in his schedule and he is ready to adjust his schedule to suit yours, then the chosen line of behavior is correct.

7) When you get to the stage of the first kiss, try to pull this period for a while. Keep in mind that a man appreciates what he spends time on. Therefore, a little "hitch" at this stage will work for you. On the other hand, feel when it's time to move on to the next stage, otherwise the prospective lover will “get bored” and find someone to do without you.

8) Be natural and romantic in bed. Do not pretend to be fatal and experienced if you are not really. Moreover, a man prefers not to know about those lucky ones who have tasted your body before him. It is more pleasant for him not to remember them at all.

Be passionate, but try to get the initiative from your lover. You will enjoy the delightful feeling of your own weakness and irresistibility and instill confidence in your partner's success. A happy man will always want to repeat a successful intimate encounter.

9) After intimacy, try to wait for his call. Remember that it takes a man some time to make sure he is ready to move to the next level of relationship. If he calls after the "first night" - consider that your romance is complete, serious and you can continue the relationship already on a new round of the "spiral". And, even, perhaps, get to the wedding and the birth of joint children.

What if he didn't call? Wait one week, call him herself, find out that the man is alive and well and throw him out of his head, heart, mailbox and phone. Also, destroy all traces of his stay on your page in the social network.

And start all over again. Get to know another, go all the way with him and achieve success. Nature conceived such an order that for each of us there is more than one partner. You just need to seduce the "right" man. You will definitely succeed.



How does a woman seduce? How does a man seduce? What is important to learn for seduction? Secrets and subtleties of the sexual game called seduction.

Seduction is a subtle game that has its own unspoken rules. Smiles, gestures, looks, gait, manners, speech: men and women have many ways to play this game, and physical beauty is not the most important of them ...

Coded messages

Stage 1: Attract attention. At this preparatory stage, the decisive role belongs to the woman. Mostly, gestures and postures are used that emphasize femininity and physical dignity and address the message to the man you like: "I like you, and if this is mutual, it's up to you!" A flirtatious movement of a hand straightening hair or fiddling with an earring, light laughter, an elegant gait - all this can attract a man's attention.

At first sight...

2nd stage: Exchange of a glance. When a girl meets a man's gaze in the midst of a crowd and noise, just a second is enough to understand whether she likes him or not. This exchange of glances becomes crucial for further seduction, and if you feel a mutual attraction, you need to move on.

Of course, there are significant barriers to bonding, such as emotional incompatibility. However, the game is worth the candle! It is known that often, after the first glance at a person, we can form our own opinion about him. We pay attention to clothing because attitudes towards clothing and appearance reflect our attitude towards ourselves. It is especially important for a woman to always be neat and attractive, and many men pay attention to clothes that emphasize the dignity of the figure (neckline, slits, high heels), and lipstick.

The art of communication

3rd stage: Conversation. So the game began. The woman showed interest and the man noticed her micro-messages. Glances crossed and both felt a short burst. Now it's the turn for the next step. Both man and woman need to overcome the first embarrassment and strike up a conversation.

Men like to talk more about their successes, and women are prone to sentimentality and emotions, it is important for them to feel at ease and safe.

The main types of seduction

Verbal seduction. Some people with a completely banal appearance easily win over people of the opposite sex during a conversation. A person who is educated, interesting and capable of capturing the attention of the interlocutor, thanks to his wit and interesting stories, can easily seduce sensitive persons.

Vocal seduction. The voice is undoubtedly essential in the seduction process. Men like a deep, sensual female voice of a low timbre much more than a thin and shrill one. And women “melt” from a velvety and at the same time confident male voice. In any case, whatever the timbre of the voice, the most important thing is its intonation, rhythm and pleasant laughter.

Seduction with gestures. This is the most effective form of seduction. Gait, demeanor, charisma, elegance of movement - all this depends on the ability of a person to control his body. Some people are naturally endowed with a beautiful smile, a masculine or feminine figure, graceful curves ... But, as the saying goes, "Trust in God, but don't do it yourself!"

You need to develop flexibility, beauty of movements, for example, you can learn to dance well. This will help you not only to be a star on the dance floor, but also to feel more confident and relaxed in your movements.

Olfactory seduction. Scientists have long established that attraction to each other is due to smell. It arises due to pheromones produced by the apocrine gland, which act in a special way on members of the opposite sex.

Each person develops his own personal and unique aroma, which can promote rapprochement or, on the contrary, repulse the chosen partner. It is important to choose the right perfume that would not drown out your individual scent, but rather harmoniously combine with it and emphasize it.

Female and male seduction

How does a woman seduce? Women have a more passive manner of seduction than men, but also more subtle ... The main weapons of the fair sex are gestures and looks. "Shooting" with eyes, feminine hand movements, enticing gait, winning half-turns, allowing the object you like to appreciate the shape and curves of the figure. But what to do if the man does not react in any way to the "signals" sent to him? Then it remains to be the first to speak to him, to grab his attention, and then you can give him the opportunity to enter the game and act on his own.

Women are instinctively always ready to flirt, often harmless. They just need to feel interesting, beautiful and seductive. They watch themselves, their clothes and makeup, their movements and posture. Even without having a rare beauty, a girl with a share of charm and self-confidence easily wins men's hearts.

What is important for a woman to learn? Femininity can be cultivated in yourself if you learn to control your body, the plasticity of graceful movements, as well as the "correct" views. It is better not to look the person you like not directly in the eyes, but to direct your gaze a little to the side above his shoulder, as if inadvertently glancing. Then shyly look away or linger a little defiantly for a split second at his gaze - it all depends on your mood and situation.

A woman should be aware of her merits, emphasizing them in every possible way, and shortcomings, hiding or a little ridiculing them

A real woman knows how to be a mystery, leaving some understatement, and not striking with excessive activity and openness. It is also important to consider that easy accessibility does not set men up for long-term relationships by satisfying their conquering instinct too quickly. It is important to find a middle ground between the image of an "unapproachable lady" and "an accessible simpleton" and not overplay it with a smile, laughter and stubborn silence or too loud and long conversation. (see How to tell if a girl is flirting with you)

How does a man seduce? Men most often use verbal seduction, unfortunately, not always shining with originality and erudition. This is probably why women often have the image of a pumped-up rude ladies' man who tries to flirt with any pretty lady. But a man simply takes the initiative, which a woman intuitively expects from him. By the rules of the game, a man remains a conqueror. A woman subtly hints at her readiness for contact, and a man should express his interest by talking to her, and there is no time for excessive modesty. The main thing is to remain yourself and not give in to the bright beauty of the young lady.

In a man, the weaker sex values ​​not so much external data as his masculinity, success, intelligence and reliability. Presentable appearance, skillful speech and gallantry are the tools of seduction in men.

What is important for a man to learn? Correct speech and good manners will surely conquer a woman, but most girls are unlikely to like rude behavior and illiterate or too frank conversations. In order to unravel non-verbal messages in time, a man must be able to see them and interpret them correctly, and for this he must be more attentive to the ladies around him.

An important element of male seduction is compliments. Whatever they are, banal or incredibly beautiful, it is always pleasant for the fair sex to hear them from men. No woman will remain indifferent if a man kisses her hand after introducing them to each other or at parting. If a man lets the lady go ahead, helps her to sit down at the table and shows other gallant signs of attention, he is 90% successful.

Seduction plays a huge role in the relationship between men and women. Whether it is just a light flirtation or a serious romance, the main thing is that during this game everyone gains a new experience, improving themselves. And everyone gets moral satisfaction at the same time: women from the awareness of their attractiveness and charm, and men from self-affirmation in the role of a conqueror of hearts.

Stills from the film "The Art of Seduction"
Svetlana Apreleva

The art of seduction and seduction of men is an extremely powerful tool in relationships with the stronger sex. The woman who has comprehended its nuances seems to have a magic wand in her hands, fulfilling almost her every desire. It doesn't matter how beautiful she is. The main thing is to skillfully use this wand when needed. Actually, and when not required - too. After all, you have to improve your skills! So how do you get it, this magic wand?

What is the art of seduction

Let's clarify right away - seduction and seduction are not exactly the same thing. Although the dictionaries interpret the two terms as synonyms, they have slightly different purposes. Seduction is a way to get a man into bed. Or at least make him dream about it. Seduction, on the other hand, is primarily intended to nudge a man into actions that are consistent with a woman's goal. Of course, such actions can also be of an erotic nature. But in general, the art of seduction, as opposed to simple seduction, is aimed at making someone with a strong sex controllable. And what will be needed from him in the future is an individual question.

So, we have decided on the seduction and seduction. And where can you seduce men? At discos, clubs, bars, restaurants? I must say that it is permissible to use the techniques of this piquant art almost everywhere - in public transport, on the street, at work, when talking with the boss or a potential employer…. After all, the skill of seduction is a great thing that allows young ladies to get almost everything they want from men. Moreover, the representatives of the opposite sex themselves are very, very supportive of him and not at all opposed to being screwed up almost twenty-four hours a day. Therefore, we use our ability to seduce when we want. There is nothing indecent in this.

In general, men can be dizzy to achieve short-term goals, to maintain relationships in the future, and even just to be on the safe side. After all, it is always nice to know that there is someone who is ready at any moment to gladly respond to your call. The masculine disposition is wonderful! Here you have some kind of help, and the ability to listen to whining and wipe away tears, and a willingness to caress, if necessary. Isn't it an anchor of salvation for all occasions? The fact that such a man can easily be married is not worth talking about.

Okay, okay, someone might say! The fact that the art of seduction and seduction is a magic box is understandable. But what, after all, is it, is this art itself? Great question. Let's move on.

Secrets of the art of seduction of men

What is the purpose of seduction? In the fact that a man began to look at us with admiring eyes and was ready to fulfill any request. So? So. How can this be done? Let's start by showing him the most sincere affection. That is, we let the interlocutor understand that for the first time we met such an amazing person with truly masculine qualities and were simply amazed at his perfection. To do this, you first need to look a couple of minutes in the man's eyes with surprise and joy. Then look for a moment seemingly bewilderedly to the side and again turn his gaze to the man. Only this time he should express tenderness, delight, kindness and a desire for communication. Add a little more guile and shyness, and the seductive look is ready.

Of course, one glance alone will not be enough for a stunning influence on a young man. Let's connect to it a friendly smile and rapid breathing, as if being a sign of intense excitement. At the same time, the facial expression should be somewhat embarrassed and even puzzled. Say, such an amazing meeting was completely unexpected! It was no longer believed in the existence of such men. And here - on you ...

In a conversation with the subject of seduction, one should also be heartfelt and joyful, making it clear that, from our point of view, he is unique. In this case, from time to time, hint at its merits. You can kind of casually notice that a man has amazing eyes, a radiant smile, excellent taste, good knowledge in some area, and so on. This must be done as sincerely and naturally as possible, choosing those virtues that a person really has. Frank flattery few men are attracted to, as it immediately arouses suspicion. Like, this flirtatious hunk obviously needs something, so it's better to stay away from her.

Seduction of men, of course, necessarily includes a lady's demonstration of her own advantages. Eyes, voice, smile - all this is wonderful. However, the young man must be well aware that we deserve the utmost attention. Hence, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to consider himself from all sides. This should be done carefully and very organically. A visual attack might look something like this. Gracefully walk in front of the man, turn, then come closer and sit down gracefully. At the same time, it is advisable to throw one leg over the other, and after a while change their places. We twist the head, straighten our hair and breathe deeply and unevenly, so that the chest rises and falls.

When talking with a young man, we do not move on to serious topics. Better to twitter about something funny and pleasant for the interlocutor. But it should be remembered that phrases should not be extremely stupid. The outright stupidity of a woman is usually repulsive to men. The voice must be made as intimate, soulful, warm as possible. When communicating, we smile, we are surprised and laugh appropriately, including in the dialogue expressions like: "I have never met such an interesting interlocutor!" Well, or something similar, containing admiration and praise. But just remember - in no case should you go too far! This usually immediately kills any interest of men in a woman.

During a conversation, as if by chance, we bend over (it is desirable that the clothes are with a neckline), we take poses in which the feminine forms of the figure are clearly visible, from time to time we look away. Such tricks will add seduction to the image and will work as an additional means of influencing a man. The subtle scent of perfumery will help to enhance this effect. In order for the young man to feel the scent, we approach him a little or defile side by side.

Light touch is a very powerful factor in the art of seduction. You can touch the man with your hand or make a lock of hair seem to accidentally slide over his face. You can even, if the situation is suitable, as if by chance snuggle up to the interlocutor or lean on his shoulder. It will be just great to sit down next to a young man and touch his thigh. Tactile contact brings people together incredibly and immensely captivates men.

Well, here, perhaps, are all the main secrets of the art of seduction of men. The main thing is that in the actions of a woman there is neither obsessive sexuality, nor promiscuity, nor impudence - the stronger sex cannot stand this. And then she will be able to quickly get the attention of the one who she needs and make the young man think about herself both day and night.