How to hold a bachelor party for friends - ideas for a memorable men's party. When and where is the best time for a bachelor and bachelorette party

As the wedding day gets closer, there are more problems, cases and questions that take a lot of energy and strength. And in order to avoid scandals, nerves and other unpleasant situations, it is worth remembering a very fashionable and pleasant tradition - organizing a bachelor party.

This is a great way to forget about the problems and truly formally break away. Holding a bachelor party has become something of a farewell to bachelorhood. All the groom's friends gather and have fun in their male company.

But the organization of the bachelor party has its own nuances. Anyone can make the usual "gatherings" of friends, namely the bachelor party should become simply an unforgettable, unusual and most fun holiday.

Necessary things for a bachelor party

  • First of all, of course, alcohol. No other holiday can do without it, not to mention such a significant day. Standard assortment: beer, vodka, cognac. But the more choice the better, isn't it?
  • Many people think that strippers are an integral part of this celebration. But a lot depends on where exactly this holiday will have to be celebrated. For example, if in a bathhouse, then you shouldn't call the dancers.
    It is also worth refraining from dancers (and in general any female company) if the future wife is too jealous. Of course, she will not go to parties, and she may not even know about it, but it's better not to hide the truth.
  • Some kind of entertainment must be present. You can play billiards, poker, preference or any other interesting game. If you celebrate in a bath, then this is entertainment in itself. Having fun is very important. Of course, you can play with friends after the wedding, but that will be a completely different matter.

It is advisable to turn off the phone or not take it with you at all. For example, SMS or wife calls that are incompatible with this holiday will bother you. It is also possible that, in a state of intoxication, the groom will start texting or calling whoever should. It's better to just leave your phone at home to avoid various troubles. But it doesn't hurt to take a camera to take a photo and video for memory.

Stag Party Ideas

How to hold a bachelor party so that it is really unusual? Those who cannot come up with ideas for a bachelor party themselves can use one of the following options.

  1. Karaoke. You can have a really good time there. You don't have to have a good voice to sing, and if the groom doesn't have one, it can be even more interesting. You can follow a Japanese tradition, where the groom with the company should have a hearty meal in the dry bar in the evening, and spend the rest of the night in karaoke. You can take different photos and videos so that the night spent will forever remain in your memory.
  2. Nature. There are as many fascinating things in nature as in the city. For example, the most common way to spend time outdoors is to go fishing with a company. But if you want to do something more interesting, then you should try yourself in rock climbing, camping or rafting. But all this is quite dangerous, so you should be careful. If the groom soon has to apply a cast or lie in the hospital, then the wedding will need to be rescheduled.
  3. Water racing. You can rent several boats, split into teams and have a real race. Those who do not like active rest can take a small yacht, sail away from the coast and just sunbathe.
  4. "It's expensive to rest." One time you can afford to take an expensive vacation. Visit the best bar / club with friends, buy the most expensive alcohol, use the best services, and, in general, do not deny yourself anything. It will be quite difficult for many to arrange this, since the wedding itself requires large expenses, and for a bachelor party there may simply not be much money left. If you choose this idea, then you must definitely take a few photos, since it is unlikely that it will still be possible to have such an expensive vacation in the near future.
  5. How to arrange a bachelor party if the budget is extremely small? The answer is simple - at home. For a small company, home furnishings will be enough. The main thing is to order food (pizza is great), buy a drink, and play music. The only problem is the neighbors. If, after 23:00, other residents are disturbed by the music, they have the right to file a complaint. We'll have to somehow solve this problem, because it is this event that is held throughout the night. You can go to a nightclub, as there the loud music is official. But then the bachelor party will have to be celebrated not only in the company of friends, but also in the whole crowd.
  6. Road trip. You can just take the car and go somewhere. For example, to another city. In order to have a place to travel, it’s a good idea to make yourself the “Visit 3 best establishments in 3 cities” setting. Naturally, this idea is completely incompatible with alcohol. Therefore, if you are still going to go somewhere, you will have to hire a driver or persuade one of your friends to stay sober.
  7. Role-playing games. There are special places for creating role-playing games. For example, having removed the castle for a couple of hours and purchased the costumes of knights, you can arrange an interesting battle. Games will not only allow you to have fun, but even temporarily move away from reality, to feel like a real hero. If you do not know how to organize a bachelor party in the style of role-playing games, but at the same time with minimal costs, then you can create such games yourself. For example, if the bachelor party is in winter, you can build small snow castles and "bombard" each other with snowballs. We'll have to take care of a suitable place. A forest or a summer cottage is perfect.
  8. Rink. You can remember your childhood and go to the skating rink. But you shouldn't stay there for a long time. Usually, after skiing, they immediately go to the nearest cafe or club.
  9. Paintball. Hunting enthusiasts will definitely enjoy such a game as Paintball. There you can compete with your friends and show all your hunting skills. If the whole team knows how to shoot, then everyone is provided with an adrenaline rush and a surge of fun.

It is quite easy to come up with ideas for a bachelor party yourself, if there is no financial limitation. If you have enough funds, you can even go to an island or to another country. Such an event will definitely not be forgotten and will leave a good impression. But, unfortunately, not everyone can celebrate the holiday so globally.

What not to do at your bachelor party

Yes, there is something to refrain from on this holiday. Otherwise, everything can lead to bad consequences. You shouldn't try to get to the bride's party. It must be remembered that the bride has a holiday similar to a bachelor party - a bachelorette party. And if the groom does not want to spoil his event, there is no need to go to the bride's party. Otherwise, the two parties simply merge into one, and an exciting farewell to the bachelor life will never take place. Moreover, the whole party will be under the supervision of the bride, and this will bring a huge number of restrictions.

How to spend a bachelor party without alcohol, if it is an integral part of the party? No way, so it is highly desirable that the event be held a few days before the wedding. If the wedding is already the next day, then you have to keep a cheerful look, which is very difficult. In addition, both the bachelor party and the wedding are held until the very night or evening. And not everyone can do this for 2 days in a row.

It is not worth taking a photo or video yourself, since after taking alcohol it is unlikely that the groom will turn out to be a good photographer. Better to hire a specialist, or take pictures until the very height of the party.

Sending bachelor party invitations

It is worth sending invitations about 3 weeks before the party itself. It is necessary that everyone knows the exact date, and does not plan any business for it. Invitations can be sent in the form of regular postcards, e-mail or just a phone call.

If you are planning to relax after spending a lot of money, then in the invitation it is worth mentioning the cost of the event. In order not to waste money just like that, let everyone bring what they have. For example, someone can bring fishing rods for fishing, a camera for a photo, and skates for a skating rink.

After setting the date, check it against all the cases. There should not be a situation when you will drastically change it, which ultimately will lead to a change in the plans of the invited friends. If the exact date is unknown, then it is better to wait a little or indicate an approximate one. It will be a shame if some friends do not come to that party, which, most likely, will never happen again.

How to spend or a bath with the greatest comfort and dignity? We read further.

The explanatory dictionary of SI Ozhegov gives this holiday the following definition: "A farewell party with comrades in the groom's house before the wedding, as well as a general men's party, a feast." Bachelor parties, like hen parties, remain an integral part of modern pre-wedding rituals. Modern young people strive to capture the last bachelor days of their lives in their memory. Of course, this ceremony has practically lost its original meaning. Now the principles of holding are different, but the fact that this holiday is still celebrated suggests that modern youth does not want to lose their roots and traditions. Each groom strives to celebrate this event as best as possible and so that this day will remain in the memory of each of his friends. Therefore, the ways of holding such evenings are very diverse, the main thing is that they should be unforgettable.

How to have fun with your bachelor party

A bachelor party is a wonderful occasion for the groom to gather all his friends, whom he, perhaps, has not seen for ages. Indeed, remember when was the last time you got together? A bachelor party will allow you to relax well on the eve of your wedding, because, according to numerous studies, the stress that young people experience before the wedding is comparable to continuous and intense work for two months.

As in the case with, where only female persons should be, you must come to the bachelor party without a bride, otherwise your friends will not understand you. This will allow you to completely relax and unwind before your wedding. You should not invite the bride's relatives - believe me, this can lead to irreversible consequences, and why should you warm up the "spy". So that your future family happiness is not threatened - have fun only with friends. If your future wife is an unpredictable person, then you will have to protect yourself and your friends from her possible sudden appearance in order to expose you. After all, a curious bride can embarrass your friends with her appearance - and the holiday will be ruined. Usually men prefer to hold a bachelor party on a large scale. In this case, it would be appropriate to invite the toastmaster, who will organize the guests and professionally conduct the fun.

Well, if your financial situation does not allow you to invite a presenter to your holiday, and it is sultry summer and warm nights on the street, the only way out is to transfer the bachelor party to the bosom of nature. Thus, you and your friends can go hunting or fishing, having previously stocked up with the necessary attributes for this (not just tackle alone).

You can also have a party at home by asking your mother, sister or beloved aunt to cook for it. However, if you still don't want to bother your family, then a restaurant where you can have a good time, having fun and not thinking about mountains of dirty dishes and tired relatives, can be an ideal option.

If you are a supporter of calm, cozy holidays, then it is best to organize a bachelor party in a sauna or bath, where billiards, treats, professional masseurs are at your service, who will help you and your friends to relax and forget about the stress of the past and future days.

Of course, the methods and ways of celebrating a bachelor party can be completely different. First of all, it depends on the capabilities and desires of the groom. However, you should not go beyond what is permissible, otherwise you will be painfully ashamed of what you did in front of your future wife.

When is the best time to have a bachelor party

Many smart people advise holding a bachelor party a few days before the wedding. You can calmly relax and completely surrender to the fun, and secondly, during the wedding you will feel energized. After all, if you hold a bachelor party the day before the wedding, it may happen that at your most important celebration in life you will feel bad and think only about how to make it to the night. And the night must also be extraordinary. With such behavior, you, of course, spoil the celebration not only for yourself, but also for your beloved, and such an insult is unlikely to be forgotten - it will remain for life. Do you need this?

It is best to hold a bachelor party two or three days in advance, ideally on the weekend preceding the wedding. Then you can go anywhere and have fun with your friends. Plus, you can find more entertainment on weekends than on weekdays.

No matter where and wherever your bachelor party takes place, it should be unforgettable. It may even be so that the next morning you feel so ashamed - that you could part with your bachelor life and turn into an exemplary family man completely without regret.

A detailed description of the bachelor party - how best and where to spend the holiday.

This is the sweet word "bachelor party" ... The last before a new stage of life, a legitimate evening of entertainment, a symbolic farewell to the riotous environment and bachelor friends. It may not always be so last, but it is imperative to note the upcoming acquisition of a new status "husband". So we will find out how, when, with whom and where it is customary to celebrate this event.

Bachelor party what is it, what do they do on it?

The bachelor party, or as it is also called the "groom's party" is a traditional men's party on the occasion of the wedding of one of the friends... As a rule, close friends of the future groom are invited to this action.

One should be very careful about the temptation of inviting future relatives from the bride to this men's party. After all, who knows how your holiday will go, where and how it will end ... Your future wife hardly needs any extra dirt.

At a bachelor party, it is customary to display all the delights of a riotous bachelor life with the highest quality. So to speak, goodbye to the future groom. Therefore, alcoholic beverages, striptease, partying and fun are integral attributes of this holiday. However, more restrained options are also possible - it all depends on the groom's temper and his wishes.

Who organizes the bachelor party: the groom or friends, who pays?

Primarily responsible for organizing the festivities future witness... On it, in the classic version, and the financial side.

However, there is also a form of general division of expenses for all participants - as a gift to a friend-groom. It is also possible to pay for the fun by the groom himself. As a rule, all such points are agreed in advance and according to a voluntary format, in particular, financial participation.

The bachelor party can be paid by both the groom and the groom's friends

Most often, the groom's friends, knowing well his preferences, decide on a surprise. Very often, a young person may not even guess about the scenario of the upcoming celebration.
If we are talking about payment by the groom, then friends are preparing a good gift.

When is the bachelor party held before the wedding?

According to tradition, a bachelor party can be held any day after the day when the parents of the future young people shook hands in agreeing on the wedding. However, as a rule, the groom's evening is organized not earlier than two weeks before the wedding.

It is definitely not worth holding it on the eve of the very day of the wedding - after all, there is a great risk of being left either completely without one of the main characters at the wedding, or his appearance can cause general concern. The ideal time frame for the bachelor farewell ritual is 4-5 days before the wedding.

Bachelor party invitation template

Although men are less inclined to various small details, it will be definitely pleasant to receive an original invitation to a holiday on the occasion of a friend's marriage. The most popular stylistic designs for such postcards are symbols of female underwear items- in the form of a bikini with ruffles or a corset with ribbons-ties.

Postcards with attached male attributes- a bow tie, mustache, beard, etc., which can then be used as elements for a photo session. In the text of the invitation itself, it is worth indicating the date, time, place of the meeting, the proposed dress code or the presence of certain items.

How to spend a bachelor party outdoors?

If the season and weather conditions permit, a great way to celebrate bachelorhood is outdoors. Moreover, if the gathered company is avid fishermen, hunters or cyclists.

A bachelor party in nature is a quieter option and differs from a traditional city party in its calmness and prudence in its conduct. The thematic direction, as already mentioned, can be dictated by the hobby of the groom himself or the whole company.

However, even a quiet pastime can be diversified if you go, say, to a recreation center, a country camp or a summer cottage. Billiards, football, basketball, etc. can help to brighten up the monotony of fishing. It is worth taking care of sufficient availability of food and drinks, as well as accommodation for the entire company for the night.

Bachelor party outdoor contests

If the company is large enough, division into teams is the best method of conducting competitions. In the course of the competition, activity and ardor for victory will be whipped up.

A funny competition, which will be easy and symbolic enough to be held in nature - imitation of any animal... To do this, one representative from each team fights to represent the behavior of a beast. It can be an orangutan, an elephant, a hamster, a bear, etc. the team that most vividly depicts the style, habits and appearance of the simulated animal will win.

The following contests are not only fun but are thematically outlined by male preferences. Each team is given several dried, not peeled fish carcasses - roach, bream, etc. The task of the men is to clean it as quickly as possible.

To accompany this competition - the task of the most masterly opening a bottle of beer. The winner is the company that manages to open the bottle of foam in the most original, unconventional and effective way.

How to spend a bachelor party in a strip club

If there is a similar institution in your city, then the question of the venue for the "groom's evening" can be resolved in this way. As a rule, such clubs already have special show programs for bachelor parties in the program.

It all depends on the budget for one person and the set of entertainment. You will be offered a list of alcoholic drinks, cuisine dishes, dancers' numbers and, of course, an exquisite striptease. The most chic option for a bachelor party in a strip club is his full lease for holding a private party exclusively for your company.

Stripper for a bachelor party

There is a rather persistent opinion that such a girl is an obligatory attribute of a bachelor party. The most popular explanation for this is that a man-future groom for the last time can freely, without remorse, admire someone else's female body.


Very often friends do not confess to the groom about a prepared surprise in the form of a visit from a stripper girl. However, it is difficult to imagine the possibility of her arrival in the tent city, organized by you on the occasion of a foray into nature to celebrate a bachelor party. Therefore, the best places for the alleged contemplation of a magical dance are considered to be a house, a nightclub, a country estate or a bath / sauna.

How to spend a bachelor party in a sauna?

In the old rites of the bachelor party, the bath was a must... But it was not necessary to go there for the sake of entertainment, but in order to symbolically cleanse himself before a new life.

  • hold contests
  • invite a stripper
  • invite a masseur
  • swim in the pool (if there is one)
  • play billiards or table tennis

When organizing a party in such a place, you should take care of:

  • sufficient space for the whole company
  • advance reservation of just such a number, where there will be additional options of advantages - a billiard table or a pool
  • organization of a festive table with snacks. There can be several options - on your own, with the services of an establishment or catering - catering for a restaurant.

Bachelor Party Scenario: Groom Contests

The plan for the bachelor party, first of all, depends on the chosen place. If we are talking about a nightclub or strip club, then their show program provides for the possibility of choosing a scenario, where all competitions for both guests and the groom himself, of course, will be prescribed in advance.

We offer you a variant of a bachelor party. Below you will find one of the scenarios for this event.

To begin with, there will be a feast, and the first competition will be the competition for the longest and shortest toast. Naturally, you do not need to delay it for a very long time. Determine the maximum of no more than 2 minutes.

But after the feast, conduct a sobriety test. Draw a line and have the guests walk along it or take the swallow pose.

Now the scripted tasks become more complicated - have the guests put one hand on the tip of the nose and the other on the ear. The host, along with the rest of the guests, begin to clap their hands and the participants must change hands. The frequency of the claps accelerates with every second.

Another interesting competition will be a drawing called "Guess who?" Bring out glasses of clear liquid for all participants. One of the glasses will contain vodka, the rest will contain water. The task of the participants is to drink their drinks so that the guests do not guess who has vodka after all.

Host a competition for real men at your bachelor party - for example, arm wrestling or push-ups. You can also host a fun tug-of-war or knot-tying contest.

However, there is always an opportunity to supplement the show program with special tasks for the main guy of the evening. Let such a competition be tricky questions about the upcoming family life. Examples of these dilemmas include:

  • how to lull a child
  • how to cook a romantic dinner
  • what to call my wife's mom
  • well, eternal - what does a woman want?

Bachelor party drawing for the groom and jokes

The organization of an unexpected celebration will look funny and unpredictable. It should be remembered that this is a rather risky step - after all, you need to be absolutely confident and aware of the groom's preferences regarding his bachelor party.

In this case, friends completely organize everything without saying a word to the very culprit of the upcoming party. Then they create an unforeseen situation, for example, an urgent call by the boss and referral to an object to perform certain actions. All friends are already waiting in the designated place and are ready to have fun until the morning.
You can also prepare a slideshow of funny moments in the life of the future groom and comment on them as you watch.

Do I need to give something for the bachelor party?

The answer to this question is directly related to the answer about paying for the party. As mentioned above, a bachelor party can become the very gift that friends will present to a friend on the occasion of his marriage. In this case, gifts can be quite symbolic and humorous. For example, a pair of family panties - as an attribute of family life or a trash can with a hint that the friend will have a permanent new responsibility.

If the party is paid for by the best man or the groom, then gifts in a purely masculine style will be quite appropriate:

  • expensive alcoholic drinks
  • exclusive and original tobacco products
  • attributes and elements of a young person's hobby or hobby - an expensive spinning rod, a golf club, a collectible model of a car that the groom collects, an expensive set of bath accessories
  • rocking chair

What do they give the groom for the bachelor party?

The future groom should definitely not give home furnishings (vacuum cleaner, coffee grinder, toaster, etc.) that can be presented at a wedding and this will not be a particularly memorable presentation for a bachelor party. You should also not give any other items of common use - let it be a thing only for the young. Excellent options for such gifts can be:

  • quality cognac or whiskey. Moreover, the gift can be accompanied by a phrase about the need for a general drinking about, say, the birth of the first child.
  • cigars
  • expensive watches, an exclusive lighter or a high-quality wallet
  • anything from an adult store
  • certificate for a dinner for two - for a friend and his future wife for the first month of marriage
  • photo album in which you can collect a photo with the brightest moments of the young bachelor life of the future groom. By appropriately editing the photo, you can create a whole fairy tale story.
  • a mini-bar that the groom most likely dreamed of for a long time

Cool gifts for the bachelor party to the groom to a friend

Among the variety of cool gifts, delight can be caused by such as:

  • T-shirt or T-shirt with the words "Marry soon", "Faithful husband" or "Busy forever", etc.
  • an alarm clock that takes off when triggered and does not stop until it is caught and turned off. Believe me, every morning you will be remembered
  • piggy bank, which can be programmed to make certain sounds when a coin is dropped into it. You can designate a collection target for anything - from a game console to dentures. The main thing is to bring a smile when saving money.

Holding a bachelor party is not only an ancient tradition, but also a great way to get together with a pleasant company and celebrate the farewell to your bachelor life. Ideas for a bachelor party before the wedding can be varied, it all depends on the personal preferences of the groom and his friends.

home furnishings

If it is not possible to have a party in a cafe, then it is interesting to have it at home. Come up with an original theme, pick up unusual contests. There are good options for holding a bachelor party at home.

  1. Gambling addiction. You can arrange an evening at the card table (the best option is poker) or play "monopoly", "crocodile". Table hockey and mini-billiards will do. In order not to waste time preparing food, you can order pizza.
  2. Cinema. Organize watching the film and discussing it. In a calm, supportive atmosphere, conduct a casual conversation, recall funny stories from life. Of course, you shouldn't forget about delicious snacks and drinks.
  3. Home karaoke. If there is the appropriate equipment in the house, then a trip to the bar is not required. You can have fun singing songs and drinking strong drinks.
  4. Costume party. Guests dress up in cool superhero costumes and have a photo session as a souvenir.
  5. Cuisine of the peoples of the world. Celebrating the end of a bachelor life is necessary not only in pleasant company, but also with excellent food. You can arrange an evening of Japanese cuisine by ordering rolls or sushi at home. Italy is characterized by pizza, Russia - by dumplings or kurnik, Asian countries - by pilaf.

These pre-wedding bachelor party ideas are quite budget-friendly and easy to implement. You just need to think over the little things and devote a little time to organizing the holiday. The main thing is that the guests and the future head of the family feel comfortable and fun.

Usually a bachelor party is organized by a witness. He tries for a friend to choose an option that will suit him. Sometimes they can jointly discuss the most original ideas and bring them to life.

Sports bachelor party

Combining business with pleasure is a great idea for a holiday. The choice of a particular sport will depend on the time of year. If the wedding takes place in winter, then the bachelor party can be celebrated outside, playing snowballs and sledding or skiing. In summer there is an opportunity to have fun in nature, arrange fishing outside the city. Paintball is an interesting idea. Team play will help to unite your friends even more. You can always visit indoor gyms, play volleyball or basketball.

Enjoy Your Bath!

The idea of ​​holding a bachelor party in a bath will appeal to all friends. A pleasant pastime for body and soul will be an excellent option for friendly get-togethers. It's great when you have your own bathhouse in the country. In this case, there is no need to rush anywhere and you can stretch the pleasure. In another case, there are always private baths that are ready to offer their services. An alternative can be a bachelor party in the sauna. The choice depends on the preferences of the hero of the occasion and his friends.

Bars and restaurants

Choosing a bar as a place for a bachelor party before the wedding, you can safely count on an excellent organization of the holiday. Incendiary music, good cuisine, service and appropriate mood are guaranteed. Friends can decide on the spot how to spend the evening, what to do next. You can play billiards or bowling. A great idea is to go to a karaoke club or a bar with a dance floor. You just need to know for sure whether everyone likes this kind of rest.

City Quest

Friends of the groom can arrange unusual entertainment before the wedding in the form of a quest to famous places. A walk around the city will be accompanied by interesting tasks that the hero of the occasion will have to complete. There are special firms that will embody the idea and help organize such an event.

For a best friend, a witness can come up with the most creative ideas for a bachelor party:

  • skydiving;
  • water skiing;
  • hunting;
  • horse ride;
  • climbing wall;
  • laser tag;
  • racing in sports cars;
  • scuba diving.


If you decide to hold a bachelor party with elements of 18+, which is of course also a very popular option, then there are some interesting ideas. The easiest one is to order a private dance, but better not with one, but with two girls. This is more original than the classic version, besides, the future groom will remember it quite well. An alternative option is erotic massage, but it is better to prematurely carefully ask the hero of the occasion if he agrees to this idea of ​​holding a holiday. Otherwise, you will pay the money, and the groom, by virtue of his principles, will refuse the gift, for which he can also be understood. Well, one more unusual and at the same time bold idea that will add color to a bachelor party is a topless banquet service. In this case, half-naked employees will spend the evening with you as waitresses, but at the same time they will delight the eyes, which will also be remembered for a lifetime by the future groom. The price for this type of service is acceptable, about 1,500 rubles for 30 minutes. If you “chip in” with the whole company, you can order waitresses for the whole evening and spend no more than 10 thousand rubles.

Among the wide variety of options, there are good ideas for a bachelor party before the wedding. You just need to choose what you like and can afford. A well thought out evening will be remembered for a long time and will help friends become even closer.

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Traditionally, the bride and groom often have a bachelor party and a bachelorette party a week before the wedding. And the choice of places, as a rule, is rather monotonous. We found out when it is better to organize this holiday, and learned some original ideas.

Professionals advise to plan a holiday with friends in advance and spend it at least 10 days before the wedding, because in the last week it is worthwhile to devote time to other things.

Varvara Peregudova, head of the wedding agency. It seems to us that a bachelorette and bachelor party is highly undesirable to spend a week before the wedding, as it often happens in practice. Of course, we do not consider the sad examples of an accidentally stretched leg during crazy dances in a nightclub with girlfriends or a completely burnt face while fishing with friends. In general, the last week before the wedding should be completely devoted to yourself, your loved ones, and pleasant chores for your own image: a visit to a beauty salon, relaxing massage, manicure, pedicure, and so on.

It is best to spend a bachelor party and a bachelorette party two to three weeks before the wedding. If this is just a fun party, then the bride and groom will definitely have enough time to recover from the possible consequences of a tumultuous party.

Most often, stag and hen parties are held in bars and nightclubs. It is not necessary to give up such a program, but it is worth planning interesting entertainment for the daytime. But what if you set aside not one, but several days to spend time with friends?

Varvara Peregudova. If, in general, we talk about the options for holding a bachelor party and a bachelorette party, then probably the most pleasant of them is to go on a weekend with friends somewhere in warm countries, at sea. At the same time, you can sunbathe for the wedding.

Bachelorette and bachelor parties are often very creative and even adventurous. In this case, you can even shoot a video and have time to edit a funny clip, which will then be shown at the wedding. One of our fiancees, for example, threw a bikini-party on the beach, where the girls put on a stunning dance performance filmed by a professional video team. The clip became a wonderful surprise and a gift for the groom at the wedding.

Now we are developing an adrenaline-rush party with speed and drive for one of our fiancés. First, the guys go to the BMW test drive, where they will take a course of extreme driving, and then they will have dizzying flights on Robinson helicopters. Finally, the groom's team settles into a spacious cottage for 10 people on the territory of the Fresh Wind Hotel, where they have a barbecue.

Hen and stag parties are not necessarily clubs and karaoke. For example, our bride had a bachelorette party, which we organized in Paris, the girls attended a concert by Anna Netrebko.

I really love "photo girls" when we shoot a photo studio and do thematic shooting for the bride and bridesmaids. Images are selected according to the theme of the wedding. You can easily invite a club DJ to such a bachelorette party, and champagne has never bothered anyone.

As an idea for a bachelor party, I could suggest taking part in a yacht regatta, if, of course, the groom and his friends have enough time and have yacht management skills.