How to diversify your intimate family life with your husband? Diversity in intimate life

Very few spouses can boast of the freshness of relationships and feelings after a few years of marriage. But if the dying light in the family hearth is the result of everyday life and habits - all is not lost!

Tradition is the basis of a lasting union

The hallmark of relationships is the formation of traditions. Family breakfasts, going to the cinema or to the park, going out to the countryside with friends (or just two people) - the list can be very long.

The main thing is to find time to comply with them. If work does not allow you to have breakfast together, you can modify the tradition and arrange lunch, dinner, or dinner in the company of your loved one.

Let it just be a joint gathering over a glass of milk before bedtime - sometimes this is enough to raise the emotional background.

If the family is very young and there are no traditions yet, it's time to start them.

Taking a course for romance

The husband gives flowers only on March 8 or his birthday. A woman lacks romance, and her beloved cannot guess about it.

Men are generally not the most shrewd creatures. Sometimes you need to say directly what you want in order to get it. Not everyone will understand that a wife wants to go to a new restaurant from her sighs while viewing the booklet.

In our time of gender equality, modern technologies, unlimited possibilities of service, a woman herself can organize a romantic adventure.

Almost everything is available now:

  • joint visit to the SPA-salon;
  • horse ride;
  • extreme entertainment;
  • visiting game centers;
  • recreation parks.

Reasonable prices and a variety of discounts will keep you from splurging on such events. In the event of a complete lack of ideas, you can contact a specialized event organization agency.

It is imperative to pay attention to the interests of the spouse. If a puppy's delight appears in his eyes when watching motorcycle races, you can arrange a trial lesson on extreme motorcycle riding (under the supervision of professionals, everything is absolutely safe).

Perhaps then he will pay attention to the sighs of his beloved woman and organize a trip to a new restaurant.

Nobody canceled and more traditional events: a bath with rose petals, strawberries with cream, candlelight dinner.

Do not think that this is trite. Any attention is pleasant to a loved one and will not go unanswered.

Irresistibility at the stove

Any man will be proud of his soul mate if she looks brilliant when she goes out. But we must not forget that vanity and pride are not the only qualities of a strong half.

A man loves with his eyes. Before arranging romantic outings, the wife should take a close look at herself in the mirror. A woman should be well-groomed not only outside the apartment, but also in the simplest setting.

And do not be surprised if the relationship with the husband becomes colder when the wife walks around the house in a washed dressing gown, worn-out slippers and hair tied in a nondescript ponytail.

Nobody says that every day you need to run to a beauty salon, cook food with your hair loose on your back, and clean your apartment in one lace apron and stilettos.

But you can always stop at an intermediate option. Clean hair tied up in a neat bun ... Silk robe and beautiful lace apron ... Lovely slippers and a drop of perfume at the base of the neck ...

Even if the harvesting is not finished, and the potatoes are slightly overcooked, the man will not notice. But changes in appearance will be noted and appreciated immediately.

We must not forget to keep an eye on the figure. There is an opportunity to go to a fitness club - great, there is no opportunity - it doesn't matter. Special programs designed to be performed at home take no more than 15 minutes a day, and the result is toned skin, normal weight and a good mood.

It has been scientifically proven that after some time, spouses begin to copy each other. Therefore, a woman's attempts to keep herself in shape will have a positive effect on her husband.

Next to his beautiful wife, a rare man will allow himself a "beer" tummy.

Hikes, walks, trips

The easiest way to bring back the honeymoon feeling is to have another one. It is not at all necessary to repeat the previous route. The purpose of the trip is to relax, be alone, gain good impressions and get to know each other better.

The romance of Paris, coastal walks under the moonlight, vacation in a ski resort - all this will help you forget about everyday problems, monotonous days and diversify family relationships.

Two well-known people can not only revive fading feelings, but get to know each other from new sides. Perhaps it will be possible to discover new joint interests, which, upon returning home, will allow them to spend more time together.

You don't need to restrain your emotions on such trips. A man must understand that he is loved and interesting.

If in everyday life there are always some factors cooling feelings, then on vacation you can completely relax. It is possible that the spouses have already forgotten how interesting they seemed to each other before.

If there is no financial support for the implementation of such plans or there is simply no way to leave for a long time, you can have a picnic outside the city and even in the park.

You just need to prepare and create the appropriate atmosphere:

  • soft blanket,
  • a basket with light snacks and wine,
  • the closeness of nature and the ability not to be distracted by the surrounding world,
  • switched off phones (this will help you focus on each other)

You can just make it a habit to walk around the house before going to bed.

Pleasure, entertainment, extreme

All people have common interests. They just need to be found. It is very easy to sit on the couch, argue with your husband that today you will be watching (TV series or football), and then sigh that you have nothing in common and that you are bored together.

It is quite difficult to activate and start doing something on your own, it is even more difficult to involve your spouse in this. Here you can play on elementary envy or even jealousy.

First you need to find a hobby (dancing, cinema, sports, self-education). First of all, both spouses will have free space, this will give them the opportunity to get bored without each other.

After some time, the faithful will notice that his wife has something to do, and will begin to show interest. Maybe everything will not end with joint trips to tango lessons, but perhaps there will be areas of interest to both. Even in the evening at dinner there will already be more topics for conversation.

Now there are many extreme sports that are interesting for both men and women. You can take a few trial lessons from different areas and directions and find something that suits both.

Gifts, surprises

Start with romantic notes in the most unlikely places. Original reminders on the fridge, food lists with hearts - all this will not only be beneficial, but also cheer up both. The stereotype that a man should make gifts is a thing of the past.

You don't have to wait until the holiday date to please your man with the spinning rod he circled in a fishing magazine.

The main thing is not to complicate anything and not turn it all into competition or extortion of retaliation. For a good gift or surprise, you need a good mood and a desire to please your loved one.

Ways to refresh your sexual soil

Sex is one of the most important aspects of family relationships. To succeed in this area, you need to find out what the partner is missing. Better to just sit down and talk, and only then draw up a plan for the realization of joint fantasies.

Bed is not a place for surprises or unplanned actions. The partner may not be ready for leather collars, and such attempts will only cool the relationship.

It is important to remember a few tips:

Rehabilitation of a marriage with a small child

A child is not only a great joy, a long-awaited gift, but also a great responsibility and a test of the relationship for strength. According to statistics, in the first year after the birth of a child, a large number of families break up.

To prevent this from happening, a man should provide his wife with all possible help, and a woman should not forget about her husband's needs.

As a result of hormonal changes in the body, fatigue, a woman sometimes simply cannot bring herself to do something for her husband, all her thoughts are occupied by a child. A man may understand this, but after a few months, the role of the second plan no longer suits him.

It is these moments that can become turning points in the life of a young family. At this time, the maximum support of relatives is needed. Young parents should have enough free time for each other.

When the child grows up, joint entertainment should become mandatory:

Constant communication brings family members closer, relieves stress accumulated during the day, and improves mood.

We must not forget about the importance of sex after the birth of a child. A woman should not be ashamed of her more feminine forms, because men practically do not notice such trifles. And given the changed hormonal background, such sex will give both new sensations.

We must not forget that all the listed tips will only help with mutual attempts to revive feelings in a relationship.

One person will not achieve anything if the partner's interest has faded or, due to temporary difficulties, he simply has no time for it.

At some moments, one of the spouses just needs space and the opportunity to be alone. Of course, it is difficult to accept the fact that they want to take a break from you, but sometimes you need to take such a step so that as a result everyone is happy.

Video: How to Breathe Life into a Marriage

The modern world encourages us not to be shy about talking to a partner about our sexual desires. But, unfortunately, most marriages still fall apart due to fading passion and unwillingness to diversify intimate life. If you have had to deal with such a problem, we do not urge you to rush to extremes, offering your beloved role-playing games in the style of "50 shades of gray", we just remind you of the 69 basic rules that will help you relax and better understand your partner.

1. The main thing in an intimate relationship is honesty - before you simulate an orgasm for the first time, remember that then you will have to repeat it over and over again.
2. Alternate tenderness with rudeness.
3. Do it to music: from the classics to the soundtrack from "Nymphomaniac".
4. Experiment with the location: let it be a kitchen table or a washing machine today.
5. Sex in public places seems wild to many. Until you start with the elementary - a cozy park or a fitting room.
6. If you want from him certain actions (for example, blindfold you), first do it with him - the hint will be understood.
7. Often your mutual pleasure depends not on the technique of performing actions, but on enthusiasm.

8. Relax and agree to take turns acting your way. He drives for 15 minutes, and then you.
9. Periodically arrange body orientation sessions - smoothly explore each other's sensitive areas.
10. If you think that the initiative should always come from him - you are mistaken.
11. Lack of sex really affects your emotional state, so do not allow yourself to make it routine.
12. Use lubricants - let them be not only products with different odors, but also with a warming or cooling effect.
13. Even new bedding influences your mood - give preference to dense, solid-colored cotton.

14. Talk during sex: start with innocent, albeit timid, whispered phrases. Gradually, you will develop your own language.
15. Pay attention to the little things: body language, facial expressions, and your partner's reactions will guide you in the right direction.
16. Take an example from movie characters: watching an erotic film together will set you in the right mood.
17. It is not true that men do not pay attention to hair removal - do not neglect it.
18. The first step to new sensations is beautiful underwear. Choose less lace but more sheer fabrics. Stockings are essential too.
19. Men are turned on by sex in the light - do not deny him this pleasure.
20. Let him look at his body.

21. Sex in front of a mirror is the most common male fantasy, and you will also like it.
22. Begin to subtly seduce him in the restaurant or on the way home - this will guarantee an unforgettable night.
23. Massage is the most harmless, relaxing and effective foreplay.
24. According to statistics, men are more excited in the morning, so the most important thing after waking up is not breakfast.
25. Eye contact is everything.
26. Look into sex shops together - it's fun and helps to liberate.

27. Do not be afraid to use intimate toys during sex - they really give new sensations.
28. Always remember that your secret weapon after an argument, no matter how it ends, is sex. But don't get carried away.
29. You can train him to do it at his own pace - just ask him to relax and have fun.
30. Go to sex trainings together - you will be surprised how interesting it is to learn the science of sex in theory, and then consolidate in practice.
31. Be selfish - at the very moment when you enjoy every movement, he does it with you in unison.
32. Smells are exciting. Let him associate sex with the scent of your perfume or oil, which you apply ten minutes before.

33. Change algorithms. Starting with the sounds you make in bed, ending with the poses in which you reach the peak.
34. Spend a few days without each other - it will increase attachment and desire.
35. No one canceled phone sex - text at work, remembering the details of the last night, or send each other sexy photos.
36. Do not neglect fast passionate sex - it always evokes adrenaline.
37. Wake him up at night - start with light strokes. The surprise effect heightens emotions.
38. Shoot your home video - just don't forget to hide it in a secret folder later.
39. Each week fulfill each other's new fantasy.

40. Play "Weak" or "I Never" will be as fun and exciting as it was as a teenager.
41. Don't settle for gratuitous pleasure. You - me, I - you.
42. Refer to the Kama Sutra - at first it will be funny and inconvenient, but then you will definitely find something “of your own”.
43. Play sex games with food: even if it is as old as the world, it always excites and satisfies hunger.
44. Still, let's move on to role-playing games: why not? As trite as it sounds, start with the nurse and the patient.
45. Handcuffs, whips and masks have not left anyone indifferent.
46. ​​Try an easy form of tantric sex - to bring each other to the peak in an atypical way.

47. Learn Kegel exercises - the effect will be felt not only by you, but also by him.
48. During caresses, guide his hands on your own - it will turn you on even more.
49. Watch his favorite porn movie with him.
50. Buy vibrating underwear with a remote control. So he will be able to control your emotions even at a secular dinner.
51. Try sex in the water. It can be a pool or the sea.
52. Take a shower together.
53. Unexpectedly talk to each other about your desires. Even if you are in a supermarket.

54. Have a marathon - try doing this every day for several months, no matter how tired you are and how much time you have.
55. Make a list of what you have not tried yet, and cross out what you have done.
56. Suddenly come to each other's work to "cheer up" at lunchtime.
57. Get a hotel room and have a “typical romantic evening”.
58. Go to a bar together and remember the crazy start of your relationship: dance and kiss in front of everyone.
59. Arrange a challenge - travel to different cities in order to expand your intimate map. 64. Do not be afraid of confined spaces - sex in an elevator will be remembered for a long time.
65. Sexual dancing in the style of "Nine and a half weeks" is always relevant.
66. Try to somehow cook dinner in an apron on the naked body. He will not be able to tear himself away from you, and therefore from dinner.
67. Most men dream of sex or at least caress on the plane.
68. Give each other an adrenaline rush with a skydive or rollercoaster ride. Fear excites.
69. Take a bath together: foam, wine and relaxing music are the right way to end the day.

During which the spouses feel devastated, they lose interest in each other.

If this issue is not resolved, there is a risk of divorce.

Psychologists are often asked the question: how to diversify family life. They provide some tips on how make relationships more interesting full and harmony.

Why is family life becoming monotonous?

Family psychologists say that marriage is like work: the spouses follow some rules.

Only instead of money they receive love, care and support.

However, in order to always be comfortable next to your loved one, you need to work hard. It is necessary to come to terms with some character traits, to find a compromise.

If the spouses stop paying attention to each other, give love, family life becomes monotonous... People who love each other stop feeling euphoric when they are around.

If earlier they tried to do something pleasant, gave gifts, treated each other tenderly, then afterwards they began to pay much less attention to this. As a result, the marriage becomes gloomy, it loses its bright colors.

The reasons for the monotony family life are the following points:

Family life is like a routine if spouses do not surprise each other with anything don't try to please.

Attention, care, gifts and surprises can save a marriage, and family life will once again sparkle with bright colors.

How to diversify marriage for newlyweds?

Young people are very active strive to experience new sensations, quickly without any bright moments in life.

This is why there should be a lot of diversity in young people's marriages.

We must not forget about intimate life... You should purchase erotic costumes, sex toys, learn the basics of erotic massage. It will also help make family life more diverse.

How to refresh family relationships with children?

If there are children in the marriage, the responsibility of the spouses increases significantly.

It is necessary to take care not only of yourself, but also of.

V routine of daily duties it is very easy to lose interest in your significant other. However, there are methods for solving the problem.

Family life will become more diverse if spouses and their children go for a walk, a picnic, go on a hike, or attend a festive event.

It is better to divide family responsibilities equally so that both spouses can take part in caring for the children. Sometimes you can perform duties together.

For example, bathing a child together, preparing food for him together, telling a fairy tale before bed is also together. This will diversify and bond family ties.

This will allow you to better understand each other, amuse both of them and definitely will not let you get bored. The main thing- not criticize your partner, be able to laugh at yourself.

If your spouse does something wrong, you should gently correct him, but not shout. This method was created in order to have fun and make fun of each other.

At least once a week you should send children to grandmothers, grandfathers or leave with a nanny.

This is required in order for the spouses to be together, go to a restaurant, arrange a romantic evening, devoting themselves to each other.

They will feel close to each other, they will be able distract from everyday duties.

How to diversify the intimate sphere?

A bright, full of pleasure sex life can not only diversify, but also

Couples who have gone through fire, water and copper pipes sooner or later face the problem of monotony and some boredom in relationships. Someone is quite satisfied with the peaceful course of days, similar to each other as two drops of water. However, some are arranged differently, they just need to feel constant renewal, they need changes, because this is the only way they feel the movement of life. For such women, the question of how to diversify family life with her husband is especially acute.

Why should a woman be puzzled by this question? Because it is she who is responsible for the inner harmony in family relations. Therefore, even if everything suits you personally, this is not a reason to give up the idea of ​​shaking your partner a little and adding a little variety to your family life.

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To find out, click on the button below and watch the video to the end.

It is desirable that the question of boredom and satiety with each other in a relationship of any limitation period does not arise at all. Then you will not have to solve problems with mistresses, as well as with the fact that the husband cannot be lifted from the couch.

Often, women expect their husbands to take up the issue of bringing romance into relationships and diversity in their leisure time. And this mistake is very dear to many. Men are somehow ready to take on these functions at a time when they are seeking women. But after you get married, it's your turn.

You are the achieved goal, the taken height. Few men find it worthwhile to waste time on such trifles as courting their own wife. He provides your back, supports, loves and helps around the house and with the children. Therefore, if you want something more than the notorious mimosas for March 8th, show him an example and take the initiative.

Are there universal techniques for adding diversity to family life?

The answer to this question is yes and no. Everyone has different relationships, men are all different and want different things from this life. You should not drag your husband to the cinema and theaters if his soul does not lie for such leisure. Hiking can be easily replaced by cycling, and swimming in the pool is easily replaced by a trip to the sauna.

I mean that the chosen ways to diversify your leisure time together should be suitable for both of you. And if your husband is not aroused by handcuffs and lace stockings, try other images, the necessary ones will definitely be found.

Speaking of handcuffs. In what areas do you need to try new things, besides shared leisure? All that your marriage is based on. Living together and everything that it includes. Your vital interests are not only recreation, but also hobbies for development. Everything related to the area of ​​maintaining good physical shape and activity. Traveling as part of knowing the world and yourself. and communication with them.

How to diversify your life and make it romantic to take out the bin?

Sharing responsibilities for housekeeping is not as a heavy burden, but as a quality and expression of gratitude to a partner. It helps a lot to replace each other in the usual roles or perform them together. There is no need to invent anything special - cook some new dish together. Wash the dishes together or don't wash them at all today.

How to find the key to a man's heart? Use secret words that will help you conquer it.

If you want to know what you need to say to a man in order to charm him - click on the button just below and watch the video to the end.

You can make a rearrangement. Or even, if everything is completely boring, a major overhaul. By the way, it is useful to do it every few years - a good shake-up and a joint business at the same time. A way of creative realization for both of you, a jointly created space for the two of you.

Well, and of course a variety of little things - candles, bedside lamps, silk bedding (or satin), breakfast in bed. Will you say that if you have two children, a dog and a mother-in-law, you are not up to it? I am not suggesting that you do this every day. But if you don't do it at all, your husband may want to do it with someone else. Especially if he has a strong need for attention, romance and emotion.

If you have nothing to talk about with your husband?

Threatening situation. Because if you don’t know what to talk about or don’t want to talk to each other, this is not about adding diversity to family life. It is about the lost contact, the severing of internal ties between your personalities.

Ideally, a husband and wife should not just share their thoughts, ideas, fears and desires with each other. Ideally, both you and your husband should feel the strongest need to share all your questions with each other. That is, to be the first thought for each other in any situation.

A signal that it is already pointless to diversify communication. To the fact that you just need it. Family life is not a reason to reduce communication with a partner to solving urgent problems. Your inner, emotional life has not disappeared anywhere since the birth of your children. And so does your husband.

Yes, things have become much more complicated. Both of you are under serious strain, including parenting. But you need to somehow contrive to maintain internal contact in a couple. Emotional female support, warmth, is very important for a man. If he does not come to you to share his problems or joys, ask yourself - with whom does he share them?

More time together or more time apart?

Not an idle question for a huge number of couples. You live together, sleep together, how to understand how much more time to spend together, so as not to finally get bored with each other?

Of course, you should have both joint and separate leisure activities. Which you both should carry out without remorse in front of your partner. The balance of joint and separate pastime should be exactly what you need it to be.

Learn to compromise and find activities that bring you closer together. For some it is enough to walk the dog together before going to bed and fall asleep embracing. The half hour in which you talk about what is important for each of you is more important than the whole day spent with each other.

Diversity in intimate life

Answering the question of how to diversify family life with your husband, it is impossible not to talk about your sex life. Because, firstly, it plays an important role in maintaining intimacy in a relationship. And, secondly, it is this area that is most susceptible to attenuation of interest and problems with new sensations.

To begin with, a decline in interest in each other in sex in the long run is inevitable, and both of you should be prepared for this. The period of knowing each other and delighting in belonging to each other, admiration for your ability to please your partner will end one way or another.

And, although in sexual life there are always unknown spaces of intimacy and shared bliss, when you live together for many years, the search for these spaces in any case does not occupy you the same way as in the first years of the relationship.

What to do? The answer to this question depends on what you and your husband are looking for in sex with each other, what each of you loves, how ready for experiments, novelty. General advice is clear and boils down to using toys, role-playing games, unexpected new places. Maximize your sexual horizons.

However, this arsenal is understandable, and, in general, is quite actively used by couples who like to have sex, and therefore they are constantly trying new things in it. Nevertheless, for them, a period of extinction of interest is possible and even inevitable. What else can help in renewing interest in each other?

Try not to diversify your sex life, but to deepen it. Eastern practitioners in this matter are great masters. Google and related literature to help you. That is, stop (or try to stop) treating sex as a way of getting pleasure you have known for a long time. Try to look for something much more in it - Tao, Tantra and a few other similar practices to help you.

If it doesn't work out, buy another vibrator or go to another roof (this is about those who have already tried everything) you will always have time. But if you succeed, you will learn a little more about sex. And you probably won't need a vibrator anymore.


The need to add variety to family life arises when you are bored with it. The main and last advice - live interestingly, fully, brightly, treat each other accordingly. With attention and interest. Full immersion in each other. Then you don't have to puzzle over how to restore harmony and revive fading feelings.

There are only a few secret words, having heard which a man will begin to love you even more.

Discover the secret that only a few women know. Click on the button and watch the video to the end.

Sex has a lot of place in the relationship between a man and a woman. Especially if the couple decided to become a full-fledged family. Time brings people closer together, but also makes them calmer, transferring them to a clan of friends, and not passionate lovers. Therefore, today we will talk about how women and men can diversify their sex lives in order to return their former passion and fire to relationships.

If you have lived together for a long time, and sex has become not a thrill, but an obligation and duty, then it is urgent to change your attitude and behavior during intimacy. If you want to save your couple from disagreements and quarrels, then read the recommendations of not only popular glossy magazines, but also wise specialists and psychologists who often give practical advice on how to diversify the couple's sex life after a certain period.

Boredom in bed

The sex life of the most ardent partners cannot constantly stand on the fiery border. There comes a period when everything is overgrown with routine and monotony, when spouses get used to each other and hormones cease to become a source of instant flare-up and excitement just from looking at each other.

According to world statistics, after three years of living together, the most passionate lovers smoothly transition into the role of a married couple, who are a little bored during lovemaking.

But how, in this case, to diversify your sex life? We will try to find answers to this question today. Modern women's magazines devote a lot of space to this topic to help men and women in love restore an ardent attraction. After all, you will not break off relations because after a certain time the hormones stopped going off scale.

Love notes

Lovely notes of love content have always fueled the relationship between lovers. Previously, they were written only on paper, and contemporaries are encouraged to use not only paper media, but also mobile devices or any computers.

You don't even need to look for paper and pen, you can send love SMS or chat messages. What to write? This is already the task of your creativity and imagination. Think about what text will conjure up the hottest images in your partner's imagination.

Such messages can be left in the pocket of your trousers or jacket, attached to the refrigerator or to the mirror in the bathroom. The mirror is generally a great platform for love messages. On the mirror square, you can arrange a love message using bright lipstick or dark mascara.

This method of warming up does not seem to be very difficult, but it is associated with a psychological load on the female head. Not all ladies of the heart are able to scream or speak out loud, even if not in a voice, about their sexual desires. Many people just like non-verbal gestures that call to bed, which men can read.

Strawberry with cream

Stop succumbing to autoatism and eat in the kitchen or dining room. If you want to diversify your sex life, then leave your modesty on the street, and at home turn into a sweet seductress. Invite your partner right to the table or have everything ready next to the bed.

Strawberry with cream is the most suitable erotic product. There is no need to warn about anything, do everything spontaneously and extraordinary. It seems that you are watching your favorite old movie, you taste a wonderful berry dessert, he does not notice anything, and you accidentally drop a strawberry right on his naked belly.

True, the method is dangerous. Do not smear, and do not drop the berry on bedding or clothes, otherwise, instead of increasing hormones, you will get a negative. And not every transmission can take a man's gaze. There is one more disadvantage for a lady who watches her weight. If the gentleman succumbed to your temptations, then you can lose your head and overeat cream.

Theater at home

Choose any scenario for yourself and go ahead "diversify" and revive your sexual desires and dreams. You are the main director yourself, the roles of a young Lolita, a priestess from the temple of love, a cute geisha or a vamp woman are available for you.

Get ready while the companion makes millions. Here he comes home from work so tired, and you feed him lips to lips or dance a belly dance. Let him rest and refresh himself, and then write together the ending of a life sexual performance.

True, this method also has its negative nuances. Not every lady can change her role from a housewife in a greasy robe to a passionate lioness, and not every man can go into battle after a hard day.

Change of environment

You already have no strength for new sexual inventions in bed? This is bad. It's so boring to make love on the same bed. Change the environment completely. Your veins should be bubbling with blood, and not sluggishly flowing tap water.

To diversify your sex, take a liking to the bathroom, kitchen, car seats, a clearing in a deciduous forest. Yes, it's better to walk past the coniferous forest, otherwise the needles can make unexpected acupuncture.

Choose any place, if only you feel comfortable and you do not return again to your favorite and such an ordinary bedroom. Here not only adrenaline rises, but also the pleasure of remembering the very first meetings, which did not always take place at home.

The method is original, but too extreme. We must love the noise, calmly relate to the sudden appearance of witnesses. But extreme excitement can increase so much that everything goes better than you expected.

Raisin pie

A zest always adds flavor to any dish, and something unpredictable always excites the blood in intimate relationships. Something new will perfectly refresh your sex life. Do everything differently from what you are used to.

If during lovemaking you always talk, then try to be silent a little, and if you are accustomed to only one position, then it becomes boring. Even barbecue for dinner is boring. Man is accustomed to variety in food, and especially in sexual dishes.

Experiment with silk scarves, ice cubes, or even indulge yourself in champagne. No, it is not suggested to have a drink together. Everything is more unique here.

Try to please your companion with oral sex when you have a few sips of champagne in your mouth. Bubbles of wine will add color, and champagne, drunk in an unusual way, will thoroughly ignite the fire of excitement.

And of course, not all methods suit every pair equally. You will have to find your favorite ones on your own.

Morning wake up

Male physiology is not always subject to consciousness. During the night, an erection visits the male organ several times. So catch the moment. Yes, it is difficult to wake up in the middle of the night, and even watch those minutes. It almost always happens in the morning.

You just need to get up a little earlier than your spouse. You need to tear yourself away from your sleep for about fifteen minutes before his alarm clock rings. This method of getting out of bed in the morning will appeal to the soul and to the body just right. The woman, of course, suffers a little, pulls herself out of the realm of sleep a few minutes earlier. But, what can you not do for the sake of a variety of sexual life.

Joint viewing of erotic films

Erotic films and candid magazines help to create a spark of love. Better yet, be creative and offer your partner your sketches of sexual positions.

You cannot speak out loud about your intimate desires, then you can easily entrust your dreams to paper. What you draw, do not forget to show your loved one. He will get acquainted, agree or make some additions and do everything in practice.

Separation strengthens feelings

From a distance, love grows stronger, especially if loved ones miss each other. Communication takes place only via mobile phones or skype. Do not forget to prepare funds to fund your account. It will take a lot of money. But the end of the separation will be a real holiday for you. On the day of the arrival of your precious, the most enchanting sex awaits you.

Role of touchy

Refusal to have sex for reasons of headache or fatigue is, of course, perceived by men with hostility. But excommunication from the body during religious fasts can cleanse the body and soul at the highest level.

If you can play the role of touch-me-not for one evening, but for several weeks, then sexual fasting will be beneficial and will become a source of variety in your sex life, and also possibly make you closer to God and your religion, as in almost all religions and the spiritual teachings of the world have similar practices.

And believe me, even there there is a lot of interesting things that are worth studying, at least for your self-development, and that can greatly improve and radically improve your sex life, especially if you are already starting to feel that something is wrong with it.

Back to square one

Have you already found your zest, changed your role and environment, entertained yourself with love messages, tried a variety of poses? Would you like to return to your usual lovemaking in such a familiar bedroom? It is not joke. When you return through time to something old, it becomes so tasty and renewed.

You can savor all the ways, or you can stop at just one.

But remember that the monotony of sexual life together extinguishes all sexual sparks and even a certain love and affection between partners.

And erotic novelty mixes adrenaline and sex hormones into the blood.

Look for your own and at least occasionally add raisins to the cabbage pie.

So you diversify the sex life of your couple and you will be insured against disappointment in bed, which definitely only helps to strengthen family understanding, which is what I wish you. And of course? more often visit our portal for learning and self-development, read about, about, and erogenous zones, and, as well, and much more.