How to issue a pension insurance certificate for a child. What documents are needed for declissance

Insurance number of the individual personal account or SNILS is needed to each of us. Since 2003, in our country, compulsory pension insurance was introduced, in view of which such measures were introduced. SNILS contains information about the activities of a particular employee in all his life, as well as about all the pension transfer, which the employer makes it. Today it can be done even for a child, starting from the first days of life, and sometimes really there is a need. Therefore, let's talk about how it is better to arrange it for a minor, and what documents are needed in order to make SNAILS children.

Why is it necessary to reduce the minor: what opportunities exist

In fact, to arrange an insurance certificate for a child now seek many. Its presence from childhood gives a number of advantages, in particular:

  1. First of all, the presence of a pension certificate from an early age allows minors to take part in various social programs and receive social guarantees from childhood. A prime example of this will serve the health program that allows children under the age of 3 years receiving medical services to outpatient care, get free medicines.
  2. Children, already starting with small years, get the opportunity to create pension savings. The official employment of the child during the holidays will allow him to count on contributions from the employer, and therefore it will receive work experience and funds to the PFR account.
  3. For children who use those or other types of social assistance, SNILS is an identifier in the system of social range.

However, what is interesting, the peak of creating pension testimonies for minors was raised for the period 2011, since from January 1 of the next year, special electronic social cards were introduced, which were to be widespread, but did not receive.

Make a SNILS for a child can be at any age. In addition, it is actually different ways, in particular:

  • parents can submit documents to the Pension Fund independently;
  • upon reaching 14 years, the supply of securities on the design of SNILS minor can do independently. At the same time, only the presence of the child himself, the parents in the FIU are not necessary;
  • documents for pension certificate may be filed by the Administration of the Educational Institution, which was received by a minor at the end of 9 or 11 classes;
  • for the design of SNILS for a newborn, you can contact the registry office. It is possible that this agency has an established partnership with the local department of the FIU, which will allow you to submit documents immediately when registering a child.

Many wonder: is it possible to get a testimony through the State Service portal? Answer: No, it is impossible. SNILS is issued only when contacting the FIU one of the above methods. So, we are ready to choose one of the four options for making a pension certificate, however, for it, we will still have to prepare a specific package of documents. About them further.

How to make an insurance number of an individual personal account for a child through the PFR

Again, this can be engaged in both the parents of the child, and he himself, in case it reached the age of 14. So, in order to arrange a reduction on a minor, it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

  1. Passport at least one of the parents (if the pension certificate is being done on the child under the age of 14).
  2. Birth certificate.
  3. The questionnaire of the insured person, although sometimes it is filling out and optionally, as this can make an employee of the FIU.

If the certificate should be issued to a minor person who reached 14 years, it suffices to present such documents:

  1. Passport.
  2. Questionnaire of the insured person.

As for the questionnaire, you can fill it on your own, getting a form in the FIU branch or by downloading it from the Pension Fund site. Such documents contain several fields that must be filled with parents (representatives) of the child or the juvenile person themselves, if it appeals to the FIU alone. In particular, it contains the following graphs:

  • surname, name, patronymic of a child;
  • date and city of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • address of the place of residence;
  • telephone;
  • passport data or birth certificates (depending on age).

After you collect all the documents and fill in the form that it does not take you a lot of time, you need to contact the Department of Pension Fund at the place of residence. The deadline for making a pension certificate does not exceed 3 weeks, so after 21 days (if any difficulties do not arise), you can come to the department where documents sent and obtain a certificate for the child, where SNILS will be indicated. Everything is quite simple and not too expensive in time.

Insurance certificate with personal data and personal account number, known as, must be issued to every citizen. The procedure for obtaining this document is common to all Russian regions.

The timing of its manufacture can be clarified in your branch of the Pension Fund. Information about how to get SNILS in Moscow, shown in this article.

In order to get SNILS in Moscow, please contact the Pension Fund at the Registration Place with the necessary documents (see below).

Citizens with official employment can issue an insurance certificate through their employer, having transferred the required documentation.

Some Moscow MFCs providing various public services are also eligible to draw out reduced. At the moment, this function is not implemented in all centers, so it is necessary to clarify whether the production is possible in one or another compartment.

Application for registration of the pension certificate on the Internet of Moscow is still impossible.

Procedure for obtaining SNILS in Moscow

In case you do not officially work, you need to personally apply for the manufacture of insurance certificate in your Pension Fund. The following documents will be required:

  • passport;
  • filled (questionnaire of the insured person).

After submitting documents, the employee of the Pension Fund will give you a receipt in their receipt. You can pick it up with a ready-made document fourteen days later.

A special employment citizen SNILS should arrange his employer within two weeks from the date of the order of employment. An employee fills out a questionnaire and provides its passport details.

The employer fills (inventory documents) and sends information to the Pension Fund. It is responsible for the accuracy of these data, therefore, must have appropriate power of attorney from the direct supervisor of the organization (or IP).

For three weeks will be made reduss. The employer must transfer the document to the employee within seven days. Upon receipt of the certificate, the employee puts the signature in the accompanying, which will be sent to the Pension Fund.

Recently, it is necessary to make it possible to settle down even on small children in order to be able to enjoy the proposed social benefits.

If the child was 14 years old and he was given a passport, he was entitled to come to the Pension Fund office on its own, fill out the questionnaire and provide passport data, and then pick up the finished SNILS in two weeks.

For a child under 14 years old. The pension fund will require:

  • passport of one of the parents;
  • the questionnaire of the installed sample;
  • certificate of birth of a child.

Now applying documents for SNAILS to a child from the moment of its registration in the registry office. His presence in the pension fund is not needed. The finished document takes one of the parents with his passport.

Educational institutions - schools and universities - also have the right to design a reflection on schoolchildren or students. It is enough to provide employees of the institution to the administration of their data, and then get a ready-made document. This can make parents or the child himself, if he is more than 14 years old.

How to get a reflex to a foreign citizen in Moscow?

Until 2015, it was possible to decompose a foreign citizen under the following conditions:

1) It is not listed by a highly qualified specialist in accordance with Federal Law No. 115-FZ;

2) He has an urgent contract for six months and more or there is official employment.

From January 1, 2015, in the system of pension insurance, they began to register those foreign citizens who do not have a concluded employment contract.

Get a minor in Moscow a citizen of another country can both himself and through his employer. When independent circulation, you must have permission to accommodate (temporary or permanent) in your hands.

Also, for registration of insurance certificate, it will be necessary to fill out the questionnaire on the specified form and provide passport data. If the information in the passport is provided in a foreign language, you need to make a transfer of a document into Russian and assure it with a notary.

Recently, such a document, as a reduction, is gaining important importance: it is not only a confirmation of registration in the insurance system. If there is a SNILS, you can go through the Identification on the Public Services portal, as well as get a universal electronic card of a citizen, with which you can use various public services. Therefore, it is so important to do the design of SNILS, if you have not done this yet.

On our site you can ask absolutely any question of a lawyer or a lawyer regardless of the subject and complexity of circulation. By combining professionals who provide free legal advice, and people who are looking for answers to issues of legal subjects, we have become an indispensable assistant for thousands of people across the country. Online Legal Advice is a convenient way to get the necessary information on all legal issues and practical advice on their decision.

By virtue of the provisions of Part I of Article 48 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, each citizen is guaranteed qualified legal assistance. All legal advice are held within the framework of Federal Law No. 324 dated November 21, 2011 "On Free Legal Aid".

-\u003e on the same topic

SNILS is the number of the personal account of a citizen registered in the system of compulsory pension insurance. You can see the SNILS number on pension testimony.

Pension certificate (Plastic Green Card) contains the following information:

  • personal account number (SNILS);
  • Full name of the insured person;
  • date and place of birth;
  • registration date.

On the reverse side of the document contains reference information.

Make a reduction to the child through the Internet today is not possible. This is due to the fact that the Pension Fund officially banned the questionnaire of the insured person through the Internet.

The Federal Law "On Individual (Personalized) accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation" of 01.04.1996 No. 27 refers information related to the insured person, confidential and, accordingly, not subject to disclosure.

That is why, neither on one portal on the Internet you will not be able to arrange a reduction on a child nor get it.

Decorated a child through state services

Make a reduction to the child through state services is impossible, since there is no such service on a single portal. Moreover, there is no service for design reduction not only for a child, but also for the other categories of citizens.

Of course, the emergence of this service would have saved the time to parents and adolescents who freely own a computer, have access to the Internet and registration on the portal.

How to get a reduce child through state services?

It is impossible to arrange a reduced child through state services - respectively, there is no possibility of it there and get.

SNILS can be obtained only in one way - in the departments of the Pension Fund at the place of residence of the parents or a child who has reached the age of 14.

Where and how to arrange a reduction on a child?

You can arrange a reduction on a child in 4 ways:

  1. If the child has not reached the age of 14, his parents or legal representatives are sent to the pension fund. To take a child with you.
  2. If the child has reached the age of 14, then in the pension fund he declares and gets SNILS independently.
  3. If a child is studying in an educational institution, then SNILS declares the administration of the educational institution.
  4. As for the newborn, when registering parents of the newborn, the registry office transmit this information to the Pension Fund, and it, in turn, registers newborns in the system of compulsory pension insurance.

What documents do you need a child for declining design?

In the Pension Fund, parents or legal representatives for declining the child must submit the following documents:

  • passport of the parent who is applied;
  • certificate of the birth of a child;
  • questionnaire of the Insured person (there should be a signature of the parent who wrote a statement).

These are the documents that are necessary for declining the decline of children under the age of 14. If we are talking about adolescents, which 14 has already been fulfilled, then they go to the pension fund themselves, take a passport with them and fill the questionnaire questionnaire.

Children under the age of 14 years old, with them to take in the pension fund it is not necessary. Parents or legal representatives are getting ready for their passport.

Why the child is reduced?

Many parents still think about what to make a child to decline, if it does not work yet and no one contributes to contributions. Let's deal with this issue.

That's why the child may be needed:

  • To register on the portal of public services. To date, quite a lot of documents can be issued in public services. So why not save time and do not protect the child from unnecessary queues? But for registration on the portal, it is necessary to reduce.
  • If a child is a disabled or some social benefits, it is a peculiar identifier in general social registers.
  • If a child has a desire to earn up during the summer holidays - why not? An employer will in any case will list the insurance premiums for it, and to open the personal account in the Pension Fund to the child, parents can in advance.
  • In some educational institutions, SNILS is used as a number identifying a student when passing to school in various check-in systems.
  • It is at this number that the child can become a member of various state programs and to get the opportunity to use certain services for free. For example, the National Healthcare Project allows children to receive free outpatient assistance in government health care institutions to children under 3 years old.
  • SNILS is an identifier for a universal electronic map that has been enacted since 2012. In the future, a translation into this system of the entire population of the Russian Federation is planned, and the document itself will replace the INN, pension testimony and even the insurance policy of mandatory health insurance.

To date, it is possible to arrange and get a reduction on a child only in the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund. Despite the numerous requests of citizens, there are no such services on the portal of public services. The pension fund associates this so that information on the status and formation of the facial account of a citizen in the system of compulsory pension insurance is confidential and cannot be disclosed to third parties.

You will need

  • - your passport (if a child is less than 14 years old);
  • - profile (issued in the Pension Fund);
  • - Certificate of the birth of a child;
  • - Passport of the child (if he is over 14 years old).


Fill out the proposed questionnaire, submit these documents. After putting the time, it can be different in each subject of the Russian Federation, from one week to 1 month, you will receive an insurance certificate of green in plastic design. It will indicate the child name, the number, month and year of birth, place of birth, the floor and the date of registration. Each certificate has an individual number of the personal account (SNILS).

If your child is 14 years old or more, then contact the Pension Fund together. Imagine a child's passport. I will have to fill out the questionnaire and put my signature. After the specified time, you will be given a pension insurance certificate.

Have time to issue a pension insurance certificate until 2012, since it is this year that the electronic cards will begin to give out, all citizens of the Russian Federation, starting from the 14th age. They will be required when servicing in medical institutions, with a device in gardens, with employment. That is, the resulting document will be a social guarantee provided by the state.

If you do not have time to arrange an insurance certificate, then risks it in urgent order, since without an electronic card, in which the individual number of the pension personal account will be made, you risk not getting medical assistance if it is not caused by an emergency case and other free social guarantees . Moreover, the insurance certificate is made completely and only the specified documents are needed.


  • what documents are needed on insurance certificate

Pension provision in the Russian Federation is based on the models of compulsory pension insurance. The need to obtain an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance is obvious, as our financial security depends on the achievement of retirement age. To get pension policy, Make several necessary actions.


After that, the responsibility for the design and issuance of this document falls. The employer, contacting the Pension Fund's Department without your participation, during the admission of you to work should give you this type of document with the individual number of insurance certificate. If for some reason you do not get it in the dedicated period, you should contact your boss.

A compulsory state insurance card is a plastic green document confirming that you will deduct certain amounts on the personal account in the Pension Fund and have the right to receive the retirement age to achieve you. Accordingly, your size will depend on this amount.

SNILS (insurance certificate) is a mandatory document for each citizen of the Russian Federation. The abbreviation is decrypted as an insurance number of an individual personal account. Obtaining this document is necessary for all, including children. With the help of SNILS you will be able to ensure the use of free medical services to yourself and your child. Also, insurance certificate is used in many other areas of public services.

Since 2011, the state issues certificates to all children and adults. The document is a laminated card with all the necessary data on accumulation from the employer or personal accumulation, work experience. Also, the insurance number is required upon receipt of medical services. Thus, without a minor, a person will not be able to fully use the opportunities provided by the country and accumulate a pension throughout its work. In this article, you will learn how to get in the MFC SNILS for a child, as well as answers to most popular and interests of questions about this document from parents.

What gives the presence of a document?

It can take advantage of SNILS as a parent and a child who has not achieved adulthood. After establishing an insurance certificate for your child, you ensure it the following advantages:

  • use of free medical services;
  • free receipt of drugs for children by age up to 3 years;
  • the vital document for the disabled - with its help is drawn up all pensions and benefits;
  • obtaining benefits;
  • the use of electronic service of public services for the design of other documents;
  • the right to study in general education institutions, circles, sections, etc.

Methods for obtaining insurance certificate

To date, citizens of the Russian Federation can receive most of the necessary documents through the following structures:

  • appeal to MFC (multifunctional center);
  • application on the public state service website;
  • personal appeal to the separation of the structure (depends on the desired document). In this case, this is the nearest (or at the place of residence) the Department of the FIU.

There are few more individual cases in which the child declares the educational institution. The following are all the presented ways to obtain a reduced child.

First method: Getting through MFC

To begin with, consider how to get in MFC SNILS for a child. Any citizen has the right to apply for an individual insurance number starting from 14 years. Up to the specified age, the design and issuance of the certificate is carried out only with one of the parents.

Before contacting the MFC, you must have the following set of documents with you:

  • your passport;
  • certificate of the birth of a child;
  • application (usually the form is issued on the spot, or at all is filled with an employee of the MFC).

If the baby himself turns to the IFC for 14 years and older, he can simply show a passport and fill out the application. After that, his application for RESOX will be sent to processing.

Come to the Multifunction Center, you need to take an electronic queue. As a rule, there is a touch-screen terminal next to the input, which gives the tongs and automatically writes you to the queue. If there are problems or questions about the choice of coupons, special employees of the MFC will always help you, which are constantly near the device.

However, you can get up in the electronic queue without leaving home. To do this, follow the instructions below.

Record in MFC

Consider a way to get in MFC SNOWS for a child by writing through the official website. To begin with, you must register on the website To do this, use your mobile phone number. When moving to the site, the service will automatically determine your location. Next, follow the following steps:

Confirm the application by clicking "sign up".

If you have selected a date or time to which you cannot sign up, you will see a warning message about this in the lower right corner of the browser.

So, by posting the reception, you have left to come with a child (over 14 years old) or without it (under 14 years old) and fill out a statement. After that, the employees of the MFC branch will explain in detail and transparently to you the procedure for obtaining a document and date. Please note that SNILS is not issued in multifunctional centers. In MFC you only apply! To take the Strazal Certificate is necessary in the Department of Pension Fund. What exactly - you will say the employee of the MFC.

What to do after filling in the questionnaire?

Usually the document is issued within 21 business days. After filling, the MFC questionnaire transfers the processing document to the FIU, which opens an individual number. At the appointed date, you must visit the FIU branch, taking a passport with you (when receiving a SNILS for a child under the age of 14, its presence is not necessary) or child over 14 years old with his passport. As you can see, to obtain an insurance certificate, you will need only one visit to the IFC and the Pension Fund.

How to make a reduce child through state services and is it possible?

Most of the documents can be issued on the official website of the State Service. But is there any opportunity to submit an application for an insured number? Let's figure it out.

Before making a reduced child through public services, read the portal capabilities and the services offered. By visiting the site for the first time, you must register, using reliable data of passport, TIN or SNILS. After that, go to the list of all services provided remotely.

Even after checking them all, you will not find there proposals to arrange documents, at least somehow related to the pension fund. Do not apply to support service ahead of time and ask to explain the situation. The absence of the possibility of designing SNILS through state services is quite a logical explanation.

The fact is that Federal Law No. 27, as amended from 2014, it states that absolutely all information of citizens in the FIU is confidential and are not subject to transmission to other organ, and even more so in electronic service.

Be careful. On the Internet, you can stumble upon articles on how to make a reducing child through civil servants and assistance offers. All such proposals are a deception and extortion of money. The only options for obtaining insurance certificate are MFC or Pension Fund.

Now you know the answer to the question of how to order a reduced child through state services. It remains to consider the last option to submit an application for a document.

Appeal to the Department of the FIU

Find online the nearest branch of the Pension Fund. To reduce the time of registration, you can fill out a questionnaire at home yourself and just bring it to the PFR employee. To do this, download the sample on the site Next Follow the instructions:

  • Select from the list item "How to get Snaps Children" (photo 5);

  • In the subsection that opens, you can read general information about obtaining this certificate;
  • after paragraph with the text, click on the link "Questionnaire of the Insured Face";
  • the following will start loading the file in the ".doc" format to your computer.