How to unobtrusively invite a guy on a date. Offer interesting leisure. Phrases for appointment date

In our society it is so established that to make the first step in love relationships - the prerogative of men. Therefore, poor women often suffer and pour tears in a pillow, as the subject of their sympathy does not take the first step, and the ladies themselves are shy to show the initiative. But is it worth it? Big question. After all, sometimes such uncertainty can become the most enormous disappointment in life.

So is it worth waiting for the weather by the sea? Probably not. After all, daily women around the world are trying to prove their equality with men. The beautiful half of humanity actively drives the car, takes high positions and sometimes earns much more men, so why not engage in the fight for your own happiness? It's time! So let's talk about how to invite a man on a date.

We start training

So you seem to be ripe to invite a guy to the first date, take a step towards.

What is it worth afraid in this situation? Of course, the failure of a young man. None of us is ready to be rejected, but you should not forget about such a turn of events. And even if you hear from a pretty man "No", you do not need to fall into hysterics and to start offending him, take a refusal of dignity.

Many girls at the preparatory stage are tormented by the question where to invite a man on a date. The place is better to choose such that it is interesting to you and the guy you invited. Agree, if a young man loves walking on a bike, and you do not know how to ride it at all, then a date will most likely be failed.

Nothing but disappointment you will not experience.

In addition, it is better to give preference not very noisy and crowded places so that you have the opportunity to chat with a young man. For example, visiting the cinema is a very good idea, but only if after viewing the trip to the cozy cafe will be scheduled, otherwise it will not be necessary to talk normally.

If you came up with where to go on a date with a guy, then it's time to make him an invitation. The optimal option is to talk in a habitual setting for it, without witnesses, the audience is not needed in such a matter, they can roam like you and the subject of your sympathy.

Go to the offensive

So, if the meeting place is chosen, and you are determined to invite a guy, then you should not postpone the case in a long box. Gather with the forces - and go ahead.

And so that the man cannot refuse you, follow the following recommendations:

  • Try to look perfect. Many girls confident adds impeccable appearance. Therefore, on the day "X" try to look at the height, choose a beautiful image, make a neat hairstyle and makeup. If you have a happy blouse, you should dress up in it. Such little tricks will allow you to overcome fear and gain confidence in our own forces;

  • Tune in to conversation. If you decide to invite a man first, then tune in to the conversation. It is very important during the invitation to look at the young man in the eyes and smile. Summary contact has a interlocutor and this is a fact. When talking phrase, build clearly, do not mumble. If you can not immediately go to the offensive, then you first ask about something insignificant, but do not tighten the conversation;
  • If you did not show much interest in the young man before you, then it's time to start building contact with him, the flirting droplet here does not hurt here: a light halfupcoon, a look as directed in his direction, all this will make a positive effect. At the same time, try to be not too intrusive, since active actions, and started sharply and from the skill, can scare the guy. Everything should be in moderation, flirting is a light game, not fighting, do not forget about it;
  • Remember that the magic phrase to invite a man on a date, no. Therefore, to memorize some text does not make sense. And you from excitement you can forget the served phrases and go into a stupor, it is better to behave naturally, speak from the soul, sincerity is always appreciated. Even the most banal question is suitable from the category: "Hello, if you are not busy today, maybe we go to cafes / movies, etc.?". Clearly, just, from the soul - here is the key to success.

Some more useful information on the topic, as the first to invite a man

If you can't get courage and directly call a pretty guy on a date, you can try to use the area.

To do this, buy two tickets, for example, to the concert of his favorite group, in the cinema, for an interesting performance, in general, wherever the subject of your sympathy is interesting.

After that, in a conversation with a man, mention that you have two tickets to the event, and your girlfriend (sister, mom, grandmother, etc.) will not be able to go.

Offer a young person to make you a company. Such an invitation will look easily and ease and will not scare away the guy if it is struck by nature.

If you are with a young man who is sympathetic to you, communicate in one company, it is quite possible to arrange not a date alone, but a meeting of friends. True, an invite is not a huge crowd of people, but 1-2 couples of lovers. In such an environment, you can easily and without pressure to communicate with a pretty young man and have a great time. By the way, this option is suitable for girls who do not know how to invite a man's colleague on a date. For example, after the working day, call the colleagues to drink coffee together, the main thing is that the guy you like, "nailed" on the call, and in the company there were no more girls applying for his attention.

It is worth saying right to say that inviting the colleague somewhere, there is a risk of spoiling with him not only friendly, but also a business relationship. If something goes wrong on a date and you will not find a common language, work in the future together will be very difficult.

If you feel about the category of very shy girls, you can invite a young man to meet by writing a note. True, this option is not suitable for everyone, here it is necessary to repel from the character of the guy. For example, romance will definitely appreciate such an invitation.

Some girls wonder how to invite a man through SMS on a date?

In principle, just like using the usual note, only for the use of communication tools you will need to deal with the phone number of a man. If you have contact, it can be better called not through SMS, but simply call? Although, here every beauty decides on its own.

There are cases when girls and guys are truly revealed only in correspondence and live whole love stories, gaining SMS messages or email messages.

Therefore, the use of modern means of communications is not such a bad idea.

In general, it absolutely no matter how you invited a man on a date, the main thing is that he agrees and you spent the first meeting perfectly. Good luck and do not be afraid to take the first step!

How to invite a man on a date for the first to not only consent, but it looks worthy in the eyes of the object of attention.

This question is increasingly interested in modern women who do not want to wait for activity from a strong sex. Fear goes to the background, when stronger feelings appear: love, sympathy, attraction to man. But one courage and self-confidence is not enough. It is necessary to act so that the guy correctly understood and accepted the initiative. Examine the theory before proceeding to practice.

Important moments and preliminary preparation

There are several points that need to be taken into account, deciding whether to call a guy for the first romantic date.

Family status. It is worth finding out whether the young man in long-term relationship is not. There is a chance that the chosen one is married or has long been found with another woman. This is one of the reasons.

Preliminary communication. Not everything is easy to contact with unfamiliar people. Especially since not everyone agrees to a private meeting with a stranger. We'll have to try to establish friendly communication with the cavalier, call trust, to inform about his interests. This will help further decide on the choice of place and the subject matter.

It may happen so that the girl, having learned the guy to the closer at all refuses the idea of \u200b\u200bthe meeting alone. It is also not worth tightening with a friendly relationship, otherwise there is a risk of staying in the camp of friends forever.

Readiness for failure. Moment is unpleasant. But it is worth remembering that as it may be competent and originally made an invitation, a man may refuse a date. Causes are different. And the guy is not obliged to voice them.

Probably, the object of attention is in love with someone, did not come to himself after the painful break of the previous relations, or does not consider the inviting woman in the romantic vein. Therefore, it will have to morally prepare for a possible failure.

Careful preparation. In the cherished hour it is necessary to look perfect and comfortable. It will give confidence, it will help to more charm one. Take care of trifles. Neat manicure and hairstyle play an important role.

During a date, think about good, the smile should be natural. Keep visual contact with the interlocutor. In order not to be embarrassed, do not forget important words or vice versa not talking superfluous, it is worth it to propose speech at home in front of the mirror. Do not be upset if in the process I had to deviate from the scheme accounted earlier. The result is important.

Ways to appoint a date man

To first invite a man on a date, you need overcome fear of the first step. Assess the situation, the presence of response sympathy from a potential partner. There are several options for appointment.

Invitation methods:

  1. Verbal: conversation with personal communication, call on the phone.
  2. Written: note, postcard, SMS.
  3. Remote: Message on the social network or with the help of a third party.

How to say about a date out loud

Option for the most bold and self-confident girls. If there is no compression, psychological barriers, it is better to choose such. Personal conversation practically leaves no shortcoming. In addition, a careful person will feel how the interlocutor is configured, his emotions towards the situation. If the guy agrees to meet in force, not wanting to offend the lady, it will be noticeable.

Invite a man on a date alone. Excess witnesses will damn both. Call overhead among familiar or colleagues. Impedue a minute when the chosen one will be alone.

The phone call is good because the interlocutor will not see you, which means that it will not notice embarrassment. On the call it is worth stopping, if you are prone to vegetative manifestations of emotions, such as redness of the skin, appearance of Spains, involuntary movements, neurotic manifestations.

Written invitation for shy

An option in the form of notes and letters is convenient if the woman is scared of failure. Either in the case when the girl better sets out thoughts in writing, and at the meeting it is afraid to be confused and say something wrong with a man.

In any case, the messengers make the rehearsal. The message can be rewritten many times, even edit after sending. The text is obtained weighted, verified. But do not stand. After numerous editions, a desire to send it at all will be disappeared. The method is also convenient because the written refusal of a date is perceived less painful. And at a personal meeting, it is better not to return to this topic.

If you decide to use a third party, then choose a reliable person who trust. Ideally, if the candidate himself seens a desire to help. Discuss in advance what will be told to the object of your sympathies so as not to get into the confusion situation, not to be understood.

Effective methods with minimal risk of refusal

Inviting a man on a date not to get a failure, use proven funds. Stay in advance so that both were intersee.

The classic scheme "The ticket disappears"

The idea is old as the world, therefore it does not apply to the original methods. But tested by millions of women. Job with a man and his friends. Watch to determine what is fond of what is important for it and calls positive emotions. Check tickets to where it will be interesting to both. A hike in the theater, a concert, a football match or a circus presentation.

In unobtrusive form, let me know Cavalera about what was going to go with a friend, but that fell ill, left, works or treat a sick cat. Thus, you will show interest in a young man, but minimize the risks of shame, deterioration of your own reputation, leaving the way to retreat.

In such a way there are your underwater stones that need to be provided:

  1. First, a man may think that they really invite from hopelessness, because there is no more. And he is just a backup option. It hurts sensitive male pride.
  2. Secondly, there is a risk of a situation, as in the well-known Soviet film. The guy will decide that you are ready to sell or give tickets that disappear anyway. And will invite someone else with me.

Offer to try something new

Start the conversation appropriate by the phrase: "Imagine a new trampoline center for adults opened. Perfectly removes tension. Maybe we go today after work? It will be fun and helpful. "

If you know that the active types of rest man does not complain, invite it to a cozy coffee shop, an unusual bar, or a thematic cafe. For example, eating a black ice cream from the bench around the corner. The phrase is suitable: "Recently an interesting bar has opened. It is said that there are very tasty cocktails. Let's try on Saturday? ". Show fantasy.

Idea to hold a moviemer together

Take a man to talk about cinema. Find out what films he likes, what a genre prefers. Discuss novelties that soon have to go out. An excellent way to find out what he would like to see will help not make a mistake with the choice of the film. And when the cherished picture appears in the cinemas, boldly call the guy on a date on the premiere.

This option is ideal for the first date. You do not have to tolerate awkward pauses, seemingly coming up with a topic for conversation. Since the first half of the evening you will be busy viewing, and the second discussion of the tape.

Walk as a hint to meet

The most calm, unobtrusive way to first invite a man on a date to not refuse. Invite the object of sympathy to walk in the park or make a company at the celebration of the city day, ice cream festival and so on. Example: "In the nearest park, opened a new alley (original art object). Let's go on the weekend, let's see. "

So that the man does not refuse, choose places and events suitable for both a romantic evening, and for a friendly meeting. Do not sharpen attention on the fact that you call for a date in the literal sense.

Original ways of invitations

Men are not a creature with a different planet, they are the same people as women. They want love, romance, attention, care. Deciding to invite a guy on a date, try to make it beautiful and original.

  • Send a letter by mail. Try to find out the address of the residence. Write a letter by hand and use the Russian Post Service. So nice to get the present letter in the envelope, with beautiful gashenami stamps that keeps the touch of hands. This will be a surprise when the hero of your dreams will find a romantic message in the box instead of utility bills.
  • Place the postcard where the man will definitely find it. Choose a beautiful, but neutral postcard in the printing department. Fill out yourself, even if we are convinced of your inability to write beautifully. Alien handwriting will confuse the recipient. He may think that the message is written by another familiar girl.

  • Arrange a small quest. This is another way to beautifully invite a man on a date. Use stickers, surprises in the form of candies, notes with prompts. Frames are suitable: "Looking for your happiness for the monitor", "I'm waiting for you under the table." The cherished message man must discover the last. To make it even more interesting, draw a map.
  • Mystery friend. There is such a game. Especially convenient if people work together. Send small gifts by mail, through acquaintances or leave on the desktop. The last message should be an invitation to date.
  • The effect of surprise. The best way to invite a guy for a date to not refuse. If unexpectedly in a conversation on a distracted topic, put forward the offer of the meeting, the young man is confused. Thus, it will be minimized the risk of failure.
  • Mysterious satellite. Resort to small tricks. Throw your dream ticket to the movie. Let the last guess who will sit nearby. People love riddles, hardly refuses.
  • Meeting with the company. If you are not ready for solitude or fear a negative reaction, offer a group trip to the movies, cafes, departure to nature. Choose people who are familiar with both.

Humor is welcomeBut it is worth seeing in advance that the guy is able to understand the joke. In this case, the invitation to date will cause a smile from a man, and the girl will give the way to retreat, if something goes wrong. But it is not necessary to get involved. If you overdo it, then the man will think that this is just a ridiculous joke, and not refer to the invitation seriously.

Relevant invitation formulations

An example of a note may look like this:

"Hello, radiant Andrei. Writes to you clear-eyed Anna. I do not want to indulge in the extentant. I will not learn what the weather is. After all, it we have the same. I will go right away to the goal of the conversation. In the evening, they give a "peak lady." Will you be so kind of making a company in exit to light?

R.S. Just in case, took a ticket to the match Spartak Zenit for tomorrow. "

Theaters and exhibitions will interest rare man. Therefore, in the example, a similar situation in humorous form beogramed. If the guy is predisposed to a close communication with you, he with a smile will agree on both options.

Pre-exploration of the circle of male interests will help. For example: "On Sunday in Philharmonic, Jazz evening, and I don't go with anyone at all. Come on the company? ".

Either such a phrase: "The exhibition gives the exhibition in the gallery. You are the only one familiar who is interested in his work. Can you go on Friday? ".

How to react to failure

Send fear to the side. Maximum that can happen - you will get a failure. Take it worthy. You should not start pouring tears, insult the young man, persuade. Male "no" is always a straight, reasonable. There are no subtexts that give hope. Try to switch your attention to another object.

Do not give in depression, do not look for flaws, signs of lack of attractiveness. There is another person who will be interesting as a woman.

Now you know for sure that you can invite a man on a date. This is not ashamed. And even need if the guy is shy, modest, low-cost and hardly decide on this step itself. And your bold try to rappriment for sure to appreciate.

Many girls are familiar with the feeling of undivided love when the subject of adoration is close, but he does not imply about such strong emotions aimed in his direction. Guys in such cases are recommended to be bolder and asserting to interest the object. And what to do girls? After all, in our country, it seems, it is not accepted when the weak floor is manifested by the initiative?

So how to call a guy to walk for him to agree? And how to take the first step in the relationship, but so as not to lose face?

Is it normal?

Call a guy to walk the first is a completely normal situation. Just do not need to complicate from the first seconds of communication: you are not yet a couple, do not plan a joint future, we should not do anything to each other and just go nice to spend time in case of consent. The standard situation when the boy invites the girl, and then, in the process of communication, they look where it will lead. When the girl invites you to walk a guy, nothing changes: if a date is successful - a couple is formed, if not, it means that it does not work out.

Preparatory stage

How to call a guy to walk? It should be started not from thinking of invitation options, but from collecting data. It is necessary to learn how to learn about the estimated chosen one as possible: Favorite movies, games, pastime, hobby, etc. It is a good source of information about the object will be his friends who can tell a little more about him than he is written in social networks.

It should be tried at least superficially familiar with the subject of his hobbies and learn to understand them. Ideally, there must be some common interests that are like both of both. A great step will be in his nearest environment, as at least a good friend.

Social networks

You need to come up with something more original and necessarily personal. Standard phrase: "Do you have a hard day too?" - Also, in principle, a banal, but a rather personal question, as a result of which lively communication can be associated.

How to call a guy to walk on correspondence? The most secure for the option is to learn about some street events and celebrations and ask the subject of adoration if he will go to them? With a positive response, you can ask if they will meet there. Be sure to clarify, in which company it will be: one thing, if it is with a couple of friends, and completely different if with a new passion.

More confident girls can afford just to call the guy to walk on correspondence - if he responds in the affirmative, then this is considered a full-fledged date.

We disguise under a friend

The first way to call a guy to walk, for friendly relationships. You can call him go to the movies or a concert as a friend, and as an argument to bring what the guy you do not have and go at all with anyone. This method works well for a very shyway, as well as in cases where the subject of adoration is in relations. Then you can take the expectant position and sometimes call the guy to walk "in a friendly".

The minus of this scheme is that it can continue for years, without development in full-fledged love relationships.

We ask for help

The following way, how to call a guy to walk, is a request for help. Men want to show themselves from the winning side, and rarely refuse a girl, especially if we are talking about any trivia.

The first scheme. The ladies have some unresolved situation, and she needs help, for example, in choosing a new phone or installing a simple program on a PC (here you should remember exactly what the subject of the adoration is enjoyed that the request is most likely to suit it). The guy helps to solve the problem, and in gratitude, the girl invites him to a cafe, a movie or a concert - in terms of situations and preferences.

The second scheme, how to invite a guy to walk: you need to exclude the first step when a man needs to do something. That is, you should ask for help in the key: "I have no one to go to a concert, in the cinema, etc.."

Minus both schemes are that all the costs of organizing a meeting takes on the girl - as the initiator.

We speak frankly

The last way, how to call a guy to walk, it is to be frank and just invite it on a date. The ideal way to immediately arrange all the places and get an honest answer from the subject of adoration.

From a male point of view, this option has a lot of advantages: some guys are shy for months to invite the girl you like, and when she herself suggests to meet, then for them it is just a gift. Just do not need to assure an object in your unearthly love, such a one can scare away. You just need to designate sympathy and offer a joint pastime with the aim of finding out, you approach each other or not.

Sometimes a woman can like a man, it often happens in that team, where they both work. The lady notes that he draws attention, but not in a hurry to go to closer contact. What to do in such a situation?

Since ancient times, it has always been always believed that the guy must take the initiative to the side of the girl: the first to call her for a walk, invite to a date, hug, kiss and so on. Nowadays, this is also welcome, but it has not been relevant for a long time. In addition, young people can not be approached to the lady you like and offer to go through the park, go to the museum, movies and so on. Therefore, the lady has to be initiated if she really liked a man.

In order to invite a guy to walk no need to make much effort. The main thing is to adjust yourself to psychologically, to be confident. During the invitation, it is not necessary to show that they are also afraid of, because the male floor prefers mostly confident women. Psychologists are also recommended to behave naturally and openly.

If a young man likes a girl at least, he would not be visually will refuse her in a joint walk. If everything is still refused, then this is the signal that the re-invitation is not worth doing. In no case should not be obsessive: it will not lead to a positive result.

It must be remembered that any man loves not excessively modesty, not bright makeup, not causing clothes. If the girl decided to invite a guy for a walk during the proposal to spend their leisure together, it is recommended to match the above described image.

Options to invite a guy for a date very much. This can be done in different ways. For example, if there is a desire to do this personally, it is worth it to call, but this can be done only on the condition that there is its phone number. By the way, it is advisable to rehearse your speech before the call, and also to think about how and what to say.

If there is a desire to add a little mysteriousness and interestingly, you can write a note with a punctuation of certain actions with certain prompts. Some like girls who have a tendency to small intrigues and adventures, so the most commonly girls get the answer: "Yes." This option is most often used by ladies who work with men in one team. If the guy is an impressionable nature, then this method is suitable as never.

Many women think about only how to invite a man on a date, but also to interest him for further fruitful communication. Sometimes the male floor is shy. In this case, a woman should create a conversation comfort directing it into the necessary direction. This is also relative to the first invitation to date. Psychologists recommend smiling during a dialogue, as even on a telephone conversation, a good mood is transmitted to the interlocutor.

And this is necessary, since the ease and positive emotions have it, and even if he had no mood, Lady handed him his positive. It follows such a phrase as "let's go somewhere," since the guy can understand how not now, and then. If he refused, then most likely he already has a lady of the heart, or simply inviting the girl who is not in his taste. In this case, you will have to forget about the romantic relationship with this man.

Now it is very fashionable to write an invitation to a date using a phone message. However, the girl does not always have in stock the phone number of that guy with whom she wishes to go for a walk. But if it is in the list of contacts, then psychologists recommend not to write it with a large number of unnecessary phrases: just four lines are enough. By the way, it is proved that men are more willing to smiles with smiles with smiles, as they hint at a joking mood, which means that the girl is configured to a light flirt and a positive pastime.

In no case should not be shown that the man really likes, as a sharp rush will remind him of fanaticism and the woman will become not interesting for him. It is worth remembering that the man is a hunter and often seeks to achieve a lady. Therefore, it is necessary to invite him to a date not to overdo it with an abrasiveness of feelings, but to intrigue not only externally, but also mentally. Beauty is certainly good, but the ability to support the conversation and find common topics for conversation men are very valued. This is exactly what will make his positive response.

In conclusion, it can be noted that if the girl is very shy, then she needs to overcome this barrier. However, it is worth thinking how important it is for her to invite a guy on dates and chat with him.

Ironically, even the most confident girls are experiencing difficulties in order to invite a guy on a date. Whether because of fear seemed obsessive, or because, throughout the existence of the very concept of "date", the first step was always done by men. Whatever it was, you will probably find many arguments for and against instead of just do what you want. We decided to advise some simple and proven ways to melt the ice and get your desired date.

1. Make it myself

There is nothing more encouraging than to be responsible for whom and when you will meet. Women are not accustomed to do the first steps, and therefore, all our creature says that it should not be. But if you leake stereotypes, our self-esteem needs such victories no less than men. Make the first step, be straight and frank, come to the guy who you like. First, he is the same person as you, secondly, confidence always attracts. Even if he did not think about going to you first, after your invitation, he will certainly think about you and your gesture.

2. Buy him drink

A little cliché, but in love all the means are good, especially and want to attract his attention without making the first step. For someone, such a way to declare his sympathy may seem intrusive, but we believe that this is a great way to express yourself as a confident and independent girl who will not wait for a miracle, but just take and make something to implement your plans. If the guy like this gesture of attention, and he just can't help you, then you will have a reason to sit down to each other and talk.

3. Offer interesting leisure

If the first two ways seem too assertive to you, then try to act from afar. Ask a guy who consider it cute than he lives and as you used to spend your free time. Such a scenario is very easy to implement if someone from the total company of friends or a guy who recently came to work on your team quite recently. Having learned how he likes to have fun, offered him like leisure.

If the guy has not yet smackped, what you like, then he will be interested in the opportunity to have time to spend time on a date, and you can relax, gain confidence and with a relaxing soul to charming him, telling about your hobbies. Have common interests - this is one of the most efficient ways to establish an emotional connection. The main thing is that his favorite occupation is not the repair of tractors, although from this situation you can get out the winner.

4. Missing your intentions

For those who cannot decide to offer a guy to spend alone, there is always an option to have fun in friends. Invite him to any event where other girls and guys will be, and in the process, just be next to him and organize an interesting conversation. The main thing in such a method of rapprochement is not to embarrass the guy, inviting him to a completely unfamiliar company, or not to lose it out of sight, communicating with friends, otherwise he can go with someone else.

5. Leave a serious hint

If it is not your style at all, you can always give a guy to understand that you give green light possible romantic development of your relationship. Just hinting to him that would not be against if he invited you somewhere, or tell you that you like to spend time with him much more than without him. So you will get rid of yourself from the experiences that you can seem in obsessive, while staying confident, because it is also a serious hint of it. If the guy is interested in getting close to you, then he will definitely do everything himself, or you both have the opportunity to avoid an exciting conversation and just go on a date.

6. Be sincere

It is not necessary for you to be a thoughtful tactic to organize a date with a guy, it is enough just to be sincere in your intentions and managing attention. Smile, long-term look, easy touch, flirting, genuine interest in his life, filed easily and naturally - direct evidence that you are not just polite, but also interested in them, or at least he captured your attention. As soon as the guy feels it, his ego will tell him what to do next, but you will just be able to push it to a decision or risk the most.