How to make the right wardrobe. How to choose the right clothes for style. Dress Pants & Jeans

What is a basic wardrobe and what is it for?

Let's start with the fact that basic things are the basis of your wardrobe. Without this solid foundation, it will be very difficult for you to form your images.

The basic wardrobe consists of basic things. Basic things are things that are simple in cut, neutral in color (based on the color type), fit the figure, are universal when combined, suitable for any occasion, perfectly complemented by accessories of a stylish and fashionable group, allow you to always look different.

If your basic wardrobe is properly shaped, you will make others think that your closet with things is unrealistic! You can easily create a different impression by simply changing the details and adding accessories to the ensembles.

What should the basic wardrobe consist of?

Blouse-shirt. There should be at least two such shirts in your wardrobe. If you work in an office or a bank, then you may have more of these shirts. One of them must be white, and the shade of white should be selected based on your color type. Pure white color adorns the appearance of not many women. This is a versatile wardrobe item that is perfectly completed with other things and is easily complemented by accessories. For example, it is worth adding a bright neck scarf and your image will sparkle with other colors!

Pencil skirt. You have no idea how many sets you can create with this seemingly completely simple classic skirt. A pencil skirt should be chosen according to the type of figure and height. For some, a looser pencil skirt is suitable, for someone up to the knee or just below the knee. But I'm still in favor of this skirt not being too tight, then it will become an absolutely universal thing for any occasion.

Jacket. A basic wardrobe cannot be imagined without a women's jacket. After all, this thing will complement any ensemble, help you always look stylish and elegant. Just imagine its complete set with a skirt, trousers, a dress and even jeans! The jacket is chosen according to the type of figure. It can be straight cut, semi-fitted and fitted. The color of the jacket should match your color palette. It can be dark blue, grey, brown or black. The main thing is that it suits you.

The dress. The dress must be in the basic wardrobe of any woman. That's just contrary to the opinions of many, it does not always have to be black! A little black dress is, of course, a classic, but black, like pure white, is not for everyone. As a basic dress, a sheath dress, an A-line dress, an A-line dress can be perfect. The main thing is that it suits you in shape and color. Such a thing can perfectly fit into an office dress code, and if you replace your everyday bag with a clutch, you will get an almost ready-made evening look.

Trousers. Dress pants are a wardrobe staple. The style of trousers can be straight, tapered to the bottom or flared from the hip. Everything, again, depends on your type of figure and height. The color of the trousers is preferably neutral, suitable for your color type. It doesn't have to be black. Let's say dark blue, gray, brown.

Jeans. The most practical and comfortable thing in the wardrobe. What I want to say about jeans is that you should not give preference to such fashionable leggings, jeggings, and also “skinny”. I would say that it is difficult to call them a basic thing, since they are generally contraindicated for some types of figures. Yes, and you need to be able to wear such models correctly. Nevertheless, they can be attributed to the group of fashionable or stylish things. They are very difficult to set up. But many, in pursuit of fashion, simply buy these models without exception.

As a basic model, you should pay attention to straight-cut jeans. They will be versatile and functional. Color - dark blue or indigo. It is worth mentioning the uselessness of decorative elements. Your jeans should be absolutely plain.

When choosing jeans, do not save! This thing will serve you for more than one year, and, therefore, let it be of high quality. Jeans made of poor material immediately give out their cheapness and low quality. You will not get any pleasure from wearing such a thing.

Cardigan. Something you will definitely love! After all, the cardigan is comfortable, functional and can complement any image. You will always look stylish wearing a cardigan over a dress, with jeans or a skirt, with various decorations and accessories. A cardigan is a universal thing for any season. Choose models that suit your body type: loose or with a belt, long or mid-thigh. The choice of cardigans is very diverse.

Cloak. Since the weather in Russia is cool, outerwear must be in the basic wardrobe. The classic trench coat will be a win-win option for you. It goes with any ensemble and always looks stylish. Wearing a trench coat, you will convince others that you have impeccable taste!

Coat. It's hard to imagine a modern woman's wardrobe without a coat. It must be made from quality material. Ideally preferably wool or cashmere. There are spring models, there are winter ones. The color palette is wide - dark blue, gray, black, beige. But for a basic thing, too bright colors are not recommended. Remember that the color should suit you.

Bag. A bag for a basic wardrobe is preferable in a classic shape. When choosing a bag, you should consider your scale, but as a base bag, you can choose a medium-sized bag with a minimum amount of decor. It should be very functional, not bulky and complement any of your image. You can always take it without breaking your head whether it will fit your outfit.

Boots. In the basic wardrobe, there must be high-quality long boots. Preference should be given to black boots with a stable heel, with a comfortable shoe. Forget about leather substitutes and varnish. You can choose suede boots. Also forget about all kinds of decor: buckles, decorative zippers, fringe, sequins. This is not for the basic wardrobe. Choose stylish laconic shoes and you will definitely win!

Shoes. For a basic wardrobe, black pumps are perfect. They will fit into any set. Choose a heel that is stable and comfortable for you. Pay attention to the block. In addition to black pumps, there must be beige shoes. The shade of beige should match your skin tone. This magical piece of clothing visually lengthens your legs! Material - suede or genuine leather. As in the case of boots, a leather substitute is not allowed here.

I hope this article will help you understand what things must be in your wardrobe. If you have any difficulties with the formation of a basic wardrobe, you can sign up for an individual consultation with a stylist.

If you need help building a base group for your wardrobe, sign up for an audit of your current items. After it, you will have a clear understanding of what things you need, where you can buy them and how not to make a mistake with the choice of color and style.

Sincerely, !

The wardrobe is one of the most important women's problems. A woman always needs to look inimitable. But not all representatives of the weaker sex know how to make a wardrobe, what things should be included in it, and which ones are better to refrain from. After all, it was not without reason that it was said that "They meet by clothes ...". Indeed, clothes are the first thing that catches your eye when you meet. And the first impression that you get when you meet depends on how you are dressed. You can be taught the right choice of clothes in shopping courses, and you can look at clothes here - a wide choice allows But if If you want to learn on your own, read this article.

Before embarking on a wardrobe, you need to understand some of the nuances. The wardrobe can be divided into basic and capsule.

The basic wardrobe is a certain set of things, as a rule, they are all of a classic cut. These things allow you to create several images by combining them with each other. You need to know some rules on how to choose a basic wardrobe so that the images turn out to be successful.

A capsule wardrobe is also a certain set of things, but a capsule wardrobe includes already completely finished and composed images, things from which cannot be applied to another image. With a capsule wardrobe, there is no need to create an image every day. But the basic set of things is much more economical, because the capsule one requires a lot of money.

The main thing is to start

If you decide to update your wardrobe, then, first of all, you need to decide on the reason why this decision was made. You may have gained or lost weight, or changed jobs or companies. All this affects what things prevail in your closet. For example, if you have not worked for a long time, and now you have got a job in a reputable company, then you need to get classic suits and high-heeled shoes. After all, if you show up to work in sneakers and jeans, then you won’t last long there. Or, if your weight has changed, then a full figure will stand out in tight clothes, and a thin girl will look ridiculous in shapeless clothes.

If you find it difficult to decide on a style, then stop at the classics - this is the basis of a woman's wardrobe.

New life

Before you pick your wardrobe, open your closet and review the contents. It is possible that there are several gizmos that can still be worn. Perhaps they just need to pick up beautiful accessories or shoes. This will help save time and money. After all, why get rid of things that have not yet gone out of fashion and sit well on you. But do not get carried away and give a second chance to things that have already served their purpose. You need to muster up the courage and get rid of your favorite sweater that your grandmother gave and from comfortable stretched sweatpants.

Right choice

Getting into the store, many women begin to try on things that first came to hand or those that are now at the height of fashion. This is the biggest mistake fashionistas make. After all, things from the catwalks are not for everyone. After all, the main thing is not to dress in the most fashionable things, but to have your own style and periodically supplement it with some new elements.

Take a close look at yourself and your body. Notice your weaknesses and highlight your strengths. You need to do this by removing your pride in order to be able to objectively evaluate yourself.

Choose the clothes that would hide your flaws and emphasize your dignity. The thing you like may not fit you in size or style. Remember that a large size will make you shapeless, and too small will show all your flaws. It is also worth paying attention to the color and print of clothes, these details are also of great importance.

What to emphasize and what to hide

Clothing, its color, shape and pattern all matter. You can not buy only what you like, you need to buy what will look good.

The color must be chosen correctly, dark clothes are suitable for a full woman, which will slim her, and light colors, on the contrary, add volume to the figure. The same applies to drawings, large colors, a horizontal strip and a cage give fullness, but a vertical strip slims.

But not always everything depends on the type of clothing. Of great importance is the age of the woman, and the place for which the wardrobe is selected. A full or middle-aged woman will look ridiculous in tight tops and skirts, transparent blouses. And young girls should not choose their teenage clothes.

Irreplaceable things

There are things, the presence of which is simply necessary in the women's wardrobe. Such things must be present in the wardrobe.

Why exactly black? This is because black is versatile and can be combined with a number of other colors. This is the first dress to buy. For example, not all women have the opportunity to buy different outfits, and a black dress with a simple cut will allow you to create many looks. It can be combined with different accessories, bags, shoes. And each image will be special and unique.

If you still don't know how to choose the right wardrobe, then you can start with classic trousers. This is one of the main elements. Such trousers or jeans will perfectly replace a skirt, they will be appropriate at work, a business meeting or an interview. It is better to choose neutral colors: beige, gray, but black is best. Black trousers will well beat the figure and will be appropriate for any option.

A classic shirt is a white shirt with a simple cut that does not have any additional decorative elements. Every woman should have this shirt. We can safely say that this is the basis of a woman's wardrobe. It should be so versatile that you could wear it to work, to a meeting with friends, a date and even attend a quiet family dinner. The shirt must match the phrase "From the ship to the ball."

But when choosing this element of the wardrobe, you need to remember your advantages, which need to be emphasized and the shortcomings, which are better to hide.

Pants and skirts are important wardrobe pieces, but they get boring. Dress will make a difference. It should be a neutral color dress, without a bright print. In it, a woman should feel comfortable at work or on a normal day.

The skirt is suitable for many situations and images, it gives femininity. A classic strict skirt is suitable for office workers, a denim skirt will be appropriate in a casual look or at an enterprise where there are no certain limits in clothing.

A jacket is a must have in your closet. If you still don't know how to put together the perfect wardrobe, then start with a jacket. This item is combined with many others: skirts, trousers, jeans and dresses. But the choice of a jacket should be taken seriously. The wrong jacket can increase the shoulders or hide the waist. The jacket should fit the figure, emphasize the waistline, if the waistline is poorly expressed, then the jacket should reach its level.

A trench coat is a double-breasted raincoat that is either mid-length or maxi. This thing has always been and will remain in fashion, so having it in your basic wardrobe is a must. This thing is very popular at that time of the year when there is no certainty with the weather. You can combine it with any outfit. A cardigan or sweater can be a good substitute for a trench coat, but a sweater is not so versatile and can exist as a detail of one look and completely not fit another.

Shoes for a woman are very important. Often fashionistas have a lot of pairs of shoes for all occasions. But classic pumps should be bought first. They will perfectly emphasize a business and evening look, moreover, they will look equally appropriate in the office and in the restaurant. One of their advantages is that they visually make legs slimmer and fit any style of clothing.


When it became more or less clear how to choose a basic wardrobe, it is worth taking the time to accessorize. Accessories are an indispensable part of the image. It is they who set the mood of the image, bring some zest. The same clothes can look different if different accessories are matched.

Accessories include not only jewelry, but also shoes, a bag, a hairstyle. All this creates and complements the image. Particular attention should be paid to shoes. It should always be made of quality material and match the style of clothing. You also need to have several pairs of shoes for each season. If you wear the same shoes all the time, they will quickly deteriorate, and your foot will get tired.

When choosing clothes, you need to pay attention to the quality of the fabric. Make sure the item does not stretch or lose shape or color after several washes. Check the quality of the seams so as not to get into a situation where a hole appears on your favorite blouse at the most crucial moment.

These are the basic rules on how to properly compose a wardrobe, if you follow them, then you will be able to create your own unique and stylish image. Rely on your taste, but do not chase fashion trends, they are not for everyone. Consider the features of your figure, choose clothes that will be appropriate in the places you visit.

Not everyone has the opportunity to have all the necessary things of the basic wardrobe. This is not necessary. Sometimes, a few things are enough to have a stylish look. The main thing is to be able to combine them correctly with each other, select appropriate accessories, shoes and be able to present this image to others.

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The Russian writer Teffi has a charming, ironic story "Life and the Collar". The bottom line is that the young lady acquired a collar (then overhead was in vogue), but, returning home, she realized that she had absolutely nothing to wear it with. As a result, I had to buy clothes, a handbag and shoes for the collar. Then the collar style demanded to update the interior, and after that, both the husband and the whole lifestyle. What happened next? The collar just got lost during the next wash, and the heroine remained in this world she created, which turned out to be completely alien to her.

Of course, this is nothing more than a cute joke, but, you see, the risk of falling into such a situation really exists if we start to form our wardrobe from scratch, based on our momentary desires, not taking into account either our own characteristics or our lifestyle. Among other things, an insane amount of money is spent on such spontaneous purchases, and the result is still not very encouraging.

So much it is smarter and more economical to choose your wardrobe thoughtfully and purposefully. But where to start?

Each of us has a certain way of life. And when buying clothes, you need to focus, first of all, on him. You should not acquire another beach outfit if you know for sure that you will not see a vacation at sea in the next year or two. Or get a business suit if you are a housewife and do not plan to go to work in the office in the foreseeable future.

Analyze what you do every day, from time to time, sometimes or very rarely. For each item, you will have a specific list of activities, for example: work (be sure to take into account its nature), meeting friends, visiting clubs and other similar places, housekeeping, communicating with family and children, playing sports, walking (it is important where and with whom they usually happen: walks in the park with a dog and dates with a young man on city streets require different equipment, agree).

It is these activities that determine your real needs for this or that clothing. Moreover, the more time you devote to this or that business, the more clothes of a certain purpose you will need.

Having dealt with the main directions in which our wardrobe will develop and replenish in the future, we will proceed to another important task: we will decide on the color scheme.

The selection of clothing details by color can be carried out in several ways.

Method number 1.

He is the simplest. We select all things of the same color, but different shades. Let's say right away: as a result, you will look rather boring.

Method number 2.

The things in your wardrobe have colors that stand next to each other on the spectrum. This will almost certainly allow you to create an elegant and concise look, provided that there are no more than three such colors.

Method number 3.

We choose contrasting colors - this will help you become brighter, but with this approach, you should especially carefully select tones and remember that each color has warm and cold colors. Together, only shades of the same “temperature” look good.

Method number 4.
This method will help to combine all the details of the wardrobe in the most organic way. According to him, four groups of colors stand out in your clothes:
Basic. It's great if you know your color type and start to form a color scheme based on it. In this case, the basic things are selected in the darkest color that suits your tone. It is probably unnecessary to say that it should be neutral (shades of brown, blue, as well as achromatic colors - black and gray).
Light. These are the palest shades that match your color type. They are good for shirts and blouses, that is, things that are closest to the face and neck area. These colors are perfectly combined with the basic ones according to the principle of contrast. And this tone can also be underwear, warm clothes, summer details of a business suit, as well as swimwear (if you have already tanned).
Bright base. They can be used in clothes for going out, as well as for casual and sportswear. Calmer shades of bright base colors are good for business-style blouses, as well as for scarves and hats.
Accenting. The brightest colors for your color type. They can be used to match blouses, scarves and shawls, jackets, sweaters, and dressy clothes. As a rule, if such a color is the main one for a thing, it can be either small or bought for one season.

Other colors can also be present in your wardrobe, however, not being dominant. The proportion of things of minor shades should not exceed a quarter of the wardrobe.

It is clear that clothes used for one type of activity (work, for example) may be suitable for another (meeting friends). Sometimes it is enough to shift the accents, pick up other accessories - and the thing from everyday turns into a day off.

The more such things in your wardrobe, the more versatile it is, and, therefore, less expensive.

Clothes that can be used in most areas of your life will become basic in your wardrobe. There are many recommendations on what kind of clothes should form the basis, but, following them, still do not forget: the main criterion for choosing such things is the same as the rest: your lifestyle.

Basic things can be freely combined both with each other, getting completely win-win options, and with an unimaginable number of other items of clothing.

That is why their purchase must be approached with special care. Be sure to take into account several conditions:
They should fit you perfectly, and also look harmoniously with each other.
These things are universal, that is, as if "out of style."
The quality of such clothes must be impeccable. Buy as expensive as you can afford.
It is better to choose a color scheme that is neutral and not too diverse (one color is still boring, but more than three will be too much).
What kind of things will be included in this core, around which your wardrobe will be formed in the future, only you can decide. Perhaps the most versatile items will be:
Skirt (pencil or A-line, depending on the type and condition of the figure)
Jeans of the most successful style for your figure (preferably dark blue).
Regular fit trousers
White shirt
V-neck jumper
Sheath dress

Of course, this is not the whole list of basic things. You will add it yourself, focusing on your needs, lifestyle and your taste.

A wardrobe consisting only of a base will be boring, inexpressive, devoid of individuality. Therefore, we select clothes for the base, in which the stylistic and functional affiliation is more pronounced.

However, this process should not be chaotic either. Let's go back to the lists that we made, analyzing what kind of clothes we need. Now our task is to create the so-called “wardrobe capsules” for each area of ​​life: a set of items that perfectly match with each other. Their number can be from 6 to 12.

Despite such a limited number, thanks to careful selection, quite a lot of combinations can be created from one such capsule. In this case, not a single thing will be unclaimed!

So, a business capsule can be made on the basis of the base, adding to it a jacket or blazer, several blouses of soothing colors, but of different styles, as well as a number of knitted patterns.
A festive capsule may include a smart blouse, a fancy skirt, a spectacular cape or jacket, and an evening dress.
The everyday capsule complements the base with knitwear, shirts, jackets. It may also include summer dresses and skirts in ethnic style.

For each capsule separately selected:
various hats,
gloves and belts;
shawls, scarves, scarves;
jewelry, glasses, watches.
and other accessories.

Ideally, outerwear should also be selected for each capsule individually, but you can choose things that are universal, applicable for two or more capsules, say, a coat in soothing colors (business and festive capsules), a jacket (sports and casual capsules).

Of course, this is only a minimal set, and you can diversify it as you please, but taking into account the listed principles.

So we finally figured out what clothes we need. We start to act.

How to make a basic wardrobe: the final stage

We audit our clothes and sort them according to the system that we have developed. It will immediately become clear what items will be included in the basic wardrobe, what can be included in the composition of the capsules, and what items are missing.
We make a list of necessary purchases. First, we buy the missing basic things, then everything else, depending on the degree of need. Remember that things, especially neutral ones bought out of season, will cost you much less.
When buying clothes, be guided by your income and choose the best possible. At the same time, do not combine wardrobe items that are too different from each other in price and quality - this will be striking. Let it be better that they all be in approximately the same price category.
Consider the possibility of combining things that are part of different capsules - this will greatly facilitate the problem of choosing clothes for you and will also save you money.
Too pretentious, trendy and original things do not “get along” well with the rest of the wardrobe, unless, of course, you are a fan of extravagant outfits and simply don’t dress differently.
Always plan your purchases, don't try to update your entire wardrobe at once, even if you can afford it.
Buy clothes in your size, not hoping that you will be able to lose weight or happen to gain weight.
Don't waste money on clothes of the same (or very similar) style. Let your wardrobe delight you with variety!
It will be better if, when you go shopping, you already have an approximate idea of ​​​​how one or another wardrobe item you need should look like. Of course, there are situations when, quite unexpectedly, something that you did not even dream of will come across. Before you buy "this beauty", think about how it will fit into your system. It is better not to make a purchase on impulse, but to give yourself time to think (for example, until tomorrow) - in half of the cases it will turn out that the desire to return to the store has disappeared.
And do not forget that, in addition to all of the above, every thing you buy, you should like it! Then you will wear it for a long time and with pleasure.

The most common problem of every woman: the closet is bursting with things, but there is nothing to wear! Why is it so? Let's find a scientific approach to this issue.

The imbalance of things in the closet most often occurs due to the thoughtlessness, impulsiveness of our shopping: when buying another fashionable blouse or skirt, we do not think about how it will fit into our existing wardrobe. At the time of fitting, we are guided by only one thought: “I want!” A momentary whim, the temptation of a giveaway, the flattering exhortations of salespeople guide our wallet and make adjustments to our wardrobe. Let's learn to buy thoughtfully, carefully planning shopping, and competently build a wardrobe.

A carefully planned and selected wardrobe will help you to be in a new image every day, changing only a few details of the wardrobe, skillfully compose a large number of options from a small assortment of clothes, be stylish, be considered fashionable, look like a million - and all this at a relatively insignificant monetary cost.

Look at this small list of basic things for a universal wardrobe, there are only 5 of them:

Trouser suit– dark neutral color.

Skirt Pencil or A-line, depending on the type of your figure. The color should match perfectly with the suit jacket.

white blouse from expensive fabrics.

Jeans– choose the classics: straight silhouette, blue color.

Little black dress- will help you out repeatedly.

These are exactly the things that in any situation will allow you to look impeccable, but it is they that unify your appearance, somewhat depersonalize it. To keep your zest, your unique style, there are all the other things that you will buy in addition to these five basic ones. Let's learn how to select an assortment for the base?

But first you need to decide what affects the selection of your wardrobe?

1. Personal style, image.

2. Lifestyle.

3. Your color type.

4. Seasonality.

5. Your financial possibilities.

Personal style and lifestyle- are closely interconnected, because if the scope of your activity is the business environment, then the prevailing part of the wardrobe will be devoted to the classics, and if you are a freelance artist, then the wardrobe, one way or another, will reflect the type of your occupation.

Color Range your wardrobe will be centered around the gamut of your color type, usually these colors are also loved, people intuitively feel them and choose from the general mass. The wardrobe can be conditionally divided into several color groups: basic colors, light shades, bright basic colors, accent colors.

Basic colors - they should consist of a base. Choose from the darkest shades in your color palette. These colors are suitable for coats, suits, skirts, jackets, trousers, shoes, bags and belts. They are wonderfully combined with all the other colors of your palette, they are distinguished by restraint and respectability.

Light shades are the pastel part of your color palette. It is chosen for blouses, shirts, and other contrasting wardrobe details. This range is unobtrusive and calm, well suited for business style, can be used in evening wear.

Bright basic colors are usually used for bright festive clothes, evening, cocktail dresses. In a business version, a bright base can be used as shawls and blouses for women, ties and scarves for men.

Accent colors are the brightest, flashiest shades of your color palette. They are used to create a club style, they can be used in doses as neckerchiefs or ties to create an actual image of a fashionable dandy. These colors are undesirable in a business wardrobe.

FROM seasonality It's not that difficult to decide, below we will give the basic sets for the two main seasons to make it easier for you to form weather capsules.

Concerning financial point- it depends only on you, but with any wallet you can look very dignified and stylish - this is a fact. If your suit is not too catchy and original, you can easily update it daily with blouses, scarves, ties, shoes and handbags, while others will quite get the impression that you are always dressed differently.

And now five basic principles for compiling a basic wardrobe:

1. The principle of harmony: things must respect the unity of style.

2. The principle of universality: each wardrobe item must be universal, all items are interchangeable.

3. Quality principle: do not skimp on quality fabrics and good tailoring.

4. Color principle: sticking to your color type, make a basic wardrobe in just 2-3 colors, that's enough.

5. The principle of minimalism: the less original and bright your things are, the more accessories you can pick up for them and the more sets you can have at the end.

A couple more tips from the French:

Recognized trendsetters believe that the "head and legs" must be in order. This means that your hairstyle and your shoes (as well as your purse) actually set the tone for your entire look. Even if you are wearing an inexpensive skirt or blouse, their cost will be measured by others with the look of your shoes and the well-groomedness of your hair. These are the things you don't skimp on. And from here follows another advice of Parisians: "we are not rich enough to buy cheap things." Take this advice to heart.

Another important principle is Pareto principle

According to him, things in our closet are used 20/80, i.e., the average woman uses 20% of the things from her wardrobe, while 80% is occupied by things that are worn occasionally. We arm ourselves with the 20/80 rule and select those favorite 20% from our existing wardrobe. Now it remains for us to analyze: what we already have, and what else should be purchased. Don't forget to make a list.

To make it easier to decide on the list, here is a rough list of what a young woman who works in the office should have, prefers business style, dresses in casual style in everyday life, sometimes goes to a nightclub and theater.

Warm season: from late April to September.

Suit with a skirt

Trouser suit (both of these suits must be combined)

4 blouses: 2 with long sleeves and 2 with short sleeves.

Fluffy skirt (can be combined with both suits, and all blouses)

Summer pants

Lightweight cardigan with buttons

Classic jeans

Light dress, summer

Several bright tops

Cocktail dress or skirt with blouse

Evening Dress

Outerwear: jacket, cloak, coat


2 pairs of shoes and sandals, low shoes, demi-season ankle boots, sneakers or other sports shoes, several bags to match the shoes, 5-6 shawls / scarves / neckerchiefs

Cold Season: October to April

In addition to the above, let's add a few warm things:

Warm tweed or wool suit + warm trousers and skirt

Sweater or jumper

Winter coat / sheepskin coat / fur coat + warm jacket

Winter boots and autumn boots - two pairs are better

Pair of warm scarves

A warm hat for classic clothes and another one for a jacket.

A lighter hat for warmer weather.

Armed with these lists, you can easily create a great basic wardrobe and fill it with the necessary additional things. We wish you to be stylish and appropriate at any time and in any situation.

I know very few girls who like to have a huge wardrobe. As a rule, regardless of the level of income, my Clients and acquaintances prefer to have not the most huge, but functional set of things.

A wardrobe that consists solely of items that they like, go for and actually wear.

The larger the wardrobe, the more difficult it is to manage. The more it costs. And it doesn't always pay off.

Of course, if you wish and have the opportunity, you can simply collect beautiful things. But this is a rare story. Still, most of us do not want to put things in wardrobes, but wear them, making up different sets with them.

I don't like bloated wardrobes either, I always have a minimum set of things, on the basis of which I can quickly create maximum combinations. This is called capsularity. When everything fits together.

And this is not science fiction, but real reality :-)

Let's figure out together how to turn your things and accessories into the perfect wardrobe designer!

How to create a versatile capsule wardrobe?

All universal wardrobes are created according to the same principle:


The basis of a modern basic wardrobe is modern basic things, sorry for the tautology, but you can’t say it any other way :-)

This photo shows a modern base.

And here - an outdated base, do not expect a miracle with such a wardrobe. The story that if you have perfect jeans, a blue pantsuit in your wardrobe, arm yourself with a little black dress and a V-neck jumper, in the 21st century is more like the Myths of Ancient Greece.

Components of a modern capsule wardrobe

Here are 4 pillars on which the modern base is being built:





Anything basic goes with anything basic! This is how a capsule is obtained, in which there are few things and many kits.


In addition to the simplicity of the cut, we need to make sure that everything matches in color.

Choose 1 temperature or 1 saturation for the entire wardrobe. So you will definitely be sure that absolutely all things are combined with each other.

In fact, there are a lot of options for color combinations, this is what I teach in my online school.

And, I remind you, the modern basic wardrobe is colored! Not black, not gray and not blue, namely colored :-)


A bright basic bag, stylish shoes, simple earrings, watches, basic chains and bracelets. Neutrality and simplicity are needed in order to easily combine things in a total look.

Simply put, the less "bells and whistles" in the design of a thing, the more versatile it is. These are the things that most of us actively wear every day. It is logical to invest most of the budget in what comes in handy more often. And not in the "frills" that we wear on the strength of once a year.

Here is my mini set


And now I'm showing you not a complete, but a mini-capsule to lay the logic. The list of things in each wardrobe is selected individually, depending on personal needs, relevance, lifestyle, dress code. Someone to the playground, someone to the office, someone lives in a cold climate, someone lives in a hot one, someone wears skirts, and someone does not, and so on.
Adjust the general principle for yourself, removing and adding things at your discretion:

▪️trousers or jeans
▪️skirt or shorts
▪️ cardigan or jacket
▪️t-shirt or top
▪️any basic shoes
▪️any basic bag

Imagine that you have 5 things (not counting the bag and shoes, which we will just add to everything), you get 6 sets and 4 more for them for creative girls :-)

1. T-shirt + jeans
2. T-shirt + jeans + cardigan
3. Dress
4. Dress + cardigan
5. T-shirt + skirt
6. T-shirt + skirt + cardigan
7-10 POSSIBLE: dress+skirt, dress+skirt+cardigan, dress+jeans, dress+jeans+cardigan

So girls! Good taste is not only beautiful things, but above all brains :-)
Someone first buys, and then painfully thinks. And someone first invents, and then buys and wears.

Is this a problem? Of course not! After all, you can INDIVIDUALLY learn how to combine colors and shades, choose things according to your figure, create a basic wardrobe that suits you and wear everyday things in style in my online school on the Basic course from anywhere in the world at a convenient time :)