How to protect yourself from energy vampires relatives. A stream of light as protection against energy vampirism. Protection from the energy vampire - mother

The existence of energy vampirism has long been denied by anyone. As a rule, a vampire is a weak-willed person with a huge number of complexes. He is sorely lacking his own energy for a full life. Therefore, on a subconscious level, he seeks to take it away from other people. Since the energy vampire is fueled by negative emotions, his actions are aimed at spoiling a person’s mood and provoking a surge of negativity in his direction.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire at work

Very often, energy vampirism is found in work teams. Therefore, you need to know how to protect yourself from the energy vampire of a colleague or boss. Protection from an energy vampire, first of all, lies in the right attitude. It is necessary to try to imagine that you are covered by a shield that prevents any alien influences from penetrating through your biofield. In addition, it is important to be in a friendly positive mood and not let anyone piss you off.

Protect from colleagues ill-wishers

Protection from the energy vampire is also provided by special amulets. The aspen tree has very good protective properties. You can protect yourself from energy vampirism if you constantly carry a small cross made of aspen with you. In addition, such an amulet will tell you when a vampire approaches you. At this point, the aspen will darken. After this fact is discovered, it is necessary to wash the aspen cross in holy water and after that it can be used again.

Another effective talisman is rock crystal. A stone with a diameter of about 5-7 cm can reliably protect against energy vampires. If you suspect that an unkind person is near you, you should simply touch the natural amulet imperceptibly.

Rite from the vampire boss

If the boss is a vampire, then it is imperative to protect yourself from his influence with the help of a special rite. Evidence of the leader's vampirism is the fact that after a conversation with him, a headache begins and a pressing feeling arises in the chest area.

To put protection, the rite is performed at sunrise.

Turning to the east, you should say the following words:

“I stand, the servant of God (proper name), before you the sun is clear. As you warm the earth with your rays, as you send your grace to all living things, so protect me the servant of God (proper name) from aches, ailments and whining, from slander and the evil eye. I trust in your strength, I ask for protection from unkind people, I conjure Christ God. Amen".

This conspiracy will give confidence and allow you to withstand meetings with the boss in a calm state. As soon as you feel that your soul is restless again, and you feel very tired after work, the ceremony should be repeated.

How to protect your aura and energy forces from a domestic vampire in the family

Sometimes it happens that there are energy vampires in the family. Therefore, the question often arises, what kind of protection to put in these cases. First of all, it should be remembered that energy vampires can draw additional energy not only from people, but also from nature. That is why it is necessary to try to go out into nature as often as possible at any time of the year. With such a campaign, the energy vampires in the family will simply gradually no longer need to be fed from the household. When such a need arises, a family member will take long walks in city parks.

If the vampire is a husband or mother

When a husband is an energy vampire, this absolutely does not mean that he should be divorced. First of all, you need to understand whether he seeks to feed on energy consciously or not. Experts say that 95% of husbands do it on a subconscious level. But if the spouse is a conscious vampire, it is easier to leave him, since it is impossible to remake him.

In another case, you should try to protect yourself from the influence of a loved one on an energy level. First of all, you should never lose your temper, thus responding to the subconscious provocations of your spouse. That is, you need to force yourself to become an “iron lady” who does not show negative emotions.

It is important to fill the house with indoor flowers, they will give the husband the appropriate energy supply. In addition, if the husband is an energy vampire, you need to minimize home time. It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, as often as possible to be in nature.

Very rarely there are situations when the mother is a vampire. Protecting yourself from energy vampirism in this case is quite difficult. A special amulet will help organize protection. For it, you can use stones according to the sign of the zodiac. Sometimes you can minimize the influence of a vampire mom with a regular pin pinned to clothes in an inconspicuous place.

If vampires are children

Children are very often energy vampires. In this case, it should be understood that, as a rule, this is due to the age factor. The thing is that the child always feels unprotected in the rhythmic modern world, therefore, he seeks protection from adults at the energy level. Growing up, children lose the ability to vampirism. Generally, child protection is not required. You just need to spend more time with your child. It is very important that the child attends various sections and circles, this will allow him to quickly gain confidence in life.

Tips to Protect Yourself from Energy Vampire People

In order to protect yourself from energy vampires, you should use the advice of experienced magicians. 1. Learn to say "No" Knowing that a person is a vampire, you cannot indulge his requirements, this will only aggravate the situation. The annoying demands of specific people should not change their own plans. 2. Do not enter into conflicts and do not go to provocations It is strictly forbidden to express negative emotions in a conversation with a vampire, even if his behavior annoys you greatly. 3. Smooth out all sharp corners Being next to a vampire, it is necessary to resolve all problems in a compromise way. 4. Minimize negativity in your life It is important to strive to always be in a balanced state, this will immediately push the energy vampire away from you. 5. Cut all the bad at the root It is important to strive to fill life with positivity. The less negative it is, the less likely it is that you will need to put energy protection from energy vampires. 6. Wear amulets and talismans Protective amulets have the ability to accumulate external negative energy, so they need to be periodically washed with holy water. 7. Strengthen your aura In order to strengthen the natural protection against energy vampires, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports. 8. Do not do anything to yourself at a loss, but to others for the benefit It is necessary to treat people kindly and, if necessary, provide friendly assistance. At the same time, any selfish relationships should be abandoned. 9. Do not bring bad people into your house, exclude them from your life When a person is unpleasant, one should move away from him as quickly as possible. It is important to maintain only those relationships that increase the comfort of life. 10. Down with whiners and losers In the immediate environment there should not be people who are pathologically unlucky in life, as well as those who constantly complain about life. This requirement is due to the fact that it is among this category of people that there are many energy vampires. 11. Surround yourself only with bright people. You should communicate as much as possible with people from whom positivity comes.

A rite to restore the natural protection of one's aura

In order to maintain protective natural reactions in order, it is recommended to take a contrast shower in the mornings and evenings. After communicating with an unpleasant person, you should wash your hands and wash your face as soon as possible. When you come home, it is recommended to drink herbal tea from calamus and horsetail. In serious cases, when you feel that your energy protection is depleted, you should take a bath with sea salt. This natural product has healing properties not only on the physical, but also on the energy level. Sea salt completely restores energy protection within several sessions.

How to make a talisman to protect against vampirism

There are many types of talismans that allow you to protect yourself from energy vampirism. Any of the well-known amulets can become a talisman. Among the most common options should be called a red thread on the wrist, a silver cross, stones belonging to the signs of the zodiac. A quartz crystal has very strong protective properties. It is also able to normalize the mental state of a person and relieve him of depression. But such a talisman is important to program correctly. To do this, the crystal should be held under running water for at least a quarter of an hour. After that, it is necessary to squeeze it in the palm of your hand and express your desire in arbitrary words that the pebble should protect you from energy vampires. When a spot forms on a crystal, it means that it was able to protect you from an energy attack. Another strong amulet is a pyramid, in which the proportions of the Great Egyptian Pyramid are observed. It can be made with your own hands from any materials: wood, glass, stone, etc. To activate such a talisman, you should pick up the object and imagine how the flow of cosmic energy fills you. Such a talisman will contribute to concentration, which will allow you to feel the presence of an energy vampire in a timely manner.

An energy vampire can be very dangerous for an unprepared person. Find out how to protect yourself from its effects!

“My name is Aliza, I am a practicing magician. Most often I am approached for tarot, dream interpretation, Kabbalistic gematria¹ and veterinary magic.

I must admit that I have a choleric temperament, I do not suffer from a lack of energy, and with the cosmic channel I am on a friendly footing, therefore I am a tasty morsel for energy vampires.

“All the techniques were worked out personally by me and tested on my own experience.”

How to recognize an energy vampire?

Almost each of us had to deal with such a phenomenon as energy vampirism, in particular, with unconscious energy vampirism.

Especially often, energy vampires try to attack those who are engaged in magic, healing and energy practices, since such people have a lot of energy.

If after talking with a person you feel tired, exhausted, your mood deteriorates, weakness in your legs or even dizziness appears - most likely, you have become an energy donor for an energy vampire.

Moreover, communication with such personalities does not at all imply a noisy scandal.

So, for example, at a party, an energy vampire in the form of a cute girl can sit alone with a sour look and eyes full of tears, and answer questions from others that everything is in order. At the same time, the girl will suck energy out of those who want to help.

Energy vampires feed on other people's emotions. Fear, anger, shame are their favorite treats, although not only.

Have you ever been in a situation where, after great sex, you instantly fell asleep for several hours?

And if for some reason you were not able to rest, did you feel exhausted and overwhelmed? In this case, your partner is most likely an energy vampire.

How to protect yourself from the influence of an energy vampire?

If you know that you can be easily pissed off, try to avoid conflict places and situations. You can also use magical methods - use various options for protection² and sending the negative back. You can also send damage to the offender, impose a curse or evil eye. But you should always remember that such actions come back many times stronger.

If at work the boss is an energy vampire, arranging scandals and scoldings, then it is better to change jobs. Jobs can be found, but health can't.

Therefore, if legal (for example, complaints to higher authorities and consultation with a lawyer) and magical methods do not help, start looking for another job.

What to do if the energy vampire is a loved one?

What to do in a situation when someone close to you, for example, your mother, turns out to be an energy vampire?

Such a person knows all your pain points and hits them with precision. Avoiding communication with your mother will not work, and you do not want to harm her.

Agree on everything

The first defense is to agree on everything! What you say doesn't mean that you intend to do it. One of the phrases that confuse an energy vampire is: “Yes, you are right.”

The best weapon is laughter!

The second effective way is laughter. When a person laughs, he cannot be angry. Turn the situation into a joke, joke about topics that can make you laugh, tell a joke.


Another way: imagine that there is a mirror between you that reflects all the negativity away from you.

"Changeling game"

A proven and effective way to ensure your safety is the “game of shifters”. Imagine that an energy vampire has been bewitched by an evil wizard and now he/she is saying the opposite. Thus the words: "I hate you" will sound like: "I love you." "You are a bad daughter" = "You are a wonderful daughter."

"Stick of statistics"

When meeting with an energy vampire, free your mind, think about the good. Look at a person who is feeding on someone else's energy between the eyebrows and send him your love from your heart in the form of a pink ray.

The main thing is not to lose optimism. Remember that your good mood is the best defense against an energy vampire!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Gematria is one of the three methods of "revealing the secret meaning" of a word, with the possibility of attributing letters to numbers. Widely used in Kabbalistic texts in Hebrew and Aramaic (

There are people who can draw energy from others. The question of how to protect yourself from an energy vampire remains relevant. Protecting yourself from people who are able to deprive you of vitality is not difficult: you need to follow simple rules.

In the article:

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire at work

  • solar;
  • lunar.

Protection from solar vampirism

Energy vampirism implies the aggressive behavior of the one who takes the life force. A vampire can feed on:

  • tears;
  • pain
  • grievances;
  • panic;
  • fear.

It is not uncommon for the subject to be seen with the naked eye, showing signs of solar vampirism. Vampires love to quarrel, and after a noisy disassembly they look pleased. In order not to become a victim of vampirism, follow simple instructions.

  1. Do not succumb to provocations. For normal well-being, a vampire needs constant scandals. If your boss or colleague is yelling, aggressive, and practically lashing out with your fists, you should remain calm and avoid verbal confrontation.
  2. Escape is a good weapon. Escape will save, because when a person is at a decent distance from a vampire (an option is to go to another office) and ignores his actions, harm is impossible.
  3. Laughter is good for health. Laughter is one of the best defensive methods. The vampire expects that after the screams, the victim will cry and be afraid. A smile will discourage an energy sucker. The vampire hopes, having splashed out some of the life force, to get a large dose back. Facing a smile leaves the vampire with nothing.
  4. Agree with everything. Often a mental attack is initiated. If the victim feels that they want to press her against the wall, they say:

I realized I was wrong, I'll fix it.

Feelings of guilt should not be tolerated. They agree that they were stupid, depriving the vampire of the opportunity to feed on emotions.

How to protect yourself from lunar vampires

Representatives of lunar vampires are incapable of drastically draining the life force from donors through scandals. Their method is tears in the vest, whining, complaining about life's difficulties, receiving compassion.

Lunar energy pumps shift difficulties, experiences (sometimes non-existent) onto the victim, then slowly pump out the joy and love of life from the donor.

As a result of communication with the subject, the person feels very tired, and the vampire will look as if the problems have been resolved. There are several ways to protect yourself at work.

  1. Don't give in to provocation. If the subject complains regularly, stop feeling sorry for him! Ignore the negativity by telling how good last night was. This will depress the vampire.
  2. Meet the energy sucker blow negative energy. When the vampire complains, the response is that the victim is having a lot of trouble.
  3. cease communicate with a colleague. If the future of the victim or career advancement does not depend on the vampire, they save their nerves, ignoring the energy pump. The more you ignore him, the faster the vampire will lose interest in the person.

Energy vampirism - protection, amulets

To reliably protect yourself and loved ones from mental vampirism, they make special amulets that will help you say goodbye to harmful outside influences.

Aspen- protection not only from an ordinary vampire, but also from an energy one. Buy church crosses made of aspen wood. You need to wear them constantly, without taking them off. The non-church cross is consecrated.

Watch what happens to the tree. When there are no energy attacks, the color of the aspen does not change. After the vampire has tried to feed, the wood will darken.

If this happens, be sure to put the amulet in holy water, preferably at night, in order to eliminate the negative impact. The cross can be used further. If the cross turns black quickly, but it is impossible to clean the tree, a new amulet is purchased. The used attribute is taken to the temple and handed over for recycling.

To prepare a protective item, they are armed with a mountain crystal. You will need a small piece, which is placed in a small transparent box. It is desirable to wrap the package with a shiny material (you can use foil).

The dimensions of the amulet are no more than a fist. You can store the talisman in a bag or inside pocket. When communicating with a vampire, they try to touch the talisman.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire - spells

If you had to accidentally run into an unpleasant person and feel the pumping out of energy, but there is no amulet, they use a simple spell:

The barrier of words reliably protects.
Words-amulets help me to win.
Your dark conversation does not concern me.
By my will, like a lock, it is securely locked.

Building a protective barrier

When communicating with an ill-wisher, they represent a wall of durable glass in front of them. Perhaps at first the task will seem difficult, but you need to practice in order to quickly put up a barrier in a critical situation.

You can create a wall not just glass, but also a mirror. The negative influence will be reflected, and the vampire will not be able to break through the protection.

Children are unable to cope with attacks on their own, but they clearly feel negative impulses. Child protection is the responsibility of parents. Responsible protection is the key to the well-being of the next generation.

  1. Forbid communication with unpleasant people. They eliminate children from the life of a teenager who can feed on children's energy (a tasty morsel for vampires).
  2. Every day they wash their daughter or son with holy water. The liquid will cleanse the child before a new working day.
  3. Give the child one of the prepared amulets.
  4. Learn defensive magic.
  5. Prayers are read every evening and morning. The simplest but most effective Our Father».

Be sure to use as a reliable amulet. The talisman is able to protect from the evil eye, damage and other evil influences. A charmed pin is pinned to the clothes in which the child leaves the house.

What to do if danger is at home

Any person can be an energy vampire, sometimes without noticing that loved ones suffer from his actions. - a common occurrence.

If a relative is a vampire, this is no reason to shun him, provided that he feeds on other people's powers unintentionally. A child can be a small energy vampire. Monitor their own behavior. At home, the main thing is not to defeat the vampire, but to eliminate the negative influence without harming the subject.

The topic of energy vampirism has long been of concern to everyone, which is why the time has come to cover it.

So, we all know that a person has a protective shell - a biofield. A person also has energy centers - chakras, through which he receives energy from space and from the earth. If a person's chakras are blocked, he will die. Chakras are often clogged with dirty emotions. Our own and others.
When the chakras are closed, we do not have enough energy and then everyone feeds on the energy that they are able to receive.
Energy vampires are of two types: active ("aggressive", where the Sun dominates) and passive ("calm", in whose horoscope the Moon dominates). But their essence is the same - they take our energy in the way that they consider the most acceptable for themselves.
In the event of a vampire attack, we lose a large amount of energy. We become tired, lethargic, irritable. If this happens regularly, we get sick. And the disease can be of varying severity - from chronic cough to oncology. Not immediately, but surely, our body is destroyed.
Not from frayed nerves. Scientists have found that nerve cells are restored. Namely, because of the negative emotions that enveloped us: our own and the aggressor.

Aggressive act openly. They call us to a dispute, a quarrel, they always accuse us of something, they find any reason for a conflict. If we remain calm and do not take part in the scandal, then the vampire does not receive his energy. In order to achieve his goal, he will strengthen his grip. He will insult - will not help - he will fight. He will try to exhaust our whole soul by stepping on our weak points that we have shown him.
Therefore, the best way to never run into an aggressive vampire is to always be calm. Even if the person deliberately insults you.
After all, you know that you are no worse and no better than others. And if a person offends you, then he pursues a certain goal. Offending a person is, after all, an extreme measure. In what cases can a person go to this extreme measure?
- if a person feels that you are above him (in any respect);
- if a person is guilty of something before you, then he will try to equalize you with himself: to find shortcomings or mistakes in you, he will thus try to justify himself, his unseemly act towards you;
- if he is in a bad mood;
- if he is angry that others are in a good mood, if he envies you in some way.
All of these cases fall under vampirism. That is, the negative emotions of a person do not give him energy and he tries to piss you off in order to get a powerful flow of energy during your explosion.
More aggressive vampires use the energy they receive from the victim as a result of intimidation. All sadists who love to torture their victim, people who love to beat others are aggressive vampires. Your fear, your pain, cries, prayers and your weakness for them is a balm for the soul.
BUT. Not every aggressive vampire lashes out at every human. Not everyone, and not everyone. Of course, it happens that a hungry vampire ate on the bus. But usually, it's done in a familiar circle. The vampire begins to grope for the soil immediately (automatically) after meeting. Moreover, many, knowing full well that they cannot perform everywhere, always “feed” under certain conditions.
I will follow you two fates of young people so that you can understand well their actions and the nature of their emergence.
Case one. Mom raised her son alone. Mom was hot-tempered and domineering. Conflicts often arose between her and the child. After the conflict (she knew how to offend), she tried especially to appease the child: she was very affectionate, cooked his favorite dish, bought expensive things to comfort her beloved child.
The child has grown. The child could not get along with anyone, except for one girl. The scheme of their relationship was as follows: they lived peacefully for 1-2 days, then they swore wildly, fought, and after that they had sweet sex and reconciliation. Then all over again.
Do you feel the repetition of the relationship? Habit is second nature.
This man has never made a scandal in public. For everyone, he was an ideal man - courteous, charming, polite, diplomatic, teetotaler, calm. But as soon as he crossed the threshold of the house, he began to drink, tear down the curtains, fight. You will say that they say that the wife was bad, she brought it up herself. No. He married 5 times and always repeated everything again. After the storm, he calmed down, and the victim was exhausted to the last drop. When he found himself another wife - a rather calm lady, it became difficult for him, from the fact that there was no one to feed on. With his actions, he began to disturb those whom he used to disturb: his ex-wife, mother. And the new wife no longer felt happy: she married a smart, with a higher education, a handsome intellectual, but it turned out ...
Second case. The boy was always offended by his older brother. When the older sister could see it, she always interceded. The boy grew into a coward and a vampire. The scheme is the same as in the first case. At work, he was a valuable and quite quiet worker. He liked to come home drunk. He always spoke in such a way that they were afraid of him. Analyze: whose behavior is he repeating? In his eyes, his brother remained strong. How did he behave? This is how this man behaves now and feels strong. When the wife had a child. He began to assert himself at the expense of this child. There was always a lot of hurtfulness in his conversations. He offended, humiliated and insulted. When someone from the family began to cry, he calmed down absolutely: he ate.
Do you think that the vampire finds his "breadwinner" right away? At first he behaves very naturally. Well even. At some point, a person shows a weak spot and begins to throw out negative emotions: he gets angry, screams, nags, “why didn’t you come!”, “why didn’t you come then?” and the vampire receives your explosion as a bad, but still energy.
Man is so arranged that he strives to survive. He figured out where to recharge and will try to do the same again. And then it will become habitual for both participants: one - to throw out energy, the other - to pick it up. And the longer such relationships last, the more difficult it is to translate them into a normal course. If a person who has decided to no longer give energy to the "aggressive" will try to remain calm and friendly, then the "aggressive" will take more drastic measures.
Getting out of such a relationship is difficult, but not impossible. The best way is not just to calm down or imagine a wall or a mirror in front of you, from which everything flies back, but try to feel sorry for this person inside yourself or regret aloud. Imagine him as a small child and as if you are his mother (dad). Now pat him on the head and tell him that he - this aggressor - is good. Stroke the way you stroke your child on the head. You will be surprised how effective this method is.
And always remember that people with mental illness are always deeply hurt people. Sympathize with them. But don't sit on your head. It is very important. You may feel sorry for a wounded giraffe, but it would never occur to you to take him into an apartment and go out - it's the same thing.

This is not how "calm" vampires behave. Why in quotes? Because in appearance these people are very calm and even harmless, but inside they are always burned by anger, envy, hatred, which the “calm” very skillfully hides from people. This person is most likely to show such traits in conversation as nobility, prudence, implicit emphasis on his helplessness or, conversely, his nobility. These people act very calmly (outwardly) and gently. They are very cunning in obtaining energy for themselves. Such people never attack openly and do not offend. They always read morals about how to live, how to do, how they worry about someone, how they pity you, they tell you how you were treated wrongly and unfairly, they pity you, but you suddenly notice that your mood became worse and you began to worry yourself.
Example. This woman believes that the most important thing is to save face in front of people. She also believes that everyone should recognize that she is the smartest, the most beautiful, the calmest, the most noble, the most courteous and the most fair. At the same time, she wants everyone to be the most beloved by her husband, by her parents (who, in addition to her, have 2 more children), by her brother, by her sister (i.e., she believes that for her brother she should be more expensive than his wife and that she be dearer to her sister than her husband). In general, she believes that everyone should see in her the most beautiful song and she herself considers herself very much the same as I described her at the beginning of the paragraph.
With all this, such people are very difficult to recognize. Good ones. The only unmistakable sign that you have a vampire in front of you - after communicating with such a friendly person, it is always somehow heavy on the heart. You feel not only tired, but also angry at someone.
This lady always reported in a conversation who did what, who betrayed you - the interlocutor (interlocutor), who treated you badly (and, often, it was a clear lie). As soon as someone became unhappy next to her, she became very friendly, sociable, tried to help. But if suddenly she saw that other people were fine without her, or suddenly if someone was very happy, she would start her song. Gently, affectionately creeping into trust, she said that so-and-so was bad and acted disgustingly with you, let me pity you. Naturally, she did not behave this way with everyone. But only with those who listened and did not interrupt her streams. She, it seems, opened their eyes to the “truth”, only after that people became angry and took up arms against their friends, relatives, relatives.
But. A “calm” vampire can also be calm for the time being. In his family, where everyone already knows what he (a) is, a vampire can be aggressive.
Another example. She always complained about her life. Quietly, she began like this, and if she suddenly found a good listener, then these howls could last indefinitely. In such cases, when a person begins to complain about fate, it is useful to think to yourself: “It’s my own fault” or “It’s my own fault.” After all, life gives a person what he has sown. The most interesting thing is that when I taught one person this way, he told me the following. “I came to visit. After some time, the hostess came up to me and began to complain about her son. Then I just thought: “It’s my own fault,” and she said something else and moved away from me to another guest.
The main thing is to take a firm stand yourself. Do not let your old mothers, your false friends, work colleagues pour a bucket of dirt on you. Or do you think that your broken state is a worthy price for your “noble” behavior? Then think that the interlocutor does not think about you that he is burdensome to you, why should you think that he will be unpleasant if you defend your moral territory?
Keep in mind that both the vampire and the donor end up with heart disease. Well, let the vampire get sick until he learns to be loving and good-natured. And you?
I noticed that all vampires have one remarkable trait - envy. They are always gnawed by black envy. Hidden or explicit, but it is.
How to protect yourself, I have already written above and I will say more: like is drawn to like. If you like this site and if you feel good from what you read, look at it, then your energies coincide with what is written, coincide with my soul. If you are deeply disgusted to read my materials, then we have completely different energies. If you have the first option - it is useful to meet these energies more often, then you, seeing yourself in the article, will begin to grow deeper and wider, all your positive qualities and self-confidence will grow.
If you have the second option, it is useful to leave from where it is difficult and unpleasant for you, so you will save your energies and your negative traits will not grow and your health will remain at the same level.
Therefore, since you attracted a vampire, it means that he saw a disharmonious personality in you. It means that something is not right in your soul. Maybe you don't like your family to which you have to return, or your job, or you don't like your body weight and go on diets. In general, any irritation of yours that has been 3-4 or more days old is a reason to “find” your vampire or become one yourself. Or at the same time. What happens quite often: two vampires find each other and turn on each other, feed on each other and then calm down mutually.
So the best way to protect yourself from such things is to enjoy what you do, love yourself and love life. These are the main conditions.
And let the quarrelsome grandmas at the entrance find fault with you, and you pretend that you don’t see or hear them. Or say: “And whatever I am, they love me like that.” You can add: "And who loves you?". You just have to be happy to say it. Knowing perfectly well that the vampire from his weakness clings to you.
If a person spends a lot of his energy on scandals, swearing, cursing, then he needs to be recharged in the same way. And only the person himself can open such a circle. Taking myself in hand. And everyone knows how to do it perfectly, despite the fact that some may say that the nerves are at the limit. Nerves are when a person rushes at everyone, not disassembling anyone. And when a person with superiors does not yell at him, but yells at home, throws himself into a fight and beats furniture, then these are no longer nerves, but promiscuity. That is, a person is aware of who he can throw himself at, and who he can’t. Isn't this endurance (at the authorities?). Therefore, it is necessary to forbid such antics in general. Thus, life will begin to order. There will be a balance of energies. And, of course, it would be nice to do what I recommend above.

Today was a completely normal day for you during the working week. You woke up at the usual time, had breakfast as usual, went to work. As usual, they completed the routine tasks of the boss. The day was no different from its own kind, but the evening has just come, and you already feel oppressive fatigue, drowsiness, your body aches, your mood is at zero. And you are trying to understand what is it that has unsettled you so much, or who? There is only one answer - your powers were taken away by an energy vampire.

Who are energy vampires?
First of all, these are people, ordinary people who are unlikely to be frightened by daylight, the smell of garlic and holy water. Energy vampires are somewhat similar to "black holes" - they appear out of nowhere and take all the life energy of other people for themselves. You try to stay cheerful and positive, but your efforts go nowhere. The negative attitude of such people is exhausting, and soon their depression infects you too.
Experts believe that energy vampires can be divided into two categories: the first ones consciously take psychic energy from people, the second ones are not even aware of their disease.
People suffering from unconscious vampirism are called "sappers", their energy field is closed, and therefore they have to "steal" energy from other people.
The latter type is not so socially dangerous. And by the way, anyone can become a vampire without realizing it. After all, each of us, at times, experiences energy starvation, as, for example, during periods of illness or in stressful situations at work. Some of these “hungry” people restore their strength in nature, the other part takes energy from the people around them.
Much more dangerous is another type of energy vampires who deliberately take human energy. A cloud of aggression and negativity always seems to be hovering around such people. They start a huge fire with a small spark. They suck the life force out of the people around them. And only when they sweep everything away in the flow of their aggression, energy vampires begin to feel noticeably better, they even become smiling and friendly.
Energy withdrawal methods
Rudeness is the first, and the most common. Usually used by low IQ individuals. “And put on glasses”, “Take off your hat first”, “Are you the smartest?” are their business cards. Used in public places with strangers.
Jokes are a smoothed version of rudeness. “You are so thin (swollen, tired)”, “Who told you such nonsense”, etc. They try to stick out the shortcomings, to question your statements. Usually applied to acquaintances.
Lies - the recipient is accused of all mortal sins and of deeds that he did not do. The goal is to make you resent and justify.
Aggression is a last resort. It is usually used in the family, in tandems between a boss and a subordinate, or simply to people who are stronger and not amenable to ordinary influences. As a variant of aggression, intimidation is used.
anxiety symptoms:
- during communication there is a feeling of a hidden psychological attack at the level of intuition, you feel insecure, tense;
- you notice with surprise the growing irritation that has come from nowhere, you want to end the conversation as soon as possible and get rid of this feeling;
- the energy seems to be leaving you, you feel sick, cold and tired.
Among energy vampires, it is customary to distinguish several types: “sobbing sister”, “accuser”, “drama queen”, “chatterbox”, “clown”, “eternal misfortune” (a person needs constant help in everything). Surely, by the names alone, you managed to recognize the manner of communication of one of your acquaintances or friends.
Pay attention to topics of conversation. Does your friend always start a conversation about how bad life is for him, complains about life, but at the same time does not take any real steps in order to rectify the situation? Be on the lookout - it looks like you are dealing with an energy vampire.
Yawning, fatigue, discomfort, feeling unwell, loss of consciousness, headaches, dizziness, pressure drops are a typical condition of a vampire victim.
If contact with a vampire is unavoidable for many reasons (work needs, family or friendships), try to find a way to protect yourself from it.

The main thing in communicating with a vampire is not to show your vulnerability and weak points. Therefore, you should ensure that not a single muscle on your face flinches, you can open your eyes wide, raise your eyebrows and freeze in this position for a short time. They say that this tactic is very effective.
After talking with a vampire, it would be nice to drink hot tea and ... forgive the "offender" if he caused your mental and physical discomfort.
Avoid communicating with people who constantly complain about their lives, signing up as losers, blaming fortune, fate and the entire population of the globe for their failures. Do not be afraid and do not be ashamed of condemnation from society, they say, you are indifferent to the problems of other people. The society in this matter is actually a community of active energy vampires who need conflict with you. Take a look around and extend your helping hand to those who really need it, but do not complain about life and smile at every new day.
When forced to communicate with an energy vampire, cross your arms over your chest, put your feet together, so you "close" your energy.
People whose work is constantly based on communication are advised to learn how to build "barriers" from energy vampires - in the process of communication, you must mentally, using images alone, build a brick wall between yourself and an energy-suspicious person. Build this wall right brick by brick, imagine how you put cement, how you place a brick on top. Such a figurative wall will protect you from the attack of an energy vampire.
Another psychological technique - during the conversation, try to also mentally put yourself in a glass ball, and communicate with a person through the "glass" that you imagined between you.

But the simplest means of protection against a vampire is a smile, laughter, and ... a fig hidden behind your back or in your pocket.
In such a simple way, even grandmothers advised to protect themselves from the evil eye, and energy vampirism is a kind of “evil eye”.
If you isolate a vampire from the people around him, then he will slowly die.
"Energy vampires" will always be present in one way or another in your life. The main thing is to learn how to communicate with them even before they appear on your way. If you cannot keep them at a distance, they will really exist nearby, feed on your energy, and influence life.

After contact with a vampire or after being in crowded places, you need to take a contrast shower and drink your favorite hot tea. Take a walk among the trees, they draw off negative energy and process it into positive. But most importantly - let's enjoy every moment, let's see only the best and brightest in life! Let's perceive life with humor and love, and then no vampire can defeat us!

Among relatives, friends and acquaintances, there are sure to be such personalities whose presence is always a burden. And it's not just that they beg for money or ask to solve their problems. And in the fact that they "exhaust" us psychologically, while they themselves are saturated with our energy. These people are called Energy vampires.

We understand in more detail who the energy vampires are (types, signs) and how to protect yourself from them.

Ignore is the best cure for stupidity. No matter how impenetrable an idiot this person is, sooner or later it will come to him how cold the interlocutor is to him and what could be the reason for this. Well, and coupled with a serious pug goes well. Result: "You're evil, I'm not playing with you." And everyone is happy - the energy vampire goes to look for a new victim, and I have asserted myself. :)
author unknown

Energy vampires: types, signs

At first glance, energy vampires look like ordinary people from whom you can easily get some benefit for yourself when communicating.

In fact, they slowly but surely suck energy out of a person, sometimes on a subconscious level, without realizing it. However, a large part of those who are called energy vampires are fueled by someone else's energy intentionally.

How to understand that in your environment there is just such an individual for whom other people's emotions are a kind of "tonic"? Read about the 13 most common types of energy vampires below and consider if there are such people among your friends, at work, or even at home.

If you often have to communicate with a human vampire, then you need to know how to behave with him in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Some of them behave like unpleasant egocentrics, others like smart and irresistible seducers (if the relationship concerns a couple in love). But they all begin to behave, to put it mildly, capriciously, when you stop admiring them or allow yourself to have an opinion different from their own. They exhaust you with far-fetched grievances and even scandals.

Try not to succumb to their charm, and do not settle for any dependence on them (including material ones). Do not enthusiastically share their feelings and opinions on any occasion. The best defense when dealing with a vampire - a narcissist, is to remain yourself and stand firm in your opinion.

Energy vampires in the family

But this method is not applicable in all cases. For example, if a person lives with an energy vampire under the same roof. He is a husband or wife, a child, one of the parents. In this case, it will be quite difficult to ignore the situation.

Many try to end their relationship with them, break up, leave, stop communicating. But such manipulators have in their arsenal many tricks that can turn any situation in their favor. Vampires return to the family again and start a relationship. They skillfully appeal to both negative and positive human emotions. But they get nourishment only from negative emotions.

You need to be aware that energy vampires never change. If, after parting, you bring him back into your life again, then he can begin to take revenge and take positive energy more intensively.

Be impregnable like a rock!

How to act in such a situation? To solve this problem, there is a method gray rock". The essence of this method is to lead the manipulator to the fact that he was the first to lose interest in you.

No need to abruptly break off relations with him, this can only lead to rage. You have to make it boring. When an energy vampire, wanting to “feed off” energy, starts provoking, asking uncomfortable questions, one should not go for provocations, but give monosyllabic answers. So that he has nothing to cling to.

If you continue this line of behavior, then he will soon become bored. And he will find another donor. The thing is, manipulators hate boredom. You can't get any emotions out of boredom.

Energy vampire at work (boss, colleague)

If the energy vampire is a colleague or classmate, you must choose a different method of communication:
  • Without entering into a dialogue with him, communicating with other people, talking about how boring life is, that absolutely nothing interesting happens in it. In such a situation, the manipulator will not even want to feed on the energy of this “boring” person.
When life meets with such a vampire within the same work team, then the Gray Rock method (see above) can be used as follows:
  • The manipulator methodically probes the weak points of his "donor" and, having found the weakest and sickest, puts pressure on her. You need to give him one of your most insignificant weaknesses in the wrapper of a weak point. Let him think that this can be manipulated. If he does not receive a reaction, he will stop looking for a reason for conflict.
The main problem with manipulative energy vampires is that they can't stand boredom. This can also be used in dealing with an energy vampire at work.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

So-called energy vampires are quite common. Such a person makes a scandal and at the same time tries to knock you out of balance, reveling in watching you enter the full, or, conversely, begin to lose your temper, get angry. Which most likely leads to even bigger errors. Protection in such cases exists.

Most importantly, watch your breathing. Try to be relaxed, breathing in and out slowly and evenly. By itself, this exercise already removes from you the lion's share of the "attack" of the energy vampire on you.

Try to think of something positive without stopping fully listening to the one who is pushing you or yelling at the wast. Read mentally a verse or prayer. Or even just count to one hundred. In no case do not think badly about your opponent - this will only inflame your anger more and you will break as a result.

Try to answer the questions strictly: YES or NO. Like in the army. A long explanation will only lead to the fact that you will be confused, even more nervous. This will give your opponent a reason to mock you even more.

It is better, in extreme cases, to just remain silent. By doing this, you will show that you are listening carefully.

The main thing is to keep calm. Thunderstorms overhead are not eternal, and every quarrel will eventually end. And you, perhaps, will be able to understand the vampire yourself, and regret it, because this is also a disease in its own way.

This is the basis of psychological confrontation. As in a real fight: they push you - pull towards you, if they pull, then move towards the puller.

Case in point: Grandma is an energy vampire

Almost every person from childhood is taught kindness, mutual understanding, respect for elders. Yes, old age is an inevitable state of the human body, it comes to everyone, but it changes people in very different ways.

My mother's sister is now 80 years old. Previously, she was a kind, sympathetic woman, had two sons and a husband. But over time, the eldest son, having received a large dose of radiation in the army, died of blood cancer, the youngest, becoming a drug addict, died of blood poisoning, and her husband died in an accident. We felt very sorry for her, and we always tried to help her in everything.

But in the last three years, we noticed that her attitude towards us has changed dramatically. When she came to us, any conversation came down to a scandal on her part, she constantly with aggression, in raised tones, was offended by fate and said why she felt bad, but we feel good.

We tried to calm her down, but in response - even more aggression, she screamed at my mother: “Why are my children lying in the cemetery, and your daughter is sitting here on the couch (although after 37 years with epileptic seizures and two head injuries, I already more than 10 years disabled of the 2nd group). Also she could not calm down on any issue.

Soon we began to notice that after her visits, all of us (we live together: me, my mother and my son) either started to have headaches or intensified, very strong weakness appeared. Somehow, by chance, I was talking with my psychotherapist friend, and she explained to me that it was possible from the stresses experienced, my aunt became an energy vampire, without knowing it herself. Therefore, when she shows aggression towards us, at the same time she can be fueled by our energy, which explains the deterioration in our well-being.

Of course, her mother could not refuse her. But when she does not come to us, my mother goes to her and comes from her very depressed with headaches. Yes, it's hard to believe this, but we didn't find any other explanation than this "vampirism".

Of course, in old age, almost every person changes. But if you find out that your relative has become an energy vampire because of these changes, it's just terrible! And what is most difficult in this situation is that it is almost impossible to find a way out!