How to arrange an evening meeting of graduates?! Script ideas. Original ideas for the evening meeting of graduates

Girls, I ask you to you. A month later there will be a graduate meeting, 10 years. It will be in the cafe, and we will be 20 people, and even at school were not very friendly. I ask you to pose in comments of contests for holding or games, or something else.

Thanks in advance


All searched at the table.


We have not seen many years, friends,
Each destination has its own way:
Work, hobbies, family-
Caring for life has accumulated a lot!

But, despite this, together we
And the evening of the meeting again united us
And the joy of our eyes are full,
And again the road in the past opened!

Let's remember school years
And let's do well this evening
But for starters I, I suggest a toast for our meeting!


Remember ... On September 1, at school, a class teacher at the first lesson always asked how we spent vacation ...
We all talked about themselves.
Of course, today we want everyone to know from whom what happened ... Who? Where? as? with whom? how much?
Now we share everything together.



Let's drink with the joy of a stack for a meeting,
Let it repeat more than once
For the wonderful, the most beautiful evening
What do we have fun now!

"Chamomile" with tasks
Those who wish come to the lead, takes off the petal with the task and executes it.

Tell the anecdote,
Check the whole people!

We are waiting for you a funny toast,
Although it may not just!

Who is the most burning brunette here?
His hug - my advice!

Who is all the blonde you?
You kiss this hour!

For you - happy number
We are 100 grams of you, my friend!

Confused, I think not
After all, you got Lambad!
It will not be
Under the musical taramos!

Picking up on the stool
Forgetting how much in general years!
Echok anyone tell us
What no sclerosis is prove!

Scratched the back of you
Everyone who craves kindness!

Your task will be
To treat all ladies wine!

On Bruceshaft, my friend is sophisticated
You and neighbor soon!

Sign us a riddle,
It is necessary for order!

In the request we will not refuse
Sing us a song from the soul!
You like a lumpy baby
Happy guests now congratulate!
All pleasant minutes
This is the most grant!

You task a simple
To eat and drink standing!

Game kind woman game
To carry out this competition you will need at least one pair man - a woman, at least two scarfs. Male and women scarf tie their eyes. They are bred in different angles of the room. The girl is given in one hand of a glass, to another snack. And she must convey all this to a man and pour him into his mouth. If you play a lot of people, then you need to focus on the voice. Very fun turns out.

Phanti game

Include fantasy and depict the airplane with the sounds of BJZH, Viyu, lying around the house.

Go to the balcony and shout 10 times "People! I love you so much! "

Make a special group photo. Member's task: to place all guests in unusual poses, etc.

To say hello to each guest and say to each compliment.

To drink with a person standing on the right, on Brucershaft.

Name for each guest 3 qualities that participate like in it.

Tell a funny joke.

Having lifted one foot and Masha's hands to surchant to the opposite corner, shouting at the same time "I am butterfly"!

Clamp the lips three matches and portray someone from those present

You are a foreigner, try to pronounce a toast in Russian.

Imagine that you are a tangerine addict trying to quit dependency.

With absolutely different intofunctions (good, sad, angry, joyful), say the expression "Ololovoy-Lolo!"

Pail with a statue of freedom with a bottle in hand.

Stoney dance little ducklings

Perform a white swan dance, with a neighbor on the left

Come up with a short wish to everyone sitting at the table

With a serious look, say - "Misha, Misha Bear, teach me to fart"

Massage at the table:

Here we are sitting for more than an hour, we eat everything and sit, all sit and eat. And at school, I would have spent the warm-up for a long time. Who remembers the simplest warmth?

We wrote we wrote
Our fingers are tired,
And now we will rest
And again writing.

Raise your hand who would like to have a lot of money (guests raise hands). And now raise your hand those who would like to have a lament more than your boss. And now lift the hand those who would like to have so much money as the president.
And now I will tell you a magic recipe. Distribute your palms that they become hot. Thied? And now these hot palms dig up your chest ... (pause) ... Feel .. How toad let go !! And now let's drink for that everyone has so much money, how much does it want !!

This game was successfully tested in one of the clubs of our city. Four volunteers are called, two teams are compiled, and it is possible to call any more .. One of the players in each team is "mummy", and the second is "Mumiator". The essence of the game: "Mumiator" should wipe as quickly as possible "mummy" bandages. A toilet paper is usually used as bandages. Fun of the public guaranteed! After the winding, you can make a reverse operation, winding the paper back into the roll.

I will say honestly played in the streams as much as it was fun very much !!

Akin to the pre-New Year Manowan, when the results are involuntarily summed up, debts are given, "eternal repairs" and "old numbers are recruited by themselves" ... and who is more active and thinks at all to think about, to organize that the meeting goes fun, Mentally and whenever possible.

Traditionally, the most popular moments on the evening of meetings of old friends are: Weeks associated with memories of the past, stories about personal achievements, various slides, clips, wall newsgastes, and entertainment and fun competitions.

To the one who thought about something new and interesting, who is interested in the long-awaited meeting with childhood friends not turned into a normal friendly break - we offer our collection original ideas for congratulations and holding evening meeting classmatesWe managed to come up with or borrow (and creatively recycled) from talented Internet authors.

1. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe original congratulations of classmates.

Nowadays, the first association C is, naturally, loved by everyone, site Of course, with his appearance in our life, we, even by the will of fate, having left for another part of the world, do not feel lonely and cut off from the native roots and old friends. So why not use his enormous opportunities when organizing surprises and congratulations to classmates!! What could it be?

On the personal pages of their friends without any tedious survey, you can learn everything about the personal life, the successes and achievements of our classmates, then on the basis of these information you can:

Announce at a party funny statistics of common victories;

Surprise, without claiming no one to arrange photos of a cheerful collage from copied there (enhanced the effect of photoshop);

Mount the slideshow on the topic: "What we were - what we became":

Arrange award nominations (again related to personal and professional achievements of classmates)

Organize video spending from those who will definitely cannot come or come to this meeting.

Video greetingfrom those who will not be on the evening, you can mount in advance. To do this, you need to ask him to write down and immediately send you. Even better if you add congratulations to warm words, music gift "With the world on the line" . How to arrange it? Let them record on the video, how they sing the line of your favorite school song, all different (i.e., split text on the lines and distribute between them), then these lines should be glued, to make a single clip and, unexpectedly (ask all the participants to save this surprise. In secret), to include it congratulations on the evening ... (a couple-triple tears of joy and delight is provided!).

2. Ideas of congratulations of classmates at the table.

Memories And conversations about the past zaminate a central place at any meeting of classmates, but the "launch" this nostalgic chain of memories on the evening can be somehow original. One of the techniques: use the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unsatary drinking game "Questions-Answers", just beating her like "School Lie Detector" .

The essence of the game. One of the classmates pulls the card with a question, reads and says who he wants to ask him, that (called the question) first reads the answer from the card, which will pull out, then can comment, so it was really or not, and friends sitting nearby , will not give to sit. And so, until the questions do not run place or until there is no need for the game in the game (it is possible to continue the elementary memories to go their own!

Presentation of nominations. Arrange each present " A minute of glory " Or distribution of Oscars and the passage along the "red" track, you can call as you like. The main thing will come up with each of its nomination, which will characterize it, and prepare the appropriate medal.

As a basis, you can take, adjusting to yourself.

(One of the options for "Questions and Answers" and "Presentations of Classmates" can be viewed in. Here, they are written specifically for the evening of the meeting of graduates, the list of questions offered there and answers and the version of the presentation can be added or changed so that they are better approached for your specific Companies).

Toshov uttering You can also beat, for example, to put a funny hat on your hands, asking DJ (or organize it yourself), unexpectedly stop music that the music stop caught with a hat in his hands, he says congratulations or toast. Or arrange a small nostalgic confession with a glass in hand called "I never ...". Conditions are simple: everyone falls around and remembers something from his childhood, youth, school life (prank, stupidity, touching episode) What is hardly to happen to him in these mature years, then drinks, for being In his life it was .. At the end of the game, you can turn on the song "Do not repeat such never."

3. Surprises and gifts to classmates.

As a rule, a special prize fund for the purchase of gifts at such meetings is not provided, so the most optimal options will arrange a win-win lottery with minor comic gifts. You can also cook gifts with your own hands, for example, to prepare large hearts from the cardboard (by the number of classmates), in which everyone will write a wish or a compliment - that's ready gift "from the heart" . Take such a heart for memory much more pleasant to any souvenir. If there are teachers at the evening, do not forget to prepare such hearts and for them, as well as flowers, warm words and congratulations.

"Heat" of school walls. As a design, of course, you can do, in the old manner, the "wallpaper" or a funny collage, and you can beat the decoration on the walls, as something significant and symbolic:

Remember the expression that "Children flowers of life" and "demonstrate" it. To fix a large poster on the wall in the form of a flowerbeds, prepare a lot of red and blue flowers (with a double-sided scotch at the bottom) and, let everyone attracts red to the flower bed (if a girl or her girl was born) and blue flowers (if a boy), prudently blank more Yellow flowers (in case of grandchildren). Then, against the background of this flower, to arrange a photo session and once again consider who and how much was born to everyone together.

You can also remember one of the accomplishments, which, for sure, sounded at every prom evening that everything is "open all the roads, the whole world", etc. So, bring the world map with you and many flags on the needles, also fasten on the wall and, let everyone marks where he visited over these years - it will be an impressive spectacle, and call it, for example, "The whole world has our legs"

Evening meeting of graduates - Odnoklassniki Wonderful opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of his childhood for a few hours and, having prepared a couple of surprises to friends, you will delight not only to them, but also yourself, because it will decorate the evening, make it brighter and mental.

Many of us often noticed that the mood on the eve of the meeting with classmates, akin to the very early New Year Manowing, when many results involuntarily apply, debts are given, the old numbers are gaining "eternal repairs". And who already more active in general is not thinking about to come up with, to organize that the meeting has passed much more fun, more and more interesting. Traditionally, the most popular moments on the evening of meetings of old friends are: Weeks that are connected with the memories of the past, stories about personal achievements, various slides, clips, wall newsgastes, and fun competitions and fun competitions. For someone who thought about something new and interesting, who is strongly interested in the long-awaited meeting with childhood friends not turned into the most ordinary friendly break - we offer a collection of more original ideas for congratulations. Merry memorizing evening meeting of classmates who managed to come up with or borrow with creative recycling.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe original solemn congratulations of classmates. In the present days, the very first association of sediments of graduates - this is naturally loved by everyone, the site of Of course, with his appearance, our life, even the will of the fate, especially those who left the other part of the world, is not felt alone and cut off from their native roots and old friends. So why not use all the colossal opportunities during the organization of surprises and congratulations to classmates?! What could it be? On the personal pages of their friends without any tedious survey, you can just learn about the personal life, the successes and achievements of your classmates, then on the basis of these information you can:
- announce to a party to the funny statistics of common victories;
- a small surprise, without pretending to no one pictures, arrange a cheerful collage from copied photos, of course, amplifying the effect of photoshop;
- Mount the classland lid on the topic: "What we were - what we became";
- to arrange award of certain nominations (again associated with personal and professional achievements of classmates);
- organize video reconciliation from those who will not be able to come or visit this meeting.

Video Congratulations for those who will not be on the evening can be mounted in advance. To do this, you need to be asked to write and immediately send them. It is even better if you add congratulations to the warm words, a music gift "with the world on the line." How to arrange it? Just let them record on the video, how they all sing the lines of your favorite school song, all different, break the text on the lines and distribute between everyone, then these lines should be glued, to make a single clip and, unexpectedly ask all the participants to keep this surprise in secret, to include Received congratulations on the evening ... (a couple-triple tears of joy and delight is provided!).

Ideas of congratulations of classmates at the table. Memories and conversations about the past zaminat the most central place of any meeting of classmates, but "run" this nostalgic chain of memories on the evening is also original. One of the techniques: Use the idea of \u200b\u200ban unsalted feast game "Questions-Answers", only beating her, such as a "School Lie Detector". The essence of the game: One of classmates pulls the card with a question, reads and says who he wants to ask him, that (called the question) first reads the answer from the card that will pull out, then can comment, so it was really or not, but friends Sitting Nearby, will not let you sit. And so, until the questions do not run place or until there is no need for the game in the game (it is possible to continue the elementary memories to go their own!

Presentation of nominations. You can arrange every present "minute of glory" or distribution of "Oscars" and the passage along the "red" track, you can call as you like. The main thing is to come up with every nomination that will accurately characterize it, and prepare the appropriate medal. As a basis, you can take any example of the presentation of any premium, just correcting for yourself.

Using toasts can be beaten, for example, to put a funny hat to hand, asking DJs to unexpectedly stop music whom the music stop caught with a hat in his hands, he says his congratulation or toast. Or arrange a small nostalgic confession with a glass in the hands called "I never ...". Conditions are simple: everyone falls around and remembers something from his childhood, youth, school life (prank, stupidity, touching episode) What is hardly to happen to him in these mature years, then drinks, for being In his life there was .. At the end of the game, you can turn on the song "never repeats."

Surprises and gifts to classmates. As a rule, a special prize fund for the purchase of gifts at such meetings is not even provided, therefore the most optimal options to arrange a win-win lottery with minor comic gifts. You can also cook gifts with your own hands, for example, to prepare large hearts from cardboard (by the number of classmates), in which everyone will write a wish or a compliment - that's the gift "from the bottom of my heart." Take a heart on memory much more pleasant to any souvenir. If there are your teachers on the evening, do not forget to make such hearts and for them, as well as flowers, warm words and congratulations.

The design of the hall: "heat" of school walls. In the quality of the design, of course, you can do, in the old manner, the "wallpaper" or a funny collage, you can beat the decoration on the walls, as something significant and symbolic:
- Remember the expression that "children flowers of life" and "demonstrate". Candle on the wall a big poster of flowerbeds on the wall, cook a lot of red and blue flowers (with a bilateral tape at the bottom), let everyone attracts red to the flower bed (if he has a girl or a girl) and blue flowers (if a boy), prudently harvested also yellow flowers ( in case of grandchildren). Then, against the background of this flower, to arrange a photo session and calculate, whom and how much it was born to everyone together.
- You can also remember one of the accomplishments, which, for sure, sounded on every graduation party, that everything in front of you is "open all the roads, the whole world", etc. So, bring with you a map of the world and many flags on the needles, also fasten on the wall and, let everyone notice where he visited over the years - it will be an impressive spectacle, and call it, for example, "the whole world of our legs."

Also on the evening of the meeting of graduates will be good. MoreAtive contests: dance and music games, instant fairy tale and much more.

Evening meeting of graduates - classmates The most remarkable opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of your joyful childhood for a few hours and, having prepared a couple of surprises to friends, you will delight not only to them, but also yourself, because it will decorate the evening more, make it brighter and soulful.

Time passes, erased from the memory of the face, sometimes even the names of those who have passed school years. And, having met once an old friend, there are so many questions, there is such an interest, how are they, my former classmates, now live? Nostalgia begins on the past. And after this, the irresistible desire to see, hear, remember the past. Collect everyone. But how?

Preparatory stage

To go back at least for a short moment into a carefree past, to have everything to know everything, and even spend time to remember for the next many years, you should consider every moment every item. But alone is difficult to plan everything and organize, so try to attract even at least one active participant, and better than a few, then there will be an opportunity to distribute duties and speed up the preparation process.

  1. One of the important items is to determine the number of graduates: collect the entire issue at once or limit oneself to your class, group. This depends on the choice of the venue of the meeting, the ability of the room to post all arrives.
  2. It is necessary to find the coordinates of former classmates or fellow students. Yes, it is difficult to take a lot of time, but you have to work hard. Someone supports relations with someone, therefore, you can build a maximum long chain of dating. Many teachers may also have data on their former students. And again, social networks will help you throw the cry and notify everyone about the meeting of graduates.
  3. At the next stage, think about the evening scheme. Next, material costs at the party itself and other little things. The cost of purchasing products or payment of the restaurant, presents and flowers to teachers should be included in the general estimate, if part of the event is held in a former school or university. The total cost of costs is distributed to each desirable celebration participant, so it is important to clarify who will come accompanied by a satellite. Optionally, you can consider small souvenirs for those present.
  4. Much time passed, everyone plunged into their affairs and problems. It is likely that the gathered does not have common topics for the conversation and the meeting may threaten a boring time. An ideal option will be if you invite Tamatu. A professional skillfully organizes the entire course of the event, will not allow the prolonged pauses, settles the possible misunderstandings. Along with Tamada, all your wishes, an approximate script, and it will correctly develop the items.

The evening meeting of school graduates can be organized in the educational institution from which you were produced. To begin with, find out whether someone from the teaching staff remained who remembers your release. Only then this idea will be appropriate and makes sense to negotiate with the head of the educational institution about holding an event in its walls. Also, in coordination, a dinner with music and dancing can be arranged here. Then the question arises about the appropriate room and its rational use. Organize a buffet or arrange a full-fledged banquet - solved by a majority vote depending on: the number of invited, the area of \u200b\u200bthe alleged banquet hall, the financial capabilities of graduates and so on. Taking into account the listed factors, the menu includes the purchase of products, cooks and waiters are invited if necessary. The decoration of the hall is better to do the organizers of the party, as well as the scenario of the event. As for the latter, here useful tips and fresh ideas will tell Tamada, which is worth thinking about. By the way, he can organize and choose a musical team.

Invite the leading as a basis for one of the ideas of the meeting, and it will develop a gradually every detail. For example, all the placement of the school can be divided into thematic sites.

The assembly hall is re-equipped on video galon and photo studio. In the school archive and class managers there are commemorative photos that graduates will be happy again. From this raritet can be created by integer compositions from posters and wallgazet. And to view the videos, organize the cinema. At the same time, the photographer or the video equipment will hold a new photo session, which years later serve a similar role.

The foyer can become a dance floor, where former classmates under the sounds of music of their youth will remember the forgotten waltz. Such a music program will be mentioned by important dates and school time events.

Walls of one of the halls decorate portraits of the outstanding and most significant in any direction of the former students. And be sure to leave a place for memorable entries of all those wishing on this day.

For the connection of the past and the present, arrange a small concert-competition between the current and former students. The final stage will be a banquet.

The classic option is to hold an evening in a cafe or restaurant. It is convenient in the sense that many questions will take on the administrator and attendants. The menu will help draw up a chef, and musical accompaniment is most often included in the service. Fixed value for each present is an advantage, as it will make it possible to more accurately calculate the necessary budget.

Program is desirable to think in advance. A little greeting and accession, you can school songs. Offer to speak with everyone with a brief story about yourself, which will compare children's dreams and realized achievements. The lead will help to organize the evening so that entertainment contests, artistic amateurness and dancing alternate with toasts.

The design of the premises must be reproduced in memory time study at school, and the corresponding music becomes a reminder of this.

Two options for graduates can be combined. The official part is to spend at school, and then for entertainment to go to the rented banquet hall.

It is impossible to exclude the possibility of holding a meeting in nature, especially in the summer. Then all graduates can arrive by families, and the weekend himself will stretch out for several days. Any of the selected options is desirable to discuss with former graduates and stop at the most optimal for everyone.

At the events of the meeting of graduates, a special atmosphere, complete surprises and expectations is always created. And moments of memories of children's and youth years are particularly touching. In order for all guests to give the appropriate mood event, it is worth considering in what style to make a hall. A pleasant memories will be old, many forgotten joint photos of the past years. Maybe there are random drawings, notes, diaries. All similar little things can be collected in a single unit by means of a wall newspaper or make a cheerful collage. Old teachers who often remember the "winged" phrases and the replicas of their students can help. These expressions will be an excellent addition to the poster you created, and such memories will probably be pleasant to those present.

Another idea. Having collected the preserved video recording of those times (and they will certainly find someone), you can mount a whole film from school years. It will not be just a surprise, but a unique opportunity to remember, see, hear yourself young and carefree.

In order for the solemn beginning, it is not completing, consider and entertaining, which will create a relaxed atmosphere, and guests will allow to relax. The idea of \u200b\u200ba disco in the style of youthful times everyone will have to do, and some sentimentality does not hurt anyone. Just decide what to give preference - DJ or live music. And the other option will help to return those present for many years ago.

Do not forget about the professional photographer. Its services will be indispensable at this event. He knows how to skillfully capture every moment of the meeting. Received pictures or photo album will allow you to remember this day forever and become an invaluable gift.

By inviting graduates, you can make an accent on the outfit. Suggest the dress code - a thematic suit or an arbitrary form of clothing.

In short, not enough just to spend the evening of the meeting of graduates. The organization of the event and the celebration itself must be thought out, planned and memorable.