How to create your own style of clothing. How to create your own style of clothing

Did you know that clothes reflect your character? There are things in which you feel confident and good, and in others you cannot even leave the house. If you are still not entirely sure what suits you, what type of clothing characterizes you as a person, then we will show you how to find your own style of clothing!

Our fashion site has selected 5 simple tips that, we hope, will help you solve such a difficult task as choosing your own style.

First of all - and most importantly - following fashion blindly is not a method. Your style should be as unique as you are. You can of course take inspiration from fashion shows and photographs in color magazines. The word "inspiration" is key here. You cannot passively copy fashion trends, you need to adapt them to your style, lifestyle, figure, etc. But first things first…

So how do you find your own style of clothing??

The first step is to inspect the contents of your closet

First, go through your wardrobe and pick out clothes that you haven't worn for at least six months. If it fits and is not out of fashion, then you are not wearing it for one simple reason: it’s not your style. Give it to someone or just take it away if you are not ready to part with it just like that.

By the way, some things can be redone in such a way that they better suit your tastes - for example, make a deeper neckline, sew on or, on the contrary, remove the lace collar, shorten something or change the color. Add rhinestones or other decorative items. It all depends on your imagination.

Second step - which do you prefer?

Now take a look at the clothes that you actively wear and think about why you love to wear them. Maybe you like the fabric from which it is sewn? Perhaps most impressed by the color or style? Write down on a piece of paper all the qualities you like about your outfits. Also, make a list of the things you absolutely dislike. This list will come in handy for your future purchases. Now you will have it written in black and white what to look for and what to skip.

Step three - connecting your style and lifestyle

Remember, your lifestyle also plays an important role. For example, you don't need heavy rock style boots, no matter how fashionable they are, if you work in the office, and in everyday life you prefer to look elegant. Conversely, ditch the trendy stiletto heels and tight pencil skirts if putting them on becomes agony every time.

And just listen to yourself. Look at different styles of clothing, mentally imagine yourself in them, how you will feel, whether you like yourself in such clothes, and how such clothes will fit into your everyday life.

There is, however, one nuance here. If, for example, you want to look elegant and sophisticated, and your lifestyle does not allow you to flaunt in classic suits and stilettos every day, then you should not completely abandon the style of your dreams. Just think about how you can "fit" and fine-tune it. For example, pants can be replaced with jeans, and stilettos for a more comfortable heel. In combination with a jacket, shirt or blouse, they will look stylish and elegant too, and you will feel more comfortable.

Conversely, if you prefer a sporty style, rock or even grunge, and you need to look sophisticated and sophisticated, then also just change some elements in your clothes. Stylish biker jacket looks amazing with a narrow pencil skirt and a strict dress, jeans can be easily combined with a jacket, jumper, T-shirt, etc.

By adjusting the existing style of clothing to your tastes and habits, you just add a touch of individuality to it, making it your own! Most importantly, do not overdo it. Don't wear high-heeled sweatpants or sneakers with a classic three-piece ... we hope for your gut flair.

Fourth step - understand what suits you

Be sure to consider your type of beauty and body shape when choosing clothes and creating your own style. Select a color scheme that suits your color type and stick to it strictly. Today you can find a lot of information on how to choose the color that suits you. But we offer the easiest way. Just bring the fabric, or any item of the color you are interested in, to your face. If your eyes immediately sparkled, your complexion brightened up, and you even looked a little prettier, then this shade is definitely yours. If you wanted to make up a little, change something in your hairstyle and in general somehow make your face brighter, then it is obvious that this color scheme does not suit you.

Add to the previously prepared list (see point 2) the colors and styles that suit you best and hide the flaws. Voila, you are ready to update your wardrobe and find your own style!

By the way, never neglect accessories! It is they who put the final touch in your image, give personality and style. And most importantly, love yourself! Try, experiment, and you will definitely be able to find your own unique style of clothing.

Every woman, if not consciously, then at a deep level, seeks to look different from everyone else, to add something of her own, individual to the image. This is a kind of attempt to tell others that she is a person who is not alien to her own perception of the world. But often such attempts lead to disastrous results. Things and jewelry are bought thoughtlessly, spontaneously, based on new fashion trends, imposing stereotypes from the screen, or at sales.

In this article, we will reveal the secrets of image makers to create an individual style, based on such key points as color type, body structure, internal style preferences. We will also touch on the issue and accessories that will help emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws.


When a person looks at you, the first thing he sees is color, and only then - the shape. That is why it is so important to know which color scheme suits you personally. Stylists divide people by color type into 4 categories, conditionally tied to the seasons. Each of them has its own palette of shades. For example, spring and autumn are warm colors, while winter and summer are cold.


Women of the winter type are distinguished by their bright appearance. They are usually hot brunettes with fair skin tones and showy eyes. Bright, clean and cool colors in clothes are ideal for such beauties. Faded and "dirty" shades make a winter woman dull, she is lost. Lovers of red need to choose cold shades of this color - crimson, hot pink, fuchsia. Blue is indigo, turquoise or sky blue.

The same rule must be followed when choosing jewelry. Give preference to bright stones (emerald, ruby, malachite, turquoise), give beige-yellow mineral stones (amber, cat's eye) to those women whose color type needs warm tones. If you are a lover of wood jewelry, hornbeam beads will be your salvation. It has a unique wood color (white and gray), which will perfectly complement the image of the "snow queen".


This is the most delicate female color type, which is distinguished by a light shade of hair, thin pink skin and light, slightly transparent eyes. Spring-type women need to choose clothes and jewelry in delicate colors, as if with an acrylic bloom. Fabrics are preferably plain or with small patterns in a romantic style.

From jewelry, stones of warm shades are preferred: orange, coral, caramel, pink, beige. Avoid pure white or pure black colors. Let it be milky or brown. From wooden jewelry, beads and bracelets made of light and walnut shades are suitable.


Women of the summer color type also have blonde hair, but there is no longer a hint of warm shades, summer beauties are united by cold overtones in the color of hair and eyes. There are both hazel and green eyes, but these colors seem to be blurred, clouded by a gray haze. When choosing clothes, it is better to give preference to soft pastel fabrics of pale pink, gray and blue colors.

The summer type is suitable for jewelry with transparent stones, topaz, chalcedony, rose quartz, lapis lazuli. If you want, then choose products from a gray hornbeam, oak or cherry.


Women of the autumn color type have absorbed the whole gamut of colors of this season - juicy shades of ripe fruits, copper foliage, yellowness of grasses and juicy green moss. The skin can be either light or olive, very often autumn girls give out freckles on the face and body. The pride of the autumn type is a head of red or dark brown hair, which is often curly by nature. The eyes are bright - golden, hazel, green.

Clothes and accessories are selected in warm colors with a classic print: check, oriental ornaments, "Turkish cucumbers". Avoid cool shades of fabrics with crisp geometric patterns. Choose jewelry with amber or green stones - tiger's eye, aventurine, carnelian, malachite. handmade will be a great addition to the autumn look of the red-haired beauty.


Depending on the ratio of shoulders, waist and hips, it is customary to classify the female figure into several types. Each of them is selected clothes of a certain cut in order to emphasize the dignity and, in general, to harmonize the external data. Incorrectly selected dresses, skirts or trousers can ruin the image, highlighting those places in the figure that need to be adjusted. To avoid such mistakes, we will give brief recommendations on the cut of clothes for the main types of female figures.


This type is characterized by narrow shoulders and wide hips. According to the results of questionnaires among men, they consider such forms the most feminine and attractive. Women with a pear-shaped body type know by themselves how difficult it is sometimes to choose clothes for themselves. To harmonize the image, we need to make the figure proportional. Choosing a top with voluminous sleeves, we accentuate the chest with flounces, ruffles, and a catchy brooch. For the bottom, choose a trapeze skirt or trousers that widen slightly from the knee.

For women with this type of figure, voluminous necklaces, bright multi-layered products that will attract attention, distracting the eyes from the lower body, are ideal as jewelry.


The main problem for women with this type of figure is the waist. More precisely, its absence. But then there are wonderful slender legs and neat buttocks. To visually align the silhouette, we focus on the chest and legs. The most ideal dress for "apples" is considered to be a sheath dress with short sleeves and a length just above the knee. Opt for a top without puffy sleeves, but with a plunging neckline and a pretty necklace. Avoid straps and belts, as well as those that end below the chest.


This is the most proportional body type. The width of the shoulders and hips is practically the same, the waist is narrow. Long tight-fitting dresses that emphasize the feminine curves of the body look amazing on such women. Give preference to flowy fabrics or knitwear. Bold straps and fitted silhouettes add the right touch. Do not overload the image, a small chain or string of pearls in one or several rows will be enough. A pencil skirt and cropped top with low-rise jeans are the best options.


The main features of this type of figure are an almost not pronounced waist, as well as fragile shoulders and flat buttocks. For such women, an important task is to create visual volume on the chest and thighs. Dresses with grooves, draperies and other voluminous elements will come to the rescue. It is recommended to wear straps to indicate the waist. It is better to choose skirts of such a cut as tulip or pleated. Reception of color contrast between top and bottom looks great. From the decorations, pay attention to and.

Style directions

Clothing style preferences are your inner "I", character, mood, behavior. Some of the women are content with one style, but more often than not, there are 2-4 favorite directions (for example, business, romantic, sports, ethnic).

It turns out that the colors, shapes and accessories that you want to use to create your own style must obey your favorite style direction. Nowadays, many women forget about their individuality, succumbing to mass propaganda of certain standards of female beauty.

The most difficult task is to find yourself, your core, your essence, and depending on this, choose a wardrobe, do hair and makeup, buy jewelry and accessories. If you find it difficult to figure it out yourself, do not spare the money for an image maker who will help to reveal you, determine your color scheme and styles that are close in spirit, choose basic things and buy original jewelry. .

After learning about the secrets of creating an individual style, you will spend less on clothes, because you will know exactly what you need, and not buy everything just because it looks beautiful on a mannequin. By highlighting your unique beauty, you will always be out of competition.

You can always complement your style with us - a huge selection and the lowest prices.

It seems what is so difficult about create your own style- after all, every woman knows how to dress. But this is a deep misconception. If you look closely at the women around you, especially not knowing about their income, you can accurately determine which of them have a sense of style and who does not have it completely. Today on the site "Beautiful and Successful" we will talk about how to create your own style.

Even having a good income does not guarantee a woman that she will be able to cope with the right choice of clothes for a particular occasion on her own. A sense of style is an innate quality that allows a woman, even with a small income, always look great.

But, despite the fact that not everyone is lucky with this quality, you can develop your own style that will help you always be at your best and skillfully combine any things.

In addition to external beauty own style is a sign of moral maturity person, his self-confidence and willingness to demonstrate his own view of the world.

How to start creating your image

In order to create your own style, you need to open in yourself aesthetic taste, which will become an assistant in choosing clothes.

Pay more attention to studying fashion trends, take time to read about styles and fashion. Take an hour a day to fully immerse yourself in the world of fashion. This very interesting and exciting lesson will help you learn about what criteria are important when creating your own style.

Over time, you will be able to understand what they pay attention to in the first place, choosing an outfit, and learn the secrets of creating a successful style.

Study women with similar facial features, figure and age. If you liked some outfit shown on the catwalk, you shouldn't rush to buy or copy it.

Style is not only fashionable clothes, but skillful combination of attire with the virtues of the figure, face, lifestyle and event, for which it is chosen.

If it is visually difficult to imagine what suits you best, then feel free to experiment by mixing different colors, styles and even eras. Try to capture the moment when the outfit looks perfect.

A little tip: if you want to understand how to create your own style, be prepared for increased attention not only acquaintances, but also strangers. If close people help with advice and support your choice, then the stranger can condemn, so get ready to smile sweetly if your stylish outfit is looked at the wrong way.

Top 10 tips: how to create your own style

Personal style and accessories can say more about a woman than herself. Only it needs to be created.

Don't expect quick success, but your efforts will be rewarded with an impeccable appearance that will not leave anyone indifferent and save money that will not be spent on unnecessary outfits remaining in the closet.

  1. Rate advantages and disadvantages of the figure and think about what you would like to emphasize and what to hide. You can write down your pros and cons on a piece of paper and analyze them.
  2. Get ready to change your image. Unique style may require you change not only wardrobe, but also makeup, and even hairstyle.
  3. Think about which style of clothing is the best possible will reveal your inner world. When creating your own style, the main thing is to start from the inside. All changes should cause a pleasant feeling, a person should be comfortable in the chosen style. If you don't want to change anything, then you shouldn't.
  4. Determine which style do you like from the existing ones: romantic, sporty, unisex, classic. You can combine them to create your own, just don't mix them up or use them at events where they would be inappropriate.
  5. Your own style should not become a challenge to society, it should highlight your personality and beauty. Once again, we remind you of the relevance: if you want to come to a festive event in a tracksuit, this will only create unnecessary problems.
  6. Determine what shades suit your color type cold or warm.
  7. Picking up clothes be guided by what suits you, not what celebrities like or wear.
  8. Choose with caution . Not every woman can feel comfortable in them.
  9. Think which should always be present in your wardrobe. If you have a beautiful waist, accentuate it, neck or legs - focus on them. Find the color or accessory that will become the hallmark of your style.
  10. Any style requires grooming and neatness, therefore, neatness and cleanliness are no less important components of your own style.

3 main criteria for creating your own style

  • The style of clothing should take into account all the features of the figure. He must hide the flaws and emphasize the merits. For owners of wide hips, skirts and dresses of medium length with a flared and slightly narrowed silhouette are suitable. Wide trousers, skirts with pleats and yokes will look good on narrow hips. If you want to slightly increase your height visually, then the main accents of the outfit should be at the top - a scarf, earrings, a brooch. With high growth, accents are placed at the bottom - a bracelet, belt or border.
  • Pick a few basic things that will create the basis of your style and will be combined with those that already exist. Creating your own style does not require a complete wardrobe change, the main thing is skillful combination of things with each other. If you tie your favorite scarf a little differently, then you can already completely change your image.
  • Do not forget that the outfit should consist of no more than 3 colors. And be sure to use moderation in your choice of clothing colors and accessories.

Own style is what makes every woman unique and unrepeatable... You just have to create your own style or diversify it a little.

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In recent years, the profession of image maker is rapidly gaining popularity, more and more new projects appear on the screen, dedicated to the subtleties of creating an image. But does the creation of a style, image cover the "right" suit, fashionable styling and current perfume? What does the image really affect and how to create the desired image? Passions decided to find out by sending their correspondent for consultation to the image agency. This is her story today.

Let's start with the fact that the task of the editorial board came in handy - for a long time something vaguely in myself did not suit me. In general, I liked myself, but as a perfectionist in the field of appearance, I could not find clothes that were 100% comfortable and “mine”. In addition, I wanted to look as feminine as possible.

For a change, I went to an image agency "Stylish Person".

Irina Pchelina, stylist-image maker and head of the agency:

“Each of us is his own image maker. Consciously or not, we create a certain image for ourselves, built on a combination of elements of a visual form (hairstyle, clothing, makeup, accessories, manicure), behavior (walking, facial expressions, speech, gestures) and habitat (environment, life, home) ...

Our appearance tells a lot about us, regardless of what we think about ourselves. The purpose of the work of an image stylist is to help you become an expert in shaping your image. Our goal is to help you to realize, perhaps re-remember and actualize your own "I" through style.

Stage 1. Colour

A person, perceiving his surroundings, reacts first to color, and then to form. Therefore, when starting to work on your image, you need to start by determining the color type. Based on the widespread theory, from birth a person belongs to one of them. Color types, conventionally named after the seasons, are divided into warm and cold. Shades of clothing, makeup and accessories are selected accordingly Spring and Autumn are warm, Summer and Winter are cold.

Spring- this is a warm type, bright sign - thin pinkish-peach skin, always light hair tone, shades - golden, straw, honey. Eyes - light blue, amber, gray, but always light and transparent.

Autumn- it is also a warm, but more "saturated" color type. Autumn People naturally have red, copper, or bronze hair, possibly with brown tints. Skin tone is not as transparent as in spring, denser. Eyes can be brown, gray, green.

Summer- cold type. Accordingly, the tone of summer skin is cold, light, pinkish-bluish. Hair - from light blondes to dark brown, but always with light brown or ash undertones. Summer may be contrasting (this is a more saturated color type, with dark hair and eyebrows) and not contrasting (with blond hair).

Winter- this is the coldest and brightest color type. Winter people have dark hair, fair skin, and bright eyes. Like summer, winter is divided into contrasting (light skin and dark hair) and non-contrasting (dark olive skin tone and dark hair).

In order to determine if you are warm or cold color type,

first bring warm and then cold tones of the same color to your face. You will surely notice that against the background of one of the tones your complexion will turn out to be healthier, its colors will “play”. "Not your" tone, on the contrary, will give the skin an unhealthy, unusual shade.

(While I was learning to select tones according to my color type, I finally understood why some of my things seemed to fit my figure perfectly, but I looked "pale" in them).

Once you determine your color type, it will become much easier to choose the most advantageous clothes. By the way, hue differentiation in no way limits your color choice - any color can be "warm" or "cold". The saturation of a color also does not affect its warmth or coldness, even a bright red can be cold.

So, for example, my color type is low-contrast Winter- correspond to cold, clean, bright colors. If the shade of red is crimson, blue is indigo and snow blue, green is emerald and malachite, gray is graphite and anthracite. (Yes, you will have to say goodbye to a yellow blouse, an orange turtleneck and a brown dress ...)

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

Summer shades: blue - gray-blue, gray-blue, denim, brown - a shade of cocoa, pinkish-brown, yellow - shades of lemon peel and lemon pulp, red - burgundy, cherry, gray-pink shades.

And do not forget that the shades should be cold, without an admixture of yellow in the color (if red, then not orange, but for example, raspberry, pink).

Spring there is a warm, light, transparent gamut. Shades of Spring: peach, coral, turquoise, light green, pea, honey, violet, coffee, cream. It is better not to use black in spring.

Autumn- these are warm rich dense colors - scarlet, red-brown, orange, blue-green, khaki, plum, coffee, the color of baked milk - in general, all the colors that nature is saturated with during the period of leaf fall and harvest. Now is just the right time to take a closer look at her colors in order to clearly see what warm and cold shades are.

Stage 2. The form

Body type and correction

Each of us is unique, but there are only a few types of female figures (and this is good, otherwise it would be completely impossible to pick up clothes in stores). But there are many ways to correct the flaws and highlight the merits!

At this stage, I mentally weeded out another part of the wardrobe and understood even more clearly why in some pretty things I was not 100% satisfied with myself, and in others that were not at all fashionable and seemingly not attracting attention, I felt surprisingly beautiful. It was all about the details.

For example, in the width of the straps (narrow straps make wide shoulders visually wider); or in a cut of pockets on jeans: the fact is that the direction of the diagonal line (and the edge of the pocket is such) makes any shape (in this case, the shape of the hips) wider and lower or narrower and higher.

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

Girls with broad shoulders vertical fasteners, no gathers along the shoulder line, narrow long lapels of jackets are recommended. For narrow shoulders, a boat neckline, an American armhole, a large pattern, a raglan are suitable.

For wide hips Recommended: dress and skirt length from mid-knee and slightly tapered or slightly flared silhouette, slits or smells, side seams, muted tones. For narrow hips - skirts with yokes, with pleats, wide-leg trousers, multiple vertical stripes on the trousers, accents on the waist and hips, voluminous texture of the fabric.

High growth can be adjusted as follows: lengthen the top (jacket, blouse), and shift bright accents down (border, belts, bracelets). Low stature is corrected, of course, with a heel and a shift of accents, on the contrary, upwards - with brooches, scarves, large earrings, etc.

Big breasts, if necessary, visually corrected with dark tones, narrow cutouts and high odor. Small breasts can be visually enlarged by blouses on yokes with gathers above the chest, light colors, large patterns and voluminous textures.

In the process of studying the topic, I realized another important thing: our consciousness is filled with many incorrect stereotypes associated with clothing. For example, overweight people often wear dark colors, believing that dark is slimmer. To think so is to confuse shape and color.

So loved by many black color visually thickens the form, creates a sense of monumentality - which is clearly contraindicated for people with curvaceous forms. Their tones, on the contrary, should be light, and you need to adjust the figure using the proportions of the clothes.

Another of our massive delusion is that the vertical stripe slims. Actually one vertical line (e.g. zipper on a jumper) makes any form narrower and higher, but in the plural - wider and lower! Above and narrower the shape is made by a multiple horizontal line! (Keep this in mind when choosing clothes).

Stage 3. Accessories

Accessories are additions to the image that, like clothing, can adjust the figure and the perception of others around you. The area that will be highlighted by the accessory will, firstly, attract attention to itself, and, secondly, distract attention from other areas.

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

For example, large beautiful earrings will immediately highlight your eyes, and a flying scarf - your gait. Beautiful wrists will accentuate the bracelets. The opposite effect: if you do not want to accentuate some part of your body, do not accentuate it with an accessory.

When choosing accessories, the proportions of the body are taken into account: for slender figures, narrow bags, thin heels and toes of shoes are selected, for "voluminous" figures, bags should be voluminous, heels should be stable (this harmonizes the general appearance of the figure).

Secrets from stylists: the toe of the shoe, the shape of the jewelry and the cutout on the clothing should be similar to the shape of the face.

Stage 4. Style

However, the colors, shapes, lines that you use to create the image should obey your individual style direction (sports, romantic, classic, etc.)

Any of us is a bearer of one or a combination of several (no more than 3) styles. And this means that they will maximally emphasize individuality and most fully reveal the "I" things, colors, textures, accessories of exactly the style to which your appearance can be attributed.

Your personal style direction - this is the core, the basis of appearance, knowing which, you will unmistakably choose clothes that will match the occasion, reflect your individuality and emphasize unique features. These features are your "highlight", giving each of the women a unique charm, are given to us from birth.

Alas, complexes, modern views on female beauty, generally accepted "ideals", the authoritarian views of modern society, pressure from large fashion companies, etc. often force us to engage in the pursuit of standardized beauty, forgetting about ourselves, our unique history.

The task of real image makers is not just to pick up a pair of outfits for you for different occasions, but to “pull” your own “I” out of you, to emphasize your essence with visual means and, ultimately, to help you find yourself.

And a specific image (business woman, shepherdesses, holiday girls, women - vamp) should fit into your style. Then the clothes will emphasize, not overshadow you.

The most striking confirmation of this was the resolution of my dilemma - the desire to look feminine and romantic and an uncomfortable feeling in clothes that, as it seemed to me, creates the desired image - delicate blouses (similar to the one in my photo BEFORE), skirts with frills and dresses on thin straps. Strange, but in these outfits and on the stiletto heels, I felt not at all as fragile and delicate as, say, in wide trousers with many details and ballet shoes.

It turned out that "feminine", in my opinion, frills, floral patterns, etc. belong to the direction of naive romance and are suitable for those young ladies whose image initially contains this style. My style - a combination of serious romance and sport - assumed a more mature image, carrying ideas of mystery, sophistication, hidden sensuality.

Stage 5. Hair and makeup

Everyone knows that the hairstyle should correspond to the situation. Indeed, the careful styling and even if it is velvet, but the tracksuit looks rather ridiculous. Ideally, your hairstyle and hair color, as well as your makeup, should match your color type and style.

My hairstyle (you can see it in the photos) didn't require any drastic changes. She remained almost the same, but the details made changes that subtly changed the whole image.

Irina Pchelina: “We decided to shade individual short strands - this will“ break ”the total mass of hair, bring lightness and freshness, create a game - quite in the spirit of serious romanticism. We also changed the shape of the bangs - it was straight, along the eyebrow. This line is more characteristic of the dramatic style. Also, as you already know, one horizontal line makes the shape wider and lower. With asymmetrical bangs laid to one side, Tanino's face

Results and conclusions

    Once you learn about the rules for creating an image, choosing clothes and accessories becomes even more difficult. But the chosen one turns out to be "100% own". And over time, less money is spent on clothes and cosmetics - after all, you do not buy inappropriate things, wardrobe "ballast"

    The best style is your own. Often it is "buried" deeply, but the more joy the changes that occur as you return to your "I" bring joy.

    Compliance with standards can make us attractive. But we become beyond competition, emphasizing our natural beauty and unique features.

Thank you for your help in creating the material.
image agency "Stylish Person".

We all went through this: such a particularly lazy morning, when all we have the strength to do is roll out of bed, pull up our hair in a ponytail and fit into the first crumpled T-shirt and favorite jeans that we come across. Sometimes this is enough, but there are days when you just need to look amazingly stylish, but you also want to feel comfortable (oh, this eternal struggle!).

Luckily, turning the age-old T-shirt and jeans alliance into an interesting look can be a little tricky and time-consuming. With a few stylish and quirky accessories, you can easily get an outfit suitable for different occasions.

Many people think that clothing defines the image. But in most cases, everything is exactly the opposite. Sometimes cleverly added accessories or stylish tricks set the tone for the outfit.

Scroll through our slideshow and discover 15 ways to make your image (look) more interesting!

1 . Try on a super stylish accessory - the turban!

If you love hats and hair accessories, then be sure to try on such an unusual accessory as a chic turban, a scarf fancifully tied around your head or a large beret with jewelry. But please, no hair ties!

2. Use headphones as an accessory

We just love everyday items that can also be used as stylish accessories. So forget about those boring drop earbuds and opt for a brighter designer pair from Alexander Wong or less expensive fashion blogger favorites from Frends (as pictured).

3. Put on some classy-cool sunglasses

Sunglasses are the easiest accessory to match your outfit because they can be bought in every possible color, size, shape and style. But still nothing better than the classically classy aviators or wayfarers has not yet been invented.

4 . Put on an elegant belt

You just won't believe how much a single correctly fitted belt can change your image. Some loose-fitting garments, such as loose-fitting dresses, can drape you so much that no one will guess how slim and beautiful you really are. But one has only to add an elegant belt to the image, and your wasp waist will immediately appear to the world.

5 . Choose a large necklace

If you have opted for a set of a solid top and jeans or a skirt, then a properly selected necklace with large jewelry or stones will help you breathe life into it. If you want to look especially creative, try to match a necklace to your shoes!

6. Finish the look with a hat

Here it is, the solution to all problems for us lazy! It's all in the hat! Just imagine - you don't even have to bother with your hair and styling, or even washing your hair. Just put on your hat and you're ready to go! (And you look like you put a lot of time and effort into creating your fashionable look.)

7. Opt for a bright lipstick

Sometimes you leave the house, drive to work, look in the mirror and think aloud: "Well, the view ... The melancholy is green!" And this problem also has a solution, and it fits even in the smallest handbag - lipstick! Just paint your lips with bright lipstick and watch your boring office outfit sparkle with new colors. And here's another bonus - everyone will think that you spent a lot of time on makeup.

eight . Take a shoulder bag

You can add a twist to your outfit with a stylish shoulder bag. It can be a regular black medium-sized bag on a chic gold chain, or something more unusual and provocative, such as a heart-shaped handbag.

nine . Wear high socks with a skirt

You can dilute the usual set of a plain skirt, T-shirt and boots by wearing a pair of high socks instead of tights. They will perfectly protect your legs from the cold, and this is the trend of the season if anything!

ten . Don't be afraid to play with patterns and prints

If you did not have any suitable accessories, then you can make your image more interesting with the help of the means that are usually gathering dust around in your wardrobe. Instead of dressing in solid colors or the usual striped clothes, try to find clothes with the most original patterns and prints and dress them together. But here you need to be careful and a sense of proportion so that you look really stylish, and not tasteless.

eleven . Choose a clutch with a print

When you are late and are in a hurry to get ready, grab your fashionable (for example, leopard print) clutch bag, which will perfectly fit all the little things you need and which will serve you as a stylish accessory.

12 . Treat your feet with embellished sandals or sandals

Instead of the casual flesh-colored pumps that are already boring for you at work, wear fashionable sandals or sandals with decorations from rivets, eyelets, precious stones, etc. Choose the ones that you like, since the designers offer a lot of options.

13 . Add masculinity with a baseball cap

Spent the evening and night with your lover and slept for work in the morning? So are all your belongings still at your home? Don't frown! Grab his baseball cap, boldly put it on your head and appear at work in a new role of a sports fan!

fourteen . Put on a scarf

Whether it is winter, summer, spring or autumn, there is always a suitable scarf that a) will warm you and b) will add life and freshness to your outfit.

15 . Add another layer

Layering looks simply stunning, and not only in the cold season. When you just need to spice up your outfit, throw on top of a light jacket or jacket, or tie a cool thick plaid shirt at the waist. There are tons of ways to create a layered outfit, but the great thing is that throughout the day and depending on your plans, layer by layer can be removed, getting a new look every time!