How often amniotic fluid changes during pregnancy. Special tools for testing. Pathology of amniotic fluid

Every woman expecting the appearance of a baby should understand the importance of amniotic fluid, because they perform many useful and significant functions for life. There are pathologies that cannot be ignored.

The importance of amniotic fluid is justified by their need for the normal development of the baby. This fact has been proven by many medical studies. Pathologies can lead to serious disturbances in the development of the fetus, so each makes it possible to keep under control the condition and volume of amniotic fluid.

Having become pregnant, a woman should understand that the first element for a child is water. All 9 months of gestation, the fetus lives in the amniotic fluid. The baby develops there, grows, all organs and systems are formed in him. This habitat is of great importance for the child.

Amniotic fluid meets the needs of the baby and carries information about the condition and immunity of the baby. Amniotic fluid during pregnancy has a very large list of functions for renewing and maintaining immunity, which are necessary for both mother and child. That is why you cannot ignore the alarming symptoms that may indicate problems.

Functions of amniotic fluid:

  • The thermoregulatory function is necessary for the baby, because for the normal development of the baby, the optimal temperature in the womb must be maintained - 37 degrees.
  • Immune protection. The amniotic fluid contains all the necessary components for the development and protection of the baby.
  • The mechanical function protects the baby from external influences. Thanks to her, a comfortable stay of the child in the womb is ensured.
  • The umbilical cord protection function significantly softens the shock. Also, thanks to the amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord is protected from mechanical stress.
  • Hermetic isolation from infections. Thanks to the liquid, the baby is under reliable protection.
  • There are also elements in the amniotic fluid that prevent the baby's body parts from splicing.
  • The function of ensuring optimal development is equally important. Thanks to this, the baby grows, develops and receives all the necessary elements.
  • Metabolic support.
  • Formation of the circulatory system of the fetus.
  • Prevention of bleeding.
  • Due to the structure and composition of the amniotic fluid, it is facilitated.


About 97% of amniotic fluid is water, it contains elements such as proteins, salts. Also present are skin particles, hair, and constituents called alkaloids. It is believed that the smell of the liquid is similar to breast milk.

For this reason, only a baby born into the world accurately understands where mother's breast is, at the level and by smell. When amniotic fluid appears, the kidneys of the child begin to work, the defenses of the baby's body are renewed.


By the end of gestation, the amount of water is approaching one to one and a half liters, every 3 hours the liquid is renewed, while the baby processes the third part. There are pathologies in which the volume of amniotic fluid can be more than the norm - polyhydramnios or less than the norm - oligohydramnios. The reasons are below.


According to known standards, the water in the womb should have a transparent light color. They should not contain any impurities. In another case, there may be a pathological process that can be harmful. If abnormal, the water may turn cloudy or green.

Diagnostic value

Amniotic fluid is considered a living environment for a reason, thanks to the presence in which babies form the correct functioning of organs and systems. The kidneys begin their work due to the fact that the baby swallows water, which is excreted in the urine (in the baby's bladder, amniotic fluid appears already on).

After a while, the baby, in the likeness of a fish, begins to "breathe" with water, carrying out a significant exercise for his respiratory system, thereby preparing himself for breathing in an ordinary environment.

Also, for diagnosis, amniotic fluid can be used to detect genetic diseases.


Polyhydramnios - one of the types of pathological processes during pregnancy. This condition is characterized by the fact that the amniotic fluid begins to exceed the norm in volume. The exact quantitative indicator of the fluid is determined by the doctor on an ultrasound scan.

It was not possible to establish 100% reasons for these problems. But at the same time, there are certain groups whose risk of getting pathology is slightly higher than that of others:

  • Diseases of a chronic nature in a pregnant woman, for example, diabetes, heart disease.
  • Infections in any organs.
  • - a large volume of water from one fruit often comes with a lack of water in the other.
  • Large fruit sizes.
  • Vices in the formation of the child.

With polyhydramnios, the following manifestations are characteristic: abdominal pain, shortness of breath, swelling of the extremities, too frequent pulse. The patient with such symptoms will need to go to the hospital and undergo a set of additional examinations.

The plan and duration of treatment depends on the cause of the polyhydramnios. The patient may be prescribed vitamins, antibiotics, diuretics. During treatment, the doctor controls weight, pressure, temperature. Appointed to undergo cardiography, ultrasound. The general condition of the child and mother is kept under control, the doctor monitors the slightest changes in the patient's health.

There is another side of this pathology, called lack of water ... This condition is characterized by insufficient volumes of liquid. Low water is a problem that any expectant mother can face.

Reasons that can provoke pathology:

  • Complex congenital malformations of the kidneys in the fetus.
  • Chronic diseases of the expectant mother, for example, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases.
  • Infections in the genitals.
  • The presence of bad habits in the expectant mother.
  • The presence of viruses and infections, influenza.
  • Availability late.
  • Pathological changes in the placenta.
  • Multiple gestation - when one embryo has little water, it often comes with polyhydramnios in another.
  • The time when the baby is worn for a longer period (the placenta becomes obsolete, and the amount of water decreases).

The expectant mother, faced with such problems, may experience aching pains in the abdomen, while the fetal movement becomes painful, the general condition worsens, and weakness may appear. High fever is an important symptom.

The woman is admitted to the hospital. All manipulations will be aimed at keeping the baby and the expectant mother in good condition. Thanks to special drugs and procedures, the health and condition of the mother and child is normalized.

Pathology is also dripping ... When water starts to leak ahead of schedule, it can lead to serious consequences. The signs of this pathology include the fact that the amount of fluid released becomes much larger in the process of changing position. This is a rather dangerous process, so the patient must definitely consult a doctor. They cause leakage of infection, presentation of the fetus and bad habits of the expectant mother.

Another pathology -amniotic fluid is green, not too rare. The reason for such waters may be a baby - when there is not enough oxygen, the anus may contract, which leads to the release of feces from the baby. This gives the liquid a green tint and negatively affects the development of the baby, who swallows contaminated water.


Water is the first thing a child gets to know. Even in the womb, he floats in a fluid called amniotic fluid. What amniotic fluid looks like and what is the norm for weeks (table) of pregnancy you will learn from the article.

Why amniotic fluid is needed

Amniotic fluid is necessary for the normal development of the child in the mother's womb, they are needed for

  • protecting the child from loud sounds, impacts (water - absorbs noise and is a shock absorber when impacting);
  • maintaining a comfortable temperature (amniotic fluid has a temperature of 37 degrees);
  • protection from outside threats (the amniotic fluid bubble is sealed, which allows you to protect the child from external influences);
  • providing nutrition for the baby (water does not allow the bladder to shrink, preventing the umbilical cord from being pinched);
  • freedom of movement of the baby (in the 1-2 trimester, the baby can move freely, swim in the amniotic fluid).

At birth, leaving the home environment, the child experiences stress, which helps to relieve water. When the birth ligament is washed off a newborn baby, it relaxes. This is very important to prepare for a new stage in his life.

Composition and rate of amniotic fluid

The membranes of the fetus begin to form after the fertilized egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. Then a complex process starts. From the membranes (amnion and chorion), a protective bubble is formed with a sterile liquid inside. As the fetus grows, the bubble expands.

Amniotic fluid is formed due to the "seepage" of the maternal blood plasma. At a later stage, the child himself, his lungs, and kidneys are already involved in the production and renewal of amniotic fluid.

Amniotic fluid consists of water (97%) with proteins dissolved in it, mineral salts (calcium, sodium, chlorine). It also contains skin cells, hair cells, aromatic substances.

There is an opinion that the smell of amniotic fluid is similar to the smell of mother's milk, so a newborn baby can easily find her mother's breast, because he drank a milk-like liquid while still in the womb.

Norm and pathology

The normal amount of amniotic fluid by the end of pregnancy is 600-1500 ml. For a number of reasons, these numbers may deviate from the norm up or down. Then doctors talk about polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.

Low water is diagnosed when the expectant mother has less than 500 ml of amniotic fluid. The reason for the decrease in the amount of water lies in the insufficient development of the endometrium (water membrane) or a decrease in its secretory capacity. Among other causes of pathology, they call

  1. anomalies in the development of the child's genitourinary system;
  2. mom's hypertension;
  3. inflammatory diseases of a woman;
  4. metabolic disorders, obesity;
  5. fetoplacental insufficiency.

Low water in one fetus when carrying twins is explained by the uneven distribution of blood in the placenta.

With oligohydramnios, severe abdominal pains, painful movements of the child are observed, the uterus is reduced, the size of its bottom does not correspond to the gestational age.

With polyhydramnios, the secretory function of the aqueous membrane is increased. Polyhydramnios can be caused by:

  1. diabetes mellitus, infectious and viral diseases of the mother;
  2. diseases of the heart, kidneys;
  3. incompatibility of the Rh factor in the blood of the mother and the child;
  4. multiple pregnancy (polyhydramnios in one fetus, oligohydramnios in another);
  5. placental disease.

Signs of polyhydramnios are heaviness in the abdomen, swelling of the legs, difficulty breathing and blood circulation, the child's movements become too active.

Low water and polyhydramnios are dangerous pathologies. To eliminate them, the help of a specialist is required. At the slightest suspicion, you should consult a doctor.

Deviations in the color of amniotic fluid

Normally, the amniotic fluid is colorless and transparent. It is similar in consistency to water, odorless. Most often, expectant mothers are worried about the change in the color of the amniotic fluid.

You can judge the color of amniotic fluid during their outpouring, which occurs during childbirth. In most cases, if the pregnancy is full-term, the waters are clear or cloudy yellow. This is their normal color and is not dangerous. The task of a woman after the outpouring of water is to get to the hospital within 2-3 hours.

The amniotic fluid can be different colors.

  1. Red speckled. A slight admixture of blood in a fluid of a normal (light or dull yellow) color is considered normal, since it indicates the opening of the cervix.
  2. Green color. The water stains the baby's original feces with a greenish or marsh color. The child is experiencing oxygen starvation, swallowing such waters is dangerous for the development of pneumonia in the baby.
  3. Red. Dangerous color, indicates internal bleeding in the mother or fetus. The most correct decision is to take a horizontal position, urgently call an ambulance.
  4. Dark brown. This color indicates the death of the fetus, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the color of the amniotic fluid changes, the mother and baby may be in danger. Therefore, it is better not to get to the hospital on your own, it is worth calling an ambulance, informing about the color of the waters.

Water research methods

Today, there are several ways to obtain information about the state of the amniotic fluid before the onset of the labor process. All methods are divided into invasive (requiring direct sampling of material) and non-invasive (not requiring penetration into the uterine cavity).

The only non-invasive method is ultrasound. This study can provide information about the amount of amniotic fluid, allows you to diagnose oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios.

The rest of the research methods (invasive) are associated with high risks, therefore, they are carried out for serious indications.

  1. Amnioscopy. Examination of the amniotic fluid with an amnioscope. This device is a tube with a lighting device at the end. Examination of the expectant mother is carried out on the gynecological chair by inserting the device into the cervix. The doctor pays attention to the color, consistency of the waters. Examination is possible after 37 weeks with suspicion of fetal hypoxia, Rh - conflict.
  2. Amniocentesis. Unlike amnioscopy, amniocentesis is performed after 16 weeks of gestation, when the volume of fluid reaches 150 ml. a needle is inserted into the amniotic cavity under ultrasound control, a small amount of fluid is taken. For amniocentesis, serious indications are needed: suspicion of genetic diseases or intrauterine infections, Rh-conflict, insufficient oxygen supply, chronic diseases of the mother.

Invasive diagnostic methods are associated with the risks of termination of pregnancy, premature rupture of amniotic fluid, miscarriages, placental abruption. Only a doctor can prescribe the procedure.

Amniotic fluid rates by week of pregnancy

As the gestational age increases, the amount of amniotic fluid increases. The approximate calculations are as follows:

  • 30 ml at 10-11 weeks;
  • 100 ml for 13-14;
  • 400 ml for 17-20;
  • 1200ml for 36-38;
  • 600-800 a few days before delivery.

The amount of amniotic fluid is individual for each expectant mother, the calculations are approximate, so doctors do not measure the amount of amniotic fluid in milliliters, using the definition of "amniotic fluid index". It is measured using an ultrasound machine starting from 16 weeks. The norms look like this:

  • 73-201 mm (average 121) at 16 weeks;
  • 77-211 (127) at 17;
  • 80-220 (133) at 18;
  • 83-230 (137) at 19;
  • 86-230 (143) x 20;
  • 88-233 (143) at 21;
  • 89-235 (145) at 22;
  • 90-237 (146) at 23;
  • 90-238 (147) at 24;
  • 89-240 (147) at 25;
  • 89-242 (147) at 26;
  • 85-245 (156) at 27;
  • 86-249 (146) at 28;
  • 84-254 (145) at 29;
  • 82-258 (145) at 30;
  • 79-263 (144) at 31;
  • 77-269 (144) at 32;
  • 74-274 (143) at 33;
  • 72-278 (142) at 34;
  • 70-279 (140) at 35;
  • 68-279 (138) at 36;
  • 66-275 (135) at 37;
  • 65-269 (132) at 38;
  • 64-255 (127) at 39;
  • 63-240 (123) at 40;
  • 63-216 (116) at 41;
  • 63-192 (110) at 42.

These numbers can be seen on the medical card, in parentheses are the average values ​​for each gestational age. Only a doctor can correctly decipher the data, since the norms of the amniotic fluid index depend on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Leakage of amniotic fluid

You can determine the leakage of amniotic fluid at home. There is a special test strip for this. The method is quite popular, but such a gasket is quite expensive (400-600 rubles), and the result is not always reliable. So a positive result can be shown not only by leaking water, but also by inflammatory diseases.

The exact result can be obtained in the hospital after examining the discharge.

The most informative way to determine water leakage is amniocentesis. A safe dye is injected into the fetal bladder with a needle, and a tampon is placed in the pregnant woman's vagina. Swab staining will show amniotic fluid leaking. This method is used in special cases when the life of the child is at risk.

The future baby spends all 9 months of pregnancy in very comfortable conditions. It is surrounded by a warm liquid, the temperature of which is constant - 37 degrees. The baby hears the pounding of her mother's heart, and all other noises are greatly muffled.

Amniotic fluid: analysis by composition

Amniotic fluid is an effusion of blood plasma from maternal vessels. At the beginning and in later stages of pregnancy, the baby himself maintains their level with the help of the work of his own kidneys and lungs. The amniotic fluid is normally sterile. It consists of water (97%) and nutrients (minerals, proteins and carbohydrates, hormones, enzymes), the presence of which depends on the duration of pregnancy. It also contains skin cells and vellus hair of the fetus. And even oxygen with carbon dioxide. Its volume reaches 1-1.5 liters. The liquid is renewed every three hours.

Of course, the volume of amniotic fluid strongly depends on the timing of pregnancy. Doctors have calculated that from the beginning of pregnancy and up to 32 weeks, the amount of fluid is growing steadily by 40-45 ml every day. Then it gradually decreases to 500-1500 ml.

When, during childbirth, the baby's lungs begin to shrink as they pass through the birth canal, all the amniotic fluid comes out of them, and the baby takes its first breath.

What amniotic fluid looks like

You can find out what color the amniotic fluid is only after they leave on their own or the doctor will puncture the fetal bladder. Information about what amniotic fluid looks like is very important information for, because it is one of the indicators of the state of an infant who is about to be born.

If the amniotic fluid does not have an unpleasant odor and is colorless, there are no obvious pathologies. The shade of the amniotic fluid is a little whitish - it also does not cause concern for doctors, since white flakes may be contained in a small amount.

Green amniotic fluid signals clear signs of oxygen deficiency in the unborn baby. In this case, the color of the amniotic fluid changes due to the fact that the future baby suffering from oxygen deficiency spontaneously secretes the original feces - meconium. It also colors the waters.

Why amniotic fluid is needed

  • The most important purpose of amniotic fluid is to feed the fetus. In the early stages, nutrients are absorbed through the skin. As the fetus grows, it may itself swallow some liquid.
  • The liquid is always of the same temperature and pressure. And this determines the comfortable conditions for the baby. It protects the baby from mechanical stress, excessive noise and even from infections, since it contains immunoglobulin.
  • Amniotic fluid is a kind of training. The child begins to develop vital functions: the kidneys begin to work (it is necessary to somehow process the waters that he swallows). The future baby learns to breathe air, preparing the lungs for intensive work in the future.
  • The amniotic fluid affects the birth process. The filled fetal bladder presses on the cervix, helping it to open. And when the fetal bladder bursts, then the waters wash the baby. It becomes easier for him to pass through the birth canal.

Amniotic fluid leak test

In about 10% of pregnancies, premature rupture of the amniotic membrane occurs. And this is the risk of premature birth, development of intrauterine infection and other possible complications.

Leakage of amniotic fluid, the symptoms of this factor in the course of pregnancy, cannot always be determined during a traditional clinical examination. In particular, if it happens slowly or intermittently. Therefore, many expectant mothers use the amniotic fluid leak test.

How to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid? You can do it the old fashioned way - using gauze instead of daily pads. But more informative is the use of a test strip with an informative strip. Its color will change if the test determines the pH of the secreted fluid. For reference: the vaginal pH is 3.8-4.5, and the pH of the amniotic fluid is 6.5-7.

Low water and polyhydramnios during pregnancy

It will help to establish whether the amniotic fluid volume of the expectant mother is normal. For example, oligohydramnios cannot be clinically recognized. If the gynecologist has made such a diagnosis (oligohydramnios), you will be prescribed special therapy to improve uteroplacental blood flow and the condition of the fetus. If treatment does not work, the doctor may decide to give birth to an emergency.

Water is the natural environment for a developing fetus. During the formation process, the baby swallows fluid, which is processed and poured back into the fetal bladder. The question arises: how amniotic fluid is renewed during pregnancy? Indeed, the composition includes many useful substances, the density does not change, and the child moves freely and is protected from overheating or hypothermia.


The role of amniotic fluid in the development of the embryo is very great, because it is here that he will have to spend all 9 months. The comfortable finding of the fetus in the womb depends on the volume and quality, and the functional features are multifaceted and it is difficult to overestimate them:
  • Metabolism between mother and child. The water contains nutrients that the baby swallows, and then secretes back, while there is a constant renewal.
  • The fetal bladder and its contents serve as a kind of shock absorber for minor shocks, protect against infections and prevent the umbilical cord from being pinched.
  • There is no doubt about sterility, because the amniotic fluid is renewed during pregnancy every three hours. The body constantly maintains the same composition, which can only change depending on the gestation period.
  • During labor, amniotic fluid softens the period of contractions and promotes comfortable movement along the birth canal.
Throughout the entire gestation, the baby feels comfortable and moves freely, therefore the properties should be unchanged and comply with the norm.

The contents of the shell is a transparent substance with a smell, which resembles mother's milk. Many experts believe that it is precisely because of this property that the baby, after birth, unmistakably recognizes where the mother's breast is.

How and for what period are the amniotic fluid renewed?

The baby is not just in the uterus, but also in the fetal bladder, which produces amnion at the cellular level. After 20 weeks of gestation, when active growth begins, the kidneys and lungs of the baby contribute to the production of amniotic water.

Moreover, the composition, which is not constant depending on the state of health of the mother, is very useful for the formation of the embryo. It contains the main components of nutrition (fats, proteins, carbohydrates), oxygen, immunoglobulin cells, and antigens. Since the baby lives in this substance, waste products (skin, hair) are not uncommon during tests.

Renewal of amniotic fluid during pregnancy occurs quite often - every three hours. The walls of the amnion secrete fluid, which is subsequently swallowed by the fetus, approximately 20 ml in 60 minutes. The exchange is carried out by suction, through special tubules or through the placental membrane with the umbilical cord.

The quantity and composition, depending on the period and individual characteristics of the organism, is constantly changing. On average, the volume reaches from 0.6 to 1.5 liters. An excess of this indicator indicates polyhydramnios, and an underestimated indicator indicates low water. Any of these extremes is abnormal and requires treatment.

Pathology of the development of amniotic fluid

Any of the deviations from the norm indicates the formation of serious pathologies that require immediate treatment:
  1. Low water is characterized by the fact that the amnion is not renewed sufficiently. A pregnant woman manifests a painful syndrome, since fetal movements occur in a smaller amount of fluid, while the size of the uterus does not correspond to the period of gestosis. Pathology threatens the normal formation of the child, curvature of the spine may develop as a result of squeezing and uncomfortable position.
  2. Polyhydramnios is more common and is associated with an acute and chronic condition. In the acute form, the increase occurs very quickly, which can lead to the death of the fetus or, as a result of strong pressure, rupture of the uterus. The chronic form is characterized by a gradual increase in the volume of fluid, the uterus is in good shape and you can hear "gurgling" if you click on the stomach. The symptoms are quite bright, the woman feels pain, edematous reactions appear on the limbs. The baby begins to actively move in the womb, the heartbeat is practically not heard, and the function of nutrition and blood circulation is impaired.
  3. Turbid fetal waters are diagnosed by ultrasound. A clear amniotic fluid, with a small amount of impurities of skin and hair particles, is considered the norm. In the early stages, this type of pathology is very dangerous, often doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy. In the second half of gestation, a change in state indicates the development of an infectious disease.
For diagnostics, tests are performed by amniocentesis (puncture of the fetal bladder), which allows you to determine genetic disorders, formation defects and malformations.

The detection of pathology in the early stages of gestation requires immediate treatment in a hospital setting, since the renewal of the composition during pregnancy should occur in accordance with generally accepted norms. At a later stage of gestation, a decision may be made to have a caesarean section to save the baby's life.

We do not remember what happened to us before birth, but, apparently, we felt good.

  • Firstly, warmth: the temperature of the amniotic fluid is always kept at around 37 ° C.
  • Secondly, it is quite quiet: the liquid absorbs shocks well and drowns out noises coming from the outside world.
  • Thirdly, due to the tightness of the bubble, nothing superfluous gets into it.
  • Fourthly, in the amniotic fluid there are immunoglobulins that protect the little man well from possible troubles.
  • Fifth, the amniotic fluid can be compared to a kind of buffer that protects the baby from pressure from the outside world and makes sure that the main means of communication with the mother - the umbilical cord - is not pinched.
  • Sixth, the child is not deprived of freedom of movement (especially in the early stages) and swims in the amniotic fluid.

Experts note that during the first bathing after birth (its purpose is to wash off the original lubricant), children perfectly relax, feeling themselves in a familiar environment. And this is very important before starting a completely new life in a completely different world - the world of fresh air.

Where does water come from and what is it made of?

When a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus and begins to divide, the constituent parts of a complex mechanism are formed: fetal membranes, placenta, umbilical cord and embryo (future baby).

Fetal membranes (amnion and chorion) form a sealed bladder with an absolutely sterile liquid inside. By the end of the second week of pregnancy, the bladder completely fills the uterus, and up to 14 weeks, the amniotic fluid seeps into the baby's body through the skin. Then his skin is enriched with keratin and becomes thicker, and from that moment the water gets inside through other channels. For example, in the digestive tract: the baby absorbs fluid and removes it from the body along with urine. Over time, the volume of water processed by it reaches several liters per day, despite the fact that there is always about one liter of fluid in the uterus.

Where does it come from? Amniotic fluid is formed due to the sweating of blood plasma from the mother's blood vessels. In late pregnancy, the baby's kidneys and lungs begin to take part in the production of amniotic fluid. By the end of the term, its quantity reaches 1-1.5 liters, and every three hours it is completely renewed, and one third is processed by the baby.

Almost 97% of amniotic fluid is water, in which a variety of nutrients are dissolved: proteins, mineral salts (calcium, sodium, chlorine). In addition, skin cells, hair cells and aromatic substances - alkaloids can be found in it. It is believed that the smell of amniotic fluid is similar to the smell of breast milk, which allows a newly born baby to accurately determine where the mother's breast is.

In the West, in some maternity hospitals, newborns are not washed their hands so that they can suck on their fingers, "scented" with amniotic fluid, to the smell of which they are so accustomed to.

How are waters involved in the birth process?

The amniotic fluid is a living environment, thanks to the presence in which many vital functions begin to work in the child. The kidneys of the little one begin to work due to the fact that he swallows water, processes and removes them along with urine (in the baby's bladder, amniotic fluid is found already at the 9th week of pregnancy). Over time, the child, like a fish, begins to "inhale" the liquid, doing the first and very important exercise for the lungs, preparing them for breathing in a normal atmosphere. During childbirth, the lungs contract, the remnants of the amniotic fluid come out, and immediately after that, the baby takes his first breath.

At the end of pregnancy, the fetal bladder begins to press on the cervix, which helps it to open. On the day of birth, after the rupture of the membranes (regardless of whether it happens naturally or artificially), fluid enters the birth canal and washes them, which helps the baby move forward. If the baby lies with his head down, then at the beginning of labor, only those waters that are in front are poured out, while the rest protect him further, and come out only with the birth of the child.

Water volume

Since everything related to the state of amniotic fluid is very important for the health of the child, doctors closely monitor everything that happens to them. Both polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios can negatively affect the development of the embryo.

Isolation of amniotic fluid before delivery

According to statistics, every fifth woman loses some amount of amniotic fluid even before the rupture of the membranes. When the amniotic fluid begins to "leak", mothers get scared: it seems to them that they did not have time to reach the toilet (so as not to be mistaken with conclusions, tighten your muscles: the flow of urine can be stopped by an effort of will, but amniotic fluid cannot).

Because the amniotic fluid leaks into your baby, it is in your best interest to see a doctor. He will take a swab from the cervix for elements of amniotic fluid, and then he will decide what to do next. If it all started before 34 weeks and the baby's lungs have not yet "matured", doctors will prolong the pregnancy, protecting the baby with antibiotics. At this time, the expectant mother will be prescribed medications, with the help of which the baby's lungs "ripen", and the cervix will prepare for childbirth. If the leakage of amniotic fluid is accompanied by an infection (the expectant mother's temperature rises, there are many leukocytes in the blood test and vaginal smear, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) accelerates), the woman immediately begins to prepare for childbirth.