How do I know what size I am wearing. How to find out your clothing size: women's, men's, by height, by weight, size of underwear and outerwear

Not everyone can take the time to get out somewhere for new clothes, so they increasingly resort to the help of sites for clothing and footwear brands. It's fast and convenient. The main thing is not to miscalculate with the size.

Online shopping is already becoming as common as regular shopping trips. In order not to regret your purchase, choose such an online store, which provides for the return of goods in case it is small or large for you. But even better - find out exactly your size of clothes or shoes and not get into such a situation.

For your measurements to be accurate, the first step is to start by determining growth... It's good if you know your indicator. If not, ask a family member to help you measure your height. Stand with your back against the wall. Your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades, and the back of your head should be in contact with your back. Have someone put a dot on the wall where the top of your head ends. Now all that remains is to measure the distance from the floor to this point.

To determine your clothing size, you need a centimeter. For accurate measurements, you need to strip to your underwear. It will be necessary to make several measurements, it is recommended to write down each one so that you do not get confused later.

Chest girth... Measure this parameter at the most prominent points of the chest. During measurements, breathe calmly, you do not need to measure yourself on inhalation or exhalation, here you need a "golden mean". In order not to be mistaken, repeat the measurement one more time.

Waist circumference, respectively, measured at the narrowest point of the abdomen. Don't suck it in, otherwise the measurements won't make sense.

Hip girth measured at their most protruding points. Make sure that the centimeter is parallel to the floor everywhere, does not lift up from behind. It may be better if someone else can help you with this setting.

For certain things, you may need to measure more leg length(from waist to floor), step height(from the highest point of the inner thigh to the floor), neck girth, arm length(from the top of the shoulder to the wrist, measured in a bent position), as well as a number of other parameters.

When shopping for shoes, you will need to know foot length... This is very easy to do - place your bare foot on a piece of paper, circle it with a pencil and measure the length of your footprint.

Now that you have all the basic parameters, you can determine your size using special tables. It should be borne in mind that manufacturers from different countries use different dimensional nets. Therefore, our 44th size for an American manufacturer, for example, will be listed in a completely different way. The same goes for shoes. On any website of clothing, first of all, find the section "Sizes" and only then make a choice and purchase.

Important! Men's and women's clothing sizes are determined according to different grids. Underwear, ordinary and outerwear are also selected according to different size charts. Clothes for children are also marked separately.

Hello everyone!

Today the topic is the sizes of women's clothing. Very often the problem arises of how to choose a size, for yourself, or for your friends and relatives.

It is good if we are familiar with the types of sizes, their classification, etc. And if not. Here some difficulties await us.

Not only do these indicators differ in different countries, but also only one option can be written.

So how do you make sense of all these numbers. Moreover, this is important if you either do not want to try on the chosen thing, or it does not require trying on.

How to find out your clothing size

It's very easy to find out. To do this, it is enough to measure several basic parameters.

This is the girth of the chest, waist and hips. They are measured using a special tape-meter.

By measuring the parameters, comparing with the table, if you have one, you will find out your size (this is discussed below). If you do not have such a table at hand, you can use the online calculator: the size of clothes.

We enter the results of our measurements into the fields. Click the calculate button. The program will calculate and display something like this.

In fact, the list of values ​​will be much larger. This is just an example.

Can be calculated with simple arithmetic operations. Having measured the circumference of the bust and hips, we divide the obtained values ​​in half. For example, when measuring, we got a bust circumference of 88 cm, therefore, we select 44 sizes for blouses and T-shirts. If the hip girth is, say, 92 cm, then trousers, shorts, and skirts take 46.

How to correctly measure your parameters

In addition, it is measured still, especially when sewing clothes in the atelier, the length of the arm, leg and full height.

The waist is measured as follows:

- wrap with a special tape meter around the thin part of the waist. It is not necessary to suck in or, on the contrary, to inflate the stomach.

- the volume of the low waist is measured in the same way, only we go down by 10 centimeters.

To find out the girth of the thighs, it is necessary to measure the convex part of these thighs and buttocks.

To measure the volume of the chest, it is necessary to wrap the horizontally protruding part of the chest with a meter tape.

To measure the length of your arm, extend it forward. The hand must be kept straight without bending. We measure the distance from the shoulder to the wrist.

We measure the length of the leg along its inner side. We apply a meter tape from groin to bone at the ankle.

Full height is measured without shoes. But this, many remember - in childhood, everyone was measured by the height of the doorframe. We stand straight, the head looks straight. It is desirable that someone would help in this case, because either a ruler or some other flat object is placed on the top of the head. In the place of its contact with the wall or doorway, a mark is made, the distance to which from the floor is then measured.

Another measurement is the distance from one shoulder to the other. Everything is clear here: we measure from the edge of one shoulder to the edge of the other.

By measuring all these parameters, we will get our size.

Features of dimensional grids in different countries

As already mentioned, each country has its own system of measures. German and American differs from ours by slightly overestimated indicators. We often come across when buying some thing according to its size, but it turns out, as a result, a little larger. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase clothes from these countries one size smaller.

American sizes are calculated from 0 to 22. Therefore, if your clothes are marked with this mark, subtract 38 from your size. For example, if you have 48, subtract 38 and get the American - 10.

We do the same with European sizes, only we subtract the number 6. That is, 48-6 we get the European 42.

Italian sizes are two smaller than Russian ones. So our 48 size corresponds to the Italian 46.

The sizes of women's clothing from Turkey are practically the same.

As for China, here, on the contrary, the dimensions are often somewhat underestimated. Here it is also necessary to choose more precisely.

But I would like to note that this system is somewhat arbitrary. It corresponds only to the average parameters. Sometimes you can get a little confused in the calculations.

Apparently based on these nuances, an international system was developed. These are now well-known "X", "Eski" and "Elki", and their combinations.

For comparison, below is a table of dimensional nets for Russian clothing and other countries.

In general, the size expressed in letter designation is translated into our Russian digital as follows:

  • S is small, equal to - 44
  • M - medium, equal to - 46
  • L - large - 48
  • XXS - 40
  • XS - 42
  • XL - 52
  • XXL - 54-56
  • XXXL - 58-60

Correspondence tables for women's clothing

Women's clothing is slightly different in size from men's. It has more different parameters.

Basic dimensions

The table below shows the main sizes that are used when choosing clothes.

However, each of its types differs in its parameters.


So, when choosing a dress, jacket, coat, etc., the main parameter is the girth of the hips.

It should be remembered that when choosing outerwear for yourself, the measurement must be done on a light sweater. If you took measurements, and they turned out to be somewhere between two adjacent ones, for example, between 42 and 44, then it is better to acquire a larger size. In this example - 44. Buying one size smaller is necessary for those women who have narrow shoulders, but if they are wide, then, accordingly, a size larger.
Below is a table of sizes of women's outerwear, designed for height from 164 to 172 cm.

In addition, there is another version of the so-called shoulder clothing. This is the kind of garment that rests on the shoulders and covers the upper part of the body. When choosing shoulder clothing, adjustments for free fit are used. What it is? And this is such a value by which it is necessary to increase the parameters of the selected clothing, so that it would be comfortable to wear.
For slender ladies, such an amendment is taken as the largest, and for full ones - the smallest. If you have large shoulders and small breasts, then the correction should be an order of magnitude larger than the recommended one.

Below is a table of correspondence between different size options.

Pants, skirts and shorts

And this table shows the sizes for trousers, skirts, shorts.


Jeans are purchased very often. In practice, this is one of the most popular clothes, even for women, even for men. The table below shows the sizes by which you can choose your jeans.


Women's underwear is also in great demand. Moreover, sometimes we men have to think about what kind of underwear to give to their beloved. Statistics show that most men do not know the size of their ladies.

The tables below will give you complete information.

Bras & Swimwear

To choose the right bra or swimsuit, use this table.

Plus size women's clothing

Above were presented size charts for standard and skinny women. And how to be puffy. True, there are special stores and specialized departments for them. But still, knowing your parameters and being able to determine the clothes you need by them is a very useful thing.

Modern men love shopping no less than women. Therefore, more and more often we meet male representatives in branded clothes or stylish suits. It is difficult to find suitable things in the bazaar or in the store, so everyone goes shopping online.

On the Internet, you can find branded items at low prices, a wide range of products and convenient delivery are offered. The only difficulty that all buyers face is the problem of sizing.

How do you know your size for menswear? Taking measurements

As a rule, for a successful purchase on the Internet, it is enough to take measurements correctly and choose the size of the thing according to the table. If using the table is not difficult, then in order to measure the parameters of your body, you need to follow some rules:

  • Engage a second person to measure parameters... If you do this yourself, the values ​​may be incorrect.
  • Put on the clothes (underwear) that you will wear with the purchased item... Before measuring parameters, be sure to wear a T-shirt, shirt, shorts or other things that you will be putting on.
  • Caught in between two sizes? Choose the one that suits you best. If you like tight things, go down one size. Do you like wearing loose clothes? Choose a larger size.

How to take measurements from a man? ( example of designations in the picture on the right)

  • Neck girth(1). Measured at the base of the neck. Wrap the tape around your neck so that the measuring tape runs just above the jugular cavity and at the back through the base point.
  • Chest girth(2). Wrap the most prominent points on the chest with a measuring tape.
  • Waist circumference(3). Wrap the tape at waist level, keep it horizontal as you measure.
  • Hip girth(4). When measuring, the tape should go over the most prominent parts of the buttocks.
  • Inside leg length(5). Distance from groin to ankle.
  • The length of the sleeve(6). Measure from the top of your shoulder to the line where the sleeve ends.
  • Shoulder width(7). Measure from the edge of one shoulder to the other. Keep the tape in front of you.

General correspondence table

International sizeXSSMLXLXXLXXXL
Russia Ukraine42-44 44-46 46-48 48-50 50-52 52-54 54-56
Europe40 42 44 46 48 50 52
USA36 38 40 42 44 46 48
Italy42 44 46 48 50 52 54

TOP (shirts, jackets, jumpers, sweaters, vests, jackets, robes)

All designations in the table are indicated in centimeters (cm).

Russia Ukraine44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
Bust (cm)82-86 86-90 90-94 94-98 98-102 102-106 106-110 110-114
Waist (cm)70-74 74-78 78-82 82-86 86-90 90-94 94-98 98-102
Hip girth (cm)84-88 88-92 92-96 96-100 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116
Sleeve length (cm)59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

NIZ (shorts, trousers)

Russia Ukraine44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
Waist (cm)70-74 74-78 78-82 82-86 86-90 90-94 94-98 98-102
Hip girth (cm)84-88 88-92 92-96 96-100 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116
Inside leg length (cm)76 76 76 81 81 86 86 91

Mens jeans

L - the length of the leg along the inside seam.

Russia Ukraine42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56
Waist (cm)70 70-76 76 76-82 82 82-88 88 88-94
Height L30 - 76cm
Height L32 - 82cm170-178 170-178 170-178 170-178 170-178 170-178 170-178 170-178
Height L34 - 88cm178-185 178-185 178-185 178-185 178-185 178-185 178-185 178-185
Height L36 - 94cm>185 > 185 >185 >185 >185 >185 >185 >185

Men's shirts

Russia Ukraine42 44 46 48 50 52 54
Neck circumference (cm)37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Sleeve length (cm)63 64 65 65 65 66 67
Shoulder width (cm)41 42 43 44 45 46 47


Plus size mens clothing

The size4XL4XL5XL5XL6XL6XL
Russia Ukraine64 66 68 70 72 74
Bust (cm)142 152 157 162 168 173
Waist (cm)122 129 132 140 142 147

Clothing care rules


As a rule, outerwear is especially prone to dirt and unpleasant odors. To prevent a musty smell, dry your jacket, raincoat or coat well after walking outside. The most effective drying method is to place the garment on a hanger. In this case, it will not wrinkle and lose its shape, and it will also dry evenly in all places. It is better to hang the jacket in this form on the balcony, where it will be ventilated.

Pay particular attention to the hanger. There should only be one thing hanging on it, and it should fit the size of the stored item. Otherwise, deformation and stretching of the material is possible.


In order for your underwear to serve you for a long time, we recommend that you adhere to the recommendations for care and washing on the tag. A more detailed description of the icons can be found on our website.


Many people wash their jeans almost every day after wearing them. This is not worth doing, since denim is quite durable and can be cleaned with an ordinary kitchen sponge. You can also hang them in the bathroom to steam when you shower or bath. In this case, they can be washed once every half a year.

Before making an order for a dress, blazer, suit or skirt, please check clothing sizes for women offered by Sewing Tradition. This will allow you to avoid mistakes when ordering, and accordingly, choose the thing that suits you, which will become a pleasant new thing.

If you have already ordered in online stores, then please note that women's clothing sizes can be international, European, American and CIS countries. The latter are focused on the bust girth, divided by 2. These are the sizes that Sewing Tradition uses.

For example, if your chest girth is 88 cm, then your size is 44, if 100 cm, then - 50. It's not difficult to remember, but we have on womens clothing sizes table, which helps you to orient yourself more accurately.

Women's clothing size chart will help you decide:

How to measure breast volume

Sometimes we run into a problem when our customers claim that on clothing sizes womens table not calculated correctly. We know the problem lies elsewhere. You just need to correctly measure your size using a tape-shaped meter. Full coverage should be measured at the level of the middle of the shoulder blades and the middle of the protruding part of the chest. At the same time, do not drag the meter, because the clothes should fit well on your figure, and not cover every fold of it.

The nuances of sizing

note that dimensional grid of women's clothing determines the size, focusing on the volume of the chest in a given range of values. This is due to the fact that for every centimeter you can only sew a dress or blouse from a private dressmaker, and factories sew a universal (standard) size. If you want the clothes to fit your figure, you can order a smaller size, bordering on your measurements. And vice versa - if you need a loose dress or coat, then you should choose a thing one size larger.

When buying a dress or suit, take into account not only measurements of the chest, but also of the hips. Order an item that fits large measurements. After all, it is much easier to sew clothes in than to arrange them.

If you know your European size, then you can also navigate by it when choosing. It is enough to add to the EU size 6. And you will get your CIS size. For example, if you order size 40 from European catalogs, then your CIS size is 46.

As you know, people are met by their clothes. This means that dresses, pants, shirts and everything else should fit perfectly. If you buy things where you can try them on, there is no problem. But more and more people are using remote trading services. And then you need to accurately indicate the size, and different manufacturers have different designations. How to determine the size of your clothes? Read about it in our article.

What are the sizes?

It would seem, well, what is there to ask, you need to take some measurements, look at the table or ask the seller - that's all. In fact, not everything is so simple. To choose the right size for clothes, you need to take into account that designation systems are different:

  • male;
  • female;
  • children.

And in each case, different numbers and letters are used! At the same time, much still depends on which part of the world the clothes are made in, because the marking is:

  • Russian;
  • European;
  • international;
  • Chinese
  • American.

Russian is just two digits (like 44 or 46). But many Russian firms use international markings like L or M. On American products, you most often see numbers written with a fraction, something like 34/36. On the labels of European products, they write the same as on Russian ones, but this is not always the case. So how can you not get confused and determine the exact size of your clothes?

Taking measurements

Before choosing the size of outerwear, trousers or underwear, you need to know some measurements. To determine the parameters of women's clothing you need:

  • chest girth;
  • waist circumference;
  • hip girth;
  • height.

Let's get started

Start with growth:

  1. A homemade stadiometer is best made from a doorframe. Ask someone to help you. To measure growth, you need another tablet.
  2. Stand by the doorframe.
  3. Bring your feet together, your heels as close to the jamb as possible, and your knees straight.
  4. Lower your arms, straighten your shoulders.
  5. Ask your assistant to mark with a pencil the level at which your crown is located using a flat board - just put it strictly horizontally.
  6. Use a tape measure to measure the distance from the floor to the mark. Lay the measuring tape strictly vertically.

Important! Height is usually indicated on the tags of many manufacturers. Yours - should not differ from what is in the marking by more than 3 cm


To measure it, you need the same flexible tape. You can take this measurement yourself:

  1. Apply the zero mark to the armpit.
  2. Run a measuring tape along the most convex parts of the chest, under the second armpit, along the convex parts of the shoulder blades.
  3. Pinch the mark that coincides with zero with your fingers.
  4. Write down the result.

Important! The tape must lie strictly horizontally!


It's easy to measure. Make one turn of the tape measure along the narrowest part of your torso. The main thing is that the tape does not twist and runs parallel to the floor.


This measurement, on the contrary, is taken along the widest part of the body, and the centimeter does not lie horizontally, but at a certain angle to the floor:

  1. Place the zero mark on the fullest part of the thigh.
  2. Run a centimeter across your belly horizontally up to the second raised point.
  3. Run it over the bulging parts of your buttocks.
  4. Close the circle, hold down the mark and see what you get.

Men's measurements

Before determining the size of clothes for men, you also need to take measurements, but slightly different:

  • chest girth;
  • waist circumference;
  • girth of the neck;
  • height;
  • leg length from hip to floor.

Height, chest, waist and neck

With measurements of height, chest and waist, we proceed in the same way as in the case of women's measurements. But in order to buy a shirt, you need to know the girth of the neck, since the Russian marking is nothing more than the collar number, in centimeters or inches.

  1. Find the 7th (cervical) vertebra.
  2. Attach a zero mark to this point.
  3. Lay a centimeter strictly horizontally around your neck.
  4. Clamp the end mark.
  5. Remember to write down the result.

Two words about trousers

To determine the correct measurement of trousers, you need not only height, but also the length of the leg from hip to bottom. It is better to take a measurement with an assistant:

  1. Apply the zero mark of the measuring tape to the protruding thigh bone.
  2. Lower the tape so it hangs vertically.
  3. See which mark is at floor level.

Russian, European and American

The easiest way to determine Russian and European clothing sizes is to divide the chest girth by 2. This is true for both men and women. In this case, the growth is indicated separately.

There are usually no difficulties with American markings either, they are directly related to Russian ones. It is necessary to subtract 10 from the European value. That is, 50 Russian corresponds to 40 American, 54–44, adopted in the States, and so on. International designations can be brought to the same system, however, very approximately:

  • 46-48 in Russia and Europe, as well as 36 in the States, correspond to the S marking;
  • clothing 48-50 European - according to the international classification will be M;
  • for 50-52 - international marking - L;
  • 52-54 - XL;
  • 54-56 - XXL;
  • 56-58 - XXXL;
  • 58-60 - XXXXL.

International marking

How to find out your size for men's clothing if there are letters on the label, not numbers? There are special designation systems for people of very tall or very small stature, as well as those with a very large weight, as well as for those whose dimensions are more or less close to standard ones.


They are designed for men whose height is not less than 172.5 cm and not higher than 181.5 cm:

  • If you see the S mark, it means that the item is sewn for a person with a neck girth from 35.5 to 37 cm, chest girth - 86.5-91.5 cm, waist - 71-76 cm. Shoulder width in this case is not more than 84 cm.
  • If your neck girth is from 38 to 39.5 cm, chest - up to 101.5, waist - up to 86.5, and shoulders up to 86.5 cm - this is M.
  • Seeing the letter L on the label, you can immediately tell that this is a suit for someone with a neck - 41-42 cm, chest - 106-112 cm, waist - 91.5 - 96.5 cm, and shoulders - 88 89 cm.
  • Finally, there are XL and XXL, which denote clothing for men with bust sizes from 117 to 122 and 127 to 132 cm, respectively. In this case, the neck girth will be 43-45 and 45-47 cm, and the shoulder width will be from 89 to 91.5 cm.

For the Gullivers

For those whose height is from 183 to 192 cm, the designations are used:

  • XXLT.

The set of people is known to be different. Tall men are thin, dense and plump:

  • Clothes for slender people are designated MT. It roughly corresponds to the Russian 48-52, when the neck girth is 38-39.5 cm, the chest is 96-101.5 cm, the waist is 81.5-86.5 cm, and the shoulder width is 87.5-89 cm.
  • Mediums are LT and XLT, chest girth, respectively, from 106.5 to 112 cm or from 117 to 122, shoulders 90-91 and 91.5-91 cm, and necks 40-42 and 43-44.5 cm.
  • Finally, you can see the XXLT designation on clothing tags for tall and rather powerful men. with a wide chest 127-132 cm, a muscular neck 44.5-47 cm and broad shoulders up to 95.5 cm

Clothing for giants

Height from 193 to 200.5 cm is considered very tall. And this is where some confusion can arise with the order of the letters. The designations are applied:

  • XLXT;
  • 2XLXT;
  • 3XLXT.

This means that the minimum neck circumference for the owner of a long and slender figure is 40.5 cm, and the maximum for a big man is 49.5 cm. Accordingly, there are four chest circumferences:

  • 106.5-112 cm;
  • 117-122 cm;
  • 127-132 cm;
  • 137-142 cm.

The shoulder width for this group will be a minimum of 92.5 cm, and a maximum of 127 cm.


For marking clothes for men of standard height, but with a large weight, XL designations with a number are used:

The girth of the neck with 2XL is 45-47 cm, and with the largest - 54.5 cm.The sizes of the chest gradually increase from 127 cm to 162 cm, the waist - from 117 to 152 cm, and the shoulder width varies from 90 to 94 cm.

The biggest people

For tall and very heavy men, their own gradation applies. These are values ​​such as:

  • 2XLT;
  • 3XLT;
  • 4XLT;
  • 5XLT.

The smallest of the largest will have a bust of 127 cm, a neck of 45.5 cm, a waist of 117 cm, and a shoulder width of 94 cm. The largest of the giants has dimensions reflected in the 5XLT markings:

  • neck - 54.5 cm;
  • chest - 162.5 cm;
  • waist - 152.5 cm;
  • shoulder width - 98 cm.

Important! If translated into sizes that are quite often used in the CIS countries, then it will be about 80-82.


There is a correspondence in the measurements of men's shirts. In Russia and in Europe, the same designations are adopted - according to the collar number, that is, from 37 to 45. A more complex system of markings in the States - where the size is measured not in centimeters, but in inches:

  • 37 European - 141/2;
  • 38 – 15;
  • 39-40 – 151/2;
  • 41 – 16;
  • 42 – 161/2;
  • 43 – 17;
  • 44 – 171/2;
  • 45 – 18.

As for the international marking, it is designated by the letters S, M, L, XL, XXL, which correspond to 37-38, 39-40, 41-43, 44 and 45 European sizes.

Important! Italian designations may differ from the rest by 1-2 cm, and the British very often use American markings.

How to determine the size of clothes for a woman?

With European and American markings, the situation is somewhat different than for men. But the Russian ones are the same. To calculate it, you need to divide the chest girth by 2. The difference can be up to three centimeters. For example, if your chest girth is 100 cm, 50 will suit you. It is also good for those who have this measurement - 97-98 cm. But if your chest is 102 or 103 cm, look for the number 52 on the tag.

American marking

To find out if an American T-shirt in the package will suit you, add 34 to what is written on the label. For women's sizes, there is a correspondence:

  • 40 – 6;
  • 42 – 8;
  • 44 – 10;
  • 46 – 12.

But in order to calculate your European size, you need to subtract 6. Then you get the following:

  • 40 – 34;
  • 42 – 36;
  • 44 – 38;
  • 46 – 40.

As for international designations, then, as for men's clothing, lettering is used:

  • XXXL.

The first one corresponds to 40-42 sizes, the second - 44, M - 48, L - 50, XL - 52-54, L with two or three letters X in front - respectively, 56 and 58 sizes.

Chinese clothing

Chinese things have literally flooded online shopping. In principle, if the clothes are good, then it is absolutely all the same where they are made. Only here the Chinese designations have their own characteristics.

International marking is most often used, but the difference can be 2-3, or even 5 cm from the declared one, moreover, most often - in the smaller direction. So it is better to choose a larger size for Chinese clothes.

Important! This also applies to shoes.

Children's sizes

How to determine the size of clothes by height? For an adult, this is unrealistic; growth must simply be taken into account. But children's things are exactly what they choose. The marking starts at 50 and ends with the number 164. These numbers mean growth. It is expressed in centimeters.

Important! Some manufacturers also indicate for what age this or that children's thing is intended.

However, there are also direct designations of sizes - they differ from each other.

Russian system

For example, in Russia, the old Soviet system is still used, when a height of 50-56 cm corresponded to size 18 clothes, 62-68 - 20, 68-74 - 22, etc., up to the transitional age, when children are already used , and adult notation.

Important! However, you can find several numbers on the tag. Usually things of size 18 are addressed to children under one month old, babies up to three months wear size 20, from three months to six months - 22. But kids develop in different ways, and it's not really worth looking at such designations.

CIS countries

In the countries of the former USSR, they moved away from the old designations for children's clothing. Instead of 18 in Ukraine, 36 is put, instead of 24 - 48, etc.


In the countries of the European Union, it is customary to indicate growth. In England, numbers from 2 to 16 are accepted. At the same time, size 2 is intended for children from birth to one year, the fourth - from one to four years old, clothes of the sixth size are worn by older preschoolers.


The simplest designations for children's things are in the States. The labels simply indicate at what age the child can wear the product - two numbers, separated by a fraction. For example, the designation 0/3 means that these are pants and undershirts for a baby from birth to three months, and 6/9 - from six months to nine months. In other cases, international letter marking is used - the same as for adults.
