The story of the emergence of Valentine's Day for children. Love traditions of Denmark and Holland. Celebration in Medieval Europe

Strange things are happening in the world, progress is growing stronger. For centuries people lived, loved each other, and loved much more strongly than now. And they did not know any "Valentine's Day" as Valentine's Day. And now they have forgotten how to love, only 10% of the families created remain, but they have learned to celebrate "Valentine's Day" en masse. Oh, how cute he is in the pictures, this "Valentine's Day" - "Valentine's Day", he is all so plush-floral, heart-chocolate! Just a little girl's bedroom, not a holiday ...

What is this wonderful holiday, Valentine's Day, who invented it and why?

Valentine's Day: What's Hiding Under the Valentine's Robe?

"Valentine's Day" originates from the legendary Lupercalia - festivals of eroticism, celebrated on February 14th. You can learn more about the scope of the orgies that accompanied the celebration in more detail in the special literature ...
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Valentine's Day and other days of anti-love

Various chocolate, paper-cardboard and other factories use Valentine's Day as a means of feeding and catching fish ...
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Valentine's Day: About chocolate, money and love ...

On Valentine's Day, February 14, my daughter did not go to school. This is all that I could do in the fight against the moral lawlessness, which it is not known by whose decision the teachers of our educational institution arranged on "Valentine's Day" ...
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"Valentine's Day"?

Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is an immoral holiday aimed at transforming intimate feelings into a universal and public action ...
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Who are Peter and Fevronia? (alternative to Valentine's Day)

We have all heard at least with the edge of our ear about Valentine's Day, otherwise known as Valentine's Day. The tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day came to us from the Catholic West, and we got used to it surprisingly quickly. This surprise is rather unpleasant - after all, pre-revolutionary Russia had its own saints, the patrons of not lovers, but lovers - Peter and Fevronia of Murom.
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Russia should celebrate its own day of loving hearts (not Valentine's day)

Neither the Catholic nor the Orthodox churches have ever celebrated Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. Christian scholars and theologians have proved that the linking of St. Valentine, who lived in the 3rd century, to the feat of performing the sacrament of the wedding of soldiers is a legend.
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What is Valentine's Day?

On Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day), lovers congratulate each other. There is nothing wrong with congratulating a dear person. The period (periods) of falling in love is perhaps the most desirable time in the life of young men and women ...
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Church does not celebrate Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is not a church holiday, said priest Igor Kovalevsky, secretary general of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Russia. "Valentine's Day" is a folk, not a church holiday. Its origins are pagan ...
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Valentine's Day has become a day of bestiality

Valentine's Day, "a holiday for all lovers" is an ideological sabotage against the culture of Russia. Obviously, there is a substitution of concepts, distortion of ideas, undermining traditions and replacing them with others - alien, hostile, destructive.
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Almost everyone will celebrate Valentine's Day. After all, this is a holiday of love, which the whole world knows about. While it is possible that in some countries the traditions of Valentine's Day are different, its meaning and main purpose are always the same. At first glance, it may seem that this Valentine's Day story is completely uninteresting and there is no point in reading this article. But this is not at all the case, because the number of legends of the origin of the celebration and everything connected with them is quite surprising.

By the way, we already wrote about how to make a gift with your own hands not Valentine's Day.

How Valentine's Day came about, read on in our material.

If you don't dig much, then you can find literally 2-3 legends about the origin of Valentine's Day. Despite the fact that they are the most common, not everyone has even heard of their existence. Read on for more on this.

Valentine's Day: the story of the holiday

According to one of the ancient legends, by the way, biblical, Valentine's Day appeared around the 5th century AD. But the events that served as the establishment of Valentine's Day happened even earlier.

In the 3rd century, the emperor Claudius ruled in Rome, who, like his predecessors, sought to conquer the whole world. Of course, he did not have enough army for this, so he issued an order that now seems too cruel.

Claudius forbade all priests to marry young couples, and people under 20 years old to have children. At that time, this was often done even earlier. Despite all these prohibitions and fear of execution, a young priest named Valentin, secretly at night, nevertheless married young people. Of course, all the secret once becomes apparent, and this case was no exception.

Valentine was caught and sentenced to death. He spent some time in prison, awaiting the execution of the sentence. And during this time he managed to get to know the young daughter of the prison guard, whose name was Julia. The girl was blind, so she could not contemplate her lover. Before the execution, the young priest left the girl a note on which was written "Your Valentine" and it was thanks to this that the girl was healed and began to see again.

It was decided to canonize Valentine only two hundred years later. in 496, Pope Gelasius I declared February 14 (the priest's birthday) Valentine's Day.

If you believe another legend, then Valentine's Day arose as a memory of the Roman patrician Valentine. Despite his high position, he was a secret Christian and converted all his servants to the new faith and sometimes held weddings.

They caught him once, right during the trial. Of course, thanks to his status, Valentine could have avoided execution, but the other two could not. Valentine tried to somehow reduce their suffering and began to send them hearts that symbolized Christian love. They were supposed to be transmitted by a blind girl.

On the eve of the execution, Valentine managed to persuade the guard to take his life in exchange for those who were to be executed. The last thing he managed to do in life was to convey a letter to the blind girl, which was consecrated. And thanks to him, the girl regained her sight.

See how Valentine's Day came about

These are the two legends of the emergence of Valentine's Day 2018. They, of course, are very similar and do not look like the truth. But many people believe this.

How Valentine's Day is celebrated around the world

If we already know the date and history of the holiday, then let's understand a little about the traditions of the holiday, because in different countries they are slightly different.

Read what you can cook for Valentine's Day.

It must be said right away that Valentine's Day appeared relatively recently in Ukraine, although it almost instantly became incredibly popular.

But in the rest of Europe Valentine's Day has been celebrated since the 18th century.

Let's remember how Valentine's Day is celebrated in our country. Of course, there is a huge number of couples in love who can be found in any restaurant, in almost all stores there are huge promotions, because you need to buy gifts for the holiday. Almost every child who is in elementary school carries a pre-prepared valentine there. Some even host holiday concerts.

But in other countries everything is a little different than in conventional Kiev, Lvov and Odessa. And let's find out why.

In England, for example, valentines are sent not only to loved ones, but also to all relatives, friends, acquaintances and even pets. By the way, there is also a rather interesting tradition for unmarried girls. It is believed that they should get up at the dawn of the sun and look out the window. The first man they see will be their betrothed.

And of course, here one cannot fail to mention Valentine's Day in Germany. After all, many have probably heard that February 14 is celebrated there not on Valentine's Day, but on the Day of the mentally ill. And it is true. Only opponents of St. Valentine think so, and there are several times less of them than couples in love.

In France, only jewelry should be given on Valentine's Day.

But in Denmark people send dried white flowers to each other.

But Saudi Arabia, as always, excelled. There, Valentine's Day is completely prohibited, and if you celebrate it, you can get a rather big fine.

But the traditions of the holiday in Italy are quite different from other countries. There, Valentine's Day is called the day of sweets, well, you yourself understand how it is celebrated.

Find out how the world celebrates Valentine's Day

As you can see, there is a lot of interesting things here, and Valentine's Day is really celebrated almost all over the world. Let's take a look at the history of its origin and find out how and when Valentine's Day actually appeared.

When Valentine's Day appeared

If we have already spoken about the legends of the holiday, because it is difficult to name the biblical stories in another way, now it is time to recall the real historical facts that could serve as the institution of Valentine's Day.

Very often, the origin of Valentine's Day is associated with the ancient Roman holiday of Lupercalia. This celebration was celebrated in honor of the goddess of "feverish" love Juno Februata and the god Faun.

By the way, information about this holiday is rather contradictory. But historians insist that the Lupercalia appeared due to the high mortality rate among children in ancient Rome. Then the city could just die out. Then there were quite a few people who simply could not have children and they were considered damned.

But the place where, according to legend, the she-wolf nursed Romulus and Remus was considered sacred. Therefore, once a year, most likely on February 14, grandiose festivities were organized there, which were supposed to increase the birth rate in Rome. As a matter of fact, they succeeded in everything. That is why, when Christianity had already appeared, this holiday could not be canceled for a long time.

It is rather difficult to say exactly what date Lupercalia was celebrated. In 494, Pope Gelasius I tried to ban Lupercalia. But it was quite difficult to do it. Some historians say that this is why Valentine's Day was established. But one can only say for sure that Pope Gelasius only put an end to the celebration of Lupercalia in Rome.

Find out more in this video

If now the history of the appearance and origin of the celebration and when it will be approximately clear to us, now we can talk a little about the symbols and legends of the holiday. After all, they are also quite interesting.

Valentine's Day: Legends and Symbols of the Holiday

Well, if we have more or less figured out the historical factors, and we already roughly understand when and how this holiday appeared not by religious beliefs, but by historical facts, then now you can learn a little about the legends of Valentine's Day.

Here, in fact, there are only two legends about which we have already told you. The only difference is in the name and small nuances. They all appeared in the late Middle Ages in France and England.

Golden legend tells us a story about Valentine, who was a field doctor and a priest (there were many such people at that time). And the emperor Claudius, already familiar to us, decided that men who are not burdened by marriage and children fight much better. And that's why weddings were banned. But our hero, Valentine, being a very kind and believing person, secretly sanctified marriage at night. Well, then the story is already known, he was caught and killed. By the way, it was thanks to this legend that Pope Gelasius established Valentine's Day.

The second legend has no name, but the main character is also called Valentine. He lived in Rome during pagan times, but was secretly faithful to Christianity. He was quite famous and had many servants whom he also converted to the new faith. But once this was noticed and his servants were sentenced to death. And the high rank of Valentine allowed him to avoid execution. Legend has it that he started sending small heart-shaped cards to the prison to cheer up his servants. But in the end, he managed to agree that he himself should be executed instead of the servants.

Valentines are the main symbols of the holiday. There are two legends about their origin. We have already told the first: it was those cards that Valentine sent to his servants, and were the first.

Read the best Valentine's Day greetings.

And the second legend says that the first symbols of the holiday appeared even when Lupercalia was celebrated in ancient Rome. The girls then made small notes and threw them into a special urn, from where the men took them out and then ran to look for the girl. Now Valentine's Day, of course, is not celebrated like that, but the similarities can be seen with the naked eye.

Some love this holiday more than the New Year, others ignore it in principle. But everyone knows about Valentine's Day. Lovely valentines, tokens, flowers and sweets - we prepare all this with trepidation for our loved ones. But not everyone knows where it came from, some do not even know about the existence of alternative versions.

Valentine's Day Rise - Major Version

One of the most popular versions of the history of the emergence of Valentine's Day is considered to be the secret wedding of lovers by a priest. The Roman emperor Claudius II lived in about the third century BC and was known as an ardent opponent of marriage unions. The fact is that it was marriage and family that he perceived as an obstacle to his plans to conquer new lands, the legionnaires should have been free.

But, contrary to this prohibition, Valentine continued to marry all the lovers. For such disobedience he was thrown into prison and later sentenced to death. It turned out that the jailer's daughter and Valentine met and fell in love with each other. While in the cell, he communicated with his passion through notes. And the last one, just before the execution, he signed "from Valentine." This version of where Valentine's Day came from is considered the most believable today. But there are also several alternatives.

The Rise of Valentine's Day - Alternate Versions

According to another version, Valentin, already familiar to us, fell in love with the daughter of the head of the prison. Her name was Julia and the girl was blind. On the last day before the execution, Valentine wrote her a letter and put yellow saffron in it. After the girl received the note and took out the saffron from the envelope, she was healed.

Moreover, under the name "Valentine" several saints were known at once. One of them was executed in 269, it was a Roman priest. Also famous Valentine at one time was the Bishop of Interamna. This man is known for his healing abilities, but he was executed because he converted the son of the mayor to Christianity.

There is a legend according to which the history of the emergence of Valentine's Day goes back much deeper and begins as far back as the days of paganism. According to this version, this day was originally the holiday of Lupercalia. A day of outright eroticism and abundance, which was dedicated to the patron god of Faun's flocks in Ancient Rome. On this day, it was customary to write notes and put them in a small vessel. The girls wrote the notes, and the guys got them: whose note the young man got, he had to look after that girl that day.

How is Valentine's Day?

A small card in the shape of a heart is rightfully considered an obligatory attribute of this holiday. It is believed that the Duke of Orleans sent the first Valentine's card to his wife while in captivity. Out of anguish, he began to write letters to his beloved wife filled with love and confessions.

Today, such cards have been sold in every bookstore for a long time. There are small and cute ones, and there are huge ones with texts and beautiful poems. A day of love would be incomplete without flowers and sweets. Today it is customary to give roses and chocolate. This is a traditional symbolism for lovers.

As for the traditions of the celebration, and that, then there are a lot of scenarios. Of course, the most suitable among them consists of flowers, a romantic dinner and walks under the stars, it will always be relevant. But many entertainment venues offer great options for young people. For example, on this day, many clubs organize themed parties. City officials sometimes prepare a surprise for their residents and set up a stage on the city's main street. And so many couples try to set their wedding day on this date.

Where and how did Valentine's Day come from? Being the most favorite holiday of young people, it has a centuries-old tradition and an interesting history. However, lovers are usually not even interested in where and when the tradition associated with valentines arose.

Valentine's Day, the history and traditions of which go back to antiquity, 18 centuries ago, dates back to Rome, more precisely, to the holiday of Lupercalia. On this day, everyone left aside their affairs and indulged in fun and love. But not entirely erotic, but people just tried to find a life partner or soul mate, which was often crowned with success. Usually, after this festival of eroticism in Rome, a huge number of new families appeared.

Which originates from ancient Rome, is associated with many legends and traditions. It was during the celebrations in Rome that the heralding arrival of spring came. In addition, the holiday was associated with fortune-telling, and not only young people and girls, but also serious politicians and business people believed in mystical predictions. The range of fortune-telling was quite wide - from trade to amorous affairs. And it is noteworthy that the same Valentine's Day is considered until today. The story also tells that around the same period of time in neighboring Rome, Greece, Panurgy was celebrated, that is, celebrations in honor of the forests and fields of Pan, who was always in love with some nymph. Just before the coming of spring, the venerable Roman matrons made many sacrifices to the goddess of motherhood and marriage, Juno, who, by the way, in legends and myths, was often associated with the Faun, the Roman prototype of Pan. And where is Saint Valentine, the history of the holiday? It's just that all the ancient holidays had some roots associated with paganism. And now let's move on to the Christian legends about the origin of Valentine's Day.

So, around the 3rd century in the city of Ternia, located in the Roman state, Saint Valentine lived. The story associated with his personality is covered, in general, in darkness, but some points leave no doubt. So, his profession was one of the most noble, Valentine was a Christian priest. Endowed with all the qualities of virtue, the hero of Valentine's Day was known as a kind and honest person. The time in which Valentine lived is associated with the reign of Claudius II, who chased Christians and honored only his legionnaires, soldiers. According to his decree, none of them had the right to start a family and marry, so as not to stop thinking about military glory and valor, as well as about the good of the Roman Empire. And a young Christian good priest, whose name was Valentine, secretly crowned the soldiers from everyone, not paying attention to the decree of the emperor. And also, according to the legends, the noble young man reconciled the quarreling lovers, helped to win the hearts of girls and wrote letters for those who did not know the letters. However, this could not last long, and soon Valentine was arrested and executed.

Valentine's Day, the story of the holiday does not end there. According to other legends, the priest fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer and managed to heal his beloved thanks to his knowledge of medicine. According to another version, the girl herself fell in love with Valentine, but the one who gave her could not reciprocate and only on the night or morning before the execution did our hero write her the first and last love letter. The touching story of the poor heroic priest was not forgotten, and soon he was named saints and dedicated a holiday to him.

And where does the valentine? Given that they are probably so called after a letter to Valentine, written by his beloved. Initially, valentines were written secretly, with the left hand, so that the recipient would not guess who they were from. And always in the shape of a heart, a symbol of love. So Valentine's Day has a sad story. However, thanks to the Roman priest, all lovers in the world have a day of love and happiness.

Very soon we are to celebrate another joyful event - Valentine's Day. He came to us relatively recently, but he confidently conquered our space and defended his right to exist. He is eagerly awaited by both high school students and young people and even older lovers - all the day before they are busy looking for something cute for their soulmates, which Horoscope Guru will help to choose.

Valentine's Day - the origin of the holiday

The emergence of this holiday goes back to the distant, distant past. Two legends have survived to this day that explain its origin.

The first legend

As the first legend says, back in 269, the Roman emperor Claudius II forbade his soldiers to marry during the service, as he thought that love would interfere with the conquest of new lands. But thanks to the young priest, whose name was Valentine, the wedding ceremonies of young soldiers with their beloved were held secretly from the emperor. Of course, Claudius II became aware of this, and according to his verdict the priest was facing the death penalty.

Waiting for his terrible fate, the young priest fell in love with Julia, who was the jailer's daughter. The girl was extraordinarily beautiful, but, unfortunately, she was completely blind. Priest Valentine managed to heal his beloved, and on the eve of the execution sent her a farewell letter, which he signed - "Your Valentine". This was the first "Valentine".

Only 200 years later, by the decision of the Pope, February 14 becomes Valentine's Day. From that time to the present day, young people send love messages to their beloved, which they called "valentines".

Second legend

According to another legend, the patrician Valentine, who professed Christianity, lived in Rome. He secretly converted those who wanted to his religion and even married two. The guards detained them, and all three were executed. Patrician Valentine suffered for love, although he himself, as a man from high society, could avoid execution.

Since then, these legends have lived among the people and through the centuries passed from generation to generation, inspiring people to fight for their love.

"Valentine" as a manifestation of sincerity of feelings

On Valentine's Day, all loving people can convey a love note or show their affection in some other way: they usually give Valentine cards, cupids, doves, sweets, roses, various sweets and other cute gifts.

This holiday is a great occasion to renew and refresh relationships in the family, to confess, through a "valentine," your feelings to an unapproachable girl or a guy who has long been attracted to you. Valentine's Day is a holiday of first love, eternal love and high relations between people.