How beautiful cutting very long hair. How beautiful cut long hair? Fashion haircuts. What a haircut for long hair is suitable for a round face

Olya Likchev

Beauty - like a gem: what it is easier, the more precious :)

Beauty has a close interconnection with health, so attracting attention and causing admiration hair - thick, shiny, lush, alive. Thin tips, which, in addition, began to sneeze, spoil the body of a well-groomed girl, especially if she spoals the length. How to cut them exactly independently and with what frequency you need to do it?

Why undernit hair tips

Girls who are trying to grow as much as possible for themselves, even the idea of \u200b\u200blosing a pair of millimeters is often perceived negatively. They are wondering why to short hair tips if the silhouette does not involve a monthly update, and it does not affect the fixed growth rate. To the denotote, this also applies.

Professionals are ready to tell that it gives regular haircut of hair tips:

  • Saving a beautiful cut, which is relevant for any length.
  • Elimination of thinning, which appears on the length before the blades and below.
  • The tips are the most "old" zone, over time, becoming absolutely lifeless and dry, even if it does not try to sneeze. Her elimination is a way to preserve a healthy type hairstyle.

How to cut the tips to yourself

The ability to visit the hairdresser is not all: a lack of time, the lack of a literate master, too high cost. For such a situation, girls need to know how to properly cut the tips to themselves, retaining the silhouette of the original hairstyle. If the hair is long, hang them easily, and with short it is better to find a proven interior: rear it will not be possible to spend this procedure.

Experts tell how to cut the ends of long hair correctly and smoothly:

  • Only professional scissors - no stationery.
  • Be sure to moisten slightly, but not so that water dripped. For curly slightly more intense than for hardly noticeable curls or direct cloths.
  • Before cut off, align the comb.

Ways to cut the tips on their own not so much:

  • Smooth line throughout the circumference.
  • Cascade, through the tail thrown forward.
  • Harness.

How beautiful cut hair tips

Regardless of the selected method from those listed earlier, you need to properly organize the working area. Front and rear should be mirrors that will provide you with a good review. Exactly and beautifully cut the hair tips will help all the tools: hairpins, clamps, gum, scissors (good to have mercillary), fine comb. General scheme of action on the example of length to waist with a smooth cut:

  1. Collect the tail on the back of the head.
  2. Work zone to moisten evenly, combing.
  3. Put the tail over the shoulder while holding the end between the index and middle finger.
  4. Put the comb parallel to the floor, trim the tips on it.
  5. Fill your hair, make melting, if necessary (for thick).
  6. Do not forget to comb each strand, reaching the end before cutting the new site, and compare it with neighboring.

How to cut the tips of long hair

This method is not suitable to maintain direct cut - it is focused on the ladder or cascade. The haircut of the ends of long hair on this technology is very simple, ideal for wavy, but it's better not to spend it on curly. Scheme such:

  1. Wet hair move forward, tilting his head.
  2. Comb If you need a sample, do at the same stage.
  3. Determine the cut shape: the diagonal on the right and the left, which moves in the center, will give an obvious ladder. Smooth helps make a beautiful soft cascade.
  4. How much cut off - depends on the state of the tips.
  5. Hang the slice, removing the cutting hairs (preferably by milling scissors).

How to cut sequencing tips along the entire length

If you need not in the preventive procedure, but the removal of dry sites that began to be seen, professionals are advised to resort to the method of harnesses. The method is ideal for preserving long hair, because Hanging here is not performed. The only drawback: the procedure takes a lot of time and requires very thoughtful, slow actions.

Beautiful and gently cut the secant tips along the entire length so:

  1. Wash your head without (!) Balms, masks, etc. Slightly add.
  2. Wet combing hair is divided into several sections with horizontal and vertical probes. Most of the collected in the bundle, so as not to interfere.
  3. Twist strand with a thin strong harness. Competition on oblique all sticking dissected ends along it: to practically end this line. Repeat before obtaining the desired result.

So that the hair remains beautiful and well-groomed, they need them, no matter how trally sounded - cut. You can give the will of fantasy: entangle the tips or radically change the image.

When choosing a haircut it is worth considering the form of a face.

Not in vain say "This haircut to your face!", After all, the shape of the head and the features of the face are the main aspects in choosing the future image. It is enough just to emphasize the features of the type and hide some drawbacks with the help.

There is a set of "ideal" hairstyles on any form allocated by many years of experienced stylists and designers. The shape of the cheekbar, the height of the forehead and chin, the arch of the jaw is taken into account.

And also the softness or sharpness of the features so that the hair fit and supplemented natural beauty:

  • . Wine short hair, ribbon asymmetrical haircuts and chaotic curls. Long and straight lines are not recommended - the face is visually even stronger, it is necessary to give preferences "Cascade" and "Lestenka", the oblique cheeve and light negligence is acceptable;
  • round face. It is advised to pull, therefore, haircuts are recommended with a volumetric emphasis on the top of the top. Among the short preferred "Bob" and "Pixie" are volumetric and asymmetric.

Care at an angle, long cascades and neat curls not to give the face of greater completeness;

  • triangular face. It costs to increase the volume to the bottom of the head, visually making the chin larger and softening sharp features.

You should not stop at short variants, since the laying is concentrated at the top. Suitable and elongated "Garson", a lush cheek;

  • square face.

Certainly popular will be used by hairstyles, rounding face - without sudden lines covering cheeks.

Ideal will be a square in any performance. On long hair, the straight haircut will look winning, but should not do "the ladder";

  • heath-shaped face. Due to the similar shape with triangular, the same options are suitable.

The importance of details

Also taken into account the structure of the hair.

It is impossible to divide the same nuances as the size and shape of the nose. The little nose allows you to use small chaotic curries, wide - straight haircuts, preferably with a more massive upper part.

The structure of the hair determines the required volume. Will look more, if you give preference to air and high hairstyles.

Thick curls are kept gentle in the cascade haircuts.

The hair-curly hair is twisted stronger in short haircuts, therefore it is best to choose an average or long version, due to its own weight, the hair will lie with noble curls.

Selection of Chelka

Many types of bangs for different shapes of the face.

To meet the need for changes, it is not necessary to cut into full, sometimes changing enough, and any image will play in a new way. The view is that not everyone is suitable for the cheek, has long lost the relevance - there is a choice for all forms and faces.

Classified as follows:

  • straight / oblique;
  • long / short;
  • ripped;
  • compound;
  • arcuate;
  • asymmetric.

The convenience is that this part of the hairstyle will grow quickly and allows you to quickly change the image.

With the same success, with its help, the unsuccessful haircut is corrected, "flames" the shortcomings.

You can safely experiment!

A little bit about long spit

Long hair must be well maintained.

Since ancient times, an embodiment of femininity was considered, so many female representatives rob them throughout life.

Unfortunately, many forget about health and hair care. It is important to remember that the length itself is not so important as a presentable view.

  1. Hair is prone to fatty, they require everyday washing, which brings great inconvenience and time costs;
  2. The structure is severely damaged by clarification or hot styling, so the ends are strongly sequentially;
  3. The hair itself is thin and straight, that with a large length makes hairstyle visually even more scarce;

The sequencing tips look untidy, and if it is half the length - the whole image is spoiled, so much more pleasant to have a medium or short haircut on healthy and fresh hair.

It is worth considering and age, because the older woman, especially just looks like a long braid. She decorates young girls, and it looks stylish throughout life will help the change of hairstyles.

In adulthood, short hair is more relevant, the main thing is to follow the trends and choose the right form.

"Cropped" alternatives

To look elegant, it is not necessary to raise all life. On short hair beautifully looks on light, negligent styling.

In addition, such haircuts more open the outlines of the neck and shoulders - it will give the image of femininity. More stringent geometric hairstyles, but they are an indicator of determination and extravagance.

The average length gives even more features. You can balance the proportions of any person: classic kara and "bob" are restrained and aesthetic, for more boldly rush, asymmetrical haircuts.

At the level of shoulders, the same advantageously looks like straight styling and soft waves.

Basic rules cutting

It is better to trust professionals.

Any professional hairdresser or stylist has immutable truths and rules performed uncorrectly. About the most basic worth knowing each visitor to the cabin.

  1. The first and most importantly - do not try to face yourself. Whether it is a model haircut or picking the cheeky and tips, it is better to immediately go to a professional than to reanimate the tropped hair;
  2. Use only sharpened hairdressing scissors, since the paper intended for cutting strongly damage tips;
  3. It is much easier to cut wet straight hair, they fall smoothly and not confused. Crispy should be cut dry to immediately see the length without stretching;
  4. The bottom in a straight line will suit only the owners of perfectly smooth hair, in other cases it is worth aligning a semicircle or cascade.

This will refresh the image and will enable the widespread styling.

What frequency to cut?

Strip the haircut itself.

There is no unambiguous answer to this question. Each hair growth rate has its own, moreover, the length increases unevenly.

The trigger schedule should be individually based on the features of the scalp, hair structures and the target.

In order to save or increase the length, you need to visit the hairdresser regularly. When growing, hair often become fragile not only at the ends so that this does not occur, cut off several millimeters every month or two - be sure.

With such a braid procedure, it will grow much faster than completely without trim. The same principle is used to preserve and rehabilitate the hair of medium length.

If the goal is to preserve the model haircut and shape of the hairstyle, it is necessary to refresh it more often.

With the length above the shoulders, the hair breaks less and grow more intensively, but from this, the laying quickly loses the conceived view. Therefore, resort to scissors worth at least once every 4-5 weeks.

After the analysis of all aspects, the choice remains only for the future mistress of the haircut. Do not forget that the hairstyle is a base so that it looks presentable, care for hair needs carefully, regardless of the model and length.

The correct form of laying, neat and healthy hair is the law of the perfect image.

From this video you will learn how to cut your hair at home.

In contact with

You have long hair, and you can't imagine that they can be cut? Short haircut for you is real only on someone else's head? However, there are haircuts that can make a hairdresser even Rapunzel!

Wavy Bob Julianna Haf

Gentle haircut with little torn edges will make you feminine and unique.

Perfection of Jordan Dan.

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Print Pixie Lily Collins

Excellent way to emphasize the cheekbones and demonstrate a swan neck!

Restraint Leighton Mr.

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Short haircuts that make you trim: Kristen Bell

Light waves set up a romantic way, an excellent option for any type of face!

Luxury from Emma Stone

The perfect hair length for short haircuts! The hair framing the face, emphasizing the chin line, and there are many laying options.

Short haircuts that make you cut out: Ann Khataui

True bean for real beauties!

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The singer can amaze, but here she surpassed himself. Haircut in combination with the color of the hair and asks to repeat it!

Queen of short haircuts, Miley Cyrus

I really knows a lot about fashionable hairstyles! It would seem that Miley tried everything you can! But it was this haircut that inspired many to use scissors.

Femininity Ann

Another haircut from the actress, which forced the whole world to believe that the short pixie could be feminine and stylish at the same time.

Asymmetry Frankie Sandford

The fabulous haircut gives the image of mystery and zador!

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Haircut for bright individualities! Do you relate to such? Then this is your option!

Short haircuts that make you trim: Christina Hendrix

Real spring haircut for you! What could be sexier than fierce hair curls in Retro Style #

"Puff" hairstyle Chelsea Kane

Excellent option to soften coarse face features. Yes, with this haircut you will become more feminine unequivocally!

Elfi Style Brie Murphy

Beautiful face need to show! All this is possible with this ultra-cut haircut, which will only emphasize the best in you.

Short haircuts that make you cut off: Catherine Kelly

The classic of the genre is a short car for quiet and restrained girls who know what elegance is!

Accuracy of Megan Boon

Cute Pixie with a long bang for those who are always in a hurry, but at the same time it eager to look good!

Urban chic from Pixie Lott

Easy carelessness and style - what is needed by this spring!

Avangard from Elsa Pataki

Long bang, descending on his eyes, give your mystery image.

Non-shaped sexuality of Siara

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Short haircuts that make you trim: Jamie Alexander

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Asymmetry, which will keep your adorable face in focus. Do not run into the hairdresser?

Iroquois from Rihanna

Make your natural waves "work" on you!

Properly selected haircut helps adjust the features of the face, refresh the image and raise the mood. After all, all of us girls are not constant in their desires, but we want one to be always beautiful and irresistible! Long hair is a real wealth and a real find for a hairdresser. After all, almost any haircuts can be embarrassing on long hair: from classic to creative. Also in the review you will find fashionable trends in laying long hair and staining and a large collection of photos in which you can find a suitable haircut option.

Trendy haircuts for long hair: trends

Is there a fashion for haircuts? Of course! New trends and techniques appear, which allow you to visually increase the volume, give the hair to the hair.

Trend №1: multi-layered

Multilayer haircuts for long hair 2019 with soft outlines. The most popular haircut option for long hair has an interesting name - "Rhapsodia". Such a haircut does not require laying. Hair with soft curls falls on the shoulders of their owner creating a gentle and cute image. An additional volume created on the top of the top and in the region of cheekbone allows you to unobtrusively simulate the face form. The technique of execution of such a haircut can be performed in various ways, due to which the individual design of the contour is possible, while maintaining the length of the hair and underlining the type of appearance.

Trend №2: Asymmetrical sample

Haircuts with asymmetric surgery and long bangs allow you to visually align the features of the face. With it, you can visually pull out the face, so this option can be safely used for a round face. It also suits women with an oval face form. A long bang haircut is a real rescue at a fine structure of the hair, as it can give them a visual volume.

Trend №3: Long Bang

Haircuts for long hair 2019 with an extended bang, moving into a hairstyle, are a trend of this season. An extended bang is the perfect option for an elongated face or high forehead. Bang can be straight, in this case it will emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes or oblique, which is great for a square or rectangular face form.

Haircuts with straight thick bangs are suitable for perfectly smooth hair. In addition, bangs perfectly masks some drawbacks, for example, obvious folds on the frontal part. Also, a thick straight bang allows you to concentrate on the eyes. In addition, the haircut with bangs will not only update the image, but also will help visually reset for several years.

Trend №5: Fox Tail

The haircut of fox tail is a novelty of this season, although it was noticed by fashionable for a long time. Such a haircut looks spectacular without bangs. Its name was obtained due to the special edging of the tips of the hair, which mimics the lisus tail. The contour of the hair in the form of a Latin letter V. The effect will be well noticeable on perfectly smooth long hair.

Trend №6: Celebrate

Haircuts with District - Another new-fashioned trend of this year. Moreover, there are many options. They relate to creative haircuts. Particularly interesting is the artistic scenario, which attracts attention to its beauty and not ordinary.

Classic long hair haircuts

Most often owner of chic champions prefer the following types of haircuts:

Classic Women's Haircut: Cascade

Cascade with bangs or without it. This option is universal and loved by many representatives of the beautiful sex. Even celebrities prefer this uncomplicated, practical, but very stylish hairstyle for long hair.

Classic Women's Haircut: Lestenka

This version of the female haircut has similar features with a "cascade". The difference is that in this embodiment, the hair is littered only in front, while the crown and the occipital part remain intact. The ladder looks harmoniously practically with any option of bang, it can also be without bangs.

Classic female haircut: "Ranged" haircut

They look spectacular and allow you to create a variety of laying on long hair. Trendy torn haircuts are considered basic and relevant options in youth trends. They are suitable absolutely! Perfectly emphasize the natural beauty of appearance and distract from the existing shortcomings.

"Star" haircuts for long hair with bangs and without bangs

Each time deciding to update your image and change the hairstyle, we are looking for fashionable options in magazines and online resources. Of course, we first consider fashionable haircuts who prefer celebrities. Haircuts on long hair are diverse, but the hit of this season has become uniquely aggressive, but at the same time a very sexy haircut of the SHEG. Translated into Russian, it is nothing more than "loafness". The execution technology has similar features with a classic cascade. The only thing that all tiers are launched more intensively by creating clear and expressive features. Once this haircut was a favorite version of the Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston, as well as Joyan Jett and Smith Patti.

If you have loved the image of Dianna Agron, then you will fit a multi-layer haircut with a lush texture. Textured curls look gorgeous.

Other fashionable haircuts

Fashionable styling haircuts on long hair

Beautiful and neat styling gives any image of charming, female magnetism and attractiveness. Laying on long hair allows you to attract the attention of the opposite sex and cause admiring views from others.

Trendy haircuts in aggregate with styling create a real fashion tandem. After 30 years, hair often lose their former elasticity and volume. Therefore, stylists recommend styling that can visually eliminate these shortcomings. Most often, the ladies choose curls. It is not surprising, because they always look feminine and easy. The image is very air. Also on long hair you can make styling with a root volume.

Another interesting and popular version of laying on long hair is the effect of wet hair, they are also called beach curls.

In case the hair from nature is wavy or curly, you can smooth out their structure using an iron straightener that will allow you to get a beautiful and neat hairstyle.

Do not forget that this season in trend naturalness! Therefore, it is necessary to postpone the fixing agents or use them at a minimum.

The owners of long hair can resort to the most simple, but universal version - to laying with a round brush and a hair dryer. If you turn your strands and pull them up, you can get a dizzying volume that will stay throughout the day.

This season is more relevant perfectly smooth, straight hair. Such laying is universal. Suitable for a romantic date or for walks with friends.

Stylish Staining Striges for Long Hair

Beautiful and fashionable staining will give any novelty haircut. This season, stylists offer various coloring options for long hair:

  • Babylights . This technique implies softly melting. This method allows to achieve maximum naturalness. To obtain the necessary effect, the master makes brush strokes, and then uses polyethylene to highlight a separate strand.

  • For brunettes and brown amber Milan Melting . For this you need about three shades that will allow you to get beautiful overflows on dark hair.

  • Flamboyuzh . Performed by special technology using branded paper.

  • LowLighting . New-fashioned staining, allowing to highlight dark strands.

Stock Foto Fashion haircuts on long hair

Boring images already in the past! It's time to experiment! Haircuts for long hair whose photos can be viewed right now, differ in variety. They can be performed with both bangs and without it. Pick up for yourself the appropriate option, and you will see how you transform, you will become more beautiful and more interesting.

I will start with the practical advice to those girls who are always coming out of the beauty salon in upset feelings:
1) Your master is not a telepath and thinking to read either, so it's immediately clearly, loud and extremely clearly talking about how many centimeters you want to remove which cut prefer and what scissors to make a haircut (ordinary or hot)! Immediately bring an example: I sit down in a chair and say that today I want to end the hair with ordinary scissors for 2 centimeters, and make a cut semicircle.
2) There are such pest masters who sleep and see to remove you more length, arguing that it will be better, you will have the ends completely killed and recovery and are not subject to, etc. I spent for several years to grow hair and knew how every time every centimeter of length is given, so we definitely stress for such masters and repeat the haircut several times before starting the haircut that you want to remove so much length and not a centimeter more! Only you decide how much centimeters to clean, and the opinion of the master has a place to be, as a recommendation and advice of the professional.
3) in conventional or hot scissors to lifting hair? I tried both methods and I can say the following - the hot scissors method allows you to "pan" the sequesters, such a haircut gives the hair incredible smoothness and the view, as in the shampoo advertising. But on my hair, the effect was holding about 2 weeks, and then completely went to no. Hanging with hot scissors is quite more expensive than ordinary. In terms of time, this procedure lasts longer than the usual permanent length. In my salon for mounting ordinary scissors, I give 400 rubles, and a hot about 1000 - the difference is very significant, so now I choose ordinary scissors. Although if your finances allow this, then I recommend that the method of hanging with hot scissors.
4) Straight cut or cut semicircle, what is better to choose? For a long time with striking precisely to a smooth slice. Unfortunately, on my straight and fairly thick hair, such a slice looked very "hardly", especially in the photos there was an impression that the hair seemed to be cut down, and I treat the mobilion to the ends. The cut semicirc looks much more interesting, gives the image of ease and gives a wide space for experiments with stacking. The last time I chose exactly a semicircle with a semicircle, and straight from the face asked to cut steps, believe me, the image after such a haircut is transformed by capital and the shape immediately appears.
5) How often think hair? I advise you to do it at least once every 2-3 months and remove about 2 cm length. I used to pull the campaign to the salon, as I could. I had periods when I got a manic thought to grow hair as long as possible. For clarity, I tell a story about how I didn't cut the hair about 5 months, from the beginning of April to September of this year. Yes, I managed to carry out my goal and repel the length of the belt, but let's look more closely in the photo taken before hanging the hair. It is clearly seen that about 10 cm of the ends are far from being better - they are dry, stick out in all directions and look very inaccurated, despite the fact that the hair in the photo is laid and straightened by the iron. I am not talking about combing - I decided on a haircut, when despite the regular use of moisturizing masks, oils and air conditioning sprays, the comb was stuck somewhere in the middle of the length, the hair began to be very confused, almost chopencies.

I walked into the salon with the thought, which will remove as usual 2-3 cm and no more. But looking at his hair with bright lighting and in a large mirror, I realized that I did not like my reflection, I don't like how my fairly thrusting hair began to look and you need to change something urgently. As a result, I removed about 10 cm (!) Length and made a semicircle cut, laying strands at the face of the steps. Think, I even regretted the droplet about it? On the contrary, from the salon I came out light and updated, the hair became perfectly smooth, combed, like oil, and the tips began to look very neat. The morality of this story: if I would not be fond of the growing and more often attended the master, I would not have to ultimately remove so much length. By the way, after such a "radical" hanging, more than two months have passed, the hair began to grow very well and look still well-groomed, but in their "graphics" I have already planned an alignment at the end of November.

And, finally, I will share my "secret", or rather a wonderful agent that carries over the tips and prevents the cross section, which allows you to pull the hanging hair.

Probably all persistent about this oil. After all, it is actually just a find! I have already lost the bill, which time I buy this tool. The oil has an affordable cost, about 300 rubles, convenient packaging with the dispenser and is economically spent. I use oil-elixir as follows: rubbing a small portion in the palms and nano on wet hair, starting with the tips and moving towards the middle of the length. Oil restores and drinks hair, gives them a well-kept and tidy look, and with regular use oil really helps less frequently cut the tips, but still do not ignore this procedure

Thank you for spending this time with me. I hope that my experience and advice turned out to be useful to you and wish all the girls beautiful, well-groomed and healthy hair! I note that only my reflections are given here and I am not a hairdresser or a specialist, so if your opinion does not coincide with my or you have something to say on the topic of hair mount, I will be glad to communicate in the comments!